Bishop Noel Jones - Sunday Morning Worship - August 15, 2021

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we have our marching orders we're going out to vote we can't just sit quietly and let this happen please see to see what's going on in these in these other states we want to get out we want to enjoy ourselves we're californians we like to be outside uh i i put a little place up i now i gotta go get a permit i didn't know that you have to have a permit to put a little thing up on your i put a little covering up on my on my deck just a little covering because now i got to have meetings outside amen see what i do the ocean blows this way and i have meetings outside and i sit on this side while the breeze blows that way you see anyway so now they tell me i can't have it up there unless i have a permit so now i got to go get a permit i didn't know that you couldn't put something on top of your deck anyhow i can't put stuff on top of my deck and i'm not complaining i need a permit but the same government that tells me that i can't put it on top of my deck without a permit we got a group of people telling us that we shouldn't wear masks because it infringes on our rights well they infringed on my right when they said i gotta have a permit amen i have to have a license to drive i can drive why do i need a license so that they know that i have a level of skill that'll make sure somebody else doesn't get hurt you follow what i'm saying we owe it to everybody we owe it to everybody that our freedom does not limit theirs my freedom when it limits your freedom that i'm putting you in an untenable position my freedoms should not bother you my freedom should keep you healthy too amen so i don't i don't you know whatever your political affiliation is that's up to you but i tell you this one thing the virus is killing people amen and breathing in your air you tell me i can't smoke anywhere i choose right right i mean come on let's be serious and and to me when people politicize a lot of things it's just all they politicize on racial lines excuse me uh saint john's gospel chapter 14 and i want to go down to verse 5 now because i think it's important i can't go away from this without answering the questions thomas sayeth unto him lord we know not wither thou goeth and how can we know the way and jesus saith unto him i am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me if he had known me you should have known my father also and from henceforth ye know him and have seen him philip's entertainment lord show us the problem and it suffices us jesus said unto him have i been so long time with you and yet has thou not known me philip he that had seen me had seen the father and how sayeth thou then show us the father believeth thou not that i am in the father and the father in me the words that i speak unto you i speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he doeth the work believe me that i am in the father and father in me or else believe me for the very work's sake and he continues in twelve very very less unto you he that believeth in me on me the works that i do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because i go onto my farm i think i'm stuck here because of the condition and the atmosphere in which we find ourselves in even though i started with i i do believe that what's happening is such as it's common to man i'm not the only one struggling psychologically emotionally with the times that we're living through i'm not the only one who has to deal with losses and insecurity and difficulty trying to process in a time that none of us literally expected and then to take that and add to that flavor all of the things that we have to face on an everyday basis individually and then compound that with what's going on nationally and internationally and you and i will soon discover that victims aren't the only one tested but the people who have not been victimized whether by meteorological cataclysma or whether by financial disaster whether by death we have discovered that the people who god has blessed to get through it are also being tested like the people who are going through it because the question now becomes now that you're not going through it what will you do about those who are look at haiti now and here is haiti and again the haitian people ever since they decided they didn't want to deal with napoleon bonaparte they have had a rough time and here again another earthquake and 300 people already dead the question is how do we react to the sufferings of others because even though we're not suffering at this given point about a particular way a thing we still have a responsibility to those who are being victimized so on the one hand you've got a dual sort of feeling on the one hand excuse me if i don't hope today but you've got to you've got to sort of dual feeling i'll give you an example of what i mean a tour to a very very extreme extent i was in ghana and i happened to leave accra and go to a place it was a castle san diego was the fort and i went to a school in jamaica called san diego high school i finally learned that the dutch had this big fort that watched over where the slave trade was and when i went into the building i went to a place called the door of no return and i began to visualize in my mind and very surely you could even smell the stench of what happened 200 years ago and while i'm there i'm feeling an enormous contradiction of emotions the one emotion on one hand was i'm glad i wasn't there but the contra distinctive emotion was the sorrow and sadness for the people who had to experience something i'm glad i didn't experience i'm hurting and i'm joyful at the same time do you understand how that feels you're looking at a homeless person you're looking at somebody who's struggling you're looking at somebody who's had great loss and you're glad you got a roof over your head but the rejoicing in that roof shouldn't be so complete that you fail to understand the need of the individual who