Billy Bob Thornton - The Least Socially Awkward Guy, Ever? - 4/6 Visits In Chronological Order

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[Music] please welcome Billy Basara [Applause] good to see you buddy Lucilla good to see you come up well well thank you well and you like a big old rock star now use your welcome Brooklyn yeah rock rock and well country well you know I mean what happened with with the box mattress I've done mostly solo albums we were sort of singer/songwriter things and y'all grew up in the music business is sort of accidentally became a movie star yeah and that meets it you know the thinks does not example and when we created a box masters it was a result of many guys you know growing up as hillbillies and yet we were Beatles fans it's okay to call yourself a hell belly I thought we can call ourselves yeah so I can it's like Richard Pryor said love Delia that's absolutely you have it but but this is I like this because you look like the Beatles right there yeah yeah I know Beatles I had sex with a rhino but regular I like to be on Suzy look good well thank you very much they call it Maude Billy Maude that's our style of music it's uh you know like I said guys who grew up loving the Beatles the kinks the stones but we also grew up in you know rural areas and grew up around country music so we married the two together and it's the Box master like the way would I get me one of these suits because I like that uh uh you know actually we get our suits from Liverpool know there's a company called beat where I might be getting a free one for that yeah a company called beat wear that they make the authentic you know the boots the suits everything else yeah yeah I like that and then I sit in the band because it like you turn around with a spine you've got and all that loves you like all the busts you didn't have ways a democracy when you're in there or is it is like this is my band and you will all do as I say you know I may as well the Mussolini yeah really sorry now you're going off on hope solutely right I just shoot them out just now know just before we got out here is that a bad thing I don't know it's it's good yeah yeah because it's a place of Hollywood bill about nothing now the songs you cover some you cumbersome to mold as the mold songs on this is well don't you yes a two-record set so one one record is all originals the other is all covers and on the cover side we do some things I understand your Mott the Hoople fan I like wanna hook yeah you know I've been here I love motivation we did the original mixed-up kid but it's a hillbilly style you know I we got idea member who was the the fella that used to David Lee lofted the jump in bluegrass did you ever hear that you know I saw him on some TV show we're not doing Wonder bluegrass it was very oh that was it yeah what I mean well this is the only one I know I like that guys do you take you to multiple something else if you go ahead and you know we got everything from the who to Mel Tillis did you watch that did you did you do that that what was that movie Quadrophenia where they were riding around in scooters and stuff of that and did you know were you in a gang when you were in a kid uh actually uh yeah kinda yeah well not really a gang see when I was growing up didn't really have or at least in my area I mean gangs like what you would consider a righteous gang they smash I mean we were just a bunch of morons running around on our bicycles throwing things at people that but I'm better than guys like you right what would you throw at people whatever we could find yeah I mean you know and sometimes mud sometimes rocks you know whatever we found hoop poop so is that thing okay is this a it is as far as I know and I'm right on this your mother is a psychic right right right so how's the album gonna do but it was um did she do reading - you know where she will every nil and then she doesn't like to read for the family because you know she doesn't want to see some of it but she thinks that this is actually going to be pretty darn successful I mean you know my last record did okay and my solo record and she was right about that so I mean you know in the world we exist and it's or the Americana rockabilly world you guy sell 5 million records if you sell 50,000 records in our style of music that's an amazing feat so well there yeah all right 50,000 oh yeah I'm you're gonna buy 50,000 I've already gone back those yeah buy exert that is your mother did your mother not see I mean cuz I really think if my mother was a psychic I would be very uncomfortable with that because then she would know what I've been up to right it was it would know about what you've done in the past - oh yeah this was the rest of us do right that's what it yeah you know actually she did see a couple of things on TV before she thought it but yeah it was real hard as a teenager to sneak in the house yeah now bad she did she still do it she's retired a bit no well sort of semi-retired I mean I still sees a few of her friends that she's seen over the years and I agree thanks for not not so much anymore but unless you get out here daily oh yeah she comes out a couple times a year yeah he like likes it here actually you know when I was at the Academy Awards for Slingblade actually yeah she was always a big fan with the whites and when we went to the Academy Awards for that Dwight was her escort we know she still brags about this opportunity but that's kind of Awesome yeah no I watched that movie against recently I think they'd like maybe two three weeks ago it's great movie have you seen it lately I haven't seen a long time you know you'd be yeah I mean you've lost weight since that movie yeah I know I've gone up and down for movies I mean one time I gained 50 pounds for a movie and it was just wrong I gained 50 but a movie I was going to see Oh [Laughter] how did you get ready but if that was I'm sorry that was good well it's really good well it's gonna stand out an initial but they'll