Better Self Night Generationz Edition

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praise the name of the lord thank you all for joining us glory be to god you know what night it is generally yes wednesday it is generation wednesday better seth night thank you all for joining us i'm not alone not alone not alone dr dr laura and myself we are here for generations wednesday i am excited it may not look like it but i am excited so let me put a smile on it yeah put a smile on it i am excited about tonight because the stuff that we got coming up tonight is going to be absolutely phenomenal yes i have been watching it back and forth for the past couple of days and i'm telling you these kids we got some kids some gems in this church let me tell you dr lord but how are you i am well i am well all as well i am excited about tonight as well so we do got a good show playing great show tonight for tonight yes we do and as you can see dr eye is not here she is on a sabbatical getting some much-needed rest rest assured when she come back it's going to be on glory be to god so thank you all for joining us we want to get these numbers up so why don't you share this with others let someone know like share share like comment let somebody know that you are that we are on and especially gather your children yeah gather because this teens kids generation is all about our children all about us all about our children tonight so make sure you grab your children did call somebody with some children let them know yeah let them know that we're on the children we're going to discuss later on about how our children needs to be uh in faith so you need to make sure that you call somebody and your children are there so that they can be a part of this as well so we are so thankful just a couple of announcements before we get into our dreamers segment our kids cornerstone yep kids corner is what it's called yes kids corner so we're just going to give a few announcements uh uh just before we get into that why she's getting the announcement let me tell you something you need to follow the kids and the teens page on instagram right now right so swipe up because it might go to a little box but swipe up go to instagram and follow the kids at nlc dream kids on instagram and fame a period between every letter dot s m on instagram i'm telling you you got to get a part right now we're doing a monthly focus every month yeah for the kids and the teams now look we got this thing that we're doing called the meal plan and i'm telling you it's absolutely amazing all you got to do put it on the screen for them real quick so they can see all you have to do is text milp to 71441 milp 2714 for the meal plan there it is right there yes just text that you can get the updates straight to your phone when we send them out on mondays and when we post them daily because sometimes we have them daily but on instagram you can see them as soon as they go up so don't miss that don't miss it listen we want to remind you about our food drive new light cares on friday we will have a new light care drive so tell everybody that you know that new light is having a drive so that they can be a part anybody you know that need food make sure you tell them and then on that following saturday at minnie's pantry will be open on that saturday glory be to god well you ready to get into this well i was supposed to ask you but i mean yeah i'm ready are you ready i'm ready cause you ain't seen it before i'm ready are y'all ready i'm ready man let's do it let's get into the kids corner right now let's go [Music] i can't even gather myself because we've already started and it's just been amazing but we are here for the part one of the kids corner and i have three wonderful people with me beautiful people with me everybody introduce ourselves no yes yes yes yes all right so who wants to go first me okay wait wait what's your name simeon warrior carrier the most great greatest baseball player of all say that one more time for me i'm stephanie and william carrier the most powerless baseball player ever powerful yeah powerful i like your introduction how do you five years old so what grade are you in i'm in a kindergarten i think i'm in a little bit you think you're too smart for your class yeah okay what's your name destiny what you should know that you've been in school before okay [Music] welcome to the kids corner what's your name colby lucas howdy that means you're great actually i don't know the grade that you would be in for your age because i'm not in school but you were weren't you yeah but i wasn't like calculating it see yeah i didn't mean it wasn't enough you said we didn't have calculators how old do you think i am what i look dirty do you hear me how do i look you look older you look like five years old or ten years old actually so we look the same age you look 21. 