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[Music] [Applause] thank you from the vials of Heaven to saturate your soul in the Book of Ruth tonight in the Book of Ruth and I'll be back I'm going to sign books for a minute in the Book of Ruth chapter 2. and I don't regard myself as an Old Testament preacher at the Hebrew is very descriptive the New Testament in Greek is very definitive the New Testament you have to define words Old Testament you have to have an ability to describe you have to be a great Storyteller I don't know that I categorize very well as a Storyteller but nonetheless I was touched by this particular passage in Ruth and of course the book of ruths is a love story that's what it is it's a love story and only two women had the distinction of having books in their name and one is Esther and the other is the moabites rules just the whole concept of being a moabite is to be actually to be born out of incest which puts her in a category that is not very nice from a Biblical point of view yet God decided because by Life by Design that he wanted Ruth in the genealogy of Jesus Christ if you check the genealogy of Jesus Christ you will not find Leah you will not find Rachel you will not find Sarah nor Rebecca and the question now becomes why do we have the women we have in the genealogy of Jesus Christ first of all you have got Ruth who was born out of incest she is in the genealogy and then you've got Tamar who played the Harlot she was in the genealogy then you had Rahab who was a Harlem she was in the genealogy and then Matthew wouldn't even call bathsheba's name her who was the wife of uriah's now come on Matthew if I know her name [Music] and the question now becomes why bring on the ladies because ladies weren't often weren't ever put in genealogies from a Hebrew point of view but he put them in the genealogy to show that I didn't only come to save sinners but in my lineage there are sinners I want to read with you just a few verses in Chapter 2 and if your customers to stand then let us stand for the reading of the scriptures if not you can sit I'm fine I'm fine whatever you just if we're going to stand let's all stand if we're going to sit let's all sit okay and Ruth chapter 2 and I would like to begin at the verse 9. let thine eyes be on the field that they do reap and go Thou after them have I not charged the young men that they shall not touch thee and when thou art of thirst go unto the vessels and drink of that which the young men have drawn then she fell on her face and bowed herself to the ground and said unto him why have I found Grace in thine eyes that thou shouldest take knowledge of me seeing I am a stranger and Bo has answered and said unto her it hath fully been shown me all that thou has done unto thy mother-in-law since the death of thine husband and how thou Hast left thy father and thy mother and the land of thy Nativity and I come unto a people which thou knowest not here to for the Lord recompense thy Work and a full reward be given thee of the Lord God of Israel under whose wings Thou Art comes to trust that come to trust then she said let me find favor in thy sight my Lord for that thou has confidence me and for that thou has spoken friendly unto the thine handmaiden though I be not like unto one of thine handmaidens I want you to look at somebody like you're angry with them and tell them I've got favor touch somebody else and tell them it's life by Design I've got the connection amen I got connection life by Design you may be seated in the presence of the Lord it's an astounding truth that the chronological pleasing of Ruth is uh how much time do I have I better look the chronological placing of Ruth is in the time of the judges that's where Ruth belongs the Book of Ruth belongs towards the end of the judges and literally the beginnings of Samuel which places The Book of Ruth in a time of transition between the anarchist behavior of Israel and the coming of Samuel a very critical time a very critical situation because in judges every man did that which was right in his own eyes was Anarchy and it was problematic nationally because if you're dealing in a theocracy it becomes significant to always God as the center of your religious your social and your family structure because you're dealing in a theocracy theocracy simply means God's rules it's not a democracy it's not a monarchy it's that God rules and as long as I give God his due then nationally socially and in my family everything will work out fine as long as I give God his due why because I'm in a theocracy in a monarchy you got to deal with the King in a democracy you've got to deal with the elements of the government that the people put in power but in a theocracy you don't have to politicize you don't have to bow down to a King you just have to bow down to God if they bow down to God they would not have the problems they had because no Nation could have caused them any difficulties as long as they were doing what God would have them to do I mean God even tells Israel when you deal with Nebuchadnezzar you deal with tick ass policer you deal with xiaominizer and all of the power Brokers of the of antiquity none of them could have done anything to Israel if Israel had just followed the god that's all you follow me I'll take care of your business you follow me that's it it doesn't matter who's coming from the East doesn't matter how powerful Pharaoh is if you just do my bidding no weapon fall shall prosper and the period of the judges it's interesting that they immediately after the death of Joshua and I don't want to take all night but good leadership is integral for one's walk with God and when Joshua was around just for like Grandma big mama you know when Big