Attempting the Impossible! Goliath Grouper on Fly Fishing Tackle

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this morning I'm here with Tom cos Isis and John Kelly and we're going to try the impossible we're going to try to hook and land a Goliath Grouper on fly john cooked up on the fly Colin cook up on spinning did you both got scarred Benitez on that's a big for need a song you're going to get this guy when you know we're in a moment over that fish's way they're going too slow way bigger than flow we'll find out and he took the tutti-frutti look at sauce that lost it man how does it feel John Hemi got him the bottom on there oh yeah Oh black hip got him Oh black you've got him oh my gosh remember oh oh man oh oh ho put that black [ __ ] pop them off yeah dude that is an absolute getting all the rods out of the way I could have beat that thing running around the boat but standing there focused so if we do it on fly do we concentrate on doing it on fly if you do it on spin I'll put the fly rod down that was my mistake the first thing we have to do today is catch them Benitez then once we get about half a dozen Benitez we're going to head further offshore to a wreck where the glide groupers are and we're going to try to catch one on fly I got Chum up with the Benitez first getting the surface and John's gonna pitch a fly at him Sean's hooked up but John you're chasing a worker Bonita on fly what's the flyweight size 20 pounds what's the current record nineteen even nineteen even I thought a 34-inch snook on the beach on my five wait two days ago I won't do that again which is not bad it's just you when the surf sucks back out it's so hard to land them they just they get inside the wave and then they get back out and you got to get them and if you're doing it alone it's tough I don't think he's a record fish but he's Florida Albie's hug like well I'm so just leave it in neutral Tom it just just let's just drift that way I can run around the boat if I have to and we don't have to we're away from all those boats from good shape it looks like look at the char oh my gosh the black tip right there chasing them xxx he's not going to be in the motor pull pull pull the UH trim the motor up from the motor up trim the motor over not off turn off trim it up come turn it off there he is Oh like it's like it's like it's like it's like it's like it's like screaming get in mechanics - in students giving oh that's a big bucket oh my gosh here he comes there he is yes all right man Vineet on the fly those things can fight a lot harder they're a lot bigger down here than they are up north but manda they got some tug of these tropical waters means the warm water they help them pull faster pull hard at and I think they got a lot of bait damage on add huh oh yeah look at the blood got infused into such a silicon fly the blood got infused into the blood good bad good you think your fish is very serious yes sir Tom are you learning from John today that's the first I've heard of that one yes how silicone has got a million one uses you know what you do it you use a ah you take dishwashing soap right yeah and you put in a little pan and then you squirt the the silicone on you go like this right and the dishwashing soap on your fingers keeps it from sticking so you can shape the body any way you want that flies done how'd you learn that John somebody up north Johnny Glenn funny Glenn Johnny Glenn Johnny's angel which was the top fly up and Rhode Island in Connecticut for years for Abbey's this is kind of a take off of that actually - the exact imitation when it comes to fly fishing I have no clue what I'm doing I don't think I've ever caught a fish on fly before so how about that yeah you want to fight your next album fix that yeah we do got to fix that five minutes in and I am Pete this is no Benita that's a really good fish oh my gosh I see it oh it's big did the freaking blacks hit baby look at that no way the black pit soft plastic I live out what that is that's not a black 15 no it's a black that's a frickin black now bro let's see that's a very rare fryer for them did you get the video yeah we let him off simply let him go now no you're gonna catch on this man they saw my face and took off so was i you were too John he set himself up for that way that's called shark ugly that was that was it that was an open letter it's definitely about black could go the black notes dude yet if he does John Kelly Master Angler is going to grab this chart and put him in the boat we get a really nice color you want there you go say everybody lean over so I got short on I'm not a tall guy so everyone leans on the edge Josh what do you got well I thought I had a Bonita on but I think it just turned into a shark oh hey John Davey Johnson up to Bonita oh this one ain't going anywhere by ourselves I hate it I hate it let's take a step back shot look nice move right that wasn't happening no way he ate my Bonita I didn't even know what happened crazy to preview a lot of it I have applied it might look like that Spanish so we'll use the Spanish as the dye version will use the bait and