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prophetess juanita bynum let's bring in with a good god bless you good praise hallelujah [Applause] why don't you put those same hands together for the lord oh i know you can do better than that he's worthy isn't he come on put those hands together like you believe that god is worthy to be praised [Applause] while you're standing i do honor the lord tonight for his goodness and his mercy toward me and i'd like to give honor tonight to one of my spiritual fathers and i have few and far between and i say that because i don't call the person the spiritual father unless i find integrity in them and this man of god has proven himself to be a father in the spirit to me and i like for you one more time to put your hands together for pastor hinton and his wife there's so many people here tonight that i'm catching glimpses of but you've got to put your hands together for a woman who inspired me when i was a little girl i looked at this woman preached and i decided that day that i wanted to preach put your hands together for mother cox mother cox is a powerful woman of god [Applause] amen [Music] [Applause] i thank god for the mothers of zion [Applause] to bishop week's senior put your hands together for him tonight came in to my own father to pastor daryl and and pamela hines powerful friends of mine and deandre patterson just pastor brent that's my friend right there that's my you know you always i don't care how god how high god take it you always have some ghetto friends and that's my that's my ghetto friend right there [Applause] to all of the pulpit guests and to kimberly ray and pastor ray in her absence and all of the pastors and the preachers and the elders and i've forgotten you if i've forgotten you please don't charge it to my heart charge it to my head you may be seated in the presence of the almighty god i like to place honor tonight on all of the people that is in the overflow room all the people that's in the hallway i'm asking i'm asking tonight that you do not become sidetracked because you are in the overflow room because the lord has certainly given me a word and prior to me coming here i have been down for some time [Music] i had a very very serious problem with my uh right side of my vocal cord and so i was not ministering for several months and i had a speaking engagement that um last year this time i was in the hospital with pneumonia and the pastor had invited me to come in florida and he had did all the advertisement and i was sick and so i rescheduled and said that this year i would come for his conference and when this year came i was having a problem with my voice in in the course of this time the lord had been just taking me through some transitions and so i first thought i wasn't going to be able to make it and then the spirit of the lord said go and i went and that was [Applause] last thursday and last thursday i believe that the lord anointed me to preach the greatest message that i will ever preach in my life and when i left that place he said to me i'm going to anoint you one more time because i'm not finished with part two of that word and that for every person that is in this place the spirit of the father by way through jesus christ handing it to us by his holy spirit has delivered unto us a life-changing word if you're in this place tonight as a prophet of god you were predestined to be right where you are tonight you you let me just say this to you you could not have been one of the people that was locked out or turned away your seat is significant tonight for the rest of your life started dealing with me about you dad first i just start talking to me and i was trying to pull it all in [Music] and understand it so get your bibles and let's go to the book of ecclesiastes if you won't mind doing that for me please [Music] and i'm going to have such a time to read from the amplified bible [Music] and if you can just walk with me for a moment we i know that it's a familiar scripture but i'm asking you not to allow your spirit to pray analyze where you think god is trying to go with this because i know how people preach it and i know how it has been given by the holy spirit but i really need you to hear with your spiritual ears tonight and um i'm going to give you permission to be seated because i'm going to do a lineup online in the beginning okay is that okay tanya read the first verse for me please to everything there is a season and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven read the second verse a time to be born and a time to die a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted okay there when the lord gave me this he took my mind back to a message in november that i had heard or a conversation too that i had had with a very very very dear friend of mine brother and what was being discussed is the fact that there's so many changes that is happening in the body of christ when i said the body of christ i'm really talking about the realm of the spirit i want you to understand what i'm saying and for years and years and years we have been trained a certain way to the degree that we've been taught how to spiritualize everything to the point that we're almost afraid to deal with reality and so when so when we get hurt we just we just dance and say you know what i'm gonna shout on this anyone i'm going to get the victory anyhow and really in all actuality after you get through shouting you're still hurt when you get through saying that you know i'ma be the bigger person because you know the pain is still there and so we hide in that realm of spirituality because of one of the four phases that we go through in life and and and let me just say this to you the first phase that we go through in life and um you you have to call the ministry to get part one of this the first phase that we go through in life uh bernice is is uh the the the the the whole concept of parental pressure you know when you're with three four five years old you're under pressure because you know you your mama wants you to stay clean and she don't want you to be dirty and you got to do your abc's right in and you got to bring home a's and b's and do your spelling and all of that and so as as children there is an expectation from our parents and so we grow up with that and then we we we we we come through the the peer pressure where we just you know we've already pleased mom and dad and you know and most of us in african-american churches if we don't please mom and daddy you know we we don't get no time out we're just