BFFs - Season 1 (All Episodes)

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[Music] guys have never done this before I know worst I'm flying flying it flies no why are you no no why are you coming alone here you know that I can fly really good yeah yeah I'm sure you are but I have to learn this the fact that we've just been spinning for the last 30 seconds isn't isn't oh yeah be somewhere what maybe yeah actually yeah it's a war if we lose this one there will be another one to learn don't lie a helicopter won't learn to fly okay I'll give him a chance learn to fly okay so this is guns this is the gun yeah okay yeah you're firing the gun yeah so maybe I can just kill someone from here no not while spinning especially this far oh wow I could probably kill a lot of people on spinning kill everyone must burn you know what everyone's just laughing right now Oh dying oh no actually someone hear that noise what is that that means someone who locked on to us from this hole congratulations oh there we got hit oh yeah we got hit you know once you sound like like an [ __ ] no I have to be an [ __ ] because you're just spinning you don't it want to be this war man this is a game about war all right I feel like this thing is front-heavy I feel like we do for new run-heavy are we tilting forward [Applause] and that fun you realize we're three miles away from any sort of I'm gonna commit sin suicide due to have fun out here but yeah well if y'all need a place to spawn I'll be here alright watch my six got your six here that is that your phone okay one second hello yes sir yes sir up be right there sir how's that about command calling there's something about the beta tests are back or something oh hell I'll but I'll be right back alright I'll be here what are you doing what what are you doing I'm shooting that tank over there that gun is not gonna take out that tank how do you know because it's a tank listen do you do you have some sort of sidearm with a suppressor on it why are you whispering because I do not want to be heard or seen anything um like I had this gun with the suppressor yes oh no no turn through this no gap bright that is look at it dude shut that light off now it doesn't go off it does prissy it button up Wow it does go off thank you it's like Chinese New Year or something come on kidding me you know what the year is this year is it dog you're the dog I hear of the shut the [ __ ] up now listen get down get down okay alright right there whatare I spotted two bullets are you serious you're gonna throw an ammo pack in front of my scope you might need it you drive a Jeep up in front of my [ __ ] huh huh a Jeep yeah a Jeep oh you know what just go you're gonna you want me to go yes you want me to I'll go I'll go get a Jeep what's up bro I'm back is that all about I don't know have you seen the new uh yeah I think he's flying a helicopter back there yeah hey guys look what I can oh yeah are usas-12 the sings got 12 g frags it's a walking cannon where'd you get that picked it up off of some dead guy I thought you said that gun was for [ __ ] yeah that was before I had one watch this [ __ ] oh you're not even looking this gun thing that ever happened to me now did you find that that that might be an unfair advantage yeah I do but I don't care because I have one in it's mine it's my baby don't [ __ ] look at it I'm not I don't [ __ ] like it come down pull out you want my gun don't you know I'm staring at my gun you want this it's not sternum how about I switch teams right now how would you what how about I switch teams and come back here and eat both of your asses you'll need to switch teams we're all in the movie team for how long I know right Hey look look it's us right it's us so you guys [Music] oh [ __ ] you just took out a gem flakes out Jax I'm a god with this I can control day and night know about that okay fair enough okay we're gonna take the stairs you cover the escalators okay yeah we got it yeah all right let's do it all right you know what you're doing Nick sighs what's gonna do I don't know all right I need you to lay down a suppressive fire do you know what that is yeah okay okay oh yeah did you shoot these guys you're killing us I'm shooting around oh yeah that's right hold on back again Oh laughter did you just let me die let me die hey we're pretty pinned down back there how's it going over here pretty good I got these okay we were getting our asses kicked out there why aren't they dying they're on our squad oh you see the green things above our heads that's how you can tell yeah okay great two noobs this is all we do you guys doing with all these mines we're blowing [ __ ] oh that's cute that's cute got all the mines down cuz you're gonna blow something up no those were here that's not us those these aren't your minds no we're gonna throw one down accidentally that's bizarre that you just threw an extra mine on top of some mines you just found now I can see what you're doing you're gonna pull the Jeep up there and then you're gonna light it all its gonna do is fly and it's not gonna help us win it's gonna look cool as [ __ ] okay I don't know how to say this these are not our minds I'm not a math guy yeah all right let's cut the [ __ ] and get out there we can win this if you guys help let's move out let's go okay Louis right yeah now we're gonna meet you there we need you now yeah I think we would be better in a tank we could whatever better in a tank if we waited for a tank and then we'll be just forget it we're going let's go [ __ ] this is squad up move alright get behind getting oh damn it they saw saw saw sit down yeah I gotta admit that was pretty tits hey guys wait up come on let me in it's a three seater dumbass Oh guys idiot he's an idiot Oh enemy tank two o'clock yes I see him I'm on him all right c4 coming from the right light that bit you up [ __ ] chopper in the sky I'm walking on alright anybody takes down I'm gonna get out repair guys I got you covered Oh oh man I didn't think I was gonna catch you guys my driving no no get out let's cut your bass hey hey no dude get out you're gonna let him fry oh no mines this is hard [Music] alright everybody