Bishop G.E. Patterson Rejoice In The Lord

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] reading the scriptures his word is true [Music] one Lord can do he has for you [Music] [Music] what my God can do [Music] [Applause] you just rusting here grazing hill through [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Jesus the same yesterday today and forever more that's why we yet believe in anointing with oil laying hands on the sick asking God to heal commanding demons spirits to depart the cost the same Jesus that dividend days gone by he has not changed and he will never change come on and just give God another hand [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm going to go immediately to the scripture this is one of those days we have a number of members that are living out of town that have coming in today and some that's been in the hospital that's back today and and yeah the vacation those that are back and I'm scared that if I call one I'm gonna miss it so I'm just gonna say to all of y'all I'm glad to see a man and hope to speak to you after the service Philippians chapter 4 and verse 4 is where I want to Center I thought for today one little verse of scripture that simply says rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice rejoice in the Lord always now King James does not have an S on the end of that but if you would consult of the other versions it would say rejoice in the Lord always continuously regardless of what's going on whether by day about night whether in sickness or in hell whether you are fairing sumptuously a flat broke if you have a job or you feel without one surrounded by friends all surrounded by enemies rejoice in the Lord always when people think you're crazy rejoice they tag you of the Holy Roller rejoining no matter what's going on rejoice when circumstances are such that everybody else would have a case of the Blues rejoice when most people would be somewhere sitting in the corner stark raving man no matter how much is eats upon you rejoice y'all just tell somebody that no matter what you're going through rejoice in the law a man with joy and the law so many times we have talked about it and I know that if I wanted to just dissect different words that we could talk about rejoicing in many realms well to rejoice itself they have a little difference between rejoice and rejoice thing but we're not going to get technical today so many times you have been told from this pulpit and from radio and television and from so many ministers and ministries that the Lord has somehow looked like put the body of Christ in a praise ground and so many of bringing messages that are admonishing and exhorting us to praise letting us know that this is the best way to confuse and even dumbfound the devil himself because when the enemy would expect to see you hang your head in sorrow in a state of defeatism if you can just keep on rejoicing in the Lord it doesn't matter what you are in sooner or later you'll get out of it a man I I do I do quite a bit of travelling by car and then you know people don't always understand the motive behind things it was 1987 August of 87 when I finally decided that I would go hit on and get a Mercedes and oh my god to some folks preacher don't need that you know this because and us but see I don't like the slide I do I do I do I'm flying now started back because there are some appointments that I haven't scheduled to type to make any other way but I prefer to go by car and knowing I was going to be doing a lot of extensive traveling by car I thought I'd better get something that would stand up and right now I've got almost a hundred and fourteen thousand miles on that car and it has never one time letting me down on the road you know never have any problems with it but the point I was trying to get to is that in traveling there are times when I have run into some black stones I mean it gets dark as night and I don't do much driving at night basically daytime stop at hotels at night but daytime I've seen it get dark and I've seen the rain come and the lightning flash and the wind blow and the trees are bending and you see cause pulling over to the side but many times if you just keep on driving through the storm if you stop you may have to sit there and ride it out for a couple of hours but you can sometimes drive another five to ten miles and before you know you have driven out of the storm and in life you're gonna have many storms but you're going to have to learn how to not just keep driving but you don't have to learn how to rejoin your way through the storm you can have to learn how to praise your way through the storm don't get all upset because the storm comes and pull over to the side of the road I'm not gonna go to church I'm not gonna give another dime tight I'm not gonna get up and shout how to do you not one more time I'm not gonna join the Saints in the dance no more until the Lord deliver me out of this you are just like that driver parked on the side waiting for the storm to somehow pass over but if you decide no out of what I'm in if the twin is and tens that I used to give have turned in the quarters and dimes I'm going to keep on giving it if my body is afflicted and I can't run down the aisle no more if I can just take three steps I'm not gonna pause on the side I'm gonna keep rejoicing in the Lord and one day my home is going to be over now the word rejoice that simply means that you look in Webster's new world dictionary to be glad happy are delighted be full of joy stop be full of joy when somebody just got to lying on you but Jesus said blessed are you when men shall revile