A New Thing | Pastor Jabin Chavez

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so I say a43 we're gonna read 18 and 19 anybody ready for God's Word y'all ready I'm ready I am ready by the way we're not reading verse 20 but it talks about how God is gonna bring water to the desert and the Jackals and the Owls are gonna thank God we're not gonna read it but it's in verse 20 and so I'm wearing a shirt with an L and someone left the church because I wore this shirt because they were like Howl's are demonic and I was like you need them you need a download Disney Plus and chill so he'll get over it young but they left so they're not here so I don't know why I'm talking to them but I just read it in the Bible it's like Oh God's giving water to the Owls I guess he's not too freaked out without [Applause] he made them I've never seen an owl when they when they show the legs of an owl by the way y'all seen that Facebook picture going around they got these little chicken legs they go okay forget the former things and forget my conversation about Alice do not dwell on the past see I'm doing a new thing now everyone say now now it springs up do you not perceive it I'm making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland and just to prove it to you verse 20 the wild animals in the fields will thank me the jackals and the Owls too it's in the Bible Lord bless your word in Jesus name Amen amen be seated please amen God said to forget the former things not easy to do huh but if God said it that means it's possible but when God says something it doesn't mean it's easy it just means it's possible and so there's a lot of things that we read in scripture that we go man God I don't know how I can do that and I think it kind of God does it that way because then it makes us go back to God and ask for help so it's almost like he asks us to do things that in our own strength we cannot do simply to get us back to him to ask for help to do the thing we could not do without him he said forget the former things this is an amazing word because it doesn't mean forget like you just block it out of your mind you know we can't pray for you today and lay hands on your head and anoint with oil and all of a sudden you you know have amnesia this word forget literally means to stop talking about and I just wonder tonight if there's anyone that maybe there's just a few things in life that you surprise just stop talking about it like it doesn't mean it's not a part of your story but maybe it doesn't need to be the theme of your story yeah just because it was a chapter of your life doesn't mean it needs to be in every other chapter after that chapter if you know you taught my basketball or Jesus or politics or real estate and somehow your past always comes up maybe it's time to bring that to the Holy Spirit and say Holy Spirit I think I need help because this seems to just always come up I'm talking about food I'm not about a new restaurant also in my past comes up maybe it's time that I need to forget some things because it seems like maybe I'm in bondage to this that word that word forget also means to stop protecting that word that word literally means when God says forget it he's saying don't protect it don't sugarcoat it don't don't tell yourself because because how many know we can protect you can honor your past without having to make it the central theme of your life and sometimes I think we honor we protect and we tell ourselves it was better than it was because it kind of seems like that one source of pride that we have it's that one thing we can gloat about and God says if you're ever gonna see the new thing you're gonna have to forget the former things now the one tool than the one weapon that the enemy has against you is your past what he's gonna do against you he's gonna do against you with your own story because you have memories and you have emotions and you have feelings tied to the past and because the devil doesn't know your future he can't talk about your future so what he does is if your past was good he tells you oh that was good you know he doesn't know your future right it's a good news so if he ever tells you about your future he's lying I'm gonna expose him thank you very much I feel an ache I feel an expose happening right now so so so when he talks to you he talks to you about your past and if and if it was good he says that's the best that will ever be it'll never get better if it was bad he'll say that's where you're gonna be forever but either way he uses your past against iearnt no preachers say the devil's of flesh devil and gods of faith God so the devil is always gonna always going to be able to talk to you on a flesh that's why I like you could you can literally smell something and it takes you back he works against you with your own senses you hear a song and it makes you feel funky yeah you smell something you you remember something you hear something you you see so you see an image and it takes you back and so what the enemy is trying to do here's what he's trying to keep you stuck so I guess 2019 I don't know if you know that is 2019 let me tell you I had to tell you that because some of you are not in 2019 Oh your body's here but your mind is the no7 your mind is in 98 your mind is in 2012 your mind is in 83 your mind your mind is is in is in is in a mountaintop or a valley low I can learn from my past I can honor my past but I refuse to be imprisoned by my past God since you're gonna have to forget that you're gonna have to stop literally you're gonna have to guard your mouth from talking about it because every time you talk about it you give it authority forget the former things so that you can embrace the new thing and I believe God has some new things can I just remind you he's the god of new life he's the god of new creation this is the god of a new covenant he's the god of new tongues she's the god of a new song he's the god of the new heavens and the new earth he's the god of the new whoa it's the god of