here yeah Caspian do this we get the chopper yeah go get a chopper yeah I'll be the gunner you be the pilot done you guys get tanks okay take it thank you you guys got the ground we got the air all right all right all right here we go let's rock and roll guys I hate to ask this but where's the noob I don't know man he's probably gargling dick somewhere hey guys guess what I'm doing what are you doing you're obviously on the border not crazy I need ammo I can kill people from anywhere you'd have to know that there are people there to kill I'm guessing you're aiming just blindly just dropping bombs baby I need ammo it doesn't help on this board there's hardly any vehicles come on get off you can kill people in this - yeah but you have to spot them first we can kill them I need ammo serious oh [ __ ] guys tank oh boy okay hold on let me pull up my RPG oh [ __ ] I still got my stinger - did y'all know that great it doesn't help dammit alright I've spotted the tank noob you'd be able to see it with the more I see him on the map right hit him okay let's eat no it's not letting me go that far then get closer come on man I'm in a good spot there reposition your spot I really like this spot are you kidding how do you really like a spot can you bring him in can you like drama in survival come on oh [ __ ] never mind he's he sees us [ __ ] all back come on okay he's following us yep noob he should be in range right now man alright you see him he's in range alright bring help fire new pill fire make it rain Buddy M oh yeah yeah I have em oh good can I have some yes give it to me okay let's see alright just a little gun ammo yeah I know alright oh [ __ ] that's a good name [Music] okay go to be go to be because they're taking it right now we need to move where did y'all come from we just got our ass kicked there we need to get back and take the damn phone okay I'm just driving there was nobody here they spawned on you okay you're supposed to do this points point yeah yeah you got 20 I know my ways you're okay so where's this where we're going meet your that on the way if you're heading right there just the big glowing be okay just go to mama look was that attitude you're doing here where's be do you understand this game just a world of my own a damn geologists do you see the diamonds with the letters in the middle of what you do you see that oh yeah [Applause] uh-huh have you ever described anything before the glowing diamond that says B yeah grant that's like huge that's a huge doing this whole game what have you been doing I've been driving this Jeep we're everywhere what I look like to you a guy that doesn't drop jeeps around when did you unlock [ __ ] alright well okay but there's B just take that way did you know they had horns on these James yeah we knew because we don't used to have that no I was great when they didn't packed okay I'll tell you what here's what I'll do uh give me your phone number and I'll just give you a calling to give us you oh there you go yeah I'm right there now that's a good line I might use that next time I need to be a douchebag you know what we're doing here guys [ __ ] nothing go to beat okay all right on the way we're going to be yeah [Music] what's your humming huh sounds like the troll awesome yeah let's troll off what patrol a little song what about it what are you humming that why yeah why are you humming that I was that yeah I was humming humming troll oh yeah you were here very specifically you were humming the trololol song is that c4 there's Jeep there's c4 hey man come on we're gonna get this lav we're gonna go to fit a oh no I'm good just gonna wait on this chopper the more time you spend here waiting on a chopper the less time you're up there fighting well I don't really need to fight this board and I've already got it covered what do you mean well if you haven't noticed I am a claymore specialist and there are probably a thousand or so claymores out there as we speak you can't put down a thousand clay boards I just did including those two over there protecting our base what happened to the other ones they would just disappear in the lives you've laid out only two at a time basically no I lay down one at a time and then I do that a thousand times oh but the other one's gonna disappear I can see how an engineer might not they'll wrap their head around this but I have an let you know yes I have endless am shut up listen to me over to try to explain this you lay down the first and second one fine then you're the third one and then the fifth and to a brick wall you're like talking to an Asian what yeah you ever talk to an Asian yes just like talking to white people I don't understand what's the brick wall mean because you don't listen a brick wall doesn't live an Asian would listen and understand man that's a brick wall talk back oh you talk you guys shut up they are taking a where are your claymores all right okay cuz that they're taking a right now are they I like to see them get out of a alive [Music] there it is yep they got a they say okay okay yeah what it is crackers what's going on it's up dude hey guess what I just did what mowed down a squad of stupid-ass medics who apparently didn't get the FAMAS memo we've been waiting for this jackhole to get into lav with us doing jackhole I'm waiting for a chopper so I can see the carnage from the air carnage check this out what's up there about a thousand claymores where everywhere I didn't see any no you wouldn't see him I was at a huh oh they're all over a that didn't see one you didn't say you weren't you didn't look down at all right what do we do when we need to move all right let's jump in this thing let's get out okay well hey my apologies for the steel kills yeah thanks go [ __ ] yourselves a kill steal all right okay the engineer needs ammo what are you guys doing over oh now look who I meant this is the administrator so this is server oh okay great he's on our team okay what the hell is in your hand is that there a shotgun that's a shotgun Oh shotguns in here talking about I can't have a shotgun I won't have a shotgun you're not I have a shotgun you you need to say that I didn't know you