I'm Listening: Gen. 22:1

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ah [Applause] I'll sit down I have Church that night I'm being dead it's so good to see y'all man I love you so so so so much look at you looking like you look looking all good man thank you for praying for us thank you for keeping me on your mind I'm just excited to be here twelve o'clock was so incredible you know I miss y'all I normally don't come back to the Sunday that's like a big comeback I said forget dad I'm going to Bible study man I've been love me you guys don't want to say this I don't know many pastors who can leave for four or five weeks and a church still standing when they get back I really want to say this publicly man i watch the stream Sunday at no point to me that I feel like the worship went down the spirit wasn't in the house past the hollows and pastor here he gave some incredible words come on man I never wanted this church to be completely and solely centered around me I believe God's calling a lot of people I want a team it's just so incredible can y'all just celebrate everybody who makes everything happen around all right let's go to work you don't have to stay and we've been standing for a moment so stay seated go to Genesis chapter 22 verse 1 Genesis 22 verse 1 Genesis 22 bring one down just a little tray 22 verse 1 it says sometimes later God tested Abraham faith I'm gonna see who can catch this Abraham God called I shouted little stuff yes he replied I'm only looking for three folk with a yes in your spirit Here I am can I read it from the message version after all of this God tested Abraham God said Abraham What did he say yes here's the one I really like I'm listening I want to talk to Dave Mann I want you to take really really good notes if you don't mind opening quote I wanted to give you a great quote and here's a quote that I read about four weeks ago that I've been rehearsing every moment that I've been just ruminating and thinking about what God is doing here at Rock City Charles E Dubois said the important thing is this to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become that's a powerful statement right there the most important thing in life is this to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become on the even the precipice of opening up Rock City Tuscaloosa this weekend this quote I mean I'm pumped and excited about that thing this quote stuck and run true to me why passion right because so many pastors would have killed themselves trying to be in two places at one time and I quickly realize in order for us to become what God is calling us to be I'm going to quickly have to sacrifice Who I am for what we can become I want to say this is not pray Thea you can catch this and that's a good place to transition to the text because many of us need to understand God will put you in a place where you have to sacrifice your way into destiny that's worth writing right there you have to sacrifice your way into destiny you'd be surprised how many people say they want it but won't give up nothing to get it now I'm gonna have to sacrifice my way into destiny when we tiptoe into the corridors of tonight's text we find Abraham God is asking him a hard thing now many of you know this before I left I was talking about how Jacob was digging wells and how they were digging wells but he was digging up his daddy's old wells Abraham was a blessed man I'm gonna say that again Abraham was a blessed man if I want to be anything in my life lord I ain't trying to be cute ain't trying to be popular ain't trying to all my all the way be paid Lord make me blessed because I discovered if I'm blessed being blessed will open doors money can't open being blessed will heal your body when the doctors say we don't know what's going on see I'm trying to talk to three people in here who can say god this when people see me let them just say about me they blessed Abraham was blessed but when we find him in spite of being blessed what does the scripture say and the Lord tested him let's look at that word tense Old Testament written in Hebrew New Testament written in Greek so since we're in the Old Testament let's look up the Hebrew definition for tense it means to try or to prune to try or to prune God was not I like this look at this beautiful word enough Saul that's a beautiful word no salt no salt translation so many prunes alright so do me a favor can I tell you how I want your notes to look right test and outside of test put a - and put proved that's rich test proved so God was trying to prove Abraham that's so rich God was trying to prove Abraham here's the place that I want everybody to catch pastor Mike what do you what is God trying to prove God was not trying to make Abraham prove himself to God God was making Abraham prove himself to Abraham in other words God said I am testing you not because I don't believe in you because I see what's in you and you don't see what's in yourself he said but I'm taking you through something so you can be introduced to you preach might McClure can I preach the three folk in here who don't call enough hell for everybody in your role and the younger and mature you used to cry about it but now that you look back retrospectively you discover you met you in it y'all miss what I just said and in other words this is so critical God God says I'm trying to introduce a for him to Abraham because you still don't think