Bishop Brandon Porter Sr. - Reaching for An Alternative

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come on let's celebrate the Lord tonight he's worthy amen how many you love Jesus with your whole hearts he's the king of kings he's a Lord of lords he's the reason that we're here tonight will you pray with me Father in Jesus name how we love you and adore you thank you for this opportunity to stand before your people as a vessel that is to be used of you please Jesus you retain all of the glory the honor is yours tonight but use me as your servant your instrument use me as a glove with you inside that I may point to that truth you desire to be heard and I thank you thank you Jesus have your way we pray amen and amen just do me a favor turn to somebody tell them you're in the right place at the right time come on come on tell them come on tell it again you're in the right place at the right time halleluiah clap those hands and his presence of whomp [Music] hallelujah let me give recognition if I could certainly to God for allowing us to be here and how thankful I am to have been chosen by this committee and our leader to speak this night I'm humbled to be here and standing before you I love the Church of God in Christ there is no Church like this church anywhere come on let's praise God at least in 70 countries Amen somebody there's no church like this Church let me give recognition and honor to our Presiding Bishop Bishop Charles that would Blake and whom I esteem very high thank you sir thank you for being willing even to introduce us tonight that's quite an honor he's a tremendous leader and God has given us grace to have such a man to lead us most of you that know me know that my friends call me painfully honest that means I'm not afraid to tell the truth my ministry is called touched by the truth I tell the truth because it saves time amen somebody I'm thankful for this leader that we have and I concur with Bishop drew sheered that is anybody anybody anything if you hear chair talking anything tells you that I'm not with our leader that's someone on their way to hell my father taught me to love this church but watch this he told me to love the church no matter who the leader is but I can say without equivocation that I love it should Blake I respect not only the chair he sits in but I respect the man that sits in the chair [Music] I knew I revere him I respect him I've watched him far and now I've had the pleasure watching him up close and I must say I'm proud that he is my leader [Music] hello amen honor you bishop Blake to our first assistant bishop PA Brooks ii existed Presiding Bishop Bishop Jerry Macklin even in his absence he still worthy of being honored bishop Wimbush bishop white bishop mckinney these great men that i have the pleasure of serving with bishop wales we should Daniel's bishop shared mission Thomas and Bish's Wooten these are tremendous vessels of God and I'm honored to stand with them mrs. John shear the chairman of our Board of Bishops bless you sir a great father in this church to the board of bishops and of course to chairman Eadie and the pastors and elders council mother rivers we love you we thank God for you your precious lady Mae Blake I love you and my wife you know she's ecstatic about you and certainly to assistant mother Lois bless you dear heart and can I recognize my mother who's not here but she's watching online any mommy I love my mother she couldn't be here but we're praying for her she needs a hip replacement but she's 88 and I don't think they have any to fit her amen but I'm gonna pray that maybe God will just replace the hip himself how about you she wanted to be here trust me to the GCT family greater coming to telephone Tillis essential jurisdiction we love you thank you for being here and so many even the places that God has allowed me through our leader and the general board to serve and particularly now Texas southeast first jurisdiction love you all thank you for your support and certainly to my many family members that are here and my friends good to see coming in flying in tonight Bishop Marvin Sapp good to see you sir many others of my brothers that are here in ministry I want to mention of course the most beautiful lady in the place my wife sister melody janae Porter come on st. Stan melody amen no she's a nurse and whenever somebody gets sick she's running I had to tell them who y'all tell my wife get back on this stage tonight I knew who she was helping in the back but she loves people will you praise God again for her [Music] my only two begotten sons are here brandon ii who is a junior at Morehouse College he flew in today stand up son it's a great line he offered his first foot end of last year if Obama had a son and my youngest son was full of energy he is a freshman at University of Memphis a man Bryson Porter and I'm thankful even my nephews are there and so many others and well-wishers that are here I praise God for each of you again I celebrate being here in this church and we've had some great services and I know that many that are watching online in particular as well are being fed are being ministered to through the gospel of Jesus Christ and I want to encourage you to go with me and pray with