getting knocked out of somewhere so you just so then so then we don't even please by way of our own uh voluntary uh pleasure it's it's involuntary we're pleasing because uh there is a grave consequence behind it if we don't do it the way they say do it and so then we go through life you know saying okay i i got through that and then that there comes another phase in our life where we where we find ourselves right here in the body of christ under pressure from our peers you come to church and and and you don't even feel good and and and everybody's jumping and and people looking at you talking about why she ain't jumping a day in and i don't feel like jumping today i don't know about y'all but that come a time when you when you come to the house of god you don't feel like praising god don't put me under pressure to praise god god knows that i love him i see y'all ain't gonna be honest today and so then when you don't praise god you're praising god under pressure because if i don't say hallelujah they don't think i got sin in my life and then if i don't do this then they gonna think it out and did something wrong and if i don't shout loud enough if i don't shout and one thing i'm learning that i don't care what you do you'll never please everybody [Music] [Applause] and so that and so then we walk around feel what the holy ghost tongue talking and still haven't been birthed into the reality that some things are just life it ain't got nothing to do oh y'all come on and so rather than to deal with life we call it the devil you know everything is the devil you know oh that's satan that ain't satan that's just cramps oh i'm not here nobody say nothing that ain't satan that's just my time of the month come on church i just wish i had somebody to help me here it ain't satan all the time and so and so we spiritualize it to the point that that that a lot of times even when people preach and i don't know if we have any preachers in here but we're more under pressure trying to make sure that we don't mess up because of what people gonna say that we don't even really get the job for god properly done because we're under pressure but if she didn't read the right scripture and that ain't right and if i was her i would have said it like that and if i was him i wouldn't have did it like that and so when the lord began to take me through this transitional period in the last couple of months he said to me i'm getting ready to take the pressure off of you you know because all the sins i've been in this ministry thing you know i did no more sheets and everybody was oh is she gonna fall and if she gonna make it and then she and then i made it through that and and then i got me oh yeah it was a beautiful way i wonder if they gonna make it and i want it and you know what i made up in my mind if it don't make it divorce don't kill your processor and you got to like come on somebody see some of y'all some of y'all letting people put you under pressure that don't belong to god so you ain't doing nothing that god called you to do and you're trying to please people and you under pressure the bible said that the burden of the lord is like he said my yoke is easy my burden is life and if you are breaking down under the pressure it ain't from god it's from negroes and it's time for you to learn what is god and what is man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no no that ain't god it ain't yeah you got you got saints in the church talking about i feel like killing myself you got oh jesus you got saints in the church that don't even want to have come to church because you know what i've been going through so much with sister so-and-so and what we call it what we call it is our test well i'm just being tested you got people that are wreaking havoc in churches all over the country and everybody's scared of him and nobody wanna say nothing we just don't pray for her you don't hear me what i'm saying i'm not but the bible tells me in the book of titus that when you got somebody called in hell in your church the bible said put them out [Applause] i'm not here nobody say nothing right there [Music] i'm not gonna get a whole lot of amens right there because we call it being spiritual and you got one person that is stopping the whole ship god have mercy jesus some of y'all in here got calls of god on your life and things that god has called you to do and you got i don't care if it is your prayer partner i don't care if she being your prayer partner for 10 years there come a time that everybody can't go to the next level with you and that comes a time that you got to know the difference when it's time to give it up and let it go [Applause] whoa see i see okay i don't wanna i don't know i don't wanna get ahead of myself here because cause i know folks sitting here looking at me deep but you better tell somebody this ain't for year i'm going crazy no no no this is the year that i'm gonna be blessed not just this year oh okay okay [Applause] [Music] so we're under pressure and you're making you're making oh who am i preaching to i just want to see what i'm preaching because i am preaching everybody you making bad decisions because you're under pressure you you got fault now that's trying to build stuff under the church what the people gonna say because you know my church don't look like brother so-and-so church you got oh you got people that have gone through years of doing what god you know what i'm gonna say something that's gonna upset a lot of y'all one of the people that that i most admire in my life is tom binder because you know what he had the common sense to know that i went through this season and now god is calling me to do something else different and see a lot of us feel like well i'm doing this and i'm going to do this for the rest of my life you're missing an opportunity to go to your next level because you know what you're stuck in somebody else's ideas of what they think you ought to be and how long you want to stay there [Applause] some of y'all pastors that will tell the truth you wanted to stop pastoring a long time ago but oh what the people gonna say forget about the people you gotta get to the point where you said i gotta think about what god is gonna say and if god ain't calling me to do this no more then i am in iniquity pleasing people shouting [Applause] [Music] i'm preaching too hard already i'm preaching too hard already some of y'all still own jobs cause they paying you a hundred thousand dollars you letting folk talk to you any kind of way and treat you i'd rather go work in kmart for