you got what it takes to be what I'm calling you to be and many of you right now don't even realize God will make folk leave you and you'll be sitting at home feeling lonely and gotta be like any minute now they're gonna realize they didn't even need them in the first place some of y'all don't call hell before and been tested by God you found out you didn't even know you knew how to play that whale till you call hell you didn't even realize how much faith you had to you had to use it he said I am trying to prove you to you and the Lord somebody say tested he tested Abraham now put this in your nose this is so critical we have to learn to distinguish between trials and temptations all right trials what is a trial a test and temptations that is so critical a trial is a test and temptations Pastor Mike what are you talking about see they're not all the same that's crazy ain't it they're not all to saying I can't stand when I hear somebody say well you know I'm going through a testing in a trial and a tribulation no no no no no no no no I want to make the same thing no you have a test which is a trial and you have a temptation now let's look at the definition temptations come from our desires Trials come from the Lord don't you ever again out your mouth say what God tempted me I'm gonna put scripture on that in a minute temptation comes from our desires tests come from the Lord let's put some scripture on it James 1:12 and 15 God blesses those who patiently endure testing that's enough to shout right there and temptation afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him that's so critical right there I'm a shout by myself on this parker's look at this God blesses those go back God blesses those who patiently endure testing leave that up there and temptation that this is so critical God does what blesses those who do it faithfully what endure now I'm afraid three I'll get this revelation Holy Spirit woke me up about three days ago and said Mike you so busy trying to fight that you don't even realize all you got to do is outlasted preach vmj many of y'all right now dealing with stressful situations and you so busy trying to fight to keep your sanity when God said all you got to do is outlive this trial because God said it ain't your job to win it it's no job to in do it now come attend I don't think they caught it this old school all new school Saints you ain't gonna catch it okay Olli had to go to Africa right he had to fight George Foreman alright George Foreman was bigger than him he was stronger than him one punch from George could have knocked him out now Ollie had the sweet feet everybody thought he was quick wit he would hit the first round he realized I can't outfight him but I can't endure him I'm in the wrong Church so at least at guess what we gonna do since you don't know no better imma just lean back and let you swing as much as you want to and nowhere in there did I leave really try to fight back cuz he realized if I just be patient he gonna wear out before God well and this is how many of y'all look your bills get crazy you fight with the devil trying to keep your sanity then you run out and not you feeling drained and empty when God said no no you be who go help your boy preacher on a Tuesday night why are you fussing with folk who won't even get nothing if you want the argument God said all I need you to do is endure it somebody shall endure it i'ma bless those who endure that's critical endure let me free you endure somebody say endure can I ask you a question who's going through something who feels tired from it because you've been stressing and thinking about it cannot free you real quickly tonight go home and go to bed I'm finna gives you grandmama one on one it don't grandmama said it don't make no sense for both of us to be up tonight cuz my god never sleeps I'm preaching the three of God no slum but I don't know who I'm preaching to it's better paying for some more money and praying for some most strength today I speak endurance over your life that God says what you have going through don't be able to take you out life they then let me stop look at what he says God blesses those who patiently during testing and temptation afterwards they will receive the crown of life so how do I overcome my tests against temptation you can put the singing nose right this one word focus on the reward well that was the line of words but um you get what I say right reward put reward focus on that they make reward beak the reward the reward oh my god the reward the rules ever worked overtime woo no this was crazy about black people I'm talk to my black Saints right here you work the overtime complaining and shouting at the same time I'm gonna teach you tonight how to give God all over overtime praise what's the overtime praise it's a combination of a complaint and a war cry ok cuz what you do hey how you doing today if you don't mind we need you to work overtime if you don't mind ok I got you good it got me a hill working overtime knowing good will I want to be up at home but that gonna be crazy though see you gotta learn how to go through what you goin through but focus on the way reward I can't see but hey what's up led nun when she got me over your trip and said I can't come with y'all tonight get on my nerves you know she'll trust nothing one thing she'd make somebody couldn't be over there yeah yeah but my family ought to change no