Updated - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] i invite your prayerful consideration to the book of hebrews chapter one verse number one through three there you will find my assignment from the lord today shout out to potter's house school of ministry i was going from class to class amen and some students in here make some noise [Music] yeah yeah and i was on the line i was saying a few things supplementing the tremendous work of the teacher that was teaching all hebrews and i got stuck in it and after i got off i kept reading it i couldn't couldn't get away from it and i'm gonna rest in hebrews one and one down to about verse 3 so that you can hear what the spirit of the lord is saying to the church uh today glory to god and i want you to listen at the pageantry of the language the fluidity with which the writer speaks the profundity of the thought the magnitude of the concept the spirit of the epistle the the impact of this of the epistle itself of those he is speaking to and he starts a god who at sundry times and in diverse matters spake in times past unto the fathers by the prophets had in these last days spoken to us by his son whom he had appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the worlds who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins sat down on the right hand of the majesty of god go back to verse two for just a moment i think it's verse two again god had in these last days spoken unto us by his son by his son whom he had the pointed air of all things by whom also he made the world they're just given credentials on us but he's gone from speaking to us through his prophets to speaking to us by his son somebody saying by his son and and i want to i want to use a subject to update it just a simple word updated sometimes we get so locked in to where we are that we don't receive the update to reach the magnitude of where we can be and what we can do and what we can have and the purpose and spirit of of this entire book but this particular verse in particular focus on updating them in a change of how god accomplishes his will spirit of the living god fall fresh on us today as we deliberate the texts as we discuss it the power of it and the profundity of it and the magnitude of it we do it with great humility honoring you and giving you praise and glory thank you for what you're going to do in the midst of your people thank you for blessing your people thank you for ministering your people establish yourself in this house declare yourself in this house throw your weight around so the devil whose boss moved god by your supernatural power we honor you and we glorify you and we give you the praise in jesus name and all the house and everybody online said amen amen amen amen say it again amen amen type it on the line amen amen amen glory to god let's go to work updated i uh i made the decision some time ago not to try to keep up with every version of the phone that came out i played the game for a while do you have a three so i got a three and but before the year was out there we came out with a four and a five and a five plus and a six and i think about seven eight somewhere one of them numbers i dropped off i just dropped off i just dropped out and i decided i was gonna keep the same phone and just i said i'm gonna keep the same phone but just download the updates that way i would take advantage of the investment that was already made and put the onus on the company to update what is all already there so i kept my old phone and i just decided to keep the updates and the funny thing about it is you can almost tell when you need a update because your phone starts does your phone do that my phone starts acting crazy and and i have to go back and check sometimes i'm supposed to be notified but i don't always get notified that i need an update but the sluggishness of the phone or the problems of the phone or the lack of intensity of the phone announces to me that something is wrong and i need an update it doesn't mean that my phone is bad it doesn't mean i have to go buy new i know you always have to go buy a new one i'd rather put my money somewhere else but instead i choose to update sometimes in your life there are little signals and signs and stresses that remind you that you need an update the presumption is is that the update is going to fix the bugs and solve the problems and leave the phone better somebody say better so the spirit of hebrews and the spirit of the text and the spirit before us today is that the writer of the text is trying to advise uh the hebrew people the jewish people that god has given an update that god who at sundry times and in diverse matters have spoken unto us by the prophets have in these last days spoken unto us by his son it is so interesting there's so much discourse and debate as to who wrote the text and none of us really know because we weren't there we didn't see it i tend to think myself it was apollos for what that's worth i did i just think it was a policy it doesn't feel like a pauline epistle to me it doesn't write like a pauline epistle the language is so fluid and because in the book of acts i think chapter 18 it talks about the eloquence of apollos how eloquent he spoke and how mighty in the scriptures he was the eloquency of the text and also because of corinthians and paul having to come in behind apollos and kind of speak to the fact that apollos was so eloquent makes me think you don't have to think that but makes me think that it could have been i don't know it could have been whoever it was there the problem in identifying the author of the book is in the fact that it is one of the few epistles if not the only that has no salutation it has no salutation it has no greeting it's it it has no dear sir it has it's no paul an apostle of jesus christ by the will of god and not the will of it it has no greeting paul to timothy it has nothing like that it doesn't start off talking about man at all and i want you to get something out of the word god because i think that the church has become so preoccupied with talking about ourselves in a narcissistic society the easiest messages to preach are messages that are about you you're gonna make it you're gonna be all right everything is gonna be okay people people react to that because they are consumed with ideas about themselves but the problem there is that the problem is that we are so preoccupied with ourselves that we have not really embraced our god and when all roads lead to you you will always be dysfunctional because you don't have anything solid to stand on because you don't understand the magnitude of who god is and so god who at hundred times no no introduction about it no description of it no debate about it it just throws god at you right first thing god because the presumption is this particular writing is uh presumed to be written to people who already understand that god is somebody saying god is now if you don't know that god is i probably need to preach another message to you so come back next sunday i'll preach something else to you because this is addressed to the hebrews who already knew that god is god is and once you know that god is that god is love that god is peace that god is power that god is holy that god is righteous that god is supernatural the god is omnipotent the god is omniscient that god is on the present the god is everywhere that god can do anything once you know that god he is all of a sudden your problem starts shrinking up under the knowledge of who god is because the devil is fighting your knowledge of god not your knowledge of self not your knowledge of church not your knowledge of the potter's house not your knowledge of language the devil is fighting what you know about god god who at sundry times my god my god my god and diverse man has spake in times past unto the fathers by the prophets and he's trying to lay the background for them first not only to know god but to understand the difference between god's being and god's method you see god himself never changes from everlasting to everlasting david said thou art god god does not change he is the same yesterday today and forevermore god never changes but his methods are constantly updating themselves religion tends to develop dogmas and creeds around his methods more than his being the problem with dogmas is that it tends to create dogmatism and after a while you become dogmatic because you have embraced the ways of god rather than the being of god and so people y'all don't hear what i'm saying people have a tendency to build dogmas around ideologies and then fight over the dogma with other christians rather than to just embrace that god is i want that to sink into your spirit god is god is god god is god this is in the beginning god no explanation no definition in the book of genesis just in the beginning god presumptive just an understanding and absolute without discussion without debate in the beginning god everything in your life starts with god if it doesn't start with god it started with you and if it