switch you the Spanish we're hit up we'll hit that will hit the group with a little Spanish and then I got this nice long blue and white flight it'll probably be about half the length of that but it's the closest we can get it I think it's time to go official glass now what you think yeah I mean how many more alleys can we get yeah we go I'd rather do 100 pushups and catch another alley right now we're going to go tease the glass up right now hook try to hook when I'm fly I'm going to tease them up Tom's going to watch and enjoy it maybe smoke a cigar and yeah let's see what happens how confident are you that you're going to hook up the light on fly if I don't know if I'm confident but I'm going to try I'm gonna try and do you think it's even possible we'll have to see I anything is possible Tom what are your predictions for the Goliath um fly think it can happen question is going to be how stabbed is this hook and how quickly you can do the switcheroo getting him to put it into his mouth is one thing hooking it and fighting it for more than a few seconds or something else so sharp only that was edible looks like great sashimi you would eat this tom no no not that lb alby's terrible I have a friend's father who'll eat anything that swims and he he swears by soaking in milk and milk did you like that yeah learning is Arnie starting you got a fish on black tip on black tip on come on John come on be selfing baby alright so Johnson could feel black tip shark right now glides are playing good right now oh yeah I heard that's right here then jumped yet you must have hooked him weird after I land this one you dropped me on the beach get some rays I guess I'm staying hey lads in sunrays bro I'm trying to get the fly line back because once I get to fly line and I can start putting heat to him and we got a fly line back in the real safe open pressure on I see ya hi Jim pensee and John's bass not playing around fresh this is a black tip shark we saw him speeding there jumping all on the boat spinning around here and there's also some big lies down here right now so he may get eaten I can't guarantee that we're going to land him safety was on her glides picking them off but you never know oh he's putting some fresher baby where we come here is oh here we go baby there he goes we'd like to gonna fly John on your first one ever at the first shark first blackton we're going to get our hair he is there he is baby leaders in the dip you're gonna take all you're gonna freak out you know all right got it got it got it here is what up forty fifty pounder there you go broke it off perfect copy as you touch them right touch them way to go man joints first leg dip how you feel happy to go right now man that was the warm-up the alleys were to warm up you know is that was the pre-work oh I don't want to fight another shark I'll find a cobia I'll take an Aldi John just caught a black tip on fly now we're gonna try going into life we feel scrunch them down there kind of get them to hit his fly I don't know I mean the Benitez lumbering this slide I have no idea how this works we need a bait and switch class move here we go yeah there he is okay that's a little one for you get that one dude that's the same guy ah [Laughter] wherever you pull the bait yeah he's gonna follow too right so that means I would have to cast over here so don't come any don't come past that I know it's kind of hard but it's extremely hard I'm gonna well we'll do a baby switch I'll drop the fly on them again Steve here we go through three gonna take a three go it's too close you have to keep them out there gum three cups three cups three cups three cups did it get in there get in a it's in there dinner don't they all pull it any closer do that can't even eat it bro the Flies went off your fly you came up and look at it buddy oh man I can't we're too close dude you have to get that way trust me on this get further away from me as you can that'll do here we go here we go ready great we're pretty pretty cool flies right there how the heck is the smart man I know what they want I think Tina not Bonita he's not even eating a Bonita why do you need my fly I'm not gonna let him eat it I'm not gonna get it back all right listen let him eat it and I'll throw the fly right in his mouth no yes let him eat it fast that happen let anyone let him eat it okay fine officer I'll put the banana flavor great time I started a hell with that get over get over that way and let me cry here we go we got it he also I said you have him so bad look at the boil from him dude ha ha ha that six that's right I did I don't think I can hit the fly would you get the Braille it's still boil it's still no it's not gonna get to fly no way he's too smart all right so we go to plan B all right so guys I don't think oh no way I'm not is there any way and possibly can get in hit that fly now well there's one way we'll put a piece of Annie on the fly would have bonitas strip on there okay so but it's officially we're going to be cheating right yeah and additionally I'm going to be tortured bro like hoping instead you know what the fight then we