me will you pray with me so maybe you already echo that and I thank you so very much Rael has now just mention quickly bishops already mention it but I'm not going to go through this but there's several books you can go by our table fill in God's house a reason to keep going sometimes you want to quit don't you in his likeness a man you grow in God and you start looking like him my son's book you've been planted Holy Spirit so many other things thank you sir you can go by in patronize our bookstore I believe writing is important amen go with me to the book of second Kings Thank You bishop drew shared he says I did you a favor this reporter I got you up early and that ain't all he said let me take the rest up I drink this he said now I don't want you to be long he always got something to do you know he forgot that I'm older than he is but tonight I think I'm gonna respect everything he said Thank You Bishop sheer second Kings chapter 2 is that F sharp 2nd Kings chapter 2 we'll start with verse 7 it won't always be like this [Music] God will prevent this concerning you sooner and later can I prophesied go work in your favor turning around it won't always be like this [Music] God will perfect that concerning you sooner or later don't turn in your favor Oh turning around from me all our Lord turning around [Music] it won't always be like this God will prevent that concerning you let me save somebody sooner or later tell somebody gonna turn in your favor oh no turning around for me around for me around for me around for me turning around for me around for me hallelujah around for me around for me Oh [Music] turning around for me it'll always be like this tell somebody things about the change God can't perfect that concerning you sooner or later gonna turn in your favor [Music] yes second Kings chapter 7 beginning with verse 1 and will perhaps skip down to verse 3 when you get a shout Amen many lights just said hear ye the word of the Lord thus saith the Lord tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for shekel and to measure barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria verse 3 and there were four leprous men at the entering end of the gate and they said one to another why sit we here until we die and they said one to another why sit we here until we die and they said one to another why sit we here until we die follow a thank you for your stir I want to talk for a few moments about reaching for an alternative come on help me say that reaching for an alternative you know something you don't really know what you won't do if you don't know where God is and sometimes in the midst of difficulties we are challenged with making sound decisions but what I love about the Church of God in Christ and Thank You bishop shield I too am a fourth-generation Church of God in Christ remember thank God for my parents a man and my father bringing me up in this church so next year I'll be preaching they would have been in ministry 40 years and I wasn't pastoring 35 years so I've seen this church in full effect as a church we believe in the power of prayer anybody in here tonight say that we believe in the power of prayer and there's something very meaningful about this season in which we're in this year year 2015 called by the Jews the shemitah year the year of arrest or restauration not your neighbors I'm about to get some stuff back now but it's also through the Nissan calendar we know that we are in the time of now Jubilee yes yes Jubilee which has to do with the year of cancellations are this going to help somebody it's the year also of forgiveness you'd be surprised at the folks that are going to hell because they wouldn't excuse me forgive somebody in other words this is the year Lord helped me to preach where we need to learn to let some stuff go [Applause] we have me say where I'm going there's some things I can't take with me let it go let it go now why is that because God has something oh Jesus better God has something better reaching for an alternative the word alter al ter means to make a difference in detail yeah it means to modify for better fit yeah yeah then the word a derivative of that word is alternative where we are an hour subject it means another choice or simply a way of escape first Corinthians Paul says in chapter 10 verse 13 there are no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you're able but he will within the temptation make for you a way of escape why that he may be able to bear it so reaching for an alternative is a gesture of faith say that a gesture of faith and in faith you've got a reach for things you cannot see you gotta trust that God is going to make a way somehow is that right somebody so in other words you're trying to get in touch with something you're trying to obtain something and here's some good news God is reachable say that God is reachable I'm gonna get there in just a moment Hebrews 4 15 and 16 says for we have not a high priest there it is that cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities but he was at all points tempted as we are yet hey no excuse yet without sin verse 16 is something I really want you to highlight the market keeping to the end of the sermon let us therefore come boldly mm-hmm