Bishop Noel Jones - He'll Increase Your Anointing

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[Music] [Applause] i would like to go inside this morning this afternoon just want to go inside so many times we relate god to our situation and to the things surrounding us to our material side to our emotional side and to those things that we have to deal with in the world as it relates to the outside of us but i'd like to go inside that like to go where no one else can go but god and his word so i would that you would go with me to romans chapter 7. i want to begin reading it about verse 14 and maybe you should read this with me and we all just read it together we will try not to identify with it i guess but we'll read it together and we'll see just what happens in romans chapter 7 paul having presented the treatise of the gospel he now begins to [Music] deal personally with this presentation beginning at verse 14 altogether let's go for we know that the law is spiritual but i am carnal sold under sin for that which i do i allow not for what i would that do i not but what i hate that do i if then i do that which i would not i consent unto the law that it is good now then it is no more i that do it but sin that dwelleth in me for i know that in me that is in my flesh do i have no good thing for to will is present with me but how to perform that which is good i find not for the good that i would i do not but the evil which i would not that i do now if i do that i would not it is no more i that do it but sin that dwelleth in me i find in the law i know you don't want to read anymore that when i would do good come on evil is present with me for i delight in the law of god after the inward man but i see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members oh wretched man that i am who shall deliver me from the body of his death i thank god through jesus christ our lord so thin with the mind i myself serve the law of god but with the flesh the law of sin can somebody say amen look at your neighbor and said he'll increase your anointing look at somebody else say he'll increase it amen he'll increase it now father you got to help me now in jesus name amen now notice notice our reaction to that passage and it seems as if all of a sudden we have become extremely gloom because we're fighting in our minds to grasp the relationship between that particular passage and ourselves yes the easiest way to deal with it actually is simply to say as so many writers have said so many theologians have said that this is not the situation for a child of god the easiest way to deal with it is to argue that this has to be a sin and this is paul speaking about a situation that existed prior to his saved experience and some of the arguments i i guess i missed the plane already so i might as well take my time is that chapter 8 and verse 1 [Music] is so totally in contrast because aidan 1 deals with the new man this is the argument that 7 chapters 7 14-25 could not be dealing with that's the argument but if you study chapter eight carefully you will notice also that there is a paradox between the new life of the saint and the struggle that one has internally as we seek to climb up to where god would have us to go if you check in chapter 8 there are places there that outline and show that there's always a paradox between good and evil in the life of the child of god yes yes yes and if you simply go by your experience not by how we market salvation but go by what you're going through and if you're truthful you know and will face yourself and you can somehow see that maybe i just might fit in 7 14 through 25 now i warned you now that i was going on the inside it's all right to deal with what we want god to do with us on the outside no sensing god making me rich if he's not going to change my ends up amen i mean a poor devil the rich devil you know you got to be cheery [Music] now they further argue that the discord of 7 14 through 25 contrasts with the new man of chapter 6 the new life but i want to note that even in six deals with the struggle and when you check his writings there is no place that paul implies that a saint will not struggle within themselves as long as they're in this body the problem is that the church has just decided that we don't want to deal with this and and isn't it funny the is the last place that you can go to and tell somebody you've got a problem [Applause] it's like i'm not supposed to be heard or i'm i'm not supposed to feel the way i feel and and and when i'm dying on the inside i've still got to give the impression that everything is all right but my soul is crying out somebody help me i want to note with you that the struggle is because we're in the flesh oh jesus and the lord showed us that when you're in these bodies you've got something pulling you that is not wanting you to be in line with god you're wrapped up in a panoply of proclivity that pulls you negatively and jesus himself at gethsemane and he was known to be the lamb slain from the foundation of the world and when he got to gethsemane he was born to die and when he got to gethsemane he began to pray his prayer was all things are possible unto you and as he prayed to his father he began to deal now with the knowledge he had and that was your parameters are limitless you can do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it and and it would be all right i need you to adjust your plan for me if you can because all things are possible unto you you can find another way to save these folks because i don't really want to go through this i wonder is is that the way you feel sometimes i will tell you i feel it you know that i know what you planned for me to do and i i know what i've been called to do but right now i really don't want to go through this you know i know i've been chosen and yes before the foundation of the world before you captain police you knew all of us that would be in you and i know you got the solution somewhere but i really don't want to go through this yeah i know i ought to praise you but i don't feel like raising your weight i know i ought to lift you up but i don't feel like lifting you up i know i ought to