Mama was around the whole family did whatever she wanted and as soon as she died brothers and sisters start fighting each other everybody started going crazy because uh big mama was the adhesive kept the family Kevin it was Joshua when he died and there was no great leader and when you understand this you realize a country or a home without leadership is in serious trouble a church without leadership a job a nation whatever leaders are a gift from God and so they plunge now into everybody doing their own thing consequently they had seven apostasies they had six servitudes and they ended up in Civil War and every now and then God would send them a judge like oath Nile like Samson like jephthah like Deborah and would bring them out and then Israel would go back into doing what they wanted to do and so consequently it was National judgment and God now is getting ready to transitionalize between the Anarchy and the rule of Samuel this means that God is going to move now from Anarchy to Samuel from Samuel to Saul to David and David becomes key because David now is going to have the Everlasting throne and it is out of David that the prophetic word has been given that a law Giver shall not quit between thy knees until Shiloh come it is through David of the tribe of Judah that God is going to now bring his son Jesus I feel it here I feel it in order for this to happen there's got to be some strategy God's got to strategize he's got to move some things out and he's got to move some things in he's got to move some people out and he's got to move some people in [Music] and and when he begins to work like this he begins to move in what we call Grace and it's going to be real tricky through here right about now because Grace is not fair [Music] amen it's not fair and the Bible has shown us that all the way if I deserve it then he's paying me if I deserve it it becomes wages but now if it's Grace and when you understand this don't want to be too theological with this but when you deal with Grace you deal with promise yes and you deal with faith when you deal with law you deal with work and you deal with wages there's a difference you see faith comes from promise and promise comes from grace in other words I want to do something for you that you can't work for I want to go Beyond Your Capacity to produce it yourself so I'm going to give you a promise that is a part of the design that I want to work out and so I'm going to do some things to some people in order to bring you into what I want you to have you know I'm talking to somebody here already you're already pure and so now in the middle of this National Calamity in the middle of this great difficult time God is punishing Israel for their behavior and in the middle of the punishment for Israel he is now moving a family into strategy for his design he's punishing which means on the one hand there is a contradistinctive action in the same situation and that is all of Israel is being punished but inside the group that's being punished is a group that God is moving into Destiny oh just because all of us are crying it does not mean we're all crying with the same results because all of us are suffering it does not mean we're suffering with the same results some people are suffering because of their sin other people are suffering because they're being moved to another level and so now he is saying to us he is taking now a group of people who should never have had any serious problems because when you look at the name elimelech what that means is God is my king and when you look at the name Naomi what you have is job is sweetness or the Lord is sweet so we've got two people in a home who recognize the power of God in and and Marcus circumstance everybody around them does not have the same love for God that they have now that's going to introduce a difficulty because I have a love for God but somehow my life doesn't seem to be working for me I have a love for God and I live in a place called Bethlehem Judah which is six miles from Jerusalem and this place is actually an offshoot from the central mountain range which puts it high up and beautiful it's Scenic it's wonderful the Striking appearance on a narrow Ridge not only is it striking but this place has Terraces that Circle downward from the mountain into the most fertile Valley that's in all of Israel you've got as you come down the Terrace what you've got is you've got olive trees you've got fig trees you've got great Vines and you've got the most fertile soil in all of Israel now why should I be living in Bethlehem Judah which is also called The Bread Box of Israel Bethlehem really means bread house which means that I'm in a place where if everybody else ought to be suffering I should be doing just fine whenever you have a nation that will not serve God everybody within the parameters of that Nation have to suffer for what the nation will not do I want to take a little time just go political here that's why God says we ought to pray for our government why that we might live A Peaceable life within the parameters of the country that we are a part of don't only pray for the folk in your family you need to pray for the folk that's making decisions about your life oh I feel like dancing you gotta pray if you got a husband who makes decisions that affect your life and he's hard-headed you got to learn how to go over his head you gotta you gotta learn how to talk to God about how stubborn he is uh if you got a wife who handles your money and she wants to do whatever she wants to do with it and not follow the rules and the protocol you've got to learn when you can't fuss with her you got to learn how to pray on her you got you got to pray for whoever is making decisions in your life you got