Victory Through Spiritual Warfare: Designed Atmosphere | Rev. Alice Cheek

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thank you it doesn't get old to say thank you we can't praise you enough we can't worship you enough hallelujah you are enough you are enough you are everything that we need you are everything that we need hallelujah we glorify your name this morning we glorify your name we got songs prepared but we glorify your name this morning we want you to be glorified we want you to be glorified be magnified we magnify your name jesus we magnify your name thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah i i i want to share this if the enemy is attacking me that means uh because he attacked me this morning from the moment my eyes were uh uh opened up so i know that that's not about me so it's about someone who's gonna be blessed by this service today and the lord just reminded me that i need to be thankful hallelujah so i'm going to change the first song y'all but but we just want to give give god some thanks this morning we want to set an atmosphere that he knows that we're appreciative for everything he does we're not entitled we're not old anything but we owe him everything so lord i just wanna thank you yeah lord i just wanna thank you everybody [Applause] [Applause] you've been so good [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] i just wanna praise your name [Applause] [Music] oh thank [Music] this morning [Music] [Applause] i'm so glad you saved me [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] i rose [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] i wanna thank you foreign [Applause] [Applause] thank you thank you for keeping me thank you jesus thank you thank you you brought me set me free you set me free [Applause] seven years later [Applause] thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you've got a reason you've got a reason to give him glory because he's so hearty he's worthy in the morning thank you thank you jesus [Applause] [Applause] thank you you love me is [Applause] for the spirit of heaviness put on your thank you this morning [Applause] if you're feeling kind of down thank you don't understand you're still alive [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus my soul says thank you my soul says thank you my heart says thank you lord thank you jesus lord to your neighbor you're still worthy you still are there still you'll always be worthy jesus thank you jesus because it could have been another way it could have been another way hallelujah thank you jesus hands up hearts open wide as the sky yes oh [Music] hands up hearts open wide as we cry god we lift your name high hands [Music] we lift you up [Music] [Music] hearts open wise open wide as we cry we cry [Music] and all the other names on there [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] all the other names [Applause] you're the [Music] let all the other names the names of not being worthy the names of lies from the enemy [Music] [Music] jesus jesus [Applause] we jesus [Music] this morning we jesus [Applause] lord [Applause] [Music] [Music] because we're children our hands are up [Music] because we're loved by you our hands are up [Music] because you're deserving of praise [Music] yeah [Music] we acknowledge who you are and that's why our hands are up hands up no other god but you no other gun for you our hands are [Music] [Music] let all the other names [Music] that's what we need is all the other names to fade away you're healing our mind this morning let all the other names fade away you're the only thing that matters that all the other names fade away your voice was what matters let all the other names make [Music] your voice is the one that matters let all the other names fade away oh your direction for our lies and all the other names [Music] [Music] [Music] everything he told you is a lie believe the word of god [Music] [Music] we see you're greater than everything else we see you larger we see you're great and then our problems are small you're bigger you're bigger [Music] thank you jesus thank you praise worship [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] foreign [Music] amen as we stand in the presence of the lord wherever you are in your living room in your home in your kitchen in your bedroom we give god the glory and the honor and the praise on this morning that all the other names fade away i don't know about anybody else but we let all the other names fade away there is one name above all names amen first to give an honor to god for allowing my shepherd bishop williams and shepherd mother williams to allow me to stand before you this morning i counted an honor and a privilege and i thank god for my place right here praise and worship thank you so much for ushering in the anointing of the holy spirit amen so this morning i'm gonna come to you and i'm gonna keep you long but if you have your bibles i want you to go with me to the book of ephesians and rest with me for a little while in chapter six and i'm going to be reading from you for you for verses 10 through 12. amen finally my brothers be strong in the lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of god that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil and the last verse for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places bow your head for me as we go to god in prayer father god we thank you right now for this place lord that you've allowed us to stand in this morning lord we thank you god that you've forgiven us of our sins but you woke us up this morning to a day that we've never seen before god we ask you god to let your anointing rest in this house on this morning god that you decrease me that you will be increased let your word come forth for your people god as you have given it to me lord we thank you we magnify