Bill Bellamy • Ladies Night Out • Part 4 | LOLflix

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things give it up like I got this thing going on on my Twitter right now called no no lace-front Fridays and lo Lakes from Fridays as we know girls cannot wear lace front on Friday or if I see it i'ma take it so what I'm doing is going around setting up wigs all over the Galleria find out I just got the information to my headset that Larenz Tate is on camera what is going on here well he's producing this behind the scenes for us and he's been my friend for a very very long time how do you guys know each other well bill and I've been knowing each other for you know 10 years long it's been longer than that dawn at least 15 years well 93 so anyway we just we actually did our first movie together was called love Joan bill is you know an extraordinary of comedian a lot of people know some you know no one from hosting shows there as an actor but he's really an incredible comedian Bill Bellamy and Larenz Tate in studio hey I got a question for you both you guys all right you make a lot of movies what is it like to see yourself in an old movie like if you're watching any given Sunday bill it's always new to somebody they know so many people say oh my god bill I didn't know you wouldn't rob my receiver and any given Sunday or how to be a player just came on yesterday you know and it's great it's a it's an affirmation that I'm doing what I wanted to do what's new what's been what what I like about this show in particular it's about relationships and what it is is for guys talking about different aspects of their life where they are they just get a picture with you guys let's get one more for the website no we should do we should really really think about breakfast just put that in the back of your head this is the breakfast club yard this is probably like the free beer catfish brown with cheese grits toast one side waffle one wing and waffle cup of coffee boiling water cranberry grape on the side of country sauce it's beautiful is this baby is beautiful baby so Rudy said this is not my baby Lorenzo kid she said I know it's not your baby one more time this is not why is Bob our baby soon [Applause] let's talk about boy y'all looking good tonight you feelin good I did not know that Tiger Woods was a pen seriously yeah I know I know Golf is 18 holes but not 18 holes you know and the people was killing me about Tiger Woods they're like Tiger Woods is a player oh my God he's such a player know what he's not a player he just a dude with money first of all based on a lot of the moves he made I could tell he didn't see my movie how to be a player at all you know how to be a player what just trying to keep it real man another thing I didn't like about Tiger Woods in my opinion was the quality of his women first of all you got a half a billion dollars I think women should match your lifestyle okay first of all fellas you gotta learn how to cheat stop cheating with the okay you got to learn how to cheat not telling you to cheat you got to cheat smart person you never cheat down you cheat up okay just can't really see it I'm sure you get it you never cheat down you cheat up yeah to cheat down on your lady is some disrespectful that is just disrespectful she will never respect you first of all she upset with your dumb ass anyway but now you gonna cheat on her with some ugly chick the first thing she gonna say is a gorilla really ready go kill yourself around us all I'm saying you know I mean I'm not telling to do that you know it's late but I'm saying if you go Chi chief with something she can understand let the lady beat up that'll be incredibly beautiful I'm not telling you she not gonna be mad but she could understand cuz if she off the chain she gonna ask him who was this you like she right there some oh my god she is gorgeous hey you are so cute I swear to God I woulda did that to you right [Applause] I'm just being real man now another thing I'm talking about right now folks is I know a lot of guys are here you're going through it with your ladies ok he's starting to feel nervous about your cell phones women are going in your cell phones and I'm here to help you guys try to get you a good night's sleep so what I did I came up with a new app that you can download to your phone I like to call it an app app let me explain because a lot of guys there ladies are going in your cell phones all you got to do put my app in your phone set it at night if your lady messed with your phone it explodes all right now she got blue dot all over her face now she got explained why she looked like a smurf in the living room ok now I don't care how much you let it live you everyone we go do some security checks every now and then it's just a woman's nature you got to make sure your property is where it leads the could be but most guys we so stupid we never even realized what a security check is let me explain usually they are in the middle of the night between the hours of 2:00 and 6:00 in the morning yeah some for some strange reason your lady feel like she got to pee-pee at 2:00 to 6:00 in the morning that is not a pee walk that is a security won't she gonna check your pants your cellphone anything that might be incriminating to your dumb ass but she's always courteous she will always make sure you are really sleep boo-boo you sleep now fellas remember leave your phone out in the open you don't have to hide anymore you got the nap she's looking all over for your phone while you sleep I know whispering here somewhere he is so stupid just go leave it out in the open what is this cold what is this cold girl you can do it I know you could do it is probably his birthday oh my god whoo I can't see boo get out oh my god help me something happy going on baby whoo on your face I don't know baby I was just coming back from the bathroom and your phone jumped on me I don't know what happened I was just coming back to the bed and bull stuff in fragments in my eye I don't know what i'ma do I gotta go to work at 15 minutes what am i doing I don't know girl ain't coming