Pastor Gino Jennings interview with Community Crossfire

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most of your progress today are just entertainers they're not preaching nothing with substance people come to church then i get nothing but amusement entertainment that's why you can go to 99.9 of church the preacher said hold the neighbor's hand and say neighbor something or he'll say the lord just spoke to me and he'll go off in the tongue the lord spoke to me especially after the collection after the collection is done the preacher closed his eyes real tight the lord just spoke to me just a minute he a little mama called my son he gets 5 000 more dollars in the audience and the people are suckered by it listen jack come from the hood man and if you from the hood you know a hustle when you see it the hustle have came out of the hood hid behind the cross in churches and some of the preachers are the biggest hustlers that are out here they use the name jesus to rob the people they use the name jesus to bamboozle the people they use the name jesus the kind of people that use the name jesus to manipulate the people and because people in churches are not allowed to ask questions right this is why we encourage viewers actual pastor questions if you went to a church and started questioning your pastor your pastor lay you out here say you're being disrespectful oh he said don't question god and i tell people if you pas if you question your pastor he tells you don't question god look at him and tell him you ain't god i'm questioning you because if people are financially supporting these organizations they should have the right to question these preachers about anything and everything welcome to community qualified another point of view i'm your host norman oliver yes ladies and gentlemen you've been waiting and it's here is that is that accurate enough i have pastor geno jennings and what we're going to do is we're going to take phone calls we're going to take all kinds of questions i've never seen a more dynamic guy pastor wayne jefferson and i were talking about this and he said norm do you think you're getting and i called brother dan i emailed her text him and he called me back and we set this date up so we're going to have a very open and what i'm hoping what i'm hoping is we had some ministers call good i'm hoping we have someone from the mass call um someone who probably knows the bible or the quran better than i that can ask some really intelligent questions but first of all welcome to the show thank you for having us let's get right into it because this is community crossfire first tell me a little bit about yourself well uh i came from a very well disciplined home family of eight very well-rounded father and mother church background we started pastoring at age 22 and then my mother and father basement we started with about 12 to 15 people but before then i was strongly ridiculed by my former minister who told me publicly that the lord never dealt with me i told him the different things the lord dealt with me about the work that we're doing now he said the lord never dealt with you he said in fact if you leave and i don't raise my hands over you and bless you you're another amount to nothing over the stress my father ended up getting a heart attack over this uh when we left we had no place to go so we started out in our mothers and father basement we were there for five years from the basement we worked in 13 other areas in the country wow the basement was my mother's church okay it was our headquarters church uh from there we rented the uh recreation center of an episcopalian church and that's where the lord blessed us to start our radio broadcast i asked the lord to give us a hour program on a year's time and he blessed us with 10 radio stations 11 radio stations in a year time and short wave stations wow let me let me stop you right there because i also saw something where you said you don't have a doctor's degree in theology no i never went to i don't know because everybody's got doctors and stuff now uh school makes students it takes god to make a preacher uh one goes to theology school when they come out they're more messed up than they went in but that's interesting you say that you've had you have a lot of controversial stuff to say about preachers in general yeah i mean and basically i've heard you say that pimp's in the pulpit and talk about tiding and taking money and riding around what do you mean by all that uh if you look at church today church has become the largest multi-billion dollar racket in the world it's a racket it has uh outbeat the mafia long time ago what make it worse is most of these preachers racketeer behind the name of jesus now if you look at television and look at the program that is going on today what do you hear preach god got a miracle with your name on it touch and claim it and if you look at the so-called prayer line uh everyone is getting pushed on the floor notice the preacher when he lay hands on you and nobody fall down on the floor unless someone in the back of you to catch you and if the lord is really dealing with you then just fall flat on concrete and call it a day but if you look at the schemes uh bless water uh oil from jerusalem lucky uh all these type of gimmicks church supposed to be designed for to develop the people mentally spiritually physically in every manner and church is not doing that today but you also um and ladies and gentlemen if you're just tuning in we started a little earlier uh we have pastor general jennings in um studio and this is going to be an incredible conversation you also have some interesting things to say about the different denominations different you know baptists yeah catholics basically my my my argument is this god is one and if you search the scriptures all these religions that exist today you don't find them in the scriptures and if you don't find him in the scriptures then who's responsible for their existence baptist methodist presbyterian lutheran non-denominational i mean it's like an open buffet 30 churches in one neighborhood and everybody come out christians 30 different ways serving 30 different gods but yet everybody's supposed to be going to this one heaven god is not the author of confusion so i'm a firm believer that if you focus on the bible and do it exactly like the bible say whatever is not in the bible then get it out to church so when i question people about their religion the first thing i ask them is this where does it exist in the bible and most times they refer me to what great men started it and how many followers they have i'm not interested in that all i want to know is where does it exist in the bible if it don't exist in the bible then i have no confidence on it and also you have some interesting things to say about women preachers what do you have against women preachers i don't have nothing against women at all it's just women preachers is something that organizations have adopted scripturally they never exist for years churches have tried to make women in the bible to be preachers first and foremost to try to make jesus mother the first female preacher scriptures never said she preached to nobody they try to make a woman being a prophetess a preacher prophesying is just the full telling of the event that's going to come which is given to a man or woman in most cases the preacher's wife is his assistant pastor they try to keep the church in the family