Intentional Manhood

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uh i'm ready here when i'm ready this is the day the lord's made i will rejoice and be glad in it welcome to intentional manhood moments amen glad you joined us all right come on in the room let me know that you're here with us bridget is looking forward to hearing apostle hello bridget and then there's cheryl and all right jalen y'all come on in the room tonight amen we'll give you time to come in before we bring on the team and uh do some intentional manhood talk of course you know this forum is as an open forum and we welcome everybody to join in and we'll talk a little bit uh in just a moment when we get all of the men on board we'll talk about uh what the men's ministry at new light is all about pastor pushed it this morning at the south and we just want to talk to you a little about it before we get into it amen and amen i need everybody to like and share it so that our numbers will reflect what we're doing and of course with this forum this forum is uh accessible at any time it's accessible at any time so listen i'll see you all out there who's that who's out there everybody like and share it like and share it okay eric why don't you bring in the team and as you bring in the team we'll all talk together uh as we have done in the past and uh harry is not going to be with us today terry uh he gets the uh past past eager's not gonna be with us today uh he's overcoming he's gonna be all right he said why i should have said that what's wrong with that he okay he okay he asked it he asked uh so the excuse from this one so we are all good we're all good and uh we're going we're going to handle everything gentlemen how are you how are you gentle outstanding most great apostles we are blessed all right you know what what we normally do good evening hey givens made it all right i tell everybody normally you know we have this we all check in early and then after we check in of course we do our sound checks and uh we had a couple of people who kind of late getting in i haven't had your arm feeling how's your hand feeling uh a little numb right now all right i've i haven't had a little accident with his uh right hand and so uh we're believing in in faith of course that but for speedy healing on that and whatever the doctors need to do praise the lord they'll do do quickly and uh or he he wanted a pass on it but i told him his big daddy needed him uh because i had two other regulars have to pass on me today and that is so we're gonna i appreciate you son i appreciate it watch this watch it and i got something for you i'm gonna take it now listen uh what i want to get into today a couple of things i want to get into one of the things i i wanted to talk about of course was pastor's message this morning that's what we always do we talk about the message uh that pastor talked this morning i thought it was excellent you know i i love whenever she talks about the name of jesus and does her runs on jesus name you know i love that but how she worked it all together i thought was masterful and i thought it was very helpful and a lot of the members have been echoing how they needed to hear that that they were empowered and that they could make a difference talk to talk about that gentlemen she was electric this morning i don't know you know she's just my mama but i see different levels of her on sunday and today she he was electric um i told her in the back i was like hey you okay you know when you you you seem like you're in a faith fight you you teach a little different so i i was just you know just checking on her you okay you all right she keeps me paint off the walls that you would say awesome absolutely she was uh absolutely amazing one of the things that uh that stuck out to me apostle is when she said power to speak faithful words i would speak faith fear words and that really stuck out to me that you know even in the midst of crisis is what is what you say uh that your mouth determines uh where you will go so you gotta continue to speak faithful words uh despite anything that you're going through i think today was absolutely amazing exceptional i mean it was i don't it was like word of faith and pentecostal mixed together it was something she closed today she my god absolutely absolutely she um what stood out to me is is certain words she used she used a lot of the apostle words boldness she talked about courage she talked about confidence you know and then she talked about you know i was as she was teaching i was thinking it but then she talked about not only remember who you are but remember whose you are the yeah in the name of jesus right right you took the words out of my mouth because even after she said that she reminded us of how we're to be a catalyst that that word catalyst i believe is a person who's talking enthusiasm or energy causes others to be more friendly more enthusiastic or more energetic and and that's what it boils down to this synonymous with us being the start of the earth and she communicated that to us and so she just reminded us that we are different makers we are called to make a difference well you know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god and what uh what i am most pleased with is that continuous uh interweaving of the word of god throughout the message right here's a goal when i asked when dr price um evaluated one of my lessons he said young man you are not teaching the word and i'm going well what what's the difference he said you're talking about it but you're not teaching it and i asked the difference he said the differences between telling the person that dallas texas exists and telling the person how to get from houston to dallas and uh what i have seen throughout the last three four years of of uh pastor dr eyes ministry is she has stayed with the foundation of showing you what the word says and apply that word and the distinction and i was telling her that because we ride together uh i was telling her that i said that's the distinction that you have in ministry oh you got a lot of people out there exhorting a lot of people you know talking about things but the god says he will confirm his word [Music] and um and so i look for even greater things simply because that is the foundation the word of god teaching that word i just love to see of course you know when i'm when i was uh when i was i said coming up when i started the church and of course we all had our paper bibles got it but now it is more convenient you know you and bring your bible to church if you don't want to they got it all on the screen