21 that's a reasonable answer my god i kind of like that one i'm gonna stick with for you i'm gonna stick with one tan 110 no 10 just 10 yeah i was about to say 110 bucks can i can i ask you what made you say you're the best baseball player ever because i play baseball so is that like a faith thing or you just know you're the greatest i know i'm the greatest baseball player but jesus is the greatest of all that was such a great answer your parents teach you that [Laughter] how good are you at baseball one to ten i am hitting it way up that park out the park yep you you just doing the thing yep doing my play any sports i play basketball i mean i'm in track and then i also am in something called prep squad huh it's kind of like cheerleading oh so technically so you're in cheerleading track and basketball which one do you like the most you don't know you just like all of them you're you're exploring your options right now you're just having fun you're just doing whatever you can that's what my coaches so what do you play football are you good one to ten how good are you eight eight so you be like bullying people no that's not what i do do you let people bully you i don't even get myself jesus knows him he knows everything colby did you know that he is your god did you know that mm-hmm samia what else do you know about god god is the greatest at defeating satan you are absolutely correct there's nothing wrong with you just said you just you just say everything with so much authority like you just know without a shadow of a doubt how are you so confident because jesus your ages are absolutely phenomenal how long you been talking like a long time that mommy or daddy you've been talking like that longer than you yep touch what do you know about faith destiny it's about believing in something that's salvation i'm gonna have to make sure you know the scripture okay later later later now right now because you're doing your arts and crafts for later faith comes by hearing and what for the power of god close faith comes by hearing and hearing by the lord and hearing by the look at that good job guys where did you learn that i learned that by a super book super book yep what's that it's super book i i learned that and i learn all kinds of things and i even have jesus died on the cross like destiny said jesus down across disney you believe that what about you cubby mm-hmm y'all you guys saved everybody saved yeah yes when'd you get saved when i was born i got saved before i wasn't born what did you say to me at the old audience at five year old or four-year-old when i was a baby i got saved out all the times so do you guys remember your baby dedications here at the church all i remember is that i was trying to snatch the microphone what i do believe that's an accurate statement actually it was i i do if if i can recall correctly i do believe that's how that went you want to be a star destiny huh i can already tell if she wants to be one or that she's gonna be one she's gonna be one so what are you gonna be called you have a lot of faith in other people i won't be a famous youtuber that's something you want to do you want to pull pranks off maybe so you're actually the oldest of three of you guys so if you had to tell them anything about prayer what would you say so always pray when you need god samia do you pray i do play i play the lord it is christ and when i and when i hurt myself i say this little prayer jesus i take my healing amen amen samia you're gonna be defended i know you want to play baseball with your weights you're way better than that yeah but i do play baseball too so you're gonna do both so are you a chef or are you happy of new like church than being the ship um i did go to culinary school i stopped going to culinary school to go to bible school do you know what that is yep okay okay it's i never let me see this it's let me tell you what it is okay it's new light church that makes stuff great and strong that's true i'm glad you believe in us i actually went to bible school after i left bible school i started working here at the church yep so i don't really cook at the church though but i cook at home sometime maybe you're a chef cook chef cooker what that mean a chef cooker you can cook you can cook and preach you can cook woods and spin them off and we eat it yo he's so next level so next level we we still watch you when the church is on simeon you are next level man yep next number destiny why you look like you don't like the book too easy it's what let me see let's see what we got so we got us a little activity book here i have one of those come on let's see let's see what we can do with it which i haven't done yet y'all played tic-tac-toe yet no no i played tic-tac-toe are you good at it yep i win i'd be like boom oh that's how you do it okay let's see who want to play me and tic-tac-toe all right destiny come on let's just remember i'm always going to be x where's my pencil you said what why did you talk to me with the darth vader i look i'm like i watch star wars but now i don't watch star wars anymore because i know that it comes by that dark guy darth vader no what did you say did you say dork i did not he said dark you said dark either yes i thought you were using words way above your fake rate and that was gonna scare me i did not i was gonna say you're too influenced by your mind it's going into outer space right now wait did you just start playing all right i'm gonna play you with my left hand because clearly i can't play with my right hand right now because you have the watch on i didn't bring a watch that's on my left hand yeah i can't play because of this because this is a cast a cast because you broke your arm yeah i broke a look at me right look at you still cheating now if i beat you what happens you're gonna get nothing it's gonna get the you're just gonna get the victory the victory of winning no one's going to win this game you are not going to be since you'd atlanta milk and honey but it is gone but you do have grapes and strawberries all right [Music] simeon what do you know about the land of milk and honey milk and honey he was like what moses is it taking so long and stuff like that have you seen this on video no are you cheating get out of here [Music] my god this has been so much fun they are incredible i told you so much fun i think this is better than kids saying of doing this thing man shout out to destiny shout out to kobe shout out to simeon oh wow and i told you we got some great ones here yes they were excellent he hit me with some stuff that i was just like oh you're not going to the land of milk and honey over tic-tac-toe yes i said i literally looked at him like um where is he getting this do y'all have cards behind me like i just want you guys to know that all of that was off the dome wow he is a natural talent they're all great they were all not looking right right we literally didn't even say hey we're starting it just it was happening from the time they walked in the building yeah it was absolutely phenomenal shout out to their parents because their parents are doing amazing jobs amazing some parents even when you think you ain't doing the job you are getting the job done y'all are raising stars right now man yes they are my god i couldn't i could love it love it love it love it love it they did an excellent job listen we're going don't go nowhere we're not done yet we're not done yet call somebody cause we got another segment with our dreamers now so we want you to make sure get these numbers on back up i shared did y'all share gotta share it like it comment share it i see y'all coming and i'm glad that y'all really like yes i'm gonna try and get some uh some other people that we know on there see what happened hey them kids look they were excellent well listen we're getting ready for our dreamers section dream kids drink kids dream kids so are you all ready this segment that we are about to give to you is done by none other than miss rachel herself come home so y'all already know the back story miss rachel miss rachel started with apostle is who got apostles saved at such a young age so we had to find a way to bring her back to character for the children you know what i'm saying we had to find a way to make a little bit more than what she used to be so i give you none other than miss records christmas rachel dream kids do me a favor get everybody if everybody's not already in the room with you today we're gonna read one of the little bible hero books and we're gonna talk about joseph i'm sorry joshua miss rachel sometimes anywho i need you to pay attention because we're going to talk about why joshua i said joseph before but joshua why he was obedient how do you apply obedience to self and what happens when you're disobedient all right let's go go ahead and get into it is say the little bible heroes and this is about joseph what the screen say something different oh miss rachel forgot to read us i don't know where i put them what oh oh my shirt thank you babies oh miss rachel where would she be without the dream kids at home sleep i'm sure all right i see it now the little bible heroes joshua misration was saying joseph so it says god tells joshua to lead the people of israel into the promised land don't be afraid because i'm with you god says to joshua that's nice god is with you baby he always there always joshua sends two spies to explore the land and the great city of jericho baby hey you know miss rachel if i told you about my former life now we talked about last time i was here i was a little better than beyonce but that's my game that was me truly god has handed over the land to us the spies report the people of jericho are terrified we're coming oh when god gives something he shake the bones of the people it says the israelites must cross the jordan river to reach jericho and when they carry the ark of the covenant into the river god makes the river stop flowing what and everyone can walk across can you believe that that's the power of the god we serve the power of the god we believe in oh here go my favorite part see joshua it say right here takes 12 stones from the river to make an altar the altar is to remind people of how powerful god is and to obey him let's see is that the end oh no no it's not excused ha here we go it's getting good when the people reach jericho it say god tell them what to do they obey him that's what they say right here say they obey they march around the city six days oh miss rachel you give me a good pair of them knockers i probably can okay march around the city for six days and then on the seventh day they march around seven times the police blow their horns and the people shout oh okay and the jericho walls come down it say they fall down flat but i say they come down so what does that mean to me that means if i'm standing in faith and i'm believing something all i got to do is give them some glory and i got to play me a little sound yes and that wall that area it's going to come right down it say joshua's a great leader and he i'm sorry he and his people obey god and god gave them the promised land oh baby joshua 6 and 20. this would it say it say so the people shouted and the trumpet sounded and when they heard the blast of the trumpet the people gave that great shout and the wall collapsed the people advanced into the city each man straight ahead and they captured the city now i got a question don't it sound odd that god say take that covenant walk through a body of water