Best of the Worst: Playing Dangerous 2, The Exterminator, and The Deadliest Prey

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hey Josh do you want to watch some movies okay okay so Josh this week we're going to watch sequels to movies we've previously watched on best of the worst it's gonna say we've watched the other idea these are familiar to me yeah they're not quite but we'll start today with playing dangerous - I never send a man to do a boy's job eleven-year-old Stewart wolf gets more than he bargained for when he joins an artificial intelligence program rather than attend summer camp Stewart discovers that instead of teaching computers to think someone is using the program to steal information the goal America's top scientific financial and military secrets oh that's very efficient when Stewart tells his mentor Jack Harrison Jack slips without realizing it and reveals he is the mastermind of the conspiracy spoilers this is given the whole movie Oh a box just an adult in a room full of drug kids no big deal oh my god he's getting weird what the hell are you telling me not one of you has read it in the original Hungarian so our next film is our inverted sequel it's we already saw exterminator - not knowing anything about the series but now we have the exterminator we're gonna get some answers it don't star Robert Ginty who I believe was the exterminator yes one right in the second one I don't know if this makes sense but he looks like a little boy as an older man yeah does that make sense it's like if a little boy was inflated yeah yeah so yeah maybe this will make the second movie make more sense to be more satisfying as a result of this I don't know no it's not gonna have any more event people's in it when Vietnam veteran John Eastland Robert Ginty learns that his best friend was left paralyzed at the hands of a New York Street gang he will not rest until they are brought to justice Eastland takes the law into his own hands and becomes a one-man task force who annihilates his buddies attackers and goes on a hunt down the city's entire dart underworld that's the exact same thing as the second movie yeah to the public he's a hero but to the law-enforcement officials the exterminator is a psychopath capable of dangerously undermining an entire government administration okay so the man that he's setting more people and fire them they are I hope more grandparents get shot oh yeah we'll see please my check was late so I couldn't buy any food I need my money please you are breaking my heart [Music] this is awkward car chases third they're crashing into things only because they can't drive yeah they hit a car so Josh what is our final film of the night finally Ted Pryor is the deadliest prey yes deadliest Oh we are excited about this this is a we had a fantastic time watching deadly prey and the tagline obviously is just go right into it in Vietnam he was the best now he has to prove it again oh yes they worked again into the that's my favorite tag line for sequels you say it happened again oh it might be happening again doing this [ __ ] again I can't believe all these doing this [ __ ] - yeah signed by Ted Dyer himself yes very good - mullet unfortunately and he's wearing pants yeah these are all detriments I know ours I'm concerned you gotta be kidding me you gotta be kidding me you've got to be kidding me right nearly 30 years ago the highly decorated Special Forces soldier Mike Denton was inadvertently sucked into a violent game of cat-and-mouse with Colonel Hogan his ex commanding officer thrown out into the middle of the woods with nothing but a pair of shorts on his body and no weapons dan was forced to fight dozens of armed soldiers to survive and he did killing all about one it's good to see you colonel look pretty good for having spent 25 years in that place hey stop talking and start driving [ __ ] that's my kernel now all these years later the one he left alive is coming back to haunt him as the bitter Colonel Hogan gets released from prison and immediately seeks out his revenge on Danton and this time he is broadcasting every bloody moment of it to the public to prove to the whole world that he is in fact the very best there is broadcasting it where I don't know yet this is his plan like I want to broadcast me violently murdering you to show to the world something Jay some people just don't worry we can only hope that some people just don't learn and by some people I mean David and Ted Pryor please please don't kill me I just needed the job now come on man we can do better than that well here we are again this is not a successful of viewing experiences the last time I think the four of us are together yeah but we watched three movies three sequels two movies we've watched before the first one being plane dangerous to enrich I know you were there for the screening the original plane dangerous how does this one stack up to plane dangerous part one it it stacks up poorly compared to playing dangerous part one playing dangerous part one was the story of Stuart a young boy who had to defend his family from the terrorists who wanted a techno thing playing dangerous too is the story of yeah yeah Els spectrum it was so funny dad this is sucks Hey look a boggling oh it's one of the most boring movies we've watched um best of the worst oh it's it's weird because the original movie the interesting aspect about it was the fact that it was clearly a harder-edged movie r-rated movie or very hard pg-13 where all the violence was edited out and it was repackaged as a children's film a home alone knockoff so we were curious with this one like what do you do as a follow-up to that how do you make a sequel to a movie that doesn't know who it's aimed at and this one had very similar tone very dark very like long stretches of boring dialogue very dark tone just without all of those cutaways there is a difference the first one had a very dark tone but it was packaged like a kid movie this one it's actually really writing