Top 5 Hardest Pokemon to Evolve in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee

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So with the release of Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee, I wanted to try and get some informative videos out there to try and help as many people as possible with their new Kanto adventures, as this may be many of your guys’ first time picking up a pokemon game. So this got me thinking about what would have been the most helpful tips when I first started playing all of those years ago. One of these definitely has to be what are some of the harder Pokemon to evolve. Fortunately most Pokemon can be easily evolved without much effort, but others might take a bit more time, whether it be not knowing what levels they evolve at, meeting certain conditions, or the method dreaded by all loners, the trade evolution. So with that being said, welcome to my Top 5 Hardest Pokemon to Evolve in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee. The main rule with this list in particular is that for the most part, with the exception of one pokemon, is that we are going based on evolution in game only, as the Pokemon GO integration can at times make evolution for some Pokemon easier or harder than originally intended. Plus not everyone will want to use Go for their playthrough, so I want this list to be as inclusive as possible. Now one more thing I should note is that this doesn’t necessarily mean the Pokemon are super hard to evolve, just the hardest of the bunch. Again, the Kanto region was pretty straight forward with evolutions for the most part as they were the first entries in the series, so most Pokemon evolved at fairly reasonable levels or by stones, so that’s the scale we’re going by. And of course this video is 100% opinion based, so what I might find hard comparative to others my not be hard to you. And lastly I just have one honorable mention, and it is none other than Magikarp. Now while this Pokemon is still a little annoying to evolve, it’s a lot easier compared to the original games as Magikarp now has access to tackle at level 15. Still a tad annoying, but not even comparable to how it used to be.(Don’t know if you still want the HM) Now with all of that out of the way, if you have your own list of hard Pokemon to evolve, let me know in the comments section below. If you guys enjoy the video be sure to leave a like subscribe and share this video with a friend and with that being said let’s get started. 5. With Pokemon’s move onto what is technically a home console, and Nintendo’s move into the modern era of gaming one of the more controversial decisions amongst fans across the board has to be the decision to make online a paid service. Many Pokemon fans were hoping that Pokemon would be the exception to the rule and not require the paid online, but alas that was not the case. So you might be asking, what does this have to due with the number 5 spot? Well as stated in the very long intro, one of the comparatively abnormal forms of evolution was via trading. Now this was only ever a problem if people did not have a link cable or, during the current timeframe, a WiFi connection. However now you will need both WiFi and 20 bucks a year if you want trade and battle with friends. While 20 might not be a lot to some, this can definitely be a burden on others which certainly hinders the experience. So I think it’s only fair to include the 4 OG trade evos on this list. But if I were to narrow it down, it’d obviously be Abra. What separates it from the rest is the fact it’s only level up move is Teleport. Sure there are TMs that it can be taught, but those a very scarce and at times non compatible with Abra, basically rendering this thing useless in actual battle. Meaning you have to do the classic, switch in, switch out and collect as much EXP as possible until it evolves into Kadabra. Sure all the pokemon do get experience in battle with this new mechanic that is basically the exp share, but all im saying is that it would be way less tedious if abra could just take out pokemon itself to get full exp instead of half. Again, this isn’t that difficult, hence why it’s number 5. But with needing to pay for online in addition to having to go through extra hoops just to properly get the thing ready for evolution certainly makes it the most annoying. Oh yeah, and the need of friends. Why must this factor haunt me. 4. Coming in at the number 4 spot we have Rhyhorn. Now rhyhorn is a pokemon I actually want to use for my team specifically because Rhydon is an absolute monster, but I feel the process to actually getting one might be a little more tedious than I originally thought. First I gotta say since there is no longer a safari zone in Let’s Go, in its place being the Go park, the only other places that you could get a Rhyhorn were Cerulean Cave and Victory Road. But thankfully in Let’s Go they added Rhyhorn as a catchable pokemon in the Rock Tunnel making the process to actually obtaining a Rhyhorn a whole lot faster. But the problem is actually getting it up to the required level of 42 to evolve it. The level caps in Rock Tunnel are between 18 and 23, so that’s half of the work done for you. But the grind to 42 is definitely not easy for this Pokemon. Now while it’s stats might be good, they’re not as sustainable as I’d like for a Pokemon that evolves at such a high level. In addition to that, it has quite the list of weaknesses, being weak to Fighting, Ground, Steel, and Ice, with 4 times weakness to both Water and Grass. And conveniently for you, the very next Gym Leader you face after you obtain Rhyhorn just happens to be the Grass type specialist Erika. And not to mention the abundance of water and water types throughout the region, it’s not going to be simple to get this thing leveled up adequately.Now again, it’s not completely useless, again looking at stats and it’s learnable moveset, I’m just saying it’s quite the tedious task to accomplish. 