you understand and i do see a lot of people who have their devices and are following along uh but to me just having that paper and that pen being able to highlight being able to to write it down i mean that that to me there's no substitute for that but the times are changing so you got to change with the times but the point that i i really i really like about our church is that it is staying true to the word right right through to that line upon line precept upon precept because when i get ready to fight and i get ready to be in there and i'm really in a faith fight and i gotta fight i gotta have more than a cliche yep i gotta have more than a little cute line that some somebody has just given me i got to know what the word of god says and that's it y'all know i preach all day on that amen well you know you know apostle um you're right uh they they have the the the verse is up there on the screen and that's great but i i like to read on beyond just the one verse right and so i haven't brought paper to church in a long time because i have my device but these devices today allow you to highlight in yellow highlight and pink you know bookmark all kinds of things right for you know so i like to be able to have not just the verse i want the whole the whole chapter because sometimes i want to read on beyond that one verse you're right oh yeah i mean yes i mean you know like i said i love technology you know without technology we wouldn't be doing what we're doing right now that's right and maximizing that and what i've seen are so many tools uh tools that you can use to enhance the moment and right i applaud that yeah i applaud that so i'm not trying to take everybody back no no no no when i preach i'm gonna you still use my i'm gonna use my paper [Laughter] well i i still use my paper bible and my uh and my pad and uh dr bless me i echo all what all the brothers have said today in addition she brought in those angels that uh put your angels to work to go uh working and they sitting there waiting on us to speak the word so they can manifest god's will into our life that's so powerful right there well you know a whole subject a whole subject was a in your face subject you know i make the difference wow that's kind of like in your face and uh i know probably when she said it the theologians who listened to that and the evangelicals who listened to that the hair probably rolls on the back of the niche you know but you cannot argue with the premise and you cannot argue uh with her presentation you can't argue with it praise the lord you know past also talked today about she didn't do it at the south at the north but she did at the south uh talk more about men becoming a part of this ministry that our time here on the second and the fourth uh sunday afternoon is not just providing me a teaching moment because you know i got enough of them but it is really the men's ministry of new light amen it is the men's ministry of new light now we welcome of course those who are watching from outside of new life and we have a lot of people who are a lot of men who are who are part of our intentional man course uh who are not part of new light but they're part of my pastor my uh pastor's base many of them are part of my partner base uh but for the majority of course this is the men's ministry of the loop of new life and terry and i you know are given that assignment and therefore you know we want to see every man every young man every old believed man every senior man we want all of them a part of this man's ministry it is a contemporary men's mentoring tool now just think about it now you can be mentored at your convenience um because i want to tell y'all if i had to come back to church this evening y'all forget that i'm just telling y'all if i was gonna have to come back to church after spending church because i go to both services i'm gonna come home eat and then rush back to church ah that's a toughie this is amazing amen get a chance it is good yes it is give me a little something to eat you know and uh you know get have to take eat give me a little nap and then boom i can do this and then it's going to be out here you follow me where if a man has something to do watch the game uh he can still have his mentally movement if you follow me it's still at his convenience is just an amazing contemporary tool for men ministry amen amen yeah i agree apostle because you know i was talking to two men on friday and uh a lot of the information that you share on this particular platform i'm able to use it and share it with men because they have no idea many of them that you know this information is out there and i share it with them and say hey this is where you need to go to get the information a lot of them are what i call critical condition just have twisted thoughts particularly a lot of young men and so i think this is the perfect form for them to get their minds straight when it comes down to the things of god and where they fit into the plan of god and into the scheme of what god has for their lives and their purpose fulfilling their purposes we got to get the word out we got to get the word out and um so that every man at the that's my goal now uh within the next 30 days get every man at the light a part of it and you simply join i men's ministry by texting nlctim to 71441 that that's that's very easy and uh it signs you up for the course well i don't want the course you don't necessarily have to take the course uh you know if you don't want to but at least you're signed up and you need to get the book you need to get the book uh signing up is free the book is only ten dollars get the book and uh and then you are then a part of your men's ministry at the church now for those who are saying well i'm not at the church but i want to be a part of the men's ministry well it's just as though we had the men's ministry at church we would allow other people to come and be a part of it and so this makes it convenient for you and boy i know i was looking at the uh at uh at uh those who have been who have registered for the men's ministry and many they across the country i mean from nowhere i'm saying i'm not just satisfied with the men from everywhere i want to see every man at the light a part of this world and it cannot join us when we are live here at least they can go back and look at it and i think over the course of the next week we'll have at least a couple of thousand men who are viewers i don't know if they're all men the viewers who are watching and uh that is what sets this apart many of y'all ready for the lesson tonight amen man you know what