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hello hey you already know this sunday we have intentional manhood with none other than the apostle 6 p.m you need to text n-l-c-t-i-n-71441 nlc tim 71441 attention to manhattan with the apostle 6 p.m don't miss it september 29th stay back september 29th it's fifth wednesday what does that mean it's generations wednesday so that means over i need every team parent kid child auntie uncle cousin brother sister at the screen september 29th don't miss it better self night generations wednesday it's october so you know what that means it's time for strategies conference join us october 18th through the 21st as we hear from our apostle and uh it's going to be good we are re-tooling for revival it's going to be amazing so make sure that you sign up uh information is on the slate on your screen so make sure you sign up so that you are a face in this don't miss it don't miss it don't miss it how many times do we get to hear from our apostles don't be really honest yeah don't miss strategies it's gonna be great these girls foundation presents the mentorship and education academy that's right this wonderful opportunity is the meat academy this is a free online interactive series of courses for young ladies ages 13 to 19 years old yes you don't want to miss it it is empowering enriching and enlightening for young ladies ages 13 to 19 years old to register just text bmea to 71441 courses start october the 2nd don't forget text bmea 271 441 as you know new light is always keeping us busy so join us on monday for apostles maximize prayer moment wednesday like pastor ivan told you is generations wednesday at 7 pm so make sure you join us on facebook and youtube then on friday and saturday it's our give back weekend so make sure you join us for the light cares giveaway and minnie's food pantry light cares giveaway is happening from 10 a.m to 1 p.m at our north location and many school pantries happening from 9 to 11 at our east location so make sure you join us you don't want to miss it very good join us for a impactful weekend and week here at delight um me [Music] so [Music] [Music] hallelujah amen would everybody please stand hallelujah let us go before the father in prayer on this morning amen all right the bible says the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much and our focus on prayer today is on healing hallelujah father god we come before you today god given you praise giving you honor and giving you glory father god this is the day that you have made and we choose to rejoice and be glad in this day god it's a day we've never seen before and it's a day that we will never see again yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised but we have right now to give god the glory give him the honor and to give him the praise god lord god we thank you all today for your son jesus the holy ghost and we thank you for salvation god we thank you god that it's in you that we move live and have our being father god lord god you say in psalms 91 that he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadows of the almighty we will say on the lord that he is our refuge and our fortress and him we will trust hallelujah in the word of god it says by the strength of jesus we are healed divine healing is our covenant right hallelujah and god we thank your god that no weapon that is formed against your people shall prosper god we thank you god that they are healed they are whole they are set free god from any sickness any disease god we thank you god not not only physically but mentally financially emotionally god we thank you god for whole life prosperity hold my healing god lord we praise you and give you glory god we come against any type of disease god anything that has a name has to follow god we thank the god [Music] [Music] and we are glad to be in your house one more time come on everybody all over this room put those hands together and give jesus we're here for you hallelujah [Music] now forever is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we [Music] everyday [Music] [Music] we bless your name jesus [Music] here we go [Music] from my hearts to your ears [Music] for you [Music] we [Applause] [Music] oh we see [Music] the god [Music] [Music] we won't move we're desperate for a touchdown [Music] everybody [Music] i'm [Music] say [Applause] [Music] here [Applause] [Music] won't [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] we need you [Music] hallelujah how many of you are desperate for god to come into your situation can you lift up your hands for a god moment praise you father god for who you are and father we thank you for your presence in our lives and father we thank you for your manifested presence here on today father we give you glory on and praise and thank you father god that you're in our midst that you're here with us in every situation in jesus name amen well good morning new life why don't you turn and just wave at the person on your right and on your left and you may be seated in the presence of the lord it's so good to be in the house of the lord this morning amen we're excited about being here and as you of course you see i'm up here that means our pastor's on a much-needed sabbatical getting rest but she's sending messages this morning making sure we're okay so can you give our senior pastor a big hand clap who has led us and navigated us over the last several years um you know i'm so godly proud of our pastor because she's helped us to make it through this pandemic season and it seems like you know this pandemic has like life has kind of like slowed down or i don't know it's just like so different but thank god for our pastor's leadership and guiding us through this season amen and so she uh is taking a much needed rest but she's like i said she's already texting this morning making sure we're okay and making sure everything's going well so uh pastor we got it we we got him under control amen so amen and of course uh pastor terry and tina are on vacation and celebrating his birthday on today as well and so they are out so give them a big hand clap and then pastor persia is on assignment in uh atlanta today and so give her a big hand clap so my man me and apostle and ivan are holding it down for everybody today amen praise god well just a couple of quick things just to remind you of on tonight at 6 00 p.m is our intentional manhood with apostle apostle is looking for at least 300 men to sign up and complete the minute work course i'm so excited about the men at work course because every other sunday night you get an opportunity to hear apostle teach and then those of you who sign up for the course you get an opportunity to get a certificate after you finish the course you take a test and then at the very end after you've completed the book i think there's a big celebration and so men if you have not signed up i want to encourage you to sign up text nlctim that's nlcti to 71441 nlctim2714441 tomorrow is apostles maximize prayer moment make sure that you're a part of that on this monday night amen they're always good i always look forward to see what apostles focus is gonna be and so i really encourage you to watch the apostles maximize prayer moment there'll be no relationship matters this week with the eagans because they are vacationing and then wednesday is generations wednesday here at the light and so make sure that you're part of better self night this wednesday night and then we have our light cares food giveaway on friday from 10 to 1 p.m and then on saturday minnie's food pantry from 9 to 11 a.m and then we are in the last week of our 30 days of prayer campaign as we're praying for generations and we're praying this week for generation alpha and so make sure that you join dr laura every day at 7 a.m on facebook for generations of course um we want you to be a part of that and making sure you're praying for generations amen so everybody's wondering what's next for these girls uh uh and so we are excited to announce bees girls academy it's called the me academy mentoring and empowering girls 13 through freshmen in college and this saturday october 2nd starts our first mentoring class and this class is on college preparation and so we really want to encourage you to get your uh young ladies involved in it we're going to be talking about grant writing how to get scholarships all of the information they need so that they can be ready for college and so if you want to make sure that your young ladies are a part of it you want to make sure you text bmea to 71441 it is a course and so it's going to go for a whole solid year there'll be different courses that they'll be taking throughout the year they'll be given certificates at the end of each course and then at the very end after they've completed all the classes they'll be given a diploma and so it's a college prep course it's uh all kinds of information we're going to be talking about etiquette uh there are different different other things about budgeting and finances and so you want to make sure that your young people are a part of it so again make sure you text bmea to 71441 and it will be on live on facebook and instagram as well as uh well not instagram facebook and youtube on this saturday at 10 o'clock a.m so please make sure that you're part of it again text b-m-e-a-71441 well it's that time of year again for strategies 2021 amen so strategies is going to be a hybrid experience this year it's going to equip you for retooling for revival and of course members of the light you know that you can be a part of strategies and we want you to be a part of it and so that means we need you to volunteer we need you to be a part of being a part of the hybrid experience as well being in person as well as virtual and you can register by going to today register at and i think that there's a membership code for you to register so we'll give you that code before the end of the day so that we can make sure that you're registered as members because you don't i don't think members don't have