Best of NEW SpongeBob Episodes! (Part 2) | 1 Hour Compilation | SpongeBob

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[giggles] [imitating Patrick] Hey, there, Patrick old buddy. What? Oh, hi, Patrick. What's shaking? I'm gonna eat ice cream and go jellyfishing with my good buddy SpongeBob. Sounds good to me, "me." Ah, it's just me. Patrick. Fooled ya. [laughs] [laughs] You can't fool me, "me." That's the worst SpongeBob impression I've ever seen. [laughs] Wait, what? [imitating Sandy] Cattywampus, Plankton. You're just about the teeniest gal-dang critter I ever did see. Yee-haw! [imitating Plankton] And you are the fuzziest nut-eating scientist I've ever seen. [evil laugh] I like to use science for good. Really? I always use science for evil! [laughs] That is me to a Texas "T," SpongeBob. He nailed you too, Plankton. It was okay. He got my face right, but that voice is terrible. Oh, those impressions are making everyone so happy, I can't stop doing them. I can't. I won't. Meow. <i> 80,000 impressions later.</i> <i> French narrator: Would you please stop imitating me?</i> <i> It is starting to get very annoying.</i> [imitating Squidward] Are we having fun yet, Squidward Tentacles? [laughs] Oh, that's it. I can't stand that perfect impression of me anymore! I never thought I'd say this, but I'm tired of looking at myself. I quit! Boy, SpongeBob is really getting out of control with his impression obsession. Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? <i> ♪ I? ♪</i> <i> ♪ Who am I? I just can't remember ♪</i> <i> ♪ Who am I? I just can't recall ♪</i> <i> ♪ Who am I to sing this somber song? ♪</i> <i> ♪ When you've got six heads There's something wrong ♪</i> <i> ♪ Who am I? Please tell me ♪</i> <i> ♪ Who am I? Do you know me? ♪</i> <i> ♪ My name could be Clementine Or it could be Freddie ♪</i> <i> ♪ I just can't Recognize myself ♪</i> <i> ♪ I don't know if I'm ready ♪</i> <i> ♪ I'm ready ♪</i> <i> ♪ Who am I? I have a right to know ♪</i> <i> ♪ Who am I? Am I friend or foe? ♪</i> <i> ♪ I have so many features It makes it hard to tell ♪</i> <i> ♪ I don't know what My first name is ♪</i> <i> ♪ But my faces ring a bell ♪</i> <i> ♪ Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? ♪</i> <i> ♪ Who am I? ♪</i> [phone ringing] <i> ♪ Hello-o-o? ♪</i> <i> Hello. To whom am I speaking?</i> <i> ♪ I...don't... ♪</i> <i> ♪ Kno-o-ow ♪</i> Okay, guys, SpongeBob imitates whoever he hears, so we've all got to imitate him to help him remember who he is. This should help. [grunts] Hey! [grunts] [groans] Mmm! Mmm! [grunting] Ah! Hold still, you little rascal! No! [groans] What a great idea. Ugh! [imitating SpongeBob] I'm a square and yellow critter! [laughs] [imitating SpongeBob] I like cooking with lard! [laughs] [imitating SpongeBob] Mr. Krabs is the best boss in the whole ocean. [snickers] Oop! Sorry. I mean-- [laughs like SpongeBob] Uh-- [imitating SpongeBob] I forgot the secret Krabby Patty formula, Mr. K. Would you remind me again? Sure, SpongeBob, I got it right-- Oh, no, you don't, Plankton. That was a pretty good impression, though. Thanks. [babbling] [groans] It's not working, fellers! We need to combine our efforts and do an impression of SpongeBob all at the same time. Okay, all together now. all: [imitating SpongeBob] I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. [grunting] I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready! I remember. I know who I am. I am SpongeBob SquarePants, and yes, I do like cooking with lard. [all cheering] Thanks, guys, you're the best friends a guy with memory loss could have. It sure feels great to just be yourself. Doesn't it, guys? Guys? [all laughing like SpongeBob] Oh, no! Now they have mocking mimicry madness. What the-- Sewer snake! [screaming] [screaming] In here! Ooh, Look! "You are here." Why is the diagram shaped like a giant sewer snake with the arrow pointing to its