you persecute you say all manner of evil against you make sure it's false falsely for my sake he that even when they named you everything but what you are when they hung your name on the highways jesus said don't pause and get fat but he said do what rejoice and be exceedingly don't you know the devil can't understand it when he has put enough on you to bury you and instead of you lying there like in a coffin you up on the floor Bran's along [Applause] and this little book of Philippians Paul uses the word rejoice in eight verses it's a short book it's only four chapters but in this little short book there are eight verses of Scripture where he uses the word rejoice in chapter 1 verse 18 he rejoices over the fact that Christ is preached he said now there are others that have some bad motives and see a lot of time we get messed up because of other folks motives but you're not responsible for somebody else's motive he stops in verse 15 some indeed preach Christ even of envy strife some of good will one preach Christ of contention not sincerely supposing to add affliction to my bond the other preachers of love knowing that I'm set for the defense of the gospel he says well what sin in verse 18 notwithstanding every way well in pretence I am truth Christ is preached he's a lot of folk got a wrong motive for preaching Christ but I rejoice because he's preached you can say what you want you a lot of times people don't even have the same motive that you do but when you start messing around with that name Jesus when you start talking about he who was hung up by our hangups sometimes forgets saved by accident no matter what other person motive was Paul says I recognize the power that is in the name of Jesus and whenever he preached I rejoice well he also mentions the word rejoice in the chapter 2 verse 16 and he seems to be talking of a future hope looking forward to the day of price hmm and he's hoping that his labor will not be in vain and he rejoices in Christ as he considers the world that God has assigned to his hand verse 17 he rejoices with the Saints verse 18 of chapter 2 he wants the Saints to rejoice with him see sometimes you got to learn how if nothing is going on in your life this got you on a high you gotta learn to rejoice with other folks rejoice with those that rejoice you've been waiting for God to save your family and look like things are getting worse at your house and then here comes a sister that say you know the Lord save my husband well you ought to just break up service and socks you know doing your dancing what praise the Lord well what's you shouting about because I know that if he did it but uh sooner or later he don't do it for me then we go down just a little bit further and we find him rejoicing in the verse 28 of chapter 2 over the healing of Ephraim read itis he throwed itis I believe that's where they leave heard itis he had been from the church to where Paul was located and got sick and in this letter he's writing and he's rejoicing because II for a Titus has been healed well that's another thing God is still healing I mentioned this past Tuesday night and I just wanted the sister to get it to certified by her doctor amen we have a sister here that mentioned how that you know she was terminal and we just spoke a few words of faith following the message and laid hands on it and and when the Lord laid out there I heard the Holy Ghost SEC Jobs operating now amen and see when when God operates that I don't believe in this kind of healing that won't stand to go back to the doctor because if you really heal the doctor will certify the tests will show it you don't hear what I'm saying praise God real healing I'm not talking about that stuff to some folks ain't in order to make you believe that there is some kind of sensation or some kind of a wonder I'm leery of anybody who tries to steal God's glory a man most of the healings that take place here my god we may just have everybody coming through the line and sometimes I may anoint with oil and the preachers lay hands sometimes I stand back and let them lay hands we're not trying to see who gonna get credit it don't make me any difference whether they say you know I came through the prayer line and and the bishop laid hands on me elder so-and-so our sister so-and-so Amen because when all is said and done we didn't heal nobody when the healing takes place Jesus didn't and and you better make sure that even if you are the agent that he used you better make sure you don't try to steal his glory a man he doesn't stand for people to take his glory you read over there in acts what happened when Herod was so displeased the bowls of tyre and sidon and he went and made a certain oration on a day and the man was so eloquent that the people said this is the voice of a God not the voice of a man now God didn't hold him responsible for what the folks said but the man has got to have sense enough hello to not take glory that is given to God some of you might remember a son did then maybe about three four maybe four years ago when one of my elders one of my worship coordinators well he had been somewhere and it seemed like where he was that they shouldn't have said anything that was not scriptural and it was on the program that the prelate was referred to as the chief Shepherd and so my worship coordinator that Sunday that to this number by the choir our pastor and chief Shepherd shall come and I had to you know let him know I'm not getting on you necessarily but I can preach under that God would hold me responsible that title chief Shepherd is reserved for Jesus Christ alone and I had to get up here and disavow