be able to tell the devil no and walk away from the telephone when i'm feeling lonely all by myself but i really don't want to go through this and you can change it for me touch your neighbor and say we'll get through this if you love me why don't you go outside of my struggle because you can make it easy on me you've got an answer so he continues to pray if it be possible let this come let it pass from me the measure of agony is let it pass but the measure of destiny is if it's possible change it but how am i going to get a name above every name if i don't go through what i go through you see we want to lose the agony but we still want for destiny but what god is saying to me is you got to go through what god put you through in order to be what i'd have you to be and i want to be without going through god says no it don't work like that you got to go through what you got to go through in order for me to make you what i want you to be if i'm going to give you a name above every name you got to go lower than anybody's gone to touch mankind i put somebody said if you want the blessing you got to have the struggle i feel like preaching in here yeah yeah yeah i knew it i planned it like you know but i'm gonna make you go through it now they tell me don't question god yet jesus stood on the cross and hollered my god my god why there are times when you want to know why if he would just tell you why you could get through it if he would just open up and show you every last detail of the struggle you're in right now you could feel a little better there are times when he just won't tell you why he's just saying it's about me that's all you just got to trust me in the middle of it you're not going to get an answer just go on just that not a word but with i'm going to make you what i want you to be i've got to cause you to go through now notice jesus's response nevertheless not my will but i will be done and there are times when what i do i can't find it in myself to do it i just do it because god wants me to do it i'm not enjoying it it ain't no fun it's simply lord i'm doing it for you i don't want to talk to him but i'll talk to him for you i don't want to deal with these folk but i'll deal with them for you i don't want to go through what i'm going through but i'll go through it for you because i don't want to do it but i'll do it for you that you might get the glory in my pain i feel god in here today oh well i got to work today i just see you've got to understand this the pain sometimes is too great for me to will it the pain is so great for me that i cannot will it of myself it has to be god's will in order for me to do it because there's nothing in me that wants to do it i'm not willing to receive the pain i'm only willing to do your will i don't want the pain but if i got to have the pain to do your will i'll take the pain but in me there's nothing that wants to take the pain it's just that my spirit is linked with your spirit so that when i'm not willing you'll give me the anointing to take the bag oh god help me here today can i just take my time i'm i'm just going to take my time here today because we don't want to identify with the fact that in a relationship with god he's going to bring every one of us to deal with ourselves some of us think that revelatory experience is for somebody else but there is no revelatory experience that does not first deal with the person to whom it's revealed god gives me nothing for you that i can't use for me and so before i can come to you i've got to deal with me but we like to deal with others and we don't want to deal with ourselves but you're going to deal with yourself today because what god is saying is i've got all your blessings ready when you're not when i get you ready the blessings will flow but you've got to deal with the truth without me you can do nothing because there ain't nothing good in you i'm the only good that you have caught in this place pull on somebody a little bit say you coming out today just pull on and pull on it real good say you coming out today i know you want to give the impression that's something good in your flesh honey but no are you coming out today ah the blessings are ready for you but you got to come out you got to tell god yes you're right i'm wrong help me to get to where i need to go i want to point out to you that this struggle her glory is is it ignites paul's language about self and and there's something about self that that the lord brings us to realizing and what he brings us to realize is that no matter how you're feud on the outside you have got to come to grips with who you are based on your relationship with me i want to run through a few things and then and then i'm going to go down a little bit further remember job job was a paradigm of virtue everywhere i read the word was that his name was joe that he was perfect he was upright one that feared god and eschewed evil in the book of ezekiel 14 14 when the lord is speaking to the prophet he speaks about job and he points out that these three men noah daniel and job if they were in israel the lord said i wouldn't deliver everybody because of them i would only deliver them because of their righteousness saith the lord their righteousness will not be good enough for everybody they could only get out themselves then in james 5 11 he talks about job he says behold we count them happy which endure ye have heard of the patience of job by any stretch of the imagination the outside declarations about job are all wonderful and beautiful but then i read job speaking about himself and he says wherefore i am and repent in dust and ashes and then one begins to wonder how can job have so many accolades by scripture and when he deals with himself sees himself as so little or nothing and it seems to me that that is the power of job when he realizes if i'm to be anything god's got to do it because no matter how folk packed me on the back i know myself i know the thoughts i had to fight in order to do the will of god i know the things i wouldn't want anybody to know about me i know the struggle i have in the night and the things that go through my mind and i have to admit to god lord when