you we lift you up in the name of jesus we pray amen amen and as we stay i have um series that we're still doing pastor bishop talking about victory through spiritual warfare but i want to stick with a subtitle for you this morning designed atmosphere through spiritual warfare designed atmosphere now when i was studying what spiritual warfare mean i went through the uh basic my book basic theology and learned that the word spiritual warfare is a christian struggle against other worldly voices as christians struggled through other worldly forces and i broke that down because i wanted to even know more so basic theology tells us this but i wanted to also go to webster dictionary and i looked up the word warfare and it meant conflict and i stayed in webster because i said warfare conflict so i wanted to know conflict so i looked up conflict and it said sharp disagreement so i'm looking at spiritual warfare as a conflict sharp disagreement and the warfare that we as christians can currently face and struggle with conflict sharp disagreement now i want you to know that the enemy will make every attempt every attempt to war against your mind distract you from your worship from your reading from your praying from doing what god has already had you to do from your studying from your witnessing but remember the word of god in 2 thessalonians 3 and 3 it states but the lord is faithful and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one and when i was looking at this particular verse the lord will protect you now when we think about protection we think about everything that god is protecting us from we wake up every day we have to go to our jobs we have to get our kids together we have a pandemic going on right now but when thessalonians second thessalonians 3 and 3 tells us but the lord is faithful he will strengthen you so when we wake up every morning with the strength in our bodies that the lord is going to protect us and we wake up with the strength in our mind that the lord is going to protect us i don't know about anybody else but that kind of starts my day off it's like hitting your feet on the floor and thanking god because he strengthens and protects you now as we go into my three scriptures ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 through 12 i want to start with chapter 6 and verse 10. and i'm going to reread it for you finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might now i'm sitting here and i'm still studying and i'm breaking down words that is relevant to me because i need to know finally my brothers be strong and i looked up the word power three words i want to bring to your attention on this morning strong power and might now when i'm looking up the word strong in this particular script in this particular scripture it means endue and strength the word power means force and strength and the word might means ability force strength and might and i'm looking at all three of these words that are relevant to this particular strip scripture in ephesians and i notice that one word combined with all three of them and that was the word strength now the word strength is a state of quality of being strong force and power did you see the way the word strength the dictionary meaning of it went right back around to power and might and i'm thinking to myself power might strength and i'm thinking power might and strength those three words right there finally my brethren this is us walking into a spiritual warfare and receiving victory through spiritual warfare as ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 is telling us the power to resist attack now when i'm thinking of everything and everything that we're going through everything that the enemy is placing before us i would like to leave you with my first point on this morning and i want you to tell yourself i am a force to be reckoned with amen tell yourself i am a force to be reckoned with and it's not that i want to remind you that you are a force to be reckoned with because you already know that but sometimes you have to hear it from someone else to know that you are forced to be reckoned with that you have nothing to fear that although you're in a spiritual warfare at this point in time you have nothing to fear you are forced to be reckoned with when you are on your job and it feels like the enemy the adversary your boss your co-workers everything is coming against you i stand back and i can hear the holy spirit tell me speak little listen much and when i hear the holy spirit tell me to speak little listen much i already know that god is already in control see alice i need you to do nothing i need you to stand still because i got this for you and when the holy spirit reveals to you minister marcus i got this for you speak little listen much elder will i got this for you speak little listen much that is a powerful statement all in itself because we don't know what we're going to be up against but god already know he said i need you to show up in faith in confidence and assurance that what you're gonna go through no weapon formed against you shall prosper i've already got this set up for you amen and so the holy spirit is letting us know that everything is a full circle you're in a spiritual warfare but don't worry about anything because i prepared you for this and later on in my message i only got two more points to give you so later on in my message i'm going to explain to you why i chose the title designed atmosphere amen so let's move to ephesians 6 verse 11 and it reads for your hearing put on the whole armor of god that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil now it may be a proper way of the way i said it because i have to say it to myself like that put on the whole armor of god alice put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil now break this down because the word