business he's the pastor and his wife is the first lady they'll let you know right off the bat all the money is staying right in the family you keep coming back to that yes i do because years ago and i'm only 50 years old i don't know how old you are but when i was coming up the fear of god was taught to us right if you take fear and respect for god out of church you don't have no church so if you look at the international mega churches that is functioning today the fear of god is not being preached there's only one message being preached money money have took the place of god and for that cause the senate don't respect church the center laughs at church you get the so-called christians he's in the same club and having the same parties that the churches are doing i mean look at it when i came up it was said that the church is the light to the world the church is not a light to nobody the sinner hath became to the light to the world if you take note whatever the sinner want to do the church remember mimic it send it come out with rapping church come out with wrath the son had come out with exploiting young sisters with videos and half-naked shaking their behind what the church do christian music with the same theme christian young girls shaking it behind naked it's it's it's uh it's just play right but do you agree that the minister should have some kind of salary they should be compensated let them get a job and go to work the bible said if you don't work you don't eat what the preachers have done they have took the pull pit and made it business that's why you see them you see benny hen these international fellas they the ten thousand dollar prayer line the fifty thousand dollar prayer line it isn't practically every preacher before he go off the television so that's not a job then no i mean i need to know this no when god make a preacher god don't make a preacher for you to pay him who paid jesus it ain't a preacher walking this earth that's bigger than jesus there's not a preacher on this earth that's better than jesus he didn't get paid a salary so why do these priests got to get paid a salary you got me confused so where did tithes come from tithing was designed back in the old testament was for the levitical priesthood it wasn't a salary it wasn't something that you paid them uh when the tithing that was given to the priests for ministering and for the work it wasn't just with money it was just in land it was land also it was part of livestock also see tithing should be used not just if you're going to help the minister fine but you got people in the church that may be poor that may need food they may need clothes you do realize we have preachers watching these children might be good oh i hope they are watching it because see the reason why a lot of preachers don't like us because we take the fun out of their life see it's like a a robber no rob beloved policeman i never seen the robber run after stealing and hug and kiss the cop so it is so a lot of preakers retaliate against us and they say that we're mean and all this stuff no we just called a spade a spade the sinner have no respect for church and you don't blame them if you turned on practically every television program they all got the same message god got a miracle with your name on it god want everybody to be rich go out there and touch that car and claim it so the way the preachers have it is like this god will bless you based upon the amount of money you give well if god only going to do something for me based upon my money what about if i don't have no money right and jesus taught us the poor you have with you always so i don't want a god who only can do something for me when i got money because if i need money and don't have it then i need to seek god for it you know another interesting and you can see i've been studying you a little bit another interesting topic that you're not afraid to go after is dealing with gays in the ministry uh yeah okay and you talk about them in the choirs and the church and what what's your problem with that homosexuality is something that the lord have spoken clearly against all through the scriptures ever since barack obama had an interview with cnn and agreed that there's nothing wrong with same-sex marriages and he said what caused him to reach that conclusion was a discussion he had with his daughters and with his wife that caused his mind to change after he agreed there's nothing wrong with same-sex marriages many of the black preachers in america who used to be against it now got on international television around the world and say oh well then that barack eyes came open well we're starting to revisit same-sex marriages now think of it you got a mustache and i got a mustache what is on your body that's made for me right you understand what i'm talking about absolutely whoever thought that we're living the time where two grown men will have to argue over whether they warn each other the bible says that god made the woman for the man and if you look at the churches homosexuality is accepted so much and one reason why they accept it because the preachers know that the homosexual money is green it's like the straight man money is green so therefore they refuse to speak out against anything and if you turn on practically any religious program and look at the choir right and 99.9 of the men on the choir the musicians and preachers in the pulpit yes just as gay as they can be so would you not accept a gay person in your church oh yes we will okay oh there are people that come to first church that's struggling with it okay we don't throw you out okay but we don't condone your conduct you don't throw the crackhead out but you don't condone the crackhead conduct i got you but you try to work with them to help them to overcome the uh evil that they're dealing with but what the cherokees are doing is sanctioning it they are endorsing it it's two different things it's like having a blood brother who have a drug problem you try to help him you don't condone what he do because you don't condone what he do that don't mean you don't love your brother right so the homosexual conduct uh they many of them speak out against me because we preach against the act so they say oh he's homophobic i'm not homophobic i love everybody but there ain't nothing on a man that's made for another man regardless of how you look at it barack did not uh institute the law of marriage god instituted the law of marriage but because that the homosexual epidemic has spread it like wildfire look at the different government structures here in america each state practice is bowing down to same-sex marriage same-sex marriage the same-sex marriages and it's amazing what kind of publicity you get when you come out the closet right when a person say i'm out the closet everybody wanted to interview him and uh like this one athlete's supposed to be the first gay athlete he come up the closet he called barack i'm preaching against homosexuality barack don't call me okay let me let me move to another substitution i'm sure people want to call in you said something now this was interesting christmas you know about christmas and easter yes you haven't i've been doing my homework yeah anything that's centered around jesus supposed to be written okay the scripture says this jesus says search the scriptures for in them you think ye have eternal life the scripture says whatsoever things were written before time was