and then go march around the building that sound odd huh don't it sound odd that sometimes god give us a word that we gotta execute because that's what we're reading in the meal plan y'all didn't know miss rachel signed up for the hey she did i'm excited but we gotta execute take action right it don't always make sense but it's the obedience god cares nothing about your emotions it ain't about the tears and the tantrum it's most important is the obedience so i got a question how do you obey god when mommy says don't have that snack do you have it anyway when daddy said cut the yard are you obedient do you listen to your teachers when they give you assignments do you sit still do you show up when dr i or any of our pastors here at new life get up and say get everybody in the room it's going to be a great day do you follow when giving instruction well i know miss rachel do and know this that god wants us to obey him no matter the circumstances heck but miss rachel got something she want to show you now y'all got to come with me okay give me a little time i just told you i got the nikes on today oh miss rachel got it all right right here miss rachel got three eggs don't move stay split see how they listening hey i got three eggs three eggs giving the same assignment all of them they look the same you don't know which egg was cooked not cooked is it hollow not hollow is it real you don't know they all look the same all of them but see this egg here all day has been giving me problems and sometimes you get frustrated with your problems you know and when you get frustrated with your problems you don't always want to listen you don't oh oh oh almost dropped in some way but you don't want to listen you want to do what you want to do these two are waiting they don't know if they're going to be baked into something they don't know if they're going to be scrambled into something but this one has been giving me all the problems and i'm oh i got frustrated and now i made a mess you know i'ma tell y'all something god told me don't touch the eggs but i had to tell y'all about how i was feeling oh me oh my miss rachel made a mess and now i gots to clean it up well had i been obedient to the voice of god that's nestled on the inside of me i wouldn't have a mess to clean up you get what i'm saying listen when given the instruction it may not make sense you may get frustrated you may not understand but the execution of the instruction given to you is coming take heed children listen be obedient that's all miss rachel and i want to say something i want to see y'all i'll be watching online cause sometime it'll wait to tide i'll be watching but i want to see y'all show up get this good word and apply what y'all type and remember it's all in your obedience now miss rashford got to go cause i put some cookies in the oven y'all know miss rachel like her kool-aid a juice and a cookie you understand and i got to go but i'ma see you next time i'm gonna give it back to them if they in the studio in the sanctuary i'm not sure miss rachel love y'all [Music] you know bye-bye point was oh my god you got to obey god excellent excellent listen pastor ivan and i are not alone with me the crew man me i got a bts crew with me man i got passed away up here and i got lady k over there but you know what i need to introduce them okay good look i thought he was introduced hey we're here i'm so glad to be with everybody on generations absolutely i'm excited about tonight for us just to gather tonight and be a part of tonight's conversation it's going to be amazing tonight it's already been incredible and i'm looking forward uh to our conversation tonight yeah got a good convo on our hands but real quick we're gonna talk about some of the current events like we have the bees girls coming up with dr b it's the mentorship and education academy it's the me the mentorship and education academy is an online course it's an online course it's interactive service a series of courses for girls 13 through 19 years old and it's meant to empower them it's meant to enrich them and enlighten them it's going to be awesome so if anyone wants to be a part of that text b-m-e-a to 7-1-4-4-1 to register right and the courses start on saturday october the second yeah that's right it's on the screen right there make sure that you register make sure you get involved because it is going to be a phenomenal time doc we got love city some updates on love city so why don't you share that with us oh yeah man we're excited about what's happening at love city we've got a lot that's taking place uh camp is going to officially start next year you ready and uh matt oh yeah we're looking forward to it listen man we've been to the camp and i'm telling you man the dormitories i mean it's five stars you know i didn't have nothing like this when i was growing up and uh i'm like man but uh it's gonna be amazing man everything is coming along you know what's so uh phenomenal is to see the construction to see how it started and to see how it's going yeah you know when i first saw it i'm like how's this gonna work it was dirt and everything but to see how that thing is manifesting and how the restrooms and the showers are coming along i'm telling you it's gonna be amazing i'm looking forward to it uh i was uh looking at the video that you guys have played for the pastors when they were here right and i was just so amazed because watching what we did those past two summers was