back and then go back and preach because I could not afford to stand up trying to take the Lord's on a man not to some to the sheep in the flock at temple of deliverance I'm your Shepherd but I'm under Shepherd the chief the chief he's seated at the right hand of power in heaven and I can't take his glory a man somebody and you got to learn don't ever try to take that which belong to God and hear it sitting that deify because the people said it's the boss of a garden not a man and he refused to give God the glory and you remember what happened angel of the Lord smote him he died and right now before the people's eyes the worms consumed his flesh and the scripture said it was because he gave not God the glory amen we got to learn how to give God the glory in all things is that right now I come down to the sixth time that he uses that title in uses the word rejoice in the third chapter verse 1 he bits them rejoice really as the word of farewell Philippians 3 and one finding my brethren rejoice in the Lord this is more or less a sigh well bidding I'm going but I don't want you to stop rejoicing now he's not with them now he's writing a letter so he's evidently talking about the time of his death is coming near so he bid them farewell letting them know that no matter what goes on even the death of the one that preached Christ to you you keep on rejoicing he tells them to rejoice even though he is a half of what the church is going to house to face what they're going to help to confront he tell them in the next verse beware of those you got some folk in church with dog spirits amen be wild dogs beware of evil workers it would be great if everybody who came to church came with Jesus on their mind and had good and well doing as that motive but it's not so you find some folks that will come and they'll sit they just want to see that stuff to start dancing and run up the aisle and leave a first on the Pew tell me you got folks that got all kind of motive beware of dogs beware of evil workers beware of the concision and that word simply means a cutting off it has to do with a division and you've got people in the church some of them because their own actions caused them to be separated but then there are some whose deeds are so dastardly that God cut some old and it's not even getting mad at the church when God cut somebody off hello don't don't fool yourself God him dead they're so far that he will allow people to go and when you go so far God himself some things we can't Street now God help to straighten them out Paul said but even in the midst of a cutting away in the midst of some divisions that's going to come he said don't you let none of that stops you from rejoicing mmm I'm almost finished row the seventh time he comes to verse three of chapter three as a Gentile Church and I love this one he says for we are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit in other words everywhere that Paul went and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ he preached a plain simple gospel by grace are you saved through faith that not of yourself hmm it is a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast and when you read that entire epistle of Galatians what you find happening that those who are called Judaizers every time Paul would go into Gentile territory and preach salvation through pure faith the Judaizers would try to come and make the new Christians Jews let them no no wait a minute if you're going to be a member of the church then you're gonna have to live like the Jews you don't have to abstain from certain meats you're going to have to observe the Sabbath days as the seventh day of the week not the first day and all your males have got to comply with what God told Abraham and what he told all of those children that he's going to have to have them that's what circumcision is it simply is the cutting away of the foreskin it means the same thing in the Bible that it means at your house circumcision is circumcision and they try to make circumcision a grounds of salvation but Paul said now look at what circumcision meant it was false cleanliness it was to certify that all of the males of Israel were dedicated to the Lord it was a sacrificial thing to show that they have a part in the Covenant it's also for cleanliness but Paul says when Jesus came we got a new kind of circumcision he said we are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh that circumcision was a fleshly thing he said but I was of the spiritual thing he said I want you to know that if you are really saying if you're really a child of God he has made you clean he has washed you in his blood and you don't have to get caught in the traps of Judaism but you can rejoice in Christ Jesus because we are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit nothing about the flesh a whole lot of folk today they are trying to make it a fleshly thing and I know somebody's gonna get mad at me right here but I believe I believe that Saints ought to dress decently hello I don't believe that makeup will send you the hell but I think that when you use it it ought to just be something that helps to bring out something without making you look like a clown you know I mean whatever color you are you don't have no your eyelids are not green you're not one of the purple people eaters you not you know you're all your aint nothin about your texture that's purple but what I'm trying to say here is that although there are those who preach nothing but how to dress how to makeup you know don't none of this none of that you know it's all flesh real salvation is not what you wear or what you don't wear