stomach? What are you doing? Oh, crossing "Digested by a giant sewer snake" off of my to-do list. Oh, that makes sense. [screaming] [grunting and screaming] Snake food! [screaming] Good going, Squidward. You're tickling him. I'll help you! [screaming] Squidward, the safe! Squidward? Safe! Don't bother me while I'm hysterical! [screaming] Aah! I'm alive? I'm alive! I guess we're just lucky. Oh, look, you found the safe. Just my luck. [cheering] Got to go! Oh, boy! [panting] Egads! [flushing] Too much flushing, she's gonna blow! [panting] How's she holding up? Sir, every tunnel is flooded except for the reducer pipe. The pinch point! Is that bad? Huh? [screaming] [screaming] Hot dogs, popcorn. Snorkles? Good thing today was Free Ax Day at the stadium. [grunting] [grunting] [screaming] [groaning] [grunting] This is what you get when so-called fishkind, in all its hubris and ignorance, stoops so low as to cut corners in its plumbing system. Extinction is the result of being cheap! What a bunch of malarkey. At least we didn't waken the Great Sewer Snake. Check that. [screaming] [roaring] [screaming and roaring] Uh oh! Whoa! Ooh! Whoo-hoo! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hey, everybody, the cook's back from toilet. Who's hungry? [screaming] SpongeBob, help me! [grunting] Hold on, SpongeBob! [grunting] Whoa! [grunting] Get your hand off my can! [grunting] [grunting] Wow, Patrick. You must be working out. Yeah, the gym membership you got me is really paying off. Stop consorting with the enemy! He's not an enemy, Squidward. He's my best friend. Besides you. -Muah. -Ew. You know, maybe we should just let Patrick keep his garbage. No. The trash inspector said we had to collect all the town's trash and that is what we are going to do. Nobody touches my trash. So, that's how you wanna play it. It's time to take Patrick to the dump. Ooh, Squidward, you sound so tough. Engaging battle mode. Hah! Uh oh. This is your last chance. Give us your garbage, or you're the one who'll be trashed! Hah, o-oh yeah, well, you're j...uh...fight! [screaming] [screaming] [slurping] Ah! Picking up trash sure is hard work. [cackling] Uh oh. Just give me your trash! No! It's mine, and I love it! Give it! Never! Knock it off! You ignoramuseses are ruining all me hard work! What? Your hard work? I've been tentacle deep in trash all day and it's your fault! Trash fight! Hey! [screaming] [grunting] Uh-oh. [groaning] Welcome, gamers, and behold... My game. It's beautiful. Are we finished? Who won? Ha ha ha! No, my friend. We have only just begun. What's it called, Patrick? Might I suggest "Garbage"? What? Yeah, Patrick, what's it called? [grunting] It's called "Patrick! The Game"! Wow. Can we just get started already? I'm late for my coma. All right. I'll explain the rules. Okay-- Each player picks a piece to move around the board. The way you decide which player gets to pick their piece is by rolling the dice. To decide who gets to roll the dice first to see who gets the first choice of players, you have to be--- Look, Patrick, you go, then Sandy, then SpongeBob, then me, okay? You mean for picking our player or for starting the game? -Both! -Okay. Now, on to rules of how to play the game. I've got a great idea. Why don't we just start rolling and you can explain the game as we play? Okay! Ooh. Money! Yee-haw! Beachfront property. Driver's license! Driver's license! What's that mean? On your next turn, you roll and can move down the board or, you can go round the racetrack as many times as you rolled. Oh, what should I do? What should I do? You should give me the dice, give me the dice, because it's my turn! Uh huh. You go to jail. What are you in for, pal? My turn! One, two-o-o. Oh, good thing you landed on snacks. You must be famished. Hmm, Coral Avenue. I'll buy it. Twelve, I'll... drive the car. Oh, you don't get to roll when you're in jail. Well, what do I do to get