down the line because the violence is cut down considerably but not editing it around just cut down within the movie yeah it's not edited out it's just nobody really gets serious just it doesn't happen yeah they make a specific point of saying during a movie oh he'll be all right I set him on fire but he's gonna be alright he's old he's only a little burned to the bone they go out of their way to say he's alive even though Stuart would have no way of knowing this yeah don't worry he'll be okay he ran out of the building in flames but I'm guessing he's alright he's stopped and dropped and rolled he did the flame calculations in his head he's a very smart kid he knows the combustion rate of his poly nylon suits he knows how long that's gonna burn the flame retardant by the way so he needed it he's gonna be fine Jesus Christ what a little kid isn't gonna care about some sort of plot about hacking into computers into the government files what are they doing they brought him in to build a computer program that can think for itself and the bad guy was using the computer program to steal government secrets which could only be stolen at a very specific time right this cannot and the government secret EE equals MC squared equals MC squared just as a friendly reminder I didn't see the first plane dangerous unfortunately it took a long time to get to any shenanigans in the sequel yeah it's crazy that this one makes the first movie look like a masterpiece and comparison the first one gets going right away so much people walk in and start shooting people in a lab a guy gets shot in the face in the first 10 seconds of the first movie then within within 10 minutes there's armed people storming into the family home yeah it really keeps things moving there's some stretches but but this one it's just so dull Jack I know this is going to sound crazy but you have to believe me why did the flash just everything is wide flat a big thing is that he's supposed to be getting he's supposed to be getting like really close with the guy that runs the program and he's like almost like a little kind of father figure kind of thing or just like he's such a cool older guy and like we're having fun playing this video game that somehow Stewart is in [Applause] help why is he you should be shooting at monsters or something other collection making game where he's shooting a nerf gun rich you're a video game person have you ever played a game where you can't see what you're supposed to be shooting max is that a game that exists Doom 3 video game Joe dr. Stuart the best systems analyst any team could ask for here the famous apple juice drinking scene that happened I feel like it's supposed to be a big thing when he finds out that this guy that he's been bombing with is the mastermind and in there but the thing is his acting is so [ __ ] static and monotone throughout the whole movie there's not really a whole lot of a difference when that happens this is the realization that he'll never get another job well they did realize the movie was boring and that's why they stuck in the goofy roommate that kid just discovered drugs would you like some jello we're not supposed to have food in the room but I snuck some in no no no thank you are you sure I mean I'm talking live jello here live it was kind of mind-bending cuz he's he's not only a terrible actor but he's a terrible actor reading terrible dialogue it was like staring into infinity my PE but it's even penny since I was 9 I was saving quarters but it was too expensive that was what I live back in Michigan that's cool there you'd like it I really wish those movies about that kid that kid trying to solve complicated finally after an hour of boring computer [ __ ] the the bad guy hires henchmen they chase Stewart around one hallway and it's just the same hallway over and over [Music] it's almost like a scooby-doo routine yeah just that same hallway and with with a tablespoon of powder attached to a piece of tape on a door Stuart is able to explode innate them with such force that the entire building shakes but they're gonna be okay don't be okay you guys gonna be okay now we got you in fact there's like I think that was one of our very first nama d non midi non midi not explain what nomina D is okay there are jokes that make you laugh okay and then there are jokes that you have no reaction to but every now and then there's a joke so bad it makes you less laugh a lot of places a little kid can hide check your desk drawer yeah Jack I was kidding I've negative amount of why you sitting there normal and then joke will happen and then you'll only slightly less smile even though you were smiling and and that is called non MIDI get up [Music] they were right behind him very fast there was one moment though were Stuart cut loose what happens oh my god so he's in the hallway yeah and he comes out of a door and then all of a sudden he's doing monkey arms over his head and then he kind of glances at the camera like ah ha I ruin that take except it's in the movie I don't I have there's no precedents for it there's no context for it it's so very very clearly an outtake that for some reason I don't know the editor was just [ __ ] this noise that's going in the movie the only thing that makes sense is that the director was not paying attention and they only did the one take coz why else would that be in the mo they didn't need that shot like there was just a lot of random running in the exact same hallway that they did not specifically need that shot so someone chose to put in a monkey arm thing just yeah to see if they okay the director didn't notice this when we were shooting let's see if he notices that we put it in the edit yeah and he didn't notice it again nope well the director was so busy just you know being blackout drunk I guess that that little Stuart he's off to college now and all of his friends are making fun of him remember when you were a little kid in that movie and you were doing the monkey arms shot off