Best Team for Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee

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the new Pokemon games have just came out and everyone is super excited to be able to play them and talk about them I knew as ad I heard Pokemon let's go Finn I needed a place record fanboy about these games until now I was fanboy by myself then I discovered Pokemon let's go me know what the amazing features in from the community it has to offer with Pokemon let's go me know you can see everything Pokemon let's go related like tips and tricks on how to beat the games like these let's place personal blogs fan art public chat rooms user pulse shiny pokemon collections and even Pokemon quizzes about facts and trivia like this one testing your knowledge about let's go there is even a featured feed where you can see all the latest posts from all sorts of users that way you can get connected and see stuff you like you too can get involved with a height that is pokémon let's go with amino and participating all these wonderful activities they have to offer in fact I'm on there too I even have a poll that us can vote on about today's best team so what are you waiting for click the link in the description to download amino for free and also be sure to find my username in the description drop me a follow there are so many fantastic features in people and let's go amino community sign up today McGinn your let's go journey look at these comments gosh you guys are impatient sometimes but but it's finally here yes yes the best team for let's go Pikachu neva I'm also gonna say I'm super impressed with these games the mechanics the caching system everything about it and what there being only cancer Pokemon I hate to say it but I think making a best team is actually easier though it is easier to create I couldn't make this team without the best starter guy mystic you do know I don't just do best starter on my channel right I have other things to top 5 reasons why you shouldn't watch her eyes Oh also don't forget to make your top 5 13 minutes long so you can maximize that ad revenue wow really but anyways yeah we did the best starter for let's go on my channel so if you guys want to check that out click the iCard link on the right to go see it then once you're done come back here to see the full best team over there we give a full explanation and reasoning as to why we are going to use this specific starter for the best team so you might want to go check that out first cutting straight to the chase the best team is a team of six Pokemon that is designed for the absolute best performance for its said pokemon game the team revolves around a best starter choice and is then made into a team revolving around that said best starter choice each team member is designed to duel against certain gym leaders be late for members champion rival on the evil team leaders in the end we have a team that is well against all the important battles in game as a bonus we're going to be including just like in the starter video red and green red and green are both very important characters regardless of at their post game or not I think it would be a dishonor to not include them as far as the rest of the post game goes free matches are master trainers we will not be including them I will be including blue but only his self : counter if I did his rematch team I would have to do all the gym leader in elite 4 rematches when making this team we also provide movesets for each of the Pokemon we include TM moves but we do not allow egg moves in our postgame Turner moves but in this game egg moves don't exist which is crazy and the majority of the moves in this game or tuna moves especially for Eevee so we're gonna be encoding those as long as they're not postgame alright so that's pretty much what a best team is let's hop right into this best let's go team all right so this is your final warning for anyone who hasn't seen the best starter video and doesn't want to be spoiled on who it is because now we're going to be talking about it ready three two one the best starter for let's go is Evie again we've already explained it over on my channel as to why Evie is the best starters so we're really not gonna get into any details here to waste anyone's time for the purpose of this video though all there is to say is that Evie is the best of the two and what's great about Evie is the fact that it gets access to so many great moves that it can really function however you want it to be it's now wise we really like the fact that it's well rounded at least as much as it can be for a pre evolution so Evie's role on the team is just to help cover even further all right I know I said everything is explaining the best starter video over on arises but I can at least provide a moveset Evie's final movie said I think should be buzzy buzz facade double-edged baddie bad and sparkly swirl or bouncy bubble buzzy buzz is a Tudor move that can be taught to Evie as early as a surly in Pokemon Center and can be taught at any other tutor location in the game once those locations are discovered the sod can be thought on a route 7 from a master trainer and if you want extra power double edge can