can see it fly taco can actually handle Goliath and then we can start from then we can read reassess our program okay I think these things are extremely they got extremely good eyesight are extremely intelligent we swam around the fly to get at the very intelligent people things are stupid man but the Sharks are if you the black just learn to fight they're more aggressive now though every once in a while are you ready I'm gonna get a piece of Benicia pretty let's do it John I'm going to catch Hey look at the lies on a final hook of Goliath on a scented peacock bass fly oh this is tied for spillway snug there we go John that's your head right there now we are officially cheating but this is how we're going to test fly tackle right now in the mouth yeah I ain't playing with another shark bro that happens you're getting on the fly rod you understand I'll do it let me tell you something bro I with a gimbal I'd go again those four little prongs in here do you think the shard is large absolutely you think the shark [ __ ] way to the Goliath come fro you think the shark is hard I don't think the shark was hard at all mark okay I've caught massive - mark sherry row what's doing you just got to get to skip that no no no hold on get it all out of the tip Neagle Dom that acquired right there no shark all right black the base first drag Felicia here we go here horrible bee sting guy how easy is it to how easy to throw stones until you have the tools in hand what just whine and feel free to put the heat to that rod man if it breaks I'll just wait a minute I can't it's a customer don't break it don't break my rod bro you don't got the money for it yeah who got that kind of you can't hide that kind of money we may have had some technical difficulty right there guys so it's the footage at this point wasn't very good I do apologize it's my fault it's a zoom lens full frame and I forgot to adjust it to Tom they find much quicker yeah look can I get the leader right here that's another black nose black distance hum hey you got a leader degree brief never cut off no I want to get through them first ever black tooth on fly kind of we did have a piece of company down there cuz we're trying to glide the it it's so cool they're so cool we see we can we can get that fly back if you want no no are we going to get back I kind of the book better to the books miss useless stop Internet done with the fly rods at swallowing no no we're gonna do it alive we can put a whole Bonita on this time good you're doing it not me oh you know you're doing no no I'm a fly purist dude this is where bait boy comes in you want to use the fly gear and bait you can step up and use the fly gear on bait but there is no way I'm using bait on a fly rod brawl all right outside hook on there and off I want to see if your rod break is not my fault agreed agreed agreed hey fist pump shake all right we have shaked on it if the rod break my Centrex blank Ronnie can't break it challenge challenge accepted there's the bait Spanish man code on cause it's literally got a filmer because I'm going to harass him the whole time in a good way he's gonna harass me the whole time one fight fish bro you don't mess around there's no hey I'll give you that much but I want to see a Goliath Grouper test the fly tackle that I have which I bought this is all is about as good as it gets for big game the only problem is and let me show you here the dimple this is a torture device well that's what happens when you're fat and you got an extra layer of fat because you're from Canada and so it's Americans that are lean and hard and made a muscle this hurts Canadian guy that has more fat they have an extra layer of fat what if there's mold because of the gold oliveres because it's a bunch of Eskimos well they're related to polar bears so half of Canadians every Canadian is 1/16 polar bear this doesn't hurt the Canadian it hurts the American no and I'll check and tell you Tom put on the seeing right here a rag built field expedient groin savers yeah it feels good tom you've got the concept down keeping it down with a fly line I tell you do it don't strip off for now here we go fly on that acquires big line oh oh my goodness ah I'll be on the all-around well hope you won - what no pull up pull the rods gonna drink your Rick pull the right Laura so we're here here we are with black hippies testing the limits of fly tackle on Goliath Grouper oh my look at anything that's got to be fiberglass hardy so coming off is coming up oh my Kimmy oh the two-man job not only testing the limits of tackle but his human indirect it's gonna break dude buh buh buh buh buh see it's not possible that's how possible all right we've eliminated a species of fish that you can try on the fly rod Goliath Grouper is not a fish that you want to try on five years you see how ridiculous that was that Rob's we think that was new it that was noodle over dude the raw was underneath the boat that Matt where did it break it broken the leader we need have you're late let's try again let's try again dude you can't you're going to break the rock no you're not you're not