Tuesday Night Bible Study

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good evening everybody thank you so much for joining us for this online experience that we are able to provide here thank god for technology especially since we are not just ready to assemble together just yet in person but we can use social media to come together and join also we wish even so that we may be saved for penalty of death lord that is hanging on on our lives so we thank you that you removed that penalty from us now god has rejoined together as one accord using digital and social media what help us to set the atmosphere in our in our digital spaces so that we can come together and and experience all god your presence look out actually you'll bless the word as it comes forth let it uh engage us and educate us so that we may be better believers i'm walking in the favor that you've given to us we thank you and praise you in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] remember [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Laughter] do [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you are the great [Music] i am why the mighty god we serve hallelujah come on give him praise right where you are where the mighty god we serve hallelujah you are the great i am you are the king of kings you are the lord of lords you are everything we need you to be hallelujah hallelujah i greet you with jesus joy tonight welcome to bible study on a tuesday here at monumental praise home of the holy ghost thank you lord jesus and thank you minister dennis for setting a wonderful atmosphere of worship on tonight we thank god for you being on with us on tonight on your devices uh before we go any further we just want to acknowledge that our bishop is the greatest bishop in the world amen and you can put some hand claps in in the chat as we clap our hands live you can put some hand claps in the chat and also our co-founder while you keep those hand claps coming co-founder we thank god for wonderful leadership also want to be sensitive to uh some news that i got today earlier we understand that two of our families uh are grieving right now and we are lifting you up in prayer that being uh brother donald smith and sister shirley's trial we are believing god to comfort you during this time we cannot take away your pain but your church family is here and we love you and monument of praise and uh churches of sound doctrine we want to make sure that we lift up those families and their tragic losses on this uh just yesterday all right uh bishop is fine as you know and um he's asked me to step in so there is a word from the lord so we're gonna pray and then dive right in uh heavenly father thank you for being great thank you lord for your mercy uh that are brand new every morning father we're sensitive to the fact that some of our family tonight is grieving and they're dealing with uh tragedy and father we thank you for being present we thank you for being near thank you for being ever so close as your word promises as we draw nigh to you you draw nigh to us so father i ask that you draw close to these families right now god only you know how to heal only new you know what needs to be said or done or not said or not done father we just lift up those families to you god and we ask lord god that you would be the god of all comfort according to second corinthians 1 the first chapter we thank you lord god for this bible study tonight we thank you lord god for what you're going to say to us and how you're going to convey the message to us father hide me deep behind the cross and father speak to all of us in our present situations where we are so that we might be empowered so we may grow so that we may please you with our faith please bless our bishop and our co-founder always cover them and protect them in jesus name it is done amen amen all right so uh we've um been in our series on warfare and uh i'm not gonna deviate that deviate from that tonight uh talking about warfare and to give you a background if you weren't with us when uh this series started our bishop was preaching from genesis uh the scripture about jacob when he wrestled with the angel and uh the basic premise of this series is warfare but it's not necessarily external uh factors is more dealing with internal factors because the greatest warfare i believe is is conquering our own selves and our own uh ways of thinking that are contradictory to what god uh has called us to be that are contradictory to what god is where god wants to take us the greatest warfare is in your mind and in in in our minds and on and being transformed by the renewing of our minds so it's important that we uh engage in the warfare i i'm just being led i have my notes but uh as i'm standing here i feel the holy spirit leading me so i'm just so one of the things that we don't want to engage because uh changing the way we think and changing the way we've always been it's painful uh we have to learn to embrace the pain of change uh you need to type that in the chat tonight i'm going to embrace the pain of change yeah i'm gonna let y'all sink for a second because change is great but it hurts if you uh i'll use a gym example if you want to go to the gym and lose some weight or build up muscle or whatever your goal is that changing from your your of your body from where you are now to where your goal is where you want to be it hurts that's that's a process we don't like process but that's very necessary and in the course of life in walking this christian life and living by faith and understanding what it means to grow in our faith and walk with god it hurts life hurts and life is going to be full of challenge uh the scripture says that the days of man are full of trouble so so we up have uh many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers us out of them all so we have to be ready to embrace the fact that change will hurt it will cost us something but we that does not mean that we back down and not engage we can't afford to not change because if the the person that we are now is not ready to receive what god has for us god has a prepared thing for us a prepared place for us and