Bishop Noel Jones - I'm Coming Out With A Praise

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[Music] [Music] psalms 142 in the 142nd song and again we remember and i think it's worth indicating again that the psalms are actually made up of five hebrew hymn books and the first division of psalms is from chapter 1 to chapter 41. that's the first book from 42 to 72 is the second book from 73 to 89 is the third 90 to 106 is the fourth and 107 to 150 is the fifth it's critical just to know i mean it's a good thing to know because many times people declare i'm preaching or reading from the 142nd division of the psalms it does not have 142 divisions it simply has five divisions because it's from five hebrew hymn books i love the psalms and maybe the way i'm feeling today is a psalm day because the psalms is a place to me of comfort it's a place where you understand the subjective presentation of the writer and you can see through his eyes and feel what he feels because he's expressing what he feels and he says in this particular psalm i cried unto the lord with my voice and he repeats with my voice unto the lord did i make my supplication i poured out my complaint before him i showed before him my trouble when my spirit was overwhelmed within me then thou knewest my path and the way wherein i walked have thy privately laid a snare for me looked on my right hand and beheld but there was no man that would know me refuge failed me no man cared for my soul i cried unto thee oh lord i said thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living attend unto my cry for i am brought very low deliver me from my persecutors for they are stronger than i bring my soul out of prison that i may praise thy name the righteous shall come pass me about for thou shalt deal bountifully with me i want you to look at somebody with all the strength you can muster and tell them i got to come out with a praise touch somebody else say i'm coming out with a pray i've got to come out with a break i search it and i notice that life brings with it a consistent if anything is consistent in life it is that all of us have to struggle and it's really true that life is a bundle of fights i remember last week as i was closing i think i mentioned or i said do you have any usable space do you have any space in your mind that is usable that is now cluttered with negative thoughts with hurtful feelings that just add and abets the struggle that you already have do you have any usable space do you have somebody in your mind who really doesn't like you and you're spending a lot of time thinking about folk who can't stand you that's some space that you need to clear amen that's why he said fret not thyself because of evildoers because the struggle is too intense for me to spend energy on things that i should dispense with and do it right now i oh i got to clear some space danger then and attacks from enemies we have to deal with whether they're known or unknown and sometimes in your spirit you can feel [Music] spirits and evil lurking around and many times we find ourselves not only in battles that are outside but sometimes we find ourselves struggling with personal battles in our own mind struggling i remember telling someone that i struggle to be better i just struggle to be a better person i wish that better just came easily i wish that i could just walk and bask in the sunshine of being pleasant but some days i struggle just to smile oh yes particularly when you're almost to the edge and then something comes up that wants to push you over uh i remember this week we you know working for services sunday uh including the radio program up on monday at five o'clock to catch a plane to get to durham and every day there's one plane after another from the big ones to the small ones and on friday left early about 3 am your time to get to louisville so get little rest get something to eat and go to church and of course waiting for delta and uh the delta just canceled the plane and then put me on a third plane so now i'm in atlanta from 905 am leaving atlanta at 4 15 p.m to get to a place an hour away to preach at seven now i said to myself as i tried to gather myself before i went off on somebody who was not in fault uh you know somebody just working there and here i come with my sardonico sarcastic self and and then uh i have to control uh uh brian because he's getting ready to go crazy and uh you know talking about the airline and all of that talking loud and there are things in life that just when you are at your end then something else comes to push you over the edge and it is that time where you have to have a consciousness and you have to now begin to draw on the things that have been deposited because it's just as easy to smile through it if you can struggle to get to a smile as it is for you to go off because you're in a situation you can't change anyway so why let the situation bring the ugly out of you when there is some goodness still inside we struggle to get over things that are blatantly placed in our face and we struggle to find inside of ourselves the beauty that god has placed there if i could just use the hands of my mind to search through the things in my spirit and say lord help me to bring out the beauty in my spirit no matter how rough the circumstances are isn't it especially wonderful to see beauty in the midst of the ugly and when you could have been ugly you've got to struggle past the ugly and find the beauty to express outside of your spirit uh i struggle i don't know about you but we struggle to overcome our weaknesses and it's true that we happen to be very dualistic in our presentation there is so much ambiguity that jumps off in us that we are strong on the one side but weak on the other side and we struggle to overcome our weakness i'm very conscious of the places that i'm weak and i have to admit that there are times when you want to push that consciousness away and act as if you don't have that problem