Sight Fishing for Giant Black Drums - 4K

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on this episode of black tip h we're here in Cocoa Beach with Katherine Janie from Finn and fly charters and we're fishing for black drum how big are these black drum what's this way this way the smallest we've been getting is in the 30 pounds but most of them been from 40 upper low 60s sometimes even 70 pounds dude that ginormous my biggest black drum right now is around 5 pounds so I got a good feeling we're going to bake my PB today I got a good cinema today this is perfect to be in college you don't get to see a lot of days like this on the ocean the top of the year exactly Jamie I'm going to join up right now then we're going to go look for those drum with the drone I think that's a huge advantage always trying to on the boat it's the biggest advantage you could possibly have nobody will have the eyes like we have today it's like having our own personal frigate bird our own personal helicopter exactly [Music] hahaha thousand fish with a drone really I got to get me one of these now yeah now you see the advantage right yeah bird's-eye view baby we've had the drone in the air and we saw a huge cool black drum on the beach we're about 100 yards off the beach and they're right here we're gonna throw these little jigs we're going to bounce on the bottom hopefully we get a bite oh my gosh look at those Trump who the strums to fish on this song go underneath it or anything Oh pull up I think that there we go this shot doubled up yeah what else look at sleaze is we good mines on the surface so here he's running into all this oh mine just flowing oh he's still got let this book please that's my new personal best right there put me ynette popped off you get the next look at that black drum guys we're new personal bats right there that's only like a 12-pounder - yeah this isn't this isn't giant we saw another room four times the size but this is a great picture surf day off with movies whisper them I need them right here keep your ham drumming guy here making noises awesome jitter leaks man alright grab that Rob we'll get another one get another one either right here I'm forecasting you got one because that's a bigger one right there oh yeah he's not even turning that's why we got you living extra extra heavy hair more oh he just broke me off in the school yep so many fish guys is nuts Josh saw a post I did on Instagram and was like dude bro those are massive it's look at these fish they're right there some of them dude look at the size of those fish that's a big one some figure and you got fishing line around this mess you keep buying if it don't work out little bit spent the 170 pounder see he feels extremely heavy I'm kind of dragged down a little bit all right you wouldn't go in you to slow mo to get to get up on them off big man so I have to ask what's the biggest flex on who's ever thought well trip when I I actually started taking people I mean you can't get your towns life until you're 18 and I bought my first John boat when I was 17 when I got my first flat foot when I was 18 but when I was 17 me my best friend John and an old died he was part time guide norm do long and we caught one that was probably 75 pounds really let me tell you this fish in the pilings under bridges all my day it's like tight quarters you got to be using like we're you use basically bottom fishing reels where you have like no drag just like when you do the Goliath Grouper yeah I mean and the thing to spot and fought and fought and fought and fought and I mean we were just going around pilings just trying to get him out of there we got him out of there I got the photo somewhere Dogo I got a feel to got a fish on fish on here and how do you think we're getting closer to yup he's outside the net ready isn't that great there she's looking fine down there juice is good you talk about fishing days in those epic epic trips this is one of them how did you get him on that to keep going by fail we go oh we got them this time the slime out here I'm drumming doom doom doom doom doom oh my gosh is he barely sitting on that guy here I'm gonna get my camera to do that here driver oh I notice how it's done son I just fish weighs about 35 40 pounds genuine oh my gosh so big look here we go whoo you're welcome that's incredible see that's incredible yeah boy so Jamie if people want to catch black drums what's the best lure and bait to use well we like to use jigs like what we're using today soft plastics they work great especially on the flats but out here namely the jigs they're big on crustaceans also shrink crabs sand fleas and clams you know those those work blue crabs is specialty really they have a favorite food blue crabs not always you know they can be picky I mean sometimes the only shrimp sometimes where's clams sometimes it can be sands leaf I take it these fish are highly migratory species I mean they look like they're moving pretty fast absolutely man absolutely they've been here for a couple weeks now which is really cool on usually it's like they're here for a couple days and they're gone so like you know how far they go and is it are they under smile yeah they tagged one a couple years ago in the lagoon and it traveled and they recalled it in a couple months later in the Chesapeake Wow yeah so these are highly migratory speed so they're literally if you're not out here looking for them this is listen this is why I'm so glad you call me dude because is why you need a guide guys because I'm telling you if you just come out here and just try to wing it it's really really hard we got you got to be 1,000 the deficient Fisher because otherwise like you said like they could be here today and they could be 30 miles cells the next day so you got to stay on top of fish and the only thing I can do that are the guys local guides there we go all saw one what's up all right Jamie's got one look this ran into it again giant there's