ever be armed how do you get ready fifty pounds well you just stop acting like a fool I mean what I did was to gain the weight it was for a movie called you turn right oh yeah yeah yeah with the oh yeah the glasses no are you sure and I would drink to haagen-dazs milkshakes a night right before I went to bed I want a beverage movie I want to buy that movie yeah and and I ate constantly and the thing that people don't understand about weight gain is you you let alone wheat and dairy you lose weight instantly and I'm allergic to both of them so it's pretty easy you listen I am going to do that from now on we'd invent a pasta worst thing in the world if you want to put weight on you'll you'll do it right away alright so they don't have any milkshakes and stay out of Italy yes sir alright you're gonna come back and play with the box masters later on I'd love to actually one more thing yeah it's my son Harry's birthday today of course a happy birthday Harry fourteen and vitamin box Marky where the right bike the Lewis Black [Applause] [Music] I kind of like it I think it makes me look more Christmassy you know if I were buying somebody a present for Christmas and I might I might get them this it's the new album from the box masters yeah it's called Christmas cheer and it's got Christmas songs on it and it's the box masters and they've got a singer and that's them right there he's bigger in real life as you shall see Billy Bob Thornton ever bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well lovely to see you let's go finish nice is now I've seen you in a while it's been a while you know I love this Merry Christmas man and well done on the Volks mas this is the second album there uh yeah we got three Lily comes out in April but that's the Christmas record yeah and it's got its got some that you know the label wants you to do a Christmas record as everybody does and we put some a traditional Christmas song so there but we wrote three new ones which are a little darker yeah yeah and so I get happy xmas no no that's oh yeah those in prison exactly looks like they're John Prine song that's a dandy and yeah slower than Christmas is a good one what's that about that slower than Christmas it's about how for some people Christmas is just like for me Christmas is beautiful I love it I got kids for some people Christmas is a nightmare yeah I mean depending depending on depending on the family at all you you know my family was thinking of that I know I know you got your big fancy TV showing all your friends and family and everything yeah that's right and you live in your big mansion and everything Yeah right I eat lean committed night when my see I got this little apartment that on Pico and I sit down there and we can't really afford real Christmas stockings it looked kind of like that so when I was a kid my parents used to just put it if like you said you were talking about I used to get it was just a sock right okay those like my dad's good that's like this is my pitiful attempt at giving you a Christmas gift that says oh I'm talking very much indeed that's what I want I think you can open it all right I think you're safe to open it there are just some personal things there I did give you a little like let's see we be going down you always ask me for an autographed photo so I thought I'd give you a little not right nothing right yeah - Craig I just look at that very Christmas there oh yeah we can act quickly that Bo fix that later yeah Merry Christmas censors um like I've been Black Eyed Peas very nice well it's a white-trash Christina's coffee once masters blend Oh box box mashup what happened to you man I like you had some mouths red roasted about it yeah yeah it does makes me smell pretty good I see you what is this uh those are box masters of items we sell on the road we're playing tours they look like matches they have the character of me and the guys yeah you open it up it's not matches yeah it's thanks preservers yeah yeah is this one - yeah I usually something you something a little bigger but this is fine yeah we were kind of disappointed in the company that made those actually really yeah they were a little small yeah yeah they are they are they are but you can't tell well it was even for two hours in the band he need you oh look there's another owners know oh yeah I think you got me all wrong pal one minute there's another one well I have confidence in you now it since the eighties ha ha ha no no no perfect this is our time to soak dude I'm generous you are sleeve Aerosmith that is very nicely you do you do the thing with the kids the kids don't believe in Santa and stuff well you know I have a four year old who's with me now Bella she's right she believes in Santa the my 14 and 15 year old boys not so much anymore really ionize me yeah well I wanted you stop believing in Santa a kid told me at school I was 11 right I believe in Santa Claus pretty light yeah yeah and I loved Santa Claus and can really hated everything still do well I kind of still be ready I mean either you know because I was there I was at this gas station in Vermont between Christmas and New Year right and this guy came up and he was putting gas in his car I'm not kidding and he looked like Santa I was wearing a green sweater a big white beard and even I'll have you know 20 gallons of premium hohoho and and and I was with my son and my son went is that sauna element maybe and I said excuse me sir are you son and he said yes Wow I'm telling you because see I still believe in it I don't know anything about it I mean there's something about I mean I understand that people tell you look how's a guy get from Stockholm you know to LA right and all these unavoidable at home and you don't want to leave right I family oh I know yeah that you've been there food poisoning yes I really know I get another kind of poison actually if I had been with me the diet and everybody but yeah I mean I I don't know I like Christmas and people always associate me with Bad