out of jail? You have to roll a six. Hey! You can't roll the dice when you're in jail! Yeah, play by the rules. Well, if the only way to get out of jail is to roll a six and I can't roll if I'm in jail, just how am I supposed to get out of jail? [growling] Ah, here it is. "The guy that is in jail "has to stay there unless he rolls a six or someone says his name." Fine. Someone say my name. [giggling] Oh, boy, you landed on do a surgery! Now pick a surgery card. Hmm. "Remove fin bone from player to your left." What? Wait. Oh! But I don't have a fin bone. I'm an octopus. Hush now. This won't hurt a bit. Got it. Now sit back down, you criminal! Oh, this game doesn't make any sense. Sounds like someone's mad because he hasn't moved. Well, neither have you. If a person declares "outsidesies," then everyone must go outside. But I didn't say "outsidesies," I said-- [grunting] Four. We are in a giggle zone. Everyone laugh! [laughing] Two. Silly face, silly face! Doi, doi, doi, doi! [gibberish] Now, that's a silly face. Hey, Squidward, you finally understand the rules. Oh, I get the rules, all right. The rules are that it doesn't matter what anybody rolls! You can just make up whatever it means! So I could just roll the dice and say, "automatic winner"! Good job, Squidward, you won! Nice play, Squidward. Huh? Oh, you know what? You're right. That was a good play. Not so fast. "No player may declare himself "automatic winner." You did it again. You made up another rule! This game is the worst! Stupid game! [grunting] [grunting] [grunting] [grunting] [grunting] Destruction of private property. Oh, and I see here you're a repeat offender. You're going to real jail. Anything to get out of this game. Thanks, officers. Welcome back. Somebody say my name! Game over! Come on, walk to Mommy. That's it. You can do it. You're walking, baby! You call that walking? This is walking. This is how you do it. This is how it's done. [giggling] Ah! Mama's big boy is upgrading! [giggling] Aww. [giggling] [grunting] [screaming] This stinks! Let's see if we can find some friends for Mama's special little boy. You need to interface with someone fun. Try that video game over there. It doesn't look too dangerous. Oh. Careful, Chip. Uh, those monsters are too big. Come out of that game right now! Chip, get out of there! [grunting] [laughing] So you think you can do whatever you want because you're a teenager now? You just wait until I tell your father. [screeching] What did you just say to me?! I told Chip that game was too dangerous, and do you know what he said to me? [screeching] And? [groaning] Just talk to your son! I need to cool my circuits. Ooh, uh, hey, buddy. Heh, what you doing? [sighing] Yeah, I hear you. So, uh, what happened at the arcade? Bam, bam, bam, bam! Bam, bam! [dolphin noises] What? You mother stopped your game, even though you were crushing it? Your mother clearly doesn't get you, man. But I have the perfect solution to your problem. Run away. Huh? Yes, I said run away. Take off, see the world. You do you. Eh, now get out of here, you little scamp. [humming] So, how was your talk with Chip? Oh, it went great. He's a good boy. Yeah, he-- Where-where is he? Oh, he ran away. What?! Why would my baby run away? Because I told him to. Duh. [shrieking] [screaming] [screaming] Karen, baby, let's be reasonable here! You find our son and bring him home this instant, or don't bother coming home! [screaming] I'm going! I'm going! [screaming] Father! Leave my father alone! Your first word was father. Wait until I rub this in Karen's face. Bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam! Bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam! No! The delicious horror! [groaning] Come on, son, let your old man buy you a quart of oil. Woo-hoo! [laughing] Yes! Sorry, Dad, I'd love to, but I'm leaving for college. I went to college. [sobs] [crying] What do you want? Hi, uh, yeah. I want you to do that scared thing you did and make more ink. I will not! [groaning] [panting] [bell ringing] [yelling] Oh, I'll just have to scare the ink out of him. [knocking] I said I will not-- May I borrow a cup of squid squeezy? [screaming] [laughing] Thank you! Oh, I think you better get some more black lemonade, buddy. Huh? Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Uh more. Here kitty kitty. Oh here kitty kitty. Who's a good kitty? [humming] [sighing] [humming] Huh? Huh? [screaming] I hate spiders! [groaning] [whimpering] Yaw! [screaming] Boo. [screaming] [screaming] [screaming] -Thank you! -Please no-- Huh? [groaning] [screaming] I gotta get more black lemonade! [whimpering] Is it gone? What was that? Is someone there? Hello? Who is it? [doorbell ringing] Hello? [grunting] [screaming] [whimpering] I've lost it. I can't tell what's real anymore. [whimpering] [screaming] Boo! I'm a haunted tablecloth! [screaming] [laughing] [creepy music playing] Not creepy nursery rhyme music! [creaking] Dada! [screaming] Thank you, Daddy! [screaming] The Krusty Krab? How did I wind up here? I don't think I want to go in. [gasping] This newspaper is dated 60 years into the future. I can't look! I'm afraid to see. Please, no. [gasping] May I help you, young man? [screaming] [screaming] [groaning] [screaming] Squidward, if you want to buy some black lemonade, you'll have to get in the back of the line. Yeah, wait your turn like everybody else. What? Black lemonade? You've been selling this as a refreshment? Yes! Hey, come on, buddy. No cutting. We've been waiting here all day. You mean you people actually drink this? [murmurs in agreement] Huh? Huh? Huh! [meowing] My old foghorn clock was the only alarm clock that could wake me up. Sure hope one of these works. Night, Gare-bear. [spring noise] [snoring] [morning music] [alarm ringing] [Gary meows] [SpongeBob gargling] [Narrator] 1 hour later. [Rooster crowing] Huh? [sputtering] [Mr. Krabs] Late! [SpongeBob] I hope this one works. [snoring] [dramatic music] [Narrator] Late again. [Mr. Krabs] Late! [snoring] [dramatic music] [SpongeBob] Huh? [jellyfish buzzing] [Narrator] You get the idea. [Mr. Krabs] Late! Late! Late! Still late! Late! [overlapping] Late late late late late! Still late! [SpongeBob whines] Late again. I told you before that you best not be late, or else, but this time, I'll be emphasizing it with a furrowed brow. Or else. Oh, I don't know how many more, "Or else"'s I can take! I have to figure out a way to wake up on time! [alarm ringing] Meow! [bell dinging] Hey, what a great idea! [panting] [panting] [panting] [tired panting] [moans] [snoring] [alarm sounding] [buzzing] [spring noise] [clinking] [ticking] [bird crowing] I really thought that last, "Or else." Would've worked. Maybe I should've wagged my finger. [snoring] Right on time! Looks like I won't be needing you after all, SpongeTom. Oh. Good morning. [grunts] [sizzling] [clock cuckoos] [meows, groans] [snoring] Sadly, it looks like your order's on time today. [giggles] -[bell rings] -D'oh! [gleeful groans] Glad you finally woke up on time, boyo. [laughs] [bell rings] Just five more minutes, Gary. [grunting] Sir, there's a line. I'm filing a complaint. I ordered this with extra pickles. And I only count fourteen. SpongeBob, we got a wrong order. [snoring] [sizzling] [clock cuckoos] [yelps] [snoring] What in Poseidon's beard? [gasps] Oh. Oh. Good morning, Mr. Krabs. It's not a good morning. First, you're late for days, and now you destroyed me kitchen. [laughs nervously] This would make a great new house. -What'd you think? -Eh. <i> ♪ Oh ♪</i> <i> ♪ Who lives in a banana Under the sea? ♪ </i> <i> ♪ SpongeBob SquarePants! ♪</i> Whoa! -I don't know. -How about this spicy number? <i> ♪ Oh ♪</i> <i> ♪ Who lives in a hot pepper Under the sea? ♪</i> <i> ♪ SpongeBob SquarePants! ♪</i> [screaming] Hot listing, but