Bishop Eddie L Long, No Limits, No Boundaries Jun 2010

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I I want to take some time I didn't get to do this this morning a spirit of Lourdes moving so as it was in this service but the Lord is also pressed upon me that it is very important to give instructions they get instructions the Bible is clear that in all I getting get an understanding and I want to talk to you very quickly about what's going on no limits no boundaries say no limits no boundaries I want you to understand also that I have refused and I hope you refuse to go back where you were before Friday night I'm gonna say that again to get back I'm not going back I don't care if you thought she was doing good you're gonna do good or her and I want you to understand even in your worship say even in my worship and say that's not just on Sunday but every morning God gives me to get up I'm gonna be consistent with let everything that has breath praise the Lord so with all of that we're gonna move in that and move in it with a mighty and wonderful way in Ephesians in the 3rd chapter xiv through the 21st verse says this for this reason I bound to my knees to the father of our Lord Jesus Christ from whom the whole families in the heavens of the earth his name that he would grant you according to his riches of his glory to be strengthened with might through his spirit in the what in the inner man understand underline that that's very important that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith that you being rooted and grounded in loving like may be able now this is very verse to comprehend to understand with all the saints what is the width and length and death and height to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge that you may be filled with all the fullness of God now unto Him that means if you didn't understand anything I just said now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us where the power work whereas the power working to him be glory I understand what glory is glory is when when pastor Pearman was here and we were doing all that what he was trying to get us to understand that glory is a type of praise that causes God to smile on you and basically what this text and Paul is saying if you give Him glory in the church by Christ Jesus I am going to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you asked or think to all the generations for ever and ever and ever which means there won't be a curse on your bloodline and I'm declared in this moment that whatever you've got still hanging around that ain't supposed to be there got to get up out of there right now in Jesus name and if you agree with that [Applause] repeat after me No Limits No Boundaries I see increase [Applause] now it ain't no good if you're just looking at it break forth stretch forth in large my territory [Music] [Music] [Music] what one time Bernard because I'm gonna start with it no limits [Music] Oh now I don't want to god doesn't want to develop a congregation where there's half blessed and another half are haters [Music] because some of you are singing it while the others are watching now now we need to all get in this because when I pray the Bible says pray like this our Father which means I want everybody blessed I want everybody moving it ain't that you just get your breakthrough it ain't just you get your it's about everybody touching them so I want you blessed I want you to break forth I want you to come out of here yesterday I want you to be healed I want you to be delivered but I gotta get you the sing with me I gotta give a congregation of come in agreement [Music] let's try that one more time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh come on busting one good praise one good side come on hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of the Lord let me say these few words I want what I am what I am attempting to do in the Spirit of the Lord is to get this to sink in you I want every stroke that we're making is not as if we're beating in the air but we have aimless strokes this morning and the message Bible says God can do anything you know far more than you could ever imagine or guests or requests in the wildest dreams he does it not by pushing us around but by working with in us say God is working within me listen to he says his spirit deeply and gently within us please hear this please get it in your spirit now under him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask and/or think by the power by the power that works within us in this transition from consecration on Friday and what God is moving us in it's something that he wanted us to find a long time ago but as we talked about I don't have time to go through seventh-day things etcetera but this is the time say now is the time for the Saints of the Most High to rise up and possess the kingdom now every expert has run out of answers scientists have run out of answers politicians have run out of answers everybody who suppose to know don't know but God [Applause] nothing not hear me because it has been set up and framed in such a way that the folk we are gonna have to turn back to him and the world is gonna have to come back to him because they run out of their selves and that is the reason why the glory of the Lord is rising upon you for you will have the answers to the questions that the nations will ask now I want to give you a very simple lesson this morning I don't do a lot of this on Tuesday I just want to give you what God said it is time for you to break forth it is time for you to move into your territory and I want to share with you as Paul was praying he said that you may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width the length the depth and the height he means I'm praying that you could understand what all this is about economists say that we are entered into the Golden Age of mankind say we are in the Golden Age of mankind now please say this we have passed from the material world to the mental world we are in an age of the mind say we are in the age of a mind not