started with you it's going to come down if it starts with god it's going to end with god because god is the same and he changes not [Applause] the tendency to lay down principles dogmatism is a tendency to lay down principles as incontrovertible true without consideration of evidence without consideration of evidence or the opinions of others a culture of dogmatism and fanaticism is plaguing our world right now you can't have a conversation about a hamburger without it turning into a fight because dogmatism has consumed us whose side on you are you on who did you vote for where did you stand what group are you are you a millennial or a boomer are you this or that everybody's fleeing over into tribes and groups and then dogmatically fighting over who is right and so discussion and debate has become antiquated uh compromise has become antiquated so you have an argument over toast and the next thing you know you're in divorce court because we have lost our ability to negotiate subtle disputes and i don't just mean in washington i'm talking about in your house in your life and all of a sudden a simple thing is turned into a dog fight because it becomes more important to be right than to be together [Applause] and religion loves that kind of thing religion cleaves to that idea that concept that notion that that that that ideology that it builds itself around a methodology and out of the methodology comes tradition and tradition gives us comfort because we think that the tradition is god and sometimes we worship the traditions more than we worship god y'all don't hear what i'm saying and then when god breaks a rule we get confused because we think that his method is him when in fact god is not his methods he does not change but his methods change come on talk to me somebody so that you can't get a recipe on god [Applause] you cannot assume that the same way god heal you is the way god's going to heal me or the same way that god bless you is the way that god's going to bless me that because he did it last year this way that he has to do it the same way this year he said i am the lord thy god i change not he doesn't change but his methods constantly update themselves so that you are always dependent on him you will get no doctrine in god you will get no masters in god you will always be studying him seeking him searching after him knocking at the door asking questions calling on his name you will never master god because as soon as you learn something he'll update as soon as you think you know him he'll update as soon as you think you understand he'll update as high as the heavens are above the earth so are my ways above your ways and my thoughts above your thoughts see we got to get back to preaching about god we got to get back to preaching about god because you will never understand who you are until you understand who he is that's why we get lost in the fight because we forget about who god is when we start thinking about who god is we look at the problem and the problem starts shrinking as god gets bigger the problem gets smaller oh magnify the lord not you or magnify the lord not your church or magnify the lord not your wife or magnify the lord not your husband or magnify the lord with me and let us exalt [Applause] and let us exalt and let us exalt and let us exalt and let us exalt let us exalt his name not your name his name not your brand his name not your background his name not your linkedin his name his name his name his name his name his name god [Applause] the reason god allows us not to get him locked into a formula is because he wants us to always have to seek him have to come back to him have to ask questions have to have the humility of coming back to him and say i don't know what to do because god's not gonna let you learn and get a franchise on how he operates he'll change his method he'll do it in a pool one time he'll spit in your eye the next time he'll speak the word next time everybody got healed from blindness but nobody got healed the same way because god didn't want you to run off and worship a formula that's called a doctrine and that's called an idea then you become tribalistic then you become hedonistic then you become bound to a method and you can't have tradition and revelation shacking up in the same world they just don't shack up well if you're going to have revelation you have to let go of tradition and y'all don't hear what i'm saying god is about to unload on somebody and update get ready for it the reason things have been slow and they've been crazy and they've been out of order is because god is about to send you an update somebody hold an update [Applause] not an update is an actual instance of updating current information for updating something an update is to update a version an account or report it's an update it's better it's to make it better when you update it you make it better if you update your phone it gets better if you update your car it gets better if you update your house it's more valuable if you update your marriage it has more longevity anything you update it gets better it functions better and if things are slow and they're sluggish and they're not moving and they're not working it's because you need an update don't be ashamed of it just push the button and say update don't don't don't try to fake it and act like it's working when it's not just say i need an update just go back and download and update too many of us are faking the funk because we don't want anybody to know that you haven't had a touch in 15 years and what you really need is an update you need a touch from the holy ghost you can't fake the funk you have to get an update you have to get an update you have to get it up there you can't fake revival you can't fake renewal you can't fake revelation you can't fake anointing you can wear my clothes but you can't have my anointing you can't fake it you need an update [Music] now the prayer season the sadducees embrace certain hierarchies certain ideologies certain concepts certain ways of doing things it's about power and influence and infrastructure and the way they approach god based on their interpretation of theological ideologies their interpretation of theological ideologies taught in their religious tradition that made it difficult for them to embrace what jesus came to update and so when they can't receive the update they settle for the debate so wherever you see the pharisees and the sadducees and you see jesus you see debate because the pharisees and the sadducees refused to download the update so they missed the healings and they missed the miracles and they missed the deliverance and they missed the possibilities they would rather debate then update we are living at a time that we would rather debate than update and so people are dying and people are going and people are losing people are collapsing because they would rather debate than update they'd rather win an argument with you on twitter than to download the update and gain further information and be better at any time you start to love the debate more than the update you start to the growth and the development and the functionality that you could have had if you received the update i don't want anybody that can't update i don't want a wife they can't update i don't want children that can't update i don't want you to be just the same for 40 years if i'm growing you got to grow too if i'm thinking you gotta think too if i'm reading you gotta read too if i'm advancing i got to admit you got advanced too i don't have time to carry you just because you won't get the update somebody type on the line get the update get the update get the update the world is changing life is changing seasons are changing times are changing and you must have the update once you begin to get the update it changes your perception of things but people like the first season said she's not just saying i'm just using biblical references because we have our own pharisees and we have our own sadducees who would rather debate than update look at mark chapter 7 verse 6-9 and there it says i'll read it for you he answered and said unto them well have esias prophesied of you hypocrites as it is written the they're this people honoreth me with their lips but their heart is far from me they like to talk the talk but they really don't have it in their heart see the heart is where the update happens it's not the lips it's the heart you can say the right stuff but if it doesn't come from the right place you won't have the update you can have the language of a place that you have never been yet have you ever had people talk like they were more than they were trying to convince you that they had more than they had see as well your lips can say something that your heart has not mastered and it goes on to say how being in vain do they worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men teaching for doctrines the commandments of men i won't go into it but i grew up in a church background that taught for doctrine the commandments of men and i kept messing