Santa and everything but the thing is you know Bad Santa actually had a good message in the end and the guy actually did believe in and say yes good all right everybody I I do believe it when this kid told me I was in elementary school I think the sixth grade and when this kid insisted there was no Santa and he started giving me proof which really sucks you know Kenny yeah I beat him up yeah good freedom rider Merry Christmas thank you that's the message of bad sign I believe in Santa or you go again those are Merry Christmas you guys lovely and will you do in LA will you go back to you know decide no actually my mom always comes out for Christmas and my brother lives out in California now so we have an LA Christmas and when they sent me home because you've been tutoring I mean you tell me with Willie Nelson touring all over the place and there ya are you wait on Frank been wrong laughing we go the places all let me tell you we've been all Nashville you know what we went to Nashville we played national we played gosh this year we did a two and a half month tour on our own and we went everywhere and then what then is the bad to know you know what I got to do movies because they pay you lots of money yeah but I did if I had 40 bucks no mean I grow up I grew up I grew up in the the old music business I mean that's that's my first love but I still love movies I love acting and yeah I've got a bunch of them coming out I got a movie called manure coming out in the spring and we had to stay ahead to the critter I mean you know if they're going to say something anyway just give it to it why not but no it's a movie about fertilizer salesman in the early 60s which is it's a pretty funny funny dark kind of movie let's say it's sort of like a Glengarry Glen Ross or 10 men only with yeah okay guys like that no no bet you guys big on going dogs either so it's right now when you're turning around you still at the speed of light you're going to bus or something like world a bus okay you do it fly still though I fly I'll fly all the time but I don't like it but I do it well I mean you got to learn to fly no I'm just terrified of flying I thought the only way I was exactly like you wouldn't go on a plane sedated to go on a 747 I thought I'm trying I mean another sphere little but I learned to fly an airplane little assessment well are you actually pilot I can leave on my want nobody else in the pre all don't I'm sorry yeah I got the planned I'm like me yes hello everyone they're like we're it's 5,000 feet you know all right I love it is it a two-seater thing it's four seater you could come up could I come up yeah yeah I thought you'd love it no I fill out a time I mean that's next an old thing I didn't fly in the early 90s when I first had my son's I just freaked out right after that I fly everywhere I've flown in Cambodia on planes with like oil leaking out of them and a 14-year old pilot I mean no you don't oh yeah you don't want to do that yeah i and a little bit about flying and know that I know that I you know when you see oil leaking over the plane not a good thing at all yeah so I go up with you I'd love to yeah no I think you'll like it I think you'd like it because I think there but I'm a control freak and once you get up there and start control like the first 15 20 lessons yeah I was having nosebleeds and panic attacks yeah really we get what Russell took me up right he's like a super he's like $7,000 pilot right he's gonna fancy plane and he takes me up in it and he's flying around in it and and he said we're landing this Airport he said okay land the plane I had eight hours at the time should land the plane you can't cry in front of hahaha start running Snake Plissken is sit right ok yeah so that kind of helped you know yeah yeah yes only you're you're kind of slightly terrified of it I mean with you well the only danger flying as I understand it or not the only but one of the main ones it's just really on takeoff and landing right like once you're up there it kind of does its thing right well yeah I guess that's true I mean once you're up there if it does happen take a bit longer yeah hahaha could they do come down but yes you'd love it we've we've done without type listen have yeah you can bike to play or no it's yeah well no yes yeah we're gonna come back in place yeah not tomorrow not tonight no no it's just me I think I thought you were bringing a bunch of just not a CD in the soulful alright you don't even bring the bag oh no no no they they wanted to be with their families can you believe that but no anyway corner rule bears to see that done says Christmas like brain to listen to history yeah yeah bill really alright my boat and everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my first guest tonight is an extremely talented actor he's an Academy award-winning screenwriter he's got a new book out called the Billy Bob tapes it's tapes but it's a book the Billy Bob keeps a cave full of ghosts it's in stores now please welcome the great Billy Bob [Applause] [Music] ha all righty then you wrote a book well II I did I certainly did it's got picture you on the front smoking one of them marijuana cigarettes right now you know actually that's just a regular old cigarette hey you know I could never smoke pot I was never any good out of horrible no I mean it made me feel really uncomfortable like her like I felt like my hands were covered in glue and to live I only did it like 50 times now that seriously I I couldn't do it either no no never who are your drugs back in the day then oh gosh morphine morphine yeah I loved it that's the tip for the lady that's having trouble getting to sleep yeah it's great no III was never much I wasn't good at drugs and but I mean even back when I was I grew up in the heyday of you know hippies I was a hippie and everything I was like the only hippie who couldn't smoke pie but I mean seriously the times I tried it I thought the FBI was after me my heart beat real fast you know I couldn't do it