to pay to register i think that you all uh register for absolutely free i think that that's right isn't that right somebody that's right okay that's right apostle says that's right so you get to register absolutely free so we'll make sure we get your code to you as soon as possible we have a lot of employment opportunities available here at the light and so if you're interested in working at the light there are several employment opportunities available there on the screen you're going to send your resume to human resources at human resources at so that you can be a part of the exciting team here at the light if you have not walked through the journey then want to encourage you to be a part of the new life journey you can text nlc journey to 714141 and begin your walk with the light on your journey and there's also a place for you to put your prayer requests rededicate for membership and just get information about the life and so if you want to make sure that you do that journey today uh if you're here for the very first time want to welcome you and let you know how excited we are to have you in our services today you make our services so very special by being a part of them and so if this is your first time being here if you'll just wave at us so we can see you know who you are let you know how excited we are to have you would you give our first timers a big hand clap let them know we're excited to have them in service on today one of our faithful members brother bobby jordan went to be with the lord transition to heaven this week funeral services are pending at this time and as soon as we know when the services will be we'll send out an announcement and information but want to encourage you to pray for the family he was a very very faithful committed excellence team member here at the lighting so please remember the family in your prayers amen well we have a special video announcement from our senior pastor and so if you'll turn your attention to the vision screen we'll watch the vision moment and then i'll be right back [Music] as we embark on the changing season i am excited about what the future holds for new life church as we move forward with our kingdom objectives i'm standing outside one of the beautiful facilities built under the leadership of apostle and pastor bridget i am thankful for the thousands who partnered with the vision god gave them to make all of this possible the time is now for us to make the difference in the lives of countless others with our innovative approach to ministry in this hybrid church culture our reach expands beyond the four walls to the homes and hearts of thousands in our virtual sanctuary we are making a difference together yet every fall we embark on our vision campaign that reflects on our past accomplishments and challenges us to do whatever it takes to reach for the future 37 years ago the mission and buzzword for new light was building people of purpose power and praise today i am clear of our church mission under my leadership and that is building victorious people who are catalysts of change in preparation for our stellar sunday november 14 2021 i am asking that you prayerfully make the commitment to be a difference maker yielding your time talent and treasures to the advancement of the kingdom of god you'll be hearing more about our vision goals and objectives in the coming days to all of our first time guests and members i am delighted that you are worshiping with us today i'm away on sabbatical getting some much needed rest and spending time hearing from god on the future of our church earlier this year i stated the importance of me taking these quarterly times away i thank you for loving me and my family and your desire to see me take this time for intentional refreshing you are in for a treat because our founder apostle iv hilliard will be ministering the word on today how blessed we are to still have my father and mother on the team serving and involved in ministry in this new season new life the best is yet to come and together we will build victorious people who are the catalysts for change praise god can we all say that together bill building victorious people who are the catalysts for change and now say that's me amen i'm a victorious person who's a catalyst for change amen well it's offering time in the house of god amen can i just say um new life you are an amazing church throughout the pandemic you have done an amazing job of being consistent in your ties and offerings and of course uh we had a couple of months where we had a little challenge but i want to just encourage you to remain consistent in your regular ties and offerings because it is through your regular ties and offerings that we're able to do the things that we're doing and are constantly expanding and of course our pastor talked to us about our june and july how we had a little summer slump but we are recovering from that and so i want to just encourage those of you who made commitments remember we made a commitment that we would do a hundred and fifty thousand dollars extra in the month of august and a hundred and fifty thousand dollars extra in the month of september and many of you made commitments to give at different levels and so i want to encourage you to stay focused and make sure that you do that but your consistency on a weekly basis is what's so important you consistently giving your tithe and offering not just to meet a budget and not just to make budget expenses but so that you can tap into god's plan for your life to prosper you to cause you to increase cause you to continue to live a victorious life and i really sincerely believe those of us who were tithers during the season of the pandemic we flourish because we have made a commitment and plan for our future amen and so that's what i want to encourage those of you who are straddling the fence i want to encourage you don't wait and don't put it off be obedient do your part and be consistent in your ties and offerings amen and of course during this season we don't pass out envelopes if you received an envelope as you were coming in you'll be able to put that in the box on your way out however there are several electronic ways that you can give you can give by doing give you can also drop uh go to gimlifie download the app on gimplify look for new light church make sure you look for the logo when you do new light church then of course you can do cash app new light church on cash app again look for the logo for new light church as well you can do paypal you can also do zell you can also drop your offerings off at the church and during sunday services here at the light you can also call your offerings in at 1-855 let's see is the number up there it's not up there but you can call it in i'm gonna figure out the number in a second uh when we were doing it on a regular basis i had the number memorized but i don't remember the number now so um and you can also mail it in p.o box 670167 or you can drop it off at the office but everybody doing their part is what makes it happen amen and the number is 1-855-955-1850 those of you who are watching online and you know our online members those of you who are still not coming out yet for one reason or another thank you for your support thank you for your commitment and for being a part of making it happen amen are you ready to give all right let's pray father in jesus name we thank you so much for the opportunity to sow and to give to the kingdom of god and we thank you father god that as we sow our sins we are determined to believe you father for the corresponding return on our seed sown thank you father god for supernatural increase in every area of our lives father we thank you for every tither that you'll open the windows of heaven and pour us out of blessing give us creative ideas with the inventions and insight into financial affairs and then father we thank you that we have so many opportunities that we cannot take advantage of them all thank you father god for those of us who are giving for the summer surplus thank you father god because we sacrifice for the kingdom of god whatsoever good thing any man do it the same shall he receive of the lord and father we thank you for every person who gives to support our founders and we thank you father god we release our faith with them for the same grace on us is on their lives thank you father god for more than enough for the kingdom of god and more than enough for the people of god in jesus name amen all right would you stand as we make our faith confession together to confess god's word over i see the bible says faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of god and we release our faith with the words of our mouth and so let's make our faith confession together we are new life a faith teaching church a favor field church a praying church we are new life a family church a caring church a mission-minded church we are new light a giving church we give cheerfully to support our church's vision we give because god is the source and sustainer of our lives we give our debt-free seed decree and debt relief debt resourcefulness and debt reduction favor increase blessings and doors of opportunity are our covenant writes as givers this is our year of big manifestation as we step into our best life in jesus name amen praise god and of course if you've sown your seed wave your device so we can see it and this time we're going to have worship with minister melissa after that the next voice that you're going to hear is that of our apostle and of course you know you already be standing but we wanted you to honor our apostle give him a big hand clap as he comes to minister the word of god your life is about to go to a whole nother level today as our apostle comes to minister the word amen praise god [Music] shall [Music] oh this is [Music] everybody say that with me come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] one more time [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Applause] is oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] and