with them i didn't mean to mess with them but i was trying to understand it they told us that we couldn't grow hair on our face we shouldn't have a beard but then they said jesus they plucked the beard from jesus face they said that women couldn't wear pants and and i tried to understand that because jesus wore dresses [Applause] yeah you know they said that we couldn't wear jewelry but they had hats as big as chicago apples all on the head and fruit all over the head and crystals and diamonds and jewels so you can wear it up here but you can't wear it right here or you can't wear it right here i was kind of confused before the bible goes on to say for laying aside the commandment of god ye hold the tradition of men as a washing of pots and cups and many other such things like that ye do it's amazing to me the amount of people that love dogmas rather than revelation and he said unto them full well ye reject the commandment of god that he may keep your own tradition in order to keep your own tradition you have to reject the commandment of god you have to refuse to update i thought that the phone would update itself but you have to be willing to receive the update and the update requires that you meet certain requirements if a phone has to be plugged in wi-fi has to be on you don't just get the update because you need it god will not give you the update because you need it you have to meet certain requirements those of you that miss the worship service because you don't think it matters you don't understand that when you get in the worship service you make your wi-fi connection oh y'all don't hear what i'm saying that's how you make your connection so that when i get up to preach you can receive the update y'all don't hear what i'm saying here glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god the wi-fi makes it possible for you to download the update and if you don't open up your spirit and worship don't sit back and cross your legs and look cute and be important i know you got a nice shoe i see them red bottoms but uncross your legs and open your mouth and bless the lord until you start to get a signal because when you get a signal you can get a download you can receive an update [Applause] you don't hear what i'm saying to you and all of a sudden we embrace tradition and the traditions of men make the word of god of no effect and so and and when we talk about traditions i want to broaden you my traditions does not necessarily mean oh because new stuff can become traditional too yeah like it used to be we didn't preach without a column and then they changed and everybody started preaching in blue jeans and skinny jeans and t-shirt and all of that but that's a tradition too [Applause] it's like atheists who say they are religious not understanding that atheism is a religion the very fact that you put ism on the end of it is a religion it's a religion it's a religion it's a religion it's a religion it's embracing a certain idea and philosophy and adhering to the dogmas and the truth of that and even atheism is what it hates [Applause] to follow god we have to be nomadic we have to be willing to move we have to move when god moves we have to have the liquidity of thought and nimbleness of mind that is necessary to make us followers of christ not masters of christ followers of christ so that means you got to be nomadic you got to be prepared to transition at a moment's notice that means that what he did 10 years ago is not what he's doing right now what he did five months ago is not what he's doing right give us this day our daily bread look at how many times you have to talk to it give us this day our daily bread we don't want to assume anything you bake the bread we need the bread give us this day our daily bread keeps me with my arms up keeps me with my mouth open keeps me depending on you keeps me leaning on you keeps me calling on you keeps me humble keeps me in my place i'm not smart enough to feed myself give us this day our daily bread give me the bread for the day that i'm having give me the bread for the fight that i'm fighting give me the bread for the hell that i'm going through i cannot fight today's devil with yesterday [Applause] glory to god see the reason you're being defeated is you're fighting with yesterday's bread and you're fighting today's devil you need fresh bread give us this day our daily bread update me update this is a new kind of devil i need a new kind of anointing this is a new kind of war i need a new kind of stress this is a new kind of fight i don't know who i'm preaching to but i got a feeling i'm talking to somebody i don't know whether they're in the building or sitting on the couch i don't know whether they're stuck in the car or standing by the refrigerator but god said you need to download it update god somebody shout god shout it again god [Applause] the very notion of it the very thought of it the very sound of it the very power was shouted again god it means that god is sovereign hallelujah god is suffering that he is he is sovereign over the universe he is an absolute that's why away with praying to the universe because the universe is the creation and he is the creator the creation cannot be its own creator stop picking up everything that you heard somebody say just because they're famous or just because they can sing or just because they're cute and now you said the bird with your saved sanctified filled with the holy ghost self talking about i prayed to the universe shut your mouth you ain't pray to no universe you gotta pray to the one who made the universe oh come on hey my glory to god glory so myself god god is bigger than oak trees and maple trees god is bigger than hemispheres and stratosphere god is bigger than the earth god is bigger than the planets god is bigger than the galaxy god made the galaxy god made the planet god made the earth god made the fish to swim and the birds to fly god made the grass to grow god sits on the circle of the earth and has all power in his head he's the mouse he's a ceo of heaven and earth he is the almighty of god he is ancient of days he is the bulwark he is a trumpet he is a peace he is all-powerful he is immutable he is everlasting he is eternal there is no shadow of turning in him he always was god he always will be god nobody appointed him nobody elected him he didn't run for office he wasn't chosen by a committee he wasn't selected by the board he wasn't hired by a group he's god before there was a where or when or this or that before the evening and the morning was the first day there was god god who had sundered oh shot teller [Applause] god [Applause] i'm stuck on that first word of that first verse in the first chapter somebody shot god he says i am the lord thy god i change not i am your god you are not my god you don't tell me what to do i tell you what to do stop giving me orders stop giving me orders stop telling me what to do you don't know what to do you don't know what's up hey you don't know what tomorrow will bring i am god and beside me there is nobody else there's never been a god before me and there'll never be a god after me i look for someone greater than myself to swear by and finding nothing greater than myself i swear by myself so i want you to know him i want you to know him i want you to know him i want you to know him i want you to know him more importantly he wants you to know him he wants you to know him not church not richmond bay's missionary sunday and how to wear white and when you wear blue and when to wear a corsage and when to do this and when to do that and when to stand up and when it comes out we know stuff about god but we don't know god you have to come to know god all that i may know him in the fellowship of his suffering and the power of his resurrection i came that i might know god i'm not trying to get to know the bishop because the bishop is a man just like me i came to know god i want to know god i honor the bishop but i praise god i praise god thank you for the bishop but i praise god god is god he could use a rabbit he could use a bird he could use a sparrow he could use a woman he could use another preacher it doesn't have to be the bishop god could use whoever he wants to use god who at sundry times and then diverse matters speaking times past unto us by the prophets but they died and god kept talking i said they died and god still kept talking no one is indispensable no one is irreplaceable no one is so important that can't nobody do it but you god has hundred times in diverse matters [Applause] so the first thing i wanted you to know about god is that he's sovereign the second thing i want you to know about god is that he speaks [Applause] he would be sovereign if he didn't speak he would be god if he never opened up his mouth he would be god if he never said a thing at all but the god who is sovereign who is the ceo of the universe who is the president of the ages who is an ancient of days chooses to communicate with you god speaks speaking is intelligence communicated god downloads god talks god