let us therefore come boldly keep it please don't lose this unto the throne of grace why that we might obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need Bish's Martin was preaching last night and he got to talking about the woman the issue of blood and I kept whispered over there get out of my sermon because that woman to the issue blood is a primary example of someone that was reaching for alternatives here's a woman that spent all that she had on the doctors and sue sayers and everyone else and nothing was better the Bible says but rather grew worse but notice in Matthew 9 21 for she said in herself if I may touch His garment I shall be whole not somebody say sometimes you gotta talk to yourself have to talk to yourself you know I believe that nothing is by accident I believe my standing here you sitting there is all on purpose nothing is by accident shall demand somebody so God had this planned from the beginning what is that the lady got sick remember she was sick for how long 12 years but Jesus was on his way to gyruss his house and his daughter was how old 12 years old so the lady got sick the year the child was born in other words sometimes your miracle is attached to somebody else tell about three people watch how you handle me watch how you handle me cuz sometimes your miracle Oman is attached to somebody else so be careful how you hate on somebody else's y'all gonna get off me in a minute promotion careful how you hate I hear y'all the Hudson they've been drinking haterade instead of Gatorade careful how you hate even though watch this it was his turn oh it was her time man gives you a time but only God can give you time say man somebody and sometimes God has to show you a miracle before he can give you yours because sometimes our faith it's not there and that's why you should hate on others promotion and their success and their blessings it ought to encourage you to know that if God did it for them he's able to do it for me I'm not mad when somebody gets a new car in my neighborhood I just know God still bless it with new cars in my neighborhood say man somebody can you help me shout better so therefore reaching for an alternative means believing God for something better say that believing God for something better remember this faith is seeing things the way God sees them and I believe that if you have a plan a you need a plan B okay yeah plans are different from goals how is that this reporter plans are your transportation to the goals and if you only have one plan and it fails you'll never ever reach your goal here's the wonderful quote some tell us dream of worthy a couple of Sprint's while others stay awake and do them yeah many have a good aim but they never pull the trigger some people get the credit for being patient when they really just too trifling and lazy to do anything but the key to life is now if y'all don't say man but you reap everything you saw the key to life is being responsible for whatever here it is you're willing to reach for to whom much is given talk to me somebody much is required Romans 8:24 through 25 says for we're safe I hope but hope that is seen is not hope for what a man see it why does it yet hope for but if we hope not have mercy for that we see not then do we have patience to wait for it Jesse Jackson says keep hope alive but I want to tell Jesse hope keeps me alive won't you turn to tell somebody hope keeps me alive yes it does God in essence makes the promise check these out faith believes it number two hope anticipates it number three patience quietly waits for it make in your life every experience a learning experience and stop being envious of others success I want to sell us something and I don't mean no harm because I think I'm a part of the helping of this matter and all of us should be watchful and careful lord help me to say this right how we choose bishops because of the church I'm just talking we say we don't vote but we can't vote and please don't get mad at me for touching you with the truth but sometimes the people with the most progressive minds and ministries are hated by people because they have an edge and they'll never get the majority you don't like me I'm sorry I'm sorry now on the other hand if you are progressive you need to keep up with your faithfulness you can't act like you bigger than the church come on somebody talk to me in here so we have to have the courage to know what David and Joshua looks like somebody say Succession come on talk to me safe succession so same for familial our leaders to die and no one has been prepared to be next oh yeah well my father pointed me past at this church in Memphis I was in Jackson's been there 12 years and he brought me to Memphis I said what's wrong you you sick of something you're about to die he said no boy he said I just want to see it go to the next level you hear me and the leader did time I loving the life mr. Ford got mad at my dad so you did that board nothing and I quit the business what I said please Bishop don't curse me bless me Bishop and he blessed me a man we have to have the courage to find these young people because somebody else is looking for them I'll move on I'll move on where'd I go I stopped living with dinner one of those