now you don't want that's not fun it's not fun at all that's why I thought when I was doing acid I was not take this is not fun I'm just doing that this is peer pressure there it is no I'm not I never had fun so this this book it's wait okay wait oh I know is this that handsome devil but yeah that's me when I was seven oh yeah which is the age my daughter is now does she look like this uh well I mean you know kind of a girly version yeah was a girlier version of this oh yes Touche yeah I'm Kenny look I loved it I loved Bastille business Pogo yeah this is one of those it was probably one of those Olin Mills things you know like your parents take you to the yeah Sears or whoever it is and I put a fall scene behind you and you can't sit up that's a prop you of all of it but I was that I was the fattest baby in Clark County Arkansas hey man that's awesome never mind Oscars come on fat is baby in Clark County no sense of competition baby there is how bad the cholesterol capital of the world is it really well I don't know buy bet it is you know I said it's an interesting thing I think that sometimes when I'm in the South I sometimes think it's a little bit like Scotland here a lot of people with Scottish names and everybody's eating pretty bad food yes yeah no it's true but I mean you and I grew up in similar ways very similar can we I mean I was the fattest babied come burn old and it was some stiff competition there now is this an autobiography not really I mean you know over the years when you're a you know actor type or whatever they always want you to do a biography or what everybody they want one of those celebrity gossip he buries right I wouldn't do and my friend Kinky Friedman from Texas Oh kinky there yeah but kinky said look why don't you do book because you got all these crazy funny stories of growing up and everything said if you do that and then I'll give you a couple of chapters in there where you can just gripe about how our culture is crumbling before our very eyes and I said yeah I'll do that and one of the reasons I started talking about how our culture is crumbling is because when you had Bob Geldof on the show I was watching yeah yeah and Bob said which I loved he said people have gone crazy why is nobody talking about this and we're losing all the magic in life and this kind of thing I thought well finally somebody said that and and I'd been doing it but I'd do it like in my basement was like two or three of my friends in my basement with my horse and my girl girl Afghan of what we do yeah but I think I see I think that too and I wrestled with it because in one hand I think we live in an age of no original thought everything's a sequel everything's a remake everything's a cover version I think you know pop culture is crap like people aspire to be nothing and I think now maybe I'm just getting old yeah and you see here's the thing a friend of mine pointed this out to me and I believe this is true he said the people who are granting about this who grew up in the 60s and 70s during the heyday of rock and roll and everything he said we're still seeing the same thing now we were saying then so that doesn't make it like your dad who taught the Beatles were the devil and right right right I mean so yeah but what do I mean because I have young kids you have young kids how do you instill rebellion and the original saw end to people when their parents have tried are trying to be rebellious and original themselves you know I mean it's like how do you you rebel against original thought is how unoriginal so isn't it yeah I guess so and so we're yeah well yeah I guess you're right now man I'm up but yeah I've been talking about it quite a bit but here's here's an interesting thing I liked what you said earlier in the monologue about you know how everything's our reality showing this kind of thing and here's what's strange about it like in order to become famous now you do something stupid right now or say something stupid and you get your own show right right I mean some guy who's like no man this is a lego man no no this is a legitimate bar Oh your this is a legitimate show and and and all that kinda we've always had talk shows back to Jack Barnes don't skip out on us I'm talking about somebody who has a show I mean how many more shows do we need about jobs I mean it's like you know cabinet wars there's yeah yeah I got ten show is about host interesting diner yeah it's like they've got ten show is about making cakes yeah any shows do you need about making cakes I don't even like making cake I don't my tea on the cake but I you know I'm not a cake maker I'm not even and it's just kind of weird but one way or the other you can do this kind of stuff and then get famous from it so that's the way to do it but if you're already famous and you say something stupid or do something stupid then you lose your career yeah what does that mean exactly I'm not sure exactly how I think what is that Fame used to be something that had value like you became famous for doing something you wrote a screenplay you made a movie something that people went oh wow that's a that's a piece of work now fame is just a byproduct of having your own sex tape but don't mean you know it's like Fame is not important anymore it's kind of like the way I feel about the written word not like the written word used to be really important like a nothing written down like you know five hundred years ago you were like a whole wow this person can read and write so this must be important but not everyone can read right and while most people I look forward I don't but you know the the idea that literacy you know being able to read and write some have a symbol of intelligence it's not true but people still think that and to that extent people write stuff down on the internet on Twitter and Facebook they write it down what they've said they see it written down they go uhm clever oh yeah yeah but also I think back all the years when you know when I first came to LA