conveys god conversates god articulates god is a master of language he can speak your language i know he can speak it because in the book of exodus he spoke to the frogs he spoke to the lice i don't i don't know how to speak lice but god knows how to speak life god spoke to diseases god spoke to play speak to it oh god by the way about this virus speak to it lord if you speak to it you can bind it speak to it somebody's watching me right now speak to it speak to cancer speak to diabetes speak to kidney failure speak to depression speak to fear speak to now [Music] god who at 700 times and in diverse miners speak unto us by the prophets having these last days spoken unto us by his son but he's him speaking no matter whether it is him speaking by the prophets or him speaking by his son it is still an expression to communicate with someone else he's sharing his godliness with us he's sharing his god thoughts with us to speak is to share your thoughts oh what a privilege that god would talk to me so number one i want you to know he's sovereign number two i want you to know that he speaks respect to buddha but buddha doesn't speak respect to confucius but confucius doesn't speak respect to all the gods you got to carry around in boxes and light candles in front of and pray to and you talking to it but it never talks to you that's fine i don't resent it that's your experience you embrace it if you want to but i have a god who carries me around i have a god who lifts me up i have a god who speaks to me god speaks shout god speaks speak to my heart holy spirit speak speak speak speak to my mind speak to my unrest speak to my anxiety speak to my fear speak to my pain speak to my problem speak to my crisis talk talk talk talk talk i need you to talk i need you to talk i'm tired of my own thoughts my thoughts are messing me up my talking is what got me in trouble i need a word from you if i don't hear from you what will i do i need to hear from you god i don't care who you speak through just speak to me speak to my heart speak to my heart speak speak speak speaks me somebody shall speak in the hospital shall speak on your bed of afflictions might speak when your money is funny shall speak when your mind is troubled shall speak when your body's in pain shall speak if god speaks the word only your servant will be healed your daughter will be healed your body will be healed your mind will be healed i need about 30 seconds of crazy praise because god's about to speak something in this place [Applause] he speaks he speaks he speaks and the sound of his voice is so sweet that the birds hush their singing and the voice i hear falling on my ear the son of god discloses and he walks with me and talks with me and tells me i am his own and the joy we share as we tear in there none others have ever known sometimes i'm talking to him and it looks like i'm talking to myself but i'm talking to him cause he's walking in the backyard with me he's walking with me he's in the car with me he oh anybody know what i'm talking about have you ever had god speak to you [Applause] three things i want you to understand how he speaks he speaks to us he speaks to us we have a living savior he speaks to us number two he speaks in us he speaks to us you can be around people and nobody can hear what he said i've been around people and god said leave her alone i've been doing business because i said don't trust him don't trust him the warning warning warning warning warning warning warning oh you missed so much when you missed the worship service you need to hook up to your wi-fi cause you're missing messages that you ought to be getting god is trying to tell you who to watch out for who to trust who not to trust who to lead or who to back away from he speaks to us and he speaks in us [Music] i'm ready for you this morning i'm ready for you this morning i don't know what you came here for this morning but i know exactly what i came to do i came to declare war i came to throw down i came to fight the good fight of faith i came to feed the flock of god i'm going to feed the sheep and starve the wolves to death i starve them i start them i don't give them no attention i don't give them anything they want you need to feed the sheep and starve the wolf to death so god speaks to us god speaks in us and finally god speaks through us imagine that that god would speak to us that god would speak to us in the world unto itself and i won't get lost into it but i'm amazed that god would speak to us that we have a speaking god that from the first time we are introduced to him in the book of genesis that he is already talking he's a speaking god in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made he's a speaking god you ought to ask him speak to my heart holy spirit speak to me he's a speaking god he speaks to us he speaks in us have you ever heard him speak in you and you were all frustrated and frustrated and all upset and he just spoke word and says peace be still desperate have you ever had him speaking have you ever had him speak a calmness that didn't even make any sense for the kind of hell you were going through and the amount of devils that were attacking you and yet god spoke something in you that was supernatural my peace give i unto thee not the peace of the world but my peace i speak peace to [Applause] he you to us he speaks in us speak in me some of you talk to too many people [Applause] i'm learning more and more to discipline myself and stop running off at the mouth to people and bringing my business to people who act like they want to pray but they really just want to know what's going on just set your mouth up set your mouth let me give you some wisdom shut your mouth up when you're going through hell shut your mouth up when you're going through hell shut your mouth for all the people you're talking to they can't even figure out their mess how they gonna figure out your best shut your mouth up they just want to know your business and praying i'm sorry they're not praying for you as soon as you get to pouring out they gonna call somebody i wish i had a witness in here is there a witness in here is there a witness alive is that witness anywhere somebody know what i'm talking about god speaks to us he speaks in us [Applause] and he speaks through us i was preaching someplace and it was a particularly anointed message and a powerful service and the frustration of god speaking through us is that it is impossible to explain to people what that feels like until it happens to you it's your mouth but it's his word it's your body but he's taking over your body and he's using your body and he's speaking through you and it is the strangest feeling of life going through your body and out of your mouth that i can't even find the words to articulate what it's like for god to speak through you have you ever been going through something and you got a wisdom that wasn't your wisdom is called the word of wisdom it's god speaking through you and it settled all the confusion and it put everything into perspective god speaks to her not just the preachers god speaks through you as a mother god speaks to you as a father god speaks to you as a man god speaks through you [Music] god speaks to us god speaks in us god speaks to us and the bible says god who at sundry times not every day watch out for the people that god always said something every time you said they got a word for you wait no no no no no no you ain't got no word for me you you don't have no word for me because god is not shattering running off at the mouth talking to you about me god is not a gospel god i always give you a word for me hang up hang up hang up in the name of jesus hang up hang up hang up hang up in the name of your god [Applause] who at sundry times every now and then god spoke to abram not too often just a few times over the span of his entire life god actually spoke to him if god only spoke to abram a few times i'm scared of these folks that god is talking to every 30 minutes [Applause] god who at sundry times and in diverse matters suddenly time speaking speaks to the frequency with which he speaks his word is too powerful to be frequent lord i can't get off of this front part this is just the front part i haven't gotten to the point you you see when your words have no power you can get out there and say whatever you want but the more powerful you become the more careful you have to become the more quotable you have to become the more ramifications come from your word so the more powerful you are the less quick to speak you are because powerless people can discuss you out and say whatever they want to say but powerful people have to watch what they say god who's making sunday times sundry times various times throughout my life he's spoken to me yeah he's spoken to me given me a word in critical moments he's spoken to me like a gps system he's spoken to me i i don't like gps because because it when you're going someplace the first time it don't talk enough i want gps to reassure me keep driving you're on the right