Revive Us TV - Bishop G.E. Patterson

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[Applause] how many people out here are determined to get everything that the devil stole back from you huh how many people are determined that he's not gonna have your joy he's not gonna have your peace he's not gonna have your faith but you're getting it all back yeah hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] oh i want everything [Music] oh me [Applause] oh give me give me [Music] stand up is [Music] me right [Music] is [Music] i want everything [Applause] oh come on and give him praise in this place hallelujah and lord we do give you praise and we give you glory and we give you honor for the privilege you've granted unto us once again to come into your house of worship and to give glory to your name we asked lord that you would just anoint these lips of clay you would hide us behind your glorious cross and cover us with your precious blood allowing no flesh to glory in your sight and whatever you do lord we take absolutely no credit but we give you all of the glory the honor and the praise now lord anoint your word let it be like a hammer to break rocks in pieces to break through the stony heart hallelujah hallelujah touch us revive us renew us refresh us and we give you praise to christ our lord amen and amen you may be seated we praise thee your lord for the son of thy love for jesus who died and is now gone above hallelujah thine the glory hallelujah amen hallelujah find the glory revive us again hallelujah find the glory hallelujah amen hallelujah find the glory revive us again hallelujah glory to god that song came up in my spirit somehow when i left home this morning for the eight o'clock worship i had in mind a certain passage of scripture which actually i felt inspired with riding the airplane on yesterday evening coming back from philadelphia and yet after getting to the platform the lord gave me another passage for the eight o'clock and i feel that it is the passage that the lord has given us for this worship service also so i would ask you to open your bibles with me to psalm 51 psalm 51 and we greet all of you the lord's people that are present here in this sanctuary as well as our audience who listen around the world on the world wide web the internet as a radio station wbbp is now on the world wide web and at this moment the capability of being heard is around the world i want you in opening to the book of psalms to not just read with me these three verses and tuck it away under your chair but i want you to keep your bible open first we want to read from verses 10 11 and 12 of psalm 51. if you have that say amen let's read aloud together create in me a clean heart o god and renew a right spirit within me cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirit from me restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit all right we'll stop at that point i want to talk today about a prayer for revival a prayer for revival i believe that there has never been a day when the body of christ as a corporate body when the local congregation and the individual believer needs reviving more than now there was a time and i can remember as a youngster when practically every church had its annual revival at least that's what we called it and those revivals 40 50 years ago were normally scheduled for one week or two but when god began to move in the midst of the people they often stretched out for as much as a month or more i can remember i don't know the exact year but it was some where during the decade of the 80s in the white and gold building just across the parking lot that we started our annual new year's revival which was on this schedule to go a week but from watch meeting night new year's eve night it stretched out until finally we just kind of ended it in the middle of the month of march because god was moving in such a tremendous way in the midst of his people now mistakenly we have fought within the church that revival was a time for sinners to be converted but in reality you cannot revive the sinner the word revive simply means to re-energize to bring back to life that which once lived and while the saint the believer can be revived the work of bringing the sinner to christ falls more under the caption of evangelizing the work of saving the sinner is a work that should go on daily when we read the second chapter of the acts of the apostles after the day of pentecost when the 120 in the upper room received the gift of the holy ghost they went daily into the temple and from house to house and the record is the lord added to the church daily such as should be saved it is our job to witness to the center every day and if we would do our job of witnessing to the center every day you would never have enough room in any worship facility no matter how large they won souls daily now look at the amount of us that's in here now if every one of us would win one soul a year [Music] you wouldn't have a seat in the house including the extra chairs that are back there to be brought out when this overflows they warn souls every day but when persecution broke out and the saints were scattered and went everywhere preaching the gospel with the exception of the apostles who remained in jerusalem they had to have a time of revival which came in that fourth chapter after the holy ghost had fallen on the day of pentecost in chapter two and after the healing of the lame man at the gate in chapter three persecution broke out following that in chapter four and when they brought peter and john in and whipped them and charged them not to preach anymore in the name of this jesus and the church was at a low stage at that point but they went back to the prayer meeting and down around verse 30 of chapter 4 when they got through praying and said now lord behold their threatenings grant unto thy servants that with all boldness we may speak your word and the bible said and when they had prayed the place was shaken where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the