packed me on the back i'm still not worthy and if you don't help me i'll never make it oh glory to god i wish i were in a church today where i could just look at somebody and say help me cause when i look at myself it's not like how you see me when i see myself empty i see myself ragging and if i don't lean on god i never have a single victory in my life and when god gets you to that place he'll bring you up and give you power to overcome i might as well go further with this and i'm gonna get happy today i'm gonna have i'm gonna have a little church too i promise but i just got to get down in here daniel cries alas oh lord we have sinned here is a man with an excellent spirit isaiah the chief among prophets he cries woe is me for i am undone paul when he fought he had to respond to what peter and the rest of the boys were doing he spoke up about not being one witness behind the least of the apostles behind the apostles but in first corinthians 15 and 9 he says i'm the least of the apostles not fit to be called an apostle seven years later to the ephesian church he writes to me the very least of all the saints was this grace given to preach to the gentiles seven years later before he's about to leave the world he cries christ jesus came into the world to save sinners for most of whom i am i wonder how you seen it the closer you get to jesus the less important you feel that one problem with the church is we compare ourselves with each other and we feel like we're somebody special but i dare you to go inside and look at jesus christ and you'll throw up your hands and holler in me that's in my flesh when there's no good thing and when you say it he'll charge you with a fresh anointing to deliver you from every burden that's around your shoulder i feel god in here hey god help me this morning i want to point out with you and you you just just rest a little bit here i want to take it to another level if you will because this text brings us into an awareness of self all right since you're sitting so quiet messing with me i'ma mess with you now run your bible quickly to first corinthians no it's second corinthians if i find it i'll read it now and i want to show you something here and in second corinthians chapter 10 in chapter 10 verse 7 paul does something here that's remarkable for those of us that just don't want to go where this is going he says to us do you look on things after the outward appearance and now some of us will get deep and say uh no i use discernment i but you don't have discernment card blush or you wouldn't have bought the car you bought that that won't go anywhere but to the uh you know to the mechanic shop uh if you had discernment how come you bought that house with the roof you know falling in i well they fooled me well i thought you had discernment you do not have discernment card blush most of us look at things after the outward appearance and that's why paul said do you look at things after the outward appearance and the only real answer there is yes i look at things outwardly i look at things from an awkward standpoint if you saw a man walk up here uh in a limo with his name on it after having been dropped off for the helicopter with his name on it who has a house in maine who has a house in florida and a house in the hills and wearing three thousand dollar priority suits and zelo ties you would think he had some money or a lot of credit whatever but notice now he says even though you look at things from an outward appearance i want you to be careful about something he says if any man trust to himself that he is christ's let him of himself think this again that as he is christ even so are we christ now you look at the outward appearance and you make your judgments but then you know yourself you know everything you struggled with as a child of god you know when income tax time came you had a hard time telling the truth about your earnings even though you are sanctified i have been to the prayer meeting and i have heard people pray when they were praying for me they were praying loud lord bless the preacher and save him from all kinds of temptation watch over our pastor and make sure that everything is right keep him from those that would trip him up lord but then the prayer changed and it began to be an [Music] i wonder who you were praying for then when you're praying for somebody else you're screaming on top of your voice lord move on his behalf but there's a prayer that gets real quiet and i wonder who it is you're calling out for because i've never heard a child of god holler lord help my lion lips and keep my bad attitude from overflowing my spirit you know yourself now if you know yourself and you still claim to be a child of god then why don't you give that same privilege to your sister when you don't know her like you know yourself how of us are preaching here today touch somebody and say if i think i'm saved then i know you must be here because i don't know you like i know me and with all i've been through i still believe if you were to crack the sky i'll make it i ought to give you the same privilege how it's gonna get better you've gotta understand then when i come to a text like this i feel like walt whitman he says i think i could turn and live with animals they do not swear and whine about their condition they do not lie awake in the dark and wait for their sins unquote one says i wish i didn't have to deal with this i don't want to deal with myself i don't want to face me i want to blame others it's everybody else's fault why i'm not where i should be but there are times when god says i want you to see yourself before i take you to where i want you to go you've got to see it's not you doing it but it's me and the power of my spirit i know it gets a little rough in here but just come on through within me an awareness of self is a monster to me because i don't want to deal with me and awareness of self exposes how i think and exposes my attitudes and my dispositions the holy spirit shines a light in me and makes me feel like nothing i thought i was somebody till god got here and i found myself crying whoa it's me for i am undone at first i thought it was something to