be an option just beware of recoil damage baddy baddy can be found in solid on city sparkliest all can be found in fuchsia and bouncy ball become a fan and cerulean and like buzzy buzz it can be relearned anywhere in terms of either sparkliest or a bouncy bubble i'll comes in a personal preference do you want coverage for fighting Pokemon and Lance's one dragon or do you want bouncy bubble for rock or ground coverage it all comes down to your personal preference I prefer sparkly swirl though alright that's it for Eevee let's move on to the other members of this team now let's move on to the very first Pokemon you are meant to catch in this Pokemon you can actually get very early on in the games route 22 to be exact and that is neater and male this Pokemon is honestly one of the most versatile and just all-around great Pokemon in the games it sucks that shear force is no longer a thing but neato King can still do bits in this game being by far the best ground type at least for in-game use you can pick it up very early on in the games can fully evolve it as soon as mount moon and has a very fast move pool I mean there's ice beam Brick Break superpower the elemental punches earthquake poison jab outrage megahorn there's just a lot of moves to work with here and as for stats it's not particularly great at anything but can function while in many different roles which is a perfect stat line to fit this move pull s remove sets there is so much to offer if you looking especially with it being in generation 7 now we have a lot to mess with the final move said I recommend for needle King is poison jab earthquake ice beam and Thunderbolt poison jab is therefore obvious stab and that can be learned a little 38 or you can get the TM for it installed on Sydney by surfing across a small patch of water and NPC gives it to you ice beam Kimi found in this seafoam islands on the third floor and it provides coverage for a lot of different Pokemon earth quick can be obtained from Giovanni once you beat him but for an early ground set move you can teach it drill run for the time being you can get drill run from an NPC in red 17 the battle for that trainer isn't too tough dig is also movie you can give it before a drum and fill a tenant search after you beat misty you already have a fully evolve Pokemon with an 80 base power attack being dig that's very solid earlier move as you can get to the Nina Ren line or double kick and possibly horn attack double kick can also be handy against Brock if you don't feel like using Eevee with all of these moves the needle King line does great against Brock surge Koga aside from venomoth's Blaine Giovanni and Lorelai but I don't really recommend it Bruno's onyx and poly razz for thunderbolt but that's kind of risky Agatha Lance but be careful of Gyarados traces Raichu rapid ash and Pidgeot Team Rocket which is especially important because of the poison types Archer Jessie and James Reds arcanine the Pikachu and of course greens gang gars so you can see this Pokemon is definitely worth having coming into the third slot of our team welcome back best started for Kanto fired and LeafGreen venusaur isle of venusaur and everything it stands for it is my favorite candice starter and it's just utterly adorable this time in Kanto 2 you get to mega evolve this baby and let me just say it's a monster once it gets into the Elite Four prior to that I think venusaur is the best grass pokemon you can get in the entire game and with it already having an impressive Kanto track record from the previous canto best team I think you guys already know how well it does grass pokemon do pretty well in Kanto as a lot of trainers rocking ground-based Pokemon Venusaur also has the power to be bulky monster or an offensive attacking Beast you can run elite seed toxic earthquake Swords Dance mega drain sludge bomb there's just a lot of fun to run on Venus or it's got the stats to take on any role and it's just an overall great grass pokemon and the best Kanto starter so move wise for Venus or early on you get vine whip which big picture isn't a great move but for early on in the game against the likes of Brock and misty it's very doable from there you can also learn its first move we are permanently keeping on VSR which is leech seed we feel this is a great move for venusaur due to the bulk it has and it can just SAP away little bits of Health from the opponent there's also of course the powder moves like poison powder and sleep powder but I recommend poison powder early on because I prefer crippling and draining HP - just making a Pokemon sleep from there venusaur doesn't really learn that many great moves by level up I mean there's petal dance but I genuinely don't like that move just because you get locked into it and confused but venusaur does get some good TM moves which leads us to the other three moves we are putting on Venus are which are mega drain sludge bomb and toxic mega drain is great because it got a buff in let's go from 40 to 75 and it still gets back HP as well it's also really easy to find because you get it as soon as you beat the 4th gym sludge bomb and toxic on the other hand are both kind of late-game from beating Koga in