wow doc it was phenomenal i i remember us being like yo how we gonna do this because we ain't never done nothing crazy like this and to go back and see that footage is absolutely phenomenal dr laura yes i want to give a little bit more current events i'm going to do my first one again my bees girls foundation presents the mentorship and education academy the academy is online it's an interactive series of courses for girls 13 through 19 it's going to be exciting and it's meant to enrich them empower them and to enlighten them so they can text bmea to 71441 in order to register and when does the classes start and the classes start on saturday october the 2nd so you don't want to miss it that's actually coming up this saturday make sure you register okay right absolutely yes one of our staff members here had a baby we are so excited yes yes sister marquita williams and family we are so excited for you congratulations mom and baby are doing well congratulations again and guess what's coming up y'all our strategies it's going to be october the 18th through the 21st and it's a hybrid experience that will equip you as we are retooling for revival so we want you to register you can register at that's what you heard it's free for members i love it that's what i heard yeah it came from lady b yes yes yes yes well let's talk about something y'all let's talk about how to instill faith and believing in this next generation yes yes absolutely yeah and i think that um it is very important to instill faith in this next generation and i think one of the major ways to do it is to model it for them oh i like it this generation sometimes you you can say things but they they don't always do what you say but they'll do what they see right right and so we model faith and then model how to believe in god and model um how to communicate with god and have a relationship with him then i think that's going to help this generation uh strengthen their faith and believe in god i like it i like it uh dr laura yes what's amazing is you know lady k talked about modeling the bible says train up a child in the way he should go and when he is older yeah uh he will not depart from it uh we saw an example today uh the the young guy he's he's five years old oh yeah his parents instilled into him yeah uh faith and training him at a young age and so when he gets older it's already going to be inside of him and i'm telling you it is an amazing thing i never forget when i was a little kid uh growing up we used to play church you know i had a jump rope as a microphone and uh you know uh we we played church but we were reading the scriptures and learning the scriptures it was modeled uh before us and so because it was modeled before us those scriptures are still in my spirit and still in my mind so when i go through situations i can always bring up the word of god back to my uh remembrance because of what was instilled inside of me and so we have to instill faith at a young games but when you instill it at a young age it sticks with them for the rest of their their lives you know uh i was looking earlier because i kind of knew we were going to talk about this the word i put was demonstration but setting the example overall is what it is first peter versus five versus chapter five verse three it says not lording over those entrusted to you but being an example to the flock that simply means you are the example in your household so what they see you do how they see you respond what they see you do in the middle of situations is what the next generation will do a part of that is actually studying the word with our family a lot of the times when as we were growing up my mom would set up these intentional moments for us to have to have these encounters with the word so in the morning as we're going to school we're saying these 15 truths right we're quoting the word hey this is not optional this is not something i'm really giving you a choice in right we can you can play on the ipad you can do all of that but when you get up you're gonna make sure you put this word in you know one of the things that you said that was phenomenal is you didn't have an option right you know uh for me growing up i didn't have an option if i wanted to go to church or not right i couldn't say oh i don't want to go right we're living in a time and a generation now where kids have an option and don't sleep too late if they want to go or not but but i we came from from the school of training where no you you were going to church yeah if you didn't like it or not you were still going right but they were they were imparting into us faith right right you know let me ask you all a question because uh uh lady k mentioned modeling could you just give an example to a parent out there of what would modeling look like in a different area say say for instance if the child needed to see a model in a parent going to church that's real simple but yes so one of the things is praying right because a part of building up our faith and belief in god is praying to god and so uh your children need to see how you communicate with god because praying is really communicating with god and so sometimes you can tell your children say your grace over your food you know i say your prayers at night but if they don't see you blessing your food you just start eating or if they don't see you actually praying and communicating with god then how can you really have the expectation of them to to