bow down [Music] give you glory we [Applause] [Music] everybody [Applause] say [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] honor we give you glory we give you glory [Music] [Music] everybody say we give you all sick [Music] everybody one last time [Music] say we worship you [Music] heads about eyes closed we thank god for this moment i'm gonna pray because i believe that this will be a life-changing moment for you we pray for god to send people here and for people to watch online will be sensitive to what he wants to do in their lives and so i i'll be teaching for about 30 35 minutes or so and then after that i will make an appeal for those who want to give their hearts to the lord jesus christ both here in the auditorium as well as those who are watching by line online those who want to rededicate their hearts back to god both here in the auditorium and online those who want to get filled with the holy spirit both here in the auditorium and online and then those who want to become a part of this great church i'll be praying for you but i want to pray for you right now that you'll be sensitive to god you say pastor i'm not a christian but i want to be i'm not right with god but i want to be right with god i really want to know for sure if i die i'd go to heaven i just want to know who i'm praying for today in the auditorium while heads about eyes are closed would you just slip your hand up i'm not going to embarrass you i just want to know who you are thank you i see your hand pastor i don't know if i died i'd go to heaven but i want to know for sure and as you're praying for others pastor pray for me thank you i see your hand i see your hand i see your hand yes yes all right you may put your hand down here's the second appeal it has to do with rededication you say pastor i i've kind of strayed away from god and i need to get back on track the wonderful thing about it is that when you rededicate you don't get at the back of the line god puts you right back in line who am i talking to today who say yes i just need to rededicate i need to get back on track i need my fire back my passion for the things of god back and man of god as you're praying for others include me in the prayer would you just slip your hand up i just want to know who i'm praying for today thank you i see your hand thank you i see your hand yes i see your hand yes yes yes hallelujah amen all right let me put your hand down then maybe there are those of you who are like i was i grew up in a church setting when they didn't teach me about the holy spirit about being filled with the holy spirit and then later i came to understand that there was a power that could be released in my life by being filled with the spirit and i asked god to fill me with his spirit he did changed my life changed my ministry it changed me the same powers available to you you don't have to join our church perfectly right with us you get filled with the spirit and you can go back to your home church continue to do whatever you were doing but this time with the power of god your life so you say pastor i want to be filled with the holy spirit i want everything that i need to live a victorious life would you slip your hand up who i who am i praying for today will say i just want to be filled with the holy spirit amen and amen and amen thank you so much thank you final church membership it's the will of god for you to be part of a local church and this is a great church love to have you as a part of this church as we are building victorious people who will be catalyst for change and you say pastor including the prayer i'm searching for a church home i'm looking for a place where my family and i can grow and develop and become all god wants us to be as you're praying for others pastor pray for me would you slip your hand up who am i praying for who say yes i need a church home thank you i see your hand thank you i see your hand anybody else will say yes including in the prayer i know we need to be connected in jesus name thank you so much all right let me put your hands down as i said at the end of the lesson i will make an appeal and i'll be asking you to boldly do something i'll ask you to come forward at that time i'll give you instructions nothing strange weird or off gonna happen to you but i believe that this sensitivity that you have to the spirit now is going to be impactful to you at that time those of you who are watching we've not forgotten about you there's something very special you're going to be able to do at that time as well so that you can make the connection now let's pray father in the name of jesus we thank you for this opportunity to pray and this opportunity around your word lord we thank you for jesus that he is our high priest and he ever liveth to make intercession for us we thank you for your word your word is never lord of power you always confirm the word with signs following thank you for the holy spirit our teacher and our god and he will manifest himself as the teacher causing the complex to be made simple in jesus name and now lord since you know what's name by name and situation by situation it is with great confidence we believe you'll tailor this word for every individual that's my prayer so in advance we give you alone the praise the glory the honor and adoration for all that shall be accomplished all that shall be revealed in jesus name and the people said and the people shouted god bless you you may be seated you may be seated amen and amen and amen well let's give the lady be doctor b big hand big hand clap [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen glory to god and of course um we want to give a uh celebration handclap to dr i i seen you pastor who is doing a marvelous job amen and i think she's going on her fourth year now right yeah fourth year doing a marvelous job she's getting some rest we beg her to go get rest praise the lord she's just workers she's a worker though and she ain't man that's good yeah we appreciate her diligence and of course she's doing like i used to do i watch it so she's watching hey girl enjoy your vacation enjoy your sabbatical wednesday night was amazing amen [Applause] and again if you have not if you did not see it you can go back and look at it it was amazing and again that's one of the visions of our pastor uh and um it was awesome if you did not we're not here you should go back and look at it this evening i am going to be doing max our uh intentional manhood and i want every man at the church to listen to me this is our men's ministry this is our men's ministry now we open it up for everybody else but when i look at the role of those who are who have uh signed up i don't see some of y'all's name on there now if you don't want to take the whole course that's okay you can take the course at your leisure but this is the man's ministry of the church that dr i and i sat down and she said okay because i had this desire to do it nationwide she said well you need to do it here at the church and so i want every man to if you have not signed up and it doesn't cost you anything to sign i need a bigger man than that yeah it doesn't cost anything to sign up to to be a part of it because there's some things we're going to be doing and you're going to have to already be signed up you know when we get ready to do some things then you're going to say i'm going to sign up at the last minute no you know well you can sign up you just won't be eligible but you don't have to take the course because some people say i don't want to be taking the course well you don't have to take the course but uh it's our man's ministry and you ought to be a part of it amen uh doctor i stressed it the last time at the end we our men's ministry meets every second and fourth uh sunday evenings and with virtual man we don't have to come back out bigger amen okay now y'all got these masks on so you have to say man a little loud because all right crazy all right all right i'm ready to get into this assignment that i have been given by senior pastor and um and uh we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna blend old school and new school everybody say old school new school now y'all know i got my paper bible you know doctor i preached this from my pad her ipad uh you know and that's great i got no problem with that and some of y'all brought your paper bibles today because y'all knew that's where i was going i see something with your paper bible amen i would say this book of the law amen praise the lord but we're going to be using uh a lot of other graphics as well because i want you to uh to get this amen all right let's make this declaration this is my bible i am what it says i am i can do what it says i can do i am a believer not a doubter i'm a doer not just a hero in my life is the better after having heard the word of faith faith comes by hearing and hearing hearing by the word of god yeah in matthew chapter 5 and verse 16 matthew chapter 5 verse 16 is our foundational text now those of you who are watching i want you to make sure you share it and those of you who may be using your mobile device here today i want everybody to share this because i want us to have maximum exposure to the lesson today and so in matthew chapter 5 and verse 16 let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven now that is the king james version but now the amplifier says this way let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence at your praiseworthy noble and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your father who is in heaven we've been teaching and dr i has been teaching from this series on i make the difference everybody say that i make the difference powerful sis a powerful uh lesson i make the difference and when she began to teach this she began to lay out it may be seen it seemed like an arrogant statement but it's not really an arrogant statement at all but it is a statement of fact that that we make the difference in our lives based on what we do the principles of the kingdom of god