thirty-two years ago and I and you know you're starving to death and living in the car half the time and everything and now a guy escapes skateboards down a banister into a pile of watermelons and then he's got his own show the next thing you know you know me I don't know it's a pretty good track you know you know what I I thought it's like Justin Bieber who's clearly a talented kid right I'm not trying that this is a talented individual no doubt but when they made it his movie they were like they said he'd never make it for six whole months feel troubled you know it's like the idea of serving any kind of apprenticeship doesn't exhaust anymore if you're not famous and getting it going on by the time you're 20 - you washed-up which I don't understand because you get nothing to say no I know that's crazy yeah I mean life experience as part of what goes into anything you'd say but then again maybe we're just getting old and telling kids to get off of our lawn I don't know yeah I'm shaking our fists uh you kid yeah do you have a loan yeah I do I actually do have a lot I have a small front lawn and a big back lawn too long too long so I do you tend your own lawn I'll be making sure about that lawn tender advance celebrity lawn temple everyone that does I'm telling you dry tell that absurd Billy Bob Thornton celebrity lawn tennis you would do the narration over here's a guy who's got alone and that David I'm telling somebody but what do it gets me on all these shows everything's a competition and it's like you know like I said earlier like cabinetmakers you know I show about they make their cabinet or whatever is nothing else cabinet makers are great but if you have a TV show about them and they all make their cabinet and then they stand them in a line and then the judgment and you know that's the first like this and they wait forever to tell the poor slob who's got to be off the show yes I say they played jaws music band again and it made me sad that's crazy you because your cabinet it looks like what oh yeah they're so arrogant imagine seven like I am the greatest cabinet man you're right though we shouldn't be you know angry with the cabinet makers that you do fine things they do a wonderful job you're a wonderful job do you have any cabinets I do actually I have a lot of cabinets I mean I manage you have to any idea you really don't know I I offhand I'd say in in the kitchen area I'd say I've got twelve now your kitchen cabinets you keep that for your food and groceries and stuff dishes dishes things like that you don't keep any in the nails in the kitchen I guess some people keep the cleaning supplies in the kitchen and I'm like whoa that's the garage that's true that's true you know I actually know someone who uses their oven quit working and they use their oven as an extra cabinet and like cereal and stuff is in there no well that's dangerous but yeah because that right there what if that oven starts good suddenly you go flaming Cheerios in your own matter with it but suddenly starts working again yeah that's a fire hazard to fire hazard right there and you weren't over the smell of toasted wheat beers at a semester break [Applause] [Music] [Applause] on the street better this way Romney wrong about her Billy Bob Thornton II wrote this book where with Kinky Friedman Kinky's got a middle name remember was that middle MEA I know all about ya Halim yeah it's a Kinky Friedman yeah yeah yeah I died customized in I don't want to give you any more time thing is that he can't prove it you know why not well he could prove it but he won't prove it well he won't prove it then maybe that's enough and it's al is right there yeah yeah you look good in that picture with you so smoke I do sir no boy yeah either I you know what is it cigarettes didn't kill you I would still smoke though good I have another cigarette in 15 years but boy they were terrific well you know they are oh and I'm not but they kill you know you do know well I don't know I mean I just had my I have two physicals a year or tonight is it - maybe yeah cuz you're a bit of a hypochondriac right well I think that what I have a trade-off though I mean see I'm a vegan for the most part I fish occasionally but I really healthy and I got to tell you something about oatmeal just to get off the subject of cigarettes okay but I you know they always say oatmeal lowers your cholesterol right right and that blueberries bring your blood pressure now my blood pressure is kind of low to start with ought to be careful so I don't you know fall out when I stand up you know like gonna make but my blood pressure gets to like 96 over 64 and stuff in that that's what that you know it makes you dizzy but I but one way or the other about six months ago I started eating oatmeal and blueberries and bananas every morning the first thing I do right now last year won't have my physical my cholesterol is like 172 which is low that's good collateral and I've never had a problem is I got no artery troubles or anything I'm in pretty good health my lungs are always clear you know this kind of thing now I started doing this oatmeal thing six months ago I went to the doctor the other day and he starts going through my blood test wow that's very that's great that's great he goes your cholesterol is 131 that's great and I said hang on a second you said 131 last year's 172 so I lost 41 points on my cholesterol from this oatmeal deal I'm telling you so I'm just saying something with you baby first of all do not dare applaud that you're only doing it to make yourself feel more comfortable and the other thing is but you're still smoking yeah but if you don't know you can't rock it you can smell Wow but I look forward to your letter American no I so well but you are quite you're very careful with the you know the the health and stuff I remember how you you're kind of like you've got a touch of the honey mind else I mean a little bit little bit of a I'm not like how if where you have to like do the bump thing or whatever