only reason I'm saying this because the text says I'm able to do it Sealy abundant above all that you asked or think by the what by the power where that is within you and that is the Spirit of the Lord which moves now if God said through its to Paul in Philippians 2 and 5 it says let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus put your hand on your head say this with me let this mind be in me which was also in Christ Jesus please understand this please extend us which means that there's something about the mind of God that ensures that you understand how to walk in the depth and the breath and my height and the deep wisdom of God I'm moving you somewhere and a please here this wealth and opportunity are contained in who you are and the way you think I'm saying it one more time say wealth and opportunity are contained and who I am and how I think not now no no no not through the things that you have or the circumstance that you find yourself in right now please understand this very important very important say it's very important no no no what's this now listen it's golden go to Matthew 6 and 33 Matthew 6 and 33 Matthew 6 and 33 Matthew 6 and 33 when you have it ha [Applause] you got it all right on three say it one two three see it one more time seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you seek ye the kingdom and all these you missing it seek ye the kingdom okay they go to holy and all these shall be now if he says seek ye first the king of God is righteousness I can't see that but I can see the things so if I go after what I see first I miss the power that is invisible that produces so the limit that's on my life is I go after what I have the ability to get and see versus what I have the ability in in the invisible because if I can see it like God sees it I don't have to work a nine-to-five for 40 years to get it he'll give me the strategies he'll give me the techniques he'll bring the people to make it happen I have to go after his mind first that's that's that's why the scripture says you can't go and say the kingdom of God is over here or over there but the kingdom of God is so the mess of the West is now the message is little and brings us a little bit the message is down to him who's able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you asked or think by the power that resides in you seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the shelcha the kingdom of God is not at Macy's or Saks the kingdom of God's not at a car dealership or out there on their on a real estate sign the kingdom of God is in you so if you seek first what is in you and grab hold of its righteousness whatever you need shall follow but you first gotta discover what's in your belly and if you never can discover what's in your belly you work for what you get in your sweat at your brow and you'll never have what you're supposed to have and you're limited to a paycheck that's why it's ridiculous for you get a job and stop coming to church a lot of folk when they're not working they're here every Sunday at altar every call they get a job they can't come now you haven't left the kingdom and now you're sitting up there and you have put limits on yourself and everything above all things you need to discover who you are whose you are what you got inside of you because what causes people to either want to follow you or not follow you is the things and if the things that you have are unrighteous it draws unrighteous folk to you and so therefore if there's not an intense firstness of God and that first is ain't for you running out there trying to find and running down all this that firstness is that you have in your belly exceedingly abundantly above power that'll make you slap your mama don't do it I don't care what somebody said you couldn't [Applause] please hear this I'm sorry I just got an email I don't care this is God talking say along if you had not gone to college see some of you I'm talking about this is a special message I'm I'm all for education God said that but he said some of you have not gone to college and every time I tell you something you tell me that you hadn't been to college as if I don't know that and I'm here to give you a mess God said to tell you you don't have a degree in time I've given you an agree in eternity before you got here I place wisdom in you how much a sir I have not taught you jack I can't teach you the reason you're drawn here than being drawn over there and Zeller is that it because we're we're connected spiritually and what I do is wake up what you know so somebody say he's been waking up what I know that's why you can have a conversation and I ain't been with you but you're coming here on Sunday and it's like I've been with you all week I'm waking up something in your spirit you don't know what it is but every time you come your baby start sleeping in your belly I'm not teaching you I'm telling you do one bad sucking in the kingdom and you need to get up and take some [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's just now what's this now what's this that's why all wealth is mental all opportunities are set up by the way you think Paul what's this now does your neighbor say actually no have you ever been in trouble say have you ever been falsely accused and you started to hang your head while folk were coming after you let me tell you what Paul did Paul said in acts 26 and to write this down this is one of my favorites he said in acts 26 and to when he had to go before King Agrippa because they were an answer for himself concerning the things which he had been accused Paul starts out he said you know what I think myself happy [Applause] [Music] I need to talk somebody Hey he's going to defend himself about stuff he's been accused and they trying to figure out why he ain't sad and he said I'm not gonna be sad I'm a fake myself happy and if everybody's against me I'm not gonna be against myself I have so much power in me likes me I'm gonna fake myself turn the free flow of itself make yourself happy don't fake yourself wealthy think yourself