Donna Meagle: master of rizz | Parks and recreation

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Donna gentlemen how about yes I am a hunter and it's Youth Season whoa what up big T stop this must be the lovely Donna Ashante listen beautiful let's cut the bowl right you want this I definitely want this th wants this seal is devil's three-way right here right now step one we buy into this club step two we roll over to the club either in your Mercedes-Benz or my pre-owned Acura Legend step three I daggered you on the Dance Floor Just Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce out now all the ladies say it bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce what do you say sexy can I get lube that is healthy to eat I'm Bobby Newport my family owns nine square miles of land in this town and isn't my family what this town's really about but Bobby Newport that guy is everywhere I am not complaining I just filled it out for fun Chris and I are 81 compatible you want to make a baby trigger your hair my everything else that kid would be unstoppable I'm a hundred percent sure that I will not meet another Don Amigo in Michigan I'm gonna miss you you know I'm gonna miss you too Perkins but now that you're officially out of the dating pool you know I'm gonna run this town man oh oh yeah you do not want to go down that road trust me I tried hi Stephen hey Ann super cute baby bum thanks good looking out we just uh select the woman we desire I will take the large black one interesting choice what did you have some kind of a book with photos of the women available to us if not I will also take the sexy black one I'm not surprised at all South America I did very well there let's talk about personal relationships who wants to start Donna I have several men in rotation one's waiting for me out in the car don't worry about the window what's up girl keep walking 98. you don't want to talk to that guy he plays in the NFL he's a linebacker skill positions only for Don amigo are you gonna hit that him he isn't exactly boyfriend material who said anything about a boyfriend use him abuse him lose him this was literally the most beautiful and moving thing that I have ever heard they're there baby boy it took all the time you need right now motivational Brigade coming through oh so you boys are gonna go work out together huh where abouts Community College yeah that's too far Donna oh my God I am so excited to see you here these things are horrible when you're by yourself what do you know where you are right now we're in the jungle there are no friends here it's every woman for herself you're joking right do I look like I'm joking dating is a zero-sum game if you get a man I don't get that man I'm here because of advice that you gave me to be more adventurous in my life here's some more advice Beat It little lady named Twilight author Stephanie Meyer trust me you should listen to them those books are good oh I love any book about vampires werewolves monsters zombies Sorcerers beasties or time traveling romances and if I had an hour alone with Robert Pattinson he would forget all about skinny legs Mickey I'll tell you that much we think that you may have accidentally tweeted from the parks and rec account rather than your own personal account uh oh what'd it say see you tonight hope you like tongue baths you big nasty firemen then there's a picture of a pair of lips and then a picture of an eggplant I'm both confused and if we're being totally honest a little aroused you know not to give you too much of a peek into my personal life but this could have been way worse quiet why don't you tell us you're running for congress well we didn't want to steal your thunder still my thunder I'm sorry have you seen how I'm wearing this dress you're kidding right Tyrion Lannister Lord of casterly rock the half man you don't watch Game of Thrones no you do hell yeah have you seen those Dothraki dudes they can get it everybody on that show can get it so tell I don't know when I'm gonna be back oh and Donna's here there you go hola I honestly don't care but I'm just gonna say it I like Joe he's a nice man who's good with kids and he seems to be smart and patient I know that's why he's my Tammy I'm a social butterfly when we're together all we do is have sex sit on the couch eat homemade pasta have sex again enough he's constantly being respectful wanting to spend time with me trying to connect with me it's a nightmare I become boring and we dated what happened to us really do you want to get real sure sounds like fun sometimes your Relentless cheeriness is confusing like that time we went to Eagleton and we got that hotel room with the jacuzzi oh this just got real good and the jacuzzi broke but I did eat food off of your body um between you and me I think that Donna is having a problem with going negative in the ad I always go negative even if I like the guy I go negative keeps them interested thanks Donna hey Donna so you're pregnant oh man Tom told you nope you're drinking decaf coffee which you usually only do in the afternoon you're wearing an empire waist dress and loose shoes because your feet are already swelling I put you at nine maybe ten weeks my goodness you're observant yes I am yes I am huh when did you make the switch to boxer briefs yesterday okay please stop looking at him got your birthday son oh thanks but now that it's legal I've kind of lost interest two shots of Jameson don't make too much eye contact you want to seem available but not too available thanks I think I'm good for now I'm not gonna yeah all right let's do this I promise not to cheat on you if you promise not to try to pin me down too fast I have no problem with that you can take me to dinner Friday I have only one request that you wear that red thing I'll wear that red thing when you deserve to see me in that red thing all right go make some muffins personalized leopard printed robe pink feather cuffs and on the back in rhinestones you can get it Ladies Choice ooh Wild Card option okay anybody reveal anything about their life anything at all I've gotten two annulments one for pleasure and one to cap off a long con I was running against Keith Sweat wow wow Donna this place is beautiful yes it is and it will stay that way these are the house rules no dirty shoes in the house upstairs is Meagle space only and if you listen closely that is the bubbling of the hot tub you do not have access to it if you follow these rules we won't have a problem oh my God is that genuine why do you have genuine's platinum record on your wall why do you have a photo of you with genuine at some place oh have I never talked about this before genuine is my cousin genuine the genuine is your cousin how do I not know this listen you are a hot young doctor I'm a nurse actually okay I don't know you but I do know that you can fix your attitude do you want to go home and feel sorry for yourself about a man you didn't want to marry or do you want to go talk to that cute boy who has been looking at you and give him your number before I throw him in my bands for myself all right oh great I got a new email about the parking lot at the Pawnee comments I keep getting emails all the time I have to do well at this press conference Donna listen Pre-K every single one of my boyfriends has tried to hack into my email I got an idea everybody out I sent councilwoman nope the fake email about the EPA finding midichlorians an hour ago as a tribe into what you have fallen well I have never seen Star Wars because I was too busy hooking up with guys unlike you losers you want to compare numbers to Orlando get to step in Donna even though I've known you for years I feel like I learned something new about you every day just yesterday I learned that the Pearl Jam album Vitalogy was written about you you are an amazing Confident Woman and I love you I know that I can be a lot and a while back I was thinking I'd never find someone who loved me for me but you're patient and kind and together we can do anything you may now kiss the bride [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Parks and Recreation
Views: 141,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Parks and Recreation, parks and rec funny moments, parks and recreation funny moments, parks and recreation bloopers, parks and recreation theme, parks and recreation kim kardashian, parks and recreation ron, parks and rec, ron swanson, april ludgate, leslie knope, who broke it, patton oswalt star wars filibuster, cones of dunshire
Id: ZReIDX0e4Bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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