is this the book men at work is a book that i wrote for harrison house they heard me teach at uh one of them a men's minute one of the international men's ministry and they came up to me approached me and said hey would you will you will you write a book for me and i said sure will and i wrote this book and what we're doing is we're going through the book that 12 chapters and right now uh we're on chapter five we said i'm just joining without the good thing about this is you can always join and go back and begin to take the course in other words you anytime you join is a good time you go back and take the course it's all automatic after the course after you read a chapter then there's an examination are two examinations and of course if you listen i'm teaching uh twice out of each chapter so today we'll be talking about a man and his maintenance so i'm ready eric if you'll set me up a man in this maintenance get your pen get your paper let's talk amen amen now lesson this lesson five chapter five uh chapter five is about a man and his maintenance and his when i talk about a man in his maintenance i am talking about a man and his spiritual maintenance his spiritual maintenance um here is really a fact of fact that there is this craze around the country for this craze around the country for uh people uh to get be physically strong and physically healthy and so with this craze or you can see that there are you know uh health clubs and gems that are popping up everywhere and there's nothing wrong with that i'm not throwing a rock at it at all please understand that but what i am saying is that listen um it is very important for you to know as a man that you have to maintain yourself spiritually and that is what this lesson is about and so the men that work book it focuses on spiritual well-being of the redeemed man eric do you have that the spiritual well-being of the redeemed man and uh no you don't have that i i just highlight it don't worry about that eric but that's what it focuses on that i have to i have to understand that my spiritual well-being is not something that's going to automatically happen it will only happen as i put forth intentional effort now there uh when it comes to spiritual maturity spiritual maturity is different from chronological maturity chronological material is a matter of time but spiritual maturity is a matter of deep rooted convictions that you have to intentionally cultivate and that's my role my role is to help you cultivate these uh this deep spiritual convictions that will cause you to rise to a place of spiritual maturity now of course you know we welcome ladies who are joining us and we will and the principles that we're teaching are not just for men in some cases these principles are generic now and they come from the word of god so the scripture teaches us that all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of god now that's not limited generically but the species for the man of god may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good work now that word perfect has nothing to do with being you know flawless but it's a saying to be at a place of maturity i love the passion translation which reads like this god has transmitted his very substance into into every scripture for it is god breed it will empower you by its instruction and correction watch this giving you the strength uh watch these key words now to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of godliness then you will be god's servant fully mature perfectly prepared to fulfill an assignment amen amen so now let's look first at the reality of diminishing spiritual stamina now when you read this chapter in the book the chapter in the book you won't see this that's why you have to both listen at the lecture as it were and then also read the chapter of the book in order to successfully go through the examination the personal examination that you're going to get after you after you do that you get a certificate after every chapter but that's why you have to listen to the the lecture the mentoring lecture that i'm doing now because there are things i'm saying here that are not in the book all right now so watch this there might when we when we talk about being strong the the divine strength let's talk about divine strength this is the mental of soulless persuasion born out of the spirit of man that empowers you the believer with the fortitude the boldness and the resolve to act with peaceful confident assurance i know that's a mouthful but let's see if we can't chew it up it is the mental and now when whenever we talk about the mental i that is soulish put it back up there eric that is the soulless all right it is a soulless persuasion born out of the spirit man watch this that empowers you the man of god the woman of god as the case may be to with the boldness and the resolve to act with peaceful and confident assurance now with that being said let's look at some of the exaltation on the dynamics of spiritual stamina the dynamics of spiritual standards by by and large um this strengthening when we look in the bible that talks about strengthening from the lord is uh somewhat a i would say a mysterious thing that is forfeited by many believers because the only thing one dimensional when they think of strength they think of spirit of physical prowess but we are talking about a different kind of strength and all throughout the bible we see the bible talking about being strong well it's not talking about being physically strong but it's talking about this spiritual spins being strong spiritually and in that it keeps talking about it over and over let's just understand this is not something that automatically happens so kevin and darren i see you in bernard listen so this means watch this that i've got to work at being spiritually strong and work at keeping the level of spiritual strength that i attain now we're going to anchor this in the word so let's go to the word of god on this fear not the scripture says watch this for i am with you be not dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you all right i will strengthen you so i understand there is a strengthening that comes let's go to the next scripture i can do all things through him who strengthens me let's go to the next scripture look at all these passages in the bible where it talks about strengthening the believer be strong and courageous if you're not or being dread all right for it is the lord your god who goes with you he will not leave you or forsake you if being strong was automatic why would he always talk to me about strengthening let's go