written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope there have never been no type of documentation in the scriptures in the bible at all that tell you jesus was born on christmas it never was there there have never been a scripture nowhere in the bible that even mentioned jesus rose on easter it never exists it goes to show you how long a light travel you know good and well there's no 500 pound man in a red suit coming down your chimney not in philly and not in delaware and live to talk about it he's not going to do that so you just can't make up something about jesus if you're going to say something about jesus it have to be true so and this is why i encourage parents if you love your children tell them the truth there is no scripture yes i know jesus had a birthday but the bible didn't say when it was and if the bible didn't say when it was i just can't take it upon myself to conjure up a date and say when it was so december 25th we just no it was just something that men popped up with it'd never been in the bible it never existed in the bible so when preachers get up and say this is the way our lord was born tell them to prove it the bible said prove all things you can't tell the people to believe in jesus and then you getting up lying about jesus if you're going to tell people something about jesus you should be able to show it in the bible all these preachers and notice how they make jesus all the time he's a little white pudgy baby laying in the manger which is historically incorrect jesus came from a region where the people was of color if you exaggerate if you look at nazareth nazareth in modern terms is considered ghetto nothing prestigious nothing suburb nazis was a run down place until the bible that's why the bible says can anything clean come out of nazareth but jesus skin color which is irrelevant but it was very relevant to the european this is why the european always made all the hosts of heaven white and one reason why they made the host of heaven white so your ancestors and my ancestors can always look up the white people with the mentality that if i look up the white people i'm looking up to jesus so therefore it gave me the mindset of the white being superior and my color being inferior which shows you how bigoted preachers have took jesus and made him a symbol of racism to suppress folk that was in color folk that was of color so religion have played a very wicked role through no good rotten low lies that called themselves preachers i did say low light i thought you said that yes low lies that call themselves preachers that's why if you look at what let me make an example you have the episcopalian church but then you have the the african methodist episcopal how did the african methodist episcopal come about it was because the white brothers and sisters who was episcopalian did not allow the black brothers and sisters to sit among them so what did the blacks do separated themselves from the whites and started african methodists episcopal but what kept the segregation what kept blacks and people of color looking down at themselves was because society had helped this white jesus in front of them and today to my sad regret many people will believe a white brother preaching before they would a black brother preach even amongst our own people they would take a light-skinned preacher many of them before they would listen to a dark-skinned preacher why wouldn't you care if you yellow as butter clear as water as black at the street you only can tell two things a truth or a lie ladies and gentlemen if you just tuned in we have pastor geno jennings and we're going to open up the call lines in a few seconds um let me ask you um this is not even you got you were mad about tattoos the scriptures speak against put no carving in your flesh print nothing upon your flesh and it is written i the lord have said these things your body is the temple for the living god your body is not a billboard to advertise folly your body's not a billboard to publicize foolishness your body is made to respect god god made your body he says your body is the temple of the living god now think of it if you supposed to represent god why are you out half-naked tattooing yourself putting all these letters and initials all over yourself look at our women i remember a brother wrote me from some part of america he said pastor janice it is hard to find a decent woman to marry either she got tattoos all over her or a grill in her mouth and then you got to consider when you get old that tattoo ain't smooth like it used to be right and though so i i teach our brothers you know when you go out in public go out looking like a prospect not a suspect you know you don't want to go out with tattoos of cross having a tattoo of a cross or a tattoo of jesus that don't mean nothing do you have a problem with the crosses and the genius emblems that people well first and foremost the image on the cross who told you jesus looked like that hmm who told you jesus was a white skinned blue eyed and blind hair who told you jesus was tan skinned and wore dreadlocks see being that you've never seen jesus in the flesh then you have no business trying to make jesus look like something that you haven't seen because you can make a lie as quick as you can tell one right let me ask you another question wow you got my mind because i also have been studying suburban um you have a problem from like when they're talking tongues you say guys just talking you know well you said the dude asthma attacker some of you were saying no what i'm speaking of if you look at preachers today the preachers are entertainers most of your preachers today are just entertainers they're not preaching nothing with substance people come to church then i get nothing but amusement entertainment that's why you can go to 99.9 in turkey the preacher said hold the neighbor's hand and say neighbor something or he'll say the lord just spoke to me and he'll go off in the tongue the lord spoke to me especially after the collection after the collection is done the preacher closed his eyes real tight the lord just spoke to me just a minute he a little about my color muscle gets 5 000 more dollars in the audience and the people are suckered by it listen jack come from the hood man and if you from the hood you know a hustle when you see it the hustle have came out of the hood hid behind the cross in churches and some of the preachers are the biggest hustlers that are out here they use the name jesus to rob the people they use the name jesus to bamboozle the people they use the name jesus the kind of people that use the name jesus to manipulate the people and because people in churches are not allowed to ask questions right this is why we encourage viewers actual pastor questions if you went to a church and started questioning your pastor your pastor laid you out here said you're being disrespectful or he said don't question god and i tell people if you pas if you question your pastor he tells you don't question god look at him and tell him you ain't god i'm questioning you because if people are financially supporting these organizations they should have the right to question these preachers about anything and everything the energy teachers come from the nation of islam none of my teachers came from the nation of islam someone told me to ask you that when i when people first saw me on television they thought i was a muslim right you know because for some i didn't know if bolton had that