cinnabar mansion respectively so until you get to those points in the game I guess I can just recommend you running takedown and poison powder with all these moves Venus urges grid against Brock misty Giovanni's Rhyhorn and ride on Lorelei's team I did the couch for mega Venus or it can take hits from both slow bro and Lapras so don't worry mega venusaur will do fine with mega drain and can safely to it chaos Oberyn Lapras you're fine other Pokemon it does well against our Bruno's Onix traces marowak and Slowbro greens Blastoise and KO fable and rids Lapras one other note to add is that lead city and toxic can really dent read Snorlax is that thing a super fat I get it has rest but still getting a see doff is nice and if he is a bad npc in a sense to not use arrest than more power to you next up we have the 9 oh I won Vulpix nine tails those are my top 5 favorites talk about smooth set ok sure ok so I hate to cut off a riser like that but if you guys have seen any of my videos two of my favorite Pokemon you know are Vulpix and nine tails Vulpix can be found right after Cerulean City right below on route 5 I will admit that nine tails isn't the best for let's go I will 100% agree that Arcanine is for fire types the problem is with our k9 is it's a version exclusive to Pikachu hold it there comet sir don't type what I think you're gonna type yes you can get arcanine as a ride Pokemon from an NPC in Vermillion City I'm fully aware the problem with that is our k9 can't get flame for a level up nor can it get any other fire move is other than ember flamethrower is a TM but you don't get that team until self ko at that point in the game fire pokemon and roy aren't as useful as they are on the early game nine tails is on the team because we needed filler in all honesty a fire pokemon to me provides better filler rather than an ice type pokemon or a fire type Pokemon Plus with that being said I don't want any more weaknesses on the team at it we don't need any more psychic weaknesses or ice type weaknesses well four moves it's really simple what we wanted nine tails for and that's for all of the powerful fire type moves so of course what you need to have is either flamethrower or Fire Blast but for this specific team we think accuracy should go over power you do have to wait a bit to get it around to level 24 which should be after Rock Tunnel so it's actually a perfect time as it's right before you battle Erica will-o'-wisp is also a great move to have since burn has physical attacks and deals damage every turn and you can also get it as soon as 17 which should be right as you catch it on route 5 besides that there really isn't much else to learn through level up as Vulpix doesn't learn anything worthwhile after flamethrower and ninetails doesn't learn anything period but for teams there are some nice moves that can get access to the best of them being dark pulse which is located in the rocket hideout and coal mine which you can get from Sabrina I actually preferred to have nastyplot but the movie Lerner isn't until the end of the so call mine we'll just have to do until then solarbeam is also another option if you want but having to power it up for two turns would just be a hindrance to ninetails with all these moves nine tails this grid against Erica sabrina Lorelei's jinx agatha's Gengar blues executor traces vileplume in Slowbro be careful greens victory bill and Red's venusaur all right now for the penultimate Pokemon on this best team for let's go we decided to go with a Pokemon that can really counter psychic types as they are one of these strongest types in the game and well since we are playing Eevee why not run the best possible non mega bug type in this game pincer it's great because this Pokemon comes right before you face sabrina actually a full gym before it on route 14 although it is a 1% encounter rate once you get a chain going and the lure up it should be much easier to find and as for moves it's not vast but has all the important moves that you need such as x-scissor Swords Dance superpower earthquake rockslide outrage just powerful physical attacks is all you need and estrus that's sure it's not the greatest I wish the speed was up a bit but base 100 defense and 125 attack is nothing to sneeze at movies for Pinsir is actually quite fun is I don't think we have used a lot of bug Pokemon in the best team before it's moose it consists of x-scissor rockslide earthquake inserts dance accessor pincer gets a level 20 and its pincers basic stab attack rock slicer for coverage and that can be found instead the cinnabar mansion earthquake is a must-have cover detect for fire type Pokemon just don't use against Blaine he will knock you out Swords Dance Kim you learned via level up at level 32 and to be honest Swords Dance can help pincer sweep teams pincer is an executor envy peak but it is a powerful asset especially absorbs dance with that move pincers should be able to carry to new places now with all these moves that pincer gets access to the most effective people to use it on our Sabrina Lorelei's jinx and slow bro Bruno's onyx Agatha Tracy's ride shoe vileplume and slow bro blues excecute or reds venus horn pikachu and greens Gengar