mister you could y'all go chill I meet this Hamburger Helper and stay home with my wife they got time to play you gotta learn how to focus on the way can I speak something over your life God ain't putting you through that for nothing I want you to start saying stuff to yourself like that ain't going through this for nothing that when stuff starts jumping off in your life instead of crying about it I want you to start saying thank you and people can be looking at you what you happy for you know good where you're gonna lose him I know the old me would've lost my mind but new me realizes if he taking me through this much stuff he must have this much stuff waiting on me little trouble you may be waiting on a little blessing but if you got some let's go somebody say reward afterwards they will receive the crime go to verse 13 and remember when you are being tempted do not say this is scripture God is tipping me that ain't biblical you're the stuff we've been saying for years I didn't even biblical it's right here in the Bobby said don't say God is tempting me God is never tempted to do wrong therefore he never attempts anyone did you catch that temptation come verse 14 for the mess y'all are just going to be probably the most screenshot of Scripture ever temptation comes from our own desires which entice us to drag us away who tempting you you you which Oh big ol mouth you tempting you you tipping you you the one sitting over here talking to you you don't convince yourself you need it um I need a better Church I'm I'm gonna find me a strong Baptist Church I can't keep playing with y'all no no it's your the problem no you sitting at home God got you by yourself God don't want you dating nobody here want nobody leeching off for you he's setting you up for some special you sitting at home you even realize you don't have peace since you've been by yourself your money been better since you've been by yourself you've been coming and going you fun again you laugh and again then you sit your Ignace self at home watching love and hip-hop and all these other fools some are some oh I wish I had somebody to then all of us like cause death and life you start speaking stuff I ain't trying to be lonely this summer I'm just looking for somebody I can and before you know it yo ears hear your mouth can I have my scripture put my scripture up that they got to see this temptation comes from your own desires which entice us to drag us away all right y'all gotta laugh at me all right I'm sittin at home about two weeks ago right they won't let me go nowhere so I'm sitting at home about two weeks ago and you kind of run out of stuff to see okay TV off I'll go to youtube right all right okay YouTube all ain't nothing you see like a TV back on and my movie home if you laugh at me I'm putting you out to church i'ma disappear for another five weeks y'all got to deal with it okay you got served came oh okay that that's my joint when they get in for a little st. oh but I love y'all look like you got served like I don't care how old you are when you get stuck you got served come on you change this you just sit there for a minute and they come pump pump pump it up to prove every killing that Bank don't know you guys heard so hear me man they be killing that thing we kind of came to get the party go so I'm watching you guys serve right and he hit a move that was the definition of temptation that brother did a spin he went down instead and Holy Spirit said Mike that's not stupid you look no I'm gonna free you real quickly cuz God be like if you just pay your tithe love me keep coming to church and do right you walking into a blessing and you'll be walking to the door then you start thinking this too good to be true so then you start praying against the devil and the devil sitting in hay all night that I mean did you feel like your prayers don't work because they direct it to the wrong person seven of y'all need to go home and say low and free me from me preach might look cool but can I preach the seven grown folk who will be honest and say half the hell I'm catching the devil didn't do some of my worst pain came from me putting myself in some bad stuff and making bad decisions temptations come from our own desires temptations are used by the devil to bring out the worst in US while tests and trials are used by the Holy Spirit to bring out the best in us that's Richard I want you taking notes like this all right I'm putting example on screen I mean she knows to look like this right here temptation you know right temptation then you're gonna write testing how much your notes to look like that okay aunt meal histogram and make sure your notes right so I could make sure you study right okay so temptations you're gonna draw a line on the other side of the line you write testing and trials under temptation I want you to write logical under testing and trials I want you to write unreasonable I want you to draw another line come down and say temptations reward me testing edifies us preach Michael McClure why is that important minister Joey it's important because temptations seem logical while trials seem unreasonable did you catch that temptation okay let's lead up to up there for a minute if you don't mind somebody say temptation alright I'm we're gonna play The Price is Right you got two answers either logical or unreasonable okay here this right here here this right here I go to work I make