Unique Rimworld Mods You Need Right Now

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welcome to a unique video and some unique mods today we're going to be talking about the mods that have been standing out in their own special way on the workshop so grab yourself some snacks take a seat and prepare to add mods to your game have you ever thought it was strange your pawns know everything about a world they just crashed onto you have you ever wanted to change that now you can with the rim World exploration mod the world as you know it has been hidden from view you're going to need to go out and explore to discover other factions and see what this Bountiful planet has in store there are a few unique bits of World Travel it's harder to see through past mountains and you move slower on Rivers but wait there's more traveling isn't the only way to discover the world some pawns will drop mats that will review locations in addition to all this the relationships you make with other factions have a new perk they will share the world map info they have with you now I'm sure you are already wondering this already but this mod does indeed have compatibility with renmore you can now unwittingly walk into war zones during your travels and it will be that much more difficult to hunt down your greatest foes is mod hit the workshop less than a month ago at time of writing and is still feeling fresh be sure to check it out and be sure to stay till the end this next mod has made some interesting changes to the dynamic of your natural world Rivers used to be these boring streams that are best slowed down Raiders and sped up decomposition but no longer they have been given greater Purpose with some things float mod the some things float mod does what you think it does and more objects in the river will now float Downstream and even off the map what a great way to get rid of stuff what's more sometimes things will enter the map via the stream I wonder what you might find ever thought combat extended or yayo's combat was getting old there's a new Contender for the combat mod Throne pawns are now gonna John Wick each other in combat with improved reaction time they will avoid line of sight in combat choosing the safest of routes to get close to your pawns they will be divided into groups when attacking each with their own goals and targets and everyone will be able to sap if they need to this is a threat you are not prepared for or are you because your pawns are smart enough on two stealth go Sniper Elite and take out enemies at camps one by one and try not to raise the alarm all that combined this mod also has optional fog of War your battles are going to be edge of your seat nail biting fun pair this with remote exploration mode for a totally new Rim World experience ever thought roofs and remote were kinda an underutilized thing with the expanded Roofing you can have glass ceilings solar roofs and thick roofs which do require some maintenance but they're pretty good it's a small mod but it's also a great addition to the game be sure to check it out this next one is a bit of a qolimon autocut stumps does exactly what it says pawns will automatically cut stumps after chopping trees this can help get your clear cutting done faster or just keep the map looking cleaner removing stumps is helpful as well because guess it or not it counts as Low cover don't give those Raiders anywhere to hide roads of the rim has gotten a continuation and added railroads now you can build an industrious empire built on trade moving resources and people grid distances in a short amount of time this mod like the other has got me hyped for some unique playthroughs be sure to check it out if you ever thought it was lame that your tribal Stark Colony would carry its debuffs long into The Space Age with the tech level progression mod this is no longer a concern the game will change your colony's tech level based on what parts of the research tree who completed a small but impactful mod very tasteful will be using in the future alright gotta plug myself in this video everyone can work mod will allow you to put anyone that can walk to work this is a great addition to a tribal run or lower Tech run where all working bodies are needed to sustain The Colony give it a try and tell me what you think thanks Cannon for helping me get this out there are you the type to grind Wealth Management in your Colony the visible raid points might help you get a better picture of how fast the raid's coming at you or strengthening giving an indicator on the raid card noting the raid points value of each raid a nice qll mod for sure portions of the rim is a new and very unique mod to hit the workshop that generates portraits for the characters you select in game from colonists to visitors in quest givers this mod has great and the unique addition to your game that can spice things up give it a try this next one or I guess 2 have to do with throwables the throw over wall mod allows you to lob a flaming beer and grenades over walls at your enemies from the safety of your home pair this mod with the throw them continue to keep your pawns while equipped and have easy access to your tools of death excellent thank you for watching this video I hope you all enjoyed it I'd like to thank all my awesome patrons I keep this channel on its feet feel free to support us and get early access to videos like this one see you guys in the next
Channel: Noobert
Views: 79,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, Rimworld, Guide, Rimworld guide, Rimworld How to, Rimworld mods, Rimworld unique mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 31sec (271 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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