Best Topwater Shark Fishing Ever!!

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[Music] we just got out here the black tip shark migration has begun there's fish everywhere this blue fish shopping there's macro jumping and there's shark jumping it's I mean I I'm gonna catch my bosses freaking out right now I don't even know can't even speak let me ask you if you throw some probe here on it we'll help you there right there no it's all it's all reaction oh that was a bigger one burn now watch watch the lure guys that's the oh yeah alright you're putting a little bit of spice on there here we go I can see I'm finding it in front of us oh my gosh she's movin right there I got my he's all makigami he's on me she's on me oh he's back on she's back on it funny that one another one oh my gosh move into funny my swivel a shark jumping everywhere oh you got you here on the shark get a shark right yes sir you know he's hooked yet there he goes jump jump put you off no see him finish off your rod tip under that bird yep no they're right here to the right right we're over than 80 yards they're right here I'll get the chilling water down here we go oh they're jumping everywhere this is it this is gonna happen right now just slow it down slow it down a little bit here we go fish on shark on yes that's not why Josh don't wife [Music] I love that sound charge charge me go again here he goes oh my gosh now there's a problem when you have this many sharks in an area especially black tips they don't like the line in the water look at that because you could get bit off by another shark I'll chase him Josh [Music] then go for a little more alright I just don't have one yard and he's off he's off he's off shoot I knew it real fast you sure he's out swimming out yeah no I know perfect he shook it I felt it 100% yep oh man let's check the damn oh he's right on it he's right on oh he's doing here sir here was another another one why are still good lures good man did you guys see that real screaming that's what it's all about for me that's my favorite part just watching the real scream I watch it there's fish jumping everywhere now this is just gonna be these anyone else banner days watch this [Music] all right I got hard right guys trying to cut us off on the boat can we go you know sick ones that eat a blue t-shirt trying to get my line get away look turning my lines no no so did i wake my line oh no no they are there try Neath the line oh this might not last long at all guys make sure there's no positive Josh stay positive dude I've never seen blue fish taste like that lure came off this one won't come off I'll get it this time I'm gonna set my suppo card there he is there he is Oh No yep this is amazing dude he still got so much energy still in line whoo well he was Green when you rapped him and brought into the hall yeah nice to be able to work around the boat easy in there oh yeah you know what this is not really a boat rod but I like bringing a longer rod just so you can clear like you know in the toilet motor was in the water you never know these fish can just do anything you got to be ready here we go going this is it he's not ready yeah yeah I see he's about 60 pounds I can get a good grip on there you go there we go first sharks the boat looked about three or four of them man these guys are tough to catch sometimes favorite she doesn't matter all-time favorite thing to do catching black tip sharks on top one of those and if you guys are watching this footage and think otherwise you guys have to come try this I'll let you go right now and there we go whoo first shark dude top water black tips guys seriously you've never done this I mean words there's nothing I can say there's nothing I can say or not it explains how exciting this is when you get to see sharks airing out on top water running on top water that's pretty growing up bass fishing the whole life seeing that get your heart rate guy a lot of fun you ready no one let's go there are literally thousands of sharks in furnace right now they're jumping they're finning I'm gonna throw this lure out it's not gonna take long guys watch this oh my gosh fish on your job is if Tommy's a choppa choppa - oh it's a bigger car look at that I love that to work out catching these black tips you catch the nine or ten of these in one day and you're gonna fuel it the next day I don't think it'll take nine or ten Josh yeah that's true you guys wanted an unbelievable fishing experience she should definitely hit up plan and try to do this this is something that you'll never forget I promise you this is something you'll remember when you're 80 years old how awesome it was to catch sharks on top of our lures we get that migration here in the fall then we get it again in the spring the spring is just as good you get thousands up in here it's so much fun oh it's a bigger fish oh you got your gloves on I'm ready that's a nice black Wow so this he's ready I'm ready ready grab the wire there yeah you know Glenn hold the loop in your hand that's one way to do it there it is guys black tip sharks on top water lures doesn't get any better than this this is a nice one Froyo eighty ninety pounds and this fish just absolutely working the female she's on the migration I'll let you go baby thanks for the entertainment appreciate it pull down more there you go all right hooks out baby ready what you go oh you're firing oh she's got energy like you there you go guys black tip sharks topwater lures my favorite all-time kind of fishery I don't care how tire it is the reward is worth it after every fish I like to check every component of my rig so feel the mono first you want to look and see if it's chalky and kind of beat up this it's a little bit chalky here but it's still good I'm probably gonna cut off about three inches of that the wire was really messed up I like to actually use a new piece of wire for every fish you know you get a couple kinks in that and it's no longer good anymore and I just use a simple