my own money my money hit the bank I decide I want to go get some shoes and I'm get five pair shoes or what I got in the bank that is where logical okay boom you're dating somebody you feel them if you want to know what's real you decide to spend more time with them and get closer to let them in that seems what logical but God says if you want to get close to me starve well fast that seems what unreasonable y'all don't hear me I hear are you catching it see because temptation comes you got some money in your pocket and Walmart is excellent at this and putting stuff right there by the register that tempt you like the devil is a Reese's Cup I'm telling you they put the Reese's Cups and all the good drinks and magazines right there by the checkout line don't it and then what you sit there and do that okay on one foot you know you realize it cost a lot oh I can get two for $20 let me control it and you realize you don't spend $20 because you know it's logical I got it in my pocket I can wet do it so let me show you how temptation is temptation says reward you test edify us that's Mike who is us my mind my spirit my body and my soul when you give into temptation the only thing please is your flesh which is why the moment you get done you sorry but only sorry is satisfied flesh priest pmj you don't say sorry before you do it because you blinded by temptation you sorry after you do it get drunk once you wake up them uh God coz that flesh satisfied high up sex we can't do it I can't do it I can't do oh I did it I did no I cuz you satisfied get high cuz you satisfied go while out and buy all the clothes you want knowing good where your deals done you ain't sorry to the bill come I'm preaching with you receive it or not you wake up on Sundays Emma just laying in bed getting around the time church getting out that's when you stop that I should've went it cuz cuz flare I'm preaching tonight flesh satisfied you cannot free you real quickly if the only time you feel remorse is once you've done it you got some growing to do see but God tests us to addd if I'm talking hibbett a nightmare edify us temptation same logical while trials seem on reasonable this is critical sometime later God tested do you see that he tested Abraham's faith sometime later God tested Abraham 's faith why is that so important p.m. J because we discover it whenever God sent something into your life it's a test it's the test now catch this now all believers face similar temptations in sin but not all we believe was experience the same trials of faith that's critical okay so let's do this deductively I wanna buy the same day crazy who'd I never splurge financially and didn't pass that test temptation you just spent all the money because you knew wonder is what you wanted you know temptation you told yourself that lie I don't never do nothing for me who never say never you lying now you do you see now who's tempting who don't close then tell you to come in y'all got to grow up you'll be sitting there like the clothes says it's fine you gonna kill them at the club then all of a sudden it drove you something no you sit there and say it I'll never do none for me with something new on wit nice hair wit J's and wit makeup oh never do none for me so then you gave in to that temptation and wasted your money okay everybody look straight ahead don't look to the left don't look to the right who don't know one no you're supposed to keep yourself and didn't keep yourself don't raise your hands don't raise your hand all right can't can i free you real quickly see you ain't by yourself all right here go one you know gluttony is seeing two right so who don't kept going back to the point where you don't had to unbuckle everything you got to throw up tell me something let me put a little bit more on that side it's call away temptation here it is here it is whoo all done felt God telling you to empty your account and give it to him see we don't all have the same test mmm who died never heard a guy say I want you to fast for 21 days for this person see let me show you how simple the devil is he ain't got that many tricks he tempt us all with the same stuff which is why I can't understand why we keep losing you o know why cuz he got the old playbook hey either don't get you with the lust and I love the fish you got these same tricks and God says no no how do you know it's me cuz I will always call you to a hard thing I will always call you to a hard thing no no no no no no God will ask you for some hard well past might walk you I won't God just be more like the devil and ask me wouldn't it be good if God operated like this Keyshia bring me 50 cent you would be like God here Co wouldn't it be good if God said this if you want more favor go eat as much as you want I'll be here when you get through wouldn't it be good of God Carol you I said this is what I want you to do sleeping in the day and watch the joy of the Lord overtake you when you wake up what would be the best Christian in the world but God asks you for crazy stuff hey you see her right there you don't want custody who don't like me I can't stand me go speak to her I'm in the wrong church today I'm in the wrong church today some of y'all looking at me like pastor you tripping no I'm trying to get you better some of us are going in cycles and going in circles I declare every cycle is getting ready to be broken off your life somebody ought to shout out