before Stuart you're drunk you'd be making a more interesting movie he was he was clinically depressed he really hated himself attempted suicide making playing dangers - as an attempted suicide that's an amazing rich that's that's the pole code for the US [Laughter] [Music] so this is our reverse sequel and that we already watched part two so now we watched the exterminator and we figured that watching the first one would clear up a lot of the confusion of the second movie that was a problem with the second movies he just started as vigilante with no backs he shows up in the first ten seconds and just walks into Freeman and starts flame-throwing people right and we and we theorized at the time oh that must be covered in the first movie nope we maybe we should say right now that I think what we watched was an edited version unfortunately it looks like a TV edit but this is a lot of awkward cuts to black cut the commercial cut that was a commercial break that felt like a commercial break it was a really awkward film for TV did it fade the black very abruptly and awkwardly so I think we watched an edited version unfortunately I would be very curious to see the full full cut what blackfist Oh black dress and I thought I thought he I thought it said black dick black dick he he's in Vietnam he's a soldier he gets out of Vietnam and then he starts killing people who do bad things no I guess like if you get into the meeting bones he was in Vietnam with his partner and so then they're back in America and black guy gets gets beat up by some thugs [Music] and is paralyzed and so he decides to take vengeance though he never says that to camera no that's the weirdest thing and that's when we started to understand that this movie was gonna be somewhat incomprehensible is that his friend gets mugged he's hospitalized the exterminator goes to visit his friend's wife tells her he's been hospitalized dissolved - we already have we need some sort of build up to this they just cut out like five seeds yeah they cut out all of them it's like they it's like they said you know what all this explanation of why he's doing this is boring just pull it out of the movie here's here's the deal though we're dealing with Robert Ginty here okay Coke Zero mr. coke Zero doing do we really want 20 minutes of him I'm very upset we don't need 20 minutes all we need is one scene we need something to connect us those two sequences literally just him picking up a flamethrower and saying I'm gonna executive end yeah it doesn't even have to say that he just had to look at it meaningfully which I'm not sure he can do and he's got it if he could okay how about this if he looks at a flamethrower that's it not meaningfully and we didn't get it it's almost like that editing test where they just show someone's face and then they cut to a bowl of soup and then they cut to a person's face and they cut to something else too and it's like you get the emotion out of it you just cut to that guy's dull [ __ ] face and then cut to a flame thrower and you're like oh we're good that's it that's it that's all that movie needed and they failed to do it yeah meanwhile the cops one particular cop cop hot dog cop ha ha ha ha my man is a genius with a lamp and some Forks wait what is this yes it is what what is that one interesting you know what at least they're doing something it's not him sitting there and he talks on the phone and then that's the scene sure like at least they're trying those girlfriends picked out an m60 machine gun is a weapon the execute the exterminator you I think that might have been something they just loved so hot dog cop eventually starts tracking him down after the exterminator has you know randomly killed some mafia guy is he noted okay that the exterminator at this point has already completely gotten his revenge on the gang members and then that his friend in the first 20 minutes of them in the first 20 minutes it's so weird that he got pulled back on a giant cord at the exact same time that Robert McGinty shot him I assume that was gonna be the plot of the movie typical revenge sorry a vigilante story but there's some reason he decides he's going to fight all crime we don't know why no we don't know why no I mean I again it could have just been a shot of him kind of going hey hey for saying crime is on the rise yeah who knows the sentence to his dumb face again just going a crime is on the rise yeah done yeah got it [ __ ] done that he's hanging to the curb wait why is he cool cuz mob guy cuz he's a vigilante does League kills everyone now is just a vigilante just like that he couldn't have some off he a guy yeah and then you see him Bobby a guy in like a warehouse being hung by chains and then it was probably the coolest part of the movie is he wheels out this giant meat grinder comically large grinder and he wills that under the mafia boss and he asked about his house he asked me like the combination to a safe and are there any guards there is there anything I should know about the house no okay if not I'm gonna come back and he goes to the house [Music] now he has reason to Myrtle eyes them yeah you didn't tell me about no dog [Applause] [Laughter] that kind of indicates what's wrong with this movie overall is that there are individual shots and sequences that work very nicely they're really interesting things with lighting yeah there are a couple shots they're just fantastic it's like that's a really cool like there's craft going on in there but it's in service of this effervescent nothing yeah you compared you compare to the exterminator too though and that's when it is very clearly that is classic standard dumb action that is that is perfect Canon action movie yeah and that is yeah it's completely different from that the tone is there's not anything even in here that approaches that tone because that's you don't really have anyone shooing the scenery like Mario Van Peebles you don't have a love interest you just have this guy he's just worried