real salvation is a spiritual manner now that's my point let me close here finally he uses that word for the final time in chapter 4 when he said for John always how could he set this to the churches Philip I this was the best church for him to say it to you go back into that 16th chapter of Acts and you can follow his steps as that church will sound it Paul was getting ready to go from Wales and in the nighttime the Holy Ghost embodied himself if a man stood in Paul's dream said come on over into Macedonia and help us and when Paul got to Philip I the chief citty of that portion of Macedonia he didn't even find a man but what he found was a group of women women that were gathering around the little pond having their daily prayer meetings Paul and his evangelistic companion Silas they sat down with those women then expounded unto them the Word of God more perfectly and of course as they were teaching the Word of God there was a woman named Lydia who was from the town of Phi Tyra the Word of God that pricked her heart and she opened her home and as they would go from Lydia's house to the pram meeting everyday that was a girl the Bible says a temple she was probably justice in her early teens and she was possessed with an evil spirit she saw these men walking from Lydia's house to the pram meeting every day and said these are the men of God that show us the way of salvation finally one day Paul's spirit will grieve because he recognized that what the girl was saying was not really on words but a demon spirit that was in possession of her body when Paul recognized the demon spirit had taken over in her he commanded the devil's to come out of her and you see now a pimp's in those days but these pimps were not using her body they were using her spirit they were using that spiritual power that demonic force within her to make money off of her but when Paul cast the devil out of that girl she didn't have the power to tell fortunes Nomos and you poke that always running the fortune tellers you ought to realize that that's not a Holy Ghost gift you go looking for focus got Tom's out there displayed talking about sister mystery that can read your palm and can tell you all of your friends and all your enemies by name you better keep on moving because when you get saved and get the Holy Ghost the Holy go build a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart and the Holy Ghost will tell you what you need to know the girl couldn't tell fortunes after they cast the devil out of her but the man that had been making money off of her gift they got angry drue Paul and Silas into the marketplace beat that clothes off of them and then that evening they threw them in the prison dungeon you know the story and probably early in the evening men might have been talking and conversing one with another from one cell to another but over in the night time when everybody had gone to sleep the Bible said at midnight Paul and Silas breathe and thing breathing under God that's all I'm trying to do is tell you you've got to learn how to deal with your midnight midnight when the meal is low and the money is going midnight when it seems like one of your children is on dude and you don't even know where your spouse is midnight when you've lost your job and don't know how you're gonna pay the rent midnight when the doctor said look like you've got that incurable disease and I don't know how much longer you gonna have to stay here at midnight Paul and Silas breathe and sing breathe is under God and I don't know Paul might have been singing his little rat-faced baritone Silas was probably singing a beautiful tenor but after a while when they got to the chorus of the song God joined in with a rumbling bass and federal prison and the door came open the Bible said all the doors were open and about the time all of the doors were open the jailer woke up out of sleep and he thought the prisoners have escaped and when he took the sword getting ready to take his own life I hear Paul from the inside fence to myself no harm we all hear the door open but we haven't gone anywhere and I heard that Jayla said what must I do to be saved and Paul didn't tell him what he had to stop doing he told him what he had to do he said believe on the Lord Peter crying not only will you be saved but your whole house will be saved if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ years later Paul is writing back to the member of that same church and I am letting them know rejoice in the lord whatever is going on don't you stop rejoicing when I was down in Philippi you know how I was put in rhythm but Paul and Silas we never stopped rejoicing we retire until God shut the prison we retire until the door flew open we retire I'm branded area but never want you to sit there with a wounded spirit and a broken heart he wants you to sit there like you've lost your best friend but I will repair you today whatever you're going through retire in the law and again I'm very tired [Applause] I got the clothes most of us rejoice when we got money in the bank we rejoice when our friend but give it around our house we retire when everything is going our way and then some of us are most spiritual we rejoice when we see somebody get healed we rejoice when we see the devil cast it out but I got Jesus telling disciples I'm hell Satan and lightnings fallen from heaven you don't have to wait to devil the cast out to rejoice are you saying rejoice because your name is written in heaven ah if you don't see nobody can heal if you don't see you'll never pat down if you look like nothing is going your way if you up and retire so heaven gets the