to the next scripture just got a few of them but they who wait on the lord shall renew oh my god they shall renew their strength oh so if and i think this this i could drop the mic on this one my strength must be in a diminishing role otherwise i would not have to renew it let's go to the next scripture it says do not grieve for the joy of the lord is my strength so it's telling me about the source of my strength keep going let's look at another scripture all right and he speak a parable unto them to this end that men hold on to this brethren men ought to always pray and not faint so i understand the bible is teaching me not to think not the physically faith he's talking here but not the fate or fall by the wayside spiritually look at the next passage i think this will help us as well and he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee paul writes this for my strength is made perfect in weakness most gladly therefore i glory in my infirmities that the power of christ may rest upon me therefore i take pleasure in infirmities and reproaches in that's unless in necessities in persecution in the stresses for christ's sake watch this for when i'm weak then i and then am i strong so we can see throughout the scripture and i could go on and on with more passages but i think that's that's enough now let's look at examples of diminishing spiritual stamina now what do you mean i want to show you some examples of what happens when a person does not maintain their spiritual stamina and strength all right now this strengthening it comes from the lord into the human spirit and it brings the manifestation of stamina and courage and boldness and confidence and conviction and character so i understand now when we're talking about a man and his maintenance we're talking about how do you maintain a place of spiritual strength so you're ready for whatever happens amen and amen and amen all right and now i think if we can look now and see what happens when i am not spiritually strong that it will alert me to the necessity of being spiritually strong so look at second corinthians chapter four it says for which cause we faint not for though our outman man perish the inward man is renewed day by day so we're not talking about the outward man we're talking about the inward man you as a spirit being david had a moment of spiritual weakness in second samuel oh yes he did in second samuel he had a moment of spiritual weakness and in that moment of spiritual weakness uh and they put it on the screen i'm not gonna read all of these for time's sake but in that moment of spiritual weakness uh he should have been off the wall but he didn't go to war and he fell into sin with bathsheba solomon had a moment of spiritual weakness though he started out strong in the lord then he violated one of the principles and one of the principles that god had given not only solomon but all of the people of israel they were not to marry the women of the uh uh you know uh outside they were not to marry the and the uh the zadonians and the hittites there and the ammo rights and other nations he says because they're gonna turn your heart from me and it happened to solomon he had spiritual weakness he weakened spiritually and turned away from god yes peter had a spiritual moment of weakness when he denied jesus oh my god he did not yes the same peter that preached on the day of pentecost saying peter got all revelation he had a moment of weakness we're going to talk about how it happens in just a moment and even jesus had a moment of spiritual weakness now i know some folk handling you can't talk about my lord and save jesus christ oh yeah yeah but listen the bible says he was at all points tempted like we are yet without sin so he had to have a moment of spiritual weakness in order to qualify for that statement where his moment of spiritual weakness came in the garden and in the garden the bible says stay witness saints in the garden the bible says that peter that that jesus says lord remove let this cup pass you know if it be thy will let this cup pass and then the bible says he says um well let me read that and when he was at the place he said unto them pray that you enter not in temptation and he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast kneeled down and prayed watch this saying father if thou be willing remove this cut from me nevertheless not my will but thine be done and there appeared an angel unto him from heaven strengthening him oh so he must have been in a state of weakness when he said let the cup pass but watch this i didn't say that he was that he said that he had succumbed to the weakness because he didn't he prayed himself out of it hold on to that saint hold on to that man of god hold on to that one of god and the bible says he declared not my will but thine be done the angel then came and strengthened him other translations said that he prayed for strength we're going to get into that now let's look at the evaluation of diminishing spiritual stamina take out your pencil take out your pen on this weakness will cause you to app to value acceptance of others over your obedience to god spiritual weakness here spiritual weakness come on put the next one up there spiritual weakness will cause you to have a low tolerance for short-term discomfort sometimes obedience will cause some short-term short-term discomforts and if you are not strong you won't be able to handle it and you will shy away next one spiritual weakness will cause you to think temporal success is proof that all is well no matter the struggle with sin that you're having oh my god you think because everything is still clicking and even though you slip and even though you fail instead of repenting you think because everything is still clicking hey that that oh no no no no no no next one spiritual weakness will cause you somebody ought to be getting this somebody ought to share this spiritual weakness cause you to entertain postponement as an acceptable option to obedience god i'll get around to it yeah god i'll get around to it your god i'll get around to it next spiritual weakness will cause you to leave your oh my god in your god ordained support group your church your godly friends to avoid being accountable for your behavior help me somebody spiritual weakness amen will cause you to to discount the consequences of will for disobedience with the thought [Laughter] reasonable uh but flawed recovery plan in other words i'm going i know i can recover from this uh and so therefore i got this thought of a recovery plan and i know i'm gonna sin but it ain't gonna be that bad i had