Best Team for Kanto Remastered

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we got shirts on sale expressed her evolution and start a Pokemon love by buying an evolution family shirt in which one starter shirt link will be in the description below around three years ago I made the best team for Kanto it was a huge hit and people seem to really enjoy this series even now I'm continuing using the other starters and you guys seem to really enjoy that to keep it short the reason I have nothing uploading the alternate started best teams Lilly is it cuz I got tired of doing them due to the stress behind it all trying to get one out every two weeks was difficult because of my schooling and a life stuff happening I know I did some other ones like from time to time but it still was a pain to get out because it was really stressful but today with me finally being on summer vacation we can get started so yeah besting for Kento three years ago I made it and I thought I did a really good job with it at the time it seemed like a really good great team that as the years went by and I started doing the best teams with a different formatting style I realized that could have been made a lot better the original best team for Kanto had no move sets and was nowhere near as in-depth of the guide as present-day best teams are trust me I'm aware that I have made errors and some past best teams but compared more present teams to the originals and there's obviously a big drastic change of quality pretty much what I'm trying to say is I want to make a remastered Kanto best team with the same mechanics I use nowadays very similar to how we made the remastered Sinnoh team except I am NOT going to only be using one game this best team will still revolve around both firered and leafgreen and this time around there will be no version exclusives there will also be moves that's provided as well and as usual no egg moves no TN moves postgame nor any tutor moves postgame this team will only cover up to the end of the Elite Four as well firered and leafgreen postgame is relatively easy so I think you guys can cover that yourself this entire time I talked about what I was gonna change by the kanto best team but I didn't even explain what a best team is so here I go a best team is a team of six Pokemon that is designed for the absolute best performance for the said pokemon game the team revolves around a best starter choice and is then made into a team revolving around that best said starter in our case Bulbasaur each team member is designed to do well against certain gym leaders the elite four members champion rival and the evil team leaders in the end we have a team that does well against the most important battles in the game when making this team we do provide movesets for each of the pokemon we include TM moves but we do not allow egg moves and our postgame - moves you guys have already heard this except one more thing I'm not going to be doing in this playthrough is a Maccabees and legendary Pokemon legendary Pokemon make the game too easy and it's easy to cheese stinks to me anyone with a brain can just pick up legendary birds and use them especially because they're automatically little 15 my level 100 motors had no problem be didn't do it for ya I'm talking about you guys in the comment section you all know who you are anyway so that's pretty much what a best team is this is a literally word-for-word WestEd for the scenery master team this is pretty much an up-to-date version of the best team format I also know there will be new team members to the team as all some old familiar faces you guys have seen before so let's give them a warm welcome with this brand new remastered Kanto best team all right best herbs being sore Venus or despair than charizard blastoise and a Kanto playthrough and Esbern matchups Venusaur is also my personal favorite of the cantos starters Ivysaur has the best metal stage evolution design and Bulbasaur super adorable but yeah if you guys want more details about how venusaur was the best watch your eyes on make zillions best sorta video yada yada yada you guys know about all that stuff already starting off their first and we've said this remastered best team we have Razor Leaf or stab and the leech seed growth and toxic razor leaf because to me it's the best grass move it can get that doesn't have insufficient PP uses whereas other moves like frenzied plant Giga Drain and solar beam either have to recharge have 5 PP or has to charge up for an entire term I understand there's sunny day but it wants to set up 2 moves for solarbeam raised leukemia learn is an Ivysaur at level 22 growth is there for extra power raises this special attack by one stage growth this one below 41 toxic is great because of stall and that can be obtained from KO GAF do you beat him late see the kimi learn as a bulb assert level 7 with the combination of elite seed and toxic you're gonna start those bulky pokemon it will make your life a lot easier also I should mention Venus or doesn't get a good poison type attack until postgame the sludge bomb TM isn't available until 5 island Venus or should have learned more offensive poison type attacks in its move pool it sucks that doesn't have that with Razor Leaf Venus swords great against Brock misty Giovanni's ground-types is said from Mito King and IDO Queen Lorelei steam ax said it from jinkx Bakr blows ice attacks by the way Bruno's rock types and blues right on Venus were actually did well for a