holy ghost they just got baptized and filled two chapters earlier but their cup of joy had somehow sprung a leap and they prayed again and the place was shaken and they were filled with the holy ghost and spake the word with boldness they spake the word with boldness after they were filled and they were filled after god shook the place and god shook the place after they prayed [Applause] so the act of revival is the act of god reigniting and re-energizing the flame within his body which is the church the church now as individual members and as a corporate body we face attacked from satan on a large scale we are under the very stress of living times are more stressful now than they were fought in 50 years ago and it is so easy i i know sometimes in my messages i even condemn the fact that we don't hold on like the saints of yesterday but they admittedly did not have as much to deal with as we have to deal with today amen and consequently there are some people that if they don't get a chance every sunday we had that thing that happened last sunday and there was nothing wrong with our emergency generators but something in the light gas and water system that somehow backed up and caught that to not the generator but the transformer on fire and because they feared we didn't really need to cut off our generators but because the fire department asked us to we had to go out of here last sunday without having to worry and i don't know how many people there were that just felt like oh my god as much word as we get it was just something missing just just hard to make it from one sunday to the next and and it's like that automobile we run so much until the fuel gets low and just about time you get so low if you don't re-fuel the car it'll run out of gas and many times we run out of gas spiritually speaking and don't know it you got enough to spin your wheels but not enough to go anywhere and even the body of christ needs to be revived oh my god this particular psalm and again i threw out this information for you to just file it away in your subconscious we have so many people that have difficulty with the book of psalms and psalms are a type of song because the apostle said speaking to yourselves in psalms hymns and spiritual songs so when we pick up the hymn book we know we have picked up a book of hymns plural but if there is a particular hymn we want to sing then it is him 193 or 257 or whatever singular remember that when you pick up the book of psalms plural that every psalm from 1 through 150 is a psalm singular amen and that's why if we get that in our mind we'll always speak properly we go into the book of psalms and we will meditate upon psalm 51. not the 51st division for their only five divisions in the book hello somebody and psalm 51 comes out of the second division and it is the psalm of david after he had committed the sin of adultery with the wife of uriah now this is the sin of david that we are most familiar with although there were two great sins in david's life first one was this particular sin of adultery with uriah's wife and his second great sin was something you wouldn't even think was a sin but it was the sin of numbering the children of israel why would numbering uh a nation be a sin simply because god has always wanted his people to learn to depend on him not to depend on our numbers amen that story is beautifully told in judges when gideon had to go against uh who was it the midianites and he called for a volunteer army and started off with 32 000. but god said you've got too many sent all the cowards home 10 000 left and he still had 22 000 god said you still got too many because if i let you win this battle with an army numbering into the thousands you will feel like you did it so god sifted them all the way down to 300 men that didn't have anything but a picture with a lamp in it y'all don't hear what i'm saying and priests with rams horns so that they would know when they gained the victory that this victory didn't come because we were so strong it came because god was on our side and we've got to know this that it doesn't matter whether the victory comes with many or with few had it not been the law who was on our side glory to god when men rose up they would have swallowed us up quick so david's second great sin was the numbering of the people but his first great sin was the sin of adultery with uriah's wife now david would have never gotten involved in that situation had he been where he was supposed to be but he was at the wrong place at the wrong time and i don't care what you say a lot of folk get in trouble being in the wrong place or the right place at the wrong time amen there are young men and women as well that view our telecast on a weekly basis incarcerated in the panel institutions across this country and even into other countries and they will tell you that the only reason that they are now behind bars is because they were with the wrong company and when they should have been somewhere else they were in the wrong place it's not only sinners but people of god sometimes if you don't watch where you are if you don't to keep your self under control you'll get with people and go places where you have no business and then when things began to happen there you are right in the middle because you are in the wrong place yes i said that david got into this sin because he was in the wrong place if you don't believe it i hope you have your bibles open turn with me back to the book of second samuel amen amen i don't i don't hear a lot of pages rattling have y'all really found it that fast that's good so i don't i don't have to tell you i don't have to go through genesis exodus uh leviticus numbers deuteronomy joshua and judges ruth first samuel ii samuel you already got it in second samuel chapter 11 i want you to just read with me the first two verses the first three actually come on let's read it together and it came to pass after the year was expired at the time when kings go forth to battle that david sent