new creation so he's the god of new mercies so God wants to do a new thing in your life but you're gonna have to forget some things to embrace the new and I want to help you embrace the new today so I want to give you three things real quick number one look for the new thing in the same thing look for the new thing in the same thing because when we talk about new thing we literally are trying to convince ourselves God wants to give us new things because that's kind of what we really want God blesses me I'm gonna get a new car Jesus it's like okay cool but you know you'll actually miss out on the power of the transformation so we talked about a new year all 2020 Lord it's gonna be Oh 2020 that's my year 2020 vision I already got it all worked out 2020 okay cool cool cool but there's still there's still two months to 2019 so why don't we look for God to do a new thing in this year why don't we believe that God can do more in the next two months that he did in the first ten months why don't we believe for new miracles why don't we believe for more answered prayers why don't we believe for more breakthrough why don't we believe you gonna lose more in the next few months did you gain in the first ten hey I'm talking about I've got more faith in God than I do in a month of the year some of you think you need a new town I gotta get out of Vegas and then you moved to Cali and then you get the taxes and then you go I kind of miss Vegas or so what's with people they act surprised every summer it gets hot they're like oh I got it saw it it's like yeah it happens every June it just it's amazing it's a miracle every June it gets hot it's what happens and we act surprised by it and so we think we need a new place maybe God wants to do a new thing all the single people in you I need to get married maybe maybe all you married people are like I need it well never mind I'm gonna keep moving but [Applause] that's bold I hope how about how about this how about a new thing in the old thing how about you let God do a new work in your heart in the same place let me show it to you in the Bible Joshua 3 for Joshua was going into the promise son that he had been there before 40 years earlier they had spied out the lame he's going back to the same place but look what God says but you've never been this way before do you see that I want to since you've never been this way before you've been but never this way Joshua on taking you back to the same place but a different way the first time you went as a spy now you're going back as a conqueror you've you've you've never approached this place this way you're going back to the same place I'm not giving you a different place but I'm giving you a different approach to the same place I'm giving you a new route to the same place you got to catch this you got to catch this because a lot of us want new places but if you have the same attitude the new place will become the old crusty place in a minute so God says I'm taking you away you've never been before and though you want a new environment though you want a new location though you want a new job though you want a new year though you want a new friend though you want a new spouse though you want to new whatever God's going I'm not necessarily promising you new things I'm promising you a new thing but it's gonna take you seeing it differently it's gonna take a different route it's gonna take a different path you're gonna you're actually gonna go back to the same place but you're gonna be different yeah I believe God wants to do a new thing in the same thing same thing new approach I need a new house why don't you clean your house you know like that stain that you see every morning when you wake up that that's stain when you walk into the house and it's just right there that big why don't you clean it why don't you bring a carpet cleaner out for a hundred dollars instead of buying their four hundred thousand dollar house running just clean the house you got why don't you paint the walls why don't you open up the windows why don't you get some Sun lighted a lot of y'all want a new I need a new car why don't you wash your old car you wash your car you're like this ain't damn bad all right it's a 97 but it's still got some swag it's still same thing new approach a new strategy new attitude same job new work ethic I hate my boss my boss at 300 I need favor with my bosses don't you don't you seen any work ethic your boss doesn't hate anyone who shows up early and stays late I promise you your boss doesn't hate anyone that looks sharp when they walk in now if you roll in in last night's clothes if you if you roll in and you got pillow creases in your face now your boss isn't going to love you but you walk in sharp you walk in with it with a great attitude you're gonna walk in the next weekend it's like God's given me favorite no he didn't you did you gave yourself favor all right that wouldn't went over like terrible honey I mean I need a new city no no no you need a new attitude about this city you gotta love this sunshine oh my god I love this sunshine don't complain about the wind be grateful for the sunshine don't complain about the dust thank God for the sunshine don't complain about the dust by a Swiffer by a little air purifier for your house don't don't don't don't get stuck on something because it will really mess you up and it and it will get you ungrateful for something you're supposed to be grateful for but if you can get a new approach last week's curse is this week's blessing last week's challenge is this week's miracle the thing you complained about less work week this work week you're like thank God I got a job thank God I got somebody thank God I have an employer thank God thank God I'm moving forward like kind of hard to hear all you young people in here mad at me but it's true maybe you don't need a new spouse maybe maybe you need a new attitude and a new approach and I say maybe but I mean maybe I mean I'm dead serious but you'd be grateful for you have