in peace think yourself loved think yourself in work think yourself opening up your own business take yourself in multi-millions take yourself I'm gonna hit a button there if you can start thinking yourself into your situations I don't care what your circumstance is but if I can just get a hold of the power of thoughts [Applause] [Music] that's why the Bible that's why Paul says in Philippians four and eight he said finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatever things are lovely whatever things are honest whatever things are just whatever things are pure whatever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue and there be any praise think on these things he said if you can get your mind right if you can I don't care what's thrown at you if you can throw goodness back if you can throw virtue back stop looking at it half-empty my cup runneth over I'm drinking from my salsa I can't even get to the cup yet because every time I turn around all the goodness is out overflowing just somebody says are running out the club it's running out even if you don't think it I think it it's running out the car what's it now I'm over touch your neighbor touch him look at him say you're not gonna cause me to crash [Applause] yeah you know your turn to say why you can't do that cuz them because I'm driving and I'm not gonna let go of the steering wheel of my life and just like Bishop daddy and our granddaddy say your wreck your car swinging that Nats so you can't disturb me you can throw whatever you want but imma keep my hands on my steering wheel cuz I am in charge of my destiny and anything coming up against me is just the net if you're trying to depress me I'll think myself happy if you tell me I'm jacked up I'll think myself they have not the tail if you try to take my face I'll think Jehovah Stallone I got the ability from with you wanna you want to grab a kingdom treasure you want to you want to grab hold of limitlessness grab your belly it's all in there put your hand on your head is up there you thought yourself where you are which means you limited the ability that God placed in you what's this in Revelations it talks about when time is no more now it's not just talking from an eschatological view of the end of the time but he was saying there are our places that you can be in life where you step outside of time which means if life did not begin for me at my birth date that means I was somewhere in the spirit being educated oh yeah and get this and on May 12th nine months before that when my mom and dad conceived God tore piece of himself off and put it in the womb you gotta catch that you ain't trailer trash you're a piece of God torn off of him separated but yet longing for him which means everything God is you have I just need that picture to settle with you I don't care where you was born on what side the tract you still got just as much as everybody else Jack now what's this now our lives has been wrecked because we've been going after visible instead of asking and thinking the invisible we've been worshipping fruit that's not connected to God as root where are the real dreamers was this where are the folk who know how to get God excited in Genesis 37 and 5 the Bible said and Joseph had a dream was his now and his brothers hated him more Joseph didn't have fits in Joseph didn't even have a job Joseph even if daddy thought he was a little crazy but he loved him gamer coat maybe there's a pacifier but he believed his dream so much that it scared the hell out of whoever heard it whatever happened to folk that can dream that will express what they think in such a way that it convinces others that this thing is going on the reason why Joseph's brothers got mad because Joseph said the rest of y'all gonna be bowing to me see some of you afraid that your friend or your homeboy or something gonna get too high that they might have to come to you for a job so when they start expressing themselves and where they think they're going you try to discourage them but I'm here to tell you I don't care if you don't have enough education I don't care if you don't have enough money I don't care if you know if you can dream it if you can believe it inside of you if you can get that dream that thing and start making it that when you get up you have now put yourself what's this now please people ask me this crazy question Bishop if I told you my schedule my wife just sit there and shake her head if I told you my schedule in a week you said didn't say how you get all that done I got help yeah I know you got April and Andrew and all them folk and I said yeah they're good they've taken a whole hit I say I got more than that say well you have I said I got my mind my body and my spirit I said what does that mean when I make up my mind of where I'm going and what I get to get done my subconscious and conscious mind will not allow me to forget it will help me work in sync I won't be doing one thing over here when I got so whenever I'm over here I'm gonna do everything I need to get done over here that when I go over here I'm Consular I don't need a clock to wake me up my internal clock wakes me up I don't need somebody to tell me 13 things need to be done I my body my spirit my conscious my subconscious it's looking for opportunity when I'm riding and I see something my mind said did you see that I'll turn the car around stuff that you don't even know this Moses sell a bush that was burning that was always pushes burning but this one was not consumed I imagine how many foot walk by that bush and didn't pay it any attention some days God's got glory at your trash can some days he's got glory at your bedside sometimes he has it at a service station you need to understand if I can get my whole body thinking the same way telling myself I am what cop said I am you have now cause yourself to be an attack weapon I'm going after all the goodness I'm going after all the glory I shall be successful I will not be denied [Applause] I came out here today to let you know something I'm not gonna tell you if you have a dream