You Can't Outsmart Stupidity | Key & Peele

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[Music] hey man you gotta let me out of here oh okay you tricked me i can honestly say i wasn't trying to trick you you weren't all i said was you got to let me out of here there's no trick so so i do have to let you out of here yes okay [Applause] [Music] orders to let him go i don't know why he's in there in the first place i don't know [Applause] well you really got me in trouble sorry yeah you must think i'm stupid well i'm not stupid i'm smart so yeah you know how you can prove that you're really smart oh yeah let me guess you want me to let you out of here again well you know what you think you you can trick me into letting you out again well you can't because this is my choice get the heck out of it all right all right reverse psychology i am sorry about that guys that was me guys my bad my bad real nice now they said they're going to dock my pay and if i let you out of here again i'm going to be severely punished i'm actually surprised they haven't already thrown you in here with me no prison is for bad guys you're a bad guy and i'm a good guy yeah but you can see how from my perspective i'm a good guy wait you're a good guy oh my gosh it doesn't seem like you understand what your job is oh okay i see what you're doing you're trying to you're trying to manipulate me with reverse psychology well it's not gonna work it's not even worth going out there again look they're just gonna get me and bring me back in here just like they always do unless what no i'm forget it i don't want to take advantage of him anymore look hey look listen i'm not gonna fall for it whatever it is you may as well just tell me i was just gonna say that like if you were to help me get past the guards yeah yeah all the way out okay i i really i have to tell you need to think about this long and hard weigh your options and consider the ramifications of those options if like heck i will let's go i'm busting you out of here don't yell man we'll bring the alarm right yeah yeah okay oh hi tom [Music] oh boy i did it again that was the thing they said to me if you talk to those prisoners you're gonna get trouble now [Music] anything in here
Channel: Comedy Central Asia
Views: 713,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy Central Asia, Asia Comedian, Comedy, Singapore Comedy, Malaysia Comedy, Taiwan Comedy
Id: UrzaWJCpggU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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