and see that temptations are stuff you won't but don't mean that's rich let me free because I want to make sure people here I started I went to Walmart about two days ago and his guys taught me it was like man yo sperm as we blessing me auntie pass I mean I appreciate that I was like yeah he didn't look at me he said he said that one sermon you preach we're just talking about how we'll need our daddy and we'll need our mama we'll need nobody it's like yeah you don't think he was talking about some I ain't got to love nobody I ain't got to be nice nobody TV Monday so I went home instill that for DVR let me look back at it I'm saying like done it ain't what I see it it hit me though but people hear what they want to hear so I'm gonna do a better job now of making sure you hear the right thing all right cuz completely put it on the screen temptations our stuff you want but don't need make that make sense Pastor Mike okay I'm gonna old school okay I have a car lady has a car if I decide to go get a third car and I can afford it yeah that's my decision if I can't afford it I gave in to temptation back in the day you see this old-school grandma madam had the weaker then outside they would have under a cover what they called the Sunday car who remember that every Saturday she would cook breakfast he would wake up he would cut the grass water the grass take that cover off and do it wash that car they only drove it on and in more than likely it was away can't let ragtop who know what I'm talking about it was a Cadillac right and you get in that joint them seats one comfortable one you're a little kid in the back like oh this is nice now you want to know what granddaddy could afford dad but if you run out here give some just because you want it do you need it do you need it can actually a question I'm a mess with my singles all summer but this one a lot of y'all lose your minds i'ma do a better job of whooping my singles all summer let me for you real quickly what do what else what do you need are you looking for somebody to go half on the rig do you need a warm body like like what is it why have you gotta go there when you come back from now how much better are you being around them make you what how do how does your spirit and your spirit how does your spirit become edified in that conversation pass the mic y'all don't like me no moment I'm telling you God sends tests whenever God sends a test it is a compliment when God sends a test while he is trying to promote us the only time God nothing to wrap it up since test is when promotion is coming now let me free you real quickly let me free real quickly with you take a test you ain't trying to prove to the teacher you know it she got a degree no you trying to prove that you know it yeah y'all don't hear me here Genesis 22 what's the test first to take your son your only son yes Isaac whom you love so much go to the land of Moriah you go and sacrifice him as a burnt offering that's crazy God says Abraham I know you've been waiting to have a sign not that you got one go kill him this is a test that's what I should have preached this is a test he says go kill him why is this important pmj God called Abraham to serve Him he said follow me I'll make you a great king of great nations let me give you the fast forward version alright God tells Abraham if you follow me I'm gonna make you the father of many nations your name Abram which means exalted father i'ma call you Abraham which is father of many you're gonna be the truth you don't have so many children everything that come out are you gonna be blessed this way you get the scripture you're gonna be blessed in the city blessed in the field bless when you come bless when you go you're gonna overflow brother you finna be the truth what happens God tells them that but then they still can't have kids so then he goes to his wife and saying baby I can't have kids she said this what we gonna do I know you'd like to wear that black girl who worked for me look her name's Hagar I was a black girl I know you know what you like the way that girl look right since we're gonna do I'm gonna let you have Hagar she brings Hagar in the room I gotta start making sure you see yourself in the Bible too so hear me now so she brings Hagar in beautiful sister brings that in the room says baby i love you so much you can had it now i am not sure his wife was black because i don't know a sister in the room who would it did that all right but it's in the bible so I'm gonna preach it like I see all right she walks in baby boom since I can't give you no child here go hey God Abraham supposed to be safe he should have said no baby we don't wait alright if you want me to that's what I'll do okay Abraham goes in the room by the beam by the bone hey God gets pregnant as soon as she gets big gets done surrogates man I'm in the wrong search Sarah gets mad hey God has a baby called Ishmael hey God has a baby called Ishmael who did I come to preach to everybody who keep having Ishmael moments what am I talking about but I open up the scripture by saying Abraham was way blessed but many of us know what it's like try not to run around this building to be favored in foolish Jesus Christ I know you don't want to say Amen because you don't want folk in your business but who a him no you bless you no God got your hand on your life but you keep doing some dumb stuff this brother is favored but foolish he's