SpongeBob's Daredevil Moments in Bikini Bottom! ☠️ | SpongeBob

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- This is bogus. - What's that, Pat? SpongeBob, these are the best years of our lives, and you want to waste them blowing bubbles? We should be living in the moment. We ought to be living like Larry. [neighing] This is it, SpongeBob. This is where we redeem our miserable lives. It's time to start... living like Larry! Whoo hoo! [neighing] Whoa! [laughing, cheering] Yeehaw! Whoo hoo hoo hoo! Whoo hoo! Hey, SpongeBob! SpongeBob? [neighing] I'm living like Larry. Whoo hoo. [neighing] SpongeBob! [panting] You were right, SpongeBob. I went too far. I went too far. [crying] Oh, it's okay, buddy. I think you learned your lesson. Hmm? Uh-huh. Don't make us come in there, kid. Now you just let me handle those guys out there. [clamoring] Gentlemen. Gentlemen. I know that you might be angry with my friend for his shenanigans, but you are not the only victim. His reckless thrill chasing has left him a hollow shell of his former self. Just look. So let me assure you, his days of "living in the moment" are over. Can you not forgive him for whatever he did? Sure, pal. Sure. By the way, what did he do that made you all so cranky? [clanking] He knocked over our motorcycles. [chuckles nervously] [panting] So scared. Adrenaline pumping. Spine tingling. Endorphins rushing. I've never felt so alive! Oh, yeah, baby! Yeah! This is what Patrick was talking about. This is really living in the moment! Oh, yeah! This is life! Whoo! Whoo! Oh, yes! Whoo! Now I am really living like Larry! Whoa! Are you sure about this, SpongeBob? Oh, come on, Patrick, what happened to being in the moment? I don't know, SpongeBob. This looks pretty dangerous. Yeah, yeah, you said it, buddy. Now we're really living like Larry. [music playing] Well, will you look at that? [music playing] Now there's two guys who know how to live! Prepare for countdown! I'm proud of them. Wait a minute. With that angle of trajectory, they'll land right in... Rippers Reef! They'll be ripped to shreds! Wait, don't do it! Stop! Three, two, one, lift off! Drat! Whooooo! Whoohooooo! Whoowoowoo! Whoooooa! [grunting] Look, guys, my advice wasn't meant to be taken literally! I meant to live life to the fullest, not to maim yourselves! Look! Uh-oh! [screaming] [screaming] [beeping] [groaning] Hey, what are you two lazybones doing lying around? There's a really cool ramp down the hall, I've got room for two more. What would Larry do? [beeping] What would Larry do? I'll show you what Larry would do! Come here! Come here, I said! Hey! Bikers... coming... nasty... ferocious... take... over... town. Destroy... must hide! What are you going on about? Bikers? The Wild Ones are coming, Mr. Krabs. They're the most vicious, ravenous horde of hooligans in the sea. Ravenous did you say? That's another word for hungry, isn't it? Welcome Wild Ones! They'll be drawn here like a sailor at a tattoo parlor. With the special biker parking and authentic biker decor, with real bloodstains. And to top it off, a custom chopper patty. And best of all, I'll raise me prices 150%. I'll make a fortune. Mr. Krabs, this is serious! [crying] That kid needs a vacation... unpaid of course. What'd ya think, Patrick? Do I look tough? I wouldn't mess with ya. Nor I with you, my friend. Let's ride. [dinging] Fear not. There is no need to panic. The Bikini Bottom bad boys are here. Ooh, I feel protected now. Those are some mean looking rides, dudes. [chuckles] Patrick, it's working. They think we're... vicious bikers. [giggling] Bikini Bottom, your salvation is here. See? Patrick, that's your salivation. Oh. So, Squidward, are you ready to do your part? Does that part include laughing at you? 'Cause you two look even more idiotic than usual. Don't we look vicious and bloodthirsty? I'm bloodthirsty. See? - Want some? - Oh, no thank you, Patrick. I'm drinking diet blood. See, Squidward? We walk the walk, but can we talk the talk? Do you want to join our biker gang? No, I don't. - What about our biker club? - No. How about our biker organization? No! I don't want to join your biker alliance, your outfits, or your fellowships. What about our coalition? Ooh, I don't know. That one's pretty exclusive. We'll just pencil you down as undecided. [groaning] Ahoy there, mateys! Motorized vehicles coming over the horizon! What? Gimme that. [screaming] Don't just stand there, save us! Patrick, I know this looks like the end, but you and I can get through anything. As long as we do it together. Patrick? Patrick! Well, it's just you and