you gotta pray for pastors and leaders ah well I trust God I don't trust the man I trust God to keep the man yeah yes oh you got to pray amen because they're in charge because now they're being swept now into this famine and uh Anarchy and now here comes famine and the frustration now of having to sojourn on the root for sojourn is to become a stranger in a far land I don't want to leave home I I love where I am and I love God and I serve God and now I'm caught now between what I believe and what I am experiencing and this becomes a problem because there are times when God did not open up the design he did not give us a revelation of what he is doing all I see is I'm praying and believing and nothing seems to be happening like I believed it to happen I went to every service I followed every rule I gave in every offering I paid my tithes Faithfully I've done what God requires of me and there's a great gap between what I'm believing and what I am experiencing this becomes quite a question because how can I praise him and continually worship him when I just don't know what's going on I'm in a fertile country the place has been fertile uh since perpetuity and all of a sudden now I have believed that something's going to change real quick that's going to keep me from having to leave my own country and the last place I want to be is among folks who are born in incest if I got to go anywhere Lord please let me go somewhere yeah like where I'm coming from and don't reduce me all the way down to a stranger in a land that I don't want to be a part of anyway has God ever just moved you I mean I mean just just shook up your roots sometimes sometimes you're trying to hold on to stuff God wants you to let go you're just everything didn't come in your life to be permanent huh I think I'm gonna let that alone every every body didn't come to be permanent some folks God moved to be stepping stones to something else and you got to learn how to let go what God is taking away from you uh I want you to move and I couldn't talk you into moving because you love where you are too much you're too comfortable where you are so what I'll do is let what's happening nationally I'm gonna let it happen to you now you have to battle make them hot sound man you have to battle with the Revelation and the manifestation of God's power and that is when God gets ready to do something according to his will he does not allow sentiment to drive purpose he will move in purpose and challenge your faith he will press you to the point where you either will trust him when you don't understand him oh let it go I feel somebody's there I'm talking to somebody that's right there I'm right between trusting him and crying I'm right between trusting him and losing my mind I'm right between going crazy and giving him praise and right about now I don't know which one to do cause I don't know how it's going to come out I feel it here I feel it and somehow a limitless has to go everything he thought would come through for him everything he thought would work out but now he's seeing the wolf of hunger coming into his family and as badly as he does not want to go he's got to move so he takes his family with him and now he rolls into the moabite country but he still goes in there with some hope he goes in and certainly Naomi goes in there with hope after all I got a husband who is resourceful and industrious and he ain't the kind of man that's just gonna sit here and let us all go to hell in a basket he I mean at least he's doing something you know he's going to the more about country now I at least I got a man at least I'm leaving with possibilities I've got my sons you know you leave sometimes you don't want to go but you got possibilities and and I can't work but I got a man and and uh he's gonna see about it I just trust God for this man now she gets over to Moab where they don't really want to be and now he dies oh I wish I could preach this thing man now he dies my My Hope For My Future my husband because uh women didn't work in those communities unless they were of course uh were harlots and uh and now she's got two sons so I still have some hope and the husband's dead and now the two sons marry the moabite girls Oprah and Ruth and then they die oh Lord have mercy now now I'm beginning to think the way uh that that uh that Judah would have thought after his two sons went to Tamer you see I would begin to think if one son died on the first night that's ER and because it's a levite marriage I'd send the other son in uh which is Onan and he comes out dead the next morning then and no sense are you looking for Sheila I mean come on uh you know I followed God I gave you her and he dies because he's wicked and now I give you my second son and he dies now which mama and father in here mama and papa would want to give Tamer the third son now talk to me please let's let's be real can I can we just uh let's talk we round the table now now now Adam gay I gave him my first son and he just come up dead and now I give him my second son and he comes up dead now now something got to be wrong with Tamer and tamer's waiting for the third son now look how complicated that got it got so complicated God was killing off the boys that were supposed to give the seed that was supposed to bring Jesus look how messy that got the boys who were supposed to bring the seed God is killing now Judah ends up bringing the seed when he shouldn't have been playing with Tamer because his wife died don't tell me God don't work in Mass God can take a mess I wish I could talk to somebody here uh don't write yourself off because you're in a mess you can look the devil in the face and say I'm in a mess but God is getting ready to turn the mess oh I feel the Holy