Brooklyn 99 but it gets more and more inappropriate | Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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well I think I have all the information I need thank you for coming in Mr my pleasure so looks like operation nasty is a full-on success huh you mean operation nasty sex a lot here's the weather now can you see him flirting with me no I most definitely did not and you're a blind man and a prude to boot did you see his tie a single Windsor the easiest not to undo why bother wearing any clothes at home I think you badly misread that interaction please he did everything but lick his lips and purr sorry my partner doesn't believe in therapy oh that's fine it's hard for some people that title you're sex tape are you normally so Cavalier around murder investigation I love guns I'm gonna make such a good dad not even gonna touch that the Amy Santiago story sexy train is leaving a station check out this Caboose later now the first step in learning how to cook is learning how to taste so close your eyes and open your mouth this isn't Burning Man boil if you like Charles sorry you are glowing brother to sister you've never looked sexier come on man what's up little man what's up you feeling sexy huh yeah I feel sexy yeah you look sexy you know I do it's out for that door I don't know Jake I'm afraid I'm going to think about it every time I look at your crotch then stop looking at my crotch you want to see me Sarge yeah come on in boy sorry to hear about your hand thanks makes it really hard to manipulate my egg sac sir Jake really pissed me off and I want to help you take him down well that's an intriguing proposition you certainly could be useful thank you to Jake I gotcha Peralta you're not fooling anyone why does everyone think that's where a camera would be because the cleavage cloaks the camera with its curves that'll be all Spy sorry I say cleavage well car ourselves the night boys kind of sounds like a male escort service the Midnight Man even worse the dark stallions looks like we're going with the night boys [Music] I told you Jake I'll do anything to perk up my little man okay it's time to celebrate you know what that means this bee needs a c in her a oh my God this babe needs a coconut in her arms Oh I thought you were saying this music oh my God that was my reaction all right I'll go get us a couple of coconuts for you and you and you what are these these madam are STDs what are you talking about Buddy STDs save the dates for Viviana my wedding ah yes hey just out of curiosity how many people have you given STDs to Lots like a hundred what's going on I don't have feelings for Amy anymore so time for me to get out there and spread my way thanks get out there and spread my legs well either way no not either way only Wings tell them where we're at Brooklyn you know you guys take off all right I got this right hey you come here you wanna tell me what you saw tell you what I'd like to see you're big stop stop describing the place well so it's not gonna be any sex at all no the point is with Sheena and I are casual lovers no yes I know how long has this been going on we hooked up once last summer and then the nightmare started again about a month ago ever since then it's been orgasm City yeah you know ah gross right guys nobody sucks up like a boil of course you knew that already because you're so smart to you oh fine little man ring it okay looks like you and I are in a good old-fashioned suck off don't call it a suck off why not why shouldn't oh yeah yeah yeah yeah totally yep well thank you Boyle you're right no matter what happens we'll feel better knowing we didn't resort to Blackmail I agree from now on the only black male I want anything to do with is you that was incredibly inappropriate I know but I had thought of it and I was so proud I just had to say it out loud let's just go great Gina it's our first annual boiling Eddie Christmas are you excited about going to town on Daddy's nog Christmas is canceled Charles ruined it I did something really just need your help of a sexy bad boy who rides motorcycles into work and is always breaking the rules in the name of Justice I don't like where this is going well I also maybe sometimes bring home case files to work on them after hours and I might not be that great about returning them oh God are you aroused because of what a bad boy I am no no are you ready to go streaking what that's what my dad and I called getting blonde streaks in your hair we should do to her ponytails on road trips you just take a little lemon up top and let the sun do the rest we call it giving each other road head you just said you called it going shrieking it had a couple names ah good morning Captain Holt you're looking refreshed interesting I didn't sleep a wink let's just say Kevin no longer has me in the guest room nice