armor is a four armor complete armor so i love to look at a scripture and choose three words that's going to help me understand what is going on with this scripture and how it can make me understand what i'm reading and the word armor is for armor complete armor the word stand to make firm fix establish and the word wiles is cunning art deceit craft and trickery so if we look back at this verse put on the complete armor of god that ye may make firm establishments against the cunning arts the deceit the crap and the trickery of the enemy so i continue to study in this particular book and i wanted to know more about why paul used this metaphor why he used this parallel so i went on to study to find out that armor paul uses this as the roman soldiers basic equipment to show how the components of christianity work together as we strive for god see paul used this as the roman soldiers because their equipment was tools it included a belt a breastplate it included shoes shield and a helmet so i said okay how am i tying god the equipment of the roman soldiers and to us as christianities as christians in a spiritual warfare okay i'm going to help you out just a little bit okay hang with me though this is the armor that they use to go to war now as we as christians in a parallel to this implements this is us it implements salvation truth righteousness the gospel faith and the word of god so if we're looking at the soldiers what they use to fight their battle the words that i just said is what we use to fight our battle in spiritual warfare just in case you did not get all of it i'm gonna let you know the roman soldiers tools included a belt breastplate shoes shield and a sword as christians the the parallel components to this is our truth our righteousness our gospel our faith our salvation our word of god and as christian last one we're also given prayer and we tie all of this together and we can do what god has set up for us to do and not fear now i'm not saying it's okay not to fear because it is never feel like that you do not have to be scared but you have to know that god gives you the strength through your fear to make it on your way amen so just like the roman soldiers equipment is meant for spiritual warfare let me slide into my point two on this morning prayer plus god equal power point two prayer plus god equals power and you have power this morning see you we didn't wake up by accident to hear the message on to on this morning you woke up because god designed the designed the atmosphere for you to be here on this morning to hear just a small few minutes of teaching that's going to help you make it through the rest of your day because someone may have woke up with a heavy heart with the heavy mind your spirit heavy laden but use your god your prayer and you have power remember that point two prayer god prayer plus god equals power amen so as we go on though we are saved by grace alone and so righteousness truth salvation are all given in eternal reality to put on the whole armor of god is to put our minds in the awareness of the truth of who we are in christ and the power that dwells inside of us by which we walk by faith and we know hebrews 11 tell us walk by faith and not by sight and sometimes you can say how am i gonna walk by faith and not by sight well my faith is just a little bit wavy right now i've been through some things lord i'm trying to build my faith back up but how can i walk by faith and not by sight and that is you knowing that in this spiritual warfare that i'm in i have the strength to make it each and every day can somebody let the lord know i love you on this morning i'm gonna walk by faith and not by sight amen amen so after we put on the whole arm of god our next step is standing against the devil the devil's schemes anything that the devil had now the word stand to cause or to make stand and to place i'm gonna bring you back the definition of wiles is cunning arts deceit craft and trickery so slide your armor on this morning and your armor is your prayer your trust your salvation your righteousness slide it on this morning and don't be afraid because whatever the enemy says don't believe it because god's already let you know i got your back i got your left i have your right north south east west you are covered i wake up in the morning and although my son is not with me here in north carolina i still cover him in my prayers because i want him to know that mama's still praying for you you might not be here with me but i know prayer reaches everywhere and everyone and that's what the enemy wants you to know this morning don't pray for nobody because god's not going to go to them because they're not here with you i need you to focus on yourself right now but in spiritual warfare i don't know about anybody else but in my spiritual warfare god has to remove self he has to let me know you not not only are you not in this alone but there are other people worse often you and when i start you praying for the world for the nation for the church for your family for your friends for your job for your boss you will see that spiritual warfare starts getting lesser and lesser it seems like okay i can make it okay i can make it sunday was hard but monday looks a little better and then you get the tuesday and you say oh yes it's looking better and you get to wednesday and they name it and label this as hump day you say oh yes lord i know i feel you right now i feel you right now with me i'm gonna make it over this hump with your strength with your power with prayer god i'm gonna make it over this day and that's what the enemy wants to keep you he wants to keep you and distract us from doing what god has us to do for him now though we have the holy spirit we are still in the subject of temptation and scheming from satan james 4 7 tells us cement yourselves therefore to god