i'm not talking about heaven necessarily but that that does apply but even here on earth where god wants to take us where god wants to do in us requires us to be transformed in so many different ways so that's why it's important that we walk with god uh and as we walk with him we'll see change a little bit by little bit day by day from faith to faith from glory to glory amen all right i want to start with um the word sabotage sabotage it needs to deliberately destroy damage or obstruct something to deliberately destroy damage or obstruct something now will you may ask why sabotage because i've seen it in my own life and i see it in the lives of others that i've ministered to or talked with that we have a vision or god has given us something to do and we allow the enemy to plant a seed and then he waters that seed or we embrace that seed seed being the word so we embrace those words or we take those words into us they begin to grow and we begin to self sabotage uh our death our own destiny we talk ourselves out of our own blessings now we're talking about warfare we're talking about engaging in the transformation of your mind i'm going to show you tonight through the word of god how that what a part or just a small part of what that process looks like so we begin to sabotage or self-sabotage what god wants to do in us and that means that we're deliberately destroying damaging or obstructing what god has for us so again the enemy he plants a seed and if if we don't take the responsibility to uproot it and address things as they come up it can take root and wreak havoc in so many areas of our lives and then the enemy's like egg are you on he says stupid stuff he's such a liar i hate that joke uh he says stupid stuff like you know nobody cares or you can't do this or you're a failure or any type of liar or it's any type of seed and we have to be ready to reject what he says or reverse what he says because we know he's lying and we always need to remember every every day when you get up and when you get up in the morning the first thing you want to say is thank you jesus the second thing is a devil you a liar just remind yourself i'm sorry i tickled me don't remind yourself that joker be lying and uh this this was this past sunday i believe it was uh i just it was so weird because i mean there's always going to be a little bit of a preparation or whatever but when i woke up when my eyes opened up sunday morning i was on my i had to get dressed to go to serve at the 7 a.m service and immediately i mean the second my eyes opened my turn my alarm off the enemy just started bombarding me with just random negative thoughts and so it was a spiritual fight like getting out of the bed i mean it was crazy and i knew it wasn't about me i i i've learned that it's not always about me it's some it's it's when i have to serve it's usually about somebody i'm gonna say something to or sing something to um i'm getting ahead of myself let me quit rambling all right but um but so so he comes so when you first uh start your day thank god and rebuke him that's the point i want to make there all right so with that said uh matthew 12 and 34 you don't have to turn there yet we're going to actually park for a little while in proverbs 18 so you can go there but matthew 12 and 34 says that what's what's in abundance in our heart comes out of our mouth so we have to pay attention to what is in our heart or what gets in our heart so when the enemy's saying stuff we can't let that take root in our heart because what's in our heart will come out of our mouth and what comes out of our mouth can make or break it can damage or build can you know so our our our mouths and what we say is so important so let's uh journey over to proverbs 30 i'm sorry proverbs 18 and 21. very familiar scripture just want to set a foundation before we get to where i really want to go proverbs 18 and 21 matter of fact let me pull it up here forgive me for not having my bible but i have it but it's hard to read sometimes so i want to be able to move quickly so i'm going to give it to you like this proverbs 18 verse 21 it says death and life is in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof death and life is in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof first of all uh i'ma ask uh i'm gonna put a question pose a question to you and i'ma ask you what does your fruit taste like what does your fruit taste like death the definition of death is natural or violent pestilence ruin again the definition for death says natural or violent pestilence or ruin excuse me one second you uh so death means natural or violent pestilence or ruin so when we say certain words we're bringing a natural violent sometimes violent pestilence or ruined to whatever we're speaking to now that can be a good thing like jesus with the tree no man shall eat fruit of thee for from now on forever that's a that's that because if something needs to die then we can speak death to it but there are so many things that need to live like your joy your peace uh your family your prosperity all those things need to live but yet if we say the wrong thing to it we're bringing pestilence to it we're bringing bringing it to ruin self-sabotage that's what we're talking about so that's death and then it says life look at life life is fresh strong watch this appetite congregation running now i like this because uh dealing with fresh and we talk the definition again for life is fresh strong appetite congregation thank you so much and running you all excuse me for a second now the idea fresh something fresh something new is always good and god comes to give us life freshness uh he said i come to give you life and not just life but life more abundantly so more of that every day ever increasing god comes to give us that strong we need to be strong you understand that that's pretty self-explanatory but then look at this appetite uh i i went through depression last year like really bad i was hospitalized for a little bit of time and i noticed that i was so sad i didn't want to eat i had no appetite i had no physical appetite but i also had no appetite for doing ministry i had no appetite