Best of Squidward's Grandma πŸ‘΅ | The Patrick Star Show | Nickelodeon UK

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[Music] yes you owe my grandson money now Fork it over you blue Blockhead no thanks I already didn't give it the [Music] office I've escaped Without a Trace now where did that cheap skate go oh well thanks for trying anyway let's go leaving until you get your money Lily liver what was that nothing oo aha mustache hairs and they're still war he must be close closer than you [Music] think give us that money hey there might be some spare change in these Pockets maybe there's some money in here tentacles come get your [Applause] money all right Scrooge where's that cash I'm not paying for this newspaper there's no ink on it extra extra skin bled star won't pee paper boy it's got ink now spam no please don't hurt me your money's over there oh I can't believe it 5 years of un newspaper money thank you grandama thank you than you hey the money is melting it's made of paper ma something smells fishy around here I wonder why here cry on that and that too what everything's made of paper masche you can't shake down a star you hear me your paper pushing tentacles Cil may be a dope but Grand Pat is one smart perogi that's why he's Gran his little sugar pants what was that nothing dear ah another beautiful morning for morons and Maniacs I'm tell you one time at last back it up get back I love you Granny tles hey Miko it's too early for this get off of my lawn you people are sick don't you interrupt me you people are sick your people are sick this granny tentacles merch is awesome how much for these Dentures I really lost them this time pardon me ma'am could I have your signature what for hey wait a minute aren't you the bus driver yeah but more importantly I'm the president of the granny tentacles fan club we call ourselves fantac what are you talking about what fan club that one oh no oh what a dramatic third act twist this is obviously still act two but gry tles hled me I hope you don't suffer from separation anxiety wo no I can't hear a thing where's the [Music] volume dry eyes blurring your vision try focal flush side effects include dry eyes big eye small eye human eyes I still can't hear oh okay I did hear that you stay away from me stay away from [Music] me well they are committed again look again look again look again look again look oops I turned on the subtitles the Patrick Star show presents granny tentacles zombie makeover every zombie deser to feel beautiful when they go out to die on brains since zombies are usually Barefoot it's important to keep those decaying toes pretty before the Ugly Things fall off let's not forget the fingernails ooh they can get awful dirty scratching their way out of old coffins a relaxing backrub can entice a healthy glow and get me a nice tip don't worry about skin tone we don't want to be too matchy matchy plus they're dead so who cares and just cuz you're Undead doesn't mean you can't look unbelievable [Music] I may be shrunk but I'm still a better host than any idiot sea star oh I'm so sorry did somebody say say [Music] something bring on the next guest [Music] host we want Patrick we want Patrick if they want Patrick I'll give a Patrick W work yes what should I do T Ballroom the all Sho zip me up hi I'm Patrick and my favorite color is pink oh that's not [Music] right hi I'm Patrick and my favorite color is 12 show time little little [Music] little [Music] yeah right [Music] okay oh
Channel: Nickelodeon UK
Views: 1,320,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, videos, nick, nickelodeon, nicktoons, new, lol, hilarious, exclusive, video, full, episodes, nickelodeon uk, nickelodeon full episodes, cartoons for kids, funny cartoons, classic moments, the patrick star show
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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