that we that we partner with so our first lesson was on partnership then the second lesson she talked about how we make the difference through what god gives us he gives us newness he gives us his name and he gives us redemption or righteousness and then on last week she taught that we make the difference through our praying we make the difference through our praying and what a powerful lesson that was amen that i don't have to wait on somebody else to pray for me oh that's shouting stuff there i don't have to wait till i get to church to get somebody to pray that god will hear my prayer amen now my assignment today is right along those lines because my assignment today is i make the difference when i plant everybody i make the difference when i plant or i make the difference when i sow i make the difference in my life when i choose to be a sower amen now of course i always get excited and you know dr i as we were talking about uh things and and one thing i do value about uh dr arya pastor is um she takes advantage of the resource that she has i have pastors called me from all over the country really all over the world for advice during the week and it would be criminal for her not to take my advice amen or not to seek my advice and she does and i love that because you know and now she passes the church and she'll tell you in a minute i'll save you the pastor do what you want to do amen do what the lord tell you to do and she does so as we were collaborating on this and um this part of my assignment i'm going to be teaching on it uh uh in this stay in in in step with the series um but i make the difference i i got excited about this assignment because remember i'm in 1980 in the little raggedy building y'all i knew he's gonna show that deal i knew he was that's right yeah because god told me that uh i am to teach people what he taught me in that building that's my assignment from the lord and so i'm here in 1980 and god began to talk to me about my sewing i'm already a tither i'm already you know uh obedient to god with being a consistent tither and god elevated my my my understanding of giving when i'm in this little raggedy building and he let me know that i would make the difference in my life based on my sewing that i would make the difference in my life based on my sewing why don't you declare this with me i make the difference when i give i make the difference when i sow i make the difference when i plant amen give the lord a shout give him a shout now in second corinthians chapter nine and verse six and i remember when god gave the scripture to me because i'm in a little raggedy building i don't have 50 members and i'm a full-time pastor and at that time my mentality was that i could not prosper unless i had a lot of members but that was wrong because that's not what the scripture says you see and see many people have put that criteria on their own lives that i cannot prosper because i didn't go to school i didn't you know have no college education i have you know i got all these children all that sort of thing and they don't understand that no no no that doesn't have anything to do with what god is willing to do for you because you will make the difference in what happens in your life based on your sewing look there at the scripture there second corinthians chapter nine it says but this i say he would sow it sparingly shall reap also sparingly he would soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully every man according to purpose in his heart so let him give uh not enough so let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for god loveth a whale shall forgive now look at this next part and god is able to make everybody say to make all grace are bound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work see i make the difference when i sow because when i sow i set into motion god's plan to cause me to do better in life and i do better in life so that i can abound to every good work i do better so i can do more in the kingdom of god all right i want you to get this this whole thing in context now as we began uh our journey today our background story will be the story of the widow in first kings the widow in first kings uh is about to eat her very last meal and die the prophet comes along and asked her to uh sustain him to give him some cake and to give him some water first and she willingly gives the water and then uh he asked for a cake now she knew he was coming because god had already instructed her that she was to sustain the prophet but by the time he gets there things have changed and so she gives him the water he asks for the cake and she says no man of god i i can't do that i because i'm about to eat my last but cook my uh last meal and my son and i we're going to eat it and die and he says oh no no no and he began to minister to her to get her out of fear into the place of faith where she could understand her sewing at that moment would make the difference amen and she did and it was amazing everybody say amazing the scripture there at the latter part of this i want you to see this it says there in first kings 17 and she said as the lord god of israel as a lord god all right and she said as the lord god as a lord that god liveth i have not a cake but a handful of meal in a barrel and a little oil in a cruise all right and she says and behold i'm gathering two sticks then i may go in and dress it for me and my son that we may eat it and die and elijah said unto her fear not go and do as thou hast said but make me that rub a little cake first and bring to me uh bring to and bring it uh unto me and after make for thee and thy son for thus saith the lord god of israel the barrel of male shall not waste neither shall the cruse of lord fail until the day the lord sendeth rain upon the earth and she went and did according to the saying of elisha everybody says she made the difference and she and he in the house did eat many days now it is important that we understand that when we read things in the bible it's not just a historical reference for us to look at but it's something that will inspire us because what god will do for one in principle he must do for another otherwise he will be a respecter of person i got three simple points today point number one is going to be that kingdom planting is the scriptural order kingdom planting is the scriptural order now point number two will be that kingdom planting incurs satanic objection satanic objection everybody say satanic objection and then we'll close if you're a good class with kingdom planting is supernatural opportunity if i say supernatural opportunity hallelujah amen now so let's get busy with this because first thing under my first point the kingdom planning is scriptural order when we want to know something we go to the word of god we don't let celebrities and we don't let the news media tell us what we ought to do i don't know how they got in their mind they had the right to tell us in the church what we ought to do so i don't let them tell me what to do amen so we go to the word of god so now when it comes to the things of god we need to understand we are kingdom citizens everybody say i'm a kingdom citizen now i say that and i'm going to stress that in this early part of the teaching because most folk are in church and don't understand they're in the kingdom yeah most people are just in church they don't understand that they are in the kingdom of god that i have been i have been translated i have been taken out of the kingdom of darkness and i've been placed in the kingdom of god now throughout the scripture you will see references of the kingdom of heaven and you'll see references of the kingdom of god and you need to understand the difference because the bible says if i will seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness then everything else will be added unto me now what god taught me in the little raggedy building there was that i was a kingdom citizen with kingdom rights and privileges i was more than just a church member i was a kingdom everybody say kingdom now when we look at the bible and we see kingdom of heaven kingdom of heaven really refers to uh this this um the um the setting up of the kingdom of god here on the earth which has been postponed but when we see kingdom of god it has to do with this godless system that will work for us in the earth now to overcome whatever problem that you face amen it's a system everybody say it's a system so when i talk about the system of god watch this when i talk about the kingdom of god i'm talking about god the godless system amen so the kingdom of god is the universal system principles concepts and strategies that we can access by the reborn human spirit that is capable watch this of meeting every need everybody say every need so jesus says except a man be born again he cannot even enter into this kingdom so because you were born again how many born again folk i got in the house all right i got you got to understand you are a kingdom citizen and there are rights and privilege that you have now that you did not have before amen so once the disciples were the pharisees were asking jesus where is this kingdom and he said to them the kingdom is within you everybody say it's in me all right in other words i have the capacity to activate kingdom principles and laws that will overcome and dominate any situation that i'm going through help me somebody amen all right so i am a spiritual being i'm born again i am functioning in the kingdom of god amen now why is that so important it's so important because i got to renew my mind that uh that i i'm a kingdom citizen amen i got rights i got privileges and the kingdom of god operates by the sowing and reaping principle put that up mark chapter 4 and verse 26 mark chapter 4 and verse 26 mark chapter 4 verse 26 and he said watch this so is the kingdom of god everybody say kingdom of god as if a man should cast seed into the ground to sow in principle and should sleep and rise night and day the seed should spring and grow up he knoweth