no. -Well, there's a yummy one. -Mm. <i> ♪ Oh ♪</i> <i> ♪ Who lives In a chicken Parmesan hero ♪</i> <i> ♪ Under the sea? ♪</i> <i> ♪ SpongeBob SquarePants! ♪</i> [giggling] Nope. How 'bout this one? Not bad, but let's think outside the box. [organ playing] Okay, so that's a no. I think I know what you're looking for. How about this for space? Hey, what's this lever do? Automatic balconies! -Squidward, watch this. -Wait, wait, no, no, no! [screaming] Hey, Squidward, this is great. What does this button do? [laughing] [screaming] That's what it does. Aww, why couldn't I live in that last place? Oh, that house was too dangerous for you. Ow. Besides, it was just a house. But this is a castle with a moat and everything. It's a long way from Bikini Bottom. -I know. -Huh? I mean, don't worry about it. It's a short 11-hour commute to the Krusty Krab from here. Well, I don't know, Squidward. It doesn't seem like the safest neighborhood. All right, Spongebob, this is the last house on my list, but I think it's got everything you're looking for. What do you think? I don't know. It doesn't look like much. Wow. Pretty! This place is amazing. It's like living in the future. Ooh, check out these cool stairs. Whee! -Uh, Spongebob? -Whee! Squidward? Squidward? This place is awesome. Yeah, it is, isn't it? I can't believe I get to live here. It's so much cooler than your house. You're right. This place is way too cool for you. -Wait, what? -I mean, living in a place like this can put a lot of pressure on a guy. The constant attention you get, and all the fabulous parties you'd host. Eh? Oh, it's quite good. Certainly worthy of this house. Indeed. Not to mention all the covers of "Cool Calamari" you'd have to pose for. No, I can't let you go through that, SpongeBob. So I tell you what, I'll live here for you. -Yeah, but where will I live? -You can have my old house. Really? That is so nice of you. That way I'll be one house closer to Patrick. Great, it's a done deal. So if you don't mind, I have a lot of settling in to do. -Bye-bye. -Okay, so I guess I'll see you la... Now this is how I was always meant to live. [sighing and yawning] Bedtime. Oh, a built in alarm clock. Hoo, this place has got it all. [beeping] [beeping] [snoring] Wha...what's happening? Oh, no. It's not an alarm clock. -It's a countdown! -Four, three, two, one. [screaming] Huh? What...what the... uh. That was horrible. But this is even worse! [screaming] Doink. Now this really feels like home. [screaming] Uh, German...hello? Ach! Guten morgen. Mein name ist Spongebob. -Say what? -Guten morgen. Mein name ist SpongeBob. Ich bin gekommen, um meine alte Heimat besuchen. Please would you speaken-zee English? I need za practice. Oh, ja! I mean, sure! Good morning. My name is Spongebob. -What is your name? -Um...Gerhard. Well, hello. Gerhard. I used to live here. Just stopped by to visit my old home. Ach, meine Neptune. Uh, now is nein such a good time mit the wife and such. -Wife? Where is she? -Uhh...Hey, SpongeBob. Gack! She's...shy. Well, I must be going. Mine wifen calling me for zupper. She is a fine Gutenchef of Fudenschlop. Would you mind if I stayed for zupper? -Whatcha having? -Um... Kerglooginpfiefer mit schlusinberry klabber sauz. Kerglooginpfiefer? That's my favorite! What's your wife's name? I don't know! Hedvig! Whoo! Dunt moven! Not a schtepp! Nein! Nein! No moven sie! Sitz! [panting] Hey, man, like, what's happening? I missed my house and I was hoping I could move back in. Oh, sorry, dude, no room. This place is, like, filled with band members and musical instruments. What do you play? Oh...the electric clarinet. -There's no such thing! -Sure, there is. Prove it. I'll be right back. [panting] Oh, Gerhard? Are you coming back? Hello! You must be Hedvig. Hedvig? Oh! Oh, ja. That's me, Hedvig. I have heard so much about your Kerglooginpfiefer mit schlusinberry klabber sauz. Can't wait