love on encourage them serve them a lot of us suffering for new fees but God wants to do a new thing and I got to find the new thing in the old thing Wow so God is gonna do a new thing but it's gonna be a way I've never went before and it's gonna take faith because it's gonna be counterintuitive to a frustrated complaining heart it's gonna take praise and gratitude to get to this new place so the last time you went into the promise thing you went in hiding but now you're gonna go in as a conqueror new direction new route decisions new dreams new goals it's gonna be new but it's but it but it starts with you it starts right here I'm looking for the new thing in the old thing what what is something that you've complained about all week this week that this week you can thank God for me Wow I gotta walk up these steps and get to my apartment why don't you thank God you have one I felt the prophetic spirit right here right start thanking God for it or maybe not even thinking out for just thinking God in it and all of a sudden it's not as bad as it was all right number two look for the new thing not the old thing again look for the new thing not the old thing again not an old thing repeated but a brand new thing let me tell you why we miss it see God says can you perceive this can you see this new thing I'm doing and the answer is no we can't here's why because we're actually looking we are looking for an old thing to come back into our life and God's going but I'm not doing the old thing again I'm actually doing a brand new thing and you will step over your new thing looking for the old thing but God's not doing the old thing God's not bringing that old thing back God's not asking you to repeat the old thing he's doing a new thing in your life but you're gonna have to see it and perceive it because it's gonna be different this time that it was last time and so we're looking for an old thing to come back into our life when in reality what we need to do is perceive and see the new thing God is doing see what we're really praying for when we say God's doing a new thing in our mind we're praying for a second chance but I've discovered that God isn't as much a God of second chances God is really into new beginnings because let me tell you what the second-chance mentality does it breeds condemnation and shame and it destroys our hope because we're living in the regret of what didn't happen and we're hoping we get another shot at it and the reality is you probably just won't get another shot at it can I just be real with you man man what could have been if I wouldn't have done that sue and we end up living in what could have been or should have been or might have been man if I wouldn't have got that DUI but you did but you did so now so now what can we do now what can we learn and how can we move forward and what's the new thing God can do now that it happened because it's not leaving your record so so let's grow okay man if I wouldn't they got fired but you did and if I wouldn't have quit I should but you did quit man if I wouldn't have filed bankruptcy man if I would have filed bankruptcy I don't know what it is and we're kind of hoping for a second chance at that and I think because of that we end up missing things man if I wouldn't have said that to my spouse man if I wouldn't have done that in my marriage man if I wouldn't have made that but you did make that mistake so now the question is okay Holy Spirit what's the new thing you want to do in me now cuz I can't get that back but what's the new thing you do want to do this is more important don't live in what could have been live in what God can do right now [Applause] he is not the god of second chances he is the god of new beginnings not a not another chance to do an old thing but a new day to believe God for a new thing God what can you do Holy Spirit what are you doing now I don't I don't live in the regret you know I preach a lot on the road and I travel and I do these conferences and a lot of times they want to do like a Q&A or a podcast with me or whatever and and always always one of the questions that comes up is like man if you could talk to your to your 20 year old self what would you say or or if you could do it over again what would you do and I always go oh no no no no no no no no no time out time out time out I don't go there oh heavens no I don't go there uh-huh because I'll be depressed a night what what would I do if I could do it over again a lot but I can't so I don't even let my mind or heart go there out of lost weight when I was 20 and had a metabolism 36 to an orange theory taking tumeric and kale shakes in Cairo Cairo cryotherapy in ah I just lost fitb and I can't go back out about 10 houses at the bottom of the recession come on somebody but I can't so don't go there what would I have done different a lot so don't even let your heart go there don't don't live and that's where the enemy wants you the enemy wants you living in a space that you cannot change God will only address what can be changed God will never cut man you really messed up you know it should've that he'll never do that he'll only talk to you about today not yesterday thank God so I'm looking for the new thing I'm embracing today's possibilities his mercies are new every morning I'm looking for the new mercy today not not the old thing again but the new thing not the second chance but the new beginning I have a friend who was playing Division one football he was a running back and he was absolutely gonna go pro every projection said he was gonna go pro that's what he was planning on and he ended up having a really bad injury blew out of me and just never recovered and the next year never recovered the next year never recovered and he went from being the starter to being on the bench and other you know running backs came and he never went pro and and why Cayman why didn't he get better or why didn't God heal him or why didn't I did he get healed or why why didn't his knee recover why I don't know