had a a minister one time and a boy and he was he had an affair pair was all open and uh and he was going to quit his wife to go in and live with that and and and just a messed up situation and he began to tell me if i lose 20 of my members i could still make it i'm going man what's wrong with you here you are thinking you've got a recovery plan so to justify i'm gonna move on i'm gonna move on i'm gonna move on give me the next one spiritual weakness will cause you to do the very thing you have told others not to do you become a victim of deception without knowing it oh my god now i got i can't leave you like that you know i know brothers and i just cut you open let's see if we can't sow you back up let's look at the regiments for dynamic spiritual stamina in other words what do i have to do man of god what do i have to do apostle so that i will not fall victim to this thing i will not i will not fall victim i will be able to stand steadfast and be strong and do the things that i need to do or i'm glad you asked now when we decide to take a stand in the kingdom of god we must be willing to count the call so that we can endure whatever hardship that comes and accomplish whatever uh the desired end that god has given us so here's some proven regiments i'm going i'm now all of these regiments have the foundation of the word of god so that means i got to study the word i got to stay in the word all right but the proven regiment uh uh is going to develop in and develop in you perseverance now that has been one of the keys to my success in ministry and that is perseverance or patience or endurance which is a part of spiritual maturity perseverance is a commitment to consistent aggressive maximized effort exerted to accomplish a predetermined task with the willingness to exhaust all possibilities to realize it perseverance do you have it the bible has a synonymous term called patience but do you have it if you don't have it thank god you can develop it amen and amen now i'm gonna give you three things uh cultivating spiritual strength through the regiment of prayer what that's right the regiment of prayer to be a man of god a woman of god you must establish a prayer life amen number two uh the cultivating of spiritual strength will be through watch this worship and i'm going to teach you on worship yes the cultivating of spiritual strength also comes through the regiment of meditation and i'm gonna teach you meditation did you get threes these three down somebody need to capture them in the comment section that is we'll talk about a regimen of prayer we'll talk about the regiment of worship and then we'll talk about a regiment of meditation all of these regimens is rooted in the word of god so as you study the word of god you develop a stronger prayer life you desp you'll be able to worship more effectively and you'll be able to tap into uh the whole dimension of meditation now tonight tonight tonight we're gonna get busy now with the prayer regimen to produce spiritual strength whoo glory to god look at this passion that came to pass came to pass unless he was praying in a certain place when he sees one of his disciples said unto him lord teach us to pray as john taught his disciples to pray now as you read the book this chapter in the book it talks about all three of these it talks about uh it talks about prayer it talks about worship it talks about meditation now what i'm going to teach this week is on prayer some of it's in here some of it's in the mentoring election all right and he said unto them when you pray say our father lord heaven hallowed be thy name and then he goes through what we call the lord's prayer let's talk about prayer the impossibilities or eradicated through prayer what you say impossibilities are eradicated it is the testimony of of scripture watch this that hopeless situation my god or settled in the prayer moment hezekiah's miracle of healing occurred after he prayed peter's prison deliverance occurred after the church prayed hannah's barrenness was reversed as a result of her praying elijah's servant's eyes were open after he prayed for him i'm telling you prayer is a powerful a lot of people just don't like praying oh god the prayer they don't understand the power of prayer how i partner with god i'm getting too excited here and invite god into my situation so i see supernatural things happen and impossibilities are eradicated glory to god through prayer number two instructions for effective prayer i can see throughout the bible and the apostle paul who wrote over half of the new testament all throughout the bible in romans 12 and 12 he talks about continuing in prayer in philippians chapter 4 he talks about praying with supplication be careful for nothing that but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through jesus christ he's talking about praying on another occasion when he writes to the church at uh at ephesus so we looked at what he he wrote to the church at rome and he wrote to the church at philippi and now he's writing to the church at ephesus and look what he says take on the helmet of salvation people like to talk about the armor of god but he says take on the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit and the sword that the spirit wills this is another translation which is the word of god praying at all times on every occasion in every season in the spirit and with all manner oh my god uh and with all manner of prayer and entreaty to that end keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance interceding in behalf of all the saints again he's talking about prayer and so i want you to understand the power of prayer if it can overcome impossibilities instructions throughout the whole word of god or on prayer and then now let's look at encompasses the prayer what is it that the devil will try to do to keep your prayer life from being effective somebody need to write these down number one there is the resistance of the flesh my flesh don't want to pray you really want to go to sleep start trying to pray jesus had to stop the disciples one day because watch this they had he told them to pray he comes back to them they are going to sleep and he says the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak then there's the limitation of the non-spirit-filled believer which makes prayer frustrating i don't know what to pray for and the bible says look at that romans chapter eight it says likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmity our witness for we know not what we should pray for as we are but the spirit itself or himself make it intercession