Ghost don't don't worry about your mess uh I want you to know this now here is Naomi in a mess and now the guilt and the remorse is I know it would come to me is we should have never left home now I've lost my husband and my two boys are dead and the only thing I've got now is two daughters-in-law who are in the same shape that I am in and that is can none of us work can none of us do anything to make any real means for us to live and yet my name means job is sweet now let me talk a little bit about Naomi Naomi now is in bad shape because of the two Sexes the woman is the weaker y'all don't get mad now just stay with me uh that's what the Bible says of the two Sexes the woman is the weaker of women old women are the most feeble of old women widows are the most woeful of widows that are poor their plight is the most pitiful of poor widows who want children their case is the most doleful of widows that want after having had children and lost them their case is the most desolate of widows that have had children those that are strangers in a foreign country their situation is the most comfortless yet all of these conditions meet in one woman named Naomi I feel like preaching now now Naomi is to women what job is to men and that is you can't get no more pain than Naomi she was hurting so bad oh God I feel it here that when she got home they said isn't that Naomi and they couldn't even recognize her with all that she has been through and she said don't even call me Naomi but call me Mara because the Lord has dealt with me bitterly I want to talk to you here when God gets ready to give you the connection he will break them down all the way down until they come to where you are God poor Naomi's life up just to connect her to Ruth oh I'm talking to somebody in here God's getting ready to connect you to somebody who's gonna connect you to somebody else give your neighbor high five and say I'm getting ready to be connected I'm getting ready to be connected God is moving in the heavenlies and touching somebody who's gonna touch somebody who's gonna touch somebody who's gonna touch somebody who's gonna text oh it's connection time I feel like lifting him up oh it's clear now you're you're sit down a little bit living it's here in this situation here where now we see the reality of what God deals with oh yes Ruth was beautiful and Boaz was at least 30 years older than she was well then we ain't gonna deal with that right now yeah and she was beautiful but God wasn't blessing her because of pulchritude he was blessing her because of loyalty but because of the quality that she was on the inside don't let anybody call you a fool when God opens your heart up to somebody else because God will make you love your connection I feel it in here well you ought to leave your mother-in-law you ought to go on home she can't do anything for you the devil is a liar it ain't your mother-in-law that's doing it for you it's God using your mother-in-law to work out Life by Design I feel something pushing me here do I have a few more minutes I won't keep you all night it is here I see the power of God because now he is moving on a woman who realizes that there is something special about Naomi I cannot stay Oprah said uh uh orpa rather you know Oprah's real is a big stick uh it's orphan not Oprah it's o-r-p-a-h and what Harper says now is real simple I'm gonna go back Naomi pushed her till she went back but Ruth says this she says and treat me not to leave you oh I feel something pushing me here don't try to get me to leave you don't try to get me to walk away from you because I'm here to stay it's something about your spirit that won't let me leave and treat me not to leave you nor to stop following you for whether thou goest I will go it's something about Revelation when you know somebody's blessed by God they ain't got nothing but they got an anointing they ain't got nothing but they gotta praise they ain't got nothing you ought to quit looking on the outside and look on the inside and Discover it ain't what I got on the outside but it's what God has given me on the inside I ain't leaving I'm gonna be right here your people will be my people your God will be my God and wherever they bury you they gonna bury me cause there's something about you that I just can't walk away from God is getting ready to give you a connection to the person you think is the least of all and yet still that person is gonna introduce you to your next blessing I feel the Holy Ghost I feel like is getting ready to happen this year I've been trying to do it by myself but God is saying to me I'm gonna put you in some relationships that's gonna turn your life around I'm gonna put you in some relationships can I feel it like I feel it and so here she is just a stranger among the rest of them just a little nobody give somebody high five say they think I'm a nobody because I'm industrial because I'm faithful because I know how to love I hope that you wouldn't love but it's God that's moving my life it's God that's planning my feelings it's God that's directing my thoughts and I'm latching on to this woman but I'd realize it ain't just but it's the god that's leading her you got to start following folk that's walking with God they ain't got no money but they gotta praise and they know somebody that's not what you need I feel it in here yo y'all excuse me tonight but I feel somebody's about to have a breakthrough that's about to move to the next level I feel it in here when God Gets Ready they're gonna notice you but your neighbor said get ready to turn their eyes your way I didn't see her before who is that that's in the crowd with the folk I know who is that that just showed up here lately who is that that I never heard of before give