much power you know you know they see a a young black brother if he's outspoken and uh and clean shaved and we're a bow tie right away nation i never was in the nation i never came up in the nation at all but there are many brothers and sisters that are with us who was formerly in the nation who were uh who were sunni uh so there are many but no i never was in the nation let me give you a quick plug pastor jennings is going to be opening a church here in delaware very soon and he's coming so he wanted to come to crossfire first to bring the word um let me ask you because the phones are starting i'm going to answer the phones when i i watch your church is separate you have the women on one side with symbol why is the only reason why we do that's for discipline reasons we get it isn't something that's done by force uh we want all women whether you in church or not in church to be respected when you come in church some women come in they're not dressed properly you know something cut down too low dressed too short a split from the bottom to the top and i don't want brothers to be distracted by what's around them because the truth of the matter is every man come to church certainly ain't got church on mine you know so for disciplinary reasons i don't want brothers wives or daughters being disrespected either okay so for disciplinary reasons we separate the brothers for and the sisters and have them from that perspective that's all okay ladies and gentlemen the phone number great open up the phone lines the number is is it's 661-4468-661-4468 in here i mean comcast i mean what the hell is going on i mean that's you know this is like total disrespect i mean it's total disrespect i'm sorry can i say hell i'm sorry how you doing welcome to the show yes i've often heard pastor jennings speak on um you know if you have if you're in a false church to leave that false church but how does he feel when you have those preachers that are able to you know work miracles and things of that sort wouldn't that kind of put the people at a disadvantage the book of scripture says in the seventh chapter the book of matthew not everyone that saith unto me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom jesus said many in that day will talk about the miracles and things that they have done but jesus said in that day he will profess i never knew you so regardless of how many uh so-called miracles is done the miracle is not going to save you teaching do two things it either will deliver you or damn you after a miracle is wrought and your eyes come open and you no longer blind naturally but now you see but after you see you start looking at that woman in a manner that you should not look and that woman is not your wife then having your eyes open it doesn't help you any how you doing welcome to the show yeah hello hello my question is from pastor jennings how are you tonight fine i think that he does preach from the bible he's preaching scripture however i have never heard pastor jenny say god is love god loves you it seems like he's always preaching like hell and brimstone and if you do this you're going to hell and never you know god will forgive you and he loves you and he accepts you where you're at right now could he answer yes i will uh sister the problem is most people have one perspective of love when i was coming up and if i was hard-headed my father when he whipped my behind that doesn't mean he didn't love me so because we preach truth and tell people the truth directly and straight up we are preaching love the scripture says god is love and also the scripture says god is the word so if i'm preaching the word i'm preaching love if i'm telling you the truth i'm preaching love because a preacher may quote or use the term love doesn't mean he love you because the preacher may use the term heaven that don't mean you being taught the right thing to get you there how you doing welcome to the show uh good evening uh norman and pastor jennings yes sir i just uh wanted to ask the pastor a question about i remember earlier in his ministry or at least when i tuned in to him he used to preach from the original uh what we call the 1611 king james edition then he brought in the books of the apocalypse and he accepted them as authentic uh believe they were scripture um what brought that how did he come to the conclusion um that they were um inspired books of god when many a lot of ministers and um uh haven't been able to confirm that the uh the topical books are indeed i'm not that they're not good writings but they're not the inspired word of god and i wonder how he came to that conclusion that okay hold up let's let him answer uh first and foremost brother the if you often use a quote that an older gentleman use history is best qualified to reward all the research uh go back and check your history and find out who or who were the ones that put the 66 books in the order that they're in now it was the catholic church the so-called quote unquote apocrypha and i say so-called because it was the catholic church that coined that phrase apocrypha they said meaning the unknown those books were in existence when all the other books were in existence it was the catholic church that took it upon themselves to make a decision for you and i to tell us what books should be used and what books should not be used in fact if you go to the book of samuel even samuel make a reference to the book of joshua but yet in the 66 books you don't have the book of joshua the scriptures even points to the enoch's testimony in the book of jude which only have one chapter it has a specific quote of the testimony or the prophecy of enoch you can't find the prophecy of enoch in none of the 66 books but jude had to get it from somewhere so if he didn't get it from the 66 books where did he get it from so this is why uh years ago i mean i have a bible that was written printed probably in 18 or 17 something given to me by elderly gentleman and all those books uh which is called the apocrypha are in there in fact the ethiopic bible which considered which is some considered the oldest bible out of ethiopia all those books are in there and nothing in there contradict uh what we're so familiar with as we say the 66 books thank you you have a question absolutely i'm glad to mike anybody you go get over go over there we have a live audience here so we're going to take a a couple questions from people here and if you have a question the number 661-4468 and i'm asking for a heater how about the only one i'm fine good evening pastor jennings yes sir welcome to uh to wilmington thank you so much um hold up for one second could you put the camera on him while he's answering the question so i'm gonna look like it's a ventriloquist show here pastor derek johnson uh joshua harvey's church pastor i'm sorry i missed you at warner uh junior high school last time you were here i was traveling but i very much wanted to be there let me say from the onset i'm not a denominational pastor i founded a church a very successful church here after 15 and a half years in prison i i accepted christ in prison came home founded the church i say that to preface my remarks by saying i'm not popular with the preacher uh with the sanhedrin so to speak however um i agree with many things you say and and and study you often however i take exception very honestly to some things based on study i want to stop rewind and play and go back to some things you have already asserted