One Hour Battle with a Giant Mako Shark - 4K

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] I was invited by my buddies Jared and Scott's go fishing offshore in st. Pete Florida the goal of the day was to catch snappers now I never leave the dock with all my 130 you never know what you're gonna see offshore if a big shark swims by I want to be ready from the day started off really slow we caught a few snappers Scott got a really nice gag grouper but overall the bite was slow I decided to change it up and use a flat line with a dead bait behind the boat I threw some live pin versus Chalmers I'm in a few minutes we got a bite the moment guys saw I live jumps and pin fish well you already got me on the line I just got to open school creaking that's a king the black King which is the wild card I love the wild card you never know what's gonna happen in this giant black look at that black fin tuna Herbie 2025 pounds really nice fish I threw some pin fish Chalmers had about 20 min that I stunned them when I hit hit the net they were doing their death rolls and then this tuna within five minutes doing that came up and ate the flatline no it can't be you got a screw phone stop don't worry it's not rough this could that we got chaos everywhere good we got black Jericho over tops pulling right up all right Blackman in the bow baby guys that was absolute madness I mean tangles Jared's hook up an artery now that's a great one nice black fin come on we got the black fin bid we got black there we go there we go stompin David these are all big black men these are guys these aren't little black babies usual I just heard yes and no at the same time I asked if this is usual in the Gulf they heard yes and help how about that starting right here what is that what is that that's a great white - Mako need to make up the tickets Peter sir good - sure it's a pretty Mako do you want get the monster shark quick we got a 300-pound Megan be on the boat things of us get real right now you're about to get real Jared don't lose that tuna man that's our bait you're putting out lies about the 130 whoo my adrenaline is going 500 miles an hour right now whole black then bro dude that make you happy this will be epic I got the shakes right now do you know I got the shakes Jerry cartoon abroke [Applause] that's what I had right there guys guys get ready get ready to throw the end get ready for the anchor we gotta make the line there start on the work on hey go on go on oh my gosh boys we got a mako shark on are you guys coming [Applause] dude he's the least 3/4 pound hey kid we'll go drive away from where him right away okay we're gonna forget we're good we're good stop it's gonna go what do you did guys you keep when I first hooked the shark you went underneath the boat bad situation so we what we did here I backed the drag down and you listen to engines up we got it out of the engines I got 200 pound mono main line so it's got a lot of forgiveness it's anything with anything can cause abrasion so hot dude I need some water guys about a second sir this thing is gonna be super angry we've heard of the boat okay so we need a guy with with the gloves on if he wants to you freaking let go of that leader bro I'm gonna back to drag down so he doesn't uh go crazy alright ready you ready you ready you got leader who you want me to bring the leader off the side of the boat come out here slowly don't freak out there you go these thumping guys he's doing he's still going that's round one right there slow down a little bit slow down a little bit light so I'm not really right now idle my hand on the real taxes Blackfin snapper fishing let me ask you guys a question what would you rather catch 20 25 pound black fin tuna or both look at them feeling back there we're 30 mansion in the spike guys and this shark is not giving up no way this isn't this is a sea monster in open water pelagic shark that can hunt down and kill anything blue marlin yellowfin tuna bluefin tuna they can eat she can catch anything form the fastest fish in the ocean mako shark here we go here we go here we go there he goes whoa there he goes baby that's a 130 another run you guys when I have a shark on this side I like to tell you you need a to speed real you don't but you speed really are in big trouble but I like to keep it literally in low gear the entire time high gear you gain no line you try keep that line tight that's all that's all that matters but the circle hook you gotta keep that line tight this shark has dragged us over a mile so far we've literally travel a mile where we dropped our anchor because you know you hit just we didn't know this fish cooked up though we had to get away from fishes when we hooked that fish and we dropped the anchor and that anchor there's a mile that way guys this is a big shark that's 500 pounds bro that's 500 pounds all day long dude you're not yes I am in a little way that's 500 pounds eater all day this is like round 5 right now guys finding the boat well 5 times at least at least 5 josh is going on 45 minutes to an hour yep he's sweaty does your