Best Of Kamp Koral New Episodes Part 1! πŸ” 30 Minutes | Nicktoons

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[Music] ah sparkly clean don't look directly at him Harvey my eyes the shower's all yours Mr tentacle finally you you stop all the hot water you nck morning Patrick heading over for your shower want to borrow my soap no thanks I don't bathe anymore SpongeBob it washes away my Essential patricky if no one can smell you do you even [Music] exist oh boy do you [Music] exist I smell like nothing I've washed away my identity don't worry buddy I've got you what is that awful smell those loers never empty the trash hi counselor [Music] tentacles you just took a shower how did you become so stinky is helping me discover my true smell I'm a stinker he's a stinker stickers together one smelly week later come on dudes we need to work up a powerful sweaty F [Music] sck I don't know about this kid there's no stin at all [Music] uhy uh-oh a poor Sandy you can't get stinky in a space suit a don't you fret SpongeBob now that I've cranked up my suit's heater I am smellier than a hog at a manure convention take a whip and to really get in the spirit I painted my kaboost oo skunk tastic thanks to those stink wits I have my own private shower hey look someone's taking a shower ow handle this now what kind find a camper would be taking a shower when we all should be stinking together I've got a sneaking suspicion the vit's name is what happened to the water I still have three more legs to wash oh Mr tentacles if you don't start stinking soon we'll never win the stinkiest Camp award I'm too civilized to join your rank [Music] ranks you smelly saps let's get this side [Music] wer give up counselor tentacles we've got you out stinct not soap on a r FR clean sand that won't stop me wob by Terry clad join us counselor tentacles embrace your inner stinker by Squidward become one with a smelliness let your stink play Bo get back you foul smelling fools charge Jo the Jo the Jo the y not nerd a Hoy we're here for your booty yeah booty not my mou booty no just your [Music] badges thank you mes and don't forget your receipt CH [Applause] ho oh I said no Pirates Captain C oh me counselor crew you Hoist the sails you heard the captain Oh very good Madame go man the Cannons you ER never mind it's a Camp Coral Navy assemble a boarding party oh we got a home Dinger of a battle on our hands Fire Let's blle this Brock you scurvy dogs C to attack here we go sorry I thought we were battling over here oh no no my mistake you stay there we'll come to you get [Music] him huh Turles you keppers have been found guilty of a robbery on the high seas we weren't robbing we were just borrowing badges so we can clean them since we couldn't earn our pirate badges we decided to go for our bad shiners badges instead bad shiners badge we'll give you that cockamamy idea it's right here in the manual right behind the page you ripped out it don't matter I ain't bought any in years we're all out no no shining badges no pirate badges no nothing badges who wants to earn their no Mutiny badge there you go buddy I'm out of pirate badges again Captain one I Sandy you heard Square beard more pirate badges is pig head [Applause] Patrick yes ma'am come on out bubble bass it's time to take your [Music] loes your tough words are for not Sandra there is no way you will defeat our comic book [Music] style sorry boys you got to do more than POS y' all will have to practice harder for next year of course if I practice Enough by the end of the day maybe I can win that badge hi spongebob be beating you [Music] later go Bobby says to defeat your opponent you got to kick like a seam mule kick like a seam mule Roger [Music] uh-oh okay okay don't come on sorry SpongeBob no shoes loud and heal food Nai says you got to go barefoot as a seab bear W was it naby says if you can split wood a squirrel should be no problem split the wood split the squirrel got it come on SpongeBob chop me bring the pain well maybe I [Music] will e well at least I split something hey let me show you naby says to keep the pole balanced As you move through your positions I'm doing it I'm doing it I got a fight [Music] Kate my butt my face you know we don't have to fight just kneel down I'll give you one little top and you can join the others on the pile once I've got my new Karate badge this will all be over and we can go roast marshmallows I'm real sorry Sandy but this Tain your summer T why are you talking like that sponge [Music] what finally a worthy opponent [Music] looks like I done got you surround it come on out SpongeBob I've got a Texas siiz gr Jack with your name on it [Music] [Applause] I can see you've been practicing but I still got one move I ain't never shown no one behold my tail of Fury Style oh no I used every move Nai taught me what do I do now remember SpongeBob your brain is your most powerful weapon that's it thanks [Applause] Arlene that was the best karate battle I ever had thanks [Music] blop thanks for the great chilly Mr star you're welcome little ladyy what's happening with my [Music] tummy oh pardon me wo my turn wow dad everyone loves your explosion Chile it's good for your G G [Music] tank who's ready for set races set races again can we do a rocket boat race instead absolutely not you might hurt yourselves and it'll be my fault I'm not going back to the slamber again ah what yeah nothing okay on your marks Get Set Let's Kick this race up a not wa come on kids use that chili Fuel and Blast Off wow hey get back down here that's not safe I guess it does seem safe enough and I could use a break what the what what are you two doing I don't barely pay to loue around all day where are the campers take it easy Eugene Cecil has them handled who is C apparently he's the new camp Master according to that mob of mopets no way I'm the camp Master around here and I'd like to see some someone tell me different hey Mr Krabs um just so you know we all voted and um Mr star is the new camp Master Flash off that