to try it. One-- [laughing] One second! [grunting] Tonight's zupper is to go. So, please to go. Well, aren't your 12 little German children -gonna sing for me while I eat? -I don't have children! I mean, I mean, ja, ja. Outzide, please. I love outdoor concerts. Uh, groovy enough for you, man? That was great! You should give lessons to my ex-neighbor, Squidward. He stinks! [groaning] [panting] What's going on? Shh! The Fishtrapp children are gonna sing! <i> ♪ All the little kiddiewinks te Kiddiewinks the kiddiewinks ♪</i> <i> ♪ All the little kiddiewinks We love to sing all day ♪</i> I think the littlest kiddiewink is off-key. They need a band. I'll go talk to the guys that live at my old place and see if they can come over to play along. Yeah! [groaning] That's it! I'm done. Squidward? What are you doing in the Fishtrapps' house? You idiots. It's not the Fishtrapps' house! It's your house! And that is still Patrick's house! You just saw a commercial! That's all! Nick Fishkins gonna live in my house? Grr! He doesn't live in the houses he buys. Well, if he doesn't live in the, what does he do with them? He flips the houses, you dimwits! He buys houses, then resells them for a profit. He flips houses for a living! He flips houses for a living? Yes! And I'm calling Nick Fishkins right now to come over and flip my house so I can move away! [grumbling] Poor Squidward. We should do something really nice for him. Ooh! I know. All right, Patrick, on the count of three. One, two, three! [screaming] Say, is this home of Squidward Tentacles? -The one that was for sale? -Sure is. Yech. This place is a wreck. I'm Nick Fishkins and I do not want to buy this home. Not sold. -What happened? -We flipped your house for ya. Who's that driving away? That was Nick Fishkins. And what did he say? He said "Yeesh! "Who'd want to live in that thing? Not sold." I--I can't believe you did that! [grunting] You're welcome! [screaming] SpongeBob, what are you doing here, boyo? I brought you your nickels, silly. What is this place? And what are you doing here? Nothing. I've never been here before in my life. Eugene, got your usual here. One big steaming plate of chump. Enjoy. Usual... chum? Enjoy? Oh, I don't understand, Mr. Krabs. Oh, I suppose there's no hiding it, boyo. It all started back in me old Navy days. It was a young seaman on a dangerous mission deep in enemy territory. View time! Somehow, in the madness of battle, I became separated from my crew. It took hours of fighting and sneaking and scraping to get back to my ship. But by the time I got there, my supplies had been decimated. [groaning] All we had left is chum... and I hadn't eaten since noon. I was starting to feel peckish. Mm. But, oh, that flavor. Sweet and gamy with a creamy, chunky mouthfeel. Mm. Oh, I've had a chum monkey on my back ever since. [screeching] Been eating the stuff in secret for years now. Just got a taste for it. One of them survival things, I suppose. Oh uh, look, SpongeBob, I don't want this getting out. You understand? Especially to Plankton. What do you say huh? Keep me shame a secret? For ol' Mr. Krabsy? [laughing] You got it, Mr. Krabs. My lips are sealed. Glad to hear it. Okay, see ya tomorrow. Sal I'm feeling hungry tonight. How's about another plate of chum? Oh, sorry, Eugene. That was my last plate of chum ever. I'm closing the Slop Pail permanently. -What? -Yep. I'm moving to Gel City to make it dig in the pictures. Just imagine this mug on a movie screen 30 feet wide! [laughing] See ya in the movies! Then where will I get me chum from? Hi Mr. Krabs. What are you doing here, SpongeBob? Oh, when I can't sleep, I come here to be close to the formula. It comforts me. Well comfort time's over now. I'm trading the formula to Plankton for a lifetime supply of chocolate. I can't let you do that, Mr. Krabs. You'll thank me for this later. [panting] Okay. You have a better grip. [panting] Okay