you're not ready you're right I'm going to break my key what's going to happen and that situation he goes under the boat I was going to pull my knife out and cut the fog was this close to company fires yeah yeah you're gonna break the rod I want to break the rod we've seen any judges your your past bent over on itself if you use less than 80 hook up all you want go ahead Josh thanks for accepting the life Hooper fly rod challenge yeah you know what guys please if you think this is easy I want to see it make a video send it to me email to me I don't care post on Instagram and don't get hurt live grouper fly fishing challenge number fish has to be 100 pounds to die no little mangrove fish ocean wrecked fish deep fish pretty banks a hundred pound fish we might have been able to do something that was small that one its he didn't got more than 200 pounds when I was on her tune about that was definitely that's small let me set this straight right now if you hook one of these Goliath and there's no structure down there on fly I think it's possible I mean it's just gonna take a long time to get them up but if you hook him around structure I think 99.999% he's going to go in the structure and break health every time on fly you may get lucky I felt like I had absolutely zero chance against that fish zero and the minute you hooked if the rod went like this and as you came back up there was no it wasn't coming back but was sick it was ridiculous they're a bad fish unbelievable they're gonna go there you go the Sharks on something because he didn't come although you get in here right now here we go hey love these sharks manna creaking Louisville did he come again come to talk there we go so powerful maybe big it even I can't believe Aglaia can eat a black tip that size like nothing dude it's an amazing on his jump Tom an hour's in it what's amazing is when they jump and spin the minute they land it's like a you just see this white flash nickel dude like there of their belly go about 20 feet in one direction straight and am teeth he goes very sad oh why it's why I think pull the Bonita are you okay yeah I'm fine I thought one of us fell overboard but we're all right here Josh what do you do direct traffic on a weekend yeah well how'd you know gloves scared of fish would come back Vic Vic oh not you too let him go sorry I thought he would that's your professional dude what that he's going for another run well tom was a good fight though look let's see you there I'm gonna have to collide you want the supplies right now no we want to try no go on try John no all right you know what it's up to me guys to catch a Goliath we got to catch one for the show coming right now all right what am I looking at turn around guys is that a house please explain to me Josh what that is that is that an elementary school it's a three-story building with a chimney in and air and two air conditioning oh yeah it's got a roof deck on it somebody floating a high school what is calm it is time to catch a Goliath Grouper Tom's going to film John's going to watch and absolute all like what's that just really happened it just did here we go let's hear about your Goliath Grouper story hope you got it oh forget this let me it's close it I'm going to go on to drink you it's not going to go in the water are you you're an animal we have to get Chitty me much taboo you're not supposed to rest your hip on the gunnel yeah good luck holding the rod when it's put in like that quick match yeah hold on he's right here hey Josh I'll take over for you nine to five jump in you want to try no no bro really I'd rather watch torture than get tortured I'm impressed here man I look just isn't it too soon which is definitely a last fish of the day we're out of bait out of time kind of tired now after cooking that fish on flight I was brutal this is a live Tuesday I'm 80 wide as you can tell it's a lot easier on this reel than it was on the fly rod but I hope you guys try to flatter all you should try no you know why not just say you did it I mean I did it I didn't hook it on a fly use the company - we tried to fly asked John Orr he's applied pitch an expert if they'll ever hit a fly no you're smart right they've got their heart set on meat you have like a dolphin right it's just ridiculous their heart set on me no they want good so we're gonna love this fish going now I hope you guys enjoyed this video and Big Show's - my man tom was on the camera now and John give these guys I'll follow on Instagram goes are right now links are in the description follow these guys there I got like 500 followers get into a thousand I want to get a thousand followers and both their accounts go do it right now and we'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: BlacktipH
Views: 1,442,924
Rating: 4.726491 out of 5
Keywords: Impossible, Fly, Fishing, Goliath, Grouper, Tackle, Ocean, Saltwater, Saltwater Fishing, Goliath Grouper, Fly Fishing, Fly Tackle, Rod, Reel, Line, Sharks, Groupers, BlacktipH, Florida
Id: UvwL0TapMNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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