resist the devil and he will flee and when i looked at this particular verse i took out the word submit i only used two words in this one i didn't use three i used two the word submit means subordinate and the word withstand means to the word flee means to vanish so when i read this scripture subordinate yourself therefore to god resist the devil and he will vanish not flee but vanish but now in order for him to vanish in order for him to flee you have to resist and you have to be subordinate to god so it's not like he's going to just stand there with his arms folded because you say get out of my way get out of my face go back to the pits of hell everything that we were taught when we were young i know everybody can attest to being taught resist the devil and he would flee we knew the scripture but we were taught to say satan get thee behind me satan go back to the pits of hell from which i came satan get under my feet i don't know about anybody else but i i was bought up like that and the older i got the more i realized i sometimes did not have the strength to tell the satan to get under my feet because my strength was not strong enough to hold him under my feet and throughout the day it would slip i would get into situations where i realized that he had gotten from under my feet and was walking beside me see now this is a real transparent testimony time because i'm not standing here acting like i'm pure as gold acting like mary poppins or pippi lone stockings no what you're looking at is someone that's saved by grace someone who i know woke up in the morning before i found out who god really was not who i found out who god was who i found out god really was but you're looking at someone who woke up in the morning and knew that i was satan's cheerleader he could count on me from the time i woke up to the time i went to sleep he could count on me to do anything that he needed me to do see i started my day with a very nice long sentence that was beat all the way across i started my day after that when i got off work yes i started my day by hooking up with my friends with some hennessy some budweiser and then i topped it off with a marijuana and then i topped it off with some more hennessy and jack daniel all of those i knew all the men name of liquor that i could think of they were my boyfriends i knew jack i knew hennessy i knew this guy named bud i mean i knew them because they were my friend and when i was introduced to marijuana i had to find out a name that my mama wouldn't get me by because i was young and i was still living at home and my mama would tell me girl don't you come in this house smelling like rafa okay so let me tell you what i learned i learned that i could get someone to do what is called shotgun see i don't know about anybody else but i know about shotgun shotgun means that they blow it in your nose and it don't go in your mouth so when mama asked me when i got home had i smoked real marijuana i said no because i had a shotgun so see my transparency to you this morning to let you know that i'm not standing here trying to fake it till i make it and i want you to know that you do not have to fake it until you make it your testimony will always be the key to someone else's prison i think i'm going to tell you that again your testimony of your past will always be the key to someone else's prison because right now they don't know whether go left or right but the one time that you stop and the holy spirit god speaks to you and say tell your testimony you have that opportunity but did you take it or did you let someone go away did you let someone be out on their own they're lost so that's what we as christians remember in our spiritual warfare we're in a spiritual warfare but it's not always about us amen so i'm going to keep on moving in ephesians 12. that's what it tells us for we wrestle against flesh for we are wrestle not i can't leave that word out not against flesh and blood but against principality against powers against rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places so see my testimony was ephesians 6 and 12. but i only stopped by here this morning to encourage you that the situation that we get in don't be scared to get scared does not label you as weak because god's word in psalms 55 and 22 cast thy burdens upon the lord and he shall sustain thee he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved and right now you may be feeling like giving up you may feel like it's time to quit it's time to throw in the towel it's time to walk away from it all but i want you to do me a favor and i'm about ready to close because i just gave you i'm going to give you my last point look at yourself in the mirror after this message or either you can pull out a compact or look at yourself right now but i want you to remember and say to yourself i was never in this alone say to yourself i was never in this alone amen so before you think of anything i want you to think of the designed atmosphere and this is where i'm gonna bring it to a close but i want you to understand why i wanted you to know that you had victory in spiritual warfare but i wanted to subtitle it with design atmosphere and when you're on design atmosphere the word designed mean to sketch and outline for and the word atmosphere is a general tone or effect now it's easy to look at the atmosphere and get discouraged it looks like everything that i'm going through god put me here for a reason so let me tell you i want to break that word down for you and when i when i broke it down for myself or when the holy spirit broke it down for me i said jesus you're so funny you have a sense of humor right now so when i think about it think of the word atmosphere and where you are right now you are at you are where at most fear i want you to look at it like that you are at your word at most fear but you