3 Next up we have a tie as these two pokemon are pretty much a 1 for 1 in terms of usefulness and difficulty in getting them. Those 2 Pokemon are both of the main fossil pokemon, Kabuto and Omanyte. Both have pretty bad stats and fairy meh movepools. But the main concern is having to wait all the way until Cinnabar Island, damn near the end of the game, to get them resurrected. Now at the moment I’m not sure whether they will come out of the fossil at level 5 like older Kanto games, or if they will be at level 15 as they were in Sun and Moon. Either way this situation is not good, as they both evolve at Level 40, a major uphill climb for such weak Pokemon. (Show omastar and kabutops to show that it may not be worth getting them since they are weak) You might think it’s not so bad as the Fire type Gym Leader Blaine is right there. Surely you could knock a Pokemon or two out and get some major EXP gain. Well if we’re going by those Pokemon Yellow levels, we’re looking at levels between 48 and 54, so you need to start an uphill climb before you even think about attempting to take him out with either one of those things. Even giving both the benefit of the doubt and praising Omanyte’s High Defense and Special Attack and Kabuto’s High Attack and Defense, they’re still not amazing creatures as moves like Aqua Jet and Rock Slide are pretty much the absolute best you’re getting. Now whether or not they’ll keep the ability to revive at the Pewter Museum of Science like in Heartgold and Soulsilver is unknown, but it’s likely to stay the same as it was in the original games, which is a bummer since I really like these two. But it basically just makes them Pokedex fillers at this point. 2. Coming in at the number 2 spot is a Pokemon I struggle with in deciding whether it actually deserved the top placement or not. And that is Kanto’s Pseudo legendary Pokemon line. Now it was never really easy to get yourself a Dragonite in the first place for a multitude of reasons. The fact that Dratini is really weak doesn’t really help, but the climb from Dragonair at level 30 to level 55 is a pretty steep one. Now this was already a problem that I personally had, but it was doable. I mean in Pokemon Yellow Dratini had a 20% chance to be fished out of the Safari Zone with Dragonair having a 10% chance. Now that did come with a bit of hindrance as they were levels 10 and 15, respectively. But at least obtaining one wasn’t too awful. However this issue is even more exacerbated than it was in previous games. Now with the Safari Zone no longer existing, these two Pokemon can be found on Route 10 at levels between 18 and 23. Not so bad right? well.. Dratini does have only has a 4% encounter rate and Dragonair with only 1%. And with no random encounter via fishing or surfing, it seems like the wait will be tedious, but maybe not as bad as in yellow at least since you dont have to physical encounter and battle every pokemon. But come on, that’s just torturous. I mean I get why it’s supposed to be so elusive, but Dragonite is already hard to get. At least make these guys easier to find. Although it doesn’t even really matter how soon you find them or not because you won’t even get to enjoy that sweet sweet Dragonite until near the end of the game, which to some might feel like a major accomplishment that they’re happy with. For me however, I’m just annoyed. 1 And finally at the number one spot we have the Pokemon that was just barely able to edge out the annoyance to Dragonite and be the only Pokemon that I had to bend the rules for a little. And that is none other than the brand new Mythical Pokemon Meltan and Melmetal. Again to make this list as inclusive as possible I wanted to limit how you get the Pokemon to just being in game, as Go integration could either make it easier or harder than originally intended. Not everyone is going to want to use Go. However if you want the newest Pokemon and its evolution, you’re going to need to suck it up, as Go is the only way to get these two fellas. Now getting Meltan should be easy enough as all you have to do is transfer one Pokemon from Go to Let’s Go and you’ll receive 1 Mystery Box, that essentially works as an Incense for Meltan specifically. But here’s where the difficult stuff comes in. You can only get 1 Mystery box at a time and must wait a period of time before you’re able to get another one. That’s already decent chunk of time that you have to put into just getting a couple of these little cuties. However it takes 400 Meltan Candy to evolve Meltan into Melmetal. So if we assume the Mystery box works exactly like incense and that you get 1 Meltan every minute for 30 minutes while actually being active, the best case scenario for getting Melmetal as fast as possible would be be using the full time on two mystery boxes, and that’s assuming you are using a Pinap berry on every single catch, sending the extra Meltan to Willow for more candy, and that you’re able to catch each Meltan within 1 minute. So even with that unlikely scenario in mind, you’re still needing at least an hour of physical activity, which isn’t including the undisclosed wait time for getting new Mystery boxes. So it’s more likely that you’ll be spending hours of your time, and some of them physically active just to get your hands on this thing. I actually find it pretty awesome that this is what needs to be done in order to get a Melmetal, although I’m not super excited about having to get out of the house. It’s super unique and a good move on Game Freak’s part to promote both Go and Let’s Go. That being said, I can also say without an ounce of doubt, that this will be the most difficult Pokemon to evolve in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee. Thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoyed the video be sure to leave a like and let me know in the comment section below. If you haven’t already subscribe to the channel to become an Eryibro today. If you want to check out the previous video I did be sure to click the annotation on the left. If you want to see some more Let’s Go videos click the other annotation on the right. And with that being said I will see you guys next time.
Channel: Eryizo
Views: 535,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee, pokemon, Hardest Pokemon to evolve in Pokemon Let’s go pikachu and let’s go Eevee, hardest pokemon to evolve, Difficult Pokemon To Evolve, Top 5 Hardest Pokemon to Evolve in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee, Difficult pokemon to evolve in pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee, Pokemon that are hard to evolve in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee, hard pokemon to evolve, Eryizo
Id: L1dklsel7K0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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