is not where you are you see jesus is very careful here and i promised you this and i promised this to myself that if i can't find jesus in the sermon i'm not even going to try to preach it because we've done everything else with church but promote jesus and we've taken the thing so far until we have taken god and made him either republican or democratic i mean as if he really cares other than how we treat one another amen but jesus if you notice chapter 14 he is very concerned about how they feel because he understands the gap that comes the great gap in the human being that comes from sensually perceiving something and operating by faith sensual perception connects me to my world faith connects me to my god but faith releases everything that is spiritual in a human being because you and i operate old man new man carnal man spiritual man and the duality that we have to face oftentimes is the internal conflict that each one of us have when we're dealing with what is right and the struggle to overcome what is wrong i mean you know i was born at night but it wasn't last night and i'm looking at all you people here and you would all would like to tell me that none of you have a problem some of the most judgmental people have the biggest problems because we just added judgmental to it however they were feeling about themselves and only the enemies of the lord blaspheme against him the friends of the lord don't speak negatively about the church the enemies of the lord do can i bring that to your remembrance as i move on when david sinned the boy [Music] that david was that had that she had was a personification of his sin now do you remember do you remember pennsylvania university of pennsylvania and you remember the coach do you remember in his successes they built a statue to represent the coach and after the scandal they tore the statue down because the same statue when he was being successful was a monument to his success then that same statue became monument to his failure see while you're doing well successfully people like stole your virtue but the same people will help to bring you down if you come up short the statue was a monument oh i'm on the brave coming down i've been you know since i got no mask the monument was to his glory and then to his failure but it was monumental the child david had was a personification and personification now is here is a living body moving around that represents his sin so here's what the lord says the lord says i have forgiven you david but the child has to die why does a child have to die and david is forgiven i won't even go into the ramifications of the emotional drain and the psychological debilitation that comes from a man who is having a child that he knows he's going to die who is totally innocent didn't do anything except get born in a situation that is totally not his fault and yet still he's going to die because of the personification of david's sin you follow where we are it's a real drab and sad moment because he's begging god to keep the child alive but god says the child has to go because you have caused the enemies of the lord to speak evil about his house somebody's saying what are you talking about bishop but it goes like this it goes like this david's got the little boy and he's going over to 7-eleven to get some ice cream while they're on the way to 7-eleven to get the ice cream two of the enemies of the lord they might call themselves saints but they driving by and see david with a little boy and you know how he goes into cars when people decide they're going to backstab you they go to touching one another hey hey look over there look look look that's the king ain't it that's david in it that's david you see that little boy over there that's the one that got uriah killed oh come on now you know all you on facebook you know how it goes the enemies of the lord the boys getting ready to graduate and he's walking with it tapping down down going to get his certificate and two other hey hey hey look up there you see that fella up there that number four can't you count four from the end that's the boy personification as long as he lived until all of the judgmental folk died out they would still have something against him he said you gotta go the child's got to go the enemies of the lord are not the friends of the lord because love covers a multitude of folks talk to me now so you think you got holy when you began to run people down but the issue before it says that jesus recognizes and understands every situation that you get yourself in why because the marvelous thing that god has brought to us is grace i want you to give some consideration somebody asked me the other day how am i doing i said i'm doing better than i deserve because when i look at all the people who covet took home and i could have been one of them i am not more holy than some of the people who died the way i see a man they would have been real good for god i don't get y'all looking like alice in wonderland i listen to a little burner boy sometimes some of those fellas who died didn't listen to no burner boy if it wasn't him or gospel they wouldn't listen i listened to a little jazz sometime talk to me amen i know you want to act like you're holding out pandemic it's coming on variance on us but the truth is we all don't live by the book every day amen sometimes we get angry sometimes sometimes we want to duke it out with somebody sometime i want to call you a name call you out of your name and sometimes you slip [Applause] amen right in the church [Applause] he does not avoid human weakness and he tells us the strong order support the infirmities of the week while you're rejoicing in the fact that you didn't lose anyone and didn't lose any money and didn't lose a job and didn't lose position while you're rejoicing about that another side of you ought to be feeling for the people who have lost for the people who are in fire for the people who are in earthquakes [Applause] something's wrong with you and me if