you won't have any trials I'm not telling you of you because Joseph's dream but he went through the pit went through slavery went through false love kills went through prison all that kind of stuff but he still ended up where he was dreaming three things you need write these down stay with man you ready down to him who was able to keep us and to do exceedingly abundantly and or a thing by the power within us the first thing you need to understand is the law of belief say the law of belief very simply I talked about this extensively last week get the CD whatever you believe with feelings become your reality you can get more out of worship now because we done stepped up to another belief level whatever you believe don't leave this word out with feelings why did the scripture he must love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all that mind with all that song because God said if you don't do it with feeling God's a passionate lover in case you didn't know it he is Pat he's a go-getter he's the one that started saying say my name [Applause] what's this second one the law of expectation there's a difference in here today cuz we came in expecting God didn't change you did the rule is whatever you expect with confidence whatever you expect with confidence now unto Him who is able to accede liver if you expect that with confidence it now becomes your self-fulfilling prophecy you got it right under there John first John 5 and 15 listen to this and if we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know we have the petitions of that which we ask of him whatever you pray you cause to happen which means just as soon as you ask it and believe it you have it touch your neighbor say with confidence now the law of expectation repeat after me I expect peace you gotta get it is this something you gotta say everything I expect peace I expect joy I expect wealth I expect prosperity I expect healing I expect opportunity and I expect exploited that's why the Bible says them that know the Lord shall be strong and do great exploits finally these are Stennis if before I give it if you get this law of expectation down everything you have you're gonna get more accomplished in the next two years and you I promise you you'll get more accomplished in the next two years than you got in all your life [Applause] everything in our material world first came from a thought of a mental world Isis so what do you think is the root the best way I'm still in inspects I want to get the best way to predict your future is to create it how you make your future is how you face your life whether you look at everything positively or negatively don't you hear me say so don't get bitter get better approach every situation and learn from it and gain from it look at me because we have allowed our experiences to frame our life so some of you just got a little 5x7 little picture frame you have given God the parameters and which to operate and you based it off of what happened to you yesterday you never had the chance to get in touch with you we spent so much time telling you got to be filled with the Holy Ghost we didn't tell you what he does the Holy Ghost is bored in most of us because only time we really use him is on Sunday and religion but not in life the Holy Ghost is a true business person so when it says he's a wonderful counselor that's in every area of life and wisdom and knowledge you ain't even heard yet finally the law of attraction you become a living magnet which means you attract the people and circumstances that connect you with the dominant thought now watch this now please hear this I didn't get to getting this out this morning this is gonna save your life whatever and please you can't hide this so you need to know what's going on in your life whatever your dominant thought is it attracts others with the same thought if I show wish I have some rich friends well your thought is poor your thought that dominates you is lord have mercy on the Hama make ends meet Lord I don't know how Lord have me and you got a friend that agrees with you so everybody you meet you got a whole club now lord have mercy we just poke Cheryl I'll cut you out some coupons you share me some sample you got some food stamps well I met somebody down the store the other day she has some stamps too we'd seem like we've known each other all our lives no you got the same jacked spirit I'll never meet a man that's up to no good what's your thoughts if you plan to prosper and have opportunity in life your dominant thoughts need to be a prosperity of moving forward of creative ability because was it what God spoke to you you already know what he spoke to you I can't do this I'm gonna need some help all right he already got people assigned to you but they're waiting to hook up with your DNA so whenever you get into your proper DNA and you'll start finding folks chasing you down and moving in your life because they're attracted to you you are being controlled and your circumstance and opportunity is coming out of what you think the most you draw people with problems because all you think about is your problems when I was us a South Moore in college I was trying to buy a radio station me and my friend and the guys I hung with we're always trying to do bitten because our dominant thought was business was profit not getting high not chasing women we were thinking about business and every time I turn I was a promoter I would promote concerts Earth Wind & Fire all of that I didn't have money I had a dream that have money pay the money for me to produce it I just drew the business and the opportunity because I believe now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above so don't matter how old you are I have 60 year old men investing in me when I was 20 with no track record I was like Joseph I believe I can pull it off and they wrote checks you attract like a magnet what you think under him who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all ever tell you that that story about how God got me about the woman in the wheelchair I was I was