progressive ones I stopped at progressive ministries Bishop wherever I go whatever city I'm in I look for the progressive ministers why because somebody can tell you something I look for them and I search them out seek them out and I go and look at them and then of course one time I was in a city out east and preaching for one of my dear friends young brothers and I said to him I said concerning a progressive nun kojic pastor in town have you ever been there to his church he said naw man he's just got a lot of folk I said well you barely got a few so let's go see what's going on [Applause] you got to be stupid to hate Bishop Blake because he got over 20,000 members he gotta be doing something right my dad always told me this now you know what I always talk about my dad because as long as I'm alive you'll never forget it my dad Bishop WL Porter said son you can't argue with success you hear me talking to you and there's some things that you see the hand of God all because you can't do it God had to have done it somebody shout yes in this place if you want to be better you got to respect better than you hums I'm sick and tired of folks being national wonders in local blunders I'm sorry men we got work to do brothers we got work to do we got work to do amen said we have work to do got a whole lot of work to do because because you shouldn't settle for just anything set yourselves up young people kind of talk to you too maybe in here set yourselves up for success quit Marion folk without jobs [Applause] let me turn the curve I'm not just talking to the men but you're the women brothers mission she's got something to ask you the question what do you plan to be doing in the next three years Amen somebody and then man we got work to do in the church because many of our beautiful career women career driven women can't find a husband in our churches why because they're either unemployed or gay I said it I need you a nudge three people s there in the name of Jesus get off the preacher [Applause] say man somebody thank you Jason the meanest ministry I know you're doing a good job miss your highness I know you are man you and the others the men's ministry not only in the national trips and our local churches they can't just be a remix the same old preachers have been at the other eight conventions you got to go after the brothers we need some save physicians attorneys judges politicians police officers Palmas carpenters architects song writers playwrights clothing designers we came hard to find nothing for the Saints in the stores and so on say Amen somebody but at the time my brother get saved you all push them straight to the pulpit look at somebody say everybody ain't no preacher [Applause] let me turn the curve let me turn the curve wait a day well the world gotta help me can do whatever they want to do and not feel guilty but they want the church to be scared yeah yeah I'm looking at you some of you shaking right now cuz some of you think I'm a loose cannon but I'll tell you I'm not a loose cannon I am a cannon I just know where I'm shooting at a mental buddy they can do whatever they want to do but Davis but they want the church to walk around on eggshells what can we say what can we do the devil is alive nut somebody say I'm saved and I know I am [Music] well my being carried to the night I feel somebody praying right over there thank you can I get some others Elijah was a prophet who was not afraid I believe we got some more in here that are not afraid a man I'm looking at I'm looking at one on the front row a man I know you ain't afraid a man I know some guy that's some people some men and women in here then another three Amen somebody probably not afraid of the devil but you mean Jesus all the way can I get about 2,000 yards y'all all right what I want you to shop that because glory is the self manifestation of the invisible nation of a thing glorious when God shows up see prayer is information but praise is an invitation and whenever you whenever you shout glory you asking God come by here now let me get about 5,000 shell all right Jesus is our alternative for man sin Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life Jesus is our tentative against drugs loneliness fear death many things he says in John 10 and 10 I am come that you might have life look at that alternative and that what more abundantly in looking at our text of course we I love the Old Testament particularly really like the Kings because of the history how many you all have history history is important you can learn from his story there's some stories that we can learn from one another that's why testimony service is important trust me ain't giving nobody to Mike but I am giving God the glory shout Amen somebody I know you've been talking about there but it's still important that other people know our story say man somebody you know ain't scared of you right but what we have to do is understand that God is all the way in and look at it Eli Shaw is one of the contemporaries in our text Eli show who was mentioned by Eli Judd I know we get them confused sometimes well Jay comes before s and JA said - sure follow me and you can get what I had and more just says I want a double portion amen and so just says