hide but when i went through the psalms and went through romans 7 i found out this is where god wants me he wants me to be oblivious of praise from others and he wants me to be oblivious from low self-esteem from others he wants me in a place where he deals with me and i deal with him there is a time in your self-awareness where you see your inability to do what it takes and that stimulates us to an awareness of our needs anybody who sees themselves sees their needs and when you see your need it puts you in another category because now you got to deal with whether or not you're able to meet your own need and when you find you can't meet your own need then you move into anxiety because i can't meet my need now i'm anxious and now i'm worried because there's certain things i want to do for god but when i would do it it doesn't perform so even though inside i want to do the right i got to fight to do everything good that god would have me to do it's not easy for me because i can't find within myself the power to perform it in our relationships we lean on others to make us happy and it's unfair to lean on somebody else who's got to fight with happiness themselves but we reach for others as if you're to blame for me not having the joy i'm supposed to have we become hard on others because we make them the object of our hatred when they have failed us to keep us alive and keep us up god help me today if just one person will see it gotta break loose in your life like you never thought then this awareness of self brings about anxiety worry and then guilt because i say to myself i ought to be better off and i ought to have the power by now can you imagine then knowing you need something and find yourself having to depend on somebody that you really don't want to need glory going to them not wanting to go but can't help in yourself you become a slave to them because they know you have to have them when you are caught in a situation where i can't help myself i don't want to call on the phone but i need them so badly that i got to reach for them when i don't want to reach for them there is a need that'll bring you into captivity because you don't want to but you do it because you don't know what else to do there are times in lives are twisted and minds have been totally ruined because they become slave to needs and needs to people when they know in their spirits i don't want to but i can't break loose something is drawing me that i want to cut free from and it becomes a burden it becomes a i feel like going deeper but i don't know if you can stand it i don't know if you can take it this anxiety exists when we consider what we have to do and i can't find it in myself to do it then i have to become pressured by it and so i'm not like the animal i wish i could just walk away so i go to church and church becomes an opiate where i feel good for a moment but i got to go back and deal with the loneliness of that room after i've shouted how do i deal with the pain on the inside after i leave the congregation and i'm left to myself with monsters on the inside how do i overcome what's going on on the inside when i don't want to pick up the phone when i feel so alone and i feel so broken if you don't understand it you'll go back to what you used to do if you don't understand it you call who you're trying to get away from if you don't understand it you'll be wrapped up in something you're trying to break and all god is saying to you is don't lie to yourself for that mix you got a problem and don't let other folk make you play the hypocrite when you need help i'll be there when you need help i'll set you free because i brought you to the point where you'll holler from your spirit lord makeup can't cover it my new clothes can't cover it help me to come out throw your hands up look up to god and holla i feel the spirit of god here i wonder can i preach this thing and so then this writer has grown in god until he hates sin and he hates his own weakness and this is the strength by which he will rise he looks in his spirit and he says i'm not producing like i ought to i get sick of myself when folks talk negatively and i go down into the valley i ought to walk over it i get sick of myself when folks look at me funny and i feel like walking away from god i get sick of myself because i don't have what the next [Applause] and person has me on the inside as if i don't have a god i get sick of myself when i struggle with things i ought to run through i get sick of myself when i want to be lifting him up and i'm sitting like everything is going my way i get sick of myself when i'm complaining instead of praising but i've got to admit that something on the inside is fighting against what i want to be and what i want to become i know i got power to tell the enemy get out of my house but i get sick of myself when i go to the house it turns me against myself instead of me straightening it out i get sick of me and i'm saying the god oh wretched man said i am i'm in church but i need more power i'm in charge but i need deliverance i'm in church but i need to rise up and let the devil know i've got victory not in me but in the power of the spirit of god i feel loose now i feel like having church now touch somebody say you're going higher come on look i'm dead in the face tell them you're going higher i know you don't want to deal with it but i gotta shake loose the inside the outside will take care of itself but if god don't break those yolks that bind you some of you don't even ask him for certain things because you feel so guilty you feel like i don't have the right to ask him because i've done so many negative things but what god is saying is i don't bless you by words it's a crazy thing and you got to ask me because i put you in a place to deal with yourself and the spirit that i put in you is showing you who you are and if you just listen it'll expose you but it'll bring you out i got to preach in here i got to preach until the devil takes his hands off somebody's still holding on but i came to break that yoke in the name of jesus because if you could just get yourself in order with god folk won't put you down and walk on you make you feel like