it there's there's 60 pounders in there oh yeah for sure 100% fish on just like that hey yeah they almost look like redfish real real fat fat fat fat real real real real real real sleep let's think right there Oh tell me about oh no oh no where's your lineup this is why we fish man this is one of those banner days dude those guys dope Jamie called me yesterday Peck dudes are here right what no we know it I was going to sit in the office all day and see paperwork and you filming the fish are biting I'm not happening all right watch your line see mine yeah to yours yeah yes yeah pulling down low pull your slow might overt all right we're great together Angwin skills 101 right there bro whoo this is gonna be like letting them now gonna cool down yeah that's the problem man is getting them out of that school I mean you saw I lost three fish and broke off in there and this is 60 pound leader let's go off this is crazy this is unbelievable we look at the lure right in the corner that's a giant breasts another 40-pounder you know what looks like a redfish like look look look how Goldie is Oh giant dude we got two giants is yours in the corner too oh yeah look at that all right mine's good how was yours - mine good dude all right this is going to be interesting trying to land these so yours is definitely mine oh good here grab this rod just pull back you're in there giving me yep nicely well yours inhaled it part-1 get yours in there get ready - are you hearing groaning double-header guys ooh these black drum either giant launches all right oh my gosh this is awesome let's get back in the water chance release and dude right here oh there goes your shot row yeah is awesome bro how how insane is that guys double header thirty-plus pump black drum here watch this and within 30 seconds we're hooking all right now watch it right here ready calling out a win all right when we caught one I can keep going all day long all day long ready guys oh you don't get to do it every day actually that one actually I think kind of bent my hook oh did you just put it right oh man yeah we got get back in school they're moving south through the crowd yep you'll never get drone footage of black drum in this clean of water I guarantee you probably ever again I've met in my whole life we get these drum every year but I've never seen it where the water is crucial Jim clear here this is a rare phenomenal phenomenon already we go fish on there you go Josh oh man and they're just still circle we're guys the power is amazing ooh look at look at the doughnut they're doing no those are my official he's made a doughnut no I'm saying like see how there's no fish in the middle it's just it's crazy get the net bro nevermind he's not ready what's your third this is my fourth dude I think yeah this is your fourth we got a double John got one snags you caught this long communis one giant sir this thing is to the de-facto hood look and look how Clues waters I'm just like through the hump on them yeah in the net baby that's a big one brought that's good that were like might bounce might be 50 well have you thank you sir they're all high 31 mid forties dude oh this is that monster guy oh look he's just a solid dude total shine enormous look at look at the knot on him right here yes is this like a peacock giant peacock bass releasing the bees look how clear that is though clear water or dirty water that's a giant fish I'm getting tired but I'm not gonna stop catching them I can't this is addicting so Jamie how long you've been guiding on the water can Cape Canaveral eyes 13 years this year actually yeah it's been a while you know I started this company back in just before I was turning 18 when I got my captain's license I fell in love doing it ever since expanded the business now you know we've got two flats boats running full-time we've got this skeeter bay boat and hopefully this spring you know we're the beginning of summer we'll have you know we're looking at like an open express sport fishery eating away offshore yeah doing the offshore stuff you know I've got my self guiding captain out QE and we're bringing on board captain Nate Brady you caught four we got we got a five giant monstrous black drum and you're the craziness as hard as those things fight yeah and as big as they are and as tired as you get I can't stop catching up field right you feel right here it's everywhere those things are not shy enormous there and they pull drag there there's nothing you can't fight a sight fishing those artificial lures which like fishing them dude I say we get some killer drone shots now what do you think absolutely let's do it [Music] fish on ha ha ha good job baby doubled up on my fish yeah yeah boy ha ha ha sorry right in the same pit now we're not you okay no mines over here you're there I'm all guessing with a dog there's a dime ball look at mine right here is a bat here's the way under here I know you ready I'm going to bring it around this guy thank you thank you here we go dude hold my rug hey baby [Music] all right let's get back in the water Oh George all right there goes mine dude great release double-header second of the day drone video I hope you like it I came up here to catch my personal best black drum we didn't like seven times in a row dude - unreal one of the best site fishing days of my life can take you know if kappa jamie spinning fly charters check these guys out hope you guys enjoy this video and we'll see you next time black tip h fishing is brought to you by frog dog designed for you created for the outdoor and due to core nutrition [Music] you
Channel: BlacktipH
Views: 2,372,704
Rating: 4.8203158 out of 5
Keywords: Sight, Fishing, Giant, Black, Drum, Saltwater, Ocean, Drone, Epic, Florida, Offshore, Fish, Black Drum, Sport, BlacktipH, Saltwater Fishing, Sight Fishing, PB, Personal Best
Id: _Of375kqR6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2017
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