Rod Parsley - Behold, God will do a new thing in you

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isaiah 43:19 isaiah 43:19 behold now you all know what that mean already said probably David was that you David what the david you I felt like James brown hair not now the word of the Lord was to go back old school it wasn't it so it's a show David's hair now good don't cover it up David later I'd like James Brown I feel good I said I feel good and I didn't get it snorting it either I feel good I didn't drink it snort it shoot it I didn't feel good hallelujah some of y'all look like James Brown you trying to dance pastor Chris give the word to the Lord everybody dance everybody dance when the word of the Lord comes everybody dance I don't care if you back from the 60s care dance dance every good gift comes down from the Father of lights hallelujah well how do I get on James Brown oh yeah now remember this remember this the wisest man never lived said there's nothing new Under the Sun it didn't there's nothing new Under the Sun I wish a lot of you know hipster type preachers would learn that they only always got some new thing there's nothing new there nothing new hallelujah but then God gives us a paradox a seeming contradiction God says behold which is a word designed to arrest your attention so shove your neighbors say wake up now and pay attention I'm not gonna be long give me five minutes I said I said shove your neighbor and tell him wake up now the word said wake up the mighty men hallelujah I can tell you if we're asleep they had no hope for that other Bunch if we're asleep they're dead I truly believe that true Pentecostals are the last bastion of hope for revival in America it's not coming some other way you can't build it you can't build God's house without the Holy Ghost so so he says he said behold so just shall wake up then notice what he says I meaning God will absolute affirmation absolute 100% affirmation there is no doubt when miss Joni was talking about that shadow God Holy Spirit said upon the inside of me and cast in the shadow now what does that mean I'm setting things in order and then he said to me the strangest thing he said I'm coming to dinner look at somebody and ask them that question from the 1960s guess who's coming to dinner guess who's coming to dinner now see I don't have time to give you the whole revelation guess who's coming to dinner they walking on the Emmaus Road Jesus they were walking on the Emmaus Road going from Jerusalem they were leaving Jerusalem they were going home they'd had it they'd seen it all they had experienced everything and it was all a lie everything they'd hoped for shattered everything they dreamed about not no longer existing everything that he said was a lie and he was gone he was not only gone he was dead and they knew it they watched him standing at the base of that rugged cruel angry mean biding beam staring up his blood ran down a naked side and dripped off his toes into bloody pools on the earth they saw him die it was finished and they heard him saying so they're going home whole lot of folk going home three million people a year leaving evangelical churches never to return why because they have not seen his mighty works I'm messing you up right now and I wish I had time to pray they had seen no miracle they come to church they go home no life change killer music great presentations beautiful buildings lots of fellowship but no power they never see a goner disappear in front of their eyes they never see a baby covered from the top of his head to the very bottoms of his feet with something that looks like leprosy covering his little body and watch God wipe it away don't pattycake at me don't pattycake at me never hear anybody I mean my God in heaven do you remember the first time you were ever in a service and heard somebody worshiping in another town if you remember that way of you him I remember it I was 17 years old I've been raised in church I cut my teeth on a church view and we didn't have children's church and we didn't have bozo the clown and we didn't have food food the dog we sat there and we watched and I saw people become news human beings I was in a little white church on the west side of Columbus Ohio I was eight years old and I watched them into that little church seat about a hundred people people standing outside of it and I watched a drunk stumble in off the street and fall over the altar and get up sober and became a preacher I watched that I saw it I saw a little baby with a deformed face no eyesockets no ears just a little tiny place for a mouth nose completely deformed and I watched a preacher get to preach it and I saw that time on the second road when its face became completely normal don't be talking to me I know what I've seen [Applause] and you gonna believe God three million a year walking away why they've never seen the God they serve do anything they've heard him talked about in flowery language and and and it self-help humanistic gospel they've never seen anybody's life transformed they've never seen a crippled limb straighten out and crack in front of the eyes I remember standing right here and dr. RW schambach was teaching me and he looked at me like this as I think we still have the video of it somewhere and they looked at me like this and he said gods about to open this boy's eyes how long's he been blind since birth well how much sight does he have none and he looked at me with that big belly cuz he's dumped it he's RW schambach and you ain't and he said let's lay hands on it and watch God healing and we put our hands on him and that boy started screaming and looking around and God completely totally healed him that moment now we better start telling it or he's gonna stop doing it this a healing place behold God said I will do a new thing now that means it's not new to God because there's nothing new Under the Sun to God what it must mean is he's going to do something for you that has never been done before thank you for your enthusiasm if you believed it you'd be standing if you believe did you be acting like pastor Chris if you believed it you'd be waving like pastor cow if you believed it you'd be shooting like shouting like I are Russian harvest pastors tell some of the next to you God's going to do something for me he's never done tell him God's going to do something for me is never done and he's done some stuff but he's oh he's about to do for me he's about to do to me something that he's never ever done shout [Applause] would you shouted be I preach [Applause] don't tell somebody else God's gonna do something for me he's never done don't tell three other people God's about to do something to me he's never done [Applause] [Applause] now draw a line in the sand and tell the devil 818 I'm stepping over the line and taken back