me I'll shake hands with a guy but I instantly go get the hand cleaner oh yeah no I'm not to say here but no well we get celebrities out here but I saw you I in fact I saw you and Q's I drink this yeah yeah well you see I found out later though that actually some people do drink it so I feel bad about that no yeah they really well because if it was theirs you know yeah no no apparently it's one of these things that you know like glue or payphone Pam yeah people used to Huff Pam really so I can give us some uh I'll have a little yeah well you gotta be careful you know because you know people come out here and they're you know they've been to show business parties been big shaking hands with agents the filthy healthy people I completely agree all right um we're we're out of time you fancy a mouth organ awkward pause or you want to go for the big cash prize big cash prize so time is a young Vegas fifteen marking dollars in quarters in a bag with a dollar sign on it right just like the burglars use two ways to win you can either answer a question or you can guess what's in my box here's how that works I imagine a box in my head by I don't know what's in it only Jeff knows what's in the box if you get it right I Jeff will tell us and that's great if you get it wrong something awful will happen oh I'm gonna guess what's in your bottle okay okay okay I'm imagining a box in my hand Jeff you have the box all right what's the dinner with Jeff the other night you and you and Jeff went for the yo-yo is great oh sorry what we see each other you know socially occasionally but just here on the show and stuff but the other night he calls me up and we went to dinner it was a nice time then thank you yeah thank you can click the check again do the glass break then it was fine I had fun though I had a great day continue with your little game like you guys have been for dinner then how do I know this is not a setup when I come on the show I'll guess what's in the box I'm sorry Billy Bob no we are very strict oh I'm sorry this sounds like a setup to me you and your little buddy Jeff going for dinner Cheers okay all right so yep down gotta quit I gotta answer a question uh all right okay Iceland is in the North Atlantic its capital city is reka Vic the hype fish is widely considered the most disgusting of all sea animals because it produces huge quantities of slain to confuse predators with in five how many quarts of slain can I hide fish produce at once it's pretty easy question within five how many quarts of flame kind of hagfish produce at once is it a 17 the process or you're just I got to the choices is it a 1700 17 but within five I'm sorry 19 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you're looking good man look everyone yeah you're looking kind of lizard king can a Jim Morrison a little bit yeah yeah did you kill any lizards I have have you ever bought a penguin I've stolen a Peggy hi do man Fargo that said from the movie the TV shows right they are loosely based on the movie and those the same characters or just the town no it's it's really kind of not exactly a continuation but it's what happened in that area after the movie it's different people different story so it's kind of its own animal and yet Noah Hawley who wrote it wrote all 10 episodes it's like it's basically on a 10 hour movie spread out over 10 weeks all right and it's a he really captured the Coen brothers tone and everything hold up there though man let me tell you yeah yeah yeah when you shot it in North Dakota no we actually shot in Calgary Canada that's even colder yeah hey hey hey there you go it's a real Canadians you would not draw attention to yourself ha ha ha that's pretty funny yeah good lord Calgary yeah Calgary way like that tone up and I love that time yeah it's a great town just north of Regina hey hey you know I didn't know it was that kind of show yes you did hahahahaha you've been here another time I'm exactly the kind of show that it is this is true I mean with the horse and all in them hey Jeff hey man how's it going good to see you man good to see good party last week that was great I know right yeah crazy okay oh and by the way I've got them right here I'll bring them okay cool man hey what I didn't know you guys knew each other of course yeah yeah yeah we said it for years yeah I know you before you work for him yeah that's right yeah that's right again hey so Canada then hey that must be nice with Canadians friendly lovely people they are very friendly yeah very sometimes suspiciously friendly yeah are you good with passive-aggressive behavior uh yeah kinda yeah I do okay with it yeah I recognize it pretty easily yeah that's what people that don't think Canadians are being polite all the time they don't recognize that those undertones going underneath the absolutely yeah they are it was funny because you know here we are shooting in this horrible weather I mean it was even the Canadian said this is the worst winter we've had in years and years and it would be like 30 below 40 below stuff like that and then it would get to be like four and they were so happy and they were I mean it was like they were like they were in Hawaii or something yeah heal in their coats of you know it's going to be for tomorrow yeah I get very exact about it but it's so cold yeah rolling cold I don't do well or not you'd I think you from the sense man yeah I don't want you like warm I know I mean I've lived here for 33 years in Southern California yeah yeah my blood stand out yeah me too I go back to school and I start crying I know yeah so there were days when it was just so miserable but we needed them we had to have the snow for the show yeah yeah yeah I know you got to do that no it's fine harvest you still play music oh yeah yes will you clean music up there did you get a band together when you were up there did not know long with you man you say like oh you know we were working too much so I guess is that oh uh I would just but I brought my Yanni records