and and take uh exception to without armorage one being the notion of women uh preachers you highlighted mary the mother of jesus then if you would and i'll give give you all of them so you can respond to each point that you made uh for me uh you highlighted mary i'm thinking of the samaritan woman though who after her encounter with jesus scripture does say that in my mind she preached because it says she went into the town she came from and many were saved because of the saying of the woman that she went back she basically in my mind became an evangelist come see a man who told me all i ever did is this not the messiah so there i would say is the first woman preacher that i saw from my study that's the first question absolutely first and foremost the scripture says this all right testifying to every man to hear the words of the prophecy of this book if any man shall add unto these things god should add unto him the plagues that are written in the book and if any man should take away from the words of this prophecy god should take away his part from the book of life and from things out of the holy city first and foremost there's a statement you keep making you keep saying in my mind she preached your mind don't count my mind don't count god said my thoughts are not your thoughts neither my way your way the only way i would believe that she preached if the bible said that another thing you did you added to the scriptures you said the scripture says she went and told the people and they were saved the scripture never made no such statement no no i said the exact the exact scripture reference says and many believed on him being jesus yes because of the saying of the woman that's the exact quote of scripture right that's when i said in my mind that's preaching because if a person go uh uh is speaking to men about him and they come to believe on him because of that saying then a brass monkey is preaching if he brings somebody to christ as far as terms that the scripture said the scripture says that she testified so if a sister can talk to someone about jesus and that individual believed okay that doesn't mean the sister preached if the scriptures did not say she preached i am not gonna say she preached okay so you mean the word you you you that's gonna stick the word i'm not gonna add nothing i'm gonna leave it just like it is but does it does the scripture you reference also say he who takes away from this writing one tittle i will take his name away from the book of life meaning and i'm not suggesting in any way that your name be taken away i'm sincere in my question because i i struggled with women preachers coming in and then that that scripture among others so you you've answered um there would have to be greek and hebrew uh uh interpretation that i'm not i don't know about the word but again my belief of her preaching is based on that let's move on to uh the second uh the first point you made with respect to paying preachers um i've never taken a salary from my church as such however and i believe you referenced the scripture that says consider the priest by saying they were cared for norman uh pointed out that you know well he used to wear word pay but the fact of the matter is that they were cared for in fact god orders the people okay to take care of the man of god so are are you saying that uh you yourself in no way are provided for by the church i got a job this is true but are you saying you are in no way cared for by the church i work church don't got to pay the church don't have to take care of me i got seven kids okay and i'm not looking for the church to take care of my seven kids absolutely i got a job i work i take care of my family the bible says if you don't work you don't eat even the bible point out the apostle paul occupation absolutely and said he was a tent maker i have met men that told me straight up the only reason why they got in the pulpit was because they couldn't find work yeah yeah well they got in the position yeah we agree but i'm trying to i want to know if you believe that or if you if you believe that or you're saying that scripture does not support the idea that the pastor should be cared for when when the scripture says consider the priest well when you use the term the preacher should the pastor's i don't mean in a pay i don't mean in a paycheck kind of way i'm talking about what you were talking all right so this is what we call part action foreign uh caring for i'm a full-time pastor maybe 12 tonight if two in the morning in the entire wilmington so what is your explanation of being cared for what do you mean because when you say cared for yeah i don't mean i don't know my children i mean care for the priest i mean that that man's uh um uh gas transportation etc to go to their homes two o'clock in the morning the the things that that priest needs uh in order to be a priest from that perspective for the church to help him and transportation and doing the lord's work fine absolutely so which is a very uh so when you use the term careful that is a very broad statement absolutely because uh a lot of priests fell as though when you say cared for that means buy him cars that means buy him houses right things of that nature final question i'll let other others get back to you let me take a couple calls how you doing welcome to the call i mean i think this guy got a question back there hey you know welcome to the show thank you that's good how are you doing how you doing fine about yourself brother all right norman what you have here tonight is everybody is getting ready to learn a lesson and go to school he directly preaches it straight from the bible and the way it's supposed to be preached okay thank you thank you brother how you doing welcome to the show hey how you doing mr noah how are you doing pastor jennifer crying about yourself all right um question i want mr jennings to ask mr derrick you know you got so many preachers nowadays that he's talking about women preachers a lot of them were they lemons they let women preachers in for money-wise also they don't even speak against homosexuality why don't they do that is he acting he's asking him to ask me but i agree with him on those things i agree with him on some things i don't know why other preachers don't speak against any particular sin he knows full well that what i stand for yeah i agree with pastor jennings i agree with the caller though as my brother because i love him and and i say what i say to to his teeth so to speak i believe that the language of love that our gay homosexual brothers and sisters need to hear from us tv down that message of transformation and the possibility of change i believe that that is is more important for me to get across to get them in as opposed to have them uh not not receive the gospel at all welcome to the show yes uh uh thank you norman and and hello to your to your guest pastor jennings yes sir um hello i'm i'm muslim but uh i am i am a student of the of the scripture of the gospel of the bible as well because it does say that we have to believe not only in what was sent to us through our prophet muhammad peace be upon him but we have to believe in what was said before meaning the all the scriptures now in the bible it speaks that and i'm paraphrasing of course it says that we were that we were first called christians in the city of antioch uh and and am i understanding that correct the mean that during that time to be called christian was a neg with