all those wives and I I don't live in the whys because that will take me down a dark place that that's me trying to answer questions that I don't think God answers and I'm not trying to answer anything God didn't answer so bottom line he got injured and he had to make a decision because a lot of guys in that situation they end up getting really hurt really bitter really angry really full of hatred and he said you know what I what I just had to make the decision I wasn't gonna be the guy on Sunday afternoons on the couch watching and if L screaming at the TV saying it should have been me that could have been me why did I get hurt why didn't I get better where where was where was God in this where and he just he had to make the decision okay I'm I guess I'm not getting a second chance my knees are not gonna recover okay Holy Spirit what is my new beginning yeah I'm not saying this is easy I'm just saying they're there there is an opportunity for new birth he ended up becoming a football coach he's now coaching college football and he's helping raise up young men and he's teaching men how to handle the success of being at the top and he's teaching young men how to handle the pain of injuries and being in the valley he's teaching young men had a live with character and integrity teaching young men how to deal with Scouts and how to how to handle the pressures of going into the NFL and college and all the temptations and everything that goes with it and now he's raising up the next generation and it's not a second chance his knee didn't just somehow get better and he and he got another opportunity now he's playing professional football he never got to be a Super Bowl champ he never got to be an MVP but but he did get a new beginning and he is leaving a legacy and he does have purpose and he does love his life and he does thank God for the opportunity he does have he ended up using his maybe that wasn't able to use his body but he's using his mind in his heart to help a lot of guys and he's now walking in a new beginning and he goes I have so much purpose I always thought I would be a coach I thought I would do 10 years of pro football first and then be a coach but this is what ended up happening was he God was it the devil was that this was I don't know but God did give me a new beginning in the middle of it all can I just say you can have a new beginning in the middle of it and so I'm not gonna live in the pain of what could have been or should have been it might have been I'm gonna live in the promise that God is doing a new thing giving me a new beginning releasing a new and a new vision come on oh come on same in everybody I'm looking for the new thing not the old thing again and that's what you got to do you got to look for the new thing number three declare God is doing a new thing declare it some of you may know this some of you may not yet and but kind of what makes this a little unique around here we're a little crazy have you noticed that we're a little loud up was really sweet family come last week because they missed their church in the morning and they were like you know he's needed a church come to tonight and they walked in and how it's like Austin to be great that's last week that I just watched him during worship and they were like oh my god they were freaking out I was like we're little wild right we're a little crazy we're a little out what what really distinguishes us though it's not our volume or music or all that though we're really proud of all of it we love it we love passion and we're always gonna err on the side of passion not on the side of being cold and formal and dignified we're always gonna err on the side of hype hopefully it's heavenly height but we're always gonna err on the side of height amen but what really what really kind of makes us unique around here is not only do we believe in God in the authority of God's Word and the power of God's Word most people do but we really believe in the power of speaking God's work and that really sets us it really kind of makes this unique and actually makes a lot of people nervous because we talk a lot about the power of speaking and the power of our words and the power of our mindset and the power of positivity and the power of declaring God's promise and the power of of seeing our words come to pass and this can make people uncomfortable like are you guys like like those extreme kind of people who you know you like those faith people yeah like we're yeah yeesh well let me tell you what we're not let me tell you what we're not then I'll tell you what we are we're not a group of people that just believes we can just say it and it happens right I can't go to bed tonight and say in the name of Jesus in the morning there's gonna be a red 2020 Corvette in my front in Jesus name and then I wake up and it's there so I'm gonna be there we don't believe that we have the power to speak things into existence we don't believe that Romans forces that our God can call those things that are not as though they were God can do that I didn't say we can it said God can but we are God's children and we do believe that in the same way that he formed the world with his word we are forming our world with our words we do believe this but we don't just believe man we could just say it just happens right I can in Jesus name sit back there's a Sphinx under there but not a six-pack don't know about the Sphinx ministry y'all know about this okay but no six-pack uh-huh so I could I can I can I can try but it does it but but what I can do is I can speak God's Word and God's Word becomes my TrueNorth it becomes my compass it becomes my what what what Hebrews 9 says is the anchor of my soul hope it becomes the anchor and it leads me and it guides me and this becomes this becomes everything and over time as I speak God's Word declare God's Word stand on God's promise over time not in a day over time over time my life begins to come into alignment with God's Word so I speak health and I speak