road you know you know to turn the air conditioning up you know you know to give you to talk to me talk to me talk to me talk to me talk to me because i'm nervous because i'm insecure but mostly generally gps doesn't speak to me until it's time to make a turn and i don't know who i'm talking to but whoever i'm talking to when it's time to turn god will speak to you until it's until he speaks to you just keep on doing what you were doing before that's what i learned about the gps that if she ain't saying nothing i must be on the right road when it's time to make a turn she'll speak to me to make a turn speak straight speak speak holy ghost speak speak speak who speak at sundry time every now and then god speaks and in diverse manners in many different manners sometimes it's through a child sometimes it's through a song sometimes it's a worship song and when they miss the worship sometimes they miss the message because god didn't always speak through the preacher sometimes god speaks through the worship god can speak a word through the worship that causes cancer to shrink up in your body but you're so busy missing the worship to get to the word not understanding that the the worship is the word in song [Applause] and that might be the word that god chooses to use to heal you but you're stuck down to a system of how god ought to do it god speaks third point god's son he says i have spoken to you in times past by the prophets but now has spoken unto us by his son that's the update jesus is god's jesus is god's update he came to fix what was broken he came to straighten out what went working right jesus is god's update sent down from heaven to earth to update the thinking and the theology of people who already knew him as jehovah god who already knew him as elohim who already knew him as el shaddai they knew him as god but when he came with an update they rejected the update if you reject the update you miss the blessing you have to receive the update whosoever will receive the update if you're listening at me right now receive the update it's not the drugs that are holding you is that you refuse to receive the update it's not the liquor that's holding you it's that you refuse to receive the update if you get the update it'll drive out the liquor if you get the update it'll drive out the books if you get the update [Applause] come on talk to me somebody i feel glory in this place i feel glory in this place i'm gonna give you seven things that jesus came to do jesus came to update our understanding of god he came to update our understanding of god number two he came to destroy the works of the enemy i mean destroy them not wrestle with them not pull on them not bruise their head he came to destroy to destroy to annihilate the works of the enemy he came to destroy the works of the enemy number three he comes to reveal the new covenant number four he comes to fulfill the law number five he comes to offer the kingdom number six he comes to unleash the healing of our sin sick souls number seven he comes to show us the way to the father all of this he comes in the update somebody signed in the update so in the update there's a deeper understanding of god number two in the update it's the works it's the destruction of the works of the enemy some of you got a bug in your system god wants to chase it out and drive it out and drive it out and drive it out and drive he wants to destroy the works of the enemy the update comes to reveal the new covenant the new testament was in his blood testament and covenant are interchangeable he comes to fulfill the law the update comes to offer the kingdom the kingdom of heaven is at hand repent the kingdom of heaven is at hand who is at hand jesus he comes to offer us a kingdom he the update comes to unleash the healing of our sin-sick soul the update comes to show us the way to the father jesus came to show us the way to the i am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father say about me that's why before we were called christians and before we were called believers the church was called the way do you still believe your faith is the way do you still believe that your god is the way [Applause] the way the way he is the way i'm in the way they would say i'm in the way i'm in the way the way he he is the way he is the way to peace he is the way to joy he is the way the contentment he is the way out of debt he is the weight of discipline he is the way to heal him he is the way to therapy he is the way to renewal he is the way to hope he is the waiter like he is the way he is the way he is the way he is away the bible describes the he which he is and was and is to come in revelation one through four he which is and was and is to come he which is and was and is to come he which is and was and is to come he which is this present right now was that's historical and is to come he is the eternal son of god he didn't just become the son of god he wasn't suddenly made the son of god the bible said he was slain from the foundations of the world says he made the world and the world was made by him the book of hebrews begins to teach us that when it talks about jesus that jesus wants to sound take me back to hebrews one and two i think it is one and two one and two one and two yes that's right there right there have in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he had appointed heir of all things that's the future here's the path by whom also he made the worlds if he made the worlds why are you praying to the worlds [Applause] he which is and was and is to come can i go a little deeper that means he transcends kind he is not bound to is or was or is to come he is both ears and was and is to come because he is and was and is to come speak to time god transcends time because he lives in eternity and because he lives in eternity he can see that which is and was and is to come in one glance you have to wait till tomorrow to see tomorrow but he's in tomorrow and today and yesterday that's why i go to him for my healing because he's the only one who can heal what broke yesterday change how i react today and fix what i'm gonna do tomorrow he which he is and well y'all y'all didn't get how good that was y'all didn't get how good that was i can find him today he can fix what broke yesterday and change how i respond tomorrow he which he is and was and is to come he which he is it was and is to go that's why you praise him that's why you give him the glory that's why you lift him up not persecute not because the dad's good not because you got a cute shot you praise it because if you're praising him now he can fix what happened back then and change how things turn out tomorrow i dare you to praise he which is and was and is to come he which is and was and is to come he was is and was and is to come i am the same yesterday today and forevermore galatians 4 4 4 4 4 galatians chapter 4 verses 4 through 6 it identifies to us but when the fullness of time had come god sent forth his son he already existed or he could have been sent forth god sent forth his son born of a woman born under the law to redeem those who were under the law so that we might receive the adoption as sons and because you are sons oh god and because you are son say i am a son of god i don't care nothing about you being a woman say i am a son of god it's not about a gender it's about a position say i am the son of god because you are the sons god has sent the spirit of his son into our hearts crying abba father lift your hands and shout out our father [Applause] something is about to happen in this place something is about to happen in this place something is about to happen in this place something is about to happen in this place when you start talking about god hell gets nervous when you start talking about god your faith leads out of jail when you start talking about god your mind gets renewed that's what you came to talk about you came to talk about god you didn't come to be analyzed you didn't come for psychotherapy you didn't come for a massage you didn't come from motivation you came to learn about god your god my god the god who can do anything with anybody at any time at any place at any time he's god he's god he's got all power in his hand heaven is his throne and earth is his footstool he's god shall yes somebody he is the heir of all things he is the heir of appointed everything falls up under his auspices everything's under his skirts everything's under his power your mind your health your finances your body your family your situation your circumstance your future your destiny it's all up under his hands he is the heir of all things he controls everything he controls everybody he controls every situation and you got him inside of you and you sitting there looking at me when you got him down inside of you the liberating god the water walking god the cancer rebuking god the soul stirring god somebody help me praise him or i'll praise him by myself i'm talking about god christ in you the hope of glory i need a 30-second holy ghost praise to break