grass type Pokemon canter is one of those rare cases where the grass type actually does decent I switched its poison timing could have gotten more use well it wouldn't be a best team for Kanto without needle king that's right this MVP is back once again help us all out on our Kanto journey Oh get in the too much detail since this is like the 73rd time we've had needle King on say for a more detailed explanation check out some of the previous Kenda best teams in short needle King is just a powerful monster with pretty solid stats and a nice earth small moves to choose from it definitely gets better in later generations after the physical special split but even without the split it will shred your opponent's team easily first you'll be getting neater ran on route 3 at level 6 the last time I said you could get on route 22 when that's actually fall straight as in fire beneath green you cannot get it on that right next up Iranian City so yes it is on route 3 at level 6 after pewter city after Brock now this is gonna be a little bit harder for leaf green players as the encounter rate for neither end mail is only 1% while it's 14% in Pokemon firered but trust me it's definitely worth it so just tough it out now the time they get to cerulean it should be ready to evolve and they need arena level 16 which you can then evolve immediately into Nidoking with the moonstone after there are no moves you have to wait for you can just evolve it immediately which i think is really cool a moonstone can be found on the first floor map moon - no worries there and just like that you have a very powerful fully evolve Pokemon all before the second badge at this point you should understand all very well why you know King makes them many of the best teams especially if Kanto is involved so for a final move set we have dig which will then be your place of an earthquake later on Thunderbolt surf and finally megahorn now I know surf and thunderbolt or special moves while needle King is largely a physical attacker but special attacks that isn't that bad and it helps to have surf for getting around as well as the coverage at both it and Thunderbolt provide until you're able to get all these tunnel moves this use moves like double kick and thrash for standard battles both or level up move as a double kick being learned at level 12 as Annie Durant and Thresh learn at level 22 so now on how to get the final moves for dig you get the TM from a rocky grunt behind the rob house in cerulean city you'll use dig until you're able to teach earthquake which is given to you by Giovanni after you defeat him in Viridian City the Thunderbolt team is able to be purchased at the Rocket game corn in celadon City for four thousand coins the survey chain has obtained from the main at the secret house in area 3 of the Safari Zone and finally megahorn is a level up move learned all 43 with all these moves the Indo King as well against lieutenant sir dis entire team kogas muck if you want you can take on some Reyes team but I wouldn't recommend it that sounds kind of silly Plains team Giovanni's entire team with surf and dig you could try taking a more Western with Thunderbolt and megahorn like what Sabrina I wouldn't recommend it both Bruno's onyx agathis goal Ben or buck lenses Gyarados and Aerodactyl and finally your rivals entire team yeah Jackie Onassis that needle King was a beast with the right moves that can easily body at least half the region by itself what is why it will usually finance way on a canto best team come back to the best team is our previous flyer dodrio doduo kimi fen as early as route 16 the right next to celadon City after you cut down the tree no Draya was here because in my opinion is the best flyer in Kanto at outclasses Sphero and Pidgeot by a landslide for Pidgeot it dislikes moves and in stats are nowhere near its grazed audrey Oz bureau is a little closer in stats in earlier game but doderer still has 20 more physical attacks stat and 10 more speed stat than fear actually does dodrio also has a better selection and normal team attacks versus the other two birds Aerodactyl is also another option but it's too late game that's why I don't want that those are the reasons why I believe dodrio is the best flyer excluding legendaries usually Flyers don't perform well and best teams and are kind of stare to space out fly but dodrio actually puts in its share of work I can attest this because I actually use it a lot and my point there would be original besting for Kanto and it did pretty well for me that's got to 100 plus stats that make it hard hitting monster for Kanto doji is moveset is as vanilla as you're gonna see drill peck fly return and stealing drill peck Kimi learn to all 47 until you get that attack you can use aerial ace which can be obtained on the right next to Cerulean City on the way to rock tunnel fly is wall fly we need that to get around why have fly and drill pick or aerialist because fly is a to turn attack fly is annoying the it's only there for convenience trust me on that one return is one of the best normal attacks in the game and that can be found on a route 12 right below lavender town in the look at area on the second floor try Tek is another option if you want choose that one try attack Kimmi learn del of a 21 by doduo and there is a chance for the opponent to be frozen paralyzers bird will attack wrong normal types are physical in this gen sport stealing is here for coverage and that can be found in the safari zone on