something negative uh and uh they weren't called christians at that time so can you add some clarity to that and i'll just i'll just hang up and listen thank you it's quotation of the scriptures in the book of after the apostles they were first called christians at antioch being called the christian by others was something that was frowned upon because jesus was frowned upon they sped upon him they made mockery of him they tried to degrade him so when they first was called christians at antioch was because they saw the followers or the disciples of jesus acting like christ but jesus never called his own father as christians jesus never called his followers christians nor did jesus come here starting a religion called christianity oh wow i'm confused no that didn't that i mean expecting oh yes foot men okay for one second all down through the bible bible scholars preachers whatever they want to call themselves had took phrases out the scriptures and coined religion a good example you have the word apostle in the bible that's a person but then men took a religion from that and called it apostolic you had john the one that baptized jesus he's called john the baptist john the baptist meant john the baptizer that was his occupation that was his work right but men start a religion called baptist naming it after john's occupation uh so you're saying baptist is it's never been in the bible there is no religion that's called baptism uh you to go to a baptist church and you'll be going to a church that not even scripturally exists it don't even exist scripturally for one second this is kind of interesting uh christianity is a man-made religion there's not a bible chapter verse that exists in the history of the bible of a religion called christianity it never exists men coined that phrase from the word christian southern hoodwink you've been bamboozled how you doing good evening good evening good evening hi i've been waiting for this night since i've heard of it um i'm a little older than you pastor jennifer i'm 54. i'm sorry and i was brought up in the air that you know we read the bible and so now that i'm older and i got saved i had tattoos but i had gotten them before i got saved right so i understand romans 12 1 says you see to everybody you know your body is simple but my thing is i understand you and i'm i've been saying this because i go to church for get my spirit filled because i believe being with other believers spills my spirit but then i get to hear the preachers and they interpret the bible to their own lifestyle and that bothers me so i leave the church then i go to another one and i encounter that so much what i like about you is that you do talk about what's in the bible everything that you're saying is so true here's the thing that we are being taught and believing there's not in the bible and that's what i've been having problems with for so long i can't wait to get church here you will have a member of me thank you thank you my friend back there you have a question yes sir great uh first i'd like to say is uh you know good evening to everyone uh pastor jennings i've been following you for quite some time now um i'll make it real quick i have a barber who's a member of yours and um i grew up in the um local church and i haven't been to church in a long time because i've been watching your service on youtube and i haven't been able to uh get to your service so tonight was a blessing for me to be here um i have a couple of questions um one is where can i get the e how do you pronounce the e the bible that you that you preach out of uh well there we're printing some more up now okay we got large demands internationally okay and secondly um on youtube i lost the service that you were speaking on about eve um you were speaking about how whether it was actual food or not that she ate uh and what she received at that time and i haven't been able to get back to that service because i haven't found it yeah uh and my last question my last statement slash question is um uh for a living i teach the martial arts i teach security and uh law enforcement and uh towards the end of the show i'd like to show you what i can do what i've done for local churches as well good i'll be glad to see yes sir uh in reference to eve what i was teaching is this for years the public has said she ate the apple bible never said what the fruit was never the bible just she ate up the tree she ate of the fruit history preachers bible scholars said she eat the apple see they added to the bible it is so many things that have been taught for years but because members in churches are forbid to ask questions to my sad regret churchgoers are some of the most ignorant people when it comes to the bible we go to the bible we go to the church bible clothes and we sit and look at this fella ran and raven hooping and hollering with the organ playing behind them and nobody asks questions so if you've been taught that two plus two is five all your life and somebody come back and tell you look two plus two is really four it doesn't matter how true that is it's a hard pill to swaddle swallow especially if you've been lied to for 15 20 30 and for the last 40 years so what i was saying was when the scriptures talked about eve ada of the fruit the scriptures never said what that fruit was men have said it was the bible the scriptures never said it was the bible so this is why we encourage people and this is the mistake that's made when men go to seminary school seminary school will teach you all that type of stuff and what seminary giving you what the bible gives you is totally different so when you talk about fruit it has a broader meaning you know it has a much broader meaning than something you just could have been a banana how you know welcome to the show yes uh i was gonna ask pastor uh what do you say to people who uh don't who don't uh who don't follow jesus in other words the bible says she must come through jesus to be saved and to know the father and he must come through him so what do you say to the muslim who believes in muhammad what do you say to the hindu who believes in uh whatever they believe in the scriptures said you must come to jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess so what do you say to all these other so-called religions who don't do that okay and the number again is 661-4468 if you just tuned in 661-4468 first and foremost god only have one way in the scriptures the lord says be ye holy for i am the lord your god is holy the open buffet of religion baptist protestant non-denominational lutheran catholic pentecostal apostolic the list go on you will never go to the bible and find out one seriously you will never go to the bible jesus taught us to be what he is jesus you don't read he was a baptist you don't read where jesus was non-denominational you don't read where jesus was pentecostal you don't read where jesus was lutheran episcopal you don't read where jesus was a mormon going around knocking on people's doors claying he the elders you don't read where jesus was a jehovah witness carrying comic books interrupting my breakfast you don't read that yeah that's what the jehovah witnesses carry they carry the watchtower is a comic book it's a religious comic book okay so uh again i'm uh telling the people look if you're gonna serve god then do it on god terms don't do it on the terms of your pastor don't do it on the terms of your religion don't do it on the terms of your organization