what I've never had [Applause] they need to name some it [Applause] I'm about to get pregnant with a miracle I didn't even ask [Music] I'm about to give birth to a miracle I didn't even know I was pregnant with high [Music] all right so I 818 your hang with me a minute bored you can't read the Bible you have to read the Bible everybody's safe 18 from the time Jesus was born in a barn cuz that's where land motor be born while angels saying happy birthday the Shepherd showed up to see if it was true and they lay him in that manger wrapped in swaddling clothes we know about that well we know about many things until he was 12 years old at 12 years old he was in the temple astounding the scribes and the Pharisees watch me and his parents forgot him and dad a thing his parents forgot him and when they found him they found him in the temple expounding and that's where he said I got to be about my father's business now something happened cuz up until then he was Joseph the carpenter's son but at that point he started talking about another daddy now from that point in your Bible from 12 years old till he's thirty there's nothing about him recorded except he grew in favor and in stature and in wisdom before God and men that's all how many years is it we call those the silent years how many years is it from 12 to 30 [Music] can I just tell you you may have been in a wilderness you may have been in a dark place maybe nobody has heard from you maybe you've been in a cave maybe you've been pushed down maybe you've been held back but I'm here to tell you 18 is there [Applause] come on butterfly you about to come out that cocoon somebody help me right now I don't care where you been it ain't where are you going I don't care what you've had it's not what you gonna have I don't care what you walked in you've never walked in this before God's about to do something brand-new for you [Applause] you stand if you want to i'ma praise my way in them [Applause] [Music] címon years 18 years licitum 18 years are a mystery think about that he only lived 33 years and 18 of them we know nothing about that's God telling you sometimes I gotta put you where can't nobody else get to you to bring out of you your purpose [Applause] [Music] 18 years on this story but his last three get ready 18 years on mystery but his last three he made history [Applause] [Music] shove your neighbor and say some people read history but out to a date 18 how about to make history Joanie this church is not the church that was it's the church where Cobbs doing something new that he's never John muffled [Applause] a new sound a new sound a new movement a new people [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a new Balor a new valor [Applause] [Music] well here's what I know we ain't got long 18 years it took us to get here but we're about to hit our last three [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we could liken those silent years that to being in the wilderness see I don't care I'm telling you prophetically I don't care how good it's been you ain't seen nothing [Applause] [Music] silent he is nothing happening going through the motions dry going nowhere spit in your heels marking time constantly moving but ending of nowhere smarter but not wiser could it be that your past years have actually been for the purpose a preparation for your divine transition [Music] somebody say this is now but it's not forever while we look not at things which are seen but at things which are not seen not perceived with the sensory mechanisms for the things which are seen are temporal and subject to change if you can see it it's about to change if you can hear it you about to hear a new sound if you felt it you're about to feel something that's never touch you before I am playing on professor [Music] see that was annoying do it dance wave cast a shadow the shadow [Music] could it be I'm not gonna hop on say could it be elder I'm gonna say let me declare to you that all you have been through walked in thought about had revelation of is about to give way and you bout to leave it like a caterpillar leaves a cocoon press your way out with a prayer and a brave press your way out spread your wings read your way there's more there's more raise him like you've never three crazy praise him like you're never praise praise him like you're never praise [Music] [Music] just stop the assignment I've been prepared for this transition [Music] [Applause] God just spoke to me you have been in the process of aging your wine but he's about to open the bottle Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] think about your house and shout telling it think about your body and you help and shape that a [Music] [Applause] think about your prayer life and about your hunger think about your passion think about your desire think about your hope be about your faith and shade in of these are fabric put a new garment on [Music] I was meditating on this meditating on this a man I'm gonna have come preach for as I've known him I don't know probably 30 years I've known him probably I'm gonna share this with you and then I might quit it name's James Payne and James been a songwriter for many many years pastor preacher most of you don't know him but it's okay unknowing and I was driving in the Starbucks to get my tall mocha frappuccino skim milk no whip and my phone went off his James he said pastor I had let me see I don't want to misquote him he said he was driving there it is he had a six-hour drive and he said I decided this was yesterday he said I decided to just get on your podcast and not listen to anything but you preached for six hours I said it'd be awesome if the members of my church even opened my podcasts the prophets not without honor except for his own country he said now listen closely he said now this didn't mean anything to me he probably mean something to you musicians he said I have a d28 Martin guitar that everyone in Nashville has been trying to get me out of now I looked it up and these things sell anywhere from $3,500 up to $50,000 and his is the year that is the most valuable so you're probably looking at a third if I have 250 thousand dollar guitar didn't look much different than that one but there's something different about this one he said pastor I said really so he said in the text he said I've got this d28 Martin everyone in Nashville's tried to get it from me because it sat in a closet in the dark for seven silent years the silence of this instrument and the darkness in which it was enclosed [Music] refined its sound and people who have said they've never heard anything like it I had six hours yesterday and I listened to you preach the entire trip he said I heard sermons BC before cancer and the sermons AC after cancer and he said the Holy Ghost Oak to me and he said your silence