Karen Gillan - Craig Predicts Dr. Who "Thing" 6 Years in Advance - 4/4 Appearances In Chron. Order

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Love the little black dress from appearance 3...Karen looks a million dollars!


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/portmaniac ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 29 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I saw that one

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/duffin86 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 30 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] please welcome Karen Gillan everybody go [Applause] [Applause] yes Karen I mean your television show before I am you a little bit about it not many people do know I love doctor I'm so excited to meet you it's about anyone who wants some Doctor Who I'm very cuz you know Maximus was here he came on the show yeah you're Scottish of course I hear quickly take this back to Scotland okay thank you give it to my family tell them you make me a nun alleys technically is kind of true yes are you enjoying a man across this your first time here I've been here a couple of times before actually we shot the the two opening episodes for this series of Doctor Who in Monument Valley in Utah Utah it was very exciting Arianna songs were filmed Indiana joinder oh yeah hmm do you enjoy the Indiana do I do although I got arrived the other day because I like food I only saw the last one first and really liked it and everyone was like no that's where you don't know the Crystal Skull yeah the one with the Wonder the last what would equipment everyone's like over here - Joe da well y'all ready the first one where you know and then the other one yeah I'm really sorry at least you'll get some advice yeah yeah I think you scotland have you been there recently um I was there for Christmas oh I'm their great really whatnot it's got one you from I'm from the highlands in / - Oh Inverness is beautiful yeah so good in there yes many times I and I've I spent a little bit of time in Inverness and uh oh yeah yeah of course the name of the theater there and then didn't good Beauty may be run the other toilet I did a week there with a play all this fun it's a nice theater oh it's lovely yeah yeah you know once when I was flying in Inverness my plane seagull it was pretty bad for the seagull like yeah anyway you're not stuck that's new look nice yeah yeah I'm ceiling monster yes yeah way huh yeah you all right now no sorry might not you get a short we're coming to America yeah no all right no your arm okay you got me oh god I was really hoping you know brutal yeah I don't know I must have fun wow I am I was trying to be cool in New York because we were just there promoting doctor here right and I fell over right over and it was soldier money yes you'd fail in something completely square I know I don't understand so they're very what are you drunk no punch it you would complete well you're very tall so when you fall over yeah I was very big heels and I just went right over yeah time me some I mean everybody you've seen the most nose if people ask you if you believe in the monster because I would not get out you've seen the month yeah yeah what did look like nothing bacon green thumb big green with huh did you just name home I'm glad I don't know how to literally legalistically you know it's fine I can say yeah that's right now he said let it go no I live in Cardiff because the heart of a whale yes because that's where we found doctor here oh of course yeah yes so and so on we found that for nine months of the year so I lived there for nine months of beer and then we're just where do you left early on the three months in London London exciting swinging London yes excite you have a Mini Cooper you don't I don't drive actually you do it dry oh this is going to be difficult for you in America then yeah I just realized that I Drive in LA said New York you're all right new yeah everybody drives here what's their way on I run it past a gym last night over 24 hours 24 hours people are like 10:00 at night well a lot of these people are very high you think they take a drug called methamphetamine stock and what happens is they gotta do something sleep pounded out okay then they go to the gym very nice to me I haven't talked uh beautiful granddaddy Scottish women and way too long thank you sorry so the Eden Court in Inverness yeah yeah never been to Edinburgh I have I lived there for a year which I met there when I was 16 and it was really exciting when you know yeah my dog was so I need the ID I don't get around yeah and then you move to London how'd you end up in the Doctor Who thing and well I am I just auditioned for like any other job yeah and then and then got it unexpectedly no I wouldn't be unexpectedly to me know if you were auditioning for Doctor Who right now you should be the dog they should have a female doctor I think it's not possible can you have a female time of course he can you know he can you know change who's interested let me know you have an animal