Top 5 Largest Sharks Caught

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you guys have been asking for this video for quite some time today we're gonna do it this is gonna be our top 5 largest sharks currently caught on black debate and starting off at number 5 is actually a bull shark this thing was massive it was nine foot seven and well over 600 pounds we got a shark on people sharkon he's just just wait man I don't know what it is swam in swim with the current so I don't think it's a bull shark foot you never know eventually we got off the rack and start pulling fish up and I say what this thing was oh my gosh pull it up monster when the shark came up to the boat I was in shock I could not believe it sighs the girth was in say this is the fattest bull shark I've ever seen by far the biggest I've ever caught look at the size of this bull shark it is enormous it might be ten feet long that's the biggest bull shark I've ever seen live what would you that was giant number four on the list is a shark I've been chasing for a long time it was a mako shark I hooked in 80 feet of water off Tampa Bay and this thing was giant I remember when I grabbed its tail I had both arms around his tail and it was like I could barely touch my fingers this thing was huge I'd say between 6 and 700 pounds [Applause] hey go on make go on in oh my gosh boys we got a mako shark on are you guys jumping hey here's his one he'll drive away right where him right away Hey we're barely barely that's 500 pounds bro that's 500 pounds all day long bro dude you're not gonna put a tail rope yes I am in a little way give that to me I don't want that that's 500 pounds day - all day slowly neutral he runs I'm letting this go touch a rope in a rope rope number three in the list is actually a hammerhead shark my buddy Dan was fishing the beach I was on the phone with him like dude the conditions are really good I think you're gonna get one within a few seconds he's like I got one on I ran over there I helped him out this fish was huge it was over 13 feet long and weighed around 700 pounds I call this fish between 12 6 and 13 hey what did I tell you that's how you was guaranteed I was literally on the phone with Josh he's like it's guaranteed and I like Josh sorry I got to go I got a fish on [Music] it's why we used two hundred pound mono guys gonna hit sandbars back to the saving grace to 1550 or bust man [Music] that's a big fish Josh that's over 12 over 12 yeah yeah it's a big boy that's gonna be Josie he's right on the trashy wave slow there got the leader grab the leader there it is hold up pull up let's go get real fast welcome back on mark back up dude come on come on come on get the cutters get the robot physical backdrop up the robot and get him back number two on the list is actually the first grandeur shark on the channel it was a 14-foot thousand plus pound tiger shark and this shark actually ate another shark that we had hooked oh my gosh oh my gosh dude he got him oh my gosh we gotta change right now dude similar he's a boat hold on hold on you didn't even know he's okay he doesn't even know it folks yet okay if I keep putting bent bent rim drive drive drive drive high right Trish rut just tried so I know he's got a good hook at the Trevor wait right probably not not fast just just moderately fast we got a massive shark on right now Matt's it's probably over a thousand pounds huge tiger shark oh my gosh there he is there he goes Oh trying to break me off every cough oh my gosh she's trying he's trying to get out he's fighting everybody up above the leader here he goes there he comes you got him oh my god were a monster besides that sharks out with over 13 feet boots just both 30s almost half of it what an absolute monster without a doubt number one on the list is the shark we caught this year with Greg Norman it was a 14-foot 7-inch hammerhead weighing between 1200 and 1300 pounds I'm following this giant hammerhead with the drone and he's got this black tip shark in his mouth and it's just incredible footage right and I'm keeping my nerves calm as fall so I can't get excited I don't want to ruin the shot and then he drops the black tip comes back around he picks it up again all of a sudden he just swallowed this 80 pound shark and took off we got him shark on guys we got a giant shark on we just spot Fisher with a drone we hooked the black tip shark a this hammer I came up and he swallowed them you ready Greg hey Ana I'm not gonna make this cool so yeah I'm just I just literally got hooked up on this thing so I can't do two things at one time we could be fighting this fish for the next two hours this could be when I have a good lunch or this fight of the year all right so what we're gonna do now we're gonna move this rod we're gonna shift over here looks I don't there's too much gun okay perfect now comes the hard part I think I see the leader oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh head shark guys he's had the full he's got over a thousand pounds wow I really wish you could have been on the boat with us when we landed that hammerhead it was so big seen in a video and seeing a person is two complete different things it's the biggest one I've ever seen its mouth was so big I could have literally jumped in it it was truly impressive and it can be really hard to beat that fish that fish was between 12 and 15 hundred pounds probably closer to 1,300 that's a really big shark what the oceans a huge place and they're actually fish a lot bigger than that so who knows what the future holds I want to thank you guys for recommending this video and supporting the channel please hit that like button subscribe and we'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: BlacktipH
Views: 3,449,531
Rating: 4.8162398 out of 5
Keywords: Top 5, Largest, Sharks, Caught, Fishing, Biggest, Monster, Giant, Best, Fish, Massive, Shark, Shark Fishing, Monster Fish, Rod, Reel, Line, Fishing Video, Top 5 Fishing, BlacktipH, 4K, Highlight
Id: T3CMl5yxA3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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