for spending time with my family i had no appetite so uh not having life or speaking are self-sabotaging is ruining our life it's ruining our appetite for the things of god uh for the things of of of life that he gives us to enjoy the bible says that god gives us all things to enjoy and if you're not enjoying life if you're not enjoying uh your day-to-day routine or uh or or activities or encounters uh yeah that then then you might be self-sabotaging you might be speaking and saying the wrong things look at this congregation that's another the next definition in that and i was like congregation but it makes sense when you think about it because if you have life then you are about people you're about serving people you're about being a part of a congregation and i'm not talking about a congregation in church yes that applies but i'm talking about in the world we are uh shining lights god called us to be light salt and light in this world so when we engage yes lord when we engage with people and we shine our light into dark areas thank you lord then then it it it brings life it makes us vibrant it brings about a freshness of vibrance or revival so to speak on just today i was sharing with my wife that i had an opportunity to share my testimony a portion of it at my job today and i didn't expect that it just came out of nowhere but i thank god for the opportunity and it made me feel good i was like oh yeah that's why i'm here i'm really here to represent jesus christ and let people know who he is and i don't have to go out preaching the land hands if that if it comes to that great but i just shared my testimony because one a person asked me about my scar my badge of honor i thank god for it hallelujah so i was able to share so when we're in the part of the congregation we are engaging in in in in that way the last one says running and i just i i that that just excites me because people who are uh when we're speaking life it call it means that we're running we're mobile we're not just moving not just moving or not just walking but running says that i'm really intense about it i'm really purposeful i'm ready to get there i'm trying to get somewhere because i know that god has more for me let me move a little faster so the next word in that uh we're still in proverbs 18 21 we have the word power i love this because that word power says the hand um and it says open indicating direction again the word power where proverbs 18 21 death and life is in the power uh that word power means the hand open indicating direction so i thought about the ushers if you ever come to the church and uh my first my first ministry when i joined monument a long time ago was i joined the ushers i did not come in as a musician i did not come in wanting to do music because i had been hurt and i was just like i'm not doing that i'm over it so i joined the usher board and they trained me and when and they taught me that as an usher when you are leading people you have one hand behind your back i never understood that i just did it but the other hand you point and it's open i'll do it this way to the camera your hand is open and you're pointing them or leading them this way so the thing is he says it's in the power of indicating direction so death and life is in the power giving direction of your there it is tongue what are you saying out of your mouth that word tongue deals with your speech come on somebody it deals with your language it deals with it calls it says aflame uh james yes lord james chapter three i believe it is it spends a whole chapter talking about the power that's in your tongue how our tongues can can can do great evil and it can do great good i won't go there you can read that on your own james three but he says the death and life is in the power the uh giving direction of your speech your language not only is a flame it's also a cove of water cove of water in other words uh water is cooling water is refreshing so it could be a fire and do damage or you know a fire can warm so a fire something being good or bad or negative or positive is the basically termed by how it's used because fire will burn and destroy but fire will also heat and cook thank god for cooking hallelujah all right uh water will damage water will flood but water will also refresh so it's really about the the spirit of the person who is executing so we're talking about the power in our tongues uh the bible says in proverbs 15 and 1 you'll have to turn there he says a soft answer turns away wrath we don't have to clap back every time somebody comes for us and i know that can be easier said than done to hope but we're we're instructed by god to hold our peace and let the lord fight just because somebody put something about you on social media doesn't mean you have to respond your response can be no response that is a response because uh they're trying to bait you i i uh the other i think it was last week i put in the in my social media feed uh don't ignore the bait sometimes the enemy enemy's just trying to see if he'll take a nibble don't take that noble because he has another agenda all right so death and life is in the power of the tongue and they that love have affection for it and i was like what is it death and life have affection they that have affection for death or or life will eat the i'm sorry eat the fruit thereof so let's get some more if uh definitions so we'll eat which means you'll devour fill up or burn up with devour fill up or burn up with so they that love it so if you have affection for life you will devour life you will fill up on life you will burn up with life if you have an affection for death you will devour death you will fill up on death and you will burn up with death so he says so the scripture says that you you will eat the fruit that word fruit means reward so you will eat reward of what you've been saying your speech your language is so important so remember at the beginning i said i said do you what does your fruit taste like do you like what your fruit tastes like your reward your reward what is your reward looking like look at your life let's look at our lives the bible says in second corinthians i believe