not how for the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself first the blade then the ear after that the full corn in the ear now i want you to understand the kingdom system everybody repeat after me the kingdom system operates on the sowing and reaping principle all right now i want you to understand that because we're going to apply that because if i i make the difference when i sow but i will not be whittling to sow or to plant unless i clearly understand that i can make a difference in my life when i do it amen and amen all right now so we must elevate our faith in giving so it's far beyond just trying to meet the budget at the church i must understand that when i give i set in motion kingdom principles to cause me to have a harvest that i would not have ordinarily had all right so i'm motivated as a kingdom giver i'm a cheer forgiver i say cheerful giver now i'm a cheerful giver number one because i'm guided by purpose i understand i'm a partner with the kingdom of god and so my purpose in the kingdom is to be a partner with god so things can happen in the earth when we look at ii corinthians it says that you may abound to every good work i was talking to larry of the day larry our contractor here uh who works for us who built all these buildings by the grace of god and um he was saying i think a lesson the doctor i had taught and we were talking about it and he says you know i gotta raise my level of giving i said what do you mean he says well you know i've been given at that one level for a long time talk about the extra giving and he says i'm really recently releasing my faith to give at another level why it's our purpose we we we don't we can't sell commercials and we can't sell enough candy and and cookies and dentals to do what we do here we have to depend on people understanding their purpose secondly uh my cheerful giving is governed by promise god promised if i would give he's going to cause things to happen everybody say promise promise said loud promise promise all right my kingdom giving must be guarded from persecution amen back then when i got ready uh you know uh in the 80s and i'm i'm i'm committing to give like this and i had friends of mine who told me man i wouldn't be giving like that i wouldn't do a video you know and i was sowing into you know the the vision of dr price and that sort of thing i wouldn't be doing that man he he got this and i said man wait a minute first of all you two broke to tell me what to do you father so when i commit to give i got to guard against persecution and you know you'll have your relatives and friends man i will give you a ton of money i'm going to do i mean but i got to guard myself why i'm a kingdom citizen and i understand my kingdom purpose watch this i got a promise therefore i'm not going to be victimized by persecution cheerful giving releases the grace for prosperity can i get a man in this house says and god is able to make all grace abound towards you everybody declare grace is abounding toward me grace your grace is the favor of god the willingness of others to use their power their ability and their increase and it's abounding toward me cheerful giving watch this cause this godly productivity everybody said godly productivity now we're gonna look at that a little later in the lesson but kingdom given also it pleases god amen all right now so now let's look at the scripturally established forms of kingdom given the scripturally established forms of kingdom given now kingdom giving let's put this definition up kingdom giving is the individual choice to obey god everybody say it's my choice to fully participate in god's scripture plan for sowing and reaping at all levels fully intending to glorify god want to do it amen now doesn't mean that i'm not expecting increase i'm expecting some increase amen and i understand that i hear preachers you know on tv you shouldn't be giving expecting anything that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard in my life you act like you haven't read the bible the bible tells me when i give he promises to do something so i shouldn't expect him to keep his promise amen amen amen all right ways of giving number one systematic giving systematic giving is when i give as regularly as i increase that's the tithing thing now i was already a tiger in 1980 i began tithing years ago when my needs had leads y'all have heard my story i can't give get too deep in my story because i won't have enough time to finish but i'm working in the warehouse making 65 dollars a week my needs got needs i'm staying in a in a root infested place i asked a man for and for uh uh a loan now back then i didn't know how i was going to pay it back i just wanted to you know you know y'all know okay y'all judge him i see y'all judgment but you know when you're desperate you know you you be asking for money you don't know how you're gonna pay it back you just just need it for the right now we'll deal with it later if i lose the friendship that's okay but right now i just need to let me hold something [Applause] i just i didn't need to let me hold something so i was talking this man there's a preacher about let me hold something and he said um um god will bless you if you're tired well i didn't ask for no sign but he began to explain it to me and then he told me he wasn't a tither but i went and read the bible myself and i saw god promises to bless the tither and i began the time and my situation turned around i'm working in a warehouse 65 a week the full time before before our taxes i started tithing and giving an offering my tithe was 65 i gave an offering of five dollars so i went from a dollar giver to 50 cents given two weeks later i go to work and the boss tells me to come to come upstairs i go upstairs he tells me that my supervisor has quit and recommended me to take his job watch this but i had the least seniority in the department so he said management met this morning and changed the policy so you could get the job you better not tell me tithing don't worry hallelujah systematic giving number two spontaneous giving spontaneous giving is when uh you know it so it can happen in church it can happen anywhere but god moves on the giver's heart the soul's heart to give at that moment we have the freedom here in our church and you may see during the course of teaching many times people will come lay money on the altar that's spontaneous giving and that money doesn't go to the preaching so the preacher is not excited about preaching once a folk would come to the altar all of that still goes to the church then there is sacrificial giving sacrificial giving is when we choose to give above and beyond our initial expectation and we give at a certain time 1995 god told me to establish seasons of sacrificial giving here in our church now i can hardly wait until uh uh november the 14th i heard pastors say it november the 14th we are going to be giving uh sacrificial y'all know we've been doing it ever since 1995 and in 1995 we didn't have a place big enough so what we did we rented the ballroom at the high regency hotel whole church came together in one place and we began to give amen sacrificially and when we do that watch this there are blessings that we can expect to accrue to our livestock everybody say sacrificial giving yes sacrificial giving now um then not only sacrificial giving and then there is strategic giving strategic giving is when i find a promise in the bible connected with a certain type of giving and i said that is what i'm expecting therefore i'm going to give basically and name that seed for that harvest all right so now what do we have we have systematic given everybody say it then we have what else class talk back to me what else we have what else and what since then their sovereign giving everybody say sovereign now that's when god moves on our hearts to do something and i won't say out of the clear blue necessarily but but he will he wants to give us a harvest but he cannot give us a harvest unless we got a seed in the ground so in 1990 in 1980 in the little raggedy building god asked me for a harvest for a seed of ten thousand dollars now in today's money that would be like almost 35 000. i told god back then y'all saw my condition god i had that he said you get it and i said well show it to me so he showed me that i had that much equity in my house i'm not telling anybody else to do this and i sold my house lady bridget and i sold the house took ten thousand dollars of the equity and sold it into the kingdom of god now why would god ask me for such a tremendous seed he's teaching me the principle now that that i make the difference when i sow if i sow sparingly what am i going to read class respect but if i sow bountifully i'm gonna reap bountifully but now i got to be willing to trust god at this moment and i did i sold that ten thousand dollar seed and favor broke over my life and i gotta tell you you know i began to prosper and probably i'd bring agreeing to prosper that folks just started lying they said he got to be selling dope there's no reason no way he can make it he should be making like i mean i'm buying new cars and all that kind of stuff and still got the same number of members we're growing a little but we didn't grow that much we followed but they couldn't explain it other than he got to be doing something wrong amen then in 1990 while when we were at dr price's crusade same i thing to be and i met the man well yeah but that's apostle yeah praise the lord you're going to be with the lord but i got to tell you he left for deposit in the earth come on you can shout on that you can shout on them and what happened then was we met the budget at the crusade there in 1990 it was at the east campus and you got to put this together why would god ask me to do that because there's a future harvest he wants to give me now he gave me immediate harvest of the need that i have been met he gave me the harvest of uh tina uh uh you know tina is uh my daughter from a previous marriage a mother wouldn't let me see