for us with groanings or in the spirit which cannot be uttered this is powerful for he that searches the hearts knoweth which is the mind of the spirit because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of god so when i'm praying in the spirit i'm praying according to the perfect will of god because when i don't know what to pray for the holy spirit assists me and there is the encumbrance of the refusal to address your transgression that is you want to ignore that you miss it you and that's why the bible says that when you miss it we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us but if you will ignore your struggle and ignore and become callous to sin callous to your transgression you can enter you can cause your prayer life to be compromised look at this scripture and i think it'll wake you up to this in psalm 66 it says if i regard iniquity in my heart the lord will not hear me but verily god hath heard me i love this he hath attended the voice of my prayer blessed be god which have not turned away my prayer nor his mercy from me but the writer clearly says if i regard iniquity in my heart iniquity is that weakness to sin that embracing of sin i could affect my prayer life and then finally improper domestic relationship oh oh man oh man improv what look what the bible says i love this i love this in the same way you married men should live considerately with your wives with an intelligent recognition for uh the married relationship honoring the woman as physically the weaker physically the weaker but realizing that you are watch this joint ass of the grace of god oh god's unmerited favor of life in order that your prayers may not be hindered and cut off otherwise you cannot pray i didn't write it i didn't write it i didn't write it i'm just reading it so the bible tells me and the other day on our apostles conversation lady b and i along with uh pastor mckissick and his wife we were talking and this came up in my spirit and i began to tell every married couple that the bible says the grace of life this i mean it's a two-party check both of you have to sign and the bible says my prayers could be hindered if i have an improper domestic oh my god relationship and then finally let's look at this illustration of effective prayer the illustration of effective prayer comes when jesus was teaching the disciples about praying i'm just about wrapping this up now so let's go to this so he began to teach them by praying we're looking now at matthew's version he says and after this manner now i know many of us were taught to pray this as the lord's prayer but he's just teaching them here is the pattern for prayer here's the pattern for prayer after this man i pray you our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done uh as uh done uh in earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and leaders not in the temptation but they live rush from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen now he says pray this way this is really topics for our prayer topics for our prayer and we can break them up into seven topics seven topics number one we proclaim the father's preeminence hallowed be thy name secondly we petition the father's pardon we're asking for his forgiveness thirdly watch this uh we possess the father's promises amen and amen that through my prayer i can prove i can possess what he promised all right number third i proclaim the father's purpose thy will be done my life that will be done in the lives of those who i have responsibility for and now we can provoke the father's protection lead us not into temptation but deliver it do y'all get me deliver us from evil we can pursue the father's peace for thine is the kingdom and we can praise the father's power for thine is the kingdom we're in your kingdom and we've been delivered from the powers of darkness and you know we can take each one of these now for more information on this all you gotta do is join me on monday nights well we pray together but every church has in our church has an amazing prayer ministry that you should be involved in and so we praise the father's power we praise the father's power thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen and amen the track record of prayer with praise is that sufficient power is released my god that'll handle any situation at midnight paul and silas prayed and god showed up hezekiah prayed and god showed up ezekiel elijah prayed and god showed up and if you will pray man of god god will show up you know growing up brothers get ready to come back in here growing up i was a black i was a boy scout and as a boy scout um uh as you were trying to get certain marriage merit badges you had to learn several you learn a skill and one of the skills that we had to learn was a survival skill of how to build a fire and the scout master was really drilling into us about what it would take to build a fire and uh we learned how to build fire without a match ah glory to god and he said it took time and it took skill and it took the right thing in order to build a fire and he would teach us meticulously he says why because if you can build a fire you can survive in the wilderness if you can build i'm going somewhere if you can build a fire you can protect yourself from danger so learning how to build a fire was important prayer is like i'm about to shout in here prayer is like learning how to build a fire and if you build the fire of prayer i got to tell you who glory you can protect yourself it will be your survival if you're in the wilderness of trouble hey glory to god closing with the prayer closing with the with the with with with uh paul when he built the fire on the island there and a a serpent jumped out of the fire and bit him on his hand and everybody starts saying he's going down he must have done something bad he shook that snake off in the fire and that's like what we do when we pray we're shaking the head we're shaking what the devil trying to do to us we're shaking it off in the fire of prayer and the bible says after a while when he didn't fall down and die they changed their minds prayer will cause folk to change their minds about you i'm out of time glory to god come on back in here [Laughter] hey [Music] [Applause] yes sir one of the things that really blessed me uh when you talk about the resistance of the flesh the reality is sometimes my flesh don't feel like praying sometimes my flesh never like uh getting up in the morning and seeking god but you gotta you gotta resist uh that flesh and uh i think that was uh critical that's one of the points that really stood out to