me, Squidward. But I want you to know that we can get through this. - As long as we- - Panic! Run for your lives! The Wild Ones are coming! [screaming] The Wild Ones? Mable, get the kids! Honey, I got the napkins. Oh, what have I missed this time? Please don't kill me! I want to join you! It's been my life-long dream to be to be a member of a motorcycle gang. I even knitted my own Wild Ones jacket. I want to ride to live and live to ride! [screaming] I'll do whatever you want! I'll betray my friends and neighbors! Just let me live! - What's that, missy? - What? Howdy, we're the "Mild Ones." Mild Ones? Oh! Gimme back my M. Let's go, boys. Don't you want to spend any money? Don't you want to kiss the seat of my pants? Let's ride! Goodbye. They seem really nice. Hey, where's Squidward? Whoo-hoo-hoo! Ride to live and live to ride! Did you see that? What was that?! Why, those are the Dwastic Wadicals, the number one practitioners of extweme spowts. Extreme what? Extweme spowts. "Extreme spots?" Well, that's no fair. You're already covered in extreme spots. Ooh. Hold on a second. [buzzing] [buzzing] [screaming] Okay, let's meet our new heroes. [laughing] We want to join your extreme spots team, as you can see, we're also covered head to toe in the most extreme of spots. Itchy Spots! [laughing] Oh, no. Stop. Stop. "Extreme spots." Oh. It's extreme sports, not spots. So you wanna be a Drastical. Let's see what you got, little dudes. No problemo. I guess you just hop up like this... [engine revving] Hey! Come back! Heeeeyyy! [screaming] [laughing] Your turn, fat boy! Hey, how'd we get up here? [screaming] [clicking] [screaming, thudding] Our sports are too extreme for you dudes. Maybe we should start you two on something easier. What games do you dudes like to play? I want a clean fight. I don't wanna see any trash laying around. Oohh... [groaning] We give up! Fling. That was close. Not so fast, that's not fighting. Stand aside. I'll show you how it's done. Noo! It's dry-clean only! Avenge me. Brutal. Charlie! [growling] - Oh. - Even more brutal! Now that was extreme, dudes. You think you're starting to get it? - Oh yeah. - So what else you got? Well there is one sport that Patrick's an expert at. Dumpster diving! [grunting] Oh! [cheering] [coughing] That's not extreme. How revolting. Brush, brush, brush, brush, brush. Okay, that's kinda extreme. [laughing] Hey, where are the Drasticals? Here they come! [laughing] [laughing] - Wow! - Amazing! Jellyfishing, yeah... Dudes, now we get it! These spots are way extreme! And itchy! As you can see, extweme spowts are the direct bi-product of the most extweme spowts. Who is that guy? What do you wanna do today? I don't know. What do you wanna do today? I don't know. What do you wanna do today? I don't know. What do you wanna do today? I don't know. What do you wanna do today? [gasping] I know what I want to do today I need some money. Uh. Oh. Oh... I don't have any money. SpongeBob, I want a balloon really, really badly! Really, really badly! It's okay, Patrick. There's lots of money in the First National Bank of SpongeBob. Follow meeeee! Uh-oh. I'm broke, too. Maybe we could borrow money from Squidward? No, wait! Instead of borrowing the money, why don't we just borrow the balloon? Yeah, like Mr. Krabs! It's just borrowing, right? Yeah, and borrowing is okay as long as we bring it back, right? Right! [whistling] [laughing] This is so great! We're going to have so much fun! First we can run with the balloon! Yeah, then we could go to the beach with the balloon. Yeah, then we can take a bike ride with the balloon. Then we can go to the movies and the arcade, and the ice rink, and the pizza shop. And the moon and the sky and under a car, behind the dumpster! - And the candy shop! - And then my backyard! - And in a plane! - And over a rock! - And under a hill! - And with a whale! We love borrowing! [popping] It popped. [screaming] How are we going to return it now, SpongeBob? - I got the pieces! - I found the air! Hurry, put the pieces on! We popped the balloon! - -Ga-heh! - We can't return it! - Wha-guh! - We're thieves! Hi-yo-hoo! We have to confess. Confess?! Are you outta your mind?! Do you have any idea what they do to people like us? We're not talking about some dumb mail fraud scheme or hijacking here. We stole a balloon! And they're going to lock us up forever! You're right, we've just got to keep our heads. Act normal. [speaking gibberish] Wow, street performers! [cheering] It's not working! [screaming] Hi there! [screaming] Hey! Don't you want a free balloon? It's National Free Balloon Day! He's onto us! It's not safe for Bikini Bottom anymore! We've got to move fast and cover our tracks! I'm on it, SpongeBob! [panting] [panting] You're going to get in trouble! No, you are! [panting] He... When... him... and the balloon... and the boom... I... What can I do for you, boys? We stole a balloon! [crying] What's the problem here? Well, it appears these two stole a balloon. What are you gonna do to us? [whispering] Okay, follow me. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Okay, time's up. Now, get out. But... but we stole a balloon. Yeah, on Free Balloon Day. [laughing] How about some lollipops for the road, boys? Let's vow never to borrow anything without permission again. You said it! All right, which one of you flatfoots stole my lollipop? [laughing] [gasping] It's Tony Fast! The famous race boat driver! And his first born son, Tony Fast Jr.! I can't believe it's him! Oh... I can't believe that I'm in the presence of such big celebrities. Good luck on your first day of school son! - Yeah, whatever. - Don't show off too much! Show off and just enough! [coughing] [cheering] What goes around comes around! Over and out! Hooray! <i> He is good. [gasping]</i> <i> If he's really that good, maybe there's a chance,</i> <i> just a chance, some of that good could rub off</i> <i> my incorrigible student, SpongeBob SquarePants!</i> [chuckles] Yes! - Mrs. Puff? - Yes, SpongeBob? What does "incorrigible" mean? Be cool. Be cool. Cool. Not bad, dude. Not bad. [gasping] It's a miracle! Neptune be praised! That went better than expected! Oh! If Tony Jr. can keep this up, then SpongeBob might even graduate and I'll be rid of him forever! Forever! [laughing] Forever! Real cool, SquarePants... Thanks, TFJ... That's quite a fancy speed boat you got right there! For a couple of squares. What he said. [laughing] Thank you. And may I say, how lovely your speedboat is too. For a bunch of circles, and by circles, I mean, well rounded individuals. [laughing] Hey, wise guy, heh? Well, then, how about you wise up to an unfriendly competition right here, right now? Yeah, what he said. Right here, right now? A little short notice. I'll need to check my availability. Let's see, right now. Looks like I don't have anything scheduled for right now. Therefore, I would like to accept your challenge. [dinging] Huh? What he said! [growling] Sweet instant tan age. [screeching] [growling] [laughing] [cb chatter] We're winning. We're winning. [laughing] Whoa, did you see that? That guy wasn't just going fast, [both] He was going Tony fast. [sirens blaring] Huh? Oh, no. The cops are after us. What are we gonna do? What? Sorry, I couldn't hear you over that siren. [sirens blaring] Now there's a helicopter after us. What's that? I couldn't hear you over that helicopter. <i> And in other news, son of racing legend</i> <i> Tony Fast is currently embroild in a high speed chase.</i> <i> It is warmer than the-</i> [siren blaring] - What the? - What are we going to do? [siren blaring] Tony Jr, when I get my hands on you, I'm gonna- Now your dad is after us. Sorry, I couldn't hear you. My- My- My dad is after us?! What are we gonna do? How should I know, he's your dad?! Well, just remember my advice, okay? All you gotta do is let go. Be cool. Let go. Be cool. Do you see where letting go has gotten us so far, huh, Tony Jr?! No, I but I see where it's getting us next. [screaming] [crashing, thudding] The carnival is back in town. I'm gonna be first in line for everything. Where is everybody? I don't know. There was one kid here earlier. Doesn't look like any carnival I ever- Oh! Excuse me. [gasping] Stop, Patrick, don't touch it. This isn't the carnival, Patrick, those are hooks. Mr. Krabs says they're really dangerous. Hmm. I sense no danger here. How could they be dangerous? They're covered with free cheese. All I know is Mr. Krabs said- Patrick, don't do that. Cheesy. No danger here. Go on, try it. But Mr. Krabs said- SpongeBob, let me ask you something. Does this look dangerous? [shrieking] Patrick, don't! Lighten up, will ya? Or do I have to eat all this cheese by myself? [screaming] [gasping] Patrick! Help! Oh, Patrick! Help! Oh, Patrick, come back! Oh, my best friend! [Patrick laughing, SpongeBob screaming] Patrick, you're alive. Am I ever. You should try it. But, what about the surface and your britches and the gift shops? You just jump off before you go up too high. Mr. Krab said I shouldn't get near those things. Did he say you shouldn't climb on top of 'em and ride him like a horsey? Well, no. Whee. I guess he didn't. [laughing] Hi