looks like it could kill somebody that looks awesome of my way good you're a big boy time to blast off I've never brought so PR CA really is a better C Master than me I'm going too [Music] fast [Music] what are we going to do now Dad yeah C Master Cecil what's next I never want you to leavey it's my mom hello honey time to leave Cil you know it's time to wash the grand I'm dirty oh well she found me I hate washing Grand Pat bye Patrick bye kids bye dad well Eugene you got your Camp Back happy okay Mr Cecil come back I don't want you to go I can take my gra w got to move these [Music] trampolines walk it up lunch me favorite part of the day jum out the crap I was playing on the jungle gym and my leg came off again oh my goodness there now walk it off oh hi C Master Krabs oh hi Camp Master Krabs I think this Camp has gone long enough without a nurse a nurse that'll cost me money besides we already have a nurse nurse my [Music] buckets oh good Heavens no I'm calling for a nurse right now hello yes we need a real nurse at Camp Coral H I'm hga scharon your new nurse where do I work you are a danger to yourself but this will keep the ouy away OU [Music] away [Music] oh I knew safety line was good thing bring it [Music] in wait we must prepare you [Music] battle I can barely move this is no fun exactly no fun means no boo [Music] boos I can't help myself it's all I want to do I know if I can move my arms I'd be popping my bubbles too wow [Music] LLY he there will be no more dangerous fun dra sitting and playing thinking games oh can we at least play razor sharp Checkers you are boo boo magnet and worse a boo boo magnet to me chess is safe and gentle game see now you [Music] [Applause] [Music] move Che [Music] me stop hurting yourself oh this doesn't hurt I'm made of sponge but you aren't and since you're so accident prone I nurse proofed your cabin for [Music] you see now you can't get hurt it's fun try Ito w w w oh this is fun hello I need a nurse let me guess s's hot time at the ho down shut the Barn Door flaming saddle [Music] serve we are having a remember Squidward visualize the essence of coldness gracious cool rain ice cream ice [Music] cream mint flavored ice cubes an arch don't encourage them hey why aren't you sweating sorry y'all my sou has its own built-in climate control so I'm cooler than a country cucumber wish I could share the air oh refreshing thanks Sandy come on in Squidward the air is cool shoot you overloaded my [Music] f it's like an oven in this here cabin come on we got to find some [Applause] [Music] shade man guys I think Master Krabs has his own AC in there an aqua conditioner oh we've got to get in there let us in Mr Crab we deserve to cool off too Mr tentacles you must show the camp Master proper respect let us knock politely let us in please oh sweet death dude we're burning alive brilliant well if crabs won't let Us in then I'll have to break us [Music] in oh well I guess we'll have to find some other free shet did someone say free Mr Crabs could we please come in and cool offera spell it's nothing but fire Brimstone out here oh no I don't want no sweaty sweaty Little Campers running around the office sweating all over sweaty I pay anything to get out of this [Music] heat okay it's a dollar ahead enjoy the breeze sweaty Little Campers screw's good for it that's showc may I oh hellow [Music] me new camp special $1 get the cool while it's hot hav stepped you Mr crbs what did you do we're like an chies in here m oh no I'll just open up the door and let us all out nobody panic we're trapped everybody [Music] Panic calm down everybody let's make the best of a situation and what better way to make the best of a situation than a campfire song Ready everybody oh it's bright and hot and not so wet bur your clothes and makes you sweat hot it makes you hot andwe and making it so much [Applause] worse I got socked in the face dirty sock launch w a SoCal lipse I got it I got it I got it no I got it now this is one dirty piece of hoser well that was gross and awesome thank you I'm Macy made us well howy do I'm Sandy and these are my pals SpongeBob and Patrick how do the pleasure to meet you all oh I see you're playing soiled stocking have you tried filling it with mud feel a dirty sock with mud why that would up the field Factor at least [Music] pfold I grave the filth here's mud in your eyes I like the way you think Maisie huh Maisy hey where'd she go ma Maisy Maisy hello Maisy Maisy Ma has anyone seen my four sorry Mr tentacles yeah we were just playing soiled sock with our new friend Maisy Manus you ever seen her before I wish I'd never seen you three [Music] before let's find Maisie maybe she has more ideas for socks good y [Applause] [Music] friends uh ask me what um we heard a rumor that you might possibly be a ghost I am indeed but the proper pronunciation is G ghost G ghost may I of course well B my riches would you like to do go ghost things with me boy yummy go away this food isn't for you it's edible wo what return to me this instant you impudent edible [Music] what you all look smashing it's time to fly like ghost hold hands [Music] everybody here we get I feel light as a feather woo here it goes how do you do we are ghost [Music] boo attention campers everybody R for it there's ghosts in the C
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 368,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nickelodeon, Animation, Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe, Full Episodes, Cartoons, Nicktoons, Nick Toons, Cartoon Food, Food, SpongeBob, Loud House, Casagrandes, Big Nate, Alvin, Kids Cartoons, Cartoons for Kids, Family, Kids, Patrick, Krabby Patties, Krusty Krab, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Smurfs, Kamp Koral, Rugrats, Patrick Star Show, Paramount, Paramount+, Transformers, SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, Rock Paper Scissors, ytao_kk
Id: wG0jdjf0MMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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