Searching the Beach for Sharks and Pompano | Catch N Cook

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today I'm here with my good buddy Matt bud and we're gonna run the beach today and see what we can find Oh lady fish no no yes oh yes yes it makes me happy yeah ladies oh you got one on look I just got some bad news to play D Facebook got a five bag - yeah unbelievable you're saving the environment and catching fish Oh Oh Chris my jig oh that's what I hate a bit lady fish as a chief of your life know what you know what they're not easy to catch now Caroline says there we go we got here what do we got your this one you're coming into both these they're coming in the boat where they call these poor man oh he's in the boat yes you ain't getting away this time oh hi so this is the lady fish guys yes but look at that it looks like a little tarpon and they are just amazing bait snook sharks at basically everything easy sings you might be him mr. pompano no mom I just lost them right the boat whoa what's that Jack this is a jack of all and he's talking here and I saying look if you've enjoyed watch this video so far hit that like button click that little thumbs up button right there we're gonna let him get he's such a cool sport we're using these little jigs or now Matt's hooked up and we're just basking these guys off the bottom and there's a ton of lady fish jacks and even pompano behind the boat right now oh dude that's a giant dude oh my god pompano let's get on the boat yes pompano that is the Florida pompano and that is one of the best eating fish ever that will not be used for shark bait left for absolutely desperate are we gonna eat this yes we are gonna eat that there you go fish on [Music] pompano permit you all right so there he goes that's the shark I was ruining this pompano and a shark ate it so I'm getting spools right now and while he's taking line I'm gonna talk to you guys about simply say this video is sponsored by simply safe it's a really cool security system we just installed it in our house and I made me feel a lot safer with my family at home and I'm fishing in the water and it's be honest guys it's really easy to install it's very intuitive and they have 24/7 professional support if you ever in a case of emergency give them a call if they could carry you and it's also really affordable it's not a not too expensive and this is a fake fish they have sensors for everything they have motion sensors they got door and window sensors so basically your entire house can be in lockdown no one's getting in there without simply safe knowing it do me a huge favor support the companies that support us there's a link right here or click the link in the bio go to simply safe and check out those systems they got great stuff I don't understand how you're still hooked up on 20-pound leader like this is a miracle what is happening here it's a miracle you just jumped man cut me off the shark did one spin not 20 pound just broke well we know the Sharks are here so time to put some live bait spin the boat and see what happens I catch two at a time big hammerhead big hammerhead right here no I hear dude yeah right here he was just right there on the ships look here he comes oh my gosh dude it is Barry's bring it bring it here I got with the drone we just found a huge hammerhead he's cruising the surface I mean our rig ready right now we're gonna try to catch this shark somebody put away for the boat nice work truck sucking oh my gosh dude he's right here look look he's coming for the jack we followed the hammerhead around for boat an hour he would not eat I got a jack right in front of him and he just disappeared the good news is we just found a huge school Jack's just south of us we're gonna head down there give him a try oh this is gonna be so ridiculous are you ready oh there are me another one I hope off the other one on oh my gosh somebody is doing a to them on yeah I got two of them on yeah that's at guys eight ten pounds now how you doing back there good so many Jax's there's literally thousands and thousands a keep this got sharp feet now how big George same size Quinn hey Shawn oh hey oh my gosh dude you're on boot down dude I love Jax man I don't care how many them I've caught watching them chase the lure and just the absolute power of them it's unbelievable double-header Jax see there's literally thousands of mouths there yeah we're gonna let these guys go catch some more lose our Giants Oh oh my gosh digging you buddy that's a bigger fish bottom well it's a bigger fish yeah same stuff nice dude good stuff oh this is give me so ridiculous are you ready oh my god you wanna grab them big dog there he is guys the biggest shock of the day right there and he's talking you guys saying yo don't forget subscribe like this video don't forget to check out the simply say go we just caught about a dozen Jack a lot of sharks here now so we're gonna put a pulling fade out there oh my gosh smoke me sharkon little enemy dude that took like two minutes where to go you got it jumping oh my god he's gonna be in the rocks not good not good oh boy we're in trouble dude how sick was that when I first hooked in the drag was actually pretty tight and he started jumping that crazy so I had it