45 MINUTES Of SpongeBob & The Best Animal Moments From Bikini Bottom! 🐌 | Nicktoons

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oh boy how long was I out long enough for all this crud to get stuck on my shell oh nasty let's get the show on the road well there goes the neighborhood for the batter so long you Big Pink [Music] Loser [Music] [Applause] time for my pre breakfast snack come on out yummy treat SMY SMY SMY SMY hey where you going rock I don't want to move I already live next to my best friend Squidward and the little yellow [Music] guy what the how you got to be kidding me how' I get back here huh oh what do you think you're doing you B parasite she hi Rock I'm trying to enjoy a snack hey the name is Tony not rock and I think it's time for you to Van Moose huh what's a Van [Music] Moose you're a few pickles short of a jar ain't you kid I'll make it simple this is my shell I live here you don't so beat it oh no you can't fool me this is my rock and I'm not leaving all right you gabos stay up there if you want I've got places to be here we are kid last stop oh there they are hello ladies oh so now he gets here we've been waiting 30 years for you Tony your lucky turtles live so long I know I know my apologies but never fear Tony hey who's this a you didn't say you were bringing your pet parasite oh this is aute hello I didn't get all dialed up just to be treated like snail litter that's [Music] it all right I've had it up to here with you excuse me a second ladies get out of my shell get out of my rock my sh my shell wait rock my shell my rock couple of babies over here Bo is this weepy mess yeah we came to see action let's F MO I'm so sorry I'm sorry to kid if we had been fighting we both still have a home hey wait a minute I know another rock we could share really maybe you ain't so brainless after all [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey ladies check out my new shell oh looking sharp Tony a Squidward dancing fast moving like race it oh that is it when you clams clam up ah oh look at what the clowns are doing toight beautiful home and SpongeBob will you stop feeding those clams why squid because they're making a I haven't seen these clams in [Applause] L I'll never be clean again walking to work ain't too shabby cuz I'll be whipping up a crabby patty go on home you clams I have to go to work now go on go home I don't have any more crabby patties for you you need to find your own food okay then I'll just no Follow the [Music] Leader [Music] go [Music] I'll see you crazy clam BL hey that's mine what are you doing you know it's not nice to steal people's food a don't worry I see that we understand each other completely now no bad clam sorry sir what am I going to do I can't leave the clams alone they'll just have to go to work with me come on you clams what the vernac is going on here how did all these clams get inside I couldn't leave them outside they were stealing people's crappy patties well what do you think they're doing in here stealing people's Krabby Patties man cosed me money now get them out of here boy ow bad clam don't spit pearls and nice Mr Crabs pearls don't worry Mr Krabs I'll get all these clams out of here right now that's your face SpongeBob but you hurry but then you just tell me to get the clams out of here cuz they're stealing food from your customers forget the customers if these clams keep spitting Pearls at me they'll be rich good claims good claimes they mean bad clams stupid clams smelly clams I've got to get these clams out of here follow me clams wait SpongBob come back with those crummy clams I figured if I Tire them out maybe they'll behave better oh the life of a clam is the best getting cold out must be fall I hate to say it little clams but it's time for you all to fly home to warmer climates don't be sad we'll see each other next year I promise now go on the circle of life well guess I should migrate home too well it took me a whole season but it's finally clean the classs they're back oh wait sward it's just me Dr pool what I [Music] miss okay have fun you two what you doing SpongeBob oh Gary found this stray snail and I'm nursing it back to health wao what about those baby snails they're over here a so tiny and hungry they have nobody to take care of them I'm going to take him home and feed them feed them to who oh excuse me pardon me uh just a minute thanks snail G three bags of nail child four bags a snail L thanks snail guy uh you're welcome okay will you guys just relax you're all going to get fed Donnie keep out of Walter's dish what are you doing jelle Henry no fighting jeez my pants are getting ruined and my head is sticky got to do something about that oh what the oh it's not a cold it's my allergies hey lady H SpongeBob is that you I don't know what happened to you where did all these snails come from don't worry I'm taking very good care of all my snails I'm not worried about them I'm worried about me I'm allergic to snails even Gary one snail I can handle maybe even two or three but this no way just how many snails do you have I don't know let's count them shall we 1 2 3 Mary Donnie carela Senor poop is Jack 24 Paul brendish Shel Steve one the keys barin on the floor 48 or electric Ronnie Diane Pam 97 Walter Sarah Balo shrimp 141a that's 164 old iron 233 Sean Mr butter Mrs butter still I'll say 258 you have to get rid of those snails and get back to work work but I found my life's work taking care of wayward snails that's it I'm calling the Bikini Bottom official so they can deal with it hello please excuse me ma'am but we've had some complaints ah no thank you please oh no Patrick no outside I for you help me help oh The bad men want to take you away from me but I won't let them Sanctuary Sanctuary everybody in everybody [Music] in SpongeBob is behind that fence and he has locked the gate oh quit messing around and just break down that gate SpongeBob I need you to listen to me hello SpongeBob my name is Bob Barnacle I run