okay. Plankton, where are you? I got the formula. I'm here to collect my chum! I'm up here, Krabs! Uh, whoa! [groaning] Just look at that chum. And it's all for me! Yeah, woo hoo! So sorry, Krabs. You foiled too many of my plans over the years for me not to double cross you now. This time, I have the upper hand! [grunting] [chuckling] Get it, upper hand? [laughing] I win! You get nothing! [screaming] [screaming] You and sponge brain can see yourselves out Krabs. Ta ta! [laughing] Alley oop! You can get to the formula before him, but you're gonna have to eat like the wind. You're right, boy-o! I can do this! Woo! Go Mr. Krabs, go! Whoa, no, don't fill up on red! The chum! Eat the chum! Right! [groaning] [burping] Mr. Krabs, you did it! You saved the secret formula. Oh, and I think I killed my taste for chum, too. See, meh. -Oh! -All right, all right. [siren wailing] Pleasant day for a drive, hey, Officer? Sir, I'm going to need to see your license for that, um... [chuckling] You don't need a license to drive a bubble. Hmm, I suppose you're right. Carry on, citizen. [snoring] Gary! You'll never believe it. I was out driving all day. Yes, driving! First I drove down the street like this! Then I made a right turn on red like this. [growling] You should've been there, Gary. Oh, it was like a dream come true. Meow. -Bah! -Hey, watch it, lady! I'm driving over here! -Hey, hey, hey, hey! -Oh...wah! Hey! pick a lane, butter-brain! [whimpering] [screaming] [siren wailing] I'm going to have to ask you to step out of the boat, ma'am. Do you know why I pulled you over? You ran my plates and saw my rap sheet? What? No. Your vehicle has been outlawed, ma'am. Now that everyone drives bubble boats, real boats have been deemed too sharp and pointy to be street legal. But I've never driven a bubble. Bubble boating school? Now, to get your bubble going, just pump your legs like this. [grunting] Oh! Ooh! Oh! Nice start. [groaning] [screaming] [fire truck honking] -I did it. -Mrs. Puff, you're ready. -Really? -Absolutely! You just need to pass your final test... out there. [groaning] Nice and easy. Doing great. Hello! You know, this whole bubble boating thing isn't so bad. Maybe I could... Oh, no, Mrs. Puff! You got on the freeway by mistake! Look out! [screaming] It's okay! Just calm down! [screaming] [screaming] [screaming] [groaning] [screaming] Oh no, what's gonna happen when they hit the surface? [screaming] No more bubbles. Get them off me! Don't worry, Mrs. Puff. Even though it was bubbles that caused all these problems, it was also bubbles that solved 'em. That's kind of a wash, I guess. Get it? Wash? Soap? Bubbles? [laughing] Give me that. Bubble boats are too unstable. They've been declared illegal. Everyone back to your regular boats! Well, Mrs. Puff, looks like I have to get my boating license after all. See you tomorrow in class! <i> ♪ La la la la la la la la ♪</i> Oh, joy. [screaming] Chow down, SpongeBob! Uh, no thanks. Already ate. See? [groaning] [screaming] Maybe I'll be safe in here till this all blows over. <i> Moments later...</i> This is Perch Perkins reporting live from The Krusty Krab, where I am one of three people still unaffected by this rabid Patty pandemonium. The second unaffected person is in this dumpster. Care to comment, sir, on the chaos? Pearch Perkins, how did you know I was in here? I was napping in this dumpster when you snuck in, seeking refuge. -Take a bite! -No! No! Wait! Who's the third person not affected? P-P-P-P-P... Plankton! Plankton. The Chum Bucket! Eat us. Eat us. [groaning] [panting] [groaning] There it is, Karen. 