three dollars you don't hear what i'm saying you know why because the season for it is uh oh jesus oh yeah [Applause] when when do people come under pressure people come under pressure the very moment that they realized that they expected to please somebody else i'm not hearing nobody say nothing because it's going this this this ain't no anniversary nothing i know i'm just messing up stuff but i'm gonna tell you how prophetic it is see pastor hinton you know been been in ministry 40 years see the number 40 mean i don't been somewhere and i'm coming out 40 says i'm on my way to do something different just like just like just like when you moved out and if you had to listen to them folk what you got up on that screen it wouldn't be getting ready to happen right now oh y'all i'm not hearing y'all you got to get to the point where you don't need nobody's permission to do what god told you to do you got to get to the point i'm not here nobody that's okay that's okay i'm i'm i'm almost through because see people said pray about it pray about it are you you going through something pray about it you is you is you dealing with something pray about it well you know what there was a man in the bible in the book of joshua that stole a mantle jesus stole a civil goblin from the people of god the whole army stopped the whole church stopped moving and joshua got on his face and started praying and god said get up off your face it ain't time to pray it's time to confront the situation time to do something about it you didn't already prayed about it i'm not hearing nobody say nothing right i ain't getting nobody to say nothing right there you're people in the church suffering and working in auxiliaries and oh god and people are doing you like a dog here you got that no i want me to say no not in this season see you got to know when you've already been through your season of suffering and god ain't calling me to suffer not in this one right here so i tell you what you can have the russia board i'll tell you what i resigned from the choir because this is my turn to be blessed oh no i haven't already been [Applause] through okay i'm not gonna get no remains right there you know ain't nothing worse than being in church in a silent war you know people don't care for you they they they ain't saying nothing but you can [Applause] you can feel all that stuff you got arma bearers working around you and deacons that don't even oh jesus i'm gonna shut up cause i'm about to i'm about to mess myself up right now folk you know that ain't with you but you know what there come a time when you stop grinning and you stop pretending and you stop saying sister watermelon i love you too it's time to say it baby you don't like me and you know what i know you don't and you know ain't no citizen you trying to stay here to work with me but i'ma help both of us cause i quit cause you know what the harvest is right but the labors are few and i don't have to be elisha but i can go and do something else for the kingdom you don't hear what i'm saying because if i'm mad i can't serve god no way if i come to church and i get hurt every time i come in here then maybe this ain't where god called me [Applause] with jesus suffer yeah but he got glorified at some point [Applause] y'all sit down sit down cause i'm i'm going on i'm i'm messing up bad [Music] i'm messing up so bad [Applause] she's this ham person [Applause] everybody gonna get this [Applause] some of y'all in dead church has been there for years oh i'm not here nobody talk back to me in here i can't get nobody to help me i i'm something that kids you're saying ain't nobody gonna help me tonight oh y'all come on now come on in dead churches because it's your grandmama church you're dying you are dying in that church cause you was raised up in it don't mean god i'm gonna tell you something sometimes you raise up in some place but then the season is over for what god oh god i feel the holy ghost right there somebody getting free if you ain't scared to get free because see first of all people don't own people and second of all ain't nobody your members first of all we are processing people for the kingdom and when you get through doing your job you don't prosecute people and make them feel bad because they feel led to go to their next level ain't nobody rejecting you i got to go to my next level baby it ain't about you it's about what god trying to get me to and if you really love me the way you say you do then you would bless me and send me home oh y'all come on hey [Applause] okay [Applause] i don't care no more [Applause] i don't think y'all heard what i said i said i don't care no more best thing he could have ever done was hurt my throat cause i don't care no more if you're young but she is she fast she's skinny yeah her hair is this color is thicker i'm kidding [Applause] if i decide the night to die in orange [Applause] i am called according to his purpose not yours you better turn around and look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor that i'm called according to his purpose oh y'all i didn't hear nobody say no i said tell your neighbor i'm called according to his purpose and not yours you ain't supposed to agree with everything i do because you're not the reason why hold on a messiah i'm not operating in your purpose you don't like me i'm not called to you and you preachers gotta stop making people trying to accept your ministry and ask god to draw the people that you're called to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] did you hear the way she sung that song did you hear now i don't heard someone stop saying it better than that well how was the preaching it was all right well how did every hidden priesthood well pastor was good and if you take that same message that you thought was just good and you take this man and sit him in africa they will try to snatch him off of that stage and what god began to say to me that people in america are spoiled you all hear what i'm saying we don't stop concentrating those sizes of churches and outfits and i'm not here nobody said that and i thank god because i'm getting ready to get me a car when you got a you got a nation that's never been preached to you and what we take for granted and the people that we criticize criticizing andrew i see in deliverance criticizing him everybody that's going somewhere in god you got something to say well let me help you with something if you think it's that easy to be wanted upon them you come up here and be me [Applause] because if you got so much to say apparently