nothing because when you know who you are in the presence of the almighty even what you're fighting with fisting he's going to bring you out of it tell your neighbor you're coming out you're coming out you're coming out you might not be able to praise him right now but praise him on credit cause he's good for it honey you coming out i feel god in this place i don't know how you feel but i feel delivered i want you to notice something about david he said in sin did my mother conceive me and here is a man a giant and if any man should have been through and gotten through the bathsheba experience it should have been david but notice how god exposed his behavior not only for his generation but for all of us to see that god does not only work in your victory but god works in your defeat and if you will not admit while god's got you covered that lord i need your help he'll have to pull the covering enough for you to be exposed in order to reach into his bosom and said bring me out you don't serve god for other people you serve god for yourself and i don't need somebody else to expose me when i got the holy ghost telling me a minute don't lie to yourself at minutes because the minute you admit it i'll pick you up i'll take you through and i'll give you the back to be what i have you to be i feel god in here touch somebody say i'm going home changed i'm going home with victory i'm going home with power going home i'm going home a new person i might not get a cadillac but i'll be new i might not get a mercedes but i'll be new i might not get a new job but i'll be new cause god is working deep down inside of my spirit i got to preach now can i have a little more time i feel god moving in here that's why david's in the middle of his mess remember he said to god whatever you take from me don't take your holy spirit i know i've been messed up i know i've been a mess came to this conference struggling with what you used to do but i know you've been a mess but you got to tell god if you take the child that's born if you take the house don't take the spirit because i ain't got no way to make it back if you take the spirit he said you can take everything lord but leave the spirit don't take that holy ghost from me because that's the only thing i got to feed on they're talking about me in the street they're walking all over me and yeah i've been wrong but if you just let the spirit abide i think i can rise again leave that holy spirit here i know they don't want my company they look funny when i go to church they don't let me in the prayer meeting and they threw me out the choir but that's all right lord everybody can leave but don't take the holy spirit [Applause] and so it is the spirit that exposes delivers and that's why isaiah told them it shall come to pass can i feel like old time church is that all right it's now come to pass that in that day his burden shall be taken off my shoulders and his yoke or flying neck tell somebody god's getting ready to lift your inner burden that weakness that thing that's got you about that think that's holding you god's getting ready to take it off your fetishes your proclivities your weaknesses the sin that so easily be said the thing you cry about in the morning i'm talking about money now i'm talking about mission somebody catch yourself it's me now i need a change in here the holy spirit has to identify the yoke when he identifies to you he speaks from your spirit and tells your mind when your spirit tells your mind your mind goes into prayer cleanse me cause you're saying to yourself i need it so bad but god wouldn't show you if he wasn't going to deliver you because he's not going to torment you he's going to identify it in order to remove it for the spirit's got to identify then remove then destroy so it'll never come back if he destroys it on you he'll [Applause] tell somebody i'm going higher than i ever be i [Applause] [Applause] ain't got no power because god is setting you free feel the spirit of god shake somebody's head tell them you're coming out i'm not letting you go till you come out [Music] [Applause] give me just two more minutes when you talk about anointing from the etymological root in the hebrew it means fat it means rich prosperity and well-being god's going to increase your spirituality until it pushes every yoke off you it's not coming from the outside off it's coming from the inside [Applause] [Music] he's not gonna leave any outside he's going to do it himself he's not going to need somebody to bring it to pass god said you don't touch it i got to do this myself the preacher's not going to do it the missionary is not going to do it it's just you and will you cry god pushing it out when the tears come out he's pushing it out when the sweat pops up he's pushing it out when the hand goes in the middle of the floor he's pushing it out he's increasing the amount that [Applause] [Applause] because he's going to take the paul declares that the spirit helping our infirmities and when he talks about help from the greek word he doesn't take it and leave us but he takes it with us he comes over against to take so he comes to my rescue and when he gets there he says get johnny out get the fog out that you've been depending on cause i wanna come in myself i want you to let me in order to do that stuff he's gonna break our crutches he's got a left fork and let us die he's got a lex oak dog stuff he's got an electric tree that's like dirt he's got to let folk walk on us then he comes in and says i told you they couldn't help you but now i'm here to bring you out i'm here to set you free i feel the holy ghost i feel like lifting him up somebody [Applause] [Applause] somebody my strength is made perfect in weakness that's what the lord is saying i just want you to admit you can't build that church by yourself and i'll build it for you i just want you to admit you can't live holy by yourself and i'll live it for you i want you to admit you can't bless yourself and i bless you myself if you just throw up your head and say ain't nothing good in me the holy ghost will kick in and build up every power that's in your life y'all excuse me today but i feel like preaching cut