about his friend kind of and and that's all there really is to it the cop you know the cops are kind of involved in it there's some sort of political intrigue that never that sort of I think makes the story and I don't know we don't well that we don't know that even though we think I think the protagonists that was supposed to be like the the cop hot dog calm and Eastman's he spends 90% of the movie dating dr. British yeah that has nothing to do with the rest of the movie like just like they go out on dates and seem to have a lovely time we should set up the ending is a hot dog cop wants to meet the exterminator and they meet in a junkyard or whatever they need at the port they meet at the ports what somebody else and then someone shoots hot dog cop and then exterminator runs away and blows up a car and then he's no no no no no no no no the car just blows huh no I think I would say someone shoot the car was shot he fell off the thing yeah hot dog cop stands back up shot completely to death car blows up for some reason cuz [ __ ] that car I didn't like it as we get for turning me into hamburgers what is this anything oh he's not dead by the way he's got his he's got his black dick on these guys black dick on no it can't be the movies 101 minutes love [ __ ] we're at 90 minutes okay this feels like no that was that was the frustrating part because I think we were knobs that's where the movie stops being a movie yeah because I think for the most part even though it was very sort of episodic and and didn't really have any sort of momentum as a story we were kind of enjoying it for what it was it wasn't a terrible movie there's some good sequences and stuff but then that happened and it was like immediately you like you lost your audience with this [ __ ] non ending [Music] [Music] so moving on to our final film of the night deadliest prey 1 I think that we were all looking forward to yes absolutely I was looking forward to it but I was also sort of apprehensive about it but we'll get into that when we watched the original deadly prey how did any of you even heard of it before nope so we picked it up and found out after that episode that it kind of has developed a cult following and shortly after finding out it had a cult following we found out that they were already in the process of making deadliest prey Josh what's the plot of deadliest parade have you seen deadly prey I have seen deadly prey that's the plot of deadliest prey Oh [Music] my apprehension for this was that it was gonna be because the first one is sort of a well-known cult movie apparently and a lot of people like it because it's crappy there's always that concern that in the follow-up they're gonna play that up and it's gonna be too self-aware and they're gonna make it sort of crappy on purpose well they were they were either smart enough or dumb enough to play it strange yeah yeah it is much like the first one it is completely earnest and that's the great thing about this it's not a great movie no it's not even a great bad movie no but I was I was grinning through most of it just at the sincerity involved I really appreciated that they just tried to make a genuine sequel to deadly prey and failed spectacular which means they succeeded I don't think this can be reiterated enough it is the exact same story yep beat four beats except they replaced Cameron Mitchell with three computer hackers it scheme sucks dan Pryor must have spent months at high school studying the speech patterns of modern-day youth yeah yeah you should have let the spit-take trace that video feed and figure out where the signals coming from yeah I mean we're hackers if we can't do this then no one else can hey man dude man I will send you the URL yay I love it they're just hanging out in the kitchen looking at things on the internet on laptops this these hackers out of them we discovered our favorite character of the movie which is her name is candy girl I guess your true dad I mean it looks cool but I can't believe this is real well it might not be but it might so why don't we take a look at it until we find out sure if there was one there was one line of dialogue in which she starts and ends with true dad I think Dan is in trouble I'm sure that obviously we need to do something sure that and the greatest thing about this is these are all you know younger people younger actors and they're making no attempt to tell David Pryor we shouldn't talk like this they just said these are the lines we're gonna say him and it's beautiful well you know what I really think they didn't want to tell him I think they loved the fact that their dialogue was horribly out of date yeah it seems fairly clear we did just a tiny bit of looking you recognized another one of the hackers from being an Alamo Drafthouse guy yeah they said best worst movie and he's in the rewind this documentary so he's in that world of b-movie right and those people much like us want them to make the movie they want to make and they're just excited to be in it yeah so they're not gonna feel it kids don't actually say yeah let it go if someone called me and said wanna be in Ghoulies five I would be there in a second and I would not try to update the script in any way not a bit we got Mike Danton in the cart with us how cool is that man just about as cool as it gets so Colonel Hogan has gotten out of prison somehow while he was in prison he was setting up this big operation similar to the operation he had in the first movie only now it's going to be broadcast on the Internet as they track and kill Danson as he gets his revenge for some reason it's like it's like Dan Pryor thought the internet was like a TV channel people are watching this in bars and on projection screen and they the cops at no point intervene we have to warn you however that many of these images are shocking that we strongly recommend that you watch at your own discretion no he has a copy of the movie yeah the thing about this movie that I love is that literally every