🔥 Holy Ghost INTERRUPTS SERMON!!!! | BIshop Dale Bronner

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i'm hearing the lord's voice shall come i just when god was birthing this word and my spirit all i heard him say i heard the bridegroom said come i heard the spirit say come it was it was both an invitation and a command an invitation and a command come as an instruction to change your position [Music] change your position to change your position it's time for some of you to change your position you got to change your position you've been in that position long enough you've been down long enough now [Applause] as a position god is saying come up hither i don't want to see you on the ground anymore he said come up hither come up hither come up hither come up here to change your position when he says come he said change your position change your position change your position and let me do something different than you let me change where you are and how you are let me change your thinking he says i want you to change your position he said i wanted you to get into a different posture you have the ability to be able to position yourself and reposition yourself he said god i need you to do something different in me because what i'm doing is not working i i need you jesus i need you and he's just saying change your position change your position change your position that there has to be a shift in your position it's saying that what you used to do i i i i can't keep doing that it's insanity it's not delivering what i need and i i'm hurting god and i'm in pain god and i'm frustrated over what is not working in my life and all that i hear the spirit saying is come come unto me all of you that labor and the heavy laden and i will but he can't do anything if you won't come anybody that won't come to jesus says come come come lay it down at the ought to come but your struggles come with your vices come with your addiction come come come he's calling he's calling by his spirit that if we'll just let god be god if we'll let him be glorified i cannot explain what god does by the spirit of the living god but i do know that as you come to jesus he is the author and the finisher the author and the finisher the author and the finisher and as your hearts are open and your spirits are open god will give you an instruction and he'll tell you what he wants you to do he'll tell you he'll put it in your heart to say this is that that you're supposed to do when you obey god things that are falling apart will begin to fall together and the storm that is raging that is raging in your life the confusion the frustration the guilt the anger the bitterness the rebellion the disrespect when you bring it to jesus when you bring it to jesus when you bring it to jesus and say jesus i i just give you all that i have i give you everything that i'm struggling with in my life lord i bring it to you i come to jesus everybody needs to come to jesus moment everybody's gotta have something to where they said the spirit is just saying come on come cover your anguish come in your pain come in your confusion because he calls you out he calls you out he calls you out he calls you out he calls out every demonic every perverted spirit every oppressive spirit is to be called out every demonic thing every satanic thing that is attacking your mind come out come out in jesus name come out in jesus name come out you cannot go into the promised land until he cast out the spirit of egypt [Applause] [Applause] he's in the building he's in the building he's in the building [Applause] [Music] you're coming as a yielded position in your heart and where jesus wants to have his way in you he wants to have his way in you the devil thought that he had messed you up and that he had destroyed your call that he had polluted you [Applause] but god saw you god saw you and god hurt you [Applause] and he sees everybody that responds to his call that called and said come come come come up hither come up hither come up hither because you had binders you've been you felt something binding you that was invisible you couldn't see it but it was binding [Music] and the spirit said come [Applause] [Music] i feel spiritual surgery happening today in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of come come come come come [Music] even so come lord jesus even so he closes the new testament out with even so calm lord jesus come lord jesus come lord jesus comes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] or i will guide you with a word i will guide you with a word [Music] and as you follow my voice [Music] will lead you into good places green pastures where you will be fed your needs will be met and i will give you that that will fulfill you in a way that material things cannot [Music] the peace that you really long for on the inside [Music] will suddenly flood your soul for the very thing that has the capacity to take you under and drown you i give you the authority to be able to trample over to walk on top of and that that could have taken you under you will survive it [Music] rise above come up and not only shall your life be preserved but after you've survived the storm you will become master lifesavers will you lift others and bring them unto jesus the christ the ultimate lifesaver and redemption will come and you will discover that what god has called you to do that purpose will be ignited in your heart [Music] and fulfillment will flood you as you come into that place called the will of god peace like a river will flood over your soul and what once brought fear to you will now bring peace contentment and joy but it is not designed to stay within you for out of your belly [Music] will flow living once and wherever this water goes life will flow and every place that the water touches healing will come breaking [Applause] to the nations healing [Applause] let the waters flow let the waters flow let the waters flow i hear the sound of the abundance of rain rain on us god fresh all fresh oil [Applause] threshold fresh oil fresh oil fresh oil fresh oil fresh oil fresh oil fresh oil fresh oil fresh oil fresh oil so that when you walk in contaminated places the contamination will not stick to you fresh oil fresh oat chicken fresh oil fresh oil fresh oil thresholds so that negative words will not penetrate your spirit wounding words will not hurt you and damage you fresh oil fresh oil fresh oil fresh all in the name the name of jesus [Music] the river of god is flowing the river of god is flowing the river of god is flowing in this place this is not a time of fear this is the time to walk in the water to walk in the water he's bidding us come come come come come unto me he says all of you who labor and are worn out you're weary you're tired you're ready to give up and throw in the towel you're frustrated you feel like your grace has run out jesus says come to me come to me come to me he says my yoke is easy my burden is light let's change give it to me he said let's change let's change let's change when you come there is a divine exchange divine exchange divine exchange divine exchange the lord said i heard you the first time [Applause] [Music] he said i have not forgotten he said i have seen your affliction [Music] ah he's coming to redeem your song [Applause] oh i felt something snap in the name of jesus my chicken lemon yes glory to god forever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i see in the realm of the spirit that when many of you just got up out of your seat to come snapped the yoke has broken [Applause] the fetter has been destroyed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're gonna find the lightness on you where it feels like you're almost floating because you've come unto him who's able to do exceedingly abundantly and above all that you could ever ask or even think and it's