her raised as a jehovah's witness but after i sowed that seed two weeks later i got a call from my ex saying come get your daughter now come see her but come get her we started the west we started the uh the south campus after that after i sold that seed something i mean god says now it's time to start amen so i'm telling you uh it pays to give everybody say it pays the give i make the difference when i sell amen and amen now that's a supernatural expectation we have when we give into the kingdom everybody say supernatural hunch person and say stay with us stay with us yes supernatural now that is we talk about supernatural we're saying that it may not be spectacular but it's supernatural because god's going to get involved now when we give as a group that seed that we give now becomes a resource in the kingdom and it spins supernatural does it okay the little boy gives his lunch that's his seed but now that lunch the fish and the loaves supernaturally it feeds thousands you follow me okay let's let's look again um there's another situation well we're gonna talk about the widow her seed is the cake but that cake causes others to be fed there's another case in the bible where men brought a first fruit orphan and the prophet said now feed the people. and the guy said man there's over 100 people like that and it fed them supernaturally god has done supernatural things in our church because of the giving of the people hallelujah amen can we just walk down memory lane a little on this the lord helped us to acquire the office complex yes everybody say supernaturally yeah we yeah god helped us do that god helped us uh by the land uh that we are that this building is built on now what you're seeing there we bought this land at first we negotiated it at 2.1 million 2.2 or so million dollars but we actually bought it for 344 401 if i say supernatural now that's when we had the groundbreaking and we stood in the shape of the building and we broke ground amen amen everybody say the lord helped us the lord helped us build twin building facilities in the north and in the south amen everybody say the lord helped us yes the lord helped us ah yeah that's the the safe place of building us you know we call them safe places they lay the name somewhere else but praise the lord amen the lord helped us build a global television ministry amen that's saying around the world everybody say the lord helped us the lord helped us launch life-changing institute touching 15 000 men and women getting them free from drugs everybody said the lord helped us the lord helped us build the superstructure and dedicated i got ahead of myself the lord helped us acquire aviation department with multiple aircrafts y'all can back it up thank you everybody said the lord helped us the lord helped us build the superstructure and dedicate it without a mortgage in jesus name everybody shout the lord helped us the lord helped us by the east campus and renovated it into love city everybody shout the lord helped us the lord helped us acquire faith village the senior saints placed there everybody declared the lord helped us the lord helped us establish multiple campuses across the state of texas because we were givers everybody declared the lord helped us the lord helped us preach on some in several of the largest churches in the world oh glory to god everybody declare the lord helped us the lord helped us reach tens and thousands of teens through spiritual encounter would you declare with me the lord helped us the lord helped us touch thousands of churches new strategies come yeah everybody everybody declared the lord helped us see we make a difference when we give and when we give god goes to work with what we give so that we're able to do supernatural things but our kingdom planting will have satanic opposition since all the things are possible when we give the devil works over time to keep you from giving how many know that's right amen he works he works overtime to keep you from giving and there are episodes of resistance to kingdom giving that a catalog in scripture that's the story of course of uh resentment from giving from aitkin he were told that the first fruits there from jericho was to go to god and aiken didn't do it that was the story of cain how he didn't want to give uh what was god had required it's in the bible that resentment so the resentment is not something that just happened it goes way back then there's the resentment of the rich young ruler jesus he came to jesus jesus didn't run him down he came to jesus no what do i need to do jesus told him you need to be a giver and he got mad amen but now the error all of the error any error in kingdom giving can be corrected any error right the aroma's resentment to kingdom giving is correctable everybody says it's correctable now it's correctable with the truth everybody says correctable with the truth now really we don't have to go all the way back to aiken and kane and and and the rich young ruler you know statistics say only 20 of the people in the church actually give consistently you can go and say man even if you're in that 80. but now think about it if we do all we do with 20 how much more could we do if everybody would do something you know pastor asked for everybody to give a hundred fifty dollars amen now you know a little bit being we gave way more than that i think we gave what five 000 the first month she asked another 5 000 including our regular giving but now if our members would just do 150 right she wouldn't have to ask for one time but see it's in your mind let somebody else do it but you got to understand when god sees your faithfulness you're going to make a difference in how he responds to you i need a big amen on that degree evening hallelujah so now let's look at this let's look at this because we got to correct the flaws and the flaws and the thinking number one that's when we talk about giving and correcting this resentment to kingdom giving because the devil works overtime and i see i believe today will be a day of breakthrough for somebody i know no seriously see when god when i really saw this thing as like scales fell off my eyes i saw i could be prosperous through my giving and i gotta understand i didn't nobody teaching me like i'm teaching you i had god showing me scriptures that i had seen in the bible but i could see revelation in them and i understood my financial future depended on my seed i wish i had a better man than that and god promised me as i was studying he says it's going to bring breakthroughs to some people amen it's going to bring breakthrough everybody say breakthrough all right number one to overcome resentment that's the flawed look at the giving moment at the giving moment until i can see it as a moment of sowing and reaping i can't get excited when i think oh they are going on the offering again or if it went through your mind they go preaching on that money again you don't understand if the prophet had not ministered to that woman she was gonna eat her last meal and die watch this and her son was gonna die and that death would have been on his hands because he had the answer see if i will hold from you oh i got a lot of stuff i can preach on [Applause] you understand i've been preaching since i was a little kid you understand a lot of stuff i preach on i can hear you running jumping off the rafters if i want to but that's not my assignment my assignment is if you look at the giving moment as a different kind of moment this is a moment now where watch this this is a powerful moment and i look at it because every sower who solds a seed expects a harvest amen the false lordship at the giving moment god's lord yeah praise the lord until it come to the offering if he's lord over all he's lord over the money too that resentment of the fear of lack at the giving moment and please understand i'm not throwing a rock at you because i've been there where god has asked me in that giving moment for something that i i didn't want to give because i'm gonna make it if i get it because i had to learn to trust him number number three number four the fortunes of leadership at the giving moment i ain't gonna give them nothing look at what they got on no no no no no i don't get nothing you see what kind of car he drive you call some kind of car they drive and look at that ring on this thing want some money sell that right i know it because you know y'all know how y'all for how no you don't talk but you hear what people say now watch this if i have been teaching since i was a kid and i say i've been obeying god and what i'm teaching ain't working for me why would you even listen to me see i call that lunatic logic lunatic logic is when you don't put facts together like i was telling one preacher i said no no he said well you're living better than the most preachers in town i got more members than most preachers back then i said i got more members and they're giving to me so i'm supposed to have more amen see that just makes sense but many times sometimes at that moment the raw people are robbed because of the fortunes of leadership and then the freedom from legalism at the giving moment that tithe that is under the law no it's not they gave tithes before the law abraham did and it was incorporated into the law because that is how god when he had moses write the law the heart of god was reflected in the law and then when jesus came and addressed it he said this she ought to have done then over in hebrews new testament church they're still giving tithe amen so you got to get freedom from that legalism thinking in your mind let's go to our final point as we wrap it up amen and amen this is the point i want to get to kingdom planting is super is a supernatural opportunity everybody says supernatural opportunity amen now i know y'all kind of look over at the musicians when they come in because they say what's good what's going to happen the musician's just coming in they don't bother me amen i want you to get distracted but i am wrapping it up okay all right dr i gave me a lot of you