somebody high five say I'm a secret weapon that's that's getting ready to be revealed getting ready to bring up I feel the Holy Ghost just stay humble just keep on picking up the little bit that's left keep on picking up the little cleaning on the corner because I heard God say leave that for her don't you take everything I've got something coming up in the back coming up in the back because I'm in the back don't mean I'm left out because I'm in the back don't mean somebody ain't watching over me because I'm in the pack it does not mean that I'm the least can I preach like I feel it come on up here give me some help give me some help can I get a little help come on Brothers run up here I needed three other brothers come on give me come on sis come on give me some help cause I'm in the back I feel like preaching now can I get in the back turn around and face that way turn around and face that way so they cleaning in the field and I I but I'm now in the front house [Applause] [Music] but God's getting ready to turn it around touch your neighbor turn around one time say God getting ready [Applause] [Music] don't worry Ruth it ain't the league in the house but Ruth got the whole house it ain't what's in the field but the bed is mine the house is mine the estate is mine everything in here is my [Music] [Music] [Music] said I couldn't make it I said I wouldn't make it but God gave me favor thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] look where you're coming from Lewis take [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you somebody Hi-Fi I said David getting ready to come but before David comes we got to have our bed which means worship [Music] as I close as I close [Music] [Applause] as I close what the Lord is saying is I did what I did to make the connection but now Naomi becomes the baby's governess and everything that Ruth enjoyed as the wife of Boaz Naomi enjoyed all of it job had a bad experience Naomi had a bad experience but at the end of the day they didn't die in famine they didn't die in poverty Jesus says to his disciples and your fruit shall remain and what God is saying is where I'm taking you now you ain't going back to suffering not another foreign [Music] because God's is making the connection I want you everybody here get a connection get a connection five is the number of Grace I want you to get a connection with somebody and get a 25 gift tonight and say to your neighbor I'm given 25. those who can I want us to connect on a 50 gift and step up to this altar I want you to put this instrument I want you to take a step in fact it might be better to serve you where you are with them all right but pass it to the right I want you to get the connection for somebody beside you if you can get ten well I can't do 25 but I can get 10. connect with somebody beside you twenty dollars connect with somebody beside you the connection God brought them together and they both move together in favor I want you to do it as many can get this tonight I want to cement this this early part of this year I want you to be rolling in the favor of God and if you believe and trust God this is your move tonight this is your move this is your move into Moab this gift tonight represents your move sit down right where you are talk to your neighbor right now all over this building I'm going to pray I'm going to pray for that person who has been struggling and cannot understand what it is that they have been facing it is God moving you to a place of connection oh we'd have never met if he didn't go through what you went through I would have never known you if you didn't suffer which you suffered God is bringing you up out of it now I would have never never had that opportunity of God didn't stop this thing from happening if God didn't close that door over there I was devastated when he closed the door but now I can look back at it and give him praise and glory and tell him thanks for closing that door because if that door didn't close I wouldn't be here right now [Music] I feel it here make that connection I want to take a little time because this is the rest of your life I want to take that little time make that connection make that connection connect with somebody that wants to do something somebody that wants to worship God somebody that's once to express the liberalism and the sight of God Favored man I didn't know it was Life by Design and when I saw Life by Design I knew I had the word for the night I said that's God connecting me to the word and the theme have you got your have you got your connection take a hold of that hand that's with you raise that hand to heaven raise that hand to heaven raise that hand to heaven get your connection and raise those hands if you're doing nothing raise those hands father in the name of Jesus we lift our hands to you right now and I lift my brother's hand I lift my sister's hand we lift each other's hands now and you said where two or three are gathered in your name you were in the midst we're making this connection tonight ah yes Lord you know exactly what's needed in my brother's spirit and my sister's mind and I speak right now favorable favor the favor of God be upon you the favor of God move in your business the favor of God moving your home the favor of God moving your school the favor of God moving your body the favor of God is upon your children and your children's children's children favor right now oh Hallelujah in Jesus name thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 18,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t9wY7HrHw30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 26sec (2966 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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