joab and his servants with him and all israel and they destroyed the children of ammon and besieged robber but david carrick still at jerusalem do you see that it was the time for kings to go to war but instead of david going the war he sent joab and sent the armies of israel with joab and david stayed behind he should have been involved in battle you all don't hear me come on read verse two and three and it came to pass in an evening time that david arose from off his bed and walked upon the roof of the king's house and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself and the woman was very beautiful to look upon and david sent an inquired after the woman and one said is not this bathsheba the daughter of eliam the wife of uriah the hittite now we're not going further but you understand that the reason he was at home looking out from his palace and saw uriah was because he was not where he should have been instead of sending joab he should have led his people into battle you can say what you want to you can be in the wrong place and get messed up amen how many of you have done it don't raise your hand i think all of us have amen i know of at least one time and maybe two that i got myself into the worst mess being in the wrong place and if you want to know what i was doing and where i was not your business because i'm not going to ask you [Applause] but it's best to be in your place you better tell three people around you learn to be where you ought to be [Applause] in other words stay in your place amen [Applause] david instead of being on the battlefield was there at the palace and saw this beautiful woman bathsheba being the king he brought her summonsed her to come in and during their affair she conceived a child and if you just read the next couple of chapters or so you'll get the whole story and when david understood that bathsheba was carrying his child the first move that he made was to cover it up sometimes the cover-up can be worse than the sin itself david tried to cover it up by commanding that uriah would come home when uriah came home david said i want you to go and take a portion to your wife of meat something delicacies from the king's table but what david didn't know is that uriah sent somebody else with the provisions and he slept outside of the king's gate determining in his heart that i'm not going to enjoy the pleasures of marriage while my fellow soldiers are out on the battlefield when david found out that he could not pin the child upon bathsheba's husband uriah he commanded take him back to the battlefield put him in the forefront the heat of the hottest battle and then withdraw from him he was so blinded by his own feelings of pleasure his own emotions that what he did to uriah did not even occur to him what a great sin he had committed you can say what you want to you can get so involved in the things of this world until the conscience no longer seems to work and when david thought that he had accomplished his goal god sent the prophet say what you want to god's not going to ever let his people air without giving them warning now it's up to you whether you take the warning but god always gives warning oh hallelujah saw david feeling that everything was all right god spoke to the prophet nathan and when we were studying the parables i remember giving one definition that a parable is a method for truth to enter a door disguised as a story nathan knew he couldn't have gotten to the king letting the king know on the front end king you've done something wrong i got to get to you and tell you how you violated god's law he knew that wouldn't work so he gets to the palace and says to the king i've got an urgent matter that only you can judge come on in prophet what is it he said i want you to know that that was a man had many flocks and herds and then that was another man who had nothing except one little you lamb that little lamb played with the children of the man he was something like a family pet but the rich man with all of his flocks had guests for dinner and he took the poor man's little you lamb killed it and dressed it for his guests while he had all of those slots of his own that he didn't touch king what do you think ought to be done with such a man david and a rage said such a man ought to be put to death it's something how when you think you're judging somebody else it's always different somebody else can do the same thing that we do but when we look in the mirror we just got weak but when they do it they're wicked david thinking he was judging somebody else such a man ought to be put to death then nathan pointed his finger at the king and said thou art the man said god has given you everything that you desire and if you had wanted more he would have given you that also but you have taken the wife of uriah hallelujah and then killed uriah with the sword of the hittites and when david was brought face to face with his sins david repented that's why god in the new testament calls him a man after his own heart not that david did not sin but when he was brought face to face with his sin he didn't try to cover it up he just simply repented oh you can say what you want to god knows that sometime on the slippery slopes of life that even the saints will mess up reason i know that is when i read the first epistle of john he says that if any man sin now these things are right unto you little children that you're saying not as a child of god god don't want your sinning but he says but if any man sin he has an advocate now the word advocate means attorney ah every attorney can't practice in the high court some attorneys are qualified for the city court deal with traffic tickets but they can't get in the supreme court they're not qualified there but i hear john say if we mess up we've got an advocate that can stand before the supreme judge of the world and intercede for you and me hallelujah oh let me go on with this david repented of his sins and that repentance that prayer of repentance is recorded in psalm 51. look at it he