nude reside until hell begins the tremble or [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] you are the grab somebody by the head and tell em neighbor I don't know about you but all of the devil then he'll stop me from Richard [Applause] [Music] oh when I was a little boy coming up over hold it simple my father was passing I'm just a little boy sitting on the seats but the ThinkPad some songs oh my god that would go down into your heart and even at 50 years old I still remember me I think it was sister Lurleen Williams that used to stay with you malleco see she had while she sang the Lord delivered me why should I be bound have you been delivered retire [Applause] they don't want you to step back like you've lost your best friend Satan wanna take a molehill and make a mountain out of it he wants to tie your hands and seal your lip but if the Lord has delivered you is that you say you just like a dead person I don't feel nothing no more Lazarus was dead in the brain his body was the can but when Jesus told him out yes spirit when that is the body and the body was wrapped and I didn't break oh but when Jesus callin he was a cop but he stopped domina he came up till he got to the entrance of that day and I'm a Jesus that elusive and let it go let the devil know I don't feel like a Walton ah I know how much strength but I don't do what I can I'm gonna die to my man get free I'm gonna tie your feet get free I'm gonna return until everything is alive again [Applause] Laura [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] wait a minute the devil is a liar that's all the ill he's a liar I just heard him in my spirit I heard of tell somebody what do you got these folks preaching a sermon on rejoice these folk dance shout too much anyhow but the devil is alive in Nehemiah he he said neither be sorry because the Java Lord is the strict that's why some y'all so we now you're trying to sit there lap eternal all fried up and you get in weakened water if you want some strength [Applause] ooh you [Applause] flower [Music] illusion Oh whoa [Music] Paulo [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] poverty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] and Halloween [Music] [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] Oh Lord hallelujah glory glory glory glory glory glory my soul magnifies Jesus bless the Lord all my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name we praise you Jesus Oh we praise you Lord hallelujah something down in you a wheel ought to be turning you ought to lift up hold a hand now and open your mouth and speak words of praise thank you Jesus oh my soul love you my soul magnifies Jesus bless your name hallelujah oh thank you Jesus thank you Lord blessed be God on your seminar hi cousin over MC al-amin thank you Jesus thank you a lot thank you thank you thank you lord thank you lord Alleluia oh my soul love you Jesus thank you lord thank you of the billions if you just praising now while this spirit is in the room somebody could be healed now somebody can be delivered set free right now while you're giving the fruit of your lips praise your name Jesus Oh we praise her heartily a Sunday he talked of all my soul love you Jesus listening listening listening says your name hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah thank you oh thank you lord hallelujah Laura de Jesus glory to Jesus Lord Jesus harmony of mathy he calls sang hallelujah [Music] well take your seat if you can thank you lord thank you lord thank you mama thank you Lord hallelujah are you a gay yay yay yay yay whoo rip apart [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh hallelujah thank you hey Alleluia Thank You LaVon [Applause] [Music] we go but my soul sweet boy [Music] for my soul sweet spirit sweep over my soul my joy is complete and our way at happy sweet spirit sweep over ma my soul sweep all the Martha sweep oh the my soul sweet spirit sweep over my oh my joy is complete I have our ways that might be sweet here sweep over my oh yeah [Music] yeah yes [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] hallelujah who had believed our report to whom have the arm of the Lord been revealed somebody is today who entered this building without a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and even though my message was not really a message on salvation you have found yourself on the conviction and you want to give your life to Jesus Christ if there is a sinner in this building and you're tired of your sins and ready to give your life to Jesus I want you to get up out of your seat wherever you are and come down the nearest aisle if you're in the balcony get up go to the elevator push one and come on down if you're in the wing get up and come down the nearest aisle and if you're out here in front of me in the main sanctuary get up and come now lost in sin Jesus loves you and in one minute time all of your friends that you've committed since you've been in the world can be blotted out and you will become a new creature in Christ Jesus backslider that have known the Lord and you straight away from him and went back to that old life he didn't leave you you left him so he bits you return unto me and I'll return unto you saith the Lord I want you to get up and come right now summer that want to be saved backslider that wants to be reclaimed and even those who may already be saved and you want to make this your church home the door of the church is open get up and come down the nearest aisle hallelujah my soul love you Jesus glory at all thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Oh hallelujah there are many others