blessed but a mess he's anointed but disappointing he's saved sanctified and stupid what's crazy about that pmj because many of us nothing to stop keep having Ishmael moments what's the Ishmael moment pmj that that that make that make sense it's flow moment is when flesh can't be patient I need a better Church I'm gonna go to Atlanta or something I tell the truth hear me man Ishmael moments are when flesh can't be patient make them make sense pmj God says Abraham you're gonna be the father of many nations he keep having sex with his wife and can't have a baby so they say you know it instead of waiting on God I got it how much have you ruin trying to rush him preach pmj you'd be surprised how many people got married and should have took another six months getting to know each other but they rushed it I never forget when somebody prophesied to me I never forgetting I was 27 looked at me and said for God has given you the city they said whichever way you go God's favor is following you get ready God they start prophesy unto me and mama start getting our shots I got excited went at about wilbo is five thousand people in the bow well I said for the gold is good Meeta City the following Sunday did not often really come back I was aware about it then all of a sudden what's on the other leg what they know what's going on tonight you know and I said I split my dumb self up in church many I Ramirez said hey y'all god bless you we're gonna go east I'm really not sure if God told me to do that somebody in the church should have stood up and said didn't what we doing is I said but we gonna go easy I started opening my remember to open up like full churches in six weeks oh hey god bless you Rock City downtown then I came in to nice but get ready Rock City East and I was running around town about to pass out preaching night we had thirteen services a week I'm preaching at six o'clock 6:30 7:00 7:15 eight o'clock and 8:30 and I'm running around the city police like then one day I realized couldn't get no more members it was the same people split over 18 services and I'm sitting there with them like God what am i doing in the Holy Spirit saying you trying to do what I'm supposed to do that's 460 Yahoo God been telling you lately promotion got your name on the begin you call around trying to find hookups why you need a hook-up if he said is yours I don't think y'all heard me every four six years I would knock on Central Park to do and try to buy that building they would never call me back even when they did call me back they weren't very nice about it and I would say man I'm just trying to buy the build it's not for sale it's not for sale but six years they turned me down I look back I used to get mad and say what are you doing it ain't nobody in there in the first place now I look back and I realize you know what I realized I'm grateful they said no cuz hat they say okay how much I would have spent what they gave me for free did you catch that uh Ishmael I got to stop Ishmael moment is when flesh can't be patient can actually question who know you got a word from God who know God got some waiting on you can I give you a word that's gonna bless your life slow down stop trying to force quit trying to manipulate your prophecy I'm talking today look at your name is a heat bag he peed bad he hate bad quick quick which tried to manipulate show prophecy quit I think this show your wife right I think that's your husband right now that don't think I'll do it today [Music] that don't mean blindly run into some that don't mean foolishly overlook stuff that's a problem let God do his work and actually a question if I gave you a turkey and said that's gonna fill you what you eat it then or what let you let the process happen we wait on what we want to who's been to a movie lately Tony Hannah how much you paid to get in the movie alright five dollars what movie I went to y'all holding on I need to find out what movie that is your followers all right now hit me when I say this side so you paid your fathers are getting your movie alright movie start at 4:15 what time the movie came on you want to know why cuz they gonna make you sit through way [Music] how many of y'all know when you got that was gonna be previews and you still deal with cuz you didn't want to miss the way beginning yet when it come to God you rush heroes you so ready to you have convinced yourself it's time for you to leave that job God didn't tell you to do that you told you to know so what you do the moment you got sick and tired of being there you start seeing everything wrong and you keep speaking death in that job over your own ear see I got to hurry up and get out of here they don't appreciate I say I can't stand and now we're right that you don't even realize the good stuff that's happened since you've been there one of my best members that I blow my mind he was killed every weekend he came past my gun for the question look at me you better sit still I said if God had told you to leave just sit tight he came back about six weeks later person like the the supervisor I can't stand got fired they told me to do it he said so unlike the interim right now not he got the job but at the time he was the interim he said I'm a killer I said it's what I want you to do I said if you got to be there by 8:00 you get that every day at 6:00 and you kill him don't leave to this dumb they got to see y'all honey you ain't got