do that and so it's as simple as just making sure that you pray and then that helps your children to know how to to pray as well i'm one of the other things that i was thinking about as it relates to how we can instill faith and belief in this generation is to make it conducive to to the way that they can receive it because sometimes uh generations who are ahead of this younger generation can give it to our young people too heavy yeah you know or too complicated make it simple for them you know put it in a way that they can digest it in a in the right way that they'll be able to receive it i've seen some teachers just in you know regular school make their lessons in a way that they make them into raps right so that they will get the math you know lessons make it in the way of poems you know so make sure look at your children and see how they receive things and and make the lessons that way even in your home you know that is absolutely right because if you put a song before a child grab that song you may not even realize right but they it's getting in them yeah and a part of that is removing the doubt and the fear of them living this life right right a lot of the times we're telling them hey do this it's okay to be this but when we don't show them that when you're around your friends as adults are you showing them right is there's no doubt in fear and living the way that we do this generation is now conditioned to withdraw because of the acceptance so when we remove the doubt and the fear of hey this is something that you can walk in the scripture says the lord will fight for you you only need to be stealing yeah that's exodus 14 verses 14. so just letting them know hey there are things that are going to happen but this is how you stand firm this is how you remove doubt this is how you remove fear right right when your friends don't understand that's not a time for you to scale back right right it's a time for you to explain hey this is the way we live in mind right right right right and i have watched my parents and my family excel because we are doing this right pastor john would praise be another way to model before your children if you praise what you think about that absolutely i think that's uh very critical because uh you know when we when we praise god our children are looking at us yeah you know i've been in services where you know we would uh tell people praise god come on bless god and they're just sitting there and and then their kids are just sitting there right uh because they're not seen as following there's something about when we corporately begin to praise god the bible says let everything that have breath praise you the lord so god has given you breath you ought to praise god and model that uh to the next generation right that god inhabits the praises of his people and these are things that you have to get comfortable with doing at home yes you we talk about leading by example showing demonstrating and then we talk about prayer and worship and praise but are you doing these things at home with your children right yeah when your children wake up on a saturday i'm not my mama she clean when she clean that worship music come on yes yeah i don't know about y'all yeah but a lot of a lot of my friends were like you don't know this r b this oh i'm like nah bro cause when we was cleaning we weren't listening to that yeah we wasn't we wasn't listening to that right you have to set a mold inside of your home this is the expectation that i'm putting on my house you know uh pastor ivan you said you know what you do in private yeah will ultimately uh come out in public yes so if you don't praise in private you're not going to praise right in public if you don't pray to god in private uh it's going to be demonstrated in public that you're not doing it so so whenever i get before the people and praise god uh because i've done it in private right you know you know a critical thing that we had in my household was family meetings yes that's critical my mother would sit us down she would let us know kind of what was going on in the house hey this is what i'm doing right now that's kind of what my schedule looking like right how is school going what's this what's that what are the new sports we're looking at and we would have these moments where we would all align our faith together yes as a family when you sit down and you have these moments of alignment that's good that's good the enemy uh apostles said there was going to be an attack on families this year right the enemy has been working at stealing our families from us absolutely right right right i have watched how those family meetings that we did then now respond to us sending text messages to each other hey mom you okay what's going on you need anything jonathan is in arkansas yeah but we're all still in communication to know hey this is what's going on and we're still in faith with him right yeah that's good i like that uh pastor ivan because here's the thing you know if a family is believing for a house to let the kids stand in faith with you yeah oh that's great right that's good yeah let the kids see it well you give them uh there's at the same time you're giving them a moment to demonstrate their faith right right exactly so now when it comes to past yeah this child has a sense of oh no this is my room yeah because because i prayed for this one i was i was up there yeah and then even moments like you know on november 14th when