refined your voice and made it unique and valuable to the kingdom for this moment in church history he said life is not a short story it's an epic book and God told me to tell you your greatest chapter is being written I don't I'm not talking about me I'm talking about us there is a chapter about to be ready about the people of world Harvest Church moving forward out of a date 18 that will make history [Applause] Jesus Jesus history-making [Music] show somebody then tell them to spread your wings spread your wings from that night [Applause] what all right be seated I'm going to show you one more thing be seated I'm going to show you one more thing I told you I'm not in a hurry like I appreciate you coming out and I appreciate you getting as much as you can and if there's something that you got to get to that you can't live without will didn't just slip out anytime you want to but you'll miss the afterglow I'm telling you right now quit worrying about your sleep cuz you're gonna bout to sleep less and live more some y'all in love with sleep that's what the word said word said don't love sleep get up out the bed man there's life to be lived you ever get put in the bed and told you may never get out you won't look to lay around in London get up get some life about you brush your hair comb your teeth all right can everybody see that screen I wanted to get it big enough y'all could see it some of you have aged along with me and you too prideful put your glasses on so you go have laser surgery and tell everybody you gotta eat anyway anyway and I you did every good perfect gift comes down from God all right I don't remember what year this was 2018 what year was it what year was now I just told them little while ago while you didn't notice me to go find this and and and God bless them David probably helped them find it because David can find anything I've ever done I think David has video of me proposing to my wife so I said go get it because I want people to understand this is not where we're going no this is where we're going from this was the silent years oh Jesus and I just remembered this and I said well I don't know how many people have ever even seen anything like that so I'll just I'll just see if we've got any video of it and and they found it and it just happens to be 18 years ago I had no idea we'll see that's just normal to you and that's why you don't ever recognize when God's moving in your life supernaturally [Applause] eighteen years ago I had preached in Chicago Illinois you want me to all right I had preached in Chicago Illinois at that time it didn't matter where our ministry went supported by the people the place was packed out hours and hours before didn't matter where we were and so I was in Chicago and they kept holding me back wouldn't let me go in I said well why can't you all something's up and they said well pastor we don't know how to tell you but it's like the whole city's been evacuated or something and they said the place just about half full well it's seeded 10,000 they said it's just about half full and I got mad sometimes you can get a Holy Ghost indignant I had a word and I I walked out there and I got some mad that I did what Jesus did when when they told him that John the Baptist had had his head separated from his shoulders he decided to have a healing meeting so I laid that on out in there and I never saw so many drug addicts prostitutes I don't know if there's anybody in there that could put $10 together of the were you there Mike you were there that night and and you were there elder and you were the elder and anybody else was there I don't think you were there you were here holding down the for Adele to Campfield miss Joanie was there of course and I walked out there and I I went to prophesy Ann and the Holy Ghost so blessed me to just see everything about everybody and I went to casting out Devils and getting people baptized in the Holy Ghost and we had healings the likes of which I'd never seen anywhere especially in my own ministry just just everybody was getting demonstrations the Holy Ghost does not need a new definition tweet this he needs a new demonstration so so I went back and I remember them taking my clothes off of me and throwing them in the trash because they were ruined yeah told there wasn't anything you could do for it I remember laying on the floor and then putting fans on me and getting cold towels and putting all over me to try to cool my body down I was I was so intense so possessed of the Holy Spirit and I came back home and the Holy Ghost said to me I did that to take you through that to show you what I'd put in you and I said all right every month once a month on Sunday night we're having healing miracle and victory service and that's what I did and I just walked back in here we didn't do advertising we didn't do anything you couldn't get near the building the gymnasium Murphy hall was full of pallets and wheelchairs and hospital beds and people coming out of ambulances that room couldn't even get him in here had to go in there and pray for and this was one of those nights 18 years ago now watch this plumb forgot about you sorry how long have you been in that wheelchair since 1985 since nineteen Monday the 13th of May 1985 at 8:05 in the morning you got hit by a train yes and you've been in that wheelchair ever since yes [Music] [Music] I'm just crazy enough to ask who's that oh that's his dog it assisted him getting around will invite me if I pet him what's his name what's his name baron hey baron yeah hey baron I'm glad you're his friend because if it was just for a job you'd be out of job manager now now that man was blind in that eye God opened his eye he'd been in that wheelchair hit by a train right sugar diabeetus the sugar numbers I've never even heard of in my life something wrong with his heart I mean I can't even describe everything that was wrong he was sick he was right back yonder's where he came from right back there like there were all those empty seats are he was on 50 elder said 50 different medications he went back home and the newspaper ran a front-page story showing him walking down the street of that town and the headline said the miracle man walketh the newspaper does 18 years ago you mean we're not stronger now than we were then you mean we're not more full of faith now than we are then you mean this 18 years is not ready to be left behind and us into to that which god almighty purpose for us from the foundation of the world [Applause]
Channel: World Harvest Church Online Campus
Views: 9,689
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Keywords: Rod Parsley, World Harvest Church, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 15sec (2775 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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