as the doctor well I don't know about that yeah no I mean you can go too far yacht exactly I thought we might well yes but were you a fan of the show before did you even know about and well yeah everyone knows about it in education and it's like a massive sort of cultural thing and so I knew about it but it wasn't on while I was growing up but my mum's a proper Whovian really he's like obsessed where she must weep every day with guilty yeah she has garlic bubble bath really I don't know you could get that oh yeah we can get anything can I have dialogue bubble bomb you keep it on here it's in the TARDIS we always tell anybody so it's a clock without say I'm sorry I wasn't paying any boy says I'm sorry we're completely out of time now and we have to what we do here to end each segment okay is either an awkward pause or a mouth organ how old are you I'm 23 take a mouth organ oh okay oh okay did you play no oh no how do I get into it no just you know rummage what is it come on you know Oh UPT with that it's alright yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] please welcome the absolutely fantastic Karen Gillan everybody going [Applause] lovely to see you you look absolutely enchanting I'd very much like your dress oh thanks I bought it today really yes in a vintage shop somewhere in LA you may not been worn before yes and I've not washed it I couldn't think you can wash it it's one of those dragons me yeah you got a dry cleaner that's awesome you know what the thing is about dry cleaning I don't know what they actually do it's like some kind of magical they take it away and I think they just kind of spruce it up a bit and give you a bath I think that's what they tell ya because Michael is smell bad I give them to the dry cleaner I come and they come back they smell bad ripoff you're right and as a rebel how are you did you go down to Comic Con the guy was like I was at Comic Con which was crazy I did not expect it to be that big the scale of it if you cover the whole town of San Diego pelรกez Sonny is not that biggest I know H and it's become a huge thing Comicon man people in America know it's fascinated with Doctor Who it's crazy I just can't believe how much it's grown out here it's so exciting yeah there's exciting is exciting for me too but I may have to move on with my allegiance because when other people like things I'm done oh really oh no we need to keep you alright then I'll stay fine but do you get like that because I'm actually a bit like that when I was in Scotland that's the same thing the minute a lot of people like something that was like I don't like it anymore never go to something else oh really oh that's why they threw me out Oh I'm good back there sir are you really what for one son yeah hello I'm missing it strange to say I'm gonna skull it for fun why do you go there a lot used to live there do you know I live in London nice I was there recently and it was really good it was it was I went to Loch Ness did you see the yes again yes did you do at nails when you were in San Diego the Juara and no it was pretty much comic-con stuff and we went to some party which was quite fun do you take any drugs no what are you gonna do it are you gonna be in LA yeah I'm gonna stay here for a little while but you don't draw on I don't drive and I don't have anywhere to stay yet but I'm gonna do it there oh yeah I think that cheerful doe oh great well Jeff the only one here at night and his blue eyes will help you read to buy you can come by my place it's behind a couple of Neanderthals yeah if we will do strange things in here then are you gonna like go surfing and stuff oh maybe I could do that who should try it it's a lot of fun really yes I'm so scared of what of this wait well if you scare the wave then surfing is probably not the thing for you you know I saw the other day though well and a thing that you can fly in an aeroplane no no no like I'm you pump air upwards and it's just you horizontal oh those little cysts that people did they jump off they'll get little suits yeah do that I change ur is that yo that must be doing but there was children doing it when I saw yes they might have been digit strange made me like you know the closest thing to flying I don't know if you are you a thrill seeker whether have you ever done any jumping over what do they call a parachuting you know I haven't I'm too scared to do that so that's why I thought I did a flying tea if you're too scared to do the parachuting at least you have a parachute when your parachute it yeah see ya know you got it I think it will sedate Hobie what birthday antiquing yeah you go around different markers you fight nice on Justin you pick about you all right there sorry I know the storms picking up about any oh let me get to the soundest [Music] [Applause] what yeah tiny little TARDIS right there yeah that's really cool yeah yeah um oh that's the air vents because I keep a mouse in there all right I do an amazing new height though I might start keeping little surprises in there are you saying yeah do you have any pets bill