Beware The Toilet Seat Killer - Death Flush

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no you're dead they killed you can we maybe just leave the poop jokes to me i feel like i do an alright job with it but mr melty face here is just killing me with the puns not the toilet seat did you say something uh no no that was just me voiding my bowels in terror everything is completely fine [Music] what's up guys welcome to death flush a game that's finally gonna help us answer the question of what would you do if someone tried to kill you while you were pooping and what would playing out that situation on a playstation 1 look like these are questions that i've spent a lot of sleepless nights thinking about so i'm looking forward to finally getting some answers is this really gonna have some kind of backstory like i should probably mention i know nothing about this game it's just what little i have seen looks absolutely hilarious it's these extra dumb game jam experiences that really give me luck all right let's order some taco bell get this show on the road ronnie are you okay yeah ronnie ankles aren't supposed to do that i'm fine it's just i need to go to the bathroom oh oh baby do you want me to go with you i'm sorry what find yourself a girl who's willing to watch your poop when you're scared she's a real keeper no it's okay i must face this alone atta boy ronnie sometimes you gotta stand up to your fears or in this case sit down i suppose even though i'm just gonna throw it out there it looks like you've been prairie dogging on this couch a whole lot more frequently than you care to admit it's already never gonna be the same you've got nothing to lose by just pooping right here well the good news is this apartment is about the size of a trailer so i feel like if there was anybody else in here you know somebody looking to kill me then i would already know they were here the bad news is i can't really see in the bathroom and that's the danger zone maybe i can just kind of tippy toe around behind the door oh get a hold of yourself ronnie you're looking like an absolute coward in front of your wife dear i appreciate the offer of you watching me take a dump but i think i'm just gonna have a little me time it should be safe enough in here grace if something or someone does decide to kill me then i really hope my whole life flashes before my eyes so that we can all see the thought process that led to buying a carpeted toilet lid what is wrong with you ronnie that's clearly a colossal mistake as is raising the lid what are we just gonna fall in or maybe the couch already took the brunt of things we just need to take a quick terror pee okay uh any murders any monsters no all right then i think we're in the clear i did it let's flush and get out of here another job well done ronnie just be careful where you step i don't really care how understanding our wife is if we leave the toilet seat up she'll be the one to kill us just put it down would you toilet seat killer executed a reign of terror comes to an end you don't say it's finally over he can't hurt me again again toilet seat killer so does he kill people on the toilet seat or does he kill people using a toilet seat because those are two very different things does that mean this is the death flush no okay then uh bye bye terror p or at least most of you i suppose what the hell it won't open oh never mind i think my pants may have found a little bit more therapy ronnie is something wrong yeah you could say that help me i'm trapped in my own bathroom of all places it's going to be okay it's just stuck oh just stuck says the person not in the death bathroom it's probably swollen from the humidity humidity it's not like i took a steaming hot dump i i didn't even wash my hands and keep that on the down low though of course what was i thinking yeah humidity sure i'll see if i can find a way to pry it open don't worry oh i'm not worried at all yeah you go call the fire department get the jaws of life just get me out of here please find doc strawberry he always knows what to do doc strawberry why is there a fruit with a phd in your bathroom ronnie and what could he possibly do to help you in this situation i feel like i may have missed a door uh why did i not see that before oh of course it's a bathroom closet because so many bathrooms have those so we're either gonna find a really smart piece of produce in here or a very stabby murderer oh i don't like this at all what do we have over here light switch yes no maybe breaker box oh oh okay so now light switch there we go oh it's a laundry room well why didn't you just say that is that a silhouette in the door am i losing my mind right now that was definitely a silhouette in the door okay no i don't like that anymore uh why aren't there more lights in here he's dead ronnie he can't hurt you anymore there's nobody out here so we just have to assume that that was poop fueled paranoia and i'm gonna make a run for this switch caution bad wiring breaker box in closet do not flip switches i'll willy nilly yeah a little bit late for that wouldn't you save ronnie how much terror p do you have in you your pants are moister than an otter's pocket i think we should just be able to flick this again what did i just step over i hate walking around in the dark oh are we good oh it's just a bucket yeah it's just an old bucket all right well you probably don't want to kill me is it possible the door swole up in its frame because i pissed on it please tell me this wasn't my own doing is there anything in here to save me ooh pills this is my medicine i only need it when i'm not well i would say we're pretty unwell right now some pills might help you mellow out or at least stop being so freaking stiff be kidding me right now here we go uh drain opener you think that works on doors i'll i'll take it yes please but not helping we've also got toilet cleaner do you think that works on floors i can really use some multi-purpose items right about now but yeah i'll take it that's fine and then i saw something else on the toilet a matchbook with a single extremely flat match so we rip a first we should be able to rescue ourselves from that but other than that i uh don't really see this helping a whole lot bent cover huh i need a screwdriver to open this okay we got a couple of cleaners in a match so