Billy Bob Thornton is Best Friends with Unlikely Group

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may I interest you in some pumpkin spice spam yes you can do it home with you and a nice I mean seriously that's that's not right that's just not right yeah no it is no I had my share of spam over the years have you yeah it's like having your dessert and lunch all in one little can solutely yeah I've turned over to the vegans fans this why you've turned over reduced to the biggest yeah sort of thing do they make a vegan spam I'm sure they don't yeah it doesn't seem like it would appeal to anyone really at all how you doing I'm good you're everything's good I'm doing well thank you everything's fine cool well listen I got a before we get into the things that we're supposed to talk about oh I can't believe in all the years I've done your show that I've never brought this up out here oh but I got to bring it up tonight okay all right this is a surprise for him it is years and years and years ago longer than either one of us want to think about we were in Austin Texas at the four seasons that was during him South by self hanging out there right it's like Owen Wilson and you me Harry Dean Stanton Seymour Cassell Neil Young was there it was like something Bad's gonna happen uh-huh okay and there was this table I mean if you remember this or not there was this table of girls like a whole bunch of them 12 or 13 of them next to us over there and they wanted to know if you and I would come over and say happy birthday to one of the girls who was having a birthday oh so we went over there doesn't remember any of this no because I think Woody Harrelson may have been there too it was which is why I don't remember any of them yeah yeah that's right what he was with Owen so anyway so we go over there well Harry saunters over there and Harry used to for anybody who doesn't know this Harry Dean Stanton God rest his soul used to sing and Spanish all the time used to play with the mant and everything and he came over and said let me sing happy birthday to the birthday girl in Spanish well in Spanish happy birthday has like it's like Bob Dylan I was like 35 verses uh-huh so he goes over there and sings happy birthday in Spanish to these girls who just want to say hi to the two of us and okay so he finishes up and he goes away with Seymour and then we find out because we asked them we said well what are you girls doing in town what turns out that they all went to school together they're all doctors they all went to school together and every year they have a reunion in a different town so one year at Cincinnati then it's La then it's Seattle whatever and we said Wow well what do what do you girls do we're gynecologists they said so you can say gynecologist right sure of course so anyway there were gynecologist and in my suave way I said have you ever seen a rock and roll tour bus and they said no we've never been on one cuz we were playing therefore so all of them he liked 12 girls come onto the tour bus and we start talking and they want to know all about music and movies and you know what is Sylvester Stallone like whatever they and so all I wanted to do was ask him about their deal yeah now so anyway so it was this back and forth you know you know it's like well when you did Slingblade did you buy my yeah yeah yeah it was fine it was great anyway so let's say a lady comes in you know yeah and so one way or the other we kept in touch now every year Katie who's sort of the ringleader of them she lives in Pittsburgh she calls me every year on their reunion and they'll call me from Miami or Buffalo New York wherever they happen to be and they're all in the background having a couple you know why and all this kind of thing and we played in Pittsburgh two or three tours ago and she was there with one of her other associates and in the middle of the show I introduced her and Nola and they're really sweet women and she said I had a present for you I said bring it up and she brought me some kind of like 1930s gynecological tool that and you think dentistry was bad I mean what was the purpose of the tool do you remember yeah no no no Carrie she brought that did she check it or did she carry on so there you go and in a pinch if you ever need any kind of gynecological anything any city you tour in you probably have a friend there absolutely there's a couple of mundane veut there's one up in Portland this is perfect for you everywhere you just got done with a tour right is that the tour where you you saw Katie - Katie yeah no we played Pittsburgh Katie was there but she didn't bring any instruments no instruments when you guys brought your instruments she didn't yes yeah Wow and what is Sylvester Stallone like what a guy that's crazy when I would go back home to the south over the years the people you grew up with I always want to know something about this somebody yeah something and for some reason they would always ask me about Sylvester Stallone they would always say where's equation what's a Sylvester Stallone like and the other question they would ask is hi man how much you get on one in movies oh really people actually ask you that yeah and what am I gonna say to a guy who works at a sawmill so one guy asked me do you get paid by the job or by the hour sometimes it might be better by the hour oh absolutely well we're gonna take a break Billy Bob Thornton is here [Applause] [Music] I'm about to step out to lunch yeah I saw that hey how does that come about you know like a public water board being the same offices as a private company tallgrass had the space well I was hoping that I could get some information on drilling and water distribution in Blackwood County to help me out water is transported from the Sierra Nevada mountains in the north via the California Aqueduct and everything else you need to know is in this handy-dandy pamphlet you can take that with you Thanks that is Billy Bob Thornton and which is in season three now what a good show that is do you like being on a show is that something that appeals to you you know I was kind of late to the game about how TV and streaming was a big deal and when I did Fargo I thought you know this is I like this boy that wasn't great that was that our next guest is Allison Coleman your honor without Allison my pal we talked backstage she's a wonderful gal I love her and so you know after that I like I said I was late to the game I thought well now if you're a movie actor you shouldn't do that and then all the sudden everybody says no you don't understand us like T B's the thing now and because the independent film business kind of you know tanks a little came television really AM television yeah and so if you want to do an independent film now you got to do it for you know the streaming companies and you know Amazon's HBO's all of us and so I've enjoyed playing this character because it's essentially me if I were a lawyer in LA that's the guy I'd been you talk about your character talks about Hoosiers a lot and you also I know are loved the movie who how many times have you seen the movie Hoosiers at least 100 at least a hundred times I've never seen Hoosiers no yes I've never seen it and the reason why is ridiculous okay but I went to UNLV I grew up in Las Vegas and in 1987 the Indiana beat UNLV and the I think the semi-finals of the college basketball tournament and I was like I'm not watching that oh yeah oh my and I still haven't watched it oh of course my usual in my pop culture knowledge I understand it yeah uh you know I can't when we win the I'm a Cardinal fan st. Louis Cardinals scene and you know you got a right there and diehard Cardinal fan and when we play the Cubs you know our natural image or yeah when we play the Cubs I don't watch when they're at bat and the Cubs are at bat really yeah I watched when the Cardinals are at bat I go out of the room and when I kind of figure it's about time I go back in there yeah Wow can't watch them Wow are you very superstitious it was that's just make sure you just don't want to get aggravated it's I don't like the Cubs and dishes so when the Cubs won the World Series after you know never winning the World Series were you happy for them you know what I I kind of was I had to say I mean there is a sentimental part of me that can't help it and I had a good friend who's a Cubs fan and who passed away and I thought you know what I mean you know looking down I thought yeah it's okay and I it's the only time I've ever had an open heart for the Cubs really bring people together that's right well it's great to see this Joe is terrific it's called Goliath season three starts streaming October 4th on Amazon Prime Billy Bob Thornton everybody congratulations on making it to the end of the YouTube video why not celebrate by clicking the subscribe button you earned it
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 491,223
Rating: 4.8424978 out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Billy Bob Thornton, Unliekly Friends, Actor, Movie Star, Goliath, Storytime, Hoosiers, Chicago Cubs
Id: djHksT0DCGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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