Macy has bet he is chickens your chicken I got chicken I didn't have any pets but I am how do I can't growing up called fuzzy nice name for a cat yeah although I like him you know when you like make porn names you said for no you can never go back to stop and again what corny how about that let the spell outta my face and so basically you take your pet's name right and then your street name right the minor fuzzies going to work for you here then is that what I'm saying right fuzzy Springfield Gardens yes start well but it can end very no one porn in he watch a lot of porn no I can't imagine that you do yeah I haven't seen any in ages oh really not really my thing I never liked snooker or pool I love snicker oh yeah I like playing it but I don't really want to watch it didn't I [Applause] okay yeah sounds like who you're going to travel around California just stay in LA I'm going to stay in LA and I was thinking about going to this thing called the magic castle boys oh oh it's like innocent porn it's great the Magic Castle is fun time the place where at magicians congregate it's like it's like Hogwarts for magician oh my god that's so cool it's fantastic and you go in under the piano and I went to see I was once there they have all these different magicians there and I saw this guy once they have a close-up room and you think well this is going to be gonna go on for yeah but it's close-up magic and I saw this magician and he only had one arm and he was from Brazil or something and he was doing these card tricks with one arm and he got lost his arm and an accident and he laughs is aren't hey he was doing these cartridges Wow and he would do them slowly and then say it cannot be done slower and then he would do it slow and then you jail or you fall into the mouth I like the magic yeah yeah I used to watch a program called The Masked Magician what do you ever see that yeah neither but it's like expose all the tricks yeah yeah but I really like to do you do you practice any magic use oh no I don't have anything concealed about you that you make kind of like no no I don't I wish to disco no I don't I once saw a guy in the Magic Castle he was talking them and he was doing this trick with any be talking about having a goose oh good uh-huh and then he brought a goose over his pants a liar oh you you may well be skeptical as I but I saw it with my own eyes in fact it became a romantic advisor here what does a man and and the magician add yeah yeah oh yeah well ed you should go you should go yes I see that and I went to in-n-out burger oh they're very good so they advertise on TV no they don't yes they're almost as good as the advertiser of the shows and I oh you're really simply saying this is like BBC America without Doctor Who we also have commercials all day and BBC in Britain of commercials no no oh no not like advertising things is it the Queen pays for it doesn't she um we pay for it as a nation what's what I mean yeah all right then well we're done so hang on a second oh yeah you better you don't do that many commercials they so my song can touch Michael t-ball or awkward pause I'm going to touch the glittery boy I wish you wouldn't because here's why my I haven't really thought it through it's kind of more a concept thing okay but you can you if you want to touch you can touch I just don't know what how do I work what happens when II time I bring it out you touch it that's it alright I think we shouldn't do that then nobody that's what I'm saying it's very hard to climb I think maybe we should do something else okay let's time you choose keep ever choose [Applause] all right talk to slightly awkward pause with mouth organ at the end okay is this [Music] nice you're right there okay you ready for proposing it well I'm going to pretend that I'm gonna blow and then not blow now become a vocal [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Yaron not very exciting that you're here to me I love the doctor who's as you know and you brother DVD I have got a DVD I actually had it before you turn up nice yeah no I went to the store bought it looks really yeah no but I did get a good look at that but you guys never leave this happens to you and I was waiting the entire time because I was too heavy for him right he's a fine gentleman yeah I mean very attractive but you've got that kind of nineteen seventies David Bowie thing going on yeah I'm Doctor Who yeah yeah it's lovely to see you and your nails I really blues Wow look at that have you got your business gotten done professionally did you really know yeah is that the first time no no you get it done alone so what's been going on do you move here I have you moved here - I just moved here on a whim you shouldn't do that I really yeah I moved here from Scotland on a whim look Corrigan happen to me it's like I came here 932 and and in the end and now I'm 50 and I'm stuck here no it seems okay I was basically I was in Alabama oh I love it there yeah I really liked it yeah and then I was like I can just stay in the country so I just did you gotta get a visa no I