it is that we should examine ourselves and see whether we be in the faith are we really speaking we we have we have evidence of what we've been saying repeatedly what we've been allowing uh to come out of our our mouths that we know is in our hearts in abundance that said i'm not going to be long we almost there let's shift over to ezekiel 37 a very familiar and i think it's a great story not a story but a prophecy uh vision that god gave the prophet ezekiel 37 thank you jesus and i'll start the first verse says the hand of the lord was upon me and carried me out in the spirit of the lord and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones now uh like i said this story is somewhat familiar but if it's not uh and when this is over or in your leisure time please read the whole chapters like really really good i just want to concentrate on the first seven verses because we have a limited amount of time together but um the the lord uh took this prophet ezekiel and he says he showed him a valley of dry bones now before we really get into how we can what what god's gonna give us the answer to do about it i gotta kind of express how bad it really was so let's comb through these first few verses first of all he's in a valley a valley is a long plane a long plane between mountains a long plane between mountains now please stay with me here so i remember when i was in arizona and if you've never been to arizona phoenix they have it's like a lot of flat land they do have mountains but it's desert it's basically desert so for example like you can be uh on the road and look out maybe i don't know i'm not good with measuring like that but it could it seems like it could be a hundred a hundred or two hundred miles and you see mountains you see the mountains but as you're driving and trying to get there it's like it's like it seems like it's never gonna get there you can look over to you can look all around you and you'll see that there's mountains and mountains in this scripture represent victories so what happens is the prophet god shows the prophet that the uh he's in uh that israel his in this valley in between mountains and you may be in a valley in between mountains in other words you've got a victory behind you you remember what god did but it might have been maybe a couple years ago uh you got a victory on the side of you and god did something else that was really important it was a pillar in your faith but it was so long ago or and and all around you there are victories there are mountains but you right now in your present situation are in a valley in a valley experience and not only is it a valley experience but it feels so vast and so long and so dry that word dry so this is what god shows him and uh i i i just i try not to give you the spoiler uh i try not to do the spoiler thing but i have to because i'm afraid i won't get to it and i might forget because i remember it right now when you read down in this scripture you'll find out that israel saw themselves this way this is yes lord this is not how they work thank you jesus this is not how they were i don't know who that's for i i i got disrupted right there by the holy ghost whoever this is for this is not how they were this is how they saw themselves and this is what they said about themselves hallelujah thank you jesus so whoever i'm talking to it's not what you think it is it's not what you've been saying it's not that it's what god is showing us that this is what they said this is what they thought and it came out of their mouths because and it was because what they declared because they didn't see themselves properly i'm gonna come back i'm gonna try to get back to that thank you jesus oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah i don't know who that was for but i felt that strong in my spirit you are the type in the chat this is not what it is this is not what it is hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord this is not what it is don't believe the enemy don't you dare think it's over for you this is not what it is don't you dare give up that's not the time to throw in the towel this not the time you're too close i know the valley is long it seems wide seems like you're in arizona and you can only see victories far off but i promise you it's not how it actually is thank you lord thank you lord oh jesus so yes lord so the valley was full of bones multitudes of bodies dead dry broken dreams broke dead dead broken dreams broken promises let down after letdown and heartache after heartache and heartbreak after heartbreak it's a valley of dryness a season of dryness i understand you may be feeling that right now but look at verse 2 god says look around he calls me to pass them round about in other words god says i want you to feel what you're feeling i want you to see what you're seeing and and upon close examination there were very many so it's a lot of it's not just you it's not just me it's not just it's a whole lot of people experiencing this at the same time we may not be talking about it we may not be voicing it but we're all experiencing it together and lo they were very dry verse 3 and he said unto me son of man can these bones live now why would god ask me a question like that why would god ask us a question like that you know so it's like can they live i i don't know god you know this this is this is your doing you're in control of this i don't know lord only you know the answer to that look at verse 4 god says prophesy prophesy now i grew up in church and that's a word that's like a trigger word it can be it used to be uh because people ignorant people have abused it so much and then um and i'm saying ignorant because we're not learned ignorant i'm not insulting anybody i'm saying if you're unlearned in the subject astrophysics i am i'm ignorant you know i'm saying like medicine i'm ignorant oh so if you don't know something in that particular area you're ignorant well people who are ignorant about prophecy and the bible and understanding how to study uh have damaged so many people in the name of prophecy in the name of prophet in the name of the office of a prophet etc etc so god says prophesy and