do it on the terms of the bible if you do it the bible way you won't go wrong so when jesus said to come through him the question is how do you come through him to come through him you've got to come through teaching i've heard you call out guys could you call them up by names oh yes td jd jakes creflo dollar benny hen uh joel osteen the cotton candy preacher candy preacher where you get that from uh he don't hurt nobody let's look at the bible okay whenever god sent men whether you read the old testament and new those men when they went into a kingdom or a country they didn't pacify the people they didn't go to play with the people the men was warners all down to the bible god sent men to warn that country warn that kingdom and the objective of warning them was so they can escape whatever judgment or wrath that god was bringing upon that people these men ain't warning no one today what these men preaching today these the prophets and the apostles didn't preach everywhere these men travel td checks and wrestle what they teaching money prosperity plan uh you know the thousand dollar prayer line five thousand dollar prayer line benny hen come and blow on you and the first ten rules fall out now who will be that dumb to believe that god it is written god don't behave itself unseemly see so i i really cannot detect whether these things are godly or not if i don't know the scriptures this is why we labor to teach the people proper teaching can cause you to identify what is right and what is wrong the bible says this hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error what i'm striving to do is to teach the people exactly what's in the bible which causes us to stop going along with things so are you angry are some of the preaching preachers oh i'm disgusted after preaching okay i'm disgusted of it because you got sincere people sincere people who are victims i have a sister-in-law god bless your heart and uh let me show you the way these preachers come a friend of hers invited her to a meeting and this cat got up and said the lord told him if you want to lose weight write a check tonight i believe it was for five hundred dollars or five thousand whichever it was my sister-in-law friend wrote the check why is god concerned about your weight the only weight that god is concerned about on us is sin that's why he said it doesn't lay aside every weight of sin but it goes to show you how the preachers manipulate the scripture see when i came up the big time shysters was uh yes the big time shysters in connors was a reverend ike and well some before my time daddy grace and uh who was the father divine now you got the other uh international hustlers uh creflin old nickel old dollar you come hustlers oh sure anytime let me get a call do that how you doing welcome to the show i want to take a call on the hustle button how you know welcome to the show yes i just want to say norman that you have a very good show tonight and i would like to ask pastor jennings what's his take on apostolic faith okay thank you thank you apostolic is the name of a religion that men have took from the term apostle uh apostolic is not a religion that's in the bible yet a lot of their teachings are in the bible but they just have the wrong label but many of the strict standards that the apostolic churches have had for years a lot of them don't have it no more and the apostolic one of the most toughest apostolic preachers that lived before i was born was bishop sc johnson from 22nd advancement yeah bishop s c johnson who came from bishop r.c lawson our grandparents went there yeah many of the old timers came up under bishop s.c johnson bishop sc johnson was strict very hardcore but a lot of the subjects that we deal with today he didn't preach back then and homosexuality you probably won't ever find one tape of johnson dealing with homosexuality because the time was different also didn't he um wasn't he against being on tv and all that yes he was against being on tele he's preached against television okay uh he wasn't allowed to be uh television uh you couldn't drink coffee okay you know things in that nature well when you look at it from a health perspective what about what about wine drinking wine i mean i mean we had the communion and all that well that's that that's that's in communion is that the communion is that okay yes okay uh but it have to be uh drank the right way you ain't gotta you're like not like me uh no not like you in other words you should not leave the communion table forgetting that she was at the community let me take a call on that one welcome to the show yes hi pastor jennings i would just like to know what you think about divorce and remarrying in the church god only purpose for you to have one wife the bible plainly teaches us in the seventh chapter of the book of romans that the man is bound by the law and the woman is bound by the law as long as a husband lived but if he be dead then she's no longer bound by that law what good is a preacher having a man and a woman standing in front and gonna tell them to death do you part but yet you getting all these husbands and wives and ain't nobody dead remarriage and divorce adultery alone have contaminated the churches how in the world is the preacher going to tell you he's preaching an unindustriated gospel and he got a second wife and his first wife living he's living in adultery he can't preach an unadulterated gospel and got another wife he's living in adultery it is written happy is the man that condemneth not himself and that thing they that in which he allowed look at the circus today you'll find many of the deacons more than one wife many of the trustees more than one wife the bishops more than one wife and the reason why a lot of preachers don't preach against it because it will offend his staff and he's scared to lose members what about the muslims who have more than one wives uh it doesn't matter different to me who have it the law of god says one wife religion may give you more than one like the mormons the mormons give you why good night i believe joseph smith for brigham young had about 30 or 40 something wives how you doing welcome to the show hey how you doing um i got a quick question for uh captain jenkins um why in the church do they represent the cross and not the fish when jesus came with the sound of the fish and not the cross constantine came to conquer the people with the cross let me answer that question for you thank you very much first and foremost history took it upon themselves to use the fish as a symbol the scripture never said jesus used a fish as a symbol to represent him the cross represent suffering but history come along and convert far as the symbol of instead of the fish then they took up the cross the only thing that jesus wants you to focus on is his teaching the fish is the people and the people's being caught through them by the word of the lord so don't worry about fish fishies don't worry about crosses follow jesus teaching when jesus said take up the cross and follow me let me follow his lifestyle follow his teaching and follow what he stands for don't worry about the historical sample of a fish or a cross because that's not even was jesus interest at all how you doing uh welcome to the show we're gonna um take as many calls as we can sure no problem because we got about nine minutes all right how you doing welcome to the show god bless you but no man and god bless pastor janet i believe in both