know a certain amount of time with all that what all that's in me is i'm gonna stay within my time but i am the apostle doctor i'm good i'm good now watch this now here's the point see what excited me years ago was that i could live a supernatural life amen if the scripture says trust the lord without thine heartling not that i know understanding ah in all thy ways acknowledge him he'll direct your paths all right honor the lord with our substance and with the first fruits of thine increase so shall thy barns be filled with uh with plenty and that presence shall birth forth with new one i when i read that i saw supernatural living was possible for me even though i was from the ghetto even though i had a little church i wasn't intimidated when i was in lack and i saw the promise because number one i saw models everybody say models i saw models for discipline giving a discipline is enforced obedience which means i don't just feel like it and that many times i have given i ain't felt like it but i'm disciplined i don't know how many of y'all in here exercise regularly exercise really come on way back my way back man i'm applauding y'all y'all and how many how many can say you've exercised when you didn't feel like it come on wait then all right you exercised when you didn't feel like it why because you wanted the results so we give when we don't feel like it why because we want the results all right watch this now watch this and so when i look in the bible i see abraham and david and solomon and everybody i can see models of discipline giving and them living supernaturally so what's my motivation my motivation when i'm giving based on second corinthians chapter nine it is that i'm a disciplined giver because number one for obedience sake i'm going to be god everybody say obey god secondly it's opportunity i got an opportunity to get god involved in my life in a special way and then i'm disciplined in my giving because of the overflow sake i want to get past barely get along lord i want to get past week to week i wanted to get past taking some of the bills put them over here say we can't pay them right now i wanted to get passed i could pay everybody ahead of time and on time [Applause] and i needed bound in grace my motivation watch this is first offering sake i'm offering up to god i appreciate what god has done i'm offering up to him amen finally let's look at the moment of decisive giving that moment when you got to decide amen amen all right i can pull out my because we don't use envelopes that much now but i can take my device and i can obey god with my device i'm able to pay my bills amen with my device i'm able to access my check my in my income because they many times it's directly deposited but with my device i can demonstrate my honor to god here's here's the good thing i don't have to wait till i get to church to put my seed in the ground because the sooner i plant my seed the sooner my harvest is going to come [Applause] but that moment i've been at that moment i was at that moment in 1980 when god asked me for the ten thousand dollars it's a decisive moment everybody say decisive moment i was at that moment in 1990 uh at uh you know at the lakewood church when dr price apostle price was having his crusade and i i was trembling because god i knew i could hear the voice of god he was asking me to meet the budget and i didn't want me to budget i'm choking and uh lady bridget hunch me see if you don't obey god quickly you'll talk yourself out of it come on how many know that if you don't obey god quickly you will find some reason for you to postpone did the lord say something to you about the budget because i'm talking myself out of i already told myself i until dr price come down and my crusade is his school saying and i've already given i gave and all the earlier i gave that's that service i had given all the previous service i gave in the day services i already get i'm talking i'm i'm going in my mind why oh not to obey god she said god i said well let's do half now that's because i got money that i've been sitting i got it i ain't got it for that see see god asks you for something you can do yeah but i got it but i ain't got it for that so i said let's do half now we were saving money for a house for down payment on the house and uh she said you know better than that i'm rebuked now i raised my hand apostle price recognized me i said apostle i mean we just call him dr price then dr price my wife and i will personally meet the budget tonight oh i didn't hear nothing else the rest of the service the devil said writing you fool what you gonna do when you get the closing and you're not gonna have the money you're gonna lose your earnest money you're not gonna move into that house all this stuff sort of progressive service i'm buying loosen i'm casting out jesus name blood of jesus i'm going off but at the end of that service something happened number one it's a truth moment the truth about what you really believe comes at that moment at the giving moment truth about what do i really trust god not only that but it's watch this moment of temptation that's when the devil comes and say are you really going to believe that stuff and the whole reason i give my testimony all the time because i want to let you know that see i give over a hundred thousand dollars every time we have our beginning day but i didn't start there god so he could trust me with a 6.50 tithes and a five dollar offering and he could trust me to obey and give him a ten thousand dollar offer are you listening to me amen if i say truth temptation but then it's a testing everybody say testing that's are you gonna pass the test when we pass the test we get promoted do you want to stay at your same level or do you want to mo you want to move higher all right watch this then it is a trauma moment everybody say trauma somebody say i'm glad you got to that that trauma moment is oh my god am i really going to do this you know i call it trembling and trusting that fear grips you says you better not do that but then it's transitional transitional means watch this i step out of one way of living over into another ah [Applause] that i transition into living supernaturally everybody say supernaturally yeah and that's the key i transition into living supernaturally and things for me work totally different because i've got the favor of god everybody say i got the favor of god amen and amen a story is told that means closing right come on it's doctor i said the story is told as i was looking at this whole thing i get to the story but people who decided to obey god decisively had to do so after deliberation we look in the bible when people ask them oh my god very few of them just jumped up oh bro no no no moses said hold on hold on you know because god comes to moses i'm going to let my people go and i'm going to then he says oh my mother says praise the lord then he said i want you to go moses hold on god says to gideon get him i'm going to use you to free your people from the midianites getting excited until god says and i'm going to raise you up you just say hold on hold on my family is the poorest family and i don't i mean god jeremiah god says jeremiah i'm going to use it jeremiah said hold on hold on hold on i'm just a child so i don't want you to think that in the bible everybody just oh glory no no no they say oh some of the heroes that we have they had they had to go through deliberation before they said their yes and see many of you going to deliberate on this lesson and i believe you're going to say yes our story is told i stir is told about a man a professional athlete who was receiving his uh he was receiving his induction into the hall of fame of his sport and after the induction the news media wanted to interview him and they were asking him what motivated him along the way to achieve to the level where he would be inducted into the hall of fame and he said to them it started when i was playing little league ball so yeah you say yes when i start playing a little bit little league ball i saw those who excelled got awards and i said why not me so i worked harder so i could become better so that i could receive little league rewards so then when i started playing ball in high school and i saw those who played ball in high school got awarded scholarships to go to college free so i said why not me so i went to work to work harder exercise harder learn more so guess what i got a scholarship and i went to college free but while i was in college i looked and i saw that those who excelled in college they would offer multi-million dollar contracts to do it professionally and i said oh y'all getting this thing why not me so i worked harder and i played harder and i excelled and guess what i got a contract to play professionally but while i'm playing professionally i saw that those who pray who played professionally at a higher level guess what they got inducted into the hall of fame and i said why not me so i worked harder i played harder you know i did everything i needed to do and here i am today because i declared why not me so when i heard the story i thought about those in the kingdom of god they pondered the opportunity and then they declared why not me abraham pondered the opportunity and decided in faith why not me moses pondered the opportunity and decided why not me joshua pondered the opportunity and decided why not me come on somebody says why not me jeremiah pondered the opportunity and decided shout it out to me why not me nehemiah pondered the opportunity and declared the disciples pondered the opportunity and decided the woman with the issue of blood heard that jesus was healing people if they touched his garment and in her house she decided amen amen it is no secret what god can do years ago i heard about salvation and i declined why not me then i heard about being filled with the holy spirit and speaking in other tongues and i declined then i heard about laying hands on the sick and seeing sick recovered and i declined yeah glory to god then i heard