off you you gotta go to work she go to work she all embarrassed she get to the office all the chicks in the office got blue faces they are walking around looking like avatars you too you know what I like though I like that cialis commercial oh no I like cialis commercial cialis commercial so good even if nothing wrong with you they make you want to take the pier the fellows do not let them catch you slipping that cialis commercial is tricky I found something out the other day I noticed that the daytime cialis commercial is completely different than the late-night one you ever noticed a change to do voice come home late from the club fellas ever come home late from the club you know talk about you leave the TV on till you fall asleep you little drunk this what you hear four o'clock in the morning on your TV screen you come home [Music] do you really want to please your lady do you want to be able to make love all night oh yeah yeah what's up do you want to be able to blow your lady back out see us tomorrow see you fall asleep don't do that fella stay awake for about 25 more seconds listen to the side effects yeah it's about 92 fucked-up things gonna happen to ya you ever notice they say all the good to suck yo ass here then they speed up the side effects you got a smoke weed to hear that I'm not saying I smoke I'm just saying I'm just saying I heard it I don't know if you heard the side effects I heard it see if you don't smoke weed you can't hear the side effects because it sound like this if you take Cialis and you experience but if you smoke weed you hear every word if you take Cialis runny stool blurred vision you like walks I'm gonna go blind and on myself I don't sound like a good night to me dog she telling me I'm gonna have the best sex ever but I'm gonna go blind and or myself yeah you know what's crazy they don't even tell you when the side effects kick in so the whole night you ride and dirty yeah you ridin dirty now here's the crazy thing right now fellas I don't know if you know the good side of it right you take Cialis you dig stay hard for like three hours Wow whole community [Applause] so you know if your dig hard for three hours you're gonna start talking to your girl it's just where it is fellas but the reality that the matter is the side effects gonna kick in while you're talking to your girl and you giving her the business to you like girl look at me huh huh who your daddy who your goddamn daddy I'm a big son I can't see Loretta Oh down and on myself baby you still in here no I'm over here smell like over there did you just push it on the wall Russell you know your motion on my foot do you know that you are so nasty now ladies y'all laughing like that funny that is not funny that can really happen to a man do y'all realize why guys take you know viagra cialis cuz all men want to do at the end of the day is pleased a lady in the bedroom that's just the way life is okay it's two words that scare every guy in this beautiful theater tonight erectile dysfunction don't that sound like everything wrong $2.00 how do you explain that to a female that is very difficult how do you explain to a woman your deep dead that's tough you day all day trying to explain that to a lady like excuse me can I talk to you yeah I got a flat tire now the reality matters lady as difficult as it is to tell y'all cause y'all not as nice as y'all used to be okay back in the day a woman would never hurt a man's feelings remember when y'all really loved us the good old days like 92 93 remember that if your dick wasn't working in 93 a woman would never embarrass a man y'all was so nice you actually wouldn't do other things to make the guy feel comfortable could you know his dick ain't working you're not gonna hurt his feelings but that doesn't mean she don't want to get with you right she like um I have an idea I think we could go in my room for a little while it may be you know kind of make out and have fun if you want oh no no don't feel bad no no it's okay Shh it's okay no you just caught me off guard but you know what we're just going to change the energy the night's not over relax what are we gonna do oh okay this is what we're gonna do we are gonna watch a movie I got a DVD my girlfriend said it was really good and I got wine so we could have wine a movie and lucky you I went to the market a few days ago I have fruit yes so we have wine movie fruit cheese crackers what a night you like for real my big date I still get a movie and a snack that is a nice give it up for yourselves ladies you used to be so nice not now uh-uh ladies I have changed along the way women now are honest yeah I don't give a about our feelings no more now women say what it is they say like this what the is wrong with your dick you got ten minutes to get it together just leave you in the room by yourself [Applause] I need more time ever notice when you add alcohol to any night the possibilities are unlimited fellas you ever take a woman out on a date you ever noticed this you ever notices you ever notice your real voice and your liquor voice is completely different Wow is your liquor voice really the things you want to say but your regular voice you just say what you supposed to say you ever been on a date and you're having a good time you and the lady got chemistry you said all the right but liquor saying something else hey um check us out how you like your food oh my god it's really good I really I really enjoyed the appetizer first in the lobster was incredible thank you for bringing me out to this wonderful restaurant that's cool because I know if he was gonna like it coz my uh my best friend is the chef here so he kind of like put together the menu and stuff and I was hoping you liked the table yes it's the view of the city perfect and liquor like man all that we get to this booty man the same talking all that I want the booty do me a favor night s 10:00 a.m. to go to the bathroom so I can look at her booty are you crazy I'm in the middle of a conversation you think I'm gonna ask this lady to go to the bathroom so you can look at her booty use lookin