152 bags of grade B pre-cooked chum and not a single customer's come through that door. [panting] SpongeBob, what are you doing? How are the customers supposed to get in now? Those aren't customers out there, Plankton. They're all Krabby Patty zombie monsters! And they're forcing everybody to eat them. You and I are the last two survivors! Krabby Patty zombies? Heh, I'll believe it when I see it. Okay, I believe it! Karen! Consume me. No! Hey! -Have some. -No. Wait! I don't want... [groaning] Have a slider. [groaning] Stay back! I've got sporks! [groaning] [vomiting] [groaning] Boy, do I feel better! Oh that's it! Chum is the cure! Oh a patty! Patrick! [groaning] No, eat chum! What happened? Yes, yes! [groaning] [screaming] Maybe I should up the dosage! [screaming] And three, two... [groaning] Oh, my cranium! Ugh, I told myself I'd never eat here. Oh boy, so much for lab-grown patties. You see, Mister Krabs, some things don't need scientific reengineering to be delicious. The original Krabby Patty is perfect just the way it is. Yeah, you know, after all that, a good, old vintage Krabby Patty -sounds pretty good right now. -Yeah. Vintage Krabby Patties rule! You're darn tootin', they do! And for the next three minutes, all vintage Krabbie Patties in the Krusty Krab are... double the price! [cheering] [meowing] [gibberish] [mumbling] One weekend of pampering later. [slurping] Ah. Oh! Yikes! Look at the time! I gotta get to the Krusty Krab. Thanks for spoiling me, Gary. I didn't have to lift a "finger." My fingers... Wha...! A whole weekend of pampering has left my limbs in limbo. Got. To go. To work. [groaning] [groaning] [groaning] Too weak to flip Krabby Patties. Ooh. Excuse me, but I would like to complain! I see. Well the Krusty Krab takes customer feedback very seriously, sir. After they pay the five dollar complaint fee. All right, fine. Yee-hee-hee-hee. Thank you, sir. Now what seems to be your problem? There is slime on my Patty. And mine has... slime on it, too. My Patty doesn't have enough slime! [chuckling] What? Give me that. Bleh! Ugh! Gah! SpongeBob! Just what do you think you're doing changing me Patty...formula? Meow. Meow-mow. Squidward! Why is there a mollusk cooking me Krabby Patties? I thought it was strangely quiet and peaceful today. Where the halibut is SpongeBob? Maybe he quit? Or got hit by a bus?! Or caught a terminal disease! I don't care if he turned into a bucket of chum. I need me fry cook! Mr. Squidward, you have the helm. Attention Krusty Krab customers, get out. It's time for my break. SpongeBob! SpongeBob? SpongeBob? Are you okay in there? You catch the flu or something? Are you at death's door? Because you know darn well they ain't valid excuses to miss work! Ah! SpongeBob has gone full raving loony. -Uh-oh! -Meow-meow-meow-meow meow-meow-meow meow-meow Meow-meow-meow-meow. Ugh! [purring] [screaming] What in the name of Neptune's nostrils is going on in here? SpongeBob, you're acting like you're the pet and that darn snail is the owner. Meow! Meow-meow-meow. Bad snail. Down boy. SpongeBob, what are you... Snap out of it, SpongeBob! Mister Krabs? Have you completely lost your mind, boy-o? Snails ain't supposed to have arms and legs. Aw, but Gary is so happy with his new limbs. Oh, is he? Well it's time to cut this nonsense. Ay! Huh-hah! Meow. [sniffing] [meowing] Mister Krabs, I'm sorry I forgot who I was. That's okay, boy-o. And Gary, I am so sorry I tried to change you. [burping]
Channel: SpongeBob SquarePants Official
Views: 16,406,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: krusty krab, krabby patty, spongebob, spongebob squarepants, squidward tentacles, squidward spongebob, patrick spongebob, patrick star, plankton spongebob, sandy cheeks, mr krabs, spongebob episodes, spongebob music, nickelodeon, nick show, animation, cartoon, classic cartoon, nostalgic, funny cartoons, cartoon food, cartoons for kids, weird moments, #youtubekids, throwback thursday, paramount, amazon prime video, amazon, paramount plus
Id: gwDq7eMJOyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 22sec (3622 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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