but the only way to overcome the problems that we have is first to face them and to say to ourselves that this is problematic and here is a difficulty in my life you just can't act like you have nothing to work on and act as if you are so pleasant and so wonderful and act like you got it easy the truth of the matter is you have to struggle to overcome weakness and know that something is harmful and yet it seems as if we have a taste for the harmful more than we do for the beneficial it seems like we are drawn into the place of the negative we're drawn into the place of the sensual and we have a proclivity to want to reach for the things of the flesh more than we want to reach for the things of the spirit uh sometimes we struggle to keep god in our minds and many times we wish he would go away i don't know about you but when the struggle gets intense i don't want the bible to show up because sometimes i wish the scriptures would go away you know when i know you and you know me and i know how it works you know did you really understand that god really means that and you know when we don't want to do a thing and we want to get by something and you know it's two things one is well everybody's doing it you know uh everybody's doing it i don't know why i should be any different uh even the preachers are dealing at you know i don't know why i should be any different that's one thing we do we put it on everybody but you're not everybody you're somebody that god has his hand on the next thing we do we we call around with it you know we call around and we want to find out do you see it like they said it uh do you have another interpretation maybe this word didn't quite mean what it meant and you call around until you get somebody to agree with you and and then when you get in trouble you could don't call them anymore you call the one who didn't agree with you to pray for you because the one who agreed with you can't pray for you because they're in the same mess that you're in right now [Applause] oh god we fight to overcome even the things that are destructive and we know the things that are destructive in our lives sometimes we fight to keep people in our lives who are destructive to the things that god has planted in us oh yes sometimes we struggle to keep them when we should be getting rid of them and let god take them out of our lives you know sometimes god has moved to get some people out of our lives and we went back and got them amen you know oh god i feel it here i'm the chiefess of sinner when it comes to that and that is people leave but they're never gone i wish i could explain that better sometimes people leave but they're never gone somehow they just leave something that you have to reach for they leave something that they have to come back and get you know they leave something that they have to reach back for because uh very few times people make clean breaks i wish i could talk to you about that uh sometimes you got to make a clean break and feel the pain yes of of a clean break than to deal with the nagging pain of consistent discomfort can i say that again sometimes you've got to just just and take the pain for the clean break and don't read no more of the letters don't look at any more of the email don't check any more of the gifts you got to bundle up the gifts and burn them get rid of the letters and burn them get rid of everything that reminds you of them and burn it just get it out of your mind clean break i don't want to see your shoes i don't want to see nothing that reminds me of you i want a clean break amen i'm gonna go forward and come backward and go forward and come backward when i leave i'm gone this one thing i do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching oh i feel it in here give somebody a high five say it's time to make a clean break uh just a clean break yeah i feel it just just just i'm gone and i'm leaving and i'm gone i'm leaving break my plate uh we struggle sometimes when we even know that the difficulty is right in front of us and i have now been praying for folk and when i pray i get a discernment every now and then that pops up into my mind and what it is is people are saying to you lord pray that i make the right decision about a thing and god keeps telling me when i pray for people who say that that many times it's not about the right decision they already know what the decision is what they need is prayer for courage to do it because often times you can know what it is that you need to do and just not have the courage to do it oh god i feel it here you know that person is not for you you've known it a long time and yet still you keep holding on hoping that they will become something that they're not i feel it here and you've got your life on ice suspended because you're trying to convince yourself that you see something in there that ain't in there fella said to me one time jones i don't know what you see but we have searched it with a microscope and we can't find what you're looking for it's time to make a break oh i feel the holy ghost here lord give me courage to change the things that i can change give me courage to overcome what i can we struggle i know i do to focus on my purpose and to do what god called me to do because the enemy always puts something in your path he's got something to keep you from becoming what god has called you to be and we have a proclivity and a tendency not to run like the turtle especially when you're gifted and know you can we have a tendency to want to pull something out of the hat so we don't walk by principle and we don't walk steadfastly and steady what we do is we run real fast then we stop to play and then we run real fast then we stop to play we run real fast get ahead of the rest then we look around for mess and then but here comes a little turtle he just steady moving towards the finish line every now and then you've got to bring your focus back and focus and get some clear space in your mind i feel