you know a secret i don't know i'm not hearing nobody say no right there y'all looking at me like i'm crazy she shouldn't have done did you see her on tv and you see what she had on did you see her having on that white did you see all that sweat and all that well guess what i'm on tv and you in your living room and i'm on that for nothing [Applause] all right okay [Applause] [Music] just tell somebody this my word right here some of y'all ain't saying it like you really mean it cause you cuz you still acting like you scared some of y'all all under pressure because because you prayed about something and and god ain't did it yet and and you don't oh let me just send me just let me take you somewhere let me take you to corinthians go to corinthians go to go to corinthians let me just show you let me let me let me show you what we're missing because because we're so busy trying to impress people that we are missing the lesson we are not enjoying our christian walk y'all ain't saying nothing i didn't hear nobody saying that we we ain't free no more when you look out here y'all praise the lord like y'all mad and and praise the lord like you don't like you under pressure ah i'm not here nobody say nothing you go in caucasian churches and foe got on jeans and t-shirts and and got their hands up and loving god and we all over here tied up and necked up with white on and oliver and hats and bound up in our spirit because y'all are saying nothing because we don't we haven't learned how to serve the lord because we've been trained all of these years how to serve people and not god [Music] god ain't mad at you i came to make an announcement he ain't mad at you whatever you're going through he ain't mad at you whatever you done messed up at that's your lesson god ain't about to kill you cause you messed up i'm not hearing nobody say no we're so busy telling folks they going to hell we don't forget to tell them that god loves them we never got to tell but i don't care how many times you gotta get up it's all right cause you don't old man no explanation hi man looks on the outward appearance god [Applause] i'm messing up [Applause] daddy come and get me when i when you think i don't preach too hard because i'm preaching hard right now i'm preaching hard right now god god said he was gonna do it pastor brent people got you all well it didn't happen well let me tell you why it didn't happen because paul said in corinthians that i've been shipwrecked three times thank you jesus he said i haven't been through it i've been whipped and left for dead but i got up and kept on preaching he said they didn't chase me down he said they persecuted me and then the bible said in the amplified bible uh in the in the 29th verse 20 section chapter 29 verse the 11th chapter of second corinthians he said who is weak and i do not feel his weakness who is made to stumble and fall and have watch this and have his faith hurt who in this building have never been disappointed and had your faith hurt okay only 20 people only 20 people unfold that god was going to do something different and god didn't do it the way you thought he was going to do it and he didn't do it the way you asked him to do it but point where i see you i'ma tell you why because the next chapter said that paul said that though my faith was hurt but god had another purpose and the purpose was in the next chapter i went on to a greater revelation in court oh maybe maybe baby if god had gave you that card when you asked for it you wouldn't know him like you know him now you don't hit me when you don't hear me oh my god if god hadn't walked it out the way you thought he should have you wouldn't have a revelation what is a revelation that means i know him beyond what i feel i know him beyond what i see i know him beyond what i got i don't know i know him beyond my circumstances [Music] oh jesus oh you don't get to know him with cars you don't get to know him with houses baby y'all ain't saying nothing you don't get to know him because you got some money i don't know messiah you don't get to know when everybody's saying good stuff about you but when you can still praise him and you ain't got nothing there when you can still magnify and you still on the bus when you can still praise him and your marriage is falling apart those are the people that get to know him in the fellowship of his suffering and in the power of us [Applause] look around and tell your neighbor what i'm going through right now it ain't going to kill me i'm getting annoyed tell him that's what i'm going through because i'm getting annoying i'm going to know him in a way that i never ever known god before [Music] [Applause] [Music] see somebody help you tonight i'ma help you tonight somebody in here need to say to yourself god you still good if it all failed you still worthy if none of it works out you steal god and say god i'm gonna still preach i'm gonna still prophesy i must steal my heart hey i will not quit cause i got a purpose [Applause] touch your neighbor said do what god told you to do y'all didn't say that you just said showing up hit your neighbor and said do what god told you to do tell me they said do it loud do it now do it in your somebody said i gotta wait till i get home to do it but that ain't when you do it you do it in your spirit [Applause] some of y'all waiting for stuff to change and the lord just gave me a word he said it ain't gonna never change but tonight i'm changing you i'm giving you a new man i'm giving you a new spirit that which affected you shall not affect you in enough let me see let me see if i got me let me see if i got any grown folk in here tonight [Applause] let me see if i got any grown focus here tonight if you real growth then tell the lord you ain't got to change it just change me [Applause] as a matter of fact if i got some real grown folk in here tonight i want you to open your mouth and say devil i changed my mind i ain't going down i ain't giving up come on i'm gonna get no breakdown i don't have a breakthrough [Music] that's why i'm in this building that's why i came tonight that's why i didn't get locked up have i been clowned [Laughter] okay let me just give you this i'm through sit down for a minute [Music] so now let me make a plan to you that old [Music] [Applause] yo i can't get a lot of folk to go with me but i want somebody to look at your neighbor and say uh i ain't taking normal mess [Applause] [Laughter] don't [Music] already suffered you didn't already been through this ain't the season for suffering another by shot they talked about