well if you keep up with me and then you'll get a portion and if it be double this up to God because a man can only give you what he has how can you ask me for more than I have so the rest of what you must have to come from God so he like Shah was minted by Eli jaw because he kept up and some of us will never be where God wants us to be because we're too independent we won't keep up you haven't paid your national report you walking around here with ropes on not somebody said keep up mister ma'am keep up keep up why won't they use me we can't find you ain't nobody got information on you say man somebody well--there's he'll I mean hi sure who was a fearless prophet of God but however he got W whenever you ask for double blessings you get double burdens because Eli Jo had a famine that lasted three and a half years Eli Shaw has a famine that last seven years who are the other contemporaries associated in the text it also would be been a dad or been hating as some would say he was the king of Syria and then there is the king of Israel ahora de harem was considered to be one of the bad kings or evil kings of Israel as a matter of fact Eli she calls him the son of murderers and why is that he's playing the dozen because you got to know who jahan's mother and father were his father was a hat okay his mother was Jezebel everybody know her right and the thinking about Jezebel is she had a controlling spirit and I believe that spirit was able to work as it was because she had a weak husband Wow even aggressive and strong women would like to have a strong man come on women say something but a hat was considered to be weak because he allowed his wife here it is to talk him into changing the religious status of Israel in other words to pull down the places of worship of God and then raise up high places unto bail whom his wife was named after so now there is this great state of apostasy apostasy is the eroding of Christian religious belief Amen somebody and so therefore you have now the minimizing of the altar to God and the maximizing of worship to idols an idol is in a body or thing you put above God somebody shout yes in here so here now is e Lisha he has the intelligence of the Holy Spirit because whenever attacks you about to be lunch against Israel he would warn them back serious coming so the king of Syria lunch just a ban a small group of the Syrian army against him in order to stop him there in Dothan where he lived at the time and said go and kill this Elijah but Elijah knew God glory to God look at somebody said we need to know God we need to know the Holy Ghost now why is that because you need to see the devil coming any way in the world that folks ought to be able to walk up in our churches and then just kill everybody in the church somebody should have picked that spirit up we're doing too much dancing y'all got to learn how to dance in shifts and watch these jokers coming through these doors say man somebody I'm preaching but I promise you I'm checking you out he keep on coming with a camera I'm checking everybody out because we need not the spirit of discernment but the discernment of spirits look at your neighbor say you need to know who sit next to you Charlie man somebody well this prophet had discernment and that was one of the wonderful gifts that God has given him but now because of what he did against the ban of Israel of Syria now Syria the Bible says has launched an all-out war against Samaria in Israel the scripture says that they have encamped around them there were great walls in Samaria and the two reasons for the walls one reason for the wall is to keep the enemy out here I come the second reason for the wall Dorinda is that the enemy can keep you locked in so you've got to be careful what walls you put up because sometimes your wall will be used against you mm-hmm yeah Church ain't what it used to be you don't feel the same way about church anymore you got a wall going up and that's why we can't penetrate in the spirit with you man can't do none for me woman I don't trust nobody you got walls going up and so these walls will hinder your own life but what happened the enemy kept around them and so now there is a famine in the land why because they can't go outside they can't go and get fresh water because they can't go hunting they can't go and gather food and as a result of the lack now there is devastation of a famine somebody shall hunger the by Geneva lets us know that even in this period of time which is roughly about 845 BC or so that here even the jawbone of an ass something they would never think about eating is one of the things that most are going after it's about $52 in this recession there behind the wall then we're eating doves dung doves poop some say there were will turd beans other settles actual pigeon poop Amen somebody I told you you never know what you'll do when you don't know where God is somebody shall yes in here they went so far as to even eat their own children I thought I had some summer school people in here but there's a particular case here in the text where two women were and art and they went to court to the king he's walking along the walls and one lady said King this woman and I ate my son today was yesterday and she said