45 Things to do After Beating Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee

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What's going on boys and girls what's up world the Austin John plays here and today I'm gonna be going over 45 things and you can do postgame and pokemon let's go Pikachu and let's go EB since this game isn't nearly as deep as some of the previous Pokemon titles that I've covered I decided to release this video a little bit earlier than I normally do there gonna be some light spoilers in here so if you have not completed the game I recommend adding this to your watch for later list on the Y's you have the chance to be spoiled I've made the same style of video for Pokemon Sun and Moon ultra Sun all trimmin and Legend of Zelda breath of the wild and just in that style I'm gonna be going through this pretty quickly that way there's no real BS or anything so if there's anything you want to learn more about there's going to be links down below as well as a full checklist of these so you can make sure that you can do all of these postgame things yay so with no further ado let's hop into it number one catch the legendary birds Articuno Zapdos and Moltres number to catch Mewtwo number three go back to where Mewtwo was caught and get the mega stones from him and battle green number four receive all the gift Pokemon Bulbasaur Charmander or squirtle opera's Magikarp organ and the old amber number 5 revive her fossils at Cinnabar Island number 6 catch the rest of the 127 Pokemon that you can get easily in the game number 7 with a combo of 31 and an active lurk go inside a victory road and hunt down a Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee number 8 and cerulean cave farm the upstairs area to try to get yourself an additional fossil so you can get the a chat pokemon that you don't have number 9 that just leaves the version exclusive Pokemon catch extras of your version exclusive Pokemon entry with a friend for their version exclusive Pokemon or if you don't have any friends you can use your Pokemon go to transfer over the Pokemon that you don't have or if you don't have Pokemon go or friends you could join my discord and check for if anyone wants to do some trades in there I just asked you to be respectful number 10 now that you have all 150 go to Game Freak headquarters get the shine charm in your certificate number 11 use the mystery box in Pokemon go to get melted you don't have Pokemon go will download it number 12 do that for eight consecutive weeks to get Mel metal number 13 go to the corresponding Pokemon centers and trade for all of the lowland Pokemon number 14 get all the mega stones most in there murmur victory road for $30,000 each 15 trade up a Dragon Knight Charizard or Aerodactyl for flying encounters because now your world is expanded sixteen battle every coach trainer on every route that you skipped over seventeen battle the head coach Morimoto at gamefreak headquarters 18 go to where the SSN was in battle Mina for bottle caps 19 surf right of Mina to this truck and you straight on the truck to get yourself am you encounter 20 face your partner pokemons corresponding master trainer and win 21 trying to police five additional Pokemon to level 70 or with at least 100 of the candy in every stat and then go take on those master trainers this is essentially going to be your elite 4 accrue that you went out with 22 after your sixth master trainer go outside of the indigo plateau and battle red 23 battle Jessie and James one last time on route 17 before they blast off 24 get every single outfit in the game for you and your partner Pokemon 25 get all of the accessories for your partner Pokemon 26 save up 9999 Pokemon dollars for you to get the crown for your partner Pokemon 27 rematch every single one of the eight gym leaders including Sabrina and I know it's a pain getting their 28 rematch all of the Elite Four because why not 29 get all 60 TMS in this game number 30 get the judge function on the route 11 12 gate 31 venture and various routes and locations to get combos of powerful first form Pokemon of every evolutionary line that means Bulbasaur Charmander squirtle Caterpie wheedle Pidgey ratata spero Ekans pikachu san shootin in iran male knitter and female Clefairy Vulpix Jigglypuff Zubat oddish paris Vanina Diglett meow Psyduck manky growlithe poliwag Machop Bellsprout tentacle Geodude po neeta slowpoke Magnemite Farfetch'd 2 Duo seal Grimer Sheldor gastly onyx drowsy crabby Voltorb execute cubone hamana hamana like a tongue coughing Rhyhorn Chauncey Tangela Kangaskhan horsey golden star you mr. mime sight third jinx elect a bud magmar pincer tauros Magikarp laparis TV porygon ammonite Kabuto Aerodactyl Snorlax enter tini I just made my own Pokemon rap 32 while doing that half a combo of 31 it's weird saying those two numbers very quickly and the shiny charm and allure active for a 1 in 273 chance of finding a shiny wild Pokemon number 33 train up all of those previously mentioned first form Pokemon with their respective species candy to a max a V of plus 200 in every single stat number 34 battle all of the master trainers for all of those first form Pokemon number 35 evolved all of those Pokemon that are able to evolve meaning Ivysaur Charmeleon Wartortle Metapod Kaku you get the point all of the second form Pokemon number 36 battle all of those master trainers number 37 evolve all of those Pokemon that can evolve number 38 battle of the last of the master trainers number 39 get ditto the legendary birds Mewtwo Mew Melton and Mel metal to high CP levels to show their master trainers in the basement of Cinnabar Island ditto in melton or 4000 the birds are 7500 Mew and mill metal are 8,000 and Mewtwo is 9000 number 40 is the beginning of daily events every single day you can visit and babysit the slowpoke computer city 41 visit Diglett in the wardens house for a nugget 42 pick up hidden items in the rocket game corner 43 pick up hidden items in cerulean cave 44 pick up hitting items in cerulean cave until you find a master ball 45 look for the hidden heart scales in seafoam island for the movie learner and 46 well I already mentioned the shiny and every single super powerful Pokemon so I'm I'm there is no 45 and one of them wasn't true so there you go guys approximately 45 things that you can do postgame and Pokemon let's go Pikachu and let's go Eevee you did not do all this I know for a fact you didn't do all these I've been playing this game religiously and I don't have all of these done I don't even have all the master trainers done I'm actually going in master trainer order and so far I've worked my way up to radical so for Medicaid from that pokedex number onward those are the master trainers that I need to take out so yeah guys if you found this video helpful or informative be sure to leave a like down below if you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe to turn on notifications until next time Austin John out
Channel: Austin John Plays
Views: 1,385,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon post story, pokemon let's go pikachu, pokemon let's go eevee, pokemon let's go pikachu and eevee, things to do after beating let's go pikachu and eevee, pokemon let's go pikachu walkthrough, pokemon post game, austin john plays, austin john, austin, austin john plays youtube, pokemon, Pokémon Let's Go, Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu, Pokémon Let's Go Eevee, Pikachu, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, before you play, shiny pokemon let's go, let's go shiny, how to get shiny pokemon
Id: AonDTANA-dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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