i love this because uh not too long ago uh was that this year it was last year sometime last year when the part of the process of god bringing me out of depression was to remind me of this this particular scripture because i have to we have to uh speak um let me give you the definition first we have to speak our way out of these things because our words are powerful that's what we just talked about in proverbs 18 21 i lost my place because the holy ghost i messed up all my notes um bear with me thank you okay here we go uh prophesy means to speak to predict to sing to make self a prophet all right so please when i say this don't go get your cards made don't go 10 yay that's that's not what we're talking about uh the bible says that but the word prophecy means to speak you know how to do that you you we speak every time all the time predict you can tell you can declare what's going to happen based upon what god said voice about peace but based upon his promises you can sing and doesn't mean you gotta have a great voice it's just singing over uh your life and speaking over your life and then it says to make yourself a prophet in other words uh we when we stand flat-footed on the word of god in faith we can decree a thing god says and it shall happen so you when you when we do that when we act in faith we are decreeing we are making ourselves a prophet so god says uh i'm not going to do this one for you so there's so many things that god does for us but some things he wants us to grow into because we are his ambassadors on earth he made us in his image after his likeness to have dominion on the earth so if we're going to have dominion that we we have to represent the kingdom of god we have to be what god what god is and be what he says we are so in order to do that we have to do some things ourselves god said and it was god declared and it came to pass god spoke and it was done so and so he gives us that same authority he says ye are god's little children so in in our godness yes lord in our goddess psalms 2 and i believe it is a seven i will decree a thing right uh uh uh no that's joel um come on come on come on holy ghost the pastor did the whole series on decree uh decree declare there it is declare the decrees of the lord thank you holy ghost declare the decrees of the lord because we are his sons we are his daughters so watch this uh so when we speak or sing or predict you can sing over your life if you can't if if you're having a struggle and and it doesn't seem like it's breaking you can prophesy by singing it's going to be better you can just sing make up your own little song it's going to get better you just prophesied and it's not hard it's not hard it's it's activated by faith i love it because god uses practical things practical simple things but what what makes it work is our faith and our obedience our obedience to him in faith and it causes us sometimes to feel silly or look silly or look silly to other people but that really doesn't matter because the results you will eat the fruit of what you say hallelujah thank you jesus i gotta wrap this thing up because my time is expiring but i feel the holy ghost so uh so it's he says um he says prophesy and the first thing he says is hear the word hear the word of the lord hear the word of the lord so don't go in your own strength don't go in your own power you're in the valley you dry bones you don't but god says he says hear hear the word of the lord what does god say about the situation bones represent strength and shape and structure and and and our strength and our shape and our structure have taken hits during this pandemic lord knows they have uh god has answered our prayers but not in the way that we might want him to or think he should or would prophesy sometimes praying to god this is controversial but hear me slowly sometimes praying to god is not the right weapon we have so many weapons that we can use so uh there's more weapons than just praying to god yes you should pray to god men should always pray and not faint yes most definitely but there are more weapons than prayer moses was crying out to god because israel was most i'm sorry moses crying out to god about israel and god says you know what are you talking to me for go down there and do something raise your rod raise your staff uh no you don't like that you don't like that joshua was praying because they lost the battle at a.i and god josh was like god god god he was like we're talking to me for go down there and find aitkin and kill him uh then jesus jesus prayed to god and said thank you for hearing me and then after he talked to god what did he do lazarus get up so sometimes uh we've been praying and praying and praying and god is like okay i've given you the authority speak prophesy sing declare hallelujah i want you to type that in sing prophesy declare speak whichever one appeals to you but you have we have to take action god is god has got us in a position now where we have to take action we got to speak life into our businesses we got to speak life into our families into our marriages and to our our our our prosperity and to our futures we got to call those things that be not as though they were in the valley in the valley in the valley of the dry bones we gotta say different than what we see hallelujah say different than what you see hallelujah thank you jesus say something different say something different we have a responsibility to speak over our situations it's time to dream again you have weapons of mass destruction you have weapons of mass destruction dream again i'm out of time i'll close with this verse seven verse seven oh uh ezekiel obeyed the lord this is our last verse we close him so i prophesied as i was commanded and as i prophesied watch this there was noise and behold a shaking and the bones came together bone to his bone now again i encourage you to read down in this read the entire story but i want you to understand that when you obey god when we obey god and we begin to prophesy and speak things like noise will happen but noise sounds like bleeding it means bleeding crackling crying now because we know the story then we're like oh yeah