sentence in which we are talking about something that happens you can depend for some reason for some reason it's on the internet yeah for some reason it's very much a movie written by a 50 year old man I heard that so somehow Colonel Hogan has gotten all these people to sign up for those projects for so it is their job to kill Danton and every time one of them has Danton in their gunsights they dropped their gun and just wait to be killed four against one you're not walking out of here again and you are oh yeah I thought he was gonna do something clever to take them all out at once but nope they're just gonna go tomorrow at a time now he's the easiest busy pun another guy's stupid I don't I don't want to take away from the joy of this movie but the amount of laser tude that went into producing it I feel like I need to be the harbinger of bad news gonna be the easiest money I've ever made you think so yeah I know so oh my god oh my god what that happens so slow I didn't have time to react well the interesting thing is the movie looks pretty good the sound editing and sound mixing is [ __ ] terrible like shockingly bad where there is just those hard cuts on the audio that you see in like an amateur movie I'm not gonna kill yet you're not yet anyway [ __ ] you that's a thought the dialogue in this movie is so far away like there's lots of attempts at funny witty action movie one-liners sort of they are so far away from anything clever or witty have a nice day what too late why these catchphrases are the worst they go so far back around that they pass anonymity yeah yeah crowd yeah this movie this movie passed the nomina descale I would say you did notice you're going to be not only is Danton back of course as the hero also we have Colonel Hogan back but then we have a black tank top guy is back but he got if you recall he got beat to death with his own arm in the last movie you really do look just like your brother some say so Andy he also gets beaten to death with his own arm because this movie is completely different this is my problem well well let's get to that okay so the movies exactly the same beat for beat just replace Cameron Mitchell with hackers but we get to the ending and that's when they start to subvert your expectations first off you're getting exactly to the point where a tank-top guy just straight up [ __ ] murders danton's wife for no reason no but just as he's about to do that again there's a shot from behind Danton and it turns out to be dateless little kid little man shows in the woods before that no wood the hackers show up say we actually find Danton what then help him out I guess and how are we supposed to do that it's not like we have guns or anything you know Danny hey that's Hogan so it's clear that the hackers have for some reason they keep coming back they keep coming back to the woods right no one get hold on they wanted to help Denton by bringing his small child into harm's way and they did train his son to murder people yeah that's great this movie is like it's like sardick yeah and when you watch the first movie you're like what the wife's dead oh what the gut bad guy got away this movie is like we're gonna correct all of that basically if you go back and watch that episode of best of the worst we're talking about like I can't believe they did this thing and this thing and this thing and we thought it was going to be this way in this way this one is that way yeah it is fix the hole one exception well I think it will come as no surprise to anyone what all of our pick for worst of the worst is but best of the worst rich playing dangerous - Oh best I'm so sorry you really threw me for a loop there let's do that again let's do that again no let's keep going I did you mean deadliest prey I had the best of the worst the best of the worst of me deadliest prey being thrown in the trash heap playing dangerous - yeah yeah exterminators not that great but there's some domestic corn in the shed yeah yeah absolutely I couldn't agree more deadliest prey is the best of the worst it might be riding on nostalgia but it's a sweet ride true dad all that jazz and I want to find the most painful way we can destroy playing dangerous too because that movie was so boring I am completely in agreement even just if we want to narrow it down to characters candy girl was our absolute favorite of the entire night there's a bunch of douche bags and [ __ ] and candy girl I can't be sure yeah she just wanted to help dancing she wanted to [ __ ] dan hi hi again hi I I would like that there is some value to the exterminator it feels like one of those sort of classic late seventies early eighties low-budget exploitation movies lots of goods New York stuff oh yeah 42nd streets back before it was cleaned up while these porno theaters and all that stuff so there's lots of good things in it and it's probably worth seeing I'd be curious to see the uncut version definitely but deadliest prey was so entertaining you even got a signed copy right yeah this is signed by Ted Pryor who plays Danson unfortunately it signs on the plastic not on the actual sleeve if you're gonna sign a DVD sign the sleeve because we can do this now and now oh no why did Ted Pryor sign her copy of plain dangerous titude he was very confused that's prior why did you do this [Music] [Music] now we're going to destroy playing dangerous one because it was equally awful [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] Oh [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,482,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red, letter, media, Best Of The Worst (TV Program), best, worst, bad movie, bad movies, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, plinkett, phantom menace review, playing dangerous, exterminator, deadliest prey, deadly prey
Id: kdGfGjusufo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 38sec (2498 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2013
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