Concealed Carry - Hot or Not?

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[Music] hey everybody I'm Jerry Mitchell Mike and one of the questions I've been asked a lot lately as a but concealed carry should I carry with a hot chamber a nippy chamber all these questions about firearms situate how to carry some car to give you some my advice I'm by no means an expert when it comes to concealed carry but I do listen to soldiers and police officers and individuals who have used firearms for that purpose and a couple of things come to mind so I'm gonna kind of share it with you of what I'm gonna do this is a one thing you want to do most people who carry a little handgun like this do carry it in a holster in the pocket that's the way to do it it it conceals the trigger guard and it helps prevent something from accidentally accidentally firing the pistol but what you want to realize most small guns like this Smith & Wesson 380 the trigger is actually a safety it's small it's a rather it's a relatively long trigger pull make sure it's empty so it takes a lot to make this thing fire it's just not gonna go off by itself and that's what you want on a on a on a concealed carry gun so what we're gonna do I'm but I'm not gonna use the holster we're good just go do a couple of drills I got my little target downrange the rule of thumb and law enforcement if you talk to most law enforcement instructors it's going to be three shots three yards three seconds worth of worth of engagement and what you what else you want to realize is they usually have about a thirty three percent hit ratio so six out of ten times they actually missed the target so I'm here on the range I'm all relaxed I'm gonna have my hand on the pistol finger on the trigger guard and on the timer I'm gonna produce this little 380 and shoot that target for you one time and this is a I'm relaxed I know it's going to happen so you have to realize of course if you would ever use one of these in its intended purpose you're going to be pretty jacked up and it's going to be it's going to catch you by surprise so figure out the trigger guard go ahead and chamber on I'm going to put it in my pocket I don't have my shooting glasses on and that's just the way it is when you're on the street I'm not going to be 65 here pretty soon so this front side you've really not much to look at anymore so I've gotta do got it in my pocket here in the optimum chute position finger out of trigger guard and on the timer let's go ahead and shoot here we go alright I knew everything was gonna go my way I had a 106 draw make the shot pretty pretty center of mass there it's about three yards pretty good but then again I'm relaxed I know this is going to happen so we're going to take the same pistol go ahead and drop the slide show you that is empty so what I'm going to do I'm going to produce it with an empty chamber go ahead and charge it and try to make the same shot and see what kind of a time factor we have there so we've got the same thing here got it round in the mag finger on the trigger guard I'm gonna go ahead and put it in the pocket here I'm just about perfect here I got my timer here we go first shot was a 106 before let's go ahead and do it [Music] all right not too shabby let's take a look of the 162 so I knew all this was going to happen so at six tenths of a second does it sound like a lot to the average guy but if I had my my pistol in my hand you give me six tenths of a second I'm gonna put a few holes in you probably about four or five it's just distance so usually and what you want to realize this is one time in your life is way better to give than it is to receive so the safety aspect is up to you how you want to carry it but give you another idea what you want to think about we've got a totally empty pistol here I'm gonna strike it out show you we got an empty chamber no magazine okay we're empty so I have it in my pocket I have it in my whatever position I'm carrying this piston I have an empty chamber and I'm going to my automobile all of a sudden this guy's coming at me with her with a razor and he's he's slashing at me best I can do they try to protect my throat or whatever or he's got a club or brick and he's hammering me in the ground so I don't want to give him a clear shot in my head and I'm doing this and all of a sudden I draw my concealed carry pistol and home and I got to load this thing so what do I do I try to strike it on my body I can't kick started the sight isn't designed for a kick start if I had that mentality to do that so what I do I come down and rock the slide so what happens there I don't know that's just one of the scenarios that could happen maybe a wiser choice would choose your platform a little better this is a MEP M&P shield it's a nine it's got a set of high vis h3 tritium sights it's a fiber optic with the tritium inserts or a glow day or night it's what I care on my guns but what I come to expect from this is it also has a little bit of a kickstart feature we empty show you that we've got an empty chamber no magazine striking out a few times all right so should I start with an empty chamber now I'm in that same situation I draw and I need to kick-start it I can strike her it strike it on my clothes my belt or whatever get it I can fight make make them make the problem go away so something to think about on self-defense shooting short period of time very close range is high-intensity police officers miss six out of ten times and they're trained and you probably have not going through the same level of training that's one thing I always do with equipment is go out and play with it learn the ins and out of it the Israelis after the second war when they were forming their armed services they had their manual of arms on a handgun was to draw and react to slide really I think most of the reason for that was they had handguns from around the world they were just mind anything they could just to supply the troops so you had guns that had D Clockers on the slide like this and they had guns that had slide mounted decocker say or whatever so what they did on their troops they taught them when they draw every time you draw it go ahead and rock it and put it in the fight and when you finish with it go ahead and unload and put it back in the holster get back the same mode so if you go to carry think about the options do go out and train finger out a finger on the trigger go and I can't say that enough especially on these deep concealment pistols like this if you got it in the trigger guard and you pull it out and it snags on your pocket you're gonna not compute that could be a pretty day so always think about safety when you try and take your time go through the motions I'm not an expert by any means take nothing I said here with a grain of salt and go out and try it for yourself train safely have fun you
Channel: Jerry Miculek - Pro Shooter
Views: 694,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jerry, Miculek, speed, shooting, fast, quick, draw, reload, reloading, world, record, smith, wesson, ruger, colt, gun, guns, firearms, firearm, weapon, tactical, assault, ar15, ar, 15, ak47, ak, 47, m16, m4, rifle, shotgun, pistol, handgun
Id: aFQEwye98so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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