me about really resisting uh the resistance of of the flesh now uh i i think uh uh let's get some more comments okay i'm tall enough let's get some more comments well you know apostle for me you know just giving us those uh those regimens the prayer life the regiment of worship the regiment of meditation you know when you're on a vehicle you have to take that that vehicle in periodically for maintenance and you just laid out you know all the things that could go wrong in the life of a believer particularly the leaky man but then you also gave us a maintenance plan that would keep our lives running in a spiritual way that gives us the strength we need to be able to continue to walk by faith and not by sight and so i just really appreciate how you have just taken this lesson and just broke it down and just just give us something to feast on and defeat on but not only for us to feast and to feed on but it's it's really a plan for us to be able to help some other man because when i when i listen to you teaching minister i not only take it in from myself but also because i'm thinking about men who are going through challenges difficulties and have some some deceptions like you talked about you know they're they're victims of deception so it gives us tools to be able to minister to them to snatch them out of the darkness that they're in so i just really this lesson right here you got to go back and just you know just gnaw on it again and again and again it's just so much so full so much in there to be able to feast on and to be able to feed somebody else no you mentioned something apostle you said spiritual weakness will cause you to leave your god ordained support group right avoid being accountable for your behavior yeah that is not one of the biggest things we do as males like hey you trying to check me right now i can do without this and even as young adults we do not like being checked and held accountable and that right there is just a nugget for me as a young person to say hey you got to watch when somebody's holding an account holding you accountable not to let that be a guard or a defense and you have to use it hey gotta check your spirits sometimes because criticism ain't bad right amen man absolutely you know we you covered a lot of different things here and uh talk about uh spiritual stamina and a lot of times we don't even realize as men we so busy doing we don't even realize when we're getting weak and that remind me of elisha after killing all of the um the other false prophets and and calling down fire from heaven and all this kind of stuff and out running the chariots to the city and then heard that the queen is looking to kill him and he runs and hides into in this cave and uh we don't even realize sometimes when we getting down to empty even in the midst of all the great things that we're doing so many times you know john it's many times right after all of those great things we don't realize we have poured out so much yeah what i i really loved how john moore pastor moore prayed for dr b dr i today he prayed for her god she's pouring out much poor back in her strength of her see that's one of the things that people don't realize and i think many pastors fail to realize when you pouring out and pouring out like pouring out my god i mean listen you know i mean it's like anything else you can become spiritually exhausted but not necessarily in your flesh right because just like you said john look at all these things elijah had just done right right he caused a miracle at the widow's house by getting there and praying he called out fire from heaven killed what 400 some prophets of bell called caused the the uh the whole drought would stop outran the chariots yeah all of that and had poured out so much did not realize he was at the point of diminished stamina yeah john i'm gonna preach that [Laughter] i didn't i didn't come up with it but i come on i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna tell i'm gonna preach but that's something all my pastors need to hear yeah well you know i said that but i say that because um you know the bible say you know the spirit the war is not against flesh and blood right and and but we get in our flesh so much we're strong we're courageous courageous we we got stamina all the stuff and like you said we don't realize how much we're pouring out spiritually and now that you are talking about it you know it's just making sense yeah you're strong you're a man you bowl all of that but you just pulled out a lot spiritually you're running low and and and if you try to sense it in the in the flesh you can't sense it no right right because you're going to help yourself into i must be strong i did this i did that i did that i did the other see you're going to talk yourself into a place where you're not going to believe that you ain't i can't be spiritually weak yeah you got it but even jesus yeah with everything he did that was in the garden the goddess and that moment of spiritual weakness praise the lord well i hope that the lesson has blessed somebody and i i trust you know that uh anybody that's got anything to say they won't cut anybody off absolutely apostle i just i just pray that uh we as men and that those who are who are viewing um uh you know our intentional manhood will just be an ambassador have the courage uh be a difference maker you know message this to someone that you love because because remember listen the only reason why we discipline our children is because we love them now you may see you may know of a man or know of someone who's acting out of character who does not have the wisdom and the information they need for success they want to live for god but they just don't know how to well this is your opportunity to be an ambassador for christ just share this just message it to him and say listen i love you listen to this listen to this man of god unpack the word of god i believe you'll find the answers you need to live a victorious life amen amen it's offering time hallelujah it's offering time and so we ask those of you who are part of this and if you watch this even if you're watching it later we ask everybody just to support the ministry with a 20 offering with a 20 offering and so um you know i do more i always do 100 but you do what you believe god wants you to do at this time as we support the men's ministry that's what this is about this is about supporting the men's ministry so i want you to do that so uh eric would you put on the screening the various ways that we can give at this time we can give various means and there is we can text a new light to