the degree so you got to show them I'm gonna put the work in I'm committed yada yada yada yada now did he got the job every time I see him what you doing wait now had he quit he would have been somewhere else started what does he knows and I'm done never pursue without permission [Music] never pursue without permission you know the best part about the story my favorite part about Noah in art my favorite part my part is being on the boat everybody I was telling some I'm just glad I'm on the boat that one the best part that's the worst part to me like I thank God I'm on the boat but I just I'm weird I'm thinking about all the smells how many what the animals doing on my mind runs like what did that boat smell like what were they doing with it it's just that's my mom me and got to talk about that when they get to heaven alright here's the best part of story to me the flood over right it's crazy Noah open the dope he looked out and he can tell this dry yet he don't leave that's the coldest part of the story to me and I've been trapped on this boat with all night my animals and my family he imagined his wife get on his nerves on this boat fall these days 40 days of is it open kids and she lays it done yet children lost the Lions were it's like no type of stuff going on birds flying around he opened it doing the first thing no it does just get a dove and say whoosh now can't you see his family daddy ain't no water why we can't leave can I paraphrase Noah said we'll do nothing [Music] can i free you cuz although there was no water it could have been quick singing too many of y'all feelin cuz you keep stepping on what you see when he told you to walk by father in Jesus name I pray for peace i pray for patience we're not gonna pursue without permission as we kick this summer of God I speak we will know the difference between a test and a temptation I speak my faith this will be the strongest summer we ever had I come against foolish decisions I come against the left I speak vacations over there life I speak their children or bless God I speak your coming through you get ready to do what eyes have not seen in ears haven't I heard God I thank you that I'm passing every test and after the passing of that test I claim my promotion I claim my reward I claim my blessing and my overflow the greater is He that is in me than he that's in the world and everyone said clap your hands if you really love Jesus I had a whole lot more - did you get anything out of that tonight ain't man I want everybody I'm finna say this I knew everybody there jump up and scream to the top of your lungs we did baptism a couple weeks ago man and I was baptizing one of my best men and one of my best members brother Kevin who's believing God for a kidney and I prophesied over him saying in 90 day is God gonna do it he found out today the kidney is here y'all better shout for that brother right there man hey no y'all they do right he gonna get to see his children walk down the aisle I speak life over here God get ready to do something of his life but devil thought he had him baby don't it's all revved up and it's gonna be [Music] hear me man I'm excited about that that's a good brother with two beautiful daughters a wife who loved him I've made this man a good brother man Carlos shame as most people don't notice Carlos meet Carlos go way back man his father passed because of something like and he said test Mike I'm gonna live my life to always be able to give something of myself and when he hit me and said he was getting ready to do that I'm saying man that'd be crazy if God worked that thing out and I mean this man so Carlos shaver is man when it got his self tested today they found out he's a perfect match that's a good place to clown [Applause] we don't have to church I'm gonna try to my best to find a way to bless that brother he didn't have to do that and it means so much to me so brother Ken I'm so happy for you man we don't shout Sunday oh my god so listen stand to your feet with me we get ready to go home if you're giving tonight you know how to give do me a favor on Tuesdays this whole summer I'm gonna push you a little bit on your envelope it's a it's vision can you put something in vision while we're doing that pmj I'm doing a summer enrichment program this summer and I don't want to cheat the system I want to hire all the teachers I need to do it I need to do for the kids who are coming so every time you come in on Tuesday if you just throw five ten twenty dollars in there maybe you got 99 problems their money ain't one you can do something bigger if you want to know the budget for the summer I'll tell you it's right at $12,000 if you got 12,000 I can have let me have it I received well you ain't ready it is a test it's a test it's the test it's a test don't let it want to pass that test huh I see but I'm a prey guy go and give it to somebody man I'm excited the kids are coming let me say this to any parents they hear any parents if you ever all think you still don't want to be bothered with your children you kinda need a day to yourself call it a church because we also got a program going this summer that if your child I think it's kindergarten age all the way to high school you can drop them off anytime between 8th between 12 and 6 o'clock drop them off would take good care of them feed them do we got to do all that good stuff god bless us to get in a program this summer where's