so I would just listen to those Johnny yeah is what isn't that a joke I mean usually what I don't know let's find out Wester Yanni it's like a real talk show des bourses laughing yeah yeah the horse is very supportive um Enya that's what I do then yeah yeah that's what I like to meditate too yeah yeah yeah no isn't she from over in your area or something don't know each other man walking on all right exactly from Ireland which is kind of like saying don't you know some Canadians cuz you're from America that's right yeah I guess are you in therapy yes I oh good you let's say let's say again about that yeah okay all right I'm ready so uh tell me why you hate cold weather so much and someone hurt you a penguin maybe when you were younger ah my father was killed by a polar bear polar bears will actually do that they will K will tell you to death the polar bear is the audio animal it will actually stalk a human other animals will kill honor but pull available that will follow you it will follow you home in the plane yes it was like any disguise wearing a hat paper couple of rules behind you hey what's going on if you notice that polar bears are always used in these sort of like warm fuzzy like you know they do this like a solid paper and snow okay off drink commercial you got like a pretty little you know polar bear drinking the coke and all this kind of thing and they're brutal yeah they are honorable like drinking the cook to wash down your blood hahaha for sure yeah I know more of Billy Bob Donna kebab wasn't actually killed by a polar bear I don't we all right that's good yeah no no no no I hate to be insensitive about that kinda know you weren't injured by in any way by a bear no never well it's that maybe you know well yeah I know it's a minute yeah yeah no I got it are you frightened of animals I'm frightened of a couple of animals for the most part I'm really good with animals I'm not real big on any type of well put it this way snakes are bad enough already hmm without giving them legs you know saying so lizards for total lizards yeah and I'm not big on lizards I'm Komodo dragons I don't know why they're here they're dinosaurs well he's number one eight shouting students husband I remember that I was a you know it was like she took him to the zoo for his birthday because he wanted to walk with the Komodo dragons help him swimming with dolphins that's one yeah but walking with the Komodo dragons I don't get it well here's the thing as well he was weird white folks yeah what happened was he took his shoes off no and they used to feed the Komodo dragons fight why not rats so they see the white zones it like yeah exactly yeah oh it's like hey could you take your black shoes off they may think they're black rats you know and so and then you go white rats then I see my beauty is that she knew I think she does do you like go on in honey yeah exactly walk with the dragon yeah exactly remember when you said you like Komodo dragon yeah that's what so you're frightened of lizards a Freudian thing do you think it's something to do with penises but you know what I think I had a dream of a penis with legs once one of the kid this is good I liked it okay I think we're getting somewhere right so yeah this let's call it a penis with legs okay what happened was it chasing you it was on me well then make me sad I'm like your boots thanks wizards and a lizard [Applause] taking your revenge oh yeah right yeah I took the legs off just before I got here lizard was waving the balut like no so I you have been playing with the band you have been with about not not lately because I did I did three movies in a row before we started Fargo so I was pretty busy I was in Edmonton Canada anybody from Eddie yeah no they won't tell you not a yeah I've been admitted that's very cold it is yeah that's where the ice truckers live oh yeah that's right yeah they start over what are they huh yeah that's it's scary that's crazy yeah yeah I wouldn't do that I wouldn't do now no I Drive a Prius in LA well yeah exactly and that's the thing and not dangerous enough Oh so yeah so Edmonton Boston London and then London what we did in London I did a movie there called London Fields which is based on a bit Martin Amis book what I've read up Pogues oh you're making a move that looks like 25 years old that is they're making the movie now yes why wouldn't they make it when I was reading the book I know you're gonna read it Barry is it set in the 1980s yeah it's pretty much like the book yeah I mean wow that's a dark dark books pretty don't you play I play Sam the writers of Maine right yeah in other words the American yeah yeah and then there's the murderer and the murder II the skies are very creepy said in the book we go every every murder has a murderer but it also has a murderer you like now let's go be scary yeah it's a scary movie I don't I think it's just which it's very strange yeah look it's strange we get so I'm sure it's going to be one of those movies that there will be people obsessed and people that aren't quite sure what it is and I say you know it but everything I do is like that ya know angry right yeah there's a Marten Amos is a fascinating writer wrote a book called times IRA which every dunnottar if it's a guy who lived his life completely backwards and it describes it like it's the whole thing is his life going back was really interesting like it talks about going to the bathroom in the morning but he like you know it kind of you know everything gets you know it's all in Reverse it's really kind of like oh and it's freaky so the toilet pees into you yeah yeah it's pretty weird yeah yeah it was it's really weird so and then you like you go to the for dinner yeah that's why yeah I know it's a white he's a really strange guy his father Kingsley Amis with a great race or you know very strange dude he used to say Kings Liam is the best cure for a hangover with vigorous lovemaking really yeah that's we said to me anyway so putting the raw egg in the