it in here every now and then you've got to just clear your mind and go through your head and see what you ought to be thinking about and what not and here's how he puts it whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things represent a good report whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things for as a man thinketh in his heart so is he give somebody high fives think on the good things oh yes because you struggle sometimes to deal with other people because everybody does not fit within the compatibility of your mind some people just to deal with them is a compromise every time you deal it's a struggle oh i feel the holy spirit now sometimes it's just a war in your spirit sometimes you got to recite yourself out just to pick up a phone and call them uh i don't know if you've experienced that but sometimes you're just um no i can't handle it today [Music] sometimes they call her idea nah can't answer this one today sometimes after you get finished talking to him you got to go somewhere and see if the lord can restore your spirit every time you go now what's the problem now what's the trouble now do you have anything good to say about anything amen i always open your mouth with a complaint sometimes you just you struggle sometimes to not to deal with that kind of stuff and many times it's necessary to deal with certain things and uh you struggle when you know you should ah and sometimes it's like a tsunami effect i don't know about your schedule and what you do but i know sometimes when i look at 500 to 600 emails i just delete i just said let me start all over again just just you know boom all of them gone now let's see if it's something important somebody will call you a friend of mine does not have an answering machine on his phone he says let them catch me when they catch me because i am not going to be working for somebody else sitting up here answering 20 messages i've learned another thing i've answered 60 messages on three different phones and only three of them were worth calling back the rest was mess i feel it in here how did you get my number anyway uh you know that's that's the kind of stuff i've learned another thing don't answer the email or answer the message and then hit the message again don't if you're gonna answer messages be prepared to write what's good don't answer the message and then store it because you got to go back to get it again so that means you're working twice for one message i wonder do you know what i'm saying don't store it if you got to deal with it write it down delete it so it's not in the message so you don't have to come here the message again why because i need some space some usable space that i might praise the name of my god i need some usable space that i might focus on my next level because this is my season oh i struggle to forget some stuff that i ought to forget some things that have plagued me since my youth i have kept them in my spirit and i'm spring cleaning right about now because i need to get over some of the things of my youth so that i can live for the rest of these years with some joy i need to get over how some people have treated me in the past so that when i run into them in the future there is no pain at all when they want to remind me of something that went on i want to be able to say i don't remember that that don't bother me no more uh you're still hopping yeah but i ain't stopping because i'm feel full of the holy ghost then i want to remember every good thing that somebody has done i want to have an anniversary over all the good things i want to learn how to celebrate god in other people yes i want to praise him for who he'll put around me the writer said bring my soul the righteous shall come past me about i need some better friends i need some better people i need some good people around me i need people who hold you up and not tear you down [Music] can i preach like a feeling give somebody a high five and say i need people who love me when i'm at my best i need people around me who like to see me at my best i'm sick and tired of people around me who want to see me at my worst because they feel better about themselves when i'm at my worst that's because you've got d people around you when you're in a personality i need some a folk with me and so the writer here spurgeon calls it the mascule and it's written for our instruction this song teaches us how to order our prayers and our thoughts in times of distress uh spurgeon says and i quote he who has learned how to pray has been taught the most useful of the arts and scientists unquote there are situations and circumstances where all of your psyche your physical your spiritual and your emotional combine in prayer when faith brings need to god there are times when you can't pray on the surface there are times when everything in you is calling out to god they tell me that the plane on takeoff is more stressed than any other time it flies indeed and in fact it begins to rest when it gets into the jet stream and it simply floats as a boat floats on water it floats on air it's coming off the ground with the load that it carries that strains every molecule of that plane there are times when you have to get off the ground in your spirit for the writer says i'm in a low place and in order to get off the ground everything in me is calling out to god i need you to move in my mind because my mind now is messing up my body and my spirit is messing up my mind this thing is not just in my mind it is now in my spirit and soul o soul why art thou disquieted in me there are times when you have to break away from everybody and get away from everything it's not that i'm trying to be rude but every now and then i've got to recover myself so that i can be good to you if you don't let me get away to recover myself i can't be good to you because i'm falling apart myself and if i can't be good to myself how in the world am i going to be good to you give me a break please let me