just macgyver your way in there if at all possible is there anything useful in the closet i wonder maybe something in the washer or something in the dryer no but we've got a tool box dare say you might keep your screwdrivers in there ronnie it's got a rusty old lock on it there's gotta be a way to get it off i haven't seen any rusty old keys around uh that could be a problem that right there is the face of a man who has searched his entire bathroom and found absolutely nothing else useful no keys no more items all i have is toilet cleaner drain opener and a single match and the best thing i can come up with is to equip all of them mix them in a bucket okay we added toilet cleaner to the bucket good and then if we add the drain opener as well we may be able to light that and blow the door open is that radioactive it's really powerful acid it could eat through anything anything you say yeah i'll take the strong acid i get the feeling i'm supposed to use it on the toolbox lock but why wouldn't i just use it on the door i guess we'll just go ahead and give it a try it won't budge i'm locked in i'm aware of that ronnie it's probably for the best like i didn't even tell my wife to back up so i probably would have melted her on the other side fine we'll go ahead and use it on the toolbox get ourselves a screwdriver and then hopefully that'll help us somehow a single screwdriver that's the only tool you keep in here i guess it is technically a tool box not a tools box i really don't mean to be harping on you for being a colossal idiot ronnie but i think somebody may have been watching your wife in the shower what do we have here note to self in case you forget the answer is in your reflection ronnie oh you've been the one peeking he deserves to die honestly it's just survival of the fittest at this point natural selection at its best at this point i'm starting to wonder if it would just be easier to wait for the fire department to show up because the only thing in the medicine cabinet are some toothbrushes and pills neither of which i can use so maybe it's actually literal the answer is in your reflection wait a second we do something like that then yeah there we go okay zero two one three zero two one three and then we can get whatever we have stashed away in our toilet safe zero two one three yeah there we go it's grandpa grandpa wait what is that it you've got nothing else to add to that are you kidding me candle what's this candle doing in here that's what we're gonna ask not what's grandpa's heads doing in your shower vent like okay well there's a candle okay well we have a match so let's go ahead and set the mood we don't want graham but i do not think this is romantic yeah the candle is lit here you go old man how do you feel about that is going in your little scuff okay you stay put right here understand okay uh-huh i understand me and my terrifying wiener fingers are gonna barely hold on to this fun balloon and you just go have a happy poop time the travel center oh oh wait this is probably not gonna end well now that i think about it grandpa grandfather maybe uh toilet seat murderer he actually stabs people with toilet seats i was joking why don't you have a seat oh and he has puns wasn't that just delightful grandpa are you doing okay oh okay okay no uh oh dr strawberry dr strawberry please help my grandpa just got rotisserie on a toilet seat please don't let him get me he is right behind me i would gladly have this giant pink bear save me okay hello there oh doc you're always right yeah now is a good time to take my medicine i agree i'm not doing well wife how's the door coming still locked oh great won't budge still locked all righty then let's oh oh here careful hey hold on you gotta catch em all ronnie you really don't need to make a game out of it oh medicine makes me feel good yeah that's the whole point of medicine hi were you just gonna wait for me to react or this is awkward uh wife did did you maybe want to call the fire department get the police paramedics anybody you're still there are you what if i do a little something like this all right hi i see how it is you've got my incredibly well-shaped neck in a bind no you're dead they killed you can we maybe just leave the poop jokes to me i feel like i do an all right job with it but mr melty face here is just killing me with the puns not the toilet seat did you say something uh no no that was just me voiding my bowels in terror everything is completely fine what's going on in there where's the fire department what have you been doing out here this whole time other than moving your terrifying crab mitt cloth hands this is getting scary oh is it now i don't suppose you could help oh okay yeah uh let's help let's uh use an umbrella yeah okay we'll grab an umbrella then hit this with an umbrella is that possible can we equip you here we go and uh nope nope i've got to find a way to open the door and of course an umbrella isn't the answer what am i thinking is this what she's been doing out here this whole time i guess we could just lizzie borden the door couldn't we yeah take the hatchet think something like that would work ronnie how you doing in there i'm coming and i got a med kit in case you know you've been impaled on something that isn't completely sanitary what oh where's ronnie good question let's just uh keep the ass out of his hand he can't get you if you're not in the bathroom okay i'll all get out of the bathroom i was just admiring my axles reflection all right i don't remember our neighborhood looking like that i don't really want to go down there i think i do want to go in the bathroom he can't get me in here can he sweet jesus ronnie i know you had bad aim but still i'm not even gonna make fun of this i wouldn't change a thing this has been a fantastic experience so far all right i'm coming ronnie oh that looks painful now you ronnie hard to recognize you without all the skin uh oh no this is probably like past victims could be ronnie's grandfather oh this is probably what i need the umbrella for yeah then we don't get blood on us all right i've made my way into this inner circle why must i stand in all these corners i don't know man because if you sit while you pee it's a little odds what does that say five three oh four really sorry about this five three oh four can i uh enter anything