we can walk by somebody homeless and don't feel anything [Applause] [Music] amen amen i live in a place down the street from where i live uh right over the hillside it's called the jungle the they call it the jungle because uh the the when you take your dog they should get them you know shots up and stuff they say you live in the jungle right now because you got possums down there they shot up all the coyotes you got skunks uh jj been skunked two or three times two times amen i just took him out said brian you just take him on to the vet just here get him in your car take her up there say you coming no i ain't coming in there with that guy [Music] the jungle because all those animals are down there i get finished eating and i got leftovers that stayed in the fridge too long and i don't want to throw it away so i take it and throw it over in the jungle and then my neighbors say you're going to bring them things up in the up over here so they're starting but the point is i'm saying i'm throwing this away but i can't get it in my heart to throw it away because i'm feeding even if animals can get a bite of somebody now what jesus is saying to us is when he says let not your heart be troubled i'm sending you a comforter what he's telling each one of us that's sitting in this room right now that there are experiences that you have had that were not good experiences but he says don't throw them away somebody needs your sensitivity about where they are because you've gotten over it you're not there anymore where you're suffering through an abusive childhood you're not there anymore when you're suffering through a horrible marriage when you're suffering through financial ruin when you're suffering through bad credit you ain't there anymore but while you're rejoicing don't forget that the house you bought that was foreclosed on you got a great deal and you'll rejoice but remember somebody lost that house i wish i could talk to you here the reason why we have not we cannot afford to let any any experience go by it's because everything you have been through somebody needs to understand it so that you can comfort them with the comfort you receive i'm here to tell you they got us sitting six feet apart physically but we ought to be together spiritually emotionally psychologically [Applause] we ought to want the best for each other so thomas now question i had to go to his question because his question now most people make him a doubter but based upon what i've learned with this pandemic i would call him a realist you know many people in church uh people outside the church look at church people and say church people aren't real amen what they need to say in a better way is that church people aren't realistic that's what they want to say because they need proof we call him doubting thomas but thomas was just simply a realist and what thomas always wanted was the facts so now let me not make it too complicated but view yourself as a person of realism and a person of faith and then ask yourself does one contradict the other it means get you know i'm here so we might as well have a good time with it thomas is saying show me reality because many times we have been held within the parameters of sensual perception that limits hope and expectation i want to project to you that reality is not in only what you can prove there is a reality in what you believe for those who have spiritual understanding the reality of the eternal is greater than the reality of the ephemeral well we didn't got in it now are your dreams real to you we're left here we're left here we're still here several hundred thousand people are gone and we're left here and haven't you asked yourself yet why did he pass you by maybe you ain't that special i know you're good looking you ain't got that much money i know you're rich but somehow he is the only one who knows why pg is gone and i'm still here [Music] but he left us here for a reason because somebody's work is not finished yet [Applause] and somebody's got to get their hands dirty in order to change the course of life for somebody else and what jesus is saying i don't care how you feel about it i have got to go because if i don't go i will give you that internal power it's one thing to see power in somebody else it's another thing to see power in yourself and it's the power that's in yourself that changes the lives of other people [Applause] oh i want to talk to somebody here we're moving he's a realist show me some stuff now funny enough the church is getting to the place where the church is moving from the faith in the invisibility of god to wanting to see god in a material way that's why everybody's calling i want to see miracles in the chat i want to see people falling out i want people raised from the dead happens all the time god heals people all the time god brings people through serious situations all the time somebody prays somebody delivered somebody prays and the person died it's all god deciding what he's going to do when he's going to do it and he comforts us in whatever he does not deliver you from he comforts you in it so you're able to stand it he puts no more on you than you're able to bear so stop being sorry for yourself and start rejoicing for yourself because what you're going through is not because you're weak it's because you're strong [Applause] to believe god is a reality [Music] leaving god believe also in me it's a reality what has kept you in the middle of of of a dire situation what has kept you hoping and and and it goes like this one day you feel like you can't make it one day you just move into depression it's not so bad and and you're struggling with it and you have one kind of prayer and sometimes that prayer is lord just help me just keep me sane through here lord jesus ease of stress in my life uh that that prayer that the prayer for survival that not the prayer for something to change just the prayer to survive lord just help me through here you know this battle is on me i'm i'm in a rough