would eat her today but she's hit her son can you imagine being so hungry that you eat your own children I know you can't but let me help you because some of us are so hungry for position and power that we disregard our own children Amen somebody well you don't focus on what's most important in life you will miss those things that are necessary Charlemagne somebody when you sell out for the wrong things parents that are putting their children or their phones in the children name the child get to be 18 they already got bad credit eating their own children not your neighbor asked him how hungry are you that we're willing to kill a generation who's got to be careful what we do we got to be careful it even in churches amen there's one church I went to there's so much fighting in the church they have no more young people because the young people aren't gonna sit through that kind of foolishness and all of the junk that we see on the internet it's not even about us it's about our children the devil is trying to destroy our kids they know they know they can never get you to take those hats off they after your children they know will never stop coming to the convocation but where are the young people somebody shout yes in this place Amen somebody the scripture says in Romans six and twelve let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that you should obey the lust thereof somebody help me shout that sin is nasty yesterday is all throughout Scripture it tells us that sin is nasty so many of us are trying to make sin a cute thing but sin is something that is terrible but it's nothing when you get time if you reach second Kings chapter 18 verse 27 and even Leviticus 26 and 29 you'll see even where not only when they're eating their own children but also they were eating their own waste because sin is nasty somebody shot yes in this place well the Bible says that there was of course a prophecy here in the land and when the king came to kill Elijah the Bible says that Elijah told him that no don't do this because about this time tomorrow I need you to turn to tell somebody God knows exactly what he's up to come on tell him again God knows exactly what he's up to tell your neighbor God is able to turn your situation around overnight time come on I thought I had a witness in here look at somebody say he's a to turn your situation around overnight time well here are Elijah prophesize and says about this time tomorrow the price of everything is coming down so that we will no longer be in a recession and then the scripture says there were four leprous men outside of the gate tell your neighbor I feel some chains breaking look at somebody and say this time you gotta make up in your mind then I'm going to get what God has for me how could you come all the way to the convocation and sit here until you die why not dare to live why not dare to build your ministry why not dare to reconnect to your family huh don't just submit to the world's prescription of the church and that is that the church is dwindling away huh but as the man thinketh people say so is he you can't just take one scripture though because there's somebody today to fix their squirrel and that you ought to make it legal for them but as a man thinketh so he is he but not old it as a man thinketh the Bible said let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus up I need you to tell somebody is not enough as to relate to what you're thinking about but your mind has got to be like Jesus can't tell your neighbor your mind has got to be like Jesus huh and when I think about the lepers these four leprous men because there were some rules in Samaria lepers men and women could not live in the city that they could not live among souls that were all right and so what happened in the scripture is that these leprous men said to themselves they said well why should we here until we die they said if we go in the city Lord we die in the city and if we go where the Sirian ears we will die there huh but they said we might as we're hella make up our minds that we're going to do something and so when I think about these lepers up headed to the Syrian camp I can't help but think about the altar look at somebody and say the altar I can't help but think about the altar because it relates to something where people and things Diane yeah the altar yeah it's a place where things die that's the AL te ARA that means the place of change but notice something beloved son something we'll never change we'll never change until the DA talk to me Church well notice the word altar al g AR it stands for available love that allows redemption yeah say that available love that allows Redemption the Bible's had come boldly to the throne of grace I told you the word alter hem means a place where things die and Paul said it like this daily so there ought to be often times where we run to the Alton huh but can I help you for a moment the world does not want the church to come to the altar here because it's the place where you go from darkness under light look at somebody and say we can't stop them bringing people to the altar huh because this is the place where we saw the light look at somebody say the world will try to stop us from calling older Jesus up but