couldn't have him in this okay fine I'll swap them out when I die next how about that huh it sounds good you're buying whoa hey whoa hey weird uh what the Bennett go oh we just brought a shotgun into the server okay so can't do that oh okay I didn't know that was one of your buddies yeah this is the administrator he owns this place owned it he's on our team well great can we go out there and do this guy's got a chopper on me somebody help who the hell is that are you camping no no I mean attacked by a chopper you're just sitting there in that building are you camping no no I know in a building so I don't get shot by a chopper oh wait no that's my friend he's our sniper he's your friend yeah what's the choppers guy's name what's his name I don't know freeze some Febreze fire his fries man purrs bye thank you Wow awesome no it wasn't he just been there yeah yeah but the guy was playing fair get a chopper how's that fair because choppers are offered in the game if it's in the game and I don't like this guy's storytelling you do have bad story talent I'm not telling a goddamn story I don't know where you guys are pulling that getting very bored of this guy I'm gonna ban him yeah if you're gonna be a storyteller you need to up your game a little bit try to tell the [ __ ] story we'll get another middle I don't like his middle yeah kidding was okay climax solution right what's that here's my solution my solution is you shouldn't banish people taking fire okay look guys I'm gonna try to flake these guys you guys you guys try to attack from the front okay I text her from running around roads from the booth kids everyone just relax that's not even fun and that's not even fair for those guys we're gonna totally win this man yeah we're gonna win because you're basically cheating as an administrator you're banning people just because they're better than you that's not fun that's not sporty that's just it's basically cheating you can't do that oh the last time I checked my credit card or the [ __ ] I walk by him come back tomorrow for repair tools only all right come on now let's go okay here we go level now keep her steady not too bad not too bad oh there's my squad beaver lau beavers daddy yeah we got these now see that I just parachuted did you did you just waste that chopper no I didn't I said I use it to get here no you wasted a chopper that's what you did I wasted and an unlimited supply of choppers no you don't understand that chopper could have been doing something useful besides just taxiing your [ __ ] ass over here I'm sorry I mean how many choppers do we get I'm sorry do you have a dick just shove in your ear that's affecting your brain that does not answer my question at all does it guys shut up a wasting time let's jump this Gaz and go take B what's the JIT wait what is that that vehicle take a beam the Gaz where is a gun you drive take P no no take take a right Wow another vehicle wasted we should take be on foot back to be on foot all right let's do it holy [ __ ] guys there's there's the enemy there you're preparing his chopper perfect let's take them out and take the chopper all right nice [ __ ] shot dude let's do it move it [ __ ] okay I'll be right back I'm gonna grab a boat very rare way guys oh hey I'm gonna map yeah yes you are gratz kick-ass don't they they do the job but I thought your squad bus fool I was gonna join your squad and yeah it's too bad I know it was making new squatter no no we don't want it next time we'll okay yeah okay how's it how's your fourth guys good or yeah not really oh he's a level 100 Colonel okay that's pretty good yeah I bet he has a MAV does he see you mad guy - god no I don't okay yeah my squad we offline maps yeah we're called the math squad that sounds were yeah like four Mavs coming at you it's it's insane it's hey you should probably get back to the man right yeah yeah so we'll catch you soon yeah they need you get back there oh yeah how are you doing sir doing good man kill number 50 we just started the game yeah how about you guys I just got out of the loadout screen we we just just a quick question sir how does one get to where you're at prioritize prioritize like what like what do you guys have jobs yeah I mean they're both wrong answers lose the jobs number two sex you guys having some well yeah I mean wrong answer sex equals - kills no sex + kills I never looked at it that way yeah how much how much sex do you have none battlefields my [ __ ] you got a [ __ ] bucket I'm sorry yeah a [ __ ] bucket I don't I'm not sure I follow go to the bathroom you're not playing Battlefield you [ __ ] in a bucket you're playing Battlefield I can't believe we didn't think of that [Music] so so you have a pile of [ __ ] under you right now yes man the [ __ ] up guys oh hey who killed this guy I did hey check out this kit this guy has 26 dirt no don't do it this is like a gun right now this is soldier there's no honor in killing a man with a glich gun yesterday I took down an attack chopper with a knife I stopped stop looking at snot you're not gonna take it away from don't [ __ ] do this again let lose your [ __ ] whenever you get a badass weapon you're losing your [ __ ] right now you need our squad ok I'm already a medic and we need you as an engineer it's all about the team there's vehicles everywhere without now we got two medics and just one of us is more badass than the other guys we're wasting time I'm out of here we're right behind you sir guys honestly slowing me down so you just want to go rogue you know what as a matter of fact I do want to go rogue alright so why don't you guys just leave try to do something [ __ ] useful for once if you're gonna be this way [ __ ] you you're on your own [ __ ] you know I don't need you guys I don't need you guys and I never needed you guys because I got an m26 dart name 26 dark [Music]
Channel: rankytheskate
Views: 1,785,459
Rating: 4.9105935 out of 5
Keywords: #PS4share, PlayStation 4, Sony Interactive Entertainment, SHAREfactory™, {743f555f-9440-4073-91f9-282e90e00ee4}, rankytheskate
Id: D2f9ocLSnuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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