way my mind is slipping from me my temper is already gone i'm in a bad mood i'm in a bad way lord help me to survive just help me to get through here i'm ready to jump yet and jump and i'm ready to run around the church and fall out i'm ready for that right now lord i just need to breathe if you can just help me to breathe that just help me to breathe i'll give you praise if you just help me to breathe i don't need a banquet i just need to eat that's all just give me something to eat i don't need to go out i don't need a big dinner i don't need a lot of folk but just get me through here right now amen amen and when you pray you believe that he would bring you out that's just as real as seeing the nail prints in his hand because he said you had to see to believe but i got some folk coming that will not see a thing yet they will believe and it's faith that got us out to this point it's faith that's delivered us to this day it's faith i would have fainted had i not believed to see [Applause] the goodness of god in the land of the living [Applause] amen when sight isn't working for you thomas you've got to have faith oh glory to god [Applause] faith keeps you from suicide faith keeps you from giving up faith will make you get up and do what you're supposed to do and believe god for the outcome faith it's a shaker and a baker a mover [Music] somebody holler i believe god i believe god what time is it y'all sit down for a minute [Music] business people in here let me see your head business didn't start big did it but you had a vision didn't you and your vision is predicated on faith expectation and hope faith is the substance of things hoped for the hoople status of things the holocaust of things not seen the expectation of being a christian has to be redefined because of what we have received over 40 years of health wealth and prosperity and what it did was it eliminated the human response to the indwelling of the spirit of god the human response see what he's doing with the disciples is he's taking them to another dimension a dimension that speaks of their self-worth based on his indwelling now i want you to see that if you don't value self-worth based on indwelling you'll be living faith your personal worth based on what other people say i got to work with that for a minute see i'm telling you the more i think about this message it's more i'm really not finished i'm going to quit because i know that if you do a series over a period of time it gets boring after a while so i know you know five and then you reconsider should you do six or you quit then you catch it later and those who understand the process will catch it when it comes back but it's coming back camouflage i promise only the initiated will say oh i know where that came from i want to get in you because what you have seen over these three years of me being with you is the ability to handle an attack stay focused should i do that again if jesus taught us anything he taught us how to stay focused in the middle of being attacked i want to talk to some of you you your wives and husbands a lesson that i didn't learn when i was married i'd do better next time there are [Music] some battles worth fighting if you lose there are other battles that aren't worth fighting if you win and my marriage fell apart not on the battles i lost but it fell apart on the ones i won because the ones i won were totally insignificant i wonder if you're with me all right for those of you that will tell the truth let me see some gray hairs up in here i can't even find that because they're covered but for those who are great enough to tell the truth haven't you sometimes looked at the role you had and said to yourself what were we fussing about come on talk to me talk to the youngest the younger saints and and tell the younger saints don't fight over everything that don't make sense hey man you're over there fighting at everybody upset and mad and throwing dishes and breaking windows and pulling pulling tablecloths off and calling people out of their names and grabbing their wigs and pulling to pain come on say over over what over what over you had to call for 45 minutes instead of 30. amen the value that jesus is giving it's a value that nobody determines your worth i've got to come into you because all you have seen is my ability to focus in spite of my tests in spite of my trials that i can walk in the room with a calm meek disposition when i should be blowing up but because he is now in me see i gotta get in you now you gotta understand then the power of him being in us the power of him being in us is the power that causes us to do greater works now now we got to define that greater work the greater works is not in the quality of what he's done what greater works can you do than raise the dead what greater works can you do feed five thousand feed four thousand few loaves few fishes what greater works can you do than walk on water it is not in the quality of the works it's in the quantity of the works why because he alone is walking in the vestiges in the hallways of power because he is the christos the christ the anointed one he is walking in the power of healing and raising the dead and feeding 5 000 and giving sight to the blind and bringing folk up who were down for 38 years he was the one and they were just looking at him as spectators but now he says i'm on switch things i'm gonna come in you and instead of you being a spectator you'll be a participator and greater works will you do [Applause] where is it taking us it's taking us from a church that has its hand out to a church that is giving out it takes you from a person who is always sitting down with a hand open looking for god to do something miraculously when he's already empowered you to do it for yourself amen what do you want to be disciples sitting around here waiting for me all the time or do you want the power to get up yourself and tell the devil where to go what do you want [Applause] in order to get there you got to go through