have the strength to go through every last bit of it because god has designed you he has sketched an outline for you to go through it you're where you're supposed to be because god designed you to handle it because in this place your strength you are stronger and you have more strength than you think about so the next time you think about your atmosphere remember you're at most fear now if it solves you up a little bit and you want to put where between the act but it's at most fear atmosphere and that's where i am today romans chapter 8 verse 37 tells us in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us first corinthians chapter 15 verse 57 tells us but thanks be to god who gives the victory through our lord and this is our victory on victory in spiritual warfare so i want you to do two things for me this week and on today know that where you are you're in the at most fear but the last thing i want you to know the last two words think of yourself as this way wake up let me show you how i broke down wake up the w means watch the a means attentively the k means keep and the e means elevating so watch attentively keep elevating up watch attentively keep elevating up and i know that without a doubt everything that you're going through you will have victory in spiritual warfare amen amen god bless you all on today if you would stand wherever you are if you're in your house if you're in your bedroom i want you to slide to the corner of your bed and just sit stand up for a few minutes because at this time we're gonna pray but if there is someone listening someone watching and you know that your spiritual warfare has been tested but this morning you found out that you have the victory that what the enemy tried to do to you for you against you with you that no weapon formed against you shall prosper but that you are ready to take the world by storm and you know that point number one that you are forced to be reckoned with point number two that with god power equals god in prayer equals power and point number three i want you to remember you were never in this alone amen so if that is you and you want to rededicate your life to christ or you want to just get more strength in the spiritual warfare just type in the subject line prayer plus god equals power i'm gonna give you a few seconds to type it in prayer plus god equals power why do you say that particular instance to type in the media right now because see sometimes when you're reading it gets in your ear gets in your ear gate it gets in your eyes but when you type it one thing you have to know that you see all three of them are connecting you're typing because you're writing it you're reading it because you see it you hear it because you're looking at it and with that being said if you would go with me in prayer right now we're gonna go ahead and bring our service and pray for those who've already typed in the internet and everything that they want and petition for god father god right now we stand before you as empty pictures before a full fountain asking you to forgive us for anything we've done said or thought that's unpleasing to you but god we come to you right now with the humble heart thanking you for being the god of a second chance thanking you for being alpha and omega beginning and end first and last thanking you god for everything that you have done for us and that you're about to do for us lord we ask you on today to order our steps in your name and let not any iniquity take dominion over us but we ask you to give us the strength to be spiritual christians in this witness for your word we ask you god that as we go on our day and as we go on through our week that you come with us right now and be with us every step of the way we thank you god that you are praying that you have sent prayer angels to stand by us to watch over us we thank you god that you're watching over our families right now and god we we thank you that we're praying for each and every family member but first and foremost thank you for giving us a second chance thank you for allowing us to say forgive me god thank you lord and god we magnify you we lift you up we give you the glory we give you the honor we give you the praise we count it done in the name of jesus because we have victory and spiritual warfare and we decree and declare as saints of god that it is done in the name of jesus we pray amen and amen amen right now as we get ready it's offering time and behind me is ways of giving on this morning and if you would look at it with giblify we give through cash app and we give through paypal if you wish and you would like to mail it to the church to 1822 sharp road greensboro north carolina 274-06 you may do so amen you may also give through everything that i've said up here i i did it i i'm proud of myself because i usually go backwards and but today i did good you also want to remember the uh priest offering okay you want to remember that as far as zell dr kevin a williams rumor priest offering and you can read everything on the board behind me i hope you have enjoyed the word on today because god is good and he set you up for true victory through your spiritual warfare and as i relinquish this might to praise and worship continue to give god the glory the honor and the praise amen in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we have the victory [Music] oh [Music] in the name of jesus precious [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] hallelujah oh [Music] [Applause] jesus [Applause] precious [Applause] jesus [Applause] who gives us the victory me
Channel: New Jerusalem Cathedral
Views: 535
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: yXjfEzPHdGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 49sec (3589 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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