of you because you're outspoken and you're telling the truth god bless y'all thank you very much thank you how you doing welcome to the show good evening thank you go ahead good evening thank you can you hear me yesterday i'm just calling in because on behalf of do you know jenny's being on your show tonight that people here in the states of delaware tribe state area whatever you want to call it will be blessed they needed this because of what all has been going on in this city and norman when i see you i'ma give you a big hug because guess what you made the show tonight thank you very much yeah you we have been bombarded with a lot of crime here in the state of delaware especially the city of wilmington and i think that that's what she was alluding to this is something that uh this is why no subject is taboo with us over there right and so many people can identify with what we're teaching right uh so many men just come straight from the hood off the streets who refuse to go to anybody church and have no confidence in religion but it's amazing how they tell people oh i'll watch pastor genus or i'll go with passages preaching the crime that is taking place not just here in delaware but abroad and many of the churches the preakness many of them are afraid to address it i'll give you a good example in jamaica alone kingston is capital jamaica the violence as they say is off the chain right well a government official reached out to me because in an area called clarington where the violence have exceeded kingston he contacted preachers throughout jamaica to come to clarendon and addressed it all them were afraid they wouldn't do it so he contacted me and asked me will i come to clarendon and address them i say sure you get the place i would address any subject of crime that you want he said how much you charge i said nothing i come free of charge we will come there free of charge we go somewhere and preach we don't get paid i don't want no offering i don't want no money from you the apostle paul said i'm after you and not yours i don't want none of you on do you have a problem with preachers being political figures of politicians uh i don't have no problem with the preacher being a political figure on except the reason why i say that is this king david was a king a king is a political figure okay solomon was a king as a political figure but the difference between them then and the preachers now those men fear god the preachers today many of them that are political figures they let politics dictate them so therefore there are certain things they won't say if my political belief will contradict god then i should denounce that belief and pledge my loyalty to god first see it's just like i don't believe in homosexuality because the bible's against it so therefore i'm not going to vote and uh condone it just because we got a black president i see what you're saying you understand yeah how you doing welcome to the show hello yeah norma how are you doing norm hi pastor thank you for having pastor jennings on your show tonight because a lot of people do need to hear the unadulterated truth of god the man is a blessing because he has courage and he has uh the the fortitude to stand up to speak the truth what he's saying that is going on i hope that a lot of people are watching tonight because this is a real serious problem in the church and he's dealing with the most important thing that you can lose and that's your soul i just wanted to say this to pastor jennings you're right about it got a question over there brother thank you sir how you doing pastor jennifer how are you brother um i got a question about context i think um do you think that sometimes um the bible was written in context of certain things um three three things that stuck out to me that you said today um you said uh anything that's removed from this book that was in revelations wasn't that specifically for revelations not the bible um second thing is you said paul said all scripture was given for reproof um there was no bible so what scripture would he be referring to um and then the third thing would be um the women being silent in the church wasn't paul actually writing about a problem that was going on in corinth at those times no not at all history said that paul was writing about corinthians at that time when the bible says i testify to every man to hear the words of the prophecy of this book uh the prophecies was written that you had the prophets that prophesied long before john came along well he said this book this book is dealing with all the conscience of the scriptures though the scriptures the bible says this all scriptures are given by the inspiration of god everything you can't take one scripture and then ignore the other scripture all of it is divinely inspired and what men have done they choose the scripture of their choice of what they want to obey and what they don't want to obey to try to make it fit them the scripture is not designed to fit us we have to make modifications in our life to fit in hold for one second pastor we got one minute so we got like 60 seconds and i want to thank you first for coming on thank you for having me did you want to say something 20 seconds past 20 seconds i just want to say everything that of course it is difficult to disagree with you pastor because everything that you say is rooted in truth but isn't the bible in conclusion uh such a great work that it's not only been manipulated it's been used to justify slavery everything that's been said is in fact subject to interpret interpretation christmas for instance nimrod was born on the 25th of december at least history says so and what and and and certain things were done to offset the evil that was done thereby 30 seconds so so so in conclusion just do you think that and we certainly need more of you to do this that there has to be some kind of recognition and respect for other people's positions oh yes you can recognize and respect their position as long as their position don't violate the book of principle we believe it's just like the laws of the land we recognize and respect the laws of the land as long as those laws do not disagree or contradict god the first law and the first position that should be recognized revered and honored and respect is god himself and everything else have to fall under that thank you hey you got to come back right oh no most definitely no i'm not going to hold his head back they're going to kick off the air oh no whenever you want me let us know brother well he said he'll be back because i see the phones are still ringing and we have i got all kinds of texts and stuff but i appreciate it and i want to say um brother dan tell brother dan thank you man i'm most certainly worried brother thank you guys hey hey how you doing i know certainly this was good right well hey i enjoyed myself brother appreciate your time whenever you want us let us know yeah we got to figure out when you come in here now uh basically we have a big meeting coming up i believe is in march okay we're still on okay let me know man i'll pop it up here good i appreciate it thank you brother we out of here like vladimir
Channel: Alpha and Omega. Pastor Jennings
Views: 292,277
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Id: TkC5Yy2qOP0
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Length: 66min 16sec (3976 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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