here is there a place to put a code in five three zero four it's how many points are on each of these objects so we need to flush in a certain order we got five and then three and zero and four who's that yeah i'm coming for you ronnie don't worry i really don't know if ronnie's worth walking down a hallway of glory holes what the hell oh never mind they're just urinals big gross mouth urinals okay maybe just watch your back and your taint your crack really everywhere that could get big purple tongue uh what the hell what are you idiots doing about time you showed up let's do this thing excuse me okay i'm just gonna funny walk with these folks what are we doing here exactly should i oh no going back now what was that yeah i'm i'm following i'm following what the hell is all this oh oh okay uh yeah let's just hide behind the very clear signage because he doesn't welcome us that's him isn't it we're gonna make this sicko think twice about the filing the health and safety of our community oh good we're actually good samaritan rednecks we're all about health and safety what's the plan ray yeah good question fireworks the good stuff we're gonna scare the hell out of him oh maybe scared the [ __ ] out of him don't you think we should wait until he finishes in the toilet it's the right thing to do is it though if somebody was going to scare the [ __ ] out of me i would prefer to be on the toilet [ __ ] that it's your time okay it's go time you guys do your thing i'm gonna watch from a safe distance uh hold on what was that oh it was gasp yeah kind of stands out how did you miss that huh oh okay okay no why why me all right i guess man i didn't think that uh that's how things was gonna go down what's your deal chief not fair man i'm sorry what was that a bit of a thick accent you got there thicker than your mustache and unibrow at least your destination is tested oh boy that is rough around the edges all right yeah i'll have a mint sure why not all of mints yeah let's just hmm not bad did you just roofie me am i okay this actually does look like a restroom i'm hearing right now something oh i see yeah of course we're not gonna leave through the door we're gonna leave through here all right ronnie i'm coming ronnie ronnie [Music] oh there you are just you know hanging out he's gonna flush me above what looks like a giant boss fight arena oh great [Music] yeah i have an axe i'm sure that'll work it's not like he blew up and survived that wasn't even a joke yeah i gathered that much go flush yourself weirdo oh that one wasn't bad okay well i'm gonna shut down that machine and save ronnie seems reasonable um so if you're gonna go that way i'm just gonna go this way maybe i can uh yeah something like that raises him back up to safety i don't know if i should be hitting you or just walking away i feel like walking away is a pretty safe option oh crap okay so he's gonna keep lowering him back down but as long as i can beat him back over here uh okay no ain't now what i wanted oh i can't hit him he's definitely not the fastest i feel like i should be able to save ronnie here if i don't then i'm a pretty bad girlfriend i i should have watched him poop i should have been there for him there we go you're good i think he's good oh okay it's a good thing i can hit you because now i think i need to finish you off the ow wait was that a fluke i hit you before okay no stop it what am i supposed to do here do i have a health bar this isn't working why is he making me moan like that please get it there we go okay he's got five toilet paper clothes jesus christ who's think about a girl like that what is wrong with you you did it oh i gotta have a safe distance from him there we go just a little spray and pray that's not where you want to stay around the toilet oh stop it stop it stop it says we don't need to be afraid of murderers like you here we go is it over i don't know you tell me where are you [Music] i'm still up here i can't find a way to get down jump do a flip what the hell oh that wasn't the end oh this dog strawberry in the strawberry mopey oh he's just adorable i love that guy yeah we all lived happily ever after what did i just play what just happened are we goods i think we we're goods we're not good [Laughter] we're super not good that is the biggest shittiest boss i have ever seen yeah get him duck strawberry go ahead and fire them guns okay um no i really wish i hadn't gotten attached there oh no we have to go yeah can we just leave oh good i don't have to fight him for a second there i thought i was gonna have to take him out with the hedges no screw you we're never gonna go in the bathroom again right poop on the couch from here on out you saved me you're welcome i love you ronaldo ronaldo really ronnie oh come on dude you guys know when to quit stay back he had no power outside of the bathroom he stole you out the front door ronnie do you not remember being strapped to the door behind you that was not in the bathroom your theory is about as crap as he you can't is me i'm gonna make a duty on your bones hello okay then wow not every day that i say this but sometimes when you play something it really transcends the line between video game and art i think in this case it was a little bit of both all right you know what i think that's gonna be it for this episode of death flush guys and i'm just gonna throw it out there right now i really enjoyed this game i really enjoyed making this video please leave a like show some support i really want to do more random one-off videos like this but i find sometimes they just fall flat randomly like it just needs to get lucky every now and then and your push can definitely help if you guys want to see more stuff like this of course then like i said leave a like leave a comment let me know and maybe i'll return to defend myself from a toilet seat killer again soon but thanks much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 342,578
Rating: 4.9605513 out of 5
Keywords: death flush, death flush game, death flush gameplay, death flush walkthrough, death flush playthrough, death flush funny, death flush funny moments, death flush ending, death flush all endings, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: AyE1kpHxoK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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