something are you willing oh i wish i could shout he was he was a realist that's what thomas was he was a realist and jesus said something you're looking for destination i meditate on this this morning in the night we're looking for a destination what is the destination you had in view when you came to christ was your destination a 40-room mansion was your destination designer clothes and shoes was your destination rolls royce when's the last time you asked god for rolls roy was your destination a wife or a husband jesus is saying to thomas you looking for a destination but i'm your destiny i'm your destiny so the point when i get in you i am the way your being with me does not concern you with the destination your concern is to be with me because i am the way to whatever your destination is i wish you'd understand and i want to take you to a destination that you don't have to leave to go anywhere else and that's to take you where i am that you may be there also that's the comfort of the child of god and if that don't cause you to relax nothing will i have jesus with me satan's on my case folk trying to destroy me but i have jesus with me [Applause] hey i have jesus with me he is my destiny [Applause] he is my destination [Applause] and then then i want to ask a question have you got there yet have you got there yet who in there has a holy spirit who got the holy spirit in here then you already got there i am's away [Music] i feel like preaching in here i feel like lifting him up i am the way the truth and the life no man coming to the father but by me get out with somebody just throw your hands up and tell them i'm already there i might be broke but i'm already there might not have a big bank account but i'm already there might be sick in my body but i'm already there my brother's on the way out but i'm already there i am already there somebody holler the reason i'm still here is because i'm already there he brought me from look how he brought me out everybody in here has a testimony of how good god has been in perilous times every night i wish i had a mic everybody got a testimony he's with me through the storm he's with me through the rain eat with me in sickness leave with me in pain the best is yet to come the best [Applause] [Music] you know we slave to some stuff but i need somebody to holler [Music] i need somebody just repeat after me god is going to bless me so good [Applause] he's going to tell me don't forget the days of small beginnings [Music] don't forget when you were that little don't forget when you were this small god raised you up gave you the beatrice don't forget oh [Music] wow [Music] [Music] oh all right he's worthy of our praises it's gonna bring you through all of this [Music] don't forget the days don't don't act like you always were there oh we're living better than we deserve we're living better than we deserve to the person that's not born again to those who are online with us on all the different media streams you may be a realist but faith is a part of realism faith is real to trust and believe god is real and more than anything we want you to be safe more than anything i have earthquake insurance i can't get the insurance after the earthquake i've got medical insurance but they're not going to give you some coverage after you come in sick i got funeral insurance but nobody's going to write me a policy after i'm dead i got car insurance but i can't pick it up after i've had an accident if there's any insurance you need with life being so uncertain it's blessed assurance jesus is mine [Music] take it down come on [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] crazy [Music] this is [Music] [Music] [Music] those of you who are online [Music] please call us at 844-2677 844 267 7729 with the same intensity that these marvelous people are standing around the altar to receive it in the assembly for those who we are connecting to that number is 844 267-7729 they're waiting anxiously in the spirit for you to call somebody will pray with you somebody will give you whatever counsel you believe you need but your soul your soul i don't want him to say this night thy soul is required of you and you're not ready to go this is where we are now this is end time revival beginning now come on this is my story [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh this is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i am meeting with everyone in the music department right after this i wanted to do it face to face instead of doing it on line raise your hands to heaven father we thank you for this day we appreciate your grace your unmerited favor now lord whatever it is that we have the power to do that you've empowered us to do help us to do it give us passion for our civic responsibility along with our passion to bless and help others make each one of us a storehouse a storehouse that will give the goods of salvation to everyone who comes our way make each one of us a warehouse full of your goodies that we may bless those in our family those in our extended family those in our community in our city state and our government in our world help us to make an impact and i claim it right now comfort everyone in jesus name amen and amen for those of you going to eat out eat out in the cafeteria they've got all kinds of stuff lobsters and stuff i don't know you've got real bougie over here at the city of refuge amen also please stop also please stop by our tape table in the lobby to pick up today's message please visit our cafe amen in front of the church again today special for your brunch for everyone is who's here for you
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 35,735
Rating: 4.8453274 out of 5
Keywords: #bishopnoeljones, #cityofrefuge, #noeljones, #bishop, #losangeles, #onlineservice, #virtualservice
Id: gZ2-LZ1stek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 15sec (3795 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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