first workout any new you know what it says yeah this is my first official this is where the real battle is battled endurance who's gonna win you're the shark can you talk properly hey hold on hold on hold on he's going going back that way hold on back the boat up back the boat up back the boat up back it up turn it this way out the way that way yep new neutral neutral left left what just happened I was not expected to get Mego I say at least 10 foot 10 foot 4 or 500 pounds super huge but more importantly my buddy's got 20 him put my hands on it like I was holding deal with that mako shark was hooked on a piece of the skin just outside the mother if it was in the core of the mouse cock could put a lot of pressure on it but we were very careful we didn't want to pull the hook I had the tail rope around the base of the tail and Scott the the fish turned Scott you know freaked up I'm a hole in his tail Scott got pulled off his feet Jarrod grabbed him and you know the tip a tip if I had in our two seconds I would have had that rope around us and we would have had him but you know what it just it was not if we had a better hook set we won million billion percent that shark would've been beside the boat now we had some epic photos and it just would have been we had had an awesome release but that's number one in the shark lid darkspine yeah so that's awesome he's still alive he's teasing me out here it might be a thousand pounds in five 10 years so we're gonna come back out here again we're gonna try again you know see that but we're gonna we're gonna go Scott Scott's an animal he's gonna kissing it you can keep fishin even though his finger might be broke and dislocated or who knows what right now we're gonna go back to get on those black fin tuna and catching more fish yes this is a big me that's a stud right there that's the biggest mangrove snapper of my life I mean I just got a huge fire it's just guys I'm having a really good day [Music] hey how's the breeze my man drew say check drew brees uper dangerous but how good how good eating yeah how good is this explain very good that's a lionfish people look lion you don't want to go near him he will met you guys you get stung by him your day just went from great to horrible what is wrong in the shark it's a freaking spinner shark dude throw I've never caught us in charge it's my first finish Ark yes it's my first ever spinner Turkey oh my gosh he's at the snags it's got to tag them but we've got to give up tag up okay so we got a spinner truck here guys just look at the tank he's got two tags in them number 401 zero six nine three one zero six nine three okay guys my first ever spinner shark now a lot of people in the East Coast they think black citrus Pinterest or not see that small dorsal fin they got a very small dorsal fin they look like a silky shot got along I'm skinny we can get a lot longer than a black tip and this is just such a cool face when you hook these guys it's so crazy if he didn't Mack with the spinner shark he acting like a grouper but usually they spin like I'm a million time that's my first ever spinner shirt guys such a cool fish I've been looking for this for a long time I'll tell you what we actually just say the Sharks life they had a long line wrapped around its tail it was actually embedded in this flesh I couldn't get it all out but I cut it as close as I could so really cool to see that fish my way got my first mako shark today and my first finish are pretty good day this is my first day of fishing off the coast of st. Petersburg I've really never ventured over this side for most of the Atlantic side of Florida so I mean guys I'm not gonna lie it's skinny part pretty hard top today we've got five ever found Mega Shark cut my first ever spinner sure we cut like PB snap because we cut stem we got black fin tunas we caught four different species of snapper I mean we just how many different feeds at fish we catch today like 20 we caught lizard fish we caught squirrel fan we started a up great fishery over here we got we got the mother-in-law fish we got her Laura's I mean I mean you can't top that guys it was just an epic epic day that shark I still can't believe that we saw it I mean you guys have an idea for how long have you ever seen makeups trick never never this is the first Mega Shark for everyone here on the boat offshore super special make sure you guys feel like check these guys out on Instagram there links are in the description hope you guys enjoy this video and we'll see you next time black tip h fishing is brought to you by rob tongs designed for you created for the outdoors and sudoc or nutrition [Music] [Music]
Channel: BlacktipH
Views: 1,788,781
Rating: 4.8280668 out of 5
Keywords: Mako, Shark, Fishing, Battle, Giant, Monster, Mako Shark, Ocean, Big, Fish, Shark Fishing, Florida, Saltwater, Tuna, Snapper, Tampa, Gulf of Mexico, First, BlacktipH, 4K, Sport, Sport Fishing, Tuna Fishing, Snapper Fishing, One Hour
Id: Y19xTKDEc6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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