we'll have our giving moment yeah showing them that we that's a good one pastor ivan because we are having a giving moment reminding them that that is not just right here and right here in my heart but i got some actions that i take with it right as a family we sow this seed so we know there's a next level that's right as a teenager you can sow a seed and i have watched teenagers in this church yes get full scholarships because they've sown a seed not with their parents but on their own faith yes so it's not it's not that they don't want it it's not that they can't they need to see you demonstrate it right right exactly praise god that is so good that uh the children get a chance to see the parents demonstrating the different things and you know with me my kids are much older so uh when i first saw one of my kids come up during one of our giving times oh man and they sold they see it it was like they got it right they got it yeah they got it on their own and you know what dr laura i really love that because um one of the things i think about for for parents specifically is you know making sure that you don't muzzle your child's voice you know because sometimes we can you know shut our children down right you know you're just a child you know you don't know but your children really know more than you think yes even as it relates to faith that's right and believing and the word and so when you see them take that initiative or two so to say i want to sing in the in the choir i want to dance push don't minimize that but say yes go ahead and pull out those gifts in them because it's going to you know work right right right you mentioned that i kind of have a question for you guys you know dr laura you're a parent and you you know uh pastor john have you been in youth pastor before yeah i've been here youth pastor you know so this is a great question for the panel when you have a child or a team that really has a lot that they want to accomplish and they know the plan and the purpose that they have from god how do you as adults help them execute that plan just like derek did with simeon i mean i believe it that baby said i'm the greatest oh i am the greatest baseball player he's the greatest i'm like well okay but look when he said it he convinced me i'm like like okay that's what he gonna and so i think in it it's like the parents obviously these parents have been instilling this in their children that they can do this they can be the whatever god has given them apparently is is they're talking to them and and teaching them that they can do this you know one of the things that was critical is that he spoken to you yes you can preach and be a chef you can do both see when he did it when he did it i didn't even think that he knew what he was doing when he said chef cooker immediately i thought of the same thing that he said wow so when he said it i was looking at him like you're talking way above your pay now but at the same time you can see the anointing sitting on here he's so ready for that next round what's amazing is the parents begin to cultivate that and and begin to expose see exposure is the key because once you get exposed to it your life will never be the same you know the other day we had uh a day with the apostle and i brought some young pastors in and their minds were blown simply because they got exposed to a whole note new level of faith so exposure i believe is a critical right that is so true praise god putting them in the right environment in the right environment that is not only produced more than you think but it will allow them to change other people around them that's true that's true your children can change the world right now that's true simeon sat right in front of me and i was like yo if you are talking like this with your friends yeah i know they saved yeah cause you are you are going off the cusp off the dome with this yeah shout out to his parents again praise god yes god it is a demonstration that you can see is evident in the home yes praise god absolutely um and it's just so amazing i know that uh pastor john you already talked about love city but love city is definitely going to be one of those ways that we are going to be able to demonstrate you know for young people how to continue to increase your faith and to believe in god so it's going to be absolutely amazing on next year but we do actually have a video that we want to show you uh specifically about love city so can you upload that video get your towel in your hand everybody [Music] you are irreplaceable your name is known no one can compare to you [Music] something lays about your grace jesus the name above all names no one can compare to you so we give you up we give you all you all praise [Music] [Music] let's go everybody put your hands on it you ready to ascend the hill of the lord tonight you are irreplaceable your name is no one can compare to you so we give you all praise we give you [Music] all give you all praise come on [Music] [Music] all we want is to see your face see your face and all we need is [Music] ivan mentioned environment place your children in the right environment and love city is the right environment for you to place your children in cultivation yes it is glory be to god we're looking forward to it well guess what time it is it is offering time all right hallelujah you know because it's offering time you can sow a seed towards generations you know um we you can sow a 52 seed you