Best of Ron actually liking people | Parks and Recreation

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Ron Ron last name done is that your name or are you telling me you're finished talking both done and done I like Ron okay girls runs got Sharp Tools Now ladies eyes are watching ears are listening lips are closed hands are still feet are very quiet you should really try it listen well listen well that was well played children their age respond positively to Melody and rhyme they are great girls you must feel very lucky to be their stepdad I do indeed if you'll excuse me Joe I have to finish hogging out the cheeks on these lap joints oh maybe you could use this uh this jig I made it's just a hardwood clamping block connected to a small piece of Hackberry you could use it to locate your cuts for the inside shoulder with without having to reset the fence exactly muffin Donna this is crazy typhoon is an artist and the human head is his canvas just listen you're gonna cut the man's hair you're going to charge him eight dollars it'll take you four minutes so just shut up and make the man look like this fine so typhoon what do you like to do for fun I'm writing an electronic Opera about Brittany Murphy and I do the chandelier design for my friend's drag puppet show no further questions all I really want to do is dance except lately all the good Warehouse Raves are filled with Euro trash Euro trash I like that it is indeed a garbage continent yes oh my God I had the worst time in Berlin last May everyone was on their stupid bikes that was like ew please talk more about how you hate Europe and bicycles this came out yeah I am starving I haven't had lunch since yesterday so I'm gonna head over to Callahan's oh no no don't go there they totally skimp on pickles let me go to big head Joe's for you they have the most insane burritos I don't much go for ethnic food trust me they have one that's called the meat tornado literally killed the guy last year you had made me tornado Pierre Garcon was a six round six round Kali was the fourth round Indianapolis Colts know how to draft so well they really do Andy this was delicious it's awesome it's a whole new meat delivery system thank you son what do you say we go out to the parking lot run a few pass plays to burn off the calories you are an Unstoppable good idea machine I like Andy I'm surrounded by a lot of women in this department and that includes the men both corner and he made up oh you feeling it [Music] wow you suck at this Donna please back up two paces so I can physically destroy this machine can you chill a little man it's not real hunting it's just a game since you have a second you know what that's a good point what did you suck at this that it's not real hunting come with me hunting No Quarters required hang on have a license to hunt at night cause you need a license I thought you were serious come on now you know I don't give a fresh air real weapons and honest kill there is no substitute for the real thing you want to go back and play that video game don't you yes damn it tomorrow I am so so proud of all of you you've worked so hard you're amazing so I have a surprise and it is possibly the best thing to potentially ever happen to anyone anywhere in the history of the universe ladies and gentlemen the world famous little Sebastian what yes oh my God I never thought I'd get to meet him done Leslie well done I have some very important news about our favorite mini horse little Sebastian he died last night no but we can take comfort in the fact that he's in heaven now doing the two things he loves doing the most eating carrots and urinating freely when I walked in this morning and saw the flag was at half mast I thought all right another bureaucrat ate it but then I found out it was a little Sebastian half-mast is too high show some damned respect I have cried twice in my life once when I was seven and I was hit by a school bus and then again when I heard that little Sebastian had passed his memory will live on as today we light a fire that will burn on for eternity oh my God okay deep breath I think we got through it yeah hey Jerry you put propane in the Eternal Flame right no they were out and so I just got a big thing of lighter fluid it's kind of the same thing foreign this is the best meditation center in the area it doesn't look like much oh actually this strip mall has surprisingly decent Sheen although the smells from the Greek restaurant next door are not ideal but through this door lies a deep serene wyattu Sky's boss excuse me ladies on your right take in the vibe of the room and remain open of mind and of spirit now quietly me and let's join breath I'll Stand interesting technique all told we were in there about six hours and no I was not meditating I just stood there quietly breathing there were no thoughts in my head whatsoever my mind was blank I don't know what the hell these other crackpots are doing Ron you radiated mindfulness what were you thinking about I wasn't thinking at all incredible it takes a ton of work for me to get to that kind of a clear headspace no matter how hard I try don't try so hard don't try so hard Ron I'm going to try your not trying method right here right now Chris wait I know this crap is important to you so I should come clean I got nothing out of that experience at all so if you're looking for someone who enjoys meditation oh I didn't expect you to enjoy it my one reservation about you as a co-worker was that you seemed inflexible and merely by agreeing to an activity you're not interested in you showed flexibility Ron you've got the job you want to head back I do but first there's a hot spinning cone of meat in that Greek restaurant next door I don't know what it is but I'd like to eat the whole thing and you're kind and you're thoughtful and you're always such a delight to have around I'm sure you are going to be an incredible mother thanks Larry that's nice goodbye Anne I have enjoyed parts of our time together oh God Ryan that was really something here I didn't know what to bring you so I just got some magazines and lipstick woman stuff thanks all my parents got me was that okay well I'm not very good at visiting people in hospitals so I'm going to go okay because of what happened I don't want him to think stop don't want to know the less I know about other people's Affairs the happier I am I'm not interested in caring about people I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name best friend I ever had we still never talk sometimes [Music]
Channel: Parks and Recreation
Views: 32,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Parks and Recreation, parks and rec funny moments, parks and recreation funny moments, parks and recreation bloopers, parks and recreation theme, parks and recreation kim kardashian, parks and recreation ron, parks and rec, ron swanson, april ludgate, leslie knope, who broke it, patton oswalt star wars filibuster, cones of dunshire, nick offerman, parks and rec ron, parks and rec best moments, parks and rec best of, parks and rec best ron moments
Id: jhDfCE6iSjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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