My Two Dads straight smashing it sorry that came out weird title your sex tape but more importantly how did it go with commissioner Kelly gotta have something weird and tragic going on nope not unless you call hooking up with a girl at a funeral weird and tragic her name is she's super hot we receded next to each other two funerals ago and there was hard eye contact all through Danny Boy last funeral we meet out in parking lot this time something naughty This Way Comes no what do you even know about this person oh we don't know anything about each other she says she likes that about us it's just pure animal attraction this is creepy and unlike you even know her first name oh um do animals in the wild know each other's names look all I know is Charles Boyle is going to that funeral and he's going to put the bone back in Boneyard toys for boys I don't know if I like that adult toys still sounds wrong male toys you know what let's just not call them toys that's my fault I started it you got it we'll just call them plate things we will not let's do this it's weird the doors are locked that's too bad I love watching you pound one out Charles what that was sexual which part all of the parts all right let's go free and innocent woman nice dreams are coming true you and me get my lady off together eek blast a cold air coming out of that box name of Amy's sex tape hey man come on not cool the only thing you won last Heist was a lifetime of mediocre heterosexual intercourse with Jake how dare you no one thinks you won last year wow really thought the how dare you was going to be linked to his mean sex comment but okay right sorry I'll have you know Jake and I wear each other out every single night good Lord over compensated oh my God that's what you meant although I'm open to whatever you want to try here we go oh it works the packing worked what no um what the there's something wrong oh the comstat numbers back the numbers are fine and I have to go oh okay then why'd you ask for this meeting don't follow me Terry what I wasn't going to this was a very confusing interaction [Music] hello Thiago I've taken your husband hostage if you ever want to make a baby with him you'll do exactly as I say Jake where are you oh this is a jake and Jake will never see us see us we are everywhere here by the elevators damn it go away look away okay yes that's better on top of the cop here there's a headset put it on and get in the limo that's waiting out front okay I love you I love you too now go are you Amy tell him yes yes how does it feel to be played like a puppet okay I'm walking into the apartment why did you have me get 400 out of the ATM good question it's to pay for the Airbnb you're giving them 400 in cash I broke several lamps while trying to hide in the dark now turn up hello it's me put down the drinks why are you upset yeah and now I have to take the Syndicate down oh my goodness to be clear I take down the Syndicate you mean we're gonna we're gonna have sex absolutely take your clothes off hello detective hello Lieutenant real tragic about the captain yes real tragic I like the way your butt looks today I've been doing lunges in the shower well this got upsetting real quick I want to live in this moment four yeah four I got us a motel room across meet me there in 15 minutes I'll meet you all right m-e-a-t still think it's creepy yes tough March for you there bud yeah just a heads up I sold my pants with the pocket so I'll be putting the gems in my undies this time no I'll give him a fanny pack can I keep it this could be just what I need to turn my life around yeah well you can keep the panty back I don't have to do anything for it do I because I will if you ask I'll do anything even what's that supposed to represent no one answer that Rosa [Music] Charles you're completely naked you have the right to remain silent you have the right to an attorney oh what do we have here a 34 year old Caucasian male who is dead very dead cause of death initial assessment blunt force trauma but what do I find when I probe a little farther bruising around the neck and ocean water in the lungs ooh how long have you been dead body four days gross bloating odors oh uh 24 hours perfect here we go [Music]
Channel: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Views: 55,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brooklyn Nine-Nine, brooklyn 99, b99, Stephanie Beatriz, Rosa Diaz, Jake Peralta, Andy Samberg, Detective Charles Boyle, Melissa Fumero, Detective Amy Santiago, Detective Jake Peralta, NBC, Terry Jeffords, Amy Santiago, Sitcom, Chelsea Peretti, Andre Braugher, Gina Linetti, Terry Crews, Joe Lo Truglio, brooklyn 9 9, brooklyn nine nine, brooklyn nine-nine funny moments, brooklyn 9 9 funny moments
Id: Asl38E433yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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