about teaching the word of faith and god moving supernaturally and i said hallelujah i saw prosperity in the bible i saw james asked for prosperity and god answered him and i declared who am i talking to today who will declare why not i want my family to live in a better house why not me amen i need to drive a better car why not me i want to have money in my pocket why not me amen amen if i would close old school the old school people said i came to jesus just as i was wearing wounded and sad i founded him a resting place and he has made me glad what you have to do is step forward obey god and watch god work everybody say i'm going to obey god i'm going to step forward and i'm going to watch god work father we thank you the word has fallen on good ground and it produces fruit in jesus name hallelujah would you stand to your feet everybody hallelujah [Applause] everybody say i declare i make the difference when i sow when i plant and when i give now the greatest gift you could ever give to god is your life your life of commitment that's the greatest gift you could give and so i said at the outset of the lesson that i would have several invitations and then i would ask you to participate now what i'm going to ask you to do you want to say yes to god and give your heart to the lord jesus christ or you're going to say yes to god and say i'm ready to rededicate yes to god i want to be filled with the spirit of yes to god i want to i want to become a part of this great church i've learned more about the word of god today i understand that never before i need this my family needs this i said i was going to ask you to do something here's what i'm going to ask you to do i'm going to ask you to move now we have us we're going to do it social uh in a socially distanced manner i'm going to ask you to gather your purse bible books person belongs i'm going to ask you to come forward [Music] and that's going to demonstrate your yes now when you come forward i'm not going to put a mic in front of you i'm not going to ask you your name i'm not going to ask you for a testimony anything like that but it's going to be a demonstration to heaven that i made i'm making this commitment you got it and when you do that heaven's gonna shout and then we're gonna be applauding because we're excited about your why not me decision god is ready for you he won't force you but when you say yes to him he'll do amazing things in your life so here's what i want you to do what i'm going to do i'm going to pray and after i pray i'm going to ask you to come forward i'm going to count to i think i'm going to count to three and uh and then while i'm counting while they're clapping you're gonna be making up your decision they're gonna let you out the aisle you're gonna meet me down front heaven's gonna see it i'm i'm gonna see we're all gonna see it and you're gonna expect amazing things to happen father in jesus name thank you for your for this time i thank you if the word has fallen on good ground therefore it produces fruit in jesus name and when i ask them to come forward they will do so in the name of jesus amen and amen hallelujah amen are y'all ready come on y'all ready all right listen if you raised your hand or maybe you didn't raise your hand but you had a witness of heart to give your heart to the lord jesus christ to rededicate yourself back to god to be filled with the spirit or to become a part of this amazing family you're hearing the building please gather your purse bible books personal belongings you come forward now i'm gonna count it down on one you're making up your mind hallelujah thank you young man there's one there's one hallelujah on two you're saying listen i got to get out of here i got to make my way down in here i got to make my way this is my yes why not me why come i can't have god's best why can't i how come why not me having the things that god promises in his word amen amen three everybody you ought to be moving everybody ought to be shouting fake a young man amen amen right there yes hallelujah amen amen who else is coming who else is coming now you see nothing happened to them i didn't put a microphone in front of them i'm not going to embarrass them but i can tell you what happened heaven sees this moment hallelujah amen come on keep clapping i'm encouraging you [Music] [Applause] you already went half the way when you raised your hand but now if you gather your purse bible book press them along and come forward you've gone all the way i'm not trying to judge you i've been there in that moment this is a transitional moment you are about to step into supernatural living now whether you're on the main floor in the balcony in the balcony you do not have to exit the auditorium you can use the cascade steps on each side but i want you to move now amen come on let's give them another one one more one more one more [Applause] hallelujah amen and amen all right i want to thank you all for being obedient to the spirit of god and what we're going to do is several things amen now while i'm talking to them you ready to make your move you just come on amen you'll never be out of order you just you just make your move amen and uh because i know like i said i know what it is to choke in a moment because this moment like a giving moment is a moment of testing it's a trauma you'll be traumatized you see him i walk down between all the people looking at me yes because so many of them have done the same thing but it's a triumphant moment it's a transitional moment life will never be the same you step into the kingdom of god now listen we're going to pray a general prayer for salvation prayer general prayer for salvation and because of the covet guidelines and that sort of thing i'm going to give you some instructions how someone will personally minister to you but see you made the you made the bold step heaven watches this moment i want you to understand heaven watching and you people loving it nobody's judging you we all love you because we all had to make that step by ourselves amen so you need to understand that [Applause] all right now so what i'm gonna pray we're gonna pray a general prayer for salvation then after that i'm gonna give you some instructions how you use the qr code that we have or you can call the church we want to follow up because we want to make sure you start on your victorious journey our pastor he has declared that we're the church that builds a victorious people who become the catalyst for change amen scripture says jesus a scripture says in romans chapter 9 on chapter 10 verse 9 that if thou would confess thy mouth the lord jesus believing that heart god raised him from the dead thou shalt god can be saved so what we're going to do is we're going to pray a prayer that encompasses that promise amen all right i need you to raise your hands you raise your hand all of y'all just stretch your hands this way toward them amen and we're going to all repeat this prayer heads about and eyes are closed dear father thank you for your word that says if i ask you to save me you will jesus i believe you died for my sins was raised from the dead to validate everything you said i give you my heart i turn my back on my old way of living and from this day forward i choose to please you with my life now fill me with your spirit and power so i can live a life pleasing to you thank you father for saving me placing me in your family in jesus name amen and amen come on give the lord a handclap [Applause] now those of you who are watching if you prayed that prayer right where you are welcome into the family of god amen and amen now i think we have a qr code thank you all so much you all can go back to your season because i want you to get don't that's what i'm supposed to do y'all have to tell me i know i ain't the best i suppose let them go back to their seats right and then either if you've come with a friend or you come with someone and they can help you with this i want to they put the cure code connect with the light and i want you to get that y'all take a picture of it do what you have to do because i want you to promise me that you're going to do this and then there's going to be a live person who will be talking with you and making sure of your next step on the journey it's important that you follow through now those of you who are watching you you're able to do things the same thing and i'm believing right where you are when i was saying why not me you were saying in your heart why not me i can be saved i can be prosperous i can have god's best why not me come on let's take the next step on the journey take the qr code and let's use it and let this be one of the greatest days of our harvest here in the church in jesus name all right what am i what else am i supposed to do i think they praised and then yeah yeah they started praising and uh and then uh well y'all know me laughing at me because i don't know you know they just gave me an opportunity to say my speech [Applause] hallelujah so i know we're going to praise melissa you're ready to praise then after that i think the forks are going to come and they're going to dismiss us thank you all for letting me let me all right and man man i look to here i look to see you online tonight at six o'clock and ladies of course y'all know y'all can join us we're gonna be talking about a man and his maintenance how to stay spiritually strong amen and then tomorrow night for our maximized prayer moment god bless you you know i love you come on are you glad about the word of god are you glad about the word come on and give the lord some praise hallelujah [Music] fall on me [Music] [Music] follow me [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] anointed [Music] for that life-changing message i make the difference
Channel: New Light Church
Views: 1,003
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: j9ONhlI16rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 30sec (7410 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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