out in this house right now god god god god god yes he is he is he is he is he is he is he is he was and he's to come he is he was he is to come he is he was and his dick he is he was and is to go he is he was an issue he is he was and is to go i'm talking about your god your god your god your god your god is already working on your tomorrow while you're praising him today you're praising him today he's fixing stuff tomorrow if you praise him today he'll fix tomorrow he can go to tomorrow while you're still in today if you praise him right now he'll break chains off of your life chains off of your finance chains off of your mind chains off of your path i did you still looking at me if you praise him today he will fix tomorrow i can't hear you i need a crazy [Applause] you just move something next week you just move something next week if you praise him right now you'll move something for next week you'll you'll drive some devils out of the way if you learn how to praise him right now you'll drive some witches out of the way you'll drive the plans and the tactics of the enemy and the devices of satan will be driven out you got the power in your tongue open your mouth and praise he which is it was an instagram he was he is it was and is to come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah everybody got him out of feeling right now everybody who got him out of feeling right now everybody who got him out of feeling right now because when you start talking about him he sits down in the praise he inhabits the praises of his people and if there's any kind of little bitty bitter god down inside of you he ought to be leaping right now he ought to be jumping right now he ought to be moving right now he ought to be scared right now your gifts are to be stirred your tongues ought to be talking your hands ought to be clapping your feet ought to be moving your soul ought to be rejoicing i'm talking about he which he is it was and it's the cup he was his and was it is to come he which is it was and is to come i'm talking about your god i'm talking about the mighty god the wonderful counselor the deliverer the water walker i'm talking about the alpha and omega the beginning of the year i can't hear you i said you'd open your mouth [Applause] [Music] somebody shout update [Applause] the devil thought he had me but i just gotta the sickness party had me but i just gotta i thought i was getting weak but i just gotta you need to let hell know you thought you had me locked to the floor but god just downloaded an update i'm still arise and still [Applause] somebody better grab my coattail because i feel like wrestling with the witch today i feel like rebuking the devil today i feel like pleading of love today and still i rise some trust in the horses and some trust in chariots but i will remember the name of the lord i need somebody with power that will begin to praise our god yeah yeah yeah yeah bob elbows or somebody say you just changed something that last praise the last phrase you gave it just unlocked something it just opened up a door it just moved the mountain it just moved a sycamine tree it just changed the outcome of a storm that last praise rebuke the witch the last praise rebuke the disease that last praise open up a job that lasts praise open up a financial blessing the last praise if you don't praise them you're stupid if you don't praise them you're foolish if you don't pray them if you don't cast this check you lost your mind if you don't open up your mouth you lost an opportunity out of your embellished flow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah look at somebody say i gotta go fix next week i gotta go fix next month i gotta straighten out the year end i'm a praising right now till my year ends differently i'm gonna praise him right now till the yolk breaks in my life i'm gonna praise him right now until i turn a little 20 22 i'm afraid him right now till the transfer comes i'm gonna praise it right now until the hell gives up i will praise her i will praise him i will praise him i will i will i will i'm in the balcony but i will i'm in the storm but i will i will i will ah this is [Applause] somebody said he is he is he is the lily of the valley he is the brightest morning star he is my kinsmen redeemer shout he is my bridge over troubled water shout he is the express image of his person he is the heir of all things he is [Applause] he is the express image [Music] of god's person that when god gets ready to show you what he looks like [Music] he does a selfie and calls it jesus he is [Applause] y'all don't hear me talking to you he is the express image of his person his person expresses itself in jesus he is the express image of his person he is what adam lost created in his image and in his likeness now the last man adam comes back he is the express image of his person yes the brightness of his glory he is the brightness he is the brightness he is the brightness he's not just glory he is the brightness of his glory he he is the brightness of his glory there's a beam hitting me in the face right now that's coming off the light that beam that is able to hit me in the face is the brightness of the light's glory he is what shot out of moses face [Applause] he is the brightness of his glory he is what caused your kind of glory to illuminate in the wilderness he is the brightness of his glory he is the thing that was shooting out of the pores of moses skin so strong that moses had to veil his face in order to come before the people the bible said lest they see the end of the law which is jesus if moses would have kept looking at him they would have seen jesus because he is the express image of his person and the brightness this the brightness the brightness of his cool somebody hollow update end times past god spoke unto us by the prophets but had in this last day spoken unto us by his son who is the heir of all things he is the brightness of his glory he has seen express image of his person and when he had watched this by himself [Applause] he didn't call an angel he didn't call a committee he didn't call a cherubim when he had by himself what did you use i used myself [Applause] what did you say that i sent my style you're gonna get it in a minute what died on the cross of my yeah what did you raise from the dead i raise myself for no man takes my life i lay it down and if i lay it down i'll pick it back up again i'm stronger than death i can whip death by myself i can whip your sins by myself when he had by himself paged us [Applause] he cleaned us out he flushed us out by himself [Applause] [Music] you don't have to burn dust in your house he can do it by himself y'all don't hear what i'm saying to you y'all don't hear what i'm saying to you he can bring peace by himself he purged our sins by himself wait a minute wait a minute not just the sins of our past because we weren't even born yet but he by himself purged the sins of our past our present and our future he fixed everything he died well enough for everything that has happened and is happening and going to happen he fixed all of it by himself how did he do it how did he do it how did he do it how did he do it how's he gonna fix you how is he gonna fix your children how's he gonna fix your finances how is he gonna fix your pass he's gonna do it by himself i will not share my glory with anybody else nobody's gonna get the credit for getting you out of this i'm gonna do it by myself [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so the god who is sovereign it's a god who speaks it's the same god who in my conclusion when he had purged our sins by himself he sat he's sovereign he speaks he [Applause] sat he sat when the judge sits the court is in session [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he sat down as a sign it was finished i'll never have to do that again i'll never have to go to the cross again i won't have to get up every time you make a mistake and i have to go die again i died once and for all i perfected forever them that are sanctified he did it by himself somebody say by himself that's the only one you need to talk to say it again by himself that's the only one who can fix you somebody say by himself you ain't got no faith saying like you mean something by himself that's how you gonna get out of this he's gonna do it by himself why shouldn't you praise him why should you bless it when you got the kind of god that can fix the past the present and the future by himself you got to give an eternal praise you got to give a praise that goes backwards and forwards and present all at the same time i'm going to give you three minutes to praise him according to his excellent greatness [Music] [Music] yeah yeah yes yes yes yes you got a minute and a half after all he did for you that's all you got that's all you got he's sovereign he speaks his son he sits he sits when he had finished he sat down he sat down he sat down i don't know who this is for but i deliver a prophetic word god is about to sit on a situation he's about to sit on a