says have mercy upon me o god according to thy loving kindness oh you can say what you want to all that we need from god is mercy ah no needing criticizing the old folks saying lord have mercy because i don't care how good any of us live when we stand before the presence of a holy god there is nothing that we can ask him for but mercy mercy not only for what i did but mercy for what i thought hallelujah have mercy upon me oh god according to thy loving kindness david realized even in the old testament that god was a god of loving kindness oh i tell you when we read the old testament we think about god being a god of vengeance and wrath of god enlightening and swift judgment israel basically feared yahweh because they knew what a powerful god how that he could bring swift wrath upon them but when i get in the new testament and i look at john chapter 1 and verse 18 it says no man have seen god at any time but the only begotten who is in the bosom of the father he has declared him so what we know through jesus christ is that god is not a god of vengeance but he is a god of love [Applause] we can mess up and he still loves us glory to god we can know to do good and do evil but he still love us don't misunderstand me the day of judgment is coming but thank god we are still under the day of grace have mercy on me o lord according to thy loving kindness oh bless his name hearting under the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgression oh you can make a mistake on a piece of paper and you can take a line and scratch it but everybody who look at it know when they see the scratch mark that you messed up but god does something like they do in the office when they get white out and when they get through wiping it out you can go past it and don't even know that a mistake was the hell david said lord i know i messed up but white it out so that when men and women look at it they really won't know how bad i messed up somebody ought to say whine it out [Applause] sit down then we come to verse 2 [Applause] wash me thoroughly from my iniquity oh glory a lot of folk is in the self reformation but you can't really clean up your act jesus said when the unclean spirit goes out of man he walketh through dry places seeking rest but when he comes back and finds that house swept and garnished sweat is indicative of dry cleaning oh you don't hear me garnishment decorated and a lot of folks try to clean up their own act and then decorate your own self-righteousness but if you really want to be clean you're going to have to tell god lord i don't have the ability to straighten it out myself wash wash me yeah i know it first when you save me that you wash me in your blood but the thing that i know is that the blood of jesus cleanses that which simply means that keeps on cleaning and god i messed up and got back in a mess and it was you that washed me at first and i can't straighten it out by myself but wow wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin then it comes to verse three for i acknowledge my transgression look at somebody tell them quit trying to acknowledge my sins and look at your own it's a day when people are quick to inform everybody as soon as a new member come in the church they see that new member with old member another old member will say honey you gotta stay away from them cause i'm gonna tell you what they did quit acknowledging everybody else's transgression also used to say that whenever you point one thing at me you got three pointing back at you i acknowledge my transgression and because of the state of guilt he was in he said and my sin is ever before me sometimes when you mess up the devil doesn't want you to forgive yourself god forgives you but satan wants you to hold it against yourself but i want you to know that if god forgave you stop wallowing in self-pity be bold enough to forgive yourself if the law doesn't hold it against me i'm not gonna hold it against myself and i'm not gonna let you hold it against me i'm free praise the lord i'm free no long about no more chains of holding me i'm free [Music] hallelujah yes thank you thank you lord when we get to verse 4 he says against thee the only have a sin and done this evil in thy sight that troubled me when i first read it i said now wait a minute david you didn't just sin against god you sinned against uriah because you took his wife but god understands that before we do something that breaks our fellow man you have already broken the heart of god oh glory for god has already given some kind of commandment that before you can mess with your neighbor you've already offended god and god was simply saying uriah got caught up in it but i told you in my commandments not to commit adultery and if there had been no uriah the fact is you sinned against me and david said lord against thee have i sinned and done this evil in thy sight hey and you jump to the beginning of verse five and look like he was trying to do like we do sometimes well lord you got to understand now i'm only human behold i was shaping in iniquity in sin did my mother conceive me but when he thought about it he realized that even though human beings come into the sinful world or victim of the flesh hallelujah that if you let god work on your heart he said behold thou desire desired truths in the inward part don't worry about outside action if you got the right thing in the heart if truth is in the heart you don't have to act alive if truth is in the heart you don't need no instructions telling you what to do and how to do it if you really got truth in your heart the love of god is shed abroad by the holy ghost and the power of god on the inside will constrain you how you ought to act constrain your what you ought to say constrain you where you ought to go hey [Music] [Applause] y'all sit down a minute i'm closing this hold thou desired truth and then the parts in the hidden part thou shall make me to know wisdom then it says purge me with hyssop hyssop was a plant that god told moses to use when it struck the