you you're still here they lie to you you're still here they wanted your man and you still here say to the devil i changed my mind i'm gonna be here see what am i talking about [Music] [Applause] what am i talking about the season oh my god what do i mean by season okay they said it's my season it's my season okay let me tell you what a season is a season is not that this is what it gave me a season is when it is your turn to bless and carry somebody's life [Applause] [Music] a season is when it's your turn to serve and oh jesus your turn to take mess off folk and your time to be the bigger person and show and show love in spite of what folk do to you and see him and tell you something you see see a lot of us is stuck in the season but we ain't got to the season of the reason because see lord have mercy when you when you when you when you when you when you go through your season the reason why you got to keep your spirit right while you're going through your season because if you let them offset your spirit then you would miss the revelation of the reason y'all ain't saying nothing see though you're going through a season now god's got a reason now what is the reason the reason is when it is god's turn and people's turn to bless you now i don't know about y'all but i haven't been through my season now i'm on my way to my reason oh y'all they're saying of it if you ain't in my life to bless me get out of my way if you ain't in my life to take me to my next level get out of my way because i'm not in my season i'm in my reason and i've already suffered and i've already been through the storm and i've already been through the rain it's my turn you know why god sent me here because tonight you got to look around your life and say you got to go you got to go you got to go y'all ain't saying that love your pastor but my season is up here i can't get nobody saying that when anything is cursing your life more than just blessing you it ain't god okay i'm feeling nothing for the reason i'm here i'm gonna read something because see some of y'all some of y'all still sitting together well well i don't know because because well let me just help you with something baby you can stay there [Applause] you can stay right there cause i promise you it is somebody on your road that is staying way down in their spirit enough is enough okay nobody see everybody ain't gonna shout everybody's gonna shout but i believe i got about 20 people in here that says enough is enough if i gotta go pack my clothes and live in a shelter enough is enough if i gotta quit my job and go with it enough is enough cause this is not my season to suffer you know what you know what you know what the lord said to me he said well i need us a decision i said huh he said it's a decision he said people need to make a decision [Music] [Applause] okay people need to make a decision you got people in the choir that's those have been preaching and you're the best singer but what they gonna say if i get out the choir they're gonna be heard what they gonna do if you die they're gonna get another singer i'm not hearing nobody say nothing you got people that are ushering that's supposed to bend and accept that they call to god but because you're the best us are you stuck in pride now you know what we do we get cocky and arrogant when there's something we know how to do and if you don't master what you're doing now then you enter your season cause god ain't gonna never put you in nothing that you don't need his help in god he will never set you up in nothing that if it had not been for the lord you would fail and fall right on your face okay okay you ready cause i'm i'm through cause cause for y'all y'all to make me hurt myself now this ain't got to be your word this ain't got to be your word because it's my word all right and you know what the bible didn't say 3 000 of y'all he said we're in it too [Applause] two touching and agreeing on anything all i need is one person in here y'all ain't saying that ain't nobody lord have mercy what's wrong with the saints i can't get nobody i can't get nobody to tell your read read the third verse a time to kill a time to kill it and a time to heal at a time of heal read it a time to break down some time to break down i don't already did that 20 years ago hello somebody anybody never had a little breakdown they never sat and already did that been there done that not breaking down now [Applause] [Music] i don't have one of them and the god i serve takes you on the new experiences hi y'all they hear me are you only hearing what i'm saying that's about i never had one of them i already had one i already had one so been there go ahead what they say what they say a time to break down and a time to build up what to say a time to weep that already done that what and a time to laugh yes what a time to mourn i feel sorry for myself time to dance a time to dance a time to what a time to dance what else tanya a time to cast away stone my time the castaway start our time together stones together a time together stone i'll read it a time to embrace a pounding point and a time to refrain from it it's time to tell you to get out of my face [Applause] i can't get nobody in here to say nothing to me why why can't i get y'all to say nothing why why because ever since god gave me this i've been saying to people not you not today not today baby not today [Applause] i just want no baby [Applause] don't do that sweetie not today you supposed to be spiritual i am being spiritually authoritative get out of my face [Applause] why can't i hear y'all say nothing can i talk to you no because you're a demon and i'm not embracing no demons in 2004 2004 would not be my year of warfare i have warfared already 2004 and from this day forward it's going to be my reason season hello somebody i'm looking for my blessing and you ain't my blessing anything to get on your nerve ain't your blessing [Applause] come on here preacher oh god i feel the holy ghost in here am i helping anybody today am i helping anybody see y'all don't know when to shout cause right there is a place right there see for you when you say stuff like that you shut the devil down in your spirit hey when you say stuff like that the devil can't even step to you no more like that how you keep hiding tonight is the night to draw the lines ah don't cross this line right here do not cross this line right here because i don't already suffered i'm on my way now telling you what i said let me think a time to get ah a time what a time to get and what and a time to lose a time to what