circumstance he's about to sit on it when he sits on it the devil can't do anything he just sat down he put his weight on it he laid back on it he's seated on the right hand of the majesty which is on the high say sit on the jesus he sat down cancer he sat down leukemia he sat down depression he sat down fear he sat down sit sit sit sit sit sit sit the righteous judge he sat down caught his incision he sat down he sat on it the reason you're here today your sins should kill you but he sat on it [Music] he sat on it if people had any idea what you've been through nobody would love you nobody would respect you nobody would hire you nobody will use you but when the devil was trying to kill you he spat on it hallelujah somebody give god a shout of praise [Applause] if you praise him he'll update you if you praise him he'll update you if you praise him he'll update you if you praise him he'll update you if you give him a praise he'll update you open your mouth and praise him [Applause] open your mouth and praise it open your mouth and praise it you know you need enough pain you need an update you need an update you need an update [Music] somebody's on the verge of an update you're about to download and increase you're about to go to another level and this word is going to catapult you to the next level get this update catch it right now catch it right now receive it right now receive it in your life receive it in your career receive it in your finances receive it yes lord sit on it sit on it sit on it ride it out sit on it don't give up ride it out sit on it jesus sit [Applause] the holy ghost [Applause] there is a glory in this place when he had by himself i love this language when he had by himself as consistent throughout the book of hebrews it flaunts what he did by himself he purged our sins by himself he went in once and for all by himself every other priest that went into the holies of holies had to go in with somebody else's blood but jesus went in by himself he was the offerer and the offering he was the gift and the giver and the receiver he was the recipient of the package and the package he went in by himself you need a hero i give you jesus you need a mentor i give you jesus you need a model i give you jesus he did it by himself he perished our sins and sat down on the right hand of the majesty of god two quick things there's somebody right now there's something in your future you're trying to work and you can't work it by yourself i don't know whether it's a blessing or a promotion or something that's that's standing right in front of you and you need god to go in the future and work that thing out there is a word of god that is going right now into that situation that circumstance in your future unlocking things this is a blessing this is a release this is a promotion this is an upgrade this is an upgrade that you've been after and the devil's been fighting over it for a long time but i just got an update from heaven glory to god in this moment in this anointing in this presence by the power of the holy spirit god is working that thing out in the name of jesus there's a transfer going there's a transfer of finances there's a transfer of wisdom there's a transfer of increase there's a transfer of opportunities there's a transfer of influence you're getting ready to come into an influence that you couldn't do before but he did it by himself he's going to give you favor by himself he's going to unlock the deal by himself he's going to make a way by himself whoever you are sow into this word whoever you are planted to this word whoever you are believe on this word whoever you are receive this word you're right on the impetus of a of a shift yeshua but what god has to what god has to give you you you you need an update to receive it it's on another level it's on another dimension it's it's you're not going to be able to draw from your past this is unlike anything you've ever seen in your past god's going to do a new thing in you it's going to be a fresh thing in you and you're going to need an update in order to be able to do it you can't walk with him like you used to walk with him and face the devil you're facing right now you need an update you need a fresh anointing a fresh relationship a fresh deposit a fresh release you need a fresh update whoever i'm talking to you need to sow into this moment because god is going to have to recreate within you a new thing a new influence a new crying out a new reach a new planting god spoke something today it spoke in your spirit it shook your belly it shook your soul it shook your spirit you can't do this by yourself you can't do it with old-time religion you can't do it with yesterday's relationship you're gonna have to have a fresh release of holy ghost a fresh deposit a fresh spirit of increase i can't stop preaching jesus have mercy whoa you know this is a spiritual battle it's a spiritual fight it's a spiritual conflict you're trying to fight it in your flesh but it's a spiritual battle and you need an update you will have to have a closer relationship you can't just have a sunday morning relationship you're going to have to have a soul out on my knees calling on god speaking in tongues anointing on your life sowing to this one the power of the holy ghost just spoke something into your spirit in the wrong shot it ain't for everybody but it's for somebody it's for somebody whoever you are you sense it you know it you understand it you're on the impetus of it this this is the update that you need to get you ready for the increase that god promised you it's an update for increase it's an update for increases an update for increase it's an update for increases and update for increase you didn't have the bandwidth before you didn't have the strength before you didn't have the courage before you didn't have the wisdom before you didn't have the maturity before but this is an update for an increase god's going to do it god's going to do it god's going to do it god's going to do it god's going to do it who's going to do it god's going to do it this three verses that i shared with you i'm going to sow into it i'm going to sew and try i want to sow 300 into this moment right now there's an update coming right now there's an update coming that i can't pay for it i just want to acknowledge in my giving that i understand that in some ways he's talking to me in some ways he's talking to you and someone how many people feel like god is talking to you about something today i don't know what this is i don't know what this is but you're gonna have to have an update you have to have an update to get to it [Music] you're gonna have to have an update to get to it you're gonna have to have it update to get to it you're gonna have to have an update to get to it you're gonna have to have an update to get to it you can't get it with that old bandwidth you got you got to have it update a fresh anointing and a fresh [Music] had by release i'm gonna do it by myself i'll let your friends betray you i let people walk off and leave you because i'm gonna do it by myself god said i'm gonna do it by myself there's not gonna be no question in your mind who brought you out this time you're gonna know that he did it by himself how did he do it how did he do it how did he do it how did he do it how did he bring you how did he bless you how did he feed you by himself by himself you've been by himself he did it by himself he did it by himself he didn't die himself he did it by himself he moved maybe by himself he promoted me by himself he opened up the door by himself oh my god oh my god when he had done it when he had done it he sat down everybody stand i'm gonna sit everybody stand you were sitting while i was standing get on up god bless you man i wish i had some old sanctified folks that knew what to do with this kind of anointing i wish i had a few folks did [Music] you settle me [Music] sit on it sit on it sit on it sit on it sit sit sit sit on the face sit on that bench sit on that bench sit on that face sit on it he sat down and he sat down and he sat sit on it [Music] [Music] [Music] give him a prize [Applause] [Applause] listen with me those are the first three verses of the first chapter of the book of hebrews i sold a 300 seed you can do whatever you want to do you can do nothing at all but i know he was talking to me and i know i know i know he gave he spoke through me to somebody else when you remind yourself who god is you strengthen yourself it'll do something for you that nothing else will do talking about you and your stuff and your accomplishments won't do this but talking about god [Applause] will make a way out of the way are you saying i don't see no way jesus says away yes he is [Applause] he shut down sat down it is finished set up it is finished he died well enough that whatever you're into god can pull you out of whatever had you stained he kept scrubbing till he purged our sins he scrubbed our sins he sanctified our sins by himself me if you're in here backslider if you're in here center [Music] we don't