seven one four four one we can use gibla five new light church giblifie or we can use our church cash app new light uh uh new uh new light church i cash out new like church or we can use paypal uh at new life church or we can use zell give we can mail it in uh and that's the address there po box 670167 or houston texas seven seven two six seven or we can drop it by the uh main office of the central office there on greensmart drive and people use all of those ways in their giving more importantly tonight i don't want you to let this offering opportunity pass you by and just say well you know no no no no come on let's not be a shoplifter shoplifter gets the goods and does not you know pay for them as such and so i ain't paying for the gospel no no you're not paying for the gospel you are at the same time saying i'm responsible for others getting what has blessed me and now here is my offering to make it happen so we give you number one it expresses uh our love for god number two we give because it establishes my lordship i do what he asked me to do and he asked me that when i would worship and this technology gives us a a type of worship we teach the word we're able to uh have a type of fellowship together so this is a type of worship and if you were in church i'm in an envelope at this time i can't pass an envelope to the screen y'all know i can't do that but you can we can use these various electronic ways so that we can be givers and then i give because it eradicates my lack every time i put a seed in the ground i am sowing against lack in my life because it leaves my hand but it never leaves my life and it comes back in a good measure pressed down shaken together and running over and so i enjoy the giving moment because it is more dynamic and more is taking place when i give favor is being released toward me so that i will have all sufficiency in all things i may abound to every good work amen amen so you know what i'd like to see you do well i see you give and uh and then come back and tell us that your seed has been sown so those of you who are watching there and who are making your comments why don't you do that let us know that your seed has been sold today this week is going to be a great week a lot of things happening tomorrow night i'm going to be praying uh for uh uh we're going to be talking about praying for healing and deliverance praying for healing and deliverance in my maximized prayer moments what to do when healing doesn't manifest quickly what to do when healing doesn't manifest quickly boy you're going to want to be a part of that and i will show you these uh several things that you ought to be doing if you're standing in faith for your healing that you want to understand yourself and you want to pass them on to others of course and then tuesday night uh you know the uh relationship matters and then wednesday night and then of course wednesday night is over it's going to be uh exceptional as well and then thursday night i'm really looking forward to shero's league uh my friend uh went to be with the lord years ago his daughter is now the pastor of the church there in miami and that's going to be dr i's guest and uh so i'm really looking forward to her and uh pastor rochelle dialoguing together uh and seeing them being friends in ministry as well as friends uh as pastoral friends at this different level so i'm looking forward to that and then friday we will have an apostles conversation uh i'll give you more on that of course you know those are always great amen and amen hallelujah well uh we've been we've had a good time brother let's uh as amen let's let's pass it on to other other brothers and uh we know that uh people will be blessed okay are you ready that's bamberg he's gonna take he's gonna take care of his place he's going to uh make the appeal and then pray us out of here thank you man for being a part of this we know that uh being an intentional man requires effort certainly apostle we appreciate the word that you spoke on tonight perhaps there's a man out there tonight and you're at the point of your diminishing stamina you can't do anything we talked about tonight without a relationship with jesus christ and it starts with that relationship so i just simply want to invite you to join me in this prayer tonight to ask the lord to come into your hearts and just simply repeat these words after me say lord jesus i realized without you i am lost i need you in my life i open my heart come into my life now i receive you as my lord and savior live within me fill me with your spirit give me the strength that i need to be able to live this life lord jesus i confess you now as my lord and my savior live big within me give me the strength the boldness and the courage to be victorious in life i thank you for it now in jesus name amen well if you pray that prayer i want you to know that you're now in the kingdom of god and i invite you to become a member of new life church new life christian center church in houston it's a good church that teaches the word ministers of the word i invite you to come back every second and fourth sunday night meet us here so you can have the strength you need to be able to live a victorious life in jesus christ that's the only way you're going to be able to make it in the deceptive days in which we live so god bless you thank you for praying that prayer we love you we praise god for you and we're going to pray now and we're going to leave apostle thank you so much brethren thank you so much for this word on tonight let's pray father in jesus name thank you lord god for this time around the word of god we thank you for our man of god apostle iv hill you lord god and everything lord god that he's poured out tonight father you pour right back in tim lord god that he would continue to feed us again and again and again and giving us the stamina and the strength we need to be the men of god that you're calling for in these last days god we thank you for your power thank you for your presence thank you for your anointing that's resident on this broadcast tonight have you in our lives this week lord god send us forth lord god as we go forth lord god we declare we will be the difference in jesus name we give you thanks and praise for it amen and god bless you amen god bless you have a great evening all right god bless
Channel: New Light Church
Views: 264
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: pb8soYdmtcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 3sec (3843 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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