help me say I can't stop now ask me why huh I got my body healed calling on Jesus I got my mind restored calling on Jesus come on look at somebody say I gots a the calling on Jesus calling on the name the Lord Harry that's it here tell your neighbor calling him call him loud I gots a diva calling on Jesus well when I thought about these guys going to the place where the Sirian can't wash up at part about the altar hem now understand something happen that the devil hemp does not want the alternate had to be used in the church a few Sundays ago because I have multiple locations I was going from location to location and I was getting ready to run out the church and God said what about me when are you gonna invite them to meet him and the end I an altar call and I didn't know it but for drug dealers was sitting in the back gang members and I invited them to come to the altar and when they came lord have mercy tattooed all up I looked at them and said jesus loves you they began the cry they fell on their knees look at somebody and just tell them Jesus loves you better get in the crop now on their knees and God got the glory but let me tell you something it seemed like today because of the world system they don't want the altar call and even in the media they made our to call ya Lord a so-called crime scene but look at somebody and say don't throw away the altar I don't tell you neva don't throw away the altar and what I have here awesome forensics they're looking around the altar there's some things they found around the altar they found faith there they found drugs there they found cigarettes there they found alcohol they found beer they found sickness and depression at the altar but is there anything else that you found at the altar look at somebody and say I remember when our wiki Julie all time we found blood do you mean to tell me you found some blood at altar well where did the blood come from well sir it came from a fountain a fountain what kind of fountain drawn from Emmanuel's veins you mean to tell me that the blood at the altar came from the fountain is there anything else you got to say about this blood well there seems to be some instructions well what kind of instructions are coming with the blood sinners can plunge beneath it and lose all their guilt and stain lord have mercy I need you to tell about my people whatever you need can be found at the altar come on go tell people get up the blood shell work the blood [Applause] come on tell them to bless your work no matter what you're going through come on get your neighbor and just shake them shake them you need say let's hope there there's help there there's deliverance there huh yes it is at the altar come on tell somebody huh I'm going back to the okay I'm going back to a time of Prayer tell them I'm going back to a time of passing huh yes yeah yeah come on give God some praise on this place come on give it some praise and get into glory those lepers men they went down there in the Syrian camp and guess what happened they found everything they needed in the camp they found the gold they found clothing they found everything a rustic they needed in the camp now let me help you they didn't stay there they said we got to go tell somebody we gotta go let the others know that everything we need is out of here in the camp look at somebody say I'm not going home the same way I came I'm going back home [Music] Bishop Mark Johnson in Missouri told me a story that changed my life he told me how his mother when he was 8 years old and had a deadly disease that she went to Mason temple left him at home and took one of her of his t-shirts and every time yeah yeah but glory would come she would slip the t-shirt yeah out of her pocketbook and wave it in the glory and then stick it back in the pocketbook and every time the Saints would rejoice she would have waved it again in Mason temple y'all mirror where that is and put it back in her pocketbook oh but win win win huh she got home I should put that t-shirt down where's Bishop Johnson is he here the bishop Mark Johnson here huh she put that pea shirt on him how is he in this room come in mr. Johnson huh she put that t-shirt on him huh even both the doctors said that he would not live huh but when I said when she got to her house she put that t-shirt tap on a baby son huh he was 8 years old is that right bishop that's right and how old are you now it works let me tell you right now whatever you I'm talking to somebody did y'all move that caution stuff look at somebody say the veil of the temple has been written to and whosoever will can come and get what you need how down you've been I don't care huh what your trouble has been huh it'd be a low-down shame huh for you to pay this kind of money and come all the way here huh and then go home worse then you came huh look at somebody and say I'm gonna get mine tonight yes I am here right now not only do you have a problem but you've got some loved ones that have a problem in just a few seconds another I'm gonna ask you by faith to come and just believe God and then I'm gonna tell you what to say when you get down here and I promise you that God oh Jesus it's sending angels bishop I believe that there's healing in this room come on