get in the presence of god and let him lift my spirit because i'm down here in the gutter of pain and anguish that's why this man was in the cave and he made the cave a prayer closet ah touch a neighbor said do you have a prayer closet he made the grave a prayer closet and he had to cry out to god say that you think you got me with my back against the wall but i'm going to transform this prison into a prayer closet i'm going to make a sanctuary out of this hell i'm going to make a place of worship out of this place of destruction i'm going to do a joseph turn around you meant it for evil but god's got me in this place for good i'm coming in this place broken but when i come out of this place i'm going to have more power than you ever thought i would have oh god i thank you i praise you i glorify you that's why he says he grazed his voice with my voice notice it's twice with my voice with my voice because in the cave the voice reverberates and when he speaks it hits the wall and comes back to him every now and then you need to hear what you're asking god to do and you need to have it come back to you it's like help help help help bring me out out out see me through through through through through you've got to call him till it reverberates and turn up the reverb i'm all right right right right right i'm blessed blessed blessed blessed blessed bless bless i need him to send it back to me help help help that's what you're going to get get get get get i'm going to bring you up up up up up up up higher higher higher higher i feel the holy ghost in here he said my voice with my voice and i poured out myself give some money high fives they said you got to lay out because you've been knocked down i feel it in here devil you're a liar you knock me down but i turned around and laid out because i'm down anyway so you knocked me down on my back but i rolled over on my stomach is there anybody in here that knows how to lay out before the lord you knock it down on your back but you lay down on your stomach and you begin to supplicate ah i feel the power of god you begin to complain but it's a meditation for contemplation it's like troublesome babblings but it's meditation and contemplation you begin to talk it out i feel like preaching in here every now and then god doesn't do anything but listen he doesn't do anything but hear what you got to tell him it's not that he doesn't already know it's just you need to say it you need to open your mouth and declare your complaint i don't like what's going on in my church i don't like what's going on in my house i don't like the behavior of folk around me and lord i want you to hear it i don't like how my life is going and i don't like what i'm going through and lord i want you to hear it and i need to hear it myself i don't like the trouble i'm in and i don't like the enemies that i have but lord i need your strength what it talks about here is trouble distress it's talking about intense inner turmoil and you can't keep it bottled in get somebody high five say you can't keep acting like nothing is happening because you can't get it straight until you confess it because confession is good for the soul it's a relief to let it out i can't keep acting like i'm happy when i'm sad i can't keep praising over stuff that i need to get rid of you want me to walk with you like we're happy yet you're sticking me in my spirit i need to say wait let's get this straight before we move another step wait let's fix this because if i keep on accumulating the negative one day i'm going to explode and i'm going to blow up at the wrong time so let's take it little bit by little bit and fix it little by little don't you think you gonna hug me and kiss me when i got all of this mess in my spirit i need you to address this verse you want me to be a loving wife then you got to address some stuff that's worrying my mind you want me to be a good husband then you've got to address some stuff that's going on in my mind and don't expect me to be lovey-dovey when i'm all messed up in my head and if we can't talk it out i'm going to blow up and i don't want the ugly to come out so let's clean it up we can't be good friends when i wonder if i can trust you i need to know are you loyal i need to know will you be there when the storms of life are raging if you're here just for my money say it if you're here just because you need something say it but if you're here for the long haul then i want to know if i'm broke you'll still be here if i'm down you'll still be here if i'm a nobody you be my somebody but you'll still be here cause i can't go forward with any more down in my mind you gotta speak it out so you can cleanse it out because only when you're clean you can really praise god right i can't praise him over lies can't praise him over adultery i feel like preaching him here can't praise him over mess because they honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me so i'm hollering like a woman in travail i'm hollering like a woman bringing forth a child hell bring me out see me through make a way i want to be better i want to serve you better then i want to live better yeah i'm hollering get some money high five say neighbor i got to holla [Music] excuse me but this one is for me this one is what i need for myself i don't know when the earthquake's coming but i want to be ready i don't know when the next trial is coming but i want to be ready i don't know when the plane will crash but i i want to be ready i want to be so ready that i can say like the psalmist i will bless the lord at all times y'all excuse me but i feel something happening he said i wouldn't do this if my spirit was not overwhelmed i wouldn't do this if my spirit was not covered like a garment i got to get out of this darkness because i feel like i'm fainting and the devil's about to get the power over me i gotta come up out of this pit cause i feel like i'm sinking in the muck and the mire that's why one writer said he