did not I did it are you then I'm here legally oh okay good and then so it's um why were you nella Bama kill yourself oh yeah what kind of film scary film horror picture kind of I said horror I want to say horror picture and horror film like I trusted horror flick and then I thought let it go and then you mock me with your eyes you were like gods all right I've been mobbed by redheaded Scottish women before now how would things in Scotland a they're really good you're from the north of Scotland oh yeah I'm from the north in the highlands yes where it's cold grateful everywhere it's going there yeah it's not here and it's winter I don't understand you should go up failure I'd blow your mind like and also things go around is there a different way yeah yeah I don't know it's a completely upside down it's like something off of Doctor Who yeah the way you're gonna do movies and stuff out here I know I'm just gonna see what happens actually I'm going back to Scotland for Christmas but then I'll come back and then see what happens I go to Scotland for Christmas over here yeah well not all the time only at Christmas I wear well you know run to the boat okay your house Oh now I don't go to the door better go to engross snakey or your first Nikki nice you got the flag and verse snacky that's what they call Inverness right it goes yeah I think that's a Gallic pronunciation which is our native language do you speak to Gallic no I can sing a song note okay hey you want you want the alone can't also can sing in the gallon it's true well join you alright off you go then manly marry you yeah say Cunha very good Jaques Cunha America for for legal reasons you have to tell me if there's any profanity or dirty words in there because we'll have to be fair there are I have no idea your move centers so I'm excited for you you'll get you older you'll have to be careful but you get very pale skin and it will get you know you have to avoid sunscreen yeah I'm gonna get more freckles and then they'll join up and then I'll be completely ginger ginger are you going to take up the California stuff you'll have to like juice all your food and week week I don't know it's yeah it's something other people do it okay no these people don't need to get involved in that yeah we I mean we just we don't belong in the wheatgrass area we go surfing I can't swim you can't swim there you're frightened of the water not really you should because you can't swim I don't know well about being on the show or crying all right listen bro decide do you want a piece of fruit or do you want some kind of party thing and I don't know a piece of fruit yeah why not all right uh you want uh apart for a party hot we let the tweets ah yeah here we go oh wait how'd you do this that's very very good right I need to take one for a particular reason well you know I would get this well I think you know what that is it's a tournament oh no it's a coconut oh yeah what yes wait a special shoe business cookie I don't know should I crack it open yeah all right absolutely all right great watch it thanks man well you wait until it happens then you squeeze it's never going to work out for you in horror Thank You Eddie okay is that your dress at No all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my next guest is not only a very talented and clever actress she's very very beautiful and very tall and striking and stunning I looking forward to this she's starring at NTSF SD SUV which new season premieres in July on Adult Swim please welcome the adorable [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's lovely disease and I'm 6 foot 3 I'm taller than you yes you are this is the biggest shoes in the world they're pretty big shoes yeah see ya Wow yeah you look good though it's going look a bit weird like no 108 okay me and the Belgian boys are like what yeah [Applause] yeah like a Belgium is it yeah yeah if you hold that and wave it you'll make the news in Belgium tomorrow really right so have you ever been to Belgium I haven't you disappoint me Karen I'm sorry I'm gonna have great chocolate they have fantastic chocolate and very good beer and very good fried potaters really yeah but you just moved to America we have fried potatoes here I know you have tater tops here you you're not American I am officially I guess so yeah yeah got my tattoo and everything are you going to become an American I don't think so okay I'm just gonna reside here for a while I see you just take advantage of our freedoms and then go back home that's what we yeah that's right where are you living in Los Angeles yeah in Los Angeles mm-hmm I don't have a learned how to drive though that's probably okay you think yeah no one else bothers with learning either get a car and you know it's the driving test you super easy I heard that I did it you drive around the block don't shoot anyone but people talk about working so much here parking parking yeah what's the big deal conversation is barking some fly I don't know I hear all the time and I'm like why are you devoting your time to this I think what happens