hay wire twist remem you tie this right here this is a how you connect single strand wire the lure you want enough wire as you saw in the video they can tenderize miss the lure so you want to have enough wire to compensate for that because if you don't they're just gonna buy it up bite you off you lose the $30 that's not fun pick this off and basically here's the rig guy so I got I got a PR not right here it's a PR not see that right there 150 pound Mon now we got about 8 feet of that we got a 300 pound swivel - about 30 inches of number-10 single sham wire then I have a big popper with a single J hook at the back I don't use trouble if you're actually not supposed to catch sharks with trouble in a state of Florida so we switch it out for a single big old J like that and it gets him every time if you get any better than this man I mean this is like a nine point nine out of ten for me it's it's very exciting with him blowing up on the top waters there's nothing like it it's like a bomb going off dude it's so much fun and I mean like you know a lot of people don't talk about black justice for fish but you know Glenn he catches a ton of tarpon and I think your specialty I love tarpon it's one of my favorite fish to catch but these stronger these fish are every bit of exciting if not they're stronger they're is fast or faster they get airborne just like the tarpon does it's a lot of excitement like overall I think sport fish a blacktip shark is I mean it's one of the ultimate fish you guys have knew it and it's easier to get him to eat than a tarpon yeah it is it is I mean most of times sometimes they're they can be pretty picky but you know we've had what eight or so eat today where we've only landed a couple I mean how many sir how many strikes me probably had what 50 right yeah it's been incredible this is like a banner day guys if you I'm telling you guys gotta go gonna try this this is like if you love top water action this is the ultimate let's see what happens here let's like watch them air all right now oh my gosh blend you're on you're on hooked up hooked up hooked up yes still got him he charging you Thanks charging you charge you charging you still got him what happened gone no done was it the same popper yes anyone yeah I think it's gone this time Glen has been bitten off twice now and the popper just resurfaced for the second time this is one lucky lure normally when you hook these guys it gone but it's still here there's no blue pushing in it and we're gonna be able to get the third time is the charm kind of deal here it is look at that dude you are one lucky Louie's you see that shark just tore it apart okay Wow bro can you hook up hooked up nope oh you jump you got him oh yes nice I'm gonna try double up there he is in it he spit it no you got it right you got it Danny was so sickling and tire head came out of the water she didn't amazing how they go one direction and they're completed just change on your second 100 miles an hour insane this guy has hammered the pop or a minute ago we're just trying to get into the boat this this third time's the charm man you lost the world in this one so gotta get this guy in [Music] this shot box upon what both the lure hook the holder the wire and the Louie snap it all right already going yep let's do it nice eat awesome fight dude first class that was sick did he literally his head came over the water and he swallowed alors insane nothing liked it let's get you hooked do you hook buddy back in the water sure sure here we go hooks out safely released thanks buddy appreciate the entertainment a lot of fun oh it's a Dickey look like you know what it's like honestly it's like I know you have commitments later today Bruce Lee every part nin you oh yeah here all day keep poppin this is one oh my arms shoulders wore it out there's a reason why I wear these things guys I literally popped for two days straight like 14 hours a day and through a both elbows was it worth it yes so I suffer yes but when you get to come out here and explain experience this there's nothing like it it's time to call it a day but we can never leave without the last castle this is the last guys here we go come on blocks it make me proud make me proud buddy oh you got someone on me ah there you put anything red out there it's just gone bluefish heaven look at that that lures as big as the blue fish unfortunately this is all the time we have today I wish I could stay here and keep throwing poppers but Simon hi back to duck the painter day if we left him biting I mean I didn't want to leave going I know he didn't have that last cast again 50 other guys if I didn't know what a point where we the stayed all day dude guys I'm telling you if you've never seen or felt or experienced a black tip shark hitting the top one other gotta give that a call I mean the blacks immigration it's all went along and in the spring and it's the coolest thing ever this is my favorite all-time fishing experience I mean you just go catch Marlin sailfish and go do anything you want sharks on top water Mew saw it they're airing out they're doing all the crazy stuff if you're a bass guy this is what you got to come in to call Glenn is links in the description I promise you will have memories you'll remember this trip till you're 80 years old it's the coolest thing ever when can't thank you enough man welcome sir who shoot everything make sure you guys subscribe smash that like button seriously guys if you enjoyed this video hit that like button right now turn your post notifications and we'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: BlacktipH
Views: 382,664
Rating: 4.814918 out of 5
Keywords: Best, Fishing, Topwater, Shark, Ever, Sharks, Fish, Saltwater, Ocean, Lure, Top, Water, Surface, Popping, Baits, Florida, Shark Fishing, Topwater Fishing, Best Fishing, Rod, Reel, Line, Screaming, Drag, BlacktipH, 4K
Id: ampzBdkt8KY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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