back to drag down it's very important to back your drag down when I a nice piece of fish is jumping if your drag is tight his tail could break the line his just the torque in the jump you break the line a lot of bad things could happen but Marlin sharks anything that jumps you wouldn't have a lighter drag for example I got tuna you could put a lot more pressure on a tuna cuz you know he's not gonna jump over the water and a shark or anything that jumps he's right here he's tired yet he's just fooling us once you get the wire good there it is big male black tip shark my favorite fish guys but so hardest thing probably jumped 10 times unbelievable he ate the bait literally put the bait out in like 278 the bait there we go takes off awesome fish ice what do you think more sharks we're gonna get back in the jacks look around North I'm feeling north do you think we're gonna find some special the beach got really rough so we had a head in a little early today but we're gonna take our pompano back to match house he's got a secret recipe see how secret oh I can't wait we're back in the kitchen we got our pompano and we're gonna cook this three different ways I'm gonna cook mine whole with the bones in everything and we're gonna guts and it goes up I can cook yours we're gonna fillet it and then saute one new skin and on the pan yeah and the other is gonna be in the oven bake it or I can pair it with the flavor of your baked yeah that's hope so my theory is guys the pompano the bones release a nice flavor to the meat so we're gonna put that theory to the test and see does it pop on a hole taste better than a Flay Papa we've taken the gills in the guts out now I'm gonna put some slits along the meat here three on each side so the reason I do this is to get the flavor inside you don't do this all right we're doing these differently now later get this cavity here take the lemon you stuff it in there put two lemons in there actually okay and then we're gonna sprinkle some spices on the skin we're not going to skin it at all all right so guys I got some salt here when I put some salt on them rub that in there this can be in India thin the tinfoil some lemon on them okay so like that off all that off okay now we're get some spices just put it on there parsley I'll put a little of this guy in there there we go now we're good so cliff you're gonna put lemon on both sides wrap her up thank you sir you know this way before that's one of our fish right there it doesn't look like much right now but I promise you when it comes out of the oven it's gonna be tasty so we didn't get these so I'm gonna try my best to go around the rib cage because I don't want to bust him from their bellies - we don't want to buy him all that nasty stuff in the meat you know so I kind of left the rib cage intact the nice fillet dude that's pristine work there so I missed me meet you I mean a little piece right there nice right boy that's a fantastic boy good job so this one we're gonna go right down the center line because we're gonna skin it since we're not going to use the whole strip ring go right down the middle just kind of work your way along the skin nice I just you know you will get little pieces of skin you can trim it off because he's a very soft skin but that's that's our little piece of meat right there now it's real easy to tell if you have bones in your fish I mean Qi Joe before you get to that point because you can just literally feel your hog and just rub your finger down the line you'll feel the bumps and sharp things but this one feels good all right so pompe nice blade and we are cooking it with the skin on and I will set it in here skin down that is the way we're gonna cook it I'm gonna cut a couple pieces of butter oh for the pomp and I'm just gonna add a good flavor to the pompano fresh ground black pepper a little bit of salt some lemon now we're just gonna squeeze this guy on there we don't need to go crazy and leave it we'll just kind of get a lot of juice on top there and that lemon right there just help the flakes stick to it yeah yeah but now it's a little bit wet and they're gonna stick to it and it almost crust on the garlic powder real light nothing crazy then onion powder we're about to stick it in the oven and I'm gonna use some cooking wine okay this will give it a really good flavor I'm not gonna pour it on the fillets because you pour it on the flavor you know you go to culinary school no then you're gonna wash off the seasoning so we're just going to pour a little bit in the bottom there and this is going to evaporate and it's gonna cook into the meat as it evaporates we go these are just fresh jalapenos my grow myself in my yard they're very simple to grow you can buy em at home Walmart just put them in some potting so it'll give them water every day and they take care of themselves all right that is our fresh jalapenos they are pretty much ready to go where are they going they're gonna go in the pan with the pompano on the pan really however we still need the onion out as much so I would like to I just like to pick it home you know you always know but you have clean hands that you have clean food good preparation so you know you have to get sick yes that's one positive to eating at home and