free lunch for all our kids did someone said I was a good thing for us sort of like a Mother's Day Out program we'll never heard about something like that anybody so I'm telling you man if you want to you want to drop her drop her off over there and we just take a cab give us some jello or something like that she'll be real good when she leave us this summer a man so I'm so excited all right last but not least I just want to say thank you again man for praying for me me and my daddy almost got to fighting I mean this cuz I could for years and many of y'all have been going here I'll be preaching I kind of grabbed my chest and when I get super duper excited is I can't breathe at times man I'm sitting there the doctor told me yes again we see what's wrong with you said you got a birth defect showing me what the scope showed I call my it's funny now I call my date a saint daddy I just thought I got a hole in my chin she said oh we thought we got that fixed what is this but you got to understand we were army brats so I was born in Tacoma Washington the moment I was born he was shipped us to guard Germany when my brother was born so they thought I guess in Germany they did everything they were suppose that was fixed I said at no point did you ever feel you needed to tell me that I said you don't seen all the stuff I've been doing I wake up out my sleep some days because it developed so what happened was that a holding my chance at then my stomach started growing through it then my chest start resting on it so at night when I sleep I would almost wake up vomiting it couldn't breathe and stop breathing said get out of stuff going on just like I just thought you probably need to lose some weight or something so I'm gonna do this man and my dad walking this church again we gonna jump him I know but seriously thank you for your prayers man I mean and I had a lot of time and I told my staff this I'm just overly grateful you know sometimes you don't appreciate what you've got till it's almost gone so I just thank God for each and every one of you man and I made a commitment to my sons then I'm a little better lifestyle and be around and get myself together a whole lot more so I'm probably 32 33 days no fried food no sweets no soldiers no nothing there's something excited about that said I wish you mace all right man they said I have some sugar-free ice cream it's on point too but you have to tell yourself it's on point is Jesus there all right so I love you to announcements don't forget this madness shirts are in there available at the kiosk make sure you go ahead and register it's absolutely free and I am so excited about this all roads lead to Tuscaloosa this Sunday come up your hollers come they're coming coming at 11:00 al let's praise God for pastor Hollis man I'm so [Applause] so so so excited about him coming up man this Sunday I'm so so said again keep your flip-flops on he worked internet ministry on Tuesdays we got his old-school Birkenstocks on all right something I'm excited about him and because this Sunday he launches that church and I mean this man his brother is overly anointed has he not been doing a phenomenal job since I was gone so listen I mean this from the bottom of my heart if you're not doing anything Sunday I'm gonna be right here Saturday I'm preaching 9:00 10:30 and 12:30 I will be right here this Sunday I know a lot of people thought I was going down to the be with him but I want him to fly man he'll need my shadow all the way over there in the corner everybody shout looking at me it's his time chief is made it's his time so what are we doing a couple people are deciding to go so if you're in the room and you probably think man I want to support him that we get don't bother me at all I think it would be so great if he looked up and saw faces he knew who it is I know a lot of our leaders are going I'm sending a lot of people to go with him to be supportive me so we're proud of you man but y'all see him on TV Sunday night the junket agenda see him on TV boy I gotta get his TV face together don't even we gotta get you right man so I'm excited about that so listen man we've come on see these six days a week I started out on Sunday nights and Holy Spirit said man bless him with that so every Sunday night at 10:30 p.m. it's Rocking it's rocked the city TV featuring pastor ha so it's so courageously y'all pray for him I'm excited about that can you just stretch your hand this way father in Jesus name bless them cover and keep them protect them God what you did in Birmingham double that in Tuscaloosa I speak by faith no struggle and don't lack that he's blessed in the city blessing it via Rock City Tuscaloosa will be a place where they can come as they are what they won't stay as they are the place where they can start all over again god I declare every person in this room we get ready to walk into Supernatural success I declare jobs and better jobs raises and bonuses sales and Commission by faith everything we need is coming to us win God we expect something from you and we know it's gonna be and everyone said Amen I love you so much I see you this weekend god bless you
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 17,321
Rating: 4.9211822 out of 5
Id: nKxGOUGkyl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 8sec (2888 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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