the Bob Barnacle snail rescue center these snails all got loose through a hole in the fence of my snail Center I'm here to help the snails I'm here to help you hello I know that you mean well but there's only so much one sponge can do you must be very tired from all your hard work my Center has all the space and staff that a snail needs they'll be well taken care [Music] of I promise the snails will be happy Esmeralda asala yes that's her name what did you call her senor poopus by so long I'm going to miss you guys especially you senior poopus I mean seniorita esala you did the right thing you can visit the snail Center anytime thanks Bob we will but I'm going back to being a one snail guy that's the way I like it don't forget to get your pet spay or neutered bye SpongeBob bye [Music] Patrick Patrick Pat don't worry I'm going to adopt [Music] [Music] you mag tickles a the Little Critter likes my whistling pores that [Music] tickles my ship's over time for work SpongeBob all right jelly out you [Music] go it's been real fun but I got to get to work f a win this morning hey jelly hey Sparky can you tell your friends I don't have time to play right now no please stop it please stop it I'm going to be late I told you guys I don't have time to play I have not been tardy one time in my career as a fry cook and I'm not going to start [Music] today the weather situation it's much worse across the country and it doesn't look like the winds are going to stop anytime soon fishy go byebye and that's the way it is in your world today boring I don't want to watch any of this boring stuff I want to watch something decent like sorry Patrick I need a place to hide from those jellyfish what jellyfish ever since the wind started a sound whistles through my holes that jellyfish seem to [Music] [Applause] love oh SpongeBob get out of here I'm sorry SpongeBob but you've become a negative influence at least the wind stopped I think I lost him well I guess I should just stay in here or it's safe and quiet and dark it's okay I'll only hide out here for a second yeah it shouldn't take long find these rocks these sedentary lifeless [Music] rocks okay that you do [Music] it wow it's actually worked they're finally leaving me alone I can go back to work now crusty crab here I come how long was I gone no no [Music] vegetables that's what you like isn't it bunny we'll see what we got in the fridge whoops I'm out of veggies but I got something even better jer's food yay just bunny Wy like his vny Winnie all right Gary's food is out got it I'll get you veggies I'll be right back [Applause] [Music] yeah buunny Wy I got a surprise for you I'm going to have to chew proof this whole house fast that's how how to do the trick no no no no no no no no no my shic works I got to get rid of all that hot sauce Patrick I bought a second bunny to lure the first bunny out of hiding [Music] ho hold still Patrick I see you thanks budny a [Applause] bunnies one two three more bunnies yay uh-oh Patrick The Hunt is on come back buddy [Music] Wy this is the last kot one more step and I will spit you on a roast D mean roast you on a spit what's happening don't worry Squidward yeah we're here to help they're grow hello Animal Control save [Music] me get out of my house that'll get him out sorry about your house Squidward yeah we just [Music] heard I saw it it was big it was all a wiggly and it ate everything that's [Music] horrible it was an Alaskan [Applause] forward we he ate my wheelbarrow he ate my children's homework do I need to say it catch your Worm for you that is if and you're willing to pay no oh you'll never get a scent out of me never I'd rather that worm come in here right now I eat you all alive oh yeah sorry a Shucks I don't want your money I was just playing up the drama of the moment is all nope I'm going to take that spineless Critter down for nothing cuz this is personal look my Tail's gone Karma must have got it while I had my back turned the coward I am going to get back what's mine he's in that cave Sandy are you sure you of course I am I'm going in and I ain't coming out till I got me a big heaping plate of worms still [Music] ah there you are you tail NAB and varit I'm winning SpongeBob Sandy that's not this shouldn't take long Sandy that's not almost done s yeeha I got him Spong SM boy howdy this Critter put up some sort of fight but I'm from Texas and as you can see no worm is a match for me I haven't found my tail that's not the worm pardon that's not the worm that's his tongue oh this is the tongue and the whole thing is the wor run for your life so what's the plan Sandy run faster I got a thought of that hey wait a minute I was right wasn't I later ah he is too big for you isn't he not now spbg I want to hear you say it can we talk about this the time St it SP stay it I'll Tri you no get away now okay you were right I was wrong I was wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong are you happy now I knew it not again H Sandy yeah what do we do now I got it SpongeBob you still got that paper clip in that string I'm way ahead of you Sandy look it's a necklace as for SpongeBob or as for Sandy that way they can identify our bodies no silly how about f for save our skins yea now this is what I call Rodeo we'll be nice and safe up here we did yay he'll never get out of there we save the town yay let's go tell [Music] [Applause] everybody ouch last time I saw Moon that big it was in a locker room since why is the moon so green everyone knows the moon is made of cheese SpongeBob it's just been up there so long it's getting moldy oh but I'd still eat it that ain't the moon guys the real moon comes out at night remember something fishy's going on here a girl hey kids check out that Cool Glow Rock in the sky don't see that every day green cheese green cheese green cheese SpongeBob Patrick everyone listen to me get away from the light the light is bad Run for the shade so romantic genins give me some sugar m is sucker for a good [Music] smooch I'm going home to hide under the covers it's everybody s upart for himself redward you have to stay in thech help wward no OMG how's the you don't see that every day ah the Giant Octopus one of the largest Predators on the ocean floor Texas toast it's a good thing my tree don't is made of 10 tons of pressure prooof glass H priny we Sandy that is true but unfortunately the poisonous and highly intelligent octopus can also cut through H bedrock with its beak you don't see that every day Squidward no harm manyy quits ah the battle for the survival of the PST rages on in the animal kingdom friend my tree Sandy you must remember who is the natural enemy of the octopus that's a great idea using her versatile tail the Texas land squirrel calls out to the natural enemy of the octopus there she goes y'all the whale sick on Pearl sorry Squidward and so we bid a fond ad you to Neptune's moon as it descends back into the Earth from when it came we will see it again in 100 [Music] years what is going on here my clothes no W um Sandy how come your tree Dome is broken and everyone's naked well SpongeBob let's just say this has been the most interesting birthday I ever had and of course Neptune's moon is always followed by Neptune's Sun [Music] I'll see that every day a you're on your way I bet you're [Music] thirsty [Music] I'm not taking my eyes off you hey SpongeBob hi Patrick how does this keep happening hi she's beautiful wow what a magnificent seahorse I shall tame her who knows what we can accomplish put her up huh SpongeBob where's my order did you look under the tray oh no I didn't sorry SpongeBob could you just get my order they vanished Squidward do you think the Crusty Crab is haunted what if they come for me next I got to get out of here SpongeBob there's no ghosts oh in case you've forgotten here's how things work I order the food you cook the food then the customer gets the food we do that for 40 years and then we die sounds like a pretty good deal to me what do you say yeah yeah I hear you Squidward I'll be right back what's that don't tell Mr Krabs I've got it all under control now then you were saying just get my order you got it Squidward ghosts mystery you ate my hat mystery you ate my spatula you ate all the Krabby Patties you ate the stove you ate old man junkins I don't want to be a burden SpongeBob what's the meaning of all these nicknames David H J mystery got a belly ache from eating Krabby Patties so I made her a bicarbonate of soda what did I miss so my eyes are correct you still have that horse after I ordered you to get rid of it well now I'm going to get rid of it once and for all no Mr Crabs please don't make me give up mystery I know you think she's just a horse but she's more than that I tell you she listens to me she understands everything I say and I understand her she's my best friend hey who left this bowl of onions here sometimes you have to set things free even though it's hard look at her she misses The Great Outdoors the Wide Open Spaces the ruling Green Pastures the kitchen is no place for a live horse H all right Mr Krabs I understand hey okay girl you're free to go I can't keep you anymore I know it's hard for you to understand but Mr Krabs is right you belong in the wild well what are you waiting for can't you see I don't watch anymore just get out of here you stupid dumb animal well she's gone and I'll never see her again it's okay son you did the proper thing she's free now and we have no right to separate that wild animal from its natural habitat hey Mr Crabs looks like old mystery had an after dinner [Applause] [Music] salad get that horse Myster we here we are Jellyfish Fields oh I hope you didn't forget our Nets I didn't forget them Kevin they're in the [Music] trunk I can't believe I'm out here with the Jelly spotters I mean all my life I wanted to be a jelly Spotter and now I'm out here with you guys with the Nets and the jars and the jellyfish and I'm with Kevin and Kevin's with me and we're all with each other and we're jelly fishing together and it's fun and I like it before you become a jelly spotter you have to pass a rigorous test rigorous test quiet shh your first test catch a jellyfish hey I caught one am I a jelly spot now that doesn't count I meant two jellyfish two jellyfish me in the net the jelly that's not what I meant I meant 20 jellyfish oh let's see 1 2 3 please don't be angry your highness I would have let you go Kevin that's right you should have seen the look on your face when we Zapped you but what about my final [Music] test did you think we'd actually let you join the jelly spotters but Kevin I was your biggest fan so were they hey look everybody Kevin's back Kevin we love you Kevin Kevin sleep he look so so dumb with your dorky jellyfish call loser loser loser loser loser I am not a loser user user user loser neria Rex King [Music] jellyfish [Music] kissy [Music] [Music] face G black [Music] B [Music] yummy I can't believe it how did you know everybody loves pie well SquarePants that was impressive but you're still not in the club because you didn't catch a queen jellyfish wait what are you doing wow I didn't know this was a hat it wasn't
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 204,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nickelodeon, Animation, Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe, Full Episodes, Cartoons, Nicktoons, Nick Toons, Cartoon Food, Food, SpongeBob, Loud House, Casagrandes, Big Nate, Alvin, Kids Cartoons, Cartoons for Kids, Family, Kids, Patrick, Krabby Patties, Krusty Krab, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Smurfs, Kamp Koral, Rugrats, Patrick Star Show, Paramount, Paramount+, Transformers, SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, Rock Paper Scissors, ytao_sbsp
Id: TKiyoYwv9UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 53sec (2573 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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