it I think well because she's very beautiful and striking women that guys come up to me they don't know what to talk about sugalski parking your party right did you manage the market okay girl I don't know what to say I'm from Belgium I was a pirate old part is lovely yeah yeah no I like Paris rains going to Paris oh really yeah that's right they're going I don't know what he'll tell you Oh why be on fire you holding I look wet nur on my own she saw a lot of things on your own don't think yeah I mean you move to LA on your own that's a bit ballsy I've been only child so I'm okay with being alone I've got a brother and two sisters by two and go around with them yeah actually I need to get more friends I think you could make as many friends as you want it's entirely up to you right here what are you going to do you you're obviously here working cuz your actress and this is a place where the sorts of acting receive yes stuff to do but what else you gonna do you're gonna take up surfing or no not - because I can't swim that'll work against it yeah I just did a spinning class spinning that's when you go on the bike and don't go anywhere yeah did you enjoy it I did it within the dark it was like a disco so you go into the dark and a bicycle that doesn't go anywhere yeah what are you dreaming up with women screaming I understand - no no sounds like a like a some sort of a torture no it was good it was good all right what about yoga you'll have together yoga Olli is one the other day yeah why you all actresses that I've met do yoga they all do they all do and they all look fantastic feels like attention you look like and and then I got there and it was there was only five people and they were all standing on their heads and and they gave me like a little foam brick to help me and it was really humiliating but Yoga is non-judgmental if it's practiced properly your guys how it looks on you you see yeah well it didn't feel like that no it's not like that I mean it's meant to be like that but in LA they turn into some kind of yeah I was like I'm probably not going to come back in my head we didn't say that no tear you apart I think but you're so Scottish though I mean I don't sound Scottish I'm sorry you know apparently I don't really yeah in Scotland in the papers they said I do I've lost my accent really yeah and Americans are like no we haven't noticed that but you'll have to do on American accents again your work yes you don't ice well I don't know to me it sounds really American but I don't know how it sounds to actual Americans well you want to practice yes okay you need to give me something really American to say how about hey buddy where do I get the fries hey buddy we're like at the fries [Applause] whatever I find send American I just sound like Foghorn Leghorn the cartoon guys like I say that's all I can do oh god yes bill here yeah yeah yeah could you say I want to confiscate your monkey in America in America uh with me me okay both of you at the same time yet at the same time three two one I want to confiscate your monkey thank you hey you know what you you have to go ahead to therapy that's another thing yeah oh yeah there's a few things like a garbage disposal massive fridge filled full of bottles of water yeah and get serviced yeah I'll be a perfect willing yeah yeah let's stop okay all right I've got a slight Austrian accent okay well okay so Karen yes you're very tall yeah does this make you feel superior quite on the contrary actually it makes me feel a little bit strange really why do you feel strange because I feel like I'm tearing above everybody know there's very tall people here you'll be amongst your own kind okay well that makes me feel better thank you that'll be $150 well we're out of time yeah I got a boyfriend yeah I know I can boyfriend get yourself a nice to make us that why should you yes I'm good lovely I'm gonna get ya lovely teeth a bit like how you're doing ma'am good night okay I'll look for some nice teeth what some belches here as well right yeah I know I saw them right but they don't hang around too much so the rambling oh the rambling Belgians right okay well that's the day through frisbees if a horse uh yeah Oh got it ah here you aren't here some frisbee here oh my god there's more this rig while you got me it's America you can do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 1,051,675
Rating: 4.911468 out of 5
Keywords: Craig Ferguson, craig ferguson compilation, The jayleno fly, geoff petterson, geoff makes craig laugh, craig ferguson talk show, the late late show, craig ferguson flirting, craig ferguson flirting masterclass, johnny carson, david letterman, funny moments talk show, late night talk shows, karen gillan craig ferguson, karen gillan hot, karen gillan dr who, karen gillan interview, karen gillan kiss, karen gillan chandelier, math smith, amy pond, funny, hilarious
Id: ron2gvmybuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 22sec (2062 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2017
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