healing and I speak prosperity and I speak holiness and I speak that I'm the image of of Jesus and I speak that God is transforming me and I speak that my mind is being renewed tonight and I speak that I'm prosser I say I speak God's promise and overtime now and I say overtime but honestly you start declaring God's Word in a year you're not gonna look like the same person five years Ian's gonna look like the same bird ten years ago look at a picture yourself and go that looks like me but that's not me God's word has changed my life everybody believe this y'all know this to be true I really believe this and you say it and you go save it Jimmy why are you saying all this because when God says Isaiah 43 can you perceive it that word perceive is a Hebrew word called you da and it actually means to declare or decree it so think of it this way God says I'm doing a new thing in your life can you say it God says I'm saying it can you say it - I'm saying it from heaven can you say it from earth can I find anyone on earth to agree with what I've already declared it heavy I want to do a new thing in your life I'm doing a new thing in your life but it's voice-activated and the moment you say what I say things begin to change so God says I'm doing a new thing you not can you say it can you declare it can you decree it because if you can decree it and declare it and stand on it and believe it you'll see it so of 2228 thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be established just catch this what I decree is established okay just follow the verse what I decree is what will be established unto the and light shall shine upon thy ways light represents direction it represents Revelation it represents illumination someone I team that word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path here's what here's what God's saying that what you'll decree is what will be established and then what's established is what you'll begin to see so if all you do is decree complaints you're gonna have a lot to complain about it's just gonna it's just like every you're gonna find something wrong with everything there's always going to be a problem just does it it could be it could be a perfect day but you will find something imperfect about it it will be an awesome it'll be an awesome moment but you'll find an issue because of that's what your decree that s'what you're declaring that's what is being established so if you talk about how Vegas is terrible in Vegas is fake and people in Vegas are awful and people are fake in fact all you're gonna do is attract fake that's gonna be the light can I tell you this city loves me no no I didn't mean like that but I mean you know if you love me cool but no but like it loves me cuz I love it and I walk around going I love Vegas man this is a creative place this is a light in the desert man man op this city's growing this city's prospering this cities amazing people are coming from I love the people the Vegas I love how multicultural it is I love all the different people I love Chinatown I love all the day I love everything I love I love this city I love this city and I speak well of this city you know that's what that's what the Bible said in in Jeremiah 29 it said seek the prosperity of the city and it will prosper and you will prosper so I love my city I talked about how much I love my city and because of that I don't have a lot to complain about but you start complaining about this city and you'll find you'll hit one red light oh there's so much traffic so much new traffic in this city now we have great freeways trust me go to what go to a big city and find out you'll find out real quick will you just find things to complain about because what you decree is what's established and that's what gives light but you start talking positive you start talking gret now it's grateful for everything that God is so good life is so amazing and God's doing a great work amount and they're all set that's all you can see even in challenge you're like oh man this is great God's working on me God's God's building me up whoo I'm in a little bit of a trial but I'm grateful anyway look God's God's make it away oh I can't wait to see how God's gonna get me out of this oh I can't wait to see the miracle on the other side you just start seeing am i helping anybody okay so there is power in your words a man as that come up there's power in your words proverbs 18:21 the power of life and death is in the tongue now we how many have ever heard that can I see your hand you've at least heard it okay I'm glad for a lot of people that haven't or maybe your arm is broken you can't move it it's seven o'clock you're like man I move in right now okay cool so that's cool and a lot of us stop there but there's actually look at the next part of the same verse and those who love it eat its fruit here's what Solomon is saying the writer of Roberts he's saying you're eating your words and according to the healthy people in this room you'll tell me you are what you eat right but but we want to eat Krispy Kreme we just don't want to wear it we want to eat it we just don't want to just show up we want to eat in and out double-double animal style hold the lettuce hold it tomato add chopped chilies we just don't want it we don't want it to show up but you are what you eat yeah you are what you eat it's like you look at Lisa and Clayton they're all healthy a rabbit food let's all look great she's like it's not rabbit food and you know I went to a vegan restaurant this week it was a it was an adventure you want to know what I I hate hate I hate a bowl of rice I found the one thing with white sugar it I was like gimme a bowl of white rice I don't know what any of this is I tried I tried okay I'm coming over for dinner okay sorry cuz she cuz cuz power of life innocent son and you're eating your words and you are what you eat so again I don't live in fear of what I say I don't even we don't live in fear but we do live discipline in the same way that you would