tomato juice well you can don't do that but yeah you know then you have to have sex with it yeah we have to take a break darn it I know just when we were wound up [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the other Kennet Amber Heard oh right yeah that would make it you know she's so welcome back everybody hey hey so you just bought a house yeah no dinner no I'm just doing talk shows oh oh you've got a host ninja up a story you've prepared earlier about you guys oh exactly did you buy her yeah we did buy a house actually yeah yeah yeah we bought a house recently up in Montana are you don't know that you're making this up or is it real well you told me to make it up okay highs in Montana Montana yeah well I Big Sky Country and Big Sky Country is right and you go out there and punch the cows I punched the cows absolutely yeah and you who are your neighbors there I guess at Ted Turner's up there Ted Turner's a neighbor this kind of Gus who you got no yeah no I think you know Gus Gus from Montana Ireland he's from I only got you know each other I'm your Scotland if I won you know oh wait yeah I was yeah I remember him now he had a hat yes yes the guy that's the guy Gus with the hat from Ireland but you really have a someone no sir okay right where do you have a husband I know I can't say that I'm not asking for redress man I I'll give them the address I'm not giving you the address no but no here's what happened we lived in Beverly Hills for 13 years and I'm not really a Beverly Hills cat I know you don't know saying I do you know that yeah and they had the the tour buses would come by in Beverly Hills with out there in the flat parts you know and I and it doesn't really bug me and I don't mind I'm a friendly guy to the folks you know I'll go out there and sign some things or whatever but here's what happened I had this balcony where I would and yes I smoke I'm sorry but I do I could tell because you're saying exactly and and sickly you don't exactly to me but one way or the other I like to go into certain balcony and have a smoke and back in those days back over gentleman a tobacco yes tobacco and I liked it and I would enjoy a light a adult beverage okay you know yep and one day I was doing a photo shoot at my house and in this room and a front room and it was it was with my shirt off why they want to do a photo of me with my shirt off I don't know because if you're a handsome man when my clothes off I look like Homer Simpson's boss or the guy you know it's like it's not good I mean no it you know not fun to look at I look like Homer Simpson I know what you mean but it's just not fun and so one way or the other I'm there with no shirt on I go out on the balcony Here I am with a beer and smoke looking like Homer Simpson's boss and Ulsan there's a bus there taking pictures of me and that's when I started thinking you know I know maybe let's move up in the woods and and so we did and so we live up here in the woods and when you see it from our window there uh you know we're proud what is that so that's downtown there yeah that's that's it I think this is actually Reno oh okay I love it if you had the wrong City hey that uh before I would I would like that but yeah and so there's an antenna yeah we're way over there all the way up there so that's not Montana no but it is in the woods and it's nice that there my little girl wants to be an entomologist so there's plenty of bugs you know wow that's kind of nice yeah she's nine ways to be an entomologist already yeah yeah I said tell me what it was I didn't know where I'm great I'm feeling if I keep saying that you tell me but it is hahahaha but I figured it was something to do with bugs because you said he really likes bugs that's the study of insects right yes I have just presented sure she moved on from paleontology when she was six she want to be a paleontologist now she wants to be an entomologist but I didn't know what any of that I mean I played with sticks and mud when I was again but now you know kids are different now yeah they are yeah they're smart they got the information highway we didn't have that no I did sort of a kind of little dirt track exactly yeah it was a anyway yeah we're out of time yeah completely really is there another guest on after me you're asking the wrong guy really no there's not there's mad as a bat who's the man who is bad we're asking the wrong guy then Paul and the broken bones I'm pulling the broken booze they're a great band I love them yeah they're love them yeah I'm good they are the play Jeff's birthday oh yeah at the end really yeah I'm not sure about it now they rocked out man they're breaking in well we gotta go you wanna awkward pause yeah what's doing on yeah man okay [Laughter] [Laughter] ooh la la ooh la la it's very nice feels good a little loose you want me to tight now oh yeah please that's good bad ah come on oh good oh okay thank you Oh pull harder pull harder you're creepy man or a bad I'm sorry who would've thought a talking robot skeleton could ever be creepy who would have thought a foreigner like you would ever be creepy are you saying foreigners or creepy police do not make you you bet that you are a rare you are racist you're a racist your remember right back
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 148,281
Rating: 4.8456016 out of 5
Keywords: クレイグと女の子の女性, クレイグ・ファーガソン, ロボットをゲオフ, craig ferguson, craig ferguson and the ladies, flirting masterclass, funny late night, best talkshow, funny talkshow, talkshow compilation, talkshow moments, flirt talkshow, geoff the robot, the jayleno fly, funny moments, billy bob thornton, billy bob thornton craig ferguson, billy bob thornton interview, billy bob thornton funny, billy bob thornton sing, billy bob thornton movies, angelina jolie billy bob, billy bob thornton marriage, barry
Id: xBEVN9giNbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 30sec (3270 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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