a time to keep a time to keep and a time to cast away what is i reading a time to rend and a time to sow come on a time to keep silence and a time to speak yes a time to love yes and a time to hate a time for war and a time for peace i want to say what prophet remains for the worker from his soil and i know what is my prophet for all that i've been through [Applause] because that's what y'all told me now that's a lie y'all been lying to me all this years go through it go through it now go through it hold your head up press on it i'm sick of people press on in honey go through it gone through it be encouraging press in it well what am i get because the bible said what is my prophet for all that i don't tour through and don't promise me heaven y'all ain't hearing us heaven was promised to me when i got saved hey i'm not here nobody said but no don't tell me heaven is my reward that's my reward anyway because god don't think like you except that you don't send me the hell for god that already had mercy on me what do you say i have seen the painful labor and he has seen the painful labor and mis and miserable business which god has given to the sons of the exertion exertion and the miserable business which god has given to the sons of men don't be able to talk about honey ministry is so wonderful no it ain't y'all don't like me because i tell the truth it is so wonderful no it's miserable it's hard hello somebody you think this is easy oh y'all come on somebody you think it's easy for folk to keep on talking about you sticking up and preaching at the same thought they talk about you be saying hey man preach it same folk that just set up the kitchen table and throw you down to the ground it's not telling you you blessed my soul like a like a dr jekyll and mr hyde i'm not here nobody say no it's the same book you pay all their bills turn around and tell you where to go the same folk that you pick them up and pay their kids tuition and all that stuff they do you like a dog and you got to still keep preaching no the bible said look at this miserable job that god has given us and what does he say about italian he has made everything beautiful in its time yes he also has planted eternity no no no no i have seen the painful label and exertion and miserable business which god has given to the sons of men with which to exercise and busy themselves 11th verse he says he has made everything beautiful in its time in its time and what he also has planted eternity in men's arts wait wait wait wait the reason why i'm able to make it is because he has planted eternity in my heart why and minds a divinely implanted sense of a purpose he's divinely implanted a sense of purpose working through the ages walking through everything that i go through that's why i'm able to go through it because inside of me have been planted a divine purpose that's why i can take y'all talking about me and i still preach because in me it's planted a divine purpose i'll just help somebody right there tell somebody what i got didn't come from you [Applause] and then shout right there i said tell somebody what i got didn't come from you and tell the reason why i can take it because something has been divinely planted in my spirit horrible shot cannot be taken out of gossip can't take it out rejection can't take it out failure can't oh no as a matter of fact your neighbor i can't fail i can't i can't fail because what's in my heart is divine honorable [Applause] [Music] a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but god alone can satisfy i often can't satisfy it your compliments can't satisfy i don't shun the reason why i can still shout the reason why you can still make the announcement and tell monument to give us a monument praise the reason why you've been doing that as far back as i can remember because what god has implanted nothing under the sun can alter what god oh y'all come on somebody nobody can i make an announcement i don't care what you are going through tonight and who it's coming against you what you got is divine and nothing under the sun can stop it you better give god a praise right there because the devil don't want you to take them you know you know what some of y'all some of y'all patty cake god but let me just say one more time i said it ain't gonna be stopped i said it ain't gonna be hindered it ain't gonna be stopped yo yo yo y'all still ain't praising god anybody got a vision anybody got a purpose well you better start shouting right now because it ain't gonna be stopped it ain't gonna be kinda gonna take who we gotta take hey gotta move you to another city hey gotta kill who we gotta kill but what is that fine [Applause] nothing nothing and nobody can stop it it's too late it's too late it's too late the devil should have killed you a long time ago it's too late who am i preaching to besides me it's too late he should've took you out before you got your divine deposit he should have wiped you out before you got your divine but it's true [Music] some of y'all it's too late [Music] that cancer should have killed you but it's too late now yo yo yo yo yo yo i'm not here nobody say nothing in here [Music] that's formed against you shall be able to prosper the same the holy ghost it's too late hey god where's my people in here i said somebody tell the devil it ain't gonna work tell them to say take that double cause that ain't gonna work say cause that ain't gonna stop my purpose then it will stop my destiny [Music] [Applause] [Music] for which i was born [Applause] [Applause] y'all ain't saying that you weren't born again no wife you weren't born to get no husband you was born to do a purpose for the kingdom that's why he said heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall forever strain so you need to get your eyes off of your possessions and tell the devil that ain't what i was born for i was born to do what god have divinely planted in my everything else is temporary [Music] come and go money come and go but my purpose through the rain it'll be here feel the storm it ain't going nowhere [Applause] like something wrong with me and it is a little bit but this part right here i just want to leave this am i helping anybody [Applause] people in the overflow room am i helping you well what they say right quick right quick i know that there is nothing better wait wait i know that there is nothing better what for them there to be glad ah you hear this you didn't already suffered so he's saying now ain't nothing else better left for you but to be glad what else and to get and do good and to