that's good but when you live in it and stuff gets louder and it seems like it's getting worse good as good things are happening it's actually coming together but it may not sound like it you know your body may be actually getting better but you may sweat more you may be in more pain in the process of the sickness leaving your marriage may go feel more strained because god is working on the heart of the other person and he's working out that resistance so that they can be more soft towards so you can be more soft towards each other so that may not sound good they may not feel good then and then also not only was there bleeding and crackling and crying but it's also uh shaking that means commotion rattling fierceness or confusion so the process of getting better when you obey god hear me we obey god and we begin to prophesy and speak and things begin to move and maneuver because that's what's happening in the spirit realm but it may but that's when we have to shut down our emotions and our sensitivity to what we see and what we hear what we feel because it's getting better because we spoke it to be better genesis when god said uh let the earth bring forth we weren't there we don't know how it happened but i imagine if animals are coming up out of the ground there was a noise there was a shaking there was an earthquake there was a lot of commotion going on so it's put to the untrained eye so to speak or if we were just watching and not having understanding yes lord then it would look like things are going bad or getting worse i encourage you tonight to know that god has a plan for you he's doing great things in your life but he's maturing us to the point where he's not going to do everything for you he's going to let you be in a valley of dry bones but he's going to tell you this is how you get out of it speak declare sing prophesy over this situation and i'll bring it together amen did you get the word tonight hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus let's thank god for the word thank you lord if you don't know jesus then some of this may not have made a lot of sense to you speaking in faith and calling those things that be not as though they were but uh it all begins this joy this this excitement about life and this different way of seeing things and being transformed it all starts with accepting jesus christ into your life if you don't know jesus christ then i invite you to and welcome him in your heart let him become the lord of your life that means he's leading you he's guiding you he's uh changing how you think how you see things how you see the world how you see yourself and uh it's not all peaches and green is you're gonna have hardships but you got hardships now uh the difference is if you come on this side you'll have hardships with a help with a guide with a leader someone who's been there who feels what you feel who understands where you are and wants to bring you to a better place so if you would like to accept jesus just repeat this prayer after me lord jesus i thank you for dying on the cross for me i recognize that you are the son of god and you are the sacrificial lamb that was uh that was i'm sorry that was i can't get my words together that was shed the blood was shed for my sins because without the remission without blood there's no remission of sins i'm sorry let me start that over i'm sorry lord jesus so i don't have a programmed you know i just pray as a as it comes lord jesus i thank you for dying for me i accept that you are the son of god that you died for my sins that you rose on the third day with all power because of that power i am saved i will follow you i belong to you for the rest of my days in jesus name amen if you prayed that prayer get in touch with us type in the chat let us know that you've accepted jesus and uh send the email to testify at monument praise or info at monumental praise if you would put those in for stereo uh info at miami the praise or testify either one we'll get that and we'll get in touch with you we'll tell you more about this wonderful god that we serve uh it's time to give let's uh sow into the kingdom of god tonight we have giblified we can snap to give we have cash app dollar sign monument of praise you can mail it to the church 321 oak view road high point north carolina and paypal you can visit our website monumentalpraise.org give those are ways and then we also believe in blessing the man of god with our teruma offering and you can give to him individually specifically by dollar sign dr kevin a williams is cash app and his zell account is dr kevin a williams at gmail and we want to be a blessing to our man of god knowing that his anniversary is coming up on october the 17th so keep that in mind october the 17th is bishop's anniversary we will celebrate him virtually this year so we want to make sure we're sowing into our man of god amen who has been non-stop since the pandemic hit i feel like he's working more during the pandemic than he did even before he was already doing a lot so we want to bless him really good and appreciate him if we when we when we don't appreciate something and this is anything in life but specifically we talk about bishop but when we don't honor something we lose it if we don't take care of something we lose it and uh we don't want god to take him from us and we don't want to lose the word that we've been receiving we want to be a blessing amen all right i believe we've covered everything i'm a little bit over my time i do apologize but i hope that you receive the word tonight and we want to say uh god bless you to you and all of your families let's please remember to keep our church family in prayer i feel like our church our organization is under attack but we know that we've got the victory always pray for our leaders and we'll see you on thursday at 7 30 in the greensboro service god bless you have a
Channel: Monument of Praise Ministries, Inc
Views: 181
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: cozX5vVrrKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 7sec (3847 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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