brought me out of the mirror clay he put my feet on a rock to stay he put a song in my heart today the song of his praises hallelujah it's a mighty high five said name i feel a shift i feel a shift in my soul i'm moving from complaint to praise because alone you see my situation you see my spirit you knew when no man would know me you know what i'm going through when nobody cared you know while i'm walking hurt all the way yet folk looked at me and didn't care a thing i'm so glad when mama put me down you pick me up i'm so glad when folk don't like me i feel like preaching it here i had to go private can i preach like i feel it you know you can get so messed up that you got to go private with it you can't go public because nobody want to hear it everybody want to deal with your problem and not with you your problem is what they extol i feel the holy ghost here if i'm weak i won't tell you if i'm hurting i won't tell you if i'm down i won't tell you cause some people are glad to know that you're hurting some people are glad to know you got pain sometimes you gotta go deep cover undercover with god so that when you come out you'll come out with power because some folks think when they don't see you that they got you the devil is alive you think you got me but i coming back with power you put me in the prison but it became a prayer closet and i met the lord in the middle of my triumph [Music] i feel the holy ghost in here i feel like lifting him up give somebody high five and said the cave is not the shelter the cries from a disturbed heart but what it did was it summoned the power of god because god is a spirit this amount of high five so there is no space that he can't get in there is no place that he can't get in and once his presence gets into your prison it becomes a palace because i'm here with the presence of the living god and his presence is all i need i feel like lifting him up somebody took some money say right about now all i need is the presence of the most high god who can say what he will do when i'm in his presence who can say what won't he give me when i'm in his presence who can say how much healing he'll move when i'm in his presence who can say what the will of god is for my life when i'm in his presence hold your peace let me hear the voice of the lord let me hear deliverance shall be mine let me hear we've been may endure for a night but joy is coming in the morning let me hear no weapon form the kids we shall prosper i hear you lord i'm coming out i'm coming out with a praise i'm coming out with victory i'm coming out with a new view i'm coming out with a lifted spirit i'm coming out to let the world know i've been down but i've been with god and i shall rise rise again feel it in here get some money say it's praise time it's praise time come out with a praise because everybody's waiting for you to reappear and they think you're coming out crazy the devil is alive when i come out i'm gonna lift him up when i come out i'm gonna give him glory when i come out i'm gonna let the world know it was only a test for a testimony because in order to have a testimony i had to have the test i shall have victory [Music] give some money high five for the last time and said neighbor at the end of my complaint is a praise and the end is a hallelujah at the end is glory glory [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody give somebody high five and tell them i'm out [Music] hey there is the pit there is the prison but i promise you that joseph spent more time in the palace than he did in the pit or in the prison [Applause] job's experience was for eight months of his life [Music] and he spent more time in opulence and wealth than he spent in abject poverty and it was in the abject poverty that he was able to say i've heard and said things that i didn't understand but now i see you as you are it is in that moment of destitution that he received his greatest revelation [Music] so lord let me out of here that i might praise your name and i just come to announce i'm out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the individual here [Applause] that's battling and struggling just to find a place of solid ground and yes to respond to the message in in a very sheltered and surreal environment is one thing but have to deal with the the aloneness of your thoughts when you walk out of this corporate environment and struggle on a day-to-day basis with real issues and have to process real pain you know it's it's something when you have to process real pain and it seems as if watching the tv or listening some music doesn't always take it sometimes we get moments of distraction from our pain but ultimately it all comes back until we deal with it and i'm learning now some about myself took me 60 years to find it out well i wasn't trying to find it out when i was one two three four five six seven eight nine ten maybe i became conscious of what i need to be at 17 18. but it's been at least 40 years i found out that some things i'll never get out of my mind some things are not going to go away because there's so much a part of me but i found out that what's not going to leave i've got to learn to manage it i've got to learn and i say to you who have heard this word that there are battles you're going to always have [Music] but god will help you to manage it he'll help you to manage it he'll help you to maintain the proper decorum the ph balance and if you just come and say lord i need you in my life i need you if you will just accept him as savior and receive what he did on calvary he will help you to manage what you can't remove i feel it here somebody come to jesus he's calling you now come on [Music] you
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 83,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lva6gl36Jl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 11sec (3071 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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