tell somebody that's healing in this room [Music] come on let your neighbors have be healed cannot be delivered listen if you're lost in sin hear me good nobody walk out that door I find that wandering spirit of Jesus thing as a matter of fact shut the door [Music] let me tell you something I'm in order I've been to West Angeles he has it all - call every Sunday and even if you preach and pray for a few people when you give him back the mic he'll say is there anybody that wants to be saved listen they go close the door until he finds out that every sinner had a chance to come let's not have so much church then we don't invite people to God [Music] somebody came in here you at your wits end there's a spirit of suicide there at least seven people in here that thought about committing suicide this weekend last week thank you Jesus I believe there are hundred people are here that God will heal tonight whatever your condition is I'm believing it's in here right now if your backslider Jesus loves you if you're watching online don't turn that camera off yet if you're watching online Jesus loves you wherever you are in the world he's on my present he's able to touch you right where your woman man boy girl no accident that you're watching Jesus loves you no matter how stinky your sins are his blood cleanses I wish I had a loving Church from unrighteousness hallelujah listen to me I'm gonna ask you to come in a second but I want you to get some nerve if you know you're not safe quit flies and quit freaking let Jesus touch you it only takes a few seconds I promise you won't be long I promise you if you a backslider come here me wait a minute if you know you're just struggling with an area of your life I want you to come and if you have loved ones that you know Satan is trying to destroy them every day do like bishops mother did represent them stand proxy at the count of three whatever that need is nobody's gonna judge you it's your business I want you to come I want you to come I want you to show the world we're not ashamed of Jesus I said we're not ashamed of Jesus I said we're not ashamed of Jesus one two something you need to be coming for your church is anybody Joe and I got saved in three years Amen somebody three come down Harry don't let nobody stop you hurry come on all right clap your hands as they come back you want them to come clap your hands [Applause] [Music] come come come Tommy clap your hands come on Church of God in Christ let the world know Jesus can fix it Harry push your way and push your way in bring them up closer brothers bring them brothers hey bring them up closer bring them up closer bring them up close - hurry bring them in hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry don't walk out that door [Music] come on come on Harry let them in Kosar brothers pull them in pull them in over there pull them in [Music] hurry hurry hurry I got some family members I want God to touch hurry hurry [Music] oh sorry that's it run honey run help is on the way help is on the way [Music] hallelujah come on come on oh jesus oh jesus oh Jesus there's room at the cross for you eze room tonight I won't leave here the way I came forgive me I just love people forgive me for not being traditional I just love people [Music] lift your hands with me if you can't lift your hands with me come on there's about 40 other persons that should have been down here there's some with drug addictions get down here and before you walk out that door you'll never want it again and your life lit your hands I want to say like Bishop Mason said he said cast the devil out of their minds because with the mind that we obey the law of God shut these words everybody if you can't say Lord Jesus washes make us whole forgive us of all of our sins deliver us tonight whatever trouble is right now so it is so your son be delivered your daughter be delivered your husband be delivered your wife be delivered your church be delivered your loved one be delivered can I [Music] your hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if you believe it that what you ask around Nausicaa if you believe what God put in your spirit to ask for if you really believe it right now so I want you to do I want you to go home free and you all app you innocent bystanders I want you to do it too I want you to hug three people to say I got just what I needed from the Lord come out and place it hold it don't you leave out I got something tell you land [Music] Wow places well [Music] now listen if we're gonna dance everybody got a dance at one time so we can get out of here I got one thing I'm gonna ask you in just a second quit leaving out that door I'm gonna pray your car don't start if you don't stop everybody's gonna dance at one time you ready 1 2 3 come on [Music]
Channel: Albany's Internet Mall
Views: 15,834
Rating: 4.9157896 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Brandon Porter Sr, Reaching for An Alternative, COGIC, 108th Holy Convocation, Church of God in Christ, Christ's Extreme Sacrifice Calls for Our Extreme Commitment
Id: wSkMo2nV2ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 32sec (4232 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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