get and do good y'all didn't hear that y'all didn't hear that tell your neighbor said neighbor what i got coming and nothing else left but for me to be glad but for me to rejoice because it's my turn to get everything that god says in mind to get a greater anointing to get a greater revelation to get power watch this and that's what pastor him here is your scripture that what and also that every man y'all this is a prophecy in case i didn't remind you baby this your prophecy they may not want it but but i just felt that tell tell you that's your prophecy but what he's saying to what and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his ladies yes it is the gift of god but what is that i know that whatever god does it endures forever god does it it endures forever y'all ain't saying nothing in here if it fails i don't care how much you thought it was god in one god because whatever god does nothing can be added to it or nothing taken from it but what what he said and god does it so that men yes will reverently fear him revere and worship him knowing that he is what he said that which is now listen that which is now already has been yeah oh man of god that that you just showed up on that screen it already has been that's why it's got to happen because it's already happened i can't get nobody to look at your life like that i can't get nobody to look at your life like that tell somebody whatever i'm going through now it already has been and if i'm still here then whatever it was that mean i came through [Applause] i ain't it through it i came through it because it's already been and if i'm still here that mean i made it i'm more than a conqueror that which is now yes already has been and that which is to be yes already has been yes and god seeks that which has passed by so that history repeats itself no you didn't hear that you didn't hear that that god seeks see you was ignorant before when it was your turn for your reason you let folk get in your way uh-huh and you missed out on what god had so god said i'm gonna set this thing up for there wasn't already been i'm seeking that which passed by so history can repeat itself so that you were supposed to get that you missed here it comes again because god said that i'm not a man that i should lie if i spoke it i'm gonna make it good if i start it i'm gonna bring it to pastor you better open your mouth and say here it comes here it comes again and this time i'm not gonna miss it y'all ain't praising god tell your neighbor whatever got to go got to go tell your neighbor say whatever got to go got to go whatever i got to do i got to do it tell them because history is about to repeat itself and that which i missed i'm about to embrace it's my turn [Applause] [Music] [Music] somebody just praise him right there no no no wait wait wait wait wait i ain't talking to you religious people i ain't talking to y'all folk they've been in church all your life and got your own jerk to the left and your own equipment of your friends i want some ghetto people that know that your life been going through a mess and this is your words tell your neighbor excuse me but i've got to praise god because as folk like you that made me miss it the first time [Applause] but this time come on please [Music] get a vision in your mind of what god showed you about yourself and forget about people forget about what they think forget about what they say and bless god cause it's your turn he's about to raise you up hey hey [Music] come on here church do i have anybody here get out of your room if you have to get out of your as i got a prize [Music] hey go go yo yo can i tell you why can i tell you why it's got to happen can i tell you why it's got to happen because the bible said all god i got to quit where daddy you were supposed to come get me a long time ago but the bible said the bible said honorable the reason why god has got to do this thing for you [Applause] the reason why he's got to usher us into the vision and get back in our focus the reason why he was born because the bible said in ecclesiastes the 18th verse he said i said in my heart regarding the subject of the sons of men god is shrine he's separating and he's sifting them did y'all hear me there's some people in your life that god is separating you from he's sifting stuff out of your life and i'm gonna tell you why you're getting ready to get yourself is there anybody that's ready for yourself because the bible said that he's shifting them that your enemies may see you that by themselves they may see that by themselves under the summoner without god their beast without god they nothing when they didn't think he was gonna make it out god said i'm gonna do this for you to show your enemy that you don't have control over this he said i told you in my word that i'll prepare a table before you in the so you better get rid of the dancing you better get rid of the shelter cause god gotta bless you he can better bring you out there he'll get me to overtake you your blessings shouting [Applause] i quit i quit i quit but y'all still being cute but i'ma tell you something the 17th first said for there is an appointed attack for this matter did y'all hear what i just said did you hear me in that overflow room that god said the 17th verse said that there is an appointed time can i make an announcement tonight was your y'all appointment hear me you're not hearing me you had an appointment that's why it didn't nobody get in you had to get in that's why if everybody got sent away god had a seat for you that's why when they told some of y'all to leave you refused to read that's why you're in an overflow room said i don't care if i got to sit on the roof tonight is my appointment tonight is the night that god do what he said y'all didn't hear me so what i need right now is for somebody that's real grown becky to just stop praising god because you believe what he said tell your neighbor i'm grown baby tell your neighbor i'm grown ain't got to see no signs out tell your neighbor i'm growing now i ain't got to see no signs i ain't got a peace god [Music] [Music] tell you something just tell your neighbor just keep your head on my back [Music] [Applause] in the next three months thus saith the holy ghost from the woman of god there will be many changes in your life in the next three months but don't worry about me i'm on my way out of a season and i'm headed for a reason [Applause] [Music] yes come on tell your neighbor i'm all right as a matter of fact tell your neighbor said neighbor i came in here burning i came again with