blood to the upper post and the side post of the door don't use a paint brush but dip it in hyssop that plant came to be known as a symbol of inner cleansing that's why david said purge me with hyssop wash me down on the inside lord i don't want none of that little soap that mild facial soap that'll get off some surface dirt but leave the real germs attached i i want you to purge me with hyssop when i was a little boy my mother used to make something they called the lye soap it stuck like i don't know what but there wasn't anything that it wouldn't clean and god wants you to know that he has the hiss of his word that'll reach way down into those hidden areas stuff you've been hiding and holding against somebody for 20 years some of that stuff have found the corner down in the heart and look like you can't get it out but i him said purge me purge me with hisser yeah yeah yeah yeah and i shall be clean wash me and i shall be whiter than snow and i come on down here to come down to the verse 10. create in me a clean heart yeah and renew a right spirit in me you can say what you want to you can sit up in church hard get full of mess sit up in church jumping and dancing and still got meth in your heart but i hear david said this old heart won't do give me a clean heart and i know i got the wrong spirit renew the right spirit in me yes yes lord i know the way i've been acting you could have taken your spirit from me but lord don't do it forgive me and try me one more time don't take your holy spirit from me but restore unto me the joy of my salvation i've sat around with so much junk building up in my heart that i have to try to fake it but i want the joy that i used to have i want the anointing that i used to have [Music] give me a new heart give me a new spirit revive me set me on fire take me back where i used to be [Applause] come on and praise him somebody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know [Applause] that this message [Music] won't affect everybody but somebody [Music] is hungry for the joy you used to have whoa somebody wants god to revive you again you don't want to be sitting up here like a bump on the log [Applause] that's got to have a cheerleader to tell you when to say hallelujah to tell you when to raise your hand but you want to be revived again i feel [Music] that i'm so far from your law [Music] but still i hear you calling me [Music] those simple things that i once knew [Music] the memories i must confess [Music] oh that i've been blessed but still my soul not satisfied renew my strength [Music] restore my joy then wide my weeping eyes and then take me back so i want to get back to you jesus [Applause] to the place [Music] where i am if that's your prayer you ought to do what he's doing take me back lord won't be satisfied till i get back first [Music] now you folk that satisfies with yourself you stay there but some of you know you've lost something you've lost your joy you've lost where you used to be in god you need to get here in a hurry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] glory to jesus take me back jesus hey won't be [Music] to satisfied place [Music] let me tell you if you've ever been there you know how to get back if you've ever been in his presence [Applause] [Music] oh god lock the heart [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey hallelujah lord our hands are lifted our spirits are hungry we are fasting for your righteousness we need another touch touch for the heart touch with lord anoint me again bless me again reverb me again renew me again hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah worship him today you're in his presence and he's ready to forgive every sin he's ready to blot out every transgression he's ready to restore the joy yeah he's asking do you want to be revived you ought to tell him yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord my soul is hungry yeah my spirit is thirsty [Applause] touch me again renew me again revive me again help me again [Applause] don't be ashamed to cry out to him don't be afraid to cry to him yeah yeah yeah yeah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah help us go forth hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] that's right hallelujah god touch you god bless you god deliver here god revive him god renew right now i need a touch i need a touch i need a touch oh yeah [Applause] whoa [Applause] [Applause] i don't need to tell you what to say [Music] [Applause] you've gone and pour out your heart praise him to detection praise him to the anointing [Applause] praise until he gives it back to you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on us here we're waiting at the altar we need another touch yeah yeah yeah yeah our spirits are hungry i have to push this ring on us lord [Music] you take your hand off god's people will be free god's people will get it back everything the devil stole yeah yeah we're reaching up for a new anointing we're reaching up for a new touch yes yes yes hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] it hallelujah hallelujah now i want every one of you to tell three people you're restored you're delivered you're set free you're restored you're delivered you're set free you're restored you're delivered you are set free giving praise giving praise give it praise as you go to your seat give it praise [Applause] sorry [Applause] hallelujah crazy all right [Applause] wow [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] wow [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now you may have to move around a little bit but i want you to find seven people and tell them jesus is in the room and i command you to be healed be delivered and be set free [Music] so glory glory glory glory hey [Music] all right so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Revive Us TV
Views: 1,580
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 3sec (4443 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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