Best Player Stats To Level In Palworld!!! | Palworld

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what's up guys welcome back to a brand new video on the channel in this video I'm going to be showing you guys the best stats to put your levels into now stats you're going to get plenty of stats when you level up and I really recommend the first stat Point stat that I really recommend putting your levels into is Health now health is really really crucial in early to mid game and even Ed game but generally have a bit more armor in end game but when I first started the game when I did the boss fights when I was I was taming a deer and I continued to die and then I thought I need to put some more levels into health so I started pumping about seven to eight levels into health and it instantly helped me so health is really really crucial so I really recommend putting in levels into health and it also does go up 100 each time you level it up so it's not too hard to get up to you know 1,000 HP a bit more than 1,000 HP P it's really really easy I only put about seven or eight levels into health and I'm already got I've already got 1,400 Health but that's still with armor and stuff but still I I'm pretty pretty good on health now at the moment but I probably will need to put a bit few more levels into it but I really really recommend putting your levels into Health all right guys so the second second stat I really recommend putting your levels into is weight now weight is really really crucial for early game and mid and even end game because in early game when you're harvesting things like when I needed wood I had to carry around a lot of wood and I really needed weight because I was always getting weight down I needed to drop stuff and before you have the lumbering Pit and the stone pit you you really really need need weight because you're going to be doing most of the Gathering your your pals uh might do a little bit but they're not going to be able to carry it back to your base of very quickly so I really cannot emphasize how much you need weight in the early game and the mid game and the end game but in the mid game you're going to be carrying around quite a bit of stuff so yeah you're going to have crossbows your weapons are going to have a quite a bit of weight your body has quite a bit of weight your head armor has quite a bit of weight your Shield is five as you can see your Power Sphere are going to be a lot more because I'm only caring a few P spheres right now but in the end game you're going to be carrying tons of stuff you're going to be carrying guns pickaxes everything it's going to be tons and tons of weight so you're going to need about 600 weight or 500 even and yeah I really recommend pumping your levels into weight all right guys remember to smash that subscribe button because we are trying to reach 100 subscribers before the end of the month and we are very very close we're at about 65 subscribers right now we're only needed 35 more so we're super duper close so smash that subscribe button also drop a like if you are enjoying up to this point and if you agree with me comment down below if you believe that a stat is better than the other and anyway guys I'll get back to the video all right guys so the next best stat you're going to the next SL last stat you're going to want to invest in is stamina now stamina you're going to need quite a bit of stamina for rolling around and dodging and everything like when I did the boss fight I needed quite a bit of stamina cuz I was dodging tons and tons of attacks so yeah stamina is just really crucial even in the end game well I'm freezing cuz it's cold but yeah stamina is just super duper crucial because you're going to run around you're going to roll to dodge stuff you're going to jump and all that and also when you are mining things so when you have the metal pickaxe and the metal Axe and you're like you know mining stuff it does actually take away your Stam even hitting with the spear and stuff ites does take away your Stam so you're really really going to need uh stamina if you're like Mining and stuff or even attacking a creature because it's it's really bad when you just have to stop if you're in the middle of a fight or like in the middle of mining something so yeah that's why Stam is really really crucial all right guys so that is the top three stats here that you need to get but these stats are kind of useless cuz work speed you're going to be using your powers you could put like one or two levels into work speed cuz it does go up by 50 but work speed is not not that useful so I don't really recommend putting it into Works speed defense you have armor you have Shield you have health you have all of that stuff there's so many more stats you can put that are better than defense and I don't even think you can actually level up defense so yeah and attack you're going to use your powers to attack things you're going to use guns to attack things there is absolutely no point in leveling up attack and that is my top stats to level up and yeah thank you guys for watching as I said remember to subscribe and smash that like button if this helped you out and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: AverageGameAdict
Views: 1,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best, Stats, Palworld, Player, Pokemon, Ark, Gaming
Id: 3-aHPajkmzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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