need to call the committee of gods we don't need a border guards he'll save you by himself come on deacons get this offering out the way he's saying he's going to save you by himself he's going to perfect you by himself he's going to give you a new life by himself he's going to fix your future by himself he's going to heal your past by himself he's going to straighten you out by himself [Music] oh my god can you imagine how hell felt when jesus sat down [Music] how demons felt when jesus sat down how witches felt when jesus sat down how habits felt when jesus fell down how suicide felt when jesus sat down he sat down said i've already done enough to get you through whatever you're going through right now if you're in this room and you don't know him if you're in this room and you drifted away if you're watching online and you drifted away if you're watching online and you don't know jesus if you're watching online and you've been fooling with another god fully with some other power studying some other ancient philosophy it's time for you to come to yourself the devil you're fighting is a real devil it's the devil right out the battle it's a spiritual conflict this ain't no time for you to try to be contemporary and profound and prolific and scientific this is a time for you to get your grandmama's god and start calling on the name of jesus [Music] he's breaking down something right now i'm going to tell you right now if you're in this room when i count to three if you're a backslider and you're a center without reservation i want you to raise your hand as a sign i'm ready to give my life to god when i count to three if you're online there's information on the screen who to call what to do this is a moment of transition the update you either get it now and you're not going to get it [Music] this is the moment this is the moment that you get rid of your excuses stop playing games stop playing games jesus sat down saying i ain't gonna do nothing else if this ain't enough to save you you're gonna be lost [Applause] i'm not gonna meet your demands [Music] god if you do this i'll get saved god said i'm not meeting no demands i don't negotiate with terrorists if you're gonna come to me you're gonna have to come right now cause i i've already sat down on this this side [Applause] and i count to three i don't care what they think i don't care what they say they didn't die for you they didn't purge your sins they're not coming back for you jesus is one you run out of time you run out of excuses you run out of playing games the odds are gets you you know in your soul that things are not working right like a bad phone you keep trying to get it to do what it used to do and it doesn't do what it used to do and it doesn't feel like it used to feel and it doesn't act like it you try two and you know it's time it's time it's time to make a change and you're wondering how you gonna do it if you're wondering do i have enough power and do i have enough strength and god said it's not my might nor by power but by my spirit saith the lord free get those hands up get them up get them up get them up i want to be saved get them up get them up get them up get them up get them up get them up get them up get them up get them out get them up get them up get them up and every raised hand hit this altar right now every raised hand every raised hand every raised hand every raised hand minister start to minister the anointing is here you're online watching this is your opportunity updated updated [Music] that's what redeemed means redeemed restored revived refreshed updated here they come here they come here they come we're praying for you right now we're gonna pray for you right now we're gonna pray for you right now lift your hands open your heart now it's the day of salvation today is the moment that god comes into your heart and sets you free come on come on come on come on come on they're still coming they're coming they're coming from every direction they're coming all ages they're coming from every walk of life come on [Music] i need an update [Music] i need an update i need an update ain't nothing in my life going right i need an update [Music] i'm ready to pray you're online you join in this prayer from your phone from your ipad from your computer from your television set you join in this prayer you're in this building holy ghost said get down here you better get down here now because i'm getting ready to pray [Music] you got to update while the update's available he said the day you hear my voice heart not your heart the day you hear my voice [Music] i'm giving you permission to escape you can get out today you can escape today you can escape today you can escape today jesus left the door open you can get out today whatever hell you bro whatever hell you better whatever hell you brown you can get out today you can get out today i'm gonna run away i'm gonna escape today i'm gonna receive this update into my heart not just into my head into my heart into my spirit into my being into my business into my right now i'm going to receive it right now stay right there where y'all are [Music] stay right where you are stay right where you are that glory that anointing is flowing somebody's selling his own altar somebody's daughter's on altar [Music] somebody's husband's on the altar [Music] somebody's burden is on the altar somebody's problem is on the altar somebody's shame is on the ultimate somebody's disgraces on altar somebody's fear is on the altar somebody's confusing is on the altar it's on the old time it's on the outcome it's how they are it's all on the altar [Applause] lift your hands father god right now in the name of jesus i lift your sons and daughters up to you those that knew you and drifted away and those that have never committed their life to you today we lift our hands to receive you in our heart you are the update we've been missing the change we've been seeking the nights we've been up the turmoil we've been in it's because we didn't have you not like we should have had you right now in the name of jesus we believe that you died for their sins you shed your blood to make them new and right now in the name of jesus we willingly receive you into our heart you have to be willing come on we willingly receive you into our hearts into our life into our circumstances i receive the update i did it my way and i made a mess i did my thing and i made a mess i went after what should have made me happy and it made me worse and now i come to you with my hands up in total surrender update in my heart the kind of spirit you want me to have to be the man you created me to be and the woman you created me to be right now in the name of jesus i accept you as my lord come on say it with me i accept you as my lord i accept you as my savior invite him into your heart right now and let him come in let him come in and let him come in and let him come in i want the saints to start worshipping god as people all over the world are accepting christ as their savior right now in the name of jesus oh god oh god you that are gathered around this altar i want you to believe it i want you to receive it you don't have to begging for it you don't have to pay for it you don't have to plead for it you don't have to crawl for it all you have to do is receive it receive him into your life and into your heart and into your spirit and i want you to have the kind of crazy faith to believe that he heard what we pray you believe it then praise him like it's already done praise him like it's already done oh y'all don't hear what i'm saying praise him like it's already done praise it like it's already done praise them like your sins have been washed away praise it like your sins have been washed away [Applause] [Music] everybody's standing we're gonna i'm gonna dismiss it from right here there's nothing left to be said there's nothing left to be done i want you to go home updated [Applause] anybody feel like you've been updated make some noise holla at your boy let me hear you highlight your boy let me hear you hollering tomorrow let me hear you all online i want to hear from you if you've been updated if you've been updated i want to hear from you if you've been updated i don't care what time zone you're here i don't care what you got on i want you to make some sign make some sign shine [Applause] now unto him that is able to keep us from falling and present us faultless before the coming of the lord jesus christ to the only wise god our father be glory dominion and power world without end lord we thank you [Music] lord we thank you we thank you [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 595,637
Rating: 4.8137436 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, sundayservice, tdjakes, td jakes 2021, td jakes sermons 2021, updated, upgrade, is god always speaking to us, what is the word of wisdom
Id: b_wuQNMNob0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 48sec (6408 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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