according to the power that works right on the inside of you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] rest for your soul rest for your soul rest for your soul he calms the storm [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is the reign of the spirit of god that is falling and god says don't be afraid of the water for it has not come to harm you but to bless you and to refresh it and to water the seed that is in you that a harvest might spring up for god is not unfaithful concerning his promises nor his word to you for every word that he has spoken shall surely come to pass [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] the reign of the spirit of god is washing stress off of you it's washing worry off of you is cleansing impure thoughts cleansing the stains that have marred your soul it's falling refreshing renewing reviving [Music] as you give him permission to have his way in you as you need a miracle god will give you an instruction may your spiritual ears be open may your spiritual eyes be sensitive to know what he the spirit would say unto you and that that he says to you do it do it do it the blessing is in the obedience to it [Music] listen for his voice for the instruction for you [Music] to it that god's will might flood into your life like a mighty river and the same water that will give life to one on one side will drown your enemies on the other and god will create a barrier of safety because you are his children you are his seed [Music] one of the best ways that i know to stop a storm is to do what jonah did he surrendered to the storm [Music] and those of you who can if you'll just bow down right where you are and let's just pray for a few moments [Music] this is unorthodox church but it's holy ghost church jebre baskato [Music] talk to him talk to him talk to him talk to him talk to him [Music] ladies our men are in trouble and i heard the lord said where are the wailing women [Music] not the partying women not the celebratory women but where are the wailing women where the wailing women when women wail and and the water pours from their eyes [Applause] god's ears become a tomb you pray for your sons [Applause] your brothers your father pray for your step-brother your your cousin where are the wailing women father may you break our hearts with the things that break your heart so that we can hate what you hate and love what you love oh god do a work in us father i pray in the name of jesus that you will give spiritual ears spiritual ears to the wailing women let them feel your pain god let them take as it were lord in travail travail travail until there's a birthing in the spirit a birthing in the spirit a birthing in the spirit a birthing in the spirit lord father our men are in trouble our boys are in trouble our sons are in trouble oh god will you bring deliverance in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus sensitize oh god the precious women of god lord of who they are give them a revelation of their true identity so they will stand in the gap stand in their call o lord i pray in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus oh god for men who are out of the will of god who don't know you god thank you for women that are unrelenting who will lay hold of the horns of the all the horns of the altar and will cry out cry out and cry out god until you move from heaven god until you begin god to shake things and break things father until there comes a yielding in the realm of the spirit god do it by your own power by your own power by your own power lord may your voice be heard in clarity and clarity and clarity lord may you quiet the storm that rages within so that we may hear the voice that was carried on the winds of the spirit of the living god speak to our hearts oh god that we may hear and obey you [Music] take the ordinary the mundane the incipito god breathe on our water and turn it to wine [Music] turn it into something of value that is aged by the ancient of days [Music] and let there be divine acceleration do a quick work let there be a quick release a quick deliverance oh god that it will testify of the miracle power of the supernatural living god [Music] well as we return to our homes today may something be different in our eyes let us see differently hear differently feel differently pray differently walk differently talk differently father because we have come to you and you have come and met us in the command to come on the waters thank you for the winds of the spirit that are blowing in this place in the rain from heaven that is saturating us even in this hour fresh all oil fresh oil fresh anointing have your way lord jesus have your way lord jesus have your way lord jesus penetrate every earthly and carnal issue that we have been wrestling with for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds may they be uprooted and demolished obliterated god out of our lives in the name of jesus in the name of jesus let the deliverance be so spectacular that there is no other explanation but god god do the work father where there is a quick release of where bondage has been there god let there come such an abundance of the deliverance of the living god and father let us leave with a note of victory on the inside to know that surely you are good and that you have heard and that you have answered from heaven because we have been bold enough to humble ourselves in your presence god and to seek your face and to turn from our wicked ways so that we may hear from heaven oh god and that you will forgive our sin and heal our land heal our land god heal our land heal the sickness of the land heal the corruption that is in the land heal our land heal our land heal the racial divide in america god heal the land heal the land heal the sexism heal the land god heal our land heal our land god heal it stop the violence oh god heal our land god heal our land of the murder lord heal our land god and the languish of the disease heal our land god heal god then used us as healers to the nation father forgive us for walking away from your will and allowing satan to run rush hard all over us we yield ourselves and avail ourselves to say god have your way have your way we are your servants speak lord for your servants here and what you say god we will obey to do lord to see your miracle power turning the ordinary into that which is rich flavored purposed given by you that has your anointing upon it oh god may we taste of the new wine of jerusalem flooding down into our lives may there be joy unspeakable and yet full of glory bringing exaltation under your name father for every household represented in this place today we stand in the gap we stand in the gap we stand in the gap god now lord by your spirit move be released oh god to go into those places [Music] and father the instruction that you put within our hearts we will obey so that as we obey you god then then you move and confirm it with signs and wonders and we covenant in our hearts at this moment to give you all of the glory and the honor and the praise in jesus mighty name amen hallelujah to jesus glory glory to the land glory to the lamb of god glory to the lamb glory glory
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Keywords: bishop dale bronner, Holy Ghost, shout, praise break, speaking in tongues, pentecostal shout, apostolic shout, cogic shout, holy convocation cogic, bishop noel jones, serita jakes, td jakes, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, jamal bryant, storefront church, donnie mcclurkin, cogic, crazy shout, cogic praise break, todd hall shout, crazy praise break, potters house dallas, steven furtick, holy convocation shout, dance praise break, shouting, holy ghost praise break
Id: _oNPpCH4dbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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