ho, silverfish, away! [laughing] [laughing] - Ready? - Ready. Geronimo! Whoo hoo! Whee! This is more fun than double overtime at the Krusty Krab! Whoo! [laughing] Whew. Glad I got that out of my system. [gasping] I'm... hooked! And that means... [screaming] Help! I'm hooked! Help! Mr. Krabs! Help! It happened! I'm hooked! Oh no! The hook! The hook! Gift shop, tuna can, mayonnaise! Here ya go, Pearl. Free water for all your little friends. Thanks, dad. Just don't forget to leave a tip for ol' Mr. Krabs. Psst, Mr. Krabs. SpongeBob! You're two minutes late. What kept ya, laddie? Um, you know those hooks we were talking about yesterday? Didn't I tell ya not to go near those hooks? Um... no. I mean yes! Yes, you told me not to go near them! Well, ya weren't playing on those hooks, were ya, laddie? Of course not. I mean, not exactly. I mean yes! Yes, I did it! I admit it! [crying] Oh, Mr. Krabs! I'm so ashamed! I mean, look at me! I'm hooked! Hmm... it's in there pretty deep. What am I gonna do?! There's only one thing to do, boy. [laughing] Oh no, Mr. Krabs! I can't take off my pants! Not in front of all these... girls! [gasping] D'oh, okay! I'm takin' 'em off! I'm takin' 'em off! - There. - Uh... lad? [laughing] [screaming] Oh no. Oh no, no-no-no, Mr. Krabs! I can't do it! Anything but that! I understand. You were a good little fry cook, SpongeBob. [gasping] But, we'll find another. Hopefully, one that'll listen to ol' Mr. Krabs. Oh, Mr. Krabs! I'll listen! I promise! Whoa! No! Please save me, Mr. Krabs! [crying] I promise I'll be good! Whew. Ohh, look! [laughing] It's SpongeBob NudiePants! [screaming] [laughing] Well, that was more of SpongeBob than I needed to see. Mr. Squidward, that was some fine anglin'. Do ya think the lad has learned his lesson? Oh, I think he'll remember this for a long time. What'd ya say, Mrs. Puff? Let's get this party started. I'm sorry, Mrs. Puff, I know what I did wrong. Don't worry, Mrs Puff, I got it this time. No, SpongeBob, not again. Oh. Oh, no, we're airborne! It's a good thing too. One more crash and you would've popped for sure. Here, let me take that wheel. No, SpongeBob, don't touch that- Oh, oh! Hey, Mrs. Puff. How are you feeling? Oh my. What happened to me? I'm afraid you've had a serious accident. It seems when you crashed, you ruptured your inflation sack. Oh no! Will I ever be my old self again? Umm, no, my dear, I'm afraid you'll never puff again. [gasping] Hmm, from now on, I guess we'll have to call you Mrs. Pop! [chuckles] [growling] [laughing] [whistling] [siren blaring] Clear the way! Injured coming through! Excuse me! Doctor! What's up with those guys? Oh, it's nothing serious. Just a casualty from this week's Demolition Derby! Come check out the carnage! It's actually quite entertaining. [gasping] [screaming] [gasping] [screaming] Pretty gruesome, huh? You gotta hand it to those guys! Risking their lives for our amusement! <i> Risking their lives for our amusement?</i> [crashing] I could finally be rid of SpongeBob. Forever. And I mean that in the worst possible way. [laughing] What's so funny? I just thought of a way that you could earn some extra credit. - Hooray! - Yes, hooray indeed. Okay, drivers! Start yer engines! And let the destruction begin! I can't look! Wait, yes I can! [screaming] What the hay? [cheering] What? This is not going well. Huh? [beeping] Oh, dear. I think I'm in that fellow's way. [beeping] Engage turn signals. Adjust mirrors. [beeping] Hands at ten and two, and finally... floor it! [laughing] Oh, what happened? [beeping] [cheering] If you want someone demolished, I guess you have to demolish them yourself! [thudding] Not so fast! There's one more challenger! I'm... The Huff! [gasping] You're blocking my view! [screaming] [laughing] [screaming] [laughing] Huh? Mrs. Puff! It's you! And you're all "puffy" again! Now everything's back to normal!
Channel: SpongeBob SquarePants Official
Views: 472,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: krusty krab, krabby patty, spongebob, spongebob squarepants, squidward tentacles, squidward spongebob, patrick spongebob, patrick star, plankton spongebob, sandy cheeks, mr krabs, spongebob episodes, spongebob music, nickelodeon, nick show, animation, cartoon, classic cartoon, nostalgic, funny cartoons, cartoon food, cartoons for kids, weird moments, #youtubekids, throwback thursday, paramount, amazon prime video, amazon, paramount plus
Id: qF7eYtmWl6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 28sec (2008 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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