some situations but tell them i'm all right because now i understand i'm on my way to my reasoning give him a praise give him glory [Applause] there's a reason why there's a reason why i had to go through this there's a reason why my body was attacked there's a reason why my mind was attacked there's a reason why my marriage was obtained there's a reason that i'm on my way you better [Music] lisa oh yes tell you tell your neighbor right now in the overflow room all over this building tell your neighbor ain't mad no more take neighbor i forgive them tell your neighbor i forgive everybody forgive everybody time i forgive everybody that ever hurt me i forgive everything they've ever done cause you know what that was my season now i'm in my reason and i'm in a new class i'm in the class that it don't matter no more come on somebody you better give them a praise y'all think i'm playing y'all [Music] as a matter of fact why are you shouting why you're dancing while you're praising god just shout that's the way i dance lord i love him lord i thank you i thank you for every trial i thank you thank you for the season right because one thing i know that seasons don't last forever yay reasons is eternal seasons is temporary no cause y'all didn't hear that y'all did not hear that [Applause] seasons is temporary reasons is eternal and we're stuck in seasons thinking that that's permanent i don't know tell them my reason is permanent what i've been through was a season and now i'm in an eternal plan i'm in something now that can't change so where i was before if the sun shined i was happy in springtime i felt better in the fall i felt gloomy in the winter i feel depressed but tell them because i'm in my reason the sun gonna shine the rain gonna come it's gonna be spring it's gonna be wonderful and my spirit is gonna remain the same because what i've got is [Music] i'm going back and hiding [Applause] [Music] i'm going back to shut in for a couple more months [Music] he really ain't got me preaching nowhere because he said i'm talking to you [Applause] [Music] because you don't forget you don't forget why i called you you don't forget what your purpose is [Music] you come on in here off the road let me take your throat through a season so i can get your heart back in your reasoning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your season for america is coming to an end [Applause] it's time to go to australia it's time to go to africa it's time to go to zimbabwe it's time to go into the back back bush harbors preach the gospel to indian people i don't paid all your bills out and brought you out of debt you ain't broke it's time to go [Applause] you're letting jobs have you almost cracking up and letting any reason why you was born [Music] some of y'all in here now i almost having nervous breakdowns because he didn't pay the child support you get it and then the check bouncing then he dodged you now it's time to tell that you can have the money i'm tired i'm after peace have it i don't need it no money [Applause] [Music] devil got you stressed out over your kids they on drugs when they get tired of drugs they gonna come on in [Applause] so i'm going out there and kill yourself i'm gonna give you a real good funeral but i'm gonna keep on living [Applause] because the reason why i was born because god has a call on your life [Music] [Applause] i told you it's the greatest message i will ever preach in my life [Applause] and when you tap your reason then manage your source because when elijah got in his reason god sent the ravens to feed him three times y'all don't hear me don't you dare look at me and tell me you can't go through it let me tell you something not quit with this elijah had ravens to feed him he was a mighty man of god he had a mighty prayer life he called far from heaven daddy [Music] when jezebel got after him he went and sat down and he got depressed but he couldn't stay down becky you know why because his reason was to cast a double portion anointing on elijah [Music] jesus i don't care what you're going through when you got a reason you can't stay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] down and elisha was going to be the one that was going to cause that boy's life to come back to him let me just tell you something when he got to that woman's house had an old shunda she went through a season to bless the man of god and then god turned around and said now finna i'm gonna speak to your reason woman your husband is old and you kept your spirit right and fed the prophet and made room for him now i'm gonna give you your reason [Applause] because your son had to become an eternal testimony that god can raise the dead and that which god transfers when elisha died they threw him in a grave and a a pile of bandits was going by and they took a dead man and threw him over in the grave and the man was revived at the bones of elijah why am i saying that because what god implants is divine and it's eternal and nothing wipes it out not even death [Music] nothing cancels reason nothing aborts reason [Applause] if this is the last message you ever hear me preach nothing that you will ever go through will abort your reason [Music] elijah went and sat down but his reason stood him up [Applause] now i know the revelation to the scripture of having done all to stay stand [Music] well everybody [Music] you are still alive today because god had a reason crack couldn't kill you some of y'all your husband almost beat you to death and you made it you've been shot at but you came through it you've been stabbed but you made it drugs couldn't wipe you out because nothing under the sun can destroy god's reason [Applause] all over this building right now [Music] i'm gonna do something before i walk off this platform every person in this building this is prophetic yes father there's an anointing on me tonight and in this season that i have never felt in my life i'm headed for something and i can feel something pulling me and as i feel the pull [Music] i can hear the lord talking to me so plain he said daughter it's time to raise the dead
Channel: Divine Shine
Views: 299,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Juanita Bynum, TD Jakes, PaulMorton, Prophecy, Preaching, Prophetess, Destiny, Power, Prayer, Intercession, Prophetic Intercessor, Gospel, Purpose, Medina Pullings, Cindy Trimm, Revival, Praise
Id: bhLHSKB1yvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 4sec (4864 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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