50 Social Media Posts in 5 Minutes with ChatGPT and Canva!

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in this video I'm going to show you how to make 50 social media posts in five minutes using chat GPT and canva so we're going to create a list this list could be anything that you want from fax it could be quotes it could be tips in my case I'm going to show you something that I like to do then we take that list we're going to really quick Copy it into a spreadsheet export it to a CSV file then we're going to create a bulk upload in canva to create 50 social media posts that you can then use to schedule out or to post every day super easy very effective so what I'm going to go ahead and do now is I'm going to share my screen and I will go ahead and pop myself back on here okay perfect now chat GPT I'm gonna just assume that at this point if you're watching these types of videos you're probably dabbling with Chachi PT already are getting an idea for what it is basically a language model a chat bot designed to answer our questions or to help us create things so we're going to be creating content using chat GPT in my marketing series and what we're going to do is we're going to stick with the 3.5 model today they did just roll out the 4.0 language model so all of these are basically updates you guys know how versions of things work right every time apple rolls out a new phone it's got a new number same idea each time they roll out something a new update the system gets better and better and better and do more things communicate better has more updated data that said there's some hiccups there are some Kinks there's some slowdowns not everybody can access 4.0 so just for the sake of today we're going to stay with the default which is 3.5 and worst case if you cannot get in to chat GPT go over to Bing sign up for being the new being it's free it has chat GPT built in so there you go some different functionalities a little bit but the language models are the same now all we have to do is go down here and tell chat GPT to create a list of anything that you want one of my favorite ways that I think we can be helpful because I'm always asking myself how do I make this content helpful is to create a list of things that people don't know about take your Niche and think to yourself what might my followers find interesting they may not know about so that's what we're going to do today now I am a digital marketing strategist and for the I own multiple businesses in different niches for this particular example I do teach people how to rank on Google SEO so maybe I'll do a list of 50 things you might not know about SEO so I'm going to do create a list of 50 things you may I'm going to put someone may not know about SEO so here's 50. SEO stands for search engine optimization Google's algorithm uses over 200 ranking factors the title tag is one of the most important uh on-page SEO Factor so this is an overall good list now if I wanted to go in and pick out a select section and say oh I really like how they're hitting on the on the algorithm updates let me just change this list of 50 to only be about the algorithms you can do that however you want but let's just say this is good to go I'm just going to copy this 50 and in most cases they pretty much are then you're going to open a spreadsheet in my particular case I use Google Sheets you can use numbers you can use Excel whatever works for you I'm going to paste in that list that we just copied it's that easy up here you're going to go to file and you're going to click download CSV so I'm going to do that again file download CSV click that button now it's going to automatically put it into whatever your default file is in my case I'm just going to leave this titled Untitled spreadsheet and I'm going to drop it right into my documents and I'm going to click save by the way in the description of this video I have a link that'll take you to the step-by-step of this with screenshots if you're a learner who likes to have a PDF in front of you or to slow down and see those steps I've done that for you you can find that below so now we've we've created our list we've downloaded our spreadsheet that whole thing only takes a couple minutes then we're going to go over to canva and we're going to decide what we want to create so you could create a story something like LinkedIn stories Facebook Stories Instagram stories Pinterest stories you could create a Facebook post a LinkedIn post a Twitter post I'm going to stick with Instagram because what I know is this the Instagram square graphic Works across all the platforms is it ideal for Pinterest no a proper longer pin is probably more appropriate but it does work so if you're just trying to create something fast you want to get on multiple channels I like the Instagram post for that now you can scroll down you can put in keywords if you want you could say like quotes so that you can find templates that are already kind of designed to create quotes and you can if you like choose one that has images in the background you can leave all the images the same or you can change each image which would be what I would do probably now if you're going to go change each one that's going to take you out of the five minute version of creating this and I'll show you what I mean in just a second so now we have our placeholder image in there the next step is to go down here to bolt create if you don't see bulk create right there on the left hand side click on apps and you can do a quick little search type in like bulk and you'll see bulk create I do believe that this is a pro feature I meant to look that up before so if it is a pro feature that means you need to have a paid account in the description below I've included a link where you can go take the canva Pro trial for 30 days I do have an affiliate relationship with canva which basically means I benefit if you do use the link and then end up staying on making a purchase no extra cost to you so you can check that out and you definitely can check first I'll put a little note I'm gonna as soon as this video is over I'm gonna go look up I believe that I saw it for pro version only but I will verify and I'll I'll write that in the description next step is upload the CSV file so we're going to click upload CSV and we loaded it right here Untitled spreadsheet and I'm going to click open now you can see it's right here on the left hand side we're not going to do anything with that just yet our next step is do we need to customize anything on this original template that we're going to use for all 50. so in my case I'm just going to change this to be my website loriballen.com and here it says daily motivation I could change that to marketing tips okay so now on every every image we create those are going to stay the same and only that middle section is going to change to whatever that item is on the list so our next step after we've uploaded is to right click on that text and click connect data then we're going to go down here and click continue and now you can see all 50 items on your list click generate 49 Pages 49 because of the first one is already there now what you might have to do is if you didn't change the font on the first one or make that a little bit smaller and you're noticing that it's kind of running in it's not it's not really big enough you might either have to go into each one and change it or we could start over we could fix the first one get rid of everything else after it and then just redo it because what happens is if you're that one looks okay but might need moved up a little bit that one looks like it's a little big so you can just change each one takes a few seconds on each to change it or you can just go back in and do it again change the first one to kind of make that box just a little bit bigger and then when you click that button they'll fit better that's what I usually do I for some reason I skipped that step today so then the other thing is you're done now you've created your 50 you're good to go but if you wanted to spend a little more time here which is something I would recommend to make your post look a little bit different is change the image in the background so you could upload a picture of yourself so let me go down here and I will go to my uploads and I'll find some pictures I was just playing with for video thumbnails and I could put myself right there in the background so you could purposely take 50 different photos you could go over to your Instagram and grab them you can go to your Facebook and grab them if you have them here you could or you could do something like this and go over to elements and I'm going to put something in like computers because in my case this is SEO so I might want to have computer pictures in the background but as you can see it changes how that font stands out so maybe you just go to different backgrounds and you could play around with different color that looks good oh there's now I've made it a video that one's a video one you can make a video also or you can pick your brand Colors Let's just say everything you do is blue so we could make that one blue and then we come over here and make that one blue and then we come down here and make that one blue so it's different enough I really like this concept of doing these bad on this particular template these look really good I think so I would just come in here and this will take that would take seconds once you know what you're doing it'll just take a few seconds to take each one of these and just drag it and drop it in and make sure it's dark enough so that you don't have to go change oh pretty like that one okay anything that happens to fit but those backgrounds look really good that way you're staying within whatever your color palette is but you're making them unique enough that it doesn't look like 50 of the exact same posts each day so however you want to do that that's it that's all there is to it the link below for the written descriptions on this and I'm Lori ballen digital marketing expert thanks for following along today
Channel: Lori Ballen
Views: 29,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real estate websites, lead generation, real estate marketing, keller williams coach, real estate coach, how to, lori ballen, lori ballen real estate, real estate lead generation, real estate leads, real estate agent websites, lori ballen websites, real estate lead generation strategies, facebook for real estate, wordpress for real estate
Id: ksIhRxXTcDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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