getting ready to preach and they took three hours before they put me up and then they rolled a woman out in the wheelchair to sing before I got him I'm sitting at mad time I I'm ready to freeze why they rollin this woman out here and stuff and stuff like I was mad cuz I was ready to preach and they've taken too much time and they rolled that woman out of the wheelchair and that woman slayed them house had me crying I couldn't believe all that voice and spirit could come out of that little woman and when they rolled her back she looked at me and she didn't know what I was thinking but I drew it like a magnet and she looked at me and said don't let the wheelchair fool you I don't care what folks think about you you look at them and say don't let the wheelchair fool you mad powers inside of me my graces inside of me and if you can think it it becomes your dominant thought and it becomes your tongue that's why they got all these gadgets to distract you the devil don't want to kill you he wants you distracted he wants you thinking about negative stuff so you can attract negative stuff you get that stuff out of your head and you can I sell when I have one I'm not I'm not messed up it's not that [Applause] now let's just now watch me untuck them did it out there somewhere you ain't got a reach for him there he's inside of you and and he's able should do exceedingly okay what you imma go higher that God said just just give me a place to start with and abundantly above all you ask and/or think and if you make that your dominant thought everyday I'll line you up in spirit mind and body and I'll make things happen you'll draw people to you that will financier that will make it every time you turn around gotta be blessing you and all these blessings shall overtake you you will be and when is it gonna happen when is it gonna happen when is it gonna happen now unto Him who is able just somebody to say he's able no test somebody else and say he's able what is he able to do to his do exceedingly and abundantly above somebody needs a shot at see and abundantly exceedingly and abundantly exceedingly and abundantly exceedingly and abundantly what you asking for I said what you asking for what you thinking cuz he's gonna jump way on that it starts now [Music] it's on right now uh please do this I don't know I don't know I know we got taken off her name no bike only because I ain't breech this hard for free [Applause] if I know what your circumstance where you find yourself in what circle but now you can step out of that circle into what God ordained for you to walk in and what's this this is gonna be a look difficult at first cuz you gonna have to fight with your mind cuz your mind has been trained to keep you where you are and so I talked about this before you gotta watch the thinker your subconscious is saying no to God's yeses and he gonna give you big things stop telling God he can't he's able here's a part I like about him I don't know about y'all because yeah so y'all so spiritual so holy and so perfect that you ain't never messed up and deserve to be where you are but I have but he said if Paul can think is way happy you can think your way out of way you are you know that's right that's right and so I speak a revolutionary change in your life [Applause] hear me there's one thing that doesn't stop and that's change either you'll master it or be run over by it I think I'm talking to some folk who go master change that's what I'm thinking masters of change and in this master of change everything is switched in your life grab somebody by the hand now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly okay how's your and abundantly above oh you can ask and/or think by the power that lies within you greatness is in you at an early age you won't fit in with the rest of them but you would draw people for prospering with you you shall not walk alone this your mother your mother's over there you stay obedient to your mama and your daddy when they tell you no no that they understand bigger things for you don't try to fit in with the rest of them God's got a hole or Reno for you waiting for you quickly fast he's able he's able next week you want good people in your life think I never met a bad person I keep goodness and mercy with me always I curse the strongholds of thought that choke the unlimited possibilities what you came through as a child when you were ready to be born God ripped off himself and fashioned you you are the visible manifestation of the invisible God and even everything God created it came out of his mind first therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creation old things are passed away behold all things have now come new Elda wise come on and bless the Lord in this place bless the Lord if you've received that word and while we moving apart and on in our service it is offering time continue to bless the Lord because we know this is an opportunity to sow into a great word into a great place if you may be seated if you need an offering envelope the ushers will move into place and get you an offer and um we'll open we're gonna move quickly in this thank God for those who understand the importance of sowing and giving and and if you don't understand we know that the Lord will lead you and give you a quick understanding and understanding of the tithe which is 10% and of your offering and then a love offering on top of that which goes into the first family I see some hands raised if you raise them high so the others can see you that you need an offering envelope to fill that out I see some in the back over here we're gonna be patient and wait on you and make sure that you get that into your hands thank you for those who we noticed late in the hour but thank you for being obedient and being patient and we understand some have to leave
Channel: michael enjoy life green
Views: 6,638
Rating: 4.7913041 out of 5
Id: kTmr_rxBBbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 14sec (3674 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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