that the Lord is speaking to and I want you to come I want you to obey the Lord right now god bless you young man somebody else over here in the wing I want you to get up and come you get out here in front of me I want you to come now glory to Jesus someone coming from the balcony hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you thank you Jesus lost anything and want to be saved backslider that want to be reclaimed are you that's already saved and want to make this your church home I want you to get up and come right now you don't have to wait on anybody else it's between you and God hallelujah I'm waiting Oh 17 people right now there are 17 souls that the Lord is speaking to and you know who you are god bless you my sister come on there are sixteen more and I'm waiting on you hallelujah the holy ghost you come hallelujah thank you come on my brother das letzte hallelujah fifteen more I'm waiting on fifteen more Souls thank you Jesus get up get up get up get up get up the Holy Ghost is get up thank you Jesus roll the little Bluebird in st. of you praise God the milks with pre-breathing thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah I'm waiting those goals from that balcony and you know who y'all make your way to the elevator push one come on down hallelujah hallelujah god bless you young man thank you Jesus yet waiting on 14 more whoo thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus whoa huh my soul magnifies Oh glory thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus we're wait now we wait long for your will to be manifested in the fold that you've touched give them the courage to break a loose and come now who if you come now he'll deliver you from that addiction if you come now you'll set your free god bless you my sister yeah yeah yeah hallelujah I'm waiting on 12 Oh god bless you young man I'm waiting on 10 more god bless you young lady I'm waiting on nine more yeah hey I'm waiting on heat nor the Holy Ghost is moving Jesus is in the room thank you Lord thank you thank you thank you thank you hey come on out of your seat and come on out take your hands off god bless you young lady come on hallelujah I'm waiting oh seven more whoo yeah yeah yeah deliverance is in the room victory has been the room the laundry is in the room thank you thank you thank you thank you hallelujah my my my my my thank God for look look that's right come on young lady six more come on five more Florida God glory to God glory glory glory hey hey thanks gospel of blood that's right come home hallelujah my my my my my my what a wonderful Jesus that's right come on young lady come on young man hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] hmm [Applause] Oh glory I believe that too long yet waiting on God bless you young lady come on come on yes glory hallelujah [Music] I know this one is real old-fashioned but I hear it down in my spirit I'm on the hall two lon want you to bless my soul I'm the off the Lord the Lord on the altar Lord I need a blasted law I need a blessing Lord I need a blessing Lord need a blessing Lord [Applause] I'm only Oh Lord [Music] [Applause] while I'm waiting Wow [Music] while I'm waiting that's my ball bless my soul are now coming all the way but you need this I need the Holy Ghost I need the Holy Ghost you already prayed to master where need the Holy Ghost he can feel you right there I need the Holy Ghost [Music] our visa Oh glory what a wonder what a one that what a wonder what a wonder my my my my my mind yes thank you thank you Jesus basket anybody just gotta praise down in here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Bank up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Bridget and [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm going to just shake hands with all of you that came up and I want you to follow these worship coordinators where they can intelligently ascertain your spiritual need and those who want to make this your church there'll be someone downstairs to sign you up and unless you are part of this office staff that's got to go out with these Souls I want you all beginning two days to break this thing of leaving before the benediction you wouldn't leave work before your day is complete God is the one that gives you the strength to go to your job this is his day give him full time not follow [Applause] [Music] and God bless a pleasure stop special [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] if power [Music] the [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well you've got a hand and take a seat for a moment if you can all the praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord hallelujah [Applause] praise our green God hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you [Music] we are enjoying the Lord Jesus I say to each and every one of you do your best to be back tonight tonight as you know following faiths clinic and why pww they are held simultaneously at 6 o'clock and then at 7:30 the evening worship begins with water baptizing Elda Finney is in charge of that ministry and those who need to be baptized you need to be back into the pool area the ladies around behind the choir up the steps there's a room on the east side of the building brothers there's a room back here on the west side of the building you should be there around 7:00 27:25
Channel: Spirit of Praise Church of God in Christ
Views: 187,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOY
Id: xa3pPlbAEx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 35sec (4895 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2017
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