can sow whatever you do sow a seed because you know you want to see your children go to the next level so when you sow a generation seed you are sowing a seed saying i want my child to go to the next level there are several ways that you can give and so they um you have slash give you could text new light to 71441 you can go to the giblify app look for new light church 1535 greensmart drive or you can do dollar sign cash app or dollar sign new like church paypal or you can also mail it into the church by all means we want you to make sure that you are giving that you sow your seed tonight glory be to god something expecting something for the next generation yes this generation is not only crying out for help but they want your help absolutely think about that nephew that niece that cousin anybody in your family of in the next generation that you know needs and wants to be in the word and i'm telling you it is your seed that can make the difference in their life yes we want to get into agreement with you for the seed that you have sown put it in the section there that you sowed your seed we want to see it put it there on um let us know that you've sown your seed glory be to god we believe god for return for you and so we're going to get an agreement with you at the end uh for the seed that you have sown i'm going to give you just a couple of announcements one of our dear members have gone on to be with the lord is brother bobby jordan senior our loving family member he went to be with the lord the viewing will be held on saturday october the 2nd 2021 from 12 30 to 1 15 pm and then the funeral services will be at 1 30 p.m at our north location we're asking that you please remember the family in your prayers and then new light is expanding the team yes we are accepting application for various positions including our children's pastor so if you or you know someone who is interested in working for a thriving ministry join the team please submit your resume to human resources at and if you would like to see all of the available positions you can visit jobs glory be to god new light wants to walk this journey with you so text nlc journey to 71441 to begin this walk with new light and then you can also add your prayer requests there also well this has been great hallelujah a great night listen i really want you all to go back and make sure you listen to that kid's corner surprise we're gonna be putting it on the dream kids youtube all right awesome good you can go see it right there on the youtube i'm telling you yeah after tonight i'm pretty sure it's gonna be up by friday so friday make sure that you go to the dream kids page make sure you go to the dream kids page make sure that you watch the videos we're going to post everything online praise god i don't know what happened we're gonna try that again you got me now all right so make sure you go to the dream kids youtube it will be up this friday i'm telling you absolutely phenomenal there's another part to it so what you got was just a little teaser it's just a little teaser so it'll be on uh youtube this friday absolutely amazing we got some new stuff coming i'm excited great it was the kids corner y'all hey listen we would be remiss in our uh in our duties if we did not give you the opportunity to accept jesus as lord and savior of your life so repeat this prayer after me dear god i know without jesus i'm lost i don't want to be lost i'm asking you to save me and help me live an overcoming life in jesus name amen amen why don't you take 71441 to let us know that you got saved tonight glory be to god we love you we're going to close out with prayer i'm going to ask lady kay to close us out with a prayer uh and also a prayer on uh your giving that you gave god we thank you so much for this day we thank you for your grace and your mercy we thank you for generations thank you so much god for young people we thank you lord for continuing to pour into them god to strengthen them god strengthen their faith and their belief in you god continue to let them know that you are there for them we thank you for parents lord god continue to empower parents and give them the strength and the wisdom that they need to continue to raise up their children in the way that they should go in the name of jesus christ we thank you so much for every seed that was sown god that is sown into good ground so it will produce a great harvest in the name of jesus christ we bless you o king of nazareth in jesus name thank you for a great night's sleep it is in jesus name we pray and we thank god amen god bless you amen don't forget to visit us on before we go yeah make sure you follow the kids on instagram at nlc dream kids you can follow the fame page as well at period between every letter follow them both on youtube join us in the meal plan hey this is the church where generations meet and we have a pastor that has an intentional heart for all generations it's been a great wednesday generations wednesday thank you all for being with me and being with the team you know we're all uphill celebrating the generations we love you dr ive yeah mama we love you thank you for letting us we stayed within our time too lord we we shot this week all right bob we love y'all bye-bye
Channel: New Light Church
Views: 356
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 26sec (4166 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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