the way to the surf hm with all these moves doe Drita's great against Erica British fighting types in blues executor there may not be a lot of trainers on that list but being a normal type doesn't mean it's bad if you're able to land some returns off with dodrio you're gonna be hitting like a truck especially for turn is maxed out normal tape has a lot of really powerful attacks and despite them not being able to pull super effective hits they can do well in any kind of situation it doesn't really matter next up we have a newcomer to the best team series being hitmonlee now hitmonlee is taking Jolteon splice and the reason being simply that it serves more purpose than electric pokemon does Jolteon is really only super useful against Lorelei while Hitmonlee as you will see soon enough can be more beneficial to this team now you might be also be asking why hitmonlee ever hit my chin three reasons it's faster has it been removed pole for this generation and it hits harder a lot of the time with these best teams speed really matters and will hit my chin is in the slowest in the world hitmonlee is 11 point higher speed stat will really help out there's also the fact that it's a tax that is 15 points higher than hitman Chan's which really helps get those wins a bit easier and finally the last point of contention is the move pole while yes him a chance move pull is more diverse from a type standpoint it doesn't really do it any good in the third generation as we have not received the physical special split meaning most of these moves are special and take a look at that special stat yeah 35 is it gonna be useful to me at all chief so to me it's only natural that Hitmonlee makes the cut now I guess the one downside is that it has pretty abysmal defense stat as a traitor for the higher speed and attack but I really do feel like the pros outweigh the cons in this case so how you get it is real obvious to anyone that has ever played a game to a game you simply fight your way through the fighting dojo in Saffron City and you get to choose between it and hit Montaigne a surprise it's gonna be a little under level being level 25 but if you get it and around the time you go to sell it on city it shouldn't be that bad if anything it will probably be stronger now the move seperate hitmonlee is real simple and will require virtually no work we have brick brick high jump kick rock tomb and bulk up wrap the bat Hitmonlee has two of the four moves on it being brick breaking high jump kick so I need to do is replace other two moves well I have two fine type attacks because high jump kick can come in handy and a lot of really interesting situations I know I usually discourage it but I mean when you have brick break and high jump kick and you're kind of limited to the options you have you don't really have a choice next up is rock tomb Rock team is obtained from brawl after you defeat him and lastly bulk up steam is found on the 7th floor of sylco so you'll have it soon after you get him only for the most part so all these moves in mind hitman lead is well against Blaine's entire team with rock tomb Giovanni's kangaskhan from the cilco battle fall by his ride-on and right horn battle in the gym Lorelei's dugong oyster and Lapras burnoose Onix lances Gyarados Aerodactyl and dragon and finally arrivals right on Gyarados nice Charizard however just be careful in there flying Pokemon so ya see I told you that hitmonlee is pretty good though and definitely isn't improvement from Jolteon in my opinion it really hurts me to say it but facts are facts sir i Jolteon we have yet another veteran returning the best team being none other than Snorlax I swear Stoics has been on just as many best teams as new king has so it should really be no surprise to see it again it's a strong and beefy Pokemon the solid move pull and of course it's here now I know that Taurus is also another option but I mean I think it's Knox is better just because of the bulk now to get so relaxed is the same as usual you can get to Encanto by upon the poké flute to wake it up one on around twelve and one around sixteen it doesn't really matter which one you get but I would just recommend getting the one hour out 12 as it's on the way towards the sixth member of the team never dream said it's gonna be pretty much the same as the last few best teams we're doing head but we just followed by body slam Shadow Ball Brick Break in strength last time we had seismic toss in yon on strikes but brick brick is just a more solid move Yan was for annoyance but honestly it's not necessary strength is needed as well as providing powerful stab so headbutt is already on ceramics when you capture it and bias lime has learned via level level l33 shadow balls TM is obtained at the rocky game corner for 4,500 Quinn's I know you're gonna have to go the game core a lot but that's where most of the good teams come from brick bricks TM is located on the first floor of the SSN or chemi by the celadon department store and finally strength is given to you by the warden after you give him his golden teeth strikes can use some serious damage to pretty much anyone in Kanto but what these move strikes does best against Sabrina's team is set from venomoth Giovanni's King of sky and self Co and then later his Rhyhorn a ride on at the gym Laurel s team Bruno's Onix I got this team aside from our buck and finally your rivals Alakazam ride on an executory yeah Soraka sporty one can tell it's good to see on the team getting