and victreebel so basically pincer isn't going to be the most widely used pokemon on the team but it provides a very important check to psychic types lastly on our team we have one of the best team for Kanto superstars star me I sorry I'm too good at these puns now star me is our designated water type and second type it fills the role for our needs of a poison Pokemon killer rather than having to rely on needle King for all the work star amis water typing isn't heavily needed due to Venus sir but I mean hey a water type Pokemon isn't terrible to have Plus you can ride on stormy and it just looks super silly this start Pokemon has a super wide move pool to pick from as it always has its special attack and speed are off the charts and I think I can say it's one of the best special attacking Pokemon in the game Alakazam I'm gonna admit it's one of the best pokemon in the game but we can't use it because of trade evolutions I have used trade evolution Pokemon before but you guys have gotten upset about it a lot of people don't have access to the Nintendo store this internet subscription so star me is gonna have to suffice if you want to use Alakazam that is 100% fine if you're up for treating I'll even provide a movie set for Alakazam psychic shadow ball Thunderbolt and Calm Mind psychic you get via level up shadow boy you get from the celadon department store remember what you get from Serge and comment you get from Sabrina star me is here for people that do not want to trade though and I can say it's the best option if you're not using Alakazam plus I like star me because it can heavily help out against Lance unfortunately in these games star me doesn't have the coverage of a pokémon like Alakazam with moves like Shadow Ball but as a special sweeper this Pokemon is definitely one of the best to use and being that this is a late-game Pokemon to get you won't really have any time to develop this Pokemon level wise but that's okay because most of the moves that we are going to be using on this Pokemon will most likely already have access to at level 36 you get psychic which is a must-have for this Pokemon but you can also grab that TM in Saffron as well from there we are going to be using scold and Thunderbolt which are both obtained through Gym Leaders and then ice beam is right next to star me at seafoam so this move sent is really easy to get since basically you already have everything with these moves start me dis great against Koga Sabrina's slow bro Blaine Giovanni's entire team unlike Venus or Lorelei's water types Bruno is entire team Agathis team lenses entire team whose team traces entire team has said from Jolteon be careful of vileplume archers poison types in magmar greens Gengar Blastoise and victreebel be careful and finally Reds are k9 Lapras and Venus or just be careful Venus or well that pretty much wraps up the best team for let's go Pikachu Navy I know sa best team for both games because technically this is the actual best team for both games as Eevee is the best starter and Eevee is the best game to play so Araiza and I are showcasing you the best game to play I know a lot of you guys are gonna be asking are you doing Pikachu and the answer is you ought to find out maybe I will maybe I won't but yeah that was the best team for let's go I hope you guys did enjoy the team as it was a lot of work to create also big thank you to Horizon for helping me out no problem man I just wasted my entire day then I can't get back researching no I'm just kidding but it was really fun being a part of this again and if you guys still haven't seen the best starter for let's go on my channel well it's kind of a bit too late now but hey you can at least still find the reasonings there and maybe watch some other videos you know probably pay my retinol that amen to that but if you're new to the channel why not leave a like and subscribe dimension off notifications on that way you never miss an upload if you want us to per me further consider following my treacherous from a lot of Pokemon content into no content like shiny hunting Zelda Fire Emblem and so much more wants the for me further further in-game cool perks check out my patreon fly at Jubilee Dania Leone lady crimson pal for nine wonder tweeze Austen and lazy Leo did I want to thank them personally for going above and beyond it means the world to me I think I'm wrap this up though I'm Mr gum Brianna and I will see you in the future from where awesome Pokemon content you [Music]
Channel: MysticUmbreon
Views: 1,064,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Let's Go, Let's Go, Let's Go Pikachu, Let's Go Eevee, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, Pokemon Let's Go Eevee, Best Team, Best Team for Let's Go, Best Team for Let's Go Pikachu, Best Team for Let's Go Eevee, Best Team for Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, Best Team for Pokemon Let's Go Eevee, What is The Best pokemon Team for Let's Go, Best Pokemon Team, Best Pokemon Team Let's Go, Best Pokemon Team Let's Go Eevee, Best Pokemon Team Let's Go Pikachu, Best Pokemon
Id: k_YdU6QypPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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