like trust me you gonna like him now fellas you don't know if it's the look of the night or maybe she read your mind out of nowhere she's like do you mind if I go to the restroom now in the summertime there's nothing sexier on a female than white jeans woman in white jeans her body looks incredible you didn't even notice it at first she gets up to go to the bathroom like oh and liquor like I told you yeah when she come back from the bathroom you ask her to come to yo creo for a night gap I got you from now what trust me mine now fellas she don't know you just had a conversation with liquor she come back from the bathroom she say oh my god did you just take care to check everything yeah it's all good chill sit down sir um so what are we gonna do I mean the night is still young I was just thinking that I was like you know cuz I know you got to go to work tomorrow right and I did not want to keep you out that late so I was thinking my place is actually on the way to your place so what we could do you know if it's cool with you we can stop by my spot have a little nightcap and then I take you home what you think now yeah that would be nice I want to go to your place that will cool for a little nightcap just a nightcap yeah okay and liquor like yeah we don't get that booty wine liquor make a dude so horny why does liquor make us so horny you nervous you don't know if you gonna get the booty but the liquor make you thick you gonna get the booty you come in the crib you turn the lights off she's like oh my god your place is so nice it's really nice can I take off my shoes yeah yeah yeah take off your shoes relax so um what are we gonna drink mr. nightcap man I really want to have a drink so what are you gonna make put you right on the spot you don't even know how to make drinks cuz you don't you know if you don't know how to make drinks it's really awkward cuz you know you want to make a hot drink for a girl but you don't have a lot of in your place know check them out you got a little bit of everything you got a little bit of orange juice some vodka and oatmeal you know so she gonna get drunk and lower her cholesterol you ever try that fellas you ever try to make a drink for a girl you in the kitchen trying to get it right you trying to be flying you come back in the Libero you got little oatmeal on the top here's a little song for us what wiseguy oatmeal on it oh no my mama said it's good but you hey so let's do a toast you know to the night we had great dinner you had a good time did you have a good time yeah I'm a little tipsy but yeah I had a good time and I want to do it selves for you being such a gentleman and taking me out and and liquor is rude looking like man all that push against the bar she gonna in you ever do that fellas you ever push a woman against the wall it's the sexiest in there whap whoa ladies make some noise if you know what I'm talking back whoo that's some sexy yeah you don't even know you're gonna do it let her make you do it you was just saying some nice you pushing against the wall she don't see it coming you don't even know you're gonna do it she was about to say something nice you like yo and I just want us to get to know each other way better than we do tonight and you look so nice in that dress do you really want me wait wait oh my god you cannot kiss me right because I'm gonna lose and liquor answer for you like I don't know I'm trying everything fellas you ever been so horny you use every move you know you like [Applause] you trying to get the boat colors ever notice when you really horny you never noticed that the woman is not as horny as you women y'all take a couple more beats to get horny but you ever notice once y'all finally get horny for real the powershift give another women take over the whole at first you in charge all of a sudden change and you don't even know what you did cuz you drunk are you doing too many kamikaze moves but women y'all always give us a slight warning you say like I'm waiting me look at me you got to look at me I swear cuz I just want you to hear cuz I know you don't know me enough but you got to hear me first of all if you keep doing all the right it's gonna get crazy and I'm gonna put it on you so crazy you're not even wanting to spin it I don't want to scare you like yeah whatever cuz you drunk I don't know why you drunk you just dip you can't hear but you don't even know what move you did to get her that horny you could just tell by her body language that is on and poppin cuz she go from now you are noir you like who are you no no no you're not scared are you scared don't be scared cuz I said to you I did say I said if you keep doing all the right so this is what it is you want me you got me hot so this is what don't be scared you see what you working with oh you don't think I saw you looking at my booty when I went to the bathroom you like my wages Lucy what you working with big dick its belt zipper down see what you working with [Applause] what is wrong with you did what the is wrong with you dude hey I got a flat tire this is not 1993 she is upset with you and she is so mad at you she called her best friend right in front of you she can't tell she liked you a trip for real hello you ain't gonna believe this is nine-one-one dink down this is so crazy this is so crazy oh my god I am so uncomfortable his dick is dead I swear to you no I'm not drunk I need you to come get me spend the night for what yes I'ma be outside I'm about to jump out the window this is so crazy what oh you think I'm drunk no no no no no I'm not drunk he gave me some with oatmeal on it but you know what I think I'm gonna watch this I'm gonna take a picture with my phone look at that I told you take down 30 seconds lady you'll pitch your own Facebook [Applause]
Channel: laugh out loud flix
Views: 199,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lol, Comedy, stand up comedy, Laugh Out Loud, LOL Network, Netflix Is A Joke, YouTube Recommended, Recommended For You
Id: _FIvhKtMQbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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