buddy making her return to the Kanto best team series is Nicki Minaj uh-huh I miss it you're funny huh yeah whatever jinx is back though and I'm glad she is because I'm gonna prove to you guys that you do not need a water pokemon a Kanto let's take a look at all beast Pokemon across Kanto most of the Pokemon that her rock types are also ground types Quran tapes are also weak against ice this name implies the grass pokemon as well while bad fire types we got neato King and not to mention neato King also has access to surf so we don't need a water pokemon a water pokemons purpose on the best team is the mainly use surf am I wrong we got a Pokemon that already knows surf so what's the problem and I spoke when I can do a water type Pokemon job better in Kanto not to mention jinx also has at Sega typing along with great speed and special attack that Sega taping comes in handy for all the poison tapes scattered across the region most of the poison-type pokémon also have levitate or some kind of immunity to the ground type tax so Jenks thrives I think I can say that Jenks is the MVP of our team as it takes up most of the Pokemon across the region with ease having both the Taipings of ice and psychic a lot of Pokemon weaknesses in Kanto are these two types where to get Jenks is in cerulean city there is a house next to the Pokemon Center who is offering his jinx for a poly world last time I told you guys you need the old rod that is actually false I'm a doodoo head who messed up to get Poliwhirl you're going have to beat the rocket game corner and then head over live in your town tower next pick up the pokey foot for mr. Fujie head south from lavender town down route 12 wake up Snorlax capture that for the 15-member and there should be a house later on down that route go in and pick up a super rod then fly back to vermilion City go up draw out six to the fishing rod and fish for a poly world I'm not sure what the level cap of what Poliwhirl has to be in order for jinx to keep lovely kiss but make sure that your poly row is at least level 26 the highest any other levels above that I am Not sure feel free to experiment attorney for jinx with that level and it still retain lovely kiss well of the kids is a gray attack as I will talk about that momentarily in the moveset jinx's moveset is crazy good we got ice beam psychic lovely kiss and calm mind it literally sounds like a competitive and we've said isoprene kimi obtaining from the rocket game corner after winning four thousand coins and buying it ice punch can be used earlier in that 75 based power if you don't want to get ice beam use s punch it's pretty much the same exact thing it's at 15 power less guys mean though because it's maximize power being 90 it also helps the ice was special in this generation of Pokemon I spun just learned a lot 25 lovely kisses learn to all of 9 and make sure to follow what I said earlier in terms of getting a poly world you should be able to capture poly we're up to level 30 and be fine but I'm not sure entirely calm mind is obtained after defeating sabrina and second is given to you by mr. psychic in saffron city also for some fun the test of strong jinx is you can leave Erica and have jinx challenger you can practically battle the gym owners in any order you like with these moves jinx can have fun with Erica Koga giovanni's ground-types agatha bruno lance and blues executor right on and Pidgeot jinx is the MVP of this team and i hope you guys have fun using it even though it's design is a little bit strange all in all it's awesome and shreds can't do well that pretty much wraps up this best in for canto remastered these Pokemon I feel are more of an improvement to the original best team and we included a lot of the more in-depth team rather than just the one that looks good on pen and paper with the new best team mechanics I can make future best teams look greater almost some old ones getting revamps what she knows maybe I will do another best team remastered in the future who knows though what do you guys think though did you enjoy the team let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed the video why not leave like and subscribe to my channel for notifications on that way you never miss an upload if you want to support me further consider following my Twitter is from a lot of Pokemon content and Nintendo content like shiny hunting show done battles explorers of sky Zelda Fire Emblem Smash Brothers Borderlands you name it I plan wants to put me further further in game call perks check out my patreon denna Lyon lady crimson powerful man won the lazy leo Matthew Young awesome Lego Jarrett was Austin and sodden Grider dead and I want to thank them person for going above and beyond it means the world to me I think I'm a wrap this up though I'm mystic Umbreon and I will see you in the future for more awesome Pokemon content [Music]
Channel: MysticUmbreon
Views: 1,704,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Team for Kanto, Best Team for Kanto Remastered, Best Team for Kanto Firered and Leafgreen, Best Team for Kanto Venusaur, Best Kanto Team, Strongest Kanto Team, Best Team Kanto Edition, Best Kanto Pokemon Team, Best Pokemon team to play through Kanto with, Strongest Kanto Pokemon, Best Kanto Pokemon, Worst Kanto Pokemon, Best Team for Pokemon Firered, Best Team for Pokemon Leafgreen, Best Pokemon in Kanto
Id: 4P4C3yBdQ3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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