that you would have a discipline diet you should have discipline words because your diet is affecting your body and your words are affecting your soul and if you could think of your words as food if you could just think that way you might be a little more careful about the complaining or them or the hatred or the or the sarcasm or the or the Casa teasing or the mean words and you might be and you might be more careful to give a compliment and give encouragement you might be more careful to pray a prayer of faith for someone real quick even though it's a little awkward but hey let's just pray right now because you're acting you're actually eating those words as much as they are can you hear this can you feel this so words are a vehicle for my faith my faith is moving at the speed of my confession [Music] and I want my face to move and a Tesla ex-model speed I want my father a man I love those things those things are fired but it's going to take that means it's fun I don't have to be really careful let me say it like this your words are creating the theme of your life your words are creating the soundtrack of your life let me try to explain this um you're watching a movie and a girls walking down the street give me something really happy like really happy and fun turn him up turn up really happy and fun [Applause] what do you think up hey kids gather around Disney Plus right [Applause] because the music just set the tone okay flip it [Music] [Applause] Jase's copy Roger atmosphere we're setting the soundtrack [Music] okay we're gonna go scare you in one second hey girl how's your how's your marriage doing well it's a terrible scary [Applause] [Music] be happy hey girl how's your marriage going you know what [Music] God's working on me for years I'm blink in but maybe the Lord's actually doing something me maybe I need to grow I'm really I'm really seeking the Holy Spirit asking for a word [Applause] [Music] [Applause] scary scary scary how's that new job let's really get together [Music] happy how's that new job you know it's more challenging than I expected but I feel like I'm really growing personally from I'm having to learn some new skills and I'm having to learn some new things I feel like I'm actually getting better from it it's really it's honestly the hardest job I've ever had but it's actually the best thing for me [Music] you know right now the hardest thing in my life is the best thing in my life [Music] Orangetheory that's our trainer Keith right here go to Centennial it's the most painful thing in my life but it's their destiny and what really matters in Orangetheory in my opinion is the coach and the soundtrack I've walked out of classes know you're trying to burn calories and they're playing Nickelback you're like I'm out I'm coming back I can't do this but you go to Keith and he's got he's got secret Andy Mineo playing and you're like oh this is fire you just start working at soundtrack manners think about this give me give me scary give me scary [Music] [Applause] [Music] anyone would like to get saved today [Music] happy the Lord loves you today that's the plan for your life and if anyone would like to come to Jesus this is your moment [Applause] gods madly love you the purpose for your life don't give up window goddess for you and not against just atmosphere don't wreck [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you be seated I'm telling you sound matters God says can you decree it can can you create a playlist of new beginnings with your words and I'll be honest ladies this is a lot easier for you you're a little more in tune with the spirit more open you know you'll hop on Instagram tonight you know I just believe God's doing anything did that word make sure to follow my pastor at Jaydon Chavez he's so anointed I love it the girls encouraged me guys don't do that right [Music] but the link in my bio go to my YouTube watch the sermon you know yes awesome and you'll just start declaring it can't you doing anything you're amazing guys we're awkward about this we don't like to talk everything's weird for us right so we don't know how to declare cuz you know like I'm mad I don't talk you know we just mean no English but you actually have to learn fellas you got to learn and at first it's awkward Jax you gotta you got to get in your car tomorrow fine find you a little worship playlist we've got worship playlists that we offer for free and Spotify and Apple music all that stuff and you get some worship going and as you're driving to work you just start even just right under your breath you just say Lord I just think you're doing a new thing in my lord I don't know what it all looks like but I declare it and in Korea I believe it's established Lord I believe you're doing new things and old things I believe you're doing a new thing Lord I'm looking for and you just start saying and all of a sudden it starts to happen God says I'm doing it can you can you come into agreement with what I'm saying I'll suddenly begin to see what you say they began to eat your own words but it's fruit and its life and itself to you because you're being really careful about what you see amen forget the former things behold I'm doing a new thing see it perceiving believe received in Jesus name in Jesus name Amen hey everyone is shavin here I'm praying that this video was a blessing to you now remember two things make sure you hit that subscribe button so you're up to date with everything that we're doing here and also if City Light has been a blessing to you why don't you get that give button and give something to help us continue to take this message not only to Las Vegas but to the world and we'll see you real soon
Channel: City Light
Views: 15,165
Rating: 4.9534883 out of 5
Keywords: city light church, city light vegas, jabin chavez, church in las vegas, A New Thing, God's Not Through Blessing You
Id: todY-YG-Kx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 42sec (2742 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.