save money and it actually tastes better I mean things always hit better me forget at home absolutely all right so we've got our chopped onions and I'm gonna cut it too finely because once we cook these anyway they're gonna they're gonna shrink up and they're gonna be I'm very delicate we're gonna add a little bit of lemon to the fish here just to kind of help the spices stick black pepper now back to my garlic and onion then we'll do a little bit of parsley after and we are set for the seasonings on this fish this is the pan fish we're cooking this on the pan we're sauteing it in olive oil so now we'll add the vegetables I'm so the vegetables are you gonna eat the vegetables are they just their flavor and we're gonna eat them fish is gonna cook along in the vegetables but we're not done with vegetables yet you have more vegetables there's more vegetables broccoli yeah this is gonna cook it's gonna get steamed with the fish so you can cover it yes we are gonna cover this as soon as we have the broccoli we'll cover it and this broccoli will be perfectly cooked by the time the fish is done smells good smell that yeah actually smells fire it smells really good couple more minutes actually we'll check it right now the best way to check your fish is very simply fish is flaky when it flakes apart with your fork it's done when it sticks it's not done so the best way to check it is to find the thickest piece because you know that the thickest pieces can be done you should be 300 something yet hey that's that's done that's done good yeah take the fish just lay it out we want a little sauce we're gonna pour all of this his onions are caramelized perfectly and this dish right here is done look at those onions that's the way you want the onions and the peppers together your fish is boil in there so I think yep let's check it out probably done you got trouble there okay this is the skin on baked pompano skin just the skin just came off it's cooked perfectly good oh yeah definitely I mean that's good yes here guys if you've never gonna pop and now you gotta try it that is fantastic that's as good as it gets now I normally do this in the barbecue all right right here take a take a bite of that that's a hundred percent done isn't that interesting that's good it's got you'll see it's got the flavor from the bone definitely does it's a really buttery natural flavor it's guys like you notice like he put oil in the fish here we already oh that's that taste that's the taste you see that dude the bones actually give flavor to the meat that's there's no oil in this fish it's just lemon and spices salt and pepper that's it and there's there's definitely an oil in the bones okay though which one's your favorite which one is your least favorite and in order I got it as it's high time in in the sauteed vegetables yes they both have really good flavors mm-hmm I think that the debate was spin on it's still good however it's a little more bland and yet just overtaken by the spices yes so from now on let me ask you a question after this are you gonna try cooking more pomping with bone-in maybe five the time that's another 40 minutes yes a little did you know it's kind like a bone-in filet that like you get a nice filet mignon put that bone with the bone-in filet I think the bone employed is better and I think the same there's a pompano I would be really interested to try I mean it takes longer to cook but the bone-in bait with the veggies I think it'd be really really really good this skin comes right off there's no bones you just literally if the meat is just so flaky just flick it off and you just put your mouth and just it literally like melts in your mouth he's got that natural buttery taste like you said mm-hmm that's fantastic yeah so here's what here's the real question the thing we were trying to solve today what's better bone-in or filleted baked in the oven what you think is better definitely built in bone-in yeah yes if you guys are cooking pompano now in the oven or on the grill keep the bones in that bone I don't know I don't know where it comes from but the oils that come off that bone is absolutely delicious Matt I want to thank you so much for running me to your home taking me fishing guys if you want to go on an awesome fishing trip captain Matt Budd here great operation he has he can literally catch everything like pelagic inshore offshore tarpon snook kingfish wahoo whatever you want to catch this guy catch it's a great fisherman and you'll learn a lot fishing with him so check him out links in the description also that's opinion YouTube channel now he's a YouTube star check him out guys thanks for watching and guys make sure please do hit that like button super important if you guys enjoyed watching this video hit that like button right now subscribe if you haven't already subscribe and thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: BlacktipH
Views: 1,615,503
Rating: 4.909368 out of 5
Keywords: Searching, Beach, Fishing, Sharks, Pompano, Catch, Cook, Saltwater, Ocean, Fish, Catch N Cook, Cooking, Fishing Video, Florida, Saltwater Fishing, Shark, Search, BlacktipH, 4K
Id: T4SpABBG9kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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