somebody say i'm going home free that yo i came with kept me up all night i'm sleeping tonight i'm sleeping tonight because god is shattering can i preach just a minute somebody just move your head like this [Music] [Applause] for [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] the yoke [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] but it's still there but now that same anointing is gonna destroy [Applause] shout hallelujah tell somebody now you got it off let's distract in the spirit come on come on in this show you ain't coming up no more you ain't getting back on me you ain't gonna miss my [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so you see folk running and you don't know why the yolk's trying to move and let me get away [Applause] [Music] i can't let him get away [Music] somebody brings him on credit praise him on credit if you don't even feed me praise him on credit lifting my heart [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and he said i'll never leave [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] who shall deliver me from the body of this i thank god somebody threw your hands up and said thank you jesus thank you thank you i'm going home free i'm going home free i may not get a new car but this is a new me the yoke is gone man the yolk is good run your hand over your head like this ain't nothing over there you can go as high as you want and if it's not over you it's under your that you [Applause] and the marvelous thing is that this deliverance doesn't need anyone just where the holy spirit takes you because he's got to identify the yoke and when the yoke is identified we don't want to deal with it and because church has always been marketed to where your weaknesses you were suspect but we all came from various parts of the country looking not only for the lord to bless us externally but there are some things that we sleep with at night some things we get up in the morning with that god is saying i'm going to set you free some of us we've already had a revelation but we need to get to the realization we have already been enlightened but we need to be enabled to realize in our lives what god has revealed and what god says is lesson number one you have got to say to yourself in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing and when that goes through your mouth strength begins to rise so i'm closing but i close with paul paul says therefore i will glow in my information [Music] because the more i identify as a problem to me is the more the holy ghost moves to offset its effect because god's not going to have me moping he saved me to praise him and every time he pushes another yoke off oh smasher if i didn't think it was a problem i wouldn't praise him like i praise it but because i knew it was a problem when he left in it [Applause] i couldn't help myself yes god wants you to realize that it's all about him when we understand that then the things will come i want you to take one person by both hands and we're going to have our prayer because right where you are is an altar wherever the holy spirit is is an altar my soul love [Music] jesus my soul love [Music] jesus [Music] jesus bless his name my soul [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Applause] i don't care what through [Music] is i want you for a moment to open your eyes look at your name you might have never met this person you don't know this person but the holy spirit knows them and god's going to give you what to say intercession begins with the holy spirit it is the holy ghost that knows what the father is giving out and tells us what to pray for i want you to say to the person you're praying with we're going to confront your fears together i just want you to say it to him we're going to confront your fears together you and me and the holy spirit tell your neighbor there's three of us here you and me and the holy spirit [Applause] yes [Applause] [Applause] he's increasing your anointing right now he's increasing it he's increasing up [Applause] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus squeeze one hand squeeze one hand we gon bind some things right now i wrote the yoke right now in the name of jesus lord you know those tears that's born from that inside yolk you know that young man that young lady that's trying to break out of that relationship that's been pulling them down and they've been yoked in it shut up i bind it right now i'm buying that relationship that is putting them down in the dirt i find it right now i'm binding that spirit to use that emotional weakness i find it right now i bind it i find it i find every weapon that's formed against her you said right now that it will not prosper i'll bind it this morning in the name of jesus i find it i find out i find fear i find everything that is up again outline every witchcraft every witchcraft spirit in the name of jesus hey hey hey squeeze the other hand squeeze the other hand i loose the yoke i loose i lose faith i i lose victory i loose i lose that anointing in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus now open your vessel open your vessel watch him increase it you will not go back you will not be young you will not be broken you will not be hit now praise him like you're going crazy praise him like you know it's done praise him and worship him and lift him up infinite priests infinite christ yes the examples walk out from the sea and shake some hands as you